how do i send a pdq on shopify


Happiness Tugutu

Updated on Mar 02,2023


The above is a brief introduction to how do i send a pdq on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how do i send a pdq on shopify

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so after creating a draft order to your,store now it's time for you to make,decisions on how are you going to accept,payments on those draft orders hey guys,happiness here welcome back to my,channel the best channel for you to,learn about all different shopify's,tutorials um small businesses tips as,well as entrepreneurship in general and,in today's tutorial i am going to be,showing you guys how to accept payments,on your draft orders so if you have,missed my previous video i will link it,up somewhere up here or here and on that,tutorial i showed you guys how to create,a draft orders so if you have missed,that tutorial make sure to go and check,that out so you can know how to create a,draft order creating a draft order has,so many reasons behind it so i really,don't know what is your reason but go,and check it out,so before i jump into this tutorial,please don't forget to give me a big big,thumbs up subscribe on my channel for,more tutorials like this leave me a,comment down below and let me know what,you think about today's tutorial and,without further ado let's jump into this,tutorial so here we are on our shopify,store and to go ahead and start,accepting your payment for a draft order,you're gonna have to go here on the,orders,on your left hand side and click orders,and you can see there are all orders so,if you have orders draft and abandoned,checkout you can all find them here on,the orders so to go ahead and start,accepting payments for the draft order,we'll go ahead and click draft here on,the previous video i showed you guys how,you can go ahead and create a draft,order so if you want to learn how to,create a draft order i will link the,video up on this screen so go ahead and,check it out and learn how to create a,draft order and then click your draft,order,to open it up,and here we are on our draft order and,this is our draft order and as you can,see we have all the informations here,the product that we created a draft,order and the customer's information so,you can accept payments for your draft,order by emailing your customers an,invoice or by selecting a payment method,so you can send an invoice from here or,you can collect a payment with other,different methods so if you want to send,your customers an invoice click here,where it says send the invoice,so this is the invoice page and the,invoice page provide your customer with,a link to a checkout for your current,order so basically this invoice will say,um this came from you and it is gonna go,to your customer and you can send it to,your customer so when you send it to,your customer it will have a link and,your customer will be able to click that,link and it will take them straight on,this checkout page and basically they,can go ahead and fill out the,information like their shipping,informations,and put their payment method if they,want to pay with shop pay alpha pay,paper facebook pay or any other form of,payments method they can go ahead and do,it here okay so after your customer,completed to checkout process using the,link that they got from the email the,draft order will become an order and it,will automatically marked as paid so,make sure that you have added all the,products to the order before you send,your customer the invoice because if you,add the product to an order after you,send an email with an invoice attachment,the shipping rates won't be updated to,your,cost so basically the cost of shipping,it won't be updated this cost won't be,updated to the new product that you,added so pretty much you will spend more,money uh on the shipping make sure you,add everything before you send an,invoice to your customer so let me go,ahead and show you how you can do that,so click send invoice,this will be the email that is going to,go to your customer and this will be,from you and on your invoice you can go,ahead and write a message if you want to,so let's say for example,i am going ahead and type,thank you for supporting,oops,thank you for supporting my business,okay so this will be,the message that i am going to,send to my customer so when you're done,you can go ahead and click review,invoice and then the next page will come,up where you'll have a selection to,click,click send notification and then that,email will go to your customer and your,customer will get an invoice with the,link and then that link will take them,on this page and they can go ahead and,pay okay,so let's say if you don't want to email,your customer an invoice then go ahead,and select collect payments right over,here so click that,and you can enter a credit card so let's,go ahead and,click enter credit card and on here you,have an option to either it click enter,credit card and you can put the credit,card information of your customer and,another option is to click mark as paid,so when you click mark the order as paid,no payment is going to be collected for,the order and an order confirmation,email is sent to the person so do not,mark as paid if you have sent your,customer an invoice and you want them to,pay for a checkout okay um because the,checkout link and the invoice won't work,and the customer can be able to complete,the checkout process so make sure you,don't select the option markers paid if,you did send an invoice already to the,customer,and to finish marking the order as paid,click create order then the draft order,becomes an order that you can view from,your orders page so basically i can't,show you,how it's gonna look like after this,because this is not an active style yet,so but if you select all the options,that i showed you your order will appear,right over here okay another option is,to click payment due later and this is,if you're waiting for payment on the,order so when you select payment later,you have an ability to pick,when will this payment be due,will it be within seven days 15 days 30,days 60 days,90 days of fixed date so on the fixed,date you can go ahead here and make up,the date that you want this to be,due so on the option that i showed you,earlier about inter credit card uh,basically here you're going to enter the,credit card detail manually,um and you have to note that the credit,card information that you're going to do,is not going to be saved in shopify so,this payment method require a direct,payment provider like let's say like,shopify's payment after you click pay,with credit card or he like enter credit,card so the next page will come up and,you will have to enter your customers,billing information so after that you,can go ahead and charge your customers,by click charge on the next page that,will be showing up after you select this,entire credit card but if you're using,shopify payments then you don't pay any,transaction fee other than the regular,card rate when you're processing your,credit cards payments manually in your,shopify admin page,um so if you are using an average credit,card payments provider then you pay the,same transaction fees when processing a,credit card purchases um that you pay,for on online orders so after you accept,payment for this draft order or mark it,as paid from here so this draft order,will become an order on the,on the orders page right over here where,i showed you before so once you're done,doing what i showed you you can go ahead,here and click,um orders and your order will be right,over here but for now i really can't,show you how it's gonna look like after,i added the card information after i,received the payment,because this is a free trial i'm still,working on the stole and i'm still using,the free fridays it's not it's not a,livestock yet that's why i can't show,you guys here but pretty much that is,the process that you can go ahead and do,it in order for you to receive payment,for your draft orders so if you follow,all this instruction i showed you,um everything will be great,so yeah guys that's it for today's video,i hope you liked today's tutorial if you,do please don't forget to give me a big,big thumbs up subscribe on my channel,for more tutorial like this and thank,you very much i will see you on the next,video

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