how to integrate shopify with ebay

eBay to Closedown Their Shopify App By Year End | eBay Sellers Need to Find Another Solution hey wha

Rules For Rebels

Updated on Feb 01,2023

eBay to Closedown Their Shopify App By Year End | eBay Sellers Need to Find Another Solution

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eBay to Closedown Their Shopify App By Year End | eBay Sellers Need to Find Another Solution

hey what's going on guys what's,happening YouTube you have tuned into,rules for Rebels and in today's video,we're going to be talking about eBay,abandoning their Shopify app five years,after launch the Shopify app for eBay,that connects eBay and Shopify stores is,going to be going away it will no longer,be on the Shopify App Store nor will it,be working after January of 2023 so,we're sitting in October uh October,November December you got about three,months a little bit less than 90 days uh,to find another solution now uh this is,kind of crazy when you think about it,eBay is a nearly 30 year old company,right the the company's what 27 years,old I think they launched in 1995. uh,eBay is worth over 20 billion dollars,and part of the reason that they're,abandoning this app is because uh the,app has been abysmal it's been a joke I,think it's got two stars on the Shopify,App Store,um it doesn't sync products correctly it,doesn't manage your inventory correctly,and apparently they've been unable to,fix or correct it you know it's kind of,crazy right now kind of the big push for,e-commerce businesses is you know quote,unquote Omni channel uh it's not good,enough just to sell on eBay it's not,good enough just to sell on Amazon uh,it's not even good enough just to have a,Shopify store you kind of need to be,selling on all of these platforms,obviously Shopify is the leading,platform I'd say probably you know I,guess some people say uh WordPress is a,leading platform WordPress has most,websites on it but in terms of dedicated,e-commerce platforms I would say Shopify,is the leading platform uh Bigcommerce,not really a close second uh but you,would think a company like eBay would,want to have something on Shopify uh,that will help people connect their eBay,and Shopify stores and not just rely on,third parties to uh kind of manage a,segment of the market especially since,even the third party apps aren't that,great but how crazy that how crazy is it,that eBay a nearly 30 year old company,base like what 27 26 27 years old they,launched in 1995. eBay is worth over 20,billion dollars and they can't even put,together a functioning Shopify app I,mean there's you know one guy single,developers working out of their spare,bedroom who are able to put together,effective apps and eBay can't put,together a Shopify app that that works,and apparently they have no desire to,even come up with a solution so excuse,me one other thing that's kind of,surprised me this this story has not,really been talked about at all,um there's literally two stories on all,the internet that I could find uh one is,on what website are we on right now uh,one story is on e-commerce bytes,um and then there's just kind of another,quick mention on the zendesk website uh,we're gonna get both of these articles a,quick read and at the end I'll throw out,a couple of alternative solutions for,you guys if you have a uh a Shopify,store connected to eBay and you use eBay,to sell some of your goods eBay abandons,the Shopify app five years after launch,eBay is pulling a tap from the Shopify,App Store five years after launching it,was an easy way for merchants on the,Shopify platform to list their items on,its Marketplace it appears that for many,months the app was failing to,synchronize listings between the two,platforms news of the eBay's app demise,appears done at back appeared on a,back-end page on zendesk on October 4th,it isn't clear that eBay or Shopify has,proactively notified sellers of the,change uh they haven't I used the uh the,eBay Shopify app for one of my own,stores and also a number of clients,haven't gotten any emails or any,notifications and like I said it's not,even really being talked about online,very much,in fact anyone visiting the Shopify App,Store as of Thursday would be unaware,that if they began using the app it,would only be available to them for two,months unless they took the time to read,the recent reviews from users in the,announcement zendesk titled on January,1st 2023 the eBay app on Shopify is,scheduled to be discontinued eBay,encourage sellers to find another app to,use if they wish to continue to post,their Shopify hosted items on Ebay what,it didn't say is that third-party apps,charge fees now there are a couple of,apps that are only like 15 19 bucks a,month I've used a number of these I,really haven't been happy with any of,them thus far for eBay I've also used,some of them for the Walmart marketplace,as all Walmart marketplace as well I've,used cell bright wasn't really thrilled,with it uh cedcommerce or said Commerce,whatever it's called wasn't really,thrilled with that one either uh all of,them have caused issues for me with uh,not tracking inventory correctly uh not,syncing listings not communicating eBay,orders over to Shopify and turning them,into Shopify orders responding to,questions on eBay discussion boards,about the app's fate as of Wednesday,eBay manager Brian Burke said the reason,for pulling the app at the end of the,year was the seller experience uh the,top third party seller provider apps are,rated higher than the ebsh eBay Shopify,app that's an understatement eBay,Shopify app has a 2.7 out of 5 rating uh,though some of the low reviews came in,after the announcement uh what is clear,from perusing older reviews is that the,app had been failing to sync inventory,for quite some time which is one of the,primary purposes of an integration app,in the first place a seller who left a,review in June said in part the main,problem is a lack of sync with eBay,items when items are sold and paid on,eBay they are not appearing as orders in,Shopify which means we are offering,items for sale on Shopify and other,sales channels Facebook Instagram Etc,that have already been sold also you,know a lot of people who have these,Integrations don't necessarily monitor,eBay on a daily basis uh so you,potentially have orders coming in that,you're not shipping fulfilling because,they're not being communicated over to,Shopify uh this is especially true if,you have like a high volume store and,you're not just selling an item a day,two items a day five ten items a day in,response on Wednesday eBay's Burke said,in part we encourage sellers to check,out these Alternatives or manage our,listings and orders directly on eBay,check out the top rated 3pp apps on the,Shopify app store or these listing the,following third-party apps cadisto said,Commerce ink frog sellbrite uh and Magna,Lister I've tried said Commerce uh,celebrate and ink frog haven't really,been thrilled with those uh cadisto and,magnolista are ones I might check out,but those ones do start at 75 a month uh,so unless you have an established,business that's actually making uh some,pretty decent money specifically on eBay,it may or may not be worth even you know,getting set up there also for smaller,time sellers getting started,that may be cost prohibitive and another,thing you know with some of the stores,that I manage and things like that eBay,is a nice little add-on it's nice to,have you know some orders coming through,there it's a great way to expose people,to your business who normally shop on,eBay,um but you know if eBay isn't making up,a significant portion of the orders,you're getting it may or may not be,worth spending 75 a month on the Shopify,discussion board some sellers were,unsure of what to do and some said the,onus was on Shopify to come up with a,free solution a seller using the handle,couch Francois wrote very disheartened,to hear that eBay is dropping the eBay,Shopify app it puts my shop in a,conundrum I sell trading cards so lots,of small transactions and many listings,and many listings by far the majority of,sales are on eBay not in my Shopify,storefront Solutions like cadisto would,be cost prohibitive since I have a large,amount of small under 10 item orders I,guess I could write some code on my own,to do the work but I'm not sure I'll,have enough time between my real job and,side gig to write it in less than three,months anyone else in the same boat if,so I'd love to hear your thoughts would,love if Shopify wrote an eBay,integration app if not the business,decision might need to be I just go back,to eBay only and drop Shopify I love the,customization I can do here but if 95 of,the sales are in,eBay I guess he's gonna drop it uh in,2017 when eBay announced the app,oh no it's yeah was it around 20 okay,yeah uh eBay is focused on Direct,delivering the best choice and selection,of inventory to buyers across the globe,this new integration with Shopify will,bring even more great products to eBay,buyers while offering Shopify Merchants,the ability to seamlessly Drive their,business and brand at scale by tapping,into our vibrant Marketplace sellers May,well wonder what's changed since then,does eBay now see Shopify as a,competitive threat is it that eBay,technology doesn't play well with others,uh and do we have any comments let's see,someone here says uh,my guess is eBay system is too glitchy,to work consistently with third-party,tools and any API is doomed to fail as,the eBay system seems to have Micro,outages almost constantly so if you're,selling items during one of these it,won't end on the other systems as the,API fails uh tried an API with eBay on a,site called Dell Camp years ago and it,was Dreadful with items failing to end,on both sides uh the fault was with eBay,if you doubt it try any bulk edit on,eBay and you will quickly get a message,saying a number of items have failed uh,due to server error I have run into that,uh one on one of the rare occasions eBay,is telling the truth so,um you know could it be that eBay views,Shopify as competition possible uh could,it be that eBay is just kind of a mess,and can't integrate with third parties,also possible uh let's over here head,over and take a look at the zendesk,article just because it's really brief,and it it gives a little bit more,concise and concrete information on what,to do although everything we we kind of,talked about was kind of already covered,on January 3rd 2023 the eBay app on,Shopify is scheduled to be discontinued,uh on January 1st 2023 the eBay app on,Shopify schedule will be discontinued,here's what you need to know what does,this mean for you uh the eBay app will,no longer be accessible after December,31st 2022 to continue managing your eBay,listing through Shopify after that date,you will need to migrate to a third,party app of course you can always,manage your listings on the eBay site,directly at any time but again if you're,playing the Omni Channel game you're,selling on eBay Amazon Walmart and other,platforms it's just so much easier to,have everything synced through Shopify,have all the orders come through Shopify,and only have to manage one platform uh,what if you do nothing the eBay app will,continue to function as normal uh okay,we already covered that part did we oh,okay let's see uh what does this mean,okay what are the third party options,there's a robust selection of,third-party apps that connect eBay and,Shopify the top rated offerings on the,Shopify app store is codisto uh others,of note include omnivore ink fraud ink,frog said Commerce and sell bright,custom apps are also available from a,number of solution providers simply,click on the links in this article to,learn more about migrating to any of,these options uh so I'll go ahead I'll,link in the description box below to uh,each one of these options if you guys,want to check them out I'll link you,over to the uh the Shopify app pages,Forum uh are any of you guys using the,eBay app to integrate your eBay listings,into Shopify what has your experience,been with the app uh have you found a,good 30 third party solution uh and what,are you planning on doing uh drop a,comment down below I'd love to hear from,you guys as I'm sure others would as,well if you enjoyed this video give it a,thumbs up if you are not already,subscribed to the channel click that,subscribe button down below and ring the,bell and I will catch you guys on the,next video

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