if i get my own domain on shopify will it come with a email

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How to Setup a Custom Domain Email Address for Your Shopify Store

hey shopify users,in this tutorial i am going to show you,how you can create a professional email,with your shopify store,now what i mean by professional email is,that when you create a new store,you,have your email already with your,shopify account so,your shopify store generates a lot of,emails like one of the most common one,is say order confirmation so all those,emails your customers receive they come,from,another email address you know you see,in the in the from field,so,if you go,into your store,and go into,settings,and,on the right side you will see your,contact information,with your phone number and these couple,of emails,go in here,and you can see how it says shopify uses,this to contact you so this first email,is just the email that you signed up,with and then the second email sender,email customers see this if you email,them now,that can be,um and,when somebody places an order then they,receive an order,confirmation and that will come from,this,email and then also,if you have a contact form on the site,somebody,submits a,question or something and then you get,an email to your personal email which is,fine but if you reply to that email,that's gonna go from your personal email,which again is,not that professional so,so most people would like to set up a,professional,email,so there is a couple of services that,shopify promotes i believe it's g suite,and soho i believe,but i am not going to be,connecting to those services,so for those i'll make separate videos,so in this,i will show you,if you are using cpanel with your,hosting account on a different,service,and,how you can make these changes so,um for you it,it might also be slightly different but,the main idea what you need to do is,uh,go in there and,look for this zone editor so,right now here you're seeing this zone,editor i am in cpanel,and for you if you don't have this type,of interface but you probably have,access to some type of place where it,says zone edit zone,something like that so all right so how,we are going to start this process is,first,we will go into our store where we were,earlier so,the first email that you have you can,leave that that's how shopify contacts,you that's your,tie to your account second one,is the one you want to change so,um,let's first create an email that we need,to use here so,go in,i'm here,same thing you will have access to,create emails wherever you're hosting,your email,you will go into say,i'm here in email accounts,and i can create an email,admin,and i will just leave these default for,now,and,create,make sure if you have different domains,to make sure you're creating it on the,right domain,and,now that you've created your email,now we will,go back,to,shopify and put that email in there,and,save,and just earlier you were saying fix,this and there's an exclamation mark,here and,you will go into,fix this,so here you can see your customers might,see no reply at,shopify.com instead,fix this,and it takes you to this,page right here,now,we saved this earlier so that is showing,there your email may be shown in inboxes,as admin,this via shopify email.com so before if,the emails were coming from,your personal email now it's going to,show this but then it's going to say via,shopify email.com which again you,probably don't want that you just want,your email to show,so,down here you see domain status not,authenticated so click on this button,right here,and you will see this opening up now,this here is a very,um,useful information,and,this is all we are going to need to,create these records,at our email host providers so,one by one so be very careful,with where you are putting these values,and,you could have two monitors you can have,one,uh,with your,where you're,updating the records at the email host,and then on the second screen you can,put this so either side by side you're,not switching screens for in this video,i,am,working off of one monitor so i have to,switch the tabs to update these values,anyways let's get into it so the you see,there's four records here so,i am first going to go back to where we,were going to see panel here,zone editor,and in here,i have a couple of domains so i am going,to manage the domain that i want to go,into,here and then you see add record,click on that,you can see it opens up these fields as,a record so some are already filled out,so,you start by,going here,first one there's a type,c name you can see they're all c names,so that's important cname then host name,then value,hostname so let's copy for the first,record copy this you just click this and,it'll copy it,to the clipboard so,and then we go back,here first thing,select cname,and then that name that we just copied,goes into this name area,and then,we have to go back and copy the value,and,do note that up here as it says the host,name may also be called label or prefix,so based on where your domain is,you know it's possible this host name,shows label or prefix and for value,um i guess,that,in here like it says,it's not a value bu

The above is a brief introduction to if i get my own domain on shopify will it come with a email

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How To Reply To Customer Emails With a Custom Domain Email Address || Shopify Help Center

How To Reply To Customer Emails With a Custom Domain Email Address || Shopify Help Center

Building trust and brand identity with your customers is key to a successful business.,Consider purchasing a custom domain and connecting it to an email service.,By purchasing a custom domain like AlyAthletics dot com, you can send and reply to customer,emails with the email address info@alyathletics dot com.,This is an impactful way to contact your customers.,Before you can connect email hosting with your Shopify domain, you need to have two,services set up:,First, you need a custom domain for your online store.,For example, this store uses alyathletics dot com as a custom domain.,These video instructions are only for domains purchased through Shopify or transferred to,Shopify.,See the video link below to learn more about buying a Shopify domain.,If you use a third-party domain provider, like GoDaddy, click the link in the description,for more help with email hosting.,You also need an account setup with an email hosting service.,Shopify doesn’t host email, but you can use a service like G suite, Zoho mail, or,any other third-party email host that lets you use a custom domain.,When you sign up with your email host, you’ll be given instructions to connect your email,with your custom domain.,Have these instructions open since you’ll need them later in the video.,To connect your email, you need to share information between your Shopify domain and your email,host.,To do this, you’ll copy records from your email host, and add them to the DNS Settings,in Shopify.,The types of records you add and how you add them depends on your email host.,The records usually include MX records and TXT records.,If you want to learn more about DNS settings and records, watch the Understanding Domains,video linked below. If you use G Suite or Zoho mail, then you,can connect your email to your domain by copying a meta tag or TXT code into your Shopify DNS,settings.,From your Shopify admin, go to Online store and click Domains.,Under Shopify-managed domains, click the name of your domain.,In the Emails section, click Use third-party hosting service.,Select your provider.,In this example, the provider is G Suite.,Next, enter the information given to you in the setup instructions for your email host.,If you use Zoho Mail, then enter the Zoho code.,If you use G suite, then enter the meta tag or TXT code.,In this example, the meta tag is copied and pasted from the G Suite instructions into,the Shopify admin.,When you’re done, click Save to finish.,The records for your email host are automatically added to your Shopify DNS settings so you,don’t need to manually edit them.,To finish, follow your email host’s instructions to verify your Shopify domain.,It can take 48 hours for your records to update and for your email service to work with your,domain.,If you're using an email service other than Zoho mail or G suite, you need to manually,edit the DNS settings for your Shopify domain.,Open the setup instructions provided by your email host and find the list of records you,need to connect your email to a domain.,Shopify doesn’t have access to these records. If you need help finding them, you should,contact the customer support for your email hosting service.,Once you have the records from your email host, you’ll copy each of them into the,DNS settings for your Shopify Domain.,From your Shopify admin, click Online Store and then click Domains.,Under Shopify-managed domains, click the name of the domain that you want to edit.,On the page that opens, click DNS Settings.,To add a new record, click Add custom record and select the type of record you need to,add.,Depending on your email host, you likely need to add MX records and TXT records.,In this example, an MX record is added.,The records in this video are examples and won’t work for your particular email host.,Enter the record details and click Confirm to add the record.,To finish, follow your email host’s instructions to configure your Shopify domain.,It can take 48 hours for your records to update and for your email service to work with your,domain.,After your Shopify domain is connected to your email service, you can test it to check,what your customers will see in their inbox.,Send a test email and then reply to it from your domain email address.,To begin, log in to an email account that you don’t use for your domain.,Next, send a test email to the domain email address that you've created.,In this example, the domain email address info at alyathletics.com was created in G Suite.,So the test email is sent to that address.,Login to your domain email address.,The test email is in the inbox.,Next, send a reply to this email from your domain email address.,Log in to the previous email account and find the reply from your domain email address.,You see the sender information that your customers see when you reply to their emails.,For more videos about growing your business, subscribe now!,If you still have questions, comment below or contact the Shopify support team directly.

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How to Setup G Suite Email With Shopify Registered Domain - 2022

How to Setup G Suite Email With Shopify Registered Domain - 2022

hello my shopify users in this video i,am going to show you how you can,connect your shopify registered domain,to,your g suite slash,google workspace,email if you have your domain registered,with third-party service and,probably you have your email hosted,there too,then for that setup i have a different,video you can find the link in my,description below,so say you,have registered your domain,from within shopify,and,now you need to have an email you can,send,and receive emails from so,what you are going to do is,go to,google,workspace.google.com,you can see,some plans here i will start with a,basic plan,once you have signed up you will land on,this page here,and as it's telling you protect your,properties.com show that you're on,that you own this domain so,just follow these steps here you're,going to click here,it will give you some,information here read through this i'm,ready to protect my domain,find your dns records or settings,and it tells you you can open shopify,and a new browser tab if you have it,already open you don't need to do that,then,go to step two,add verification record,on your dns page scroll to the txt,section and add this record so all you,have to do is,get this record from here,and you click in there it will get,copied,and now you are going to leave this here,go to shopify,in here you are seeing this say this is,your domain,go into manage,and,when you look down here use third-party,hosting service,click on this,choose your provider g suite that,record that you just copied just paste,that in here,and then save,and now go back to where we were,and then down here protect the wing,and,check back in a little bit,it says five minutes,could take longer you can come back,later,so it took about a minute or so and you,can see that great job,for pets needs is protected and now you,will,just hit continue here,and then,second step is you can create some more,users,gmail is activated for petsneads.com if,you go into create,you can add up to 10 users with this,account every,account has different options so if,you're in the beginner account you will,get this,options here and then continue,now you already created one user you can,create more and then,this a user basically means the email so,each user has,a different email and then,all those emails you can,use with your website,so the next step is for you to tell,shopify which email,they will use when they are generating,all these emails for your customers so,what you're going to do is go and store,details on the right side contact,information edit,you see two emails here one is just the,email you signed up with,and,this is why email um,shopify users to contact you,second one is the one that's important,customers see this if you email them,this is all on,your,orders that are generated any type of,emails that shopify sends,contact form emails they will go from,this email,so,go ahead and specify the email that you,just created in here i am going to enter,the email i just created,and then,hit save,one last thing i wanted to show you was,the before and after email so this here,is a confirmation order,generated before the changes we did,and,you can see how,this says via shopify email.com and then,after the changes i generated an order,and look,how it came you don't see shopify in,here and please ignore the fact that i,have pets needs up here while down here,i'm selling hoodies yes so,this is all just test data so that's it,you are all set with your email with g,suite if you like this video please give,me a thumbs up and please subscribe if,you would like to watch future content,thank you

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How To Add A Custom Domain To Shopify

How To Add A Custom Domain To Shopify

hey guys jason here with quantum courses,and in this tutorial we'll be going over,how to easily add a custom domain to,your shopify store,adding a custom domain to your shopify,store that matches your brand can help,build authority and trust with your,shopify customers,everyone on shopify is automatically,given a myshopify.com url to get started,but to change your web address you'll,need to add a custom domain this is a,simple process and can be done in a,matter of minutes you have several,options to change your domain on shopify,including buying a new domain connecting,an existing domain that you already own,or transfer the management of your,domain to shopify to manage all of your,domain settings from your shopify admin,in this video i'll be demonstrating how,to purchase a custom domain directly,from shopify and go through the setup,process to connect it to your store,so go ahead and log into shopify and,head over to your dashboard and if you,haven't signed up for shopify yet you,can also sign up and try it out for free,by clicking the link in the video,description,so from your shopify admin dashboard,let's look at the menu on the left hand,side here go all the way down to the,bottom and click on the settings tab,this will open up a new window where you,can manage your shopify store settings,if you look at the options on the left,hand side you should see the domains tab,under the domains tab you can view all,of the domains you currently have,connected to your online store by,default your online store will already,have a domain which is your store,name.myshopify.com,on shopify you can add up to 20 domains,or subdomains to your store in addition,to your myshopify.com url,but from here you can connect an,existing domain transfer domain or even,buy a new domain directly from shopify,if we click the buy new domain button,here we'll be taken to a page where we,can search for and purchase the domain,that we wish to use for our store,if you want to add a new domain you can,easily purchase the domain directly from,shopify making the process super easy,as an example let's purchase quantum,design shop.com as a new domain for my,online store,you can simply search for the domain,that you want and you'll see tons of,different options that you can select,from for my store i'm going to use the,dot com version which is around 14 per,year so let's click on the buy button,you can then finalize your order and,even set it to auto renew each year once,you've added all of your information go,ahead and click on buy domain,and voila the new domain for my online,store has now been purchased and added,to my shopify account,if you already have multiple domains you,can click the setis primary option here,to use your new domain for your shop,and voila,now when i go to quantumdesignshop.com,this should take me directly to my,shopify page and display the url i,purchased for my page earlier in the,video so now whenever anybody goes to,quantumdesignshop.com,they'll be taken directly to my new,shopify page remember you can have your,primary domain as well as several sub,domains that direct to your shop if we,check out the drop down menu at the top,right here we can also see several other,options to manage our domain this is,where you can edit your dns settings,transfer your domain to a different,shopify store and other options,so let's see what else we have on our,domain settings page here we've already,set our domain as primary but if we,wanted to set it back as a redirect we,could click here to do that as well,from the sub domains menu you can add,new sub domains as your primary,redirecting or market domains,if you click the add sub domain tab here,your sub domain can be added as a prefix,to your root domain,remember that your shopify store can,have up to 20 domains or sub domains and,up to a thousand with the shopify plus,plan,you even have a menu here where you can,manage your email forwarding this is,super handy especially if you're,managing a lot of emails in your shopify,store you can have an email address with,your store name and forward it to your,main email address,and finally we have our auto renew menu,which for my url is set to renew every,year at 14,so that's a quick overview of how to,purchase a new domain on shopify and,connect it to your store if you haven't,signed up for shopify yet you can give,it a try for free by clicking the link,in the video description and if you,enjoyed the video make sure you hit that,like button and subscribe to the channel,and i'll see you next time,you

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How to set up email forwarding for your Shopify domain || Shopify Help Center

How to set up email forwarding for your Shopify domain || Shopify Help Center

Hey everyone, Nadeem here from Shopify.,Building your brand’s identity is key to setting yourself apart from the competition.,I’ll be showing you how to set up email forwarding for a domain you purchased through,Shopify.,For everything I show you today, you can find all of the help articles linked below.,Now let’s get started!,Let’s first discuss the difference between email hosting and email forwarding, so you,can decide what's best for your business.,Email hosting is a service that you pay for through a third party company like Google,Workspace.,This allows you to buy a custom email like info@alyathletics.com, and send and receive,emails from this address.,Info@alyathletics.com is what customers see when you reply to them.,With email forwarding, which is what we’re doing today, customers do not see custom emails,when you reply.,Instead, email forwarding acts as an alias for an existing email address.,It’s included in the cost of a custom domain purchased through Shopify.,Our custom domain is Alyathletics.com.,So I can set up an unlimited number of custom domain email addresses.,For example, customers can contact you at the alias you create, like info@alyathletics.com,,or careers@alyathletics.com.,This will be forwarded to my gmail address, alyathletics@gmail.com.,And when I reply, customers will see alyathletics@gmail.com.,To set up email forwarding, start on your Shopify admin and click “Settings”.,Next, click “Domains”.,Keep in mind that email forwarding doesn’t work for any domain ending in dot my shopify,dot com.,It must be a custom domain purchased through Shopify.,Under “Primary domain”, click the “Manage” button next to the domain that you want to,set up email forwarding for.,Next, click “Add forwarding email address”.,In the text box, “Store email address”, enter the email address that you want customers,to see when they contact your business.,You don't need to type the @ symbol or anything that follows since your domain is automatically,used as the end of the email address.,To create info@alyathletics.com, I type the word “info”.,Under “Forwarding email address”, type the address where you want everything forwarded.,Click “Save” to finish.,You can create as many forwarding email addresses as you want by repeating these steps.,For instance, emails from info@alyathletics.com can be forwarded to the email address you,use for customer service.,Emails from careers@alyathletics.com can be forwarded to the email address you use for,hiring.,When you’re finished, always be sure to test that your email forwarding is working,properly.,Log in to an email account that you haven’t set up for email forwarding.,Then send a test email to the custom domain addresses that you've created.,Next, log in to your forwarding email address account, alyathletics@gmail.com.,I know everything was set up correctly because the test email sent to info@alyathletics.com,was delivered to my alyathletics@gmail.com account.,Remember, when you reply to a customer email, they will see the forwarding address, alyathletics@gmail.com,,not the custom domain ones you created.,Now you know how to set up email forwarding for a Shopify domain.,And for more information on everything I covered today, visit help.shopify.com.

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How to buy a custom Shopify domain || Shopify Help Center

How to buy a custom Shopify domain || Shopify Help Center

You can make your store's website and brand easy to remember by purchasing a custom domain,from Shopify.,When customers visit your online store, they see your store domain in the browser address,bar.,Hey there!,___ here from Shopify.,Today we’re going to learn what a domains is and how to purchase a custom domain from,Shopify.,A domain is the URL or website address that customers see when they visit your online,store.,Every Shopify store comes with a free default domain.,Your default domain is your storename.myshopify.com.,For example, our store's default domain is marchroad.myshopify.com.,If we want a custom domain, such as marchroad.sale, then we can purchase it and add it to our,online store.,Customers often view custom domains as a sign of business legitimacy.,This helps build trust between customers and your brand.,You can buy a custom domain directly from your Shopify admin, and you will continue,to be able to manage it even if you decide to leave Shopify in the future.,If you already have a custom domain from a third-party provider, then follow the help,center guide in the video description below to connect it to your Shopify store.,To buy a domain from Shopify, start from your Shopify admin and click "settings".,Click "Domains", then click "Buy new domain".,In the text field, enter the domain name that you want to buy.,You will see a list of available domain extensions and their prices.,An extension is the text you find at the end of a web address.,The price of your domain depends on the type of extension you buy.,To view even more extension options, click "Show next 10" at the bottom of the list.,After you choose an extension, click "Buy" next to the domain that you want to purchase.,If you see any banner listing an error, follow the prompts and correct the issue before finalizing,your domain purchase.,If you haven't entered your payment details, then you will prompted to enter them in order,to complete the purchase.,After you add payment details, you're directed to the domain summary page to review the details.,By default, the account owner's information is used to purchase and renew domains.,Make sure to review your personal information for any errors.,Emails about the maintenance and ownership of the domain are sent to this email, so make,sure it's correct.,If you want your domain to be automatically renewed, then keep the "Auto-renew this domain,every year" box checked.,Otherwise, uncheck the box and you'll be sent a reminder email when your domain is about,to expire.,You can update your "auto-renew" preferences at any time.,Some domains also include "WHOIS" Privacy, if your domain extention provides this, then,you see a notice mentioning this.,For more information on "WHOIS" Privacy, check out the link in the description below.,Next, read the different domain registration agreements.,Be aware that domain purchases are non-refundable.,When you're ready, click "Buy domain".,On the next page, you see details and settings for your new domain.,Follow the steps included in the verification email to finish registering your domain.,After you verify your domain registration, no further action is needed on your part.,When you buy a domain through Shopify, your domain is automatically set up for you.,It's important to note that it can take up to 48 hours for your new domain to fully connect,to your online store and be visible to customers.,If you still have questions, you can review the resources in the description below, or,contact the Shopify Support team directly.,Thank you for watching!

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Connect your Existing Domain to your Shopify Store - Use CPanel Emails

Connect your Existing Domain to your Shopify Store - Use CPanel Emails

hi,friends today i'm going to explain you,how to connect your shopify store with,different domain providers last day we,have discussed about,connecting your domain with itself i'm,going to explain you how to connect the,domains,from tajil or any other cpanel hosting,companies this will help you to use your,existing emails,and your shopify store in that okay,friends so,let's check the video okay so let's,start the settings,so first i just log into my admin panel,and from just i just click on online,store,and in online store i can go to domains,and i'm just clicking on connect,existing domain,here i'm going to enter the domain,and just click on next,so here i can,see the domain which i haven't did and,there's one option to,verify the connection so before clicking,the verify,i just go to my control panel or cpanel,and cpanel i'm going to my,going to zone editor,and in song editor i'm going to add the,error code first okay just click on the,plane click on the button for a,record and i'm going to enter the domain,and next i'm going to,this link and copy the ip,and i'm going to enter the ip the same,for everyone okay,and i just click on add error code and,next,what i'm going to do is i'm going to add,the,c name so for that i'm just going here,i'm just copying this and the c name,will be www,and this is okay,now i'm done so once i finish the,settings,i go back to my admin panel and click on,verify connection,wait for some time,so if the connection is done without any,error,you show that the domain is connected,okay,so once it's done i'm just going to copy,and open that in a new incognito window,yes the domain is connected,okay so hope you enjoy the video,so if you have any questions or comments,just let me know bye see you in the next,video,you

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How to Connect Your Domain to Shopify 2021 | Quick Shopify Tips 2021

How to Connect Your Domain to Shopify 2021 | Quick Shopify Tips 2021

having a custom domain really gives your,site credibility instead of having the,myshopify.com in the url,so in this video i'm going to show you,exactly how to set that up,easily in under five minutes for your,shopify store,having a custom domain makes it really,easy to,share about your products online plus it,helps influence your branding,because you can actually put your brand,name in your url,so i want to show you really quickly how,to set up a custom domain for your,shopify store,you have two different options you can,either buy a,domain through shopify or if you've,already purchased a domain with another,provider like,godaddy or bluehost you can connect that,domain,in so you're going to get to this area,in the shopify backend by going to your,online store,and then into domains so,now we can see the options to either buy,a new domain,so you can buy this through shopify and,just click in here to actually go,through the process of purchasing this,through shopify,or you can do connect existing domain we,have just our default myshopify.com,domain now,so let's go ahead and do connect,existing domain,so now we're going to type in our domain,that we want to connect to this shopify,store,so now that we've got our domain in it's,showing that it knows our host is,bluehost,which is correct you may also have your,provider name show up here or it may not,know exactly who your provider is,but it'll show specific instructions,there,so you also may get the option if you,have a platform like,godaddy where you can connect,automatically by just logging into your,godaddy account so if that's the case,and you see connect,automatically you can just go ahead and,click that there log into your godaddy,account and it's a little bit,faster to set that up however we don't,have those options with our domain,provider which is bluehost,so we have to add in the information,manually,so we can just click on this view,bluehost instructions,to get the exact things that we need to,add in,so if we scroll down this page here we,can then see,the different things that we need to add,in,so now in this connect your domain,manually section,you can see the different information,that we need to add in so first we need,to add in,this a record so i'm just going to copy,this number right here,and then i'm going to go to my bluehost,account and,go into the dns settings so now i'm in,my,dns manager of my bluehost account and,you can see this,a host and this at symbol host record,so this is what we want to edit for this,first,field so you can see here it's a,different number so i'm just going to,click on this to edit,and i'm going to paste in what i've,copied there,and hit save okay so now that's updated,however it does show that it can take up,to four hours to,actually fully transfer over the next,thing that we need to do,is we need to edit our cname record so,that way if someone was to type in the,www version,that it'll pull into the shopify store,as well so let's go back to the shopify,documentation,and you can see here we need to have,this to go to shops.myshopify.com,so i'm just going to copy that and go,back to bluehost and again i'm just,going to click on this next to the www,click edit i'm going to paste it into,this points to field and hit save,now our information is added in both for,the a record and,for the cname record so we should be,good to go so if we go back to our,shopify store,you can now hit verify connection now it,does take,some time again my hosting provider said,it could take up to four hours,so it may not actually verify the,connection right away but let's go ahead,and just click on this,and see so you can see here,that we have this where it's not showing,up just yet,but it says again that it may take a few,minutes for them to update their,settings so you can always just sit here,on this page,come back to it a little bit later and,hit this verify again,and then it should show up correctly so,i'm going to go ahead and just click,this add domain button,and this way it'll add it into our,shopify store and we can just,get notified whenever that actually,pulls in so you can see here it says not,connected,but we can retry that connection and,it'll automatically update once,it is ready so i gave it about 30,minutes and,then you can see it pulled in and it is,now showing is connected with my ssl,certificate,pending so now what we could do is we,could actually change this to be our,primary domain so to do that we'll just,click on,change primary domain and we can choose,the domain from here so i always like to,go with the non-ww,version just because it's a little bit,cleaner and it's faster to type in,but we can hit save from here and we can,see now this is set,up as our primary domain so we can now,see,that this is our primary domain and all,of our traffic is going to be redirected,here,you could add in multiple different,domains if you had that were all going,to connect to the same,shopify store and then just choose which,primary domain y

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