how to get rid of tiktok ads on youtube

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hello everyone are you having a problem,with those picked up ads and those,annoying pop-ups in this video I'm going,to help you to remove those annoying,pop-ups and ads firstly what you need to,do is go to your taste or if you are an,Android and then click on search for,tik-tok once you get tic-tock open it,and install it I already have the app,installed on my phone so I will open it,okay so now when you open this is ad,what you need to do is if you look at,the bottom of this end down here can you,see the me icon click on the me icon and,then it says sign up with the phone or,email,so although you don't have an account it,doesn't matter it's time to sign up in,order to proceed with this sign up put,your phone or email all right let me,login seeing that I've ever be Evan I,can't log in with my phone number you,can choose to log in with your phone,number or your email I think it's much,better and quicker with your phone,number okay once your number is in,all right and it says a login a,verification code let me choose that so,I get a verification code okay they say,they send me a verification code and,there is my code so then we proceed all,right,I've logged in and also and have,deactivated it but you go straight let,me cancel it the activation can let me,go back to my me icon once I'm on this,me icon alright this is a page where it,says edit profile stuff if you go right,up here to this three little dots on,your top right hand corner click on it,then go to manage my account,you open manage my account on the bottom,right the bottom you'll see a thinking,depart removing your account click on,thinking about removing account down,here click on it it says delete account,so send code all right I've got a code 8,4 6 2 then you can enter that in 8 4 6 2,& continue,now it says if utility account etc etc,in the bottom continue press Continue,again it says you're about to delete the,account yes,to the delete account now the background,is deleted I close them I do the LP tick,tock icon on my screen as you can see,but the account is deactivated and that,will remove all those annoying pop-up,ads I hope this video has been useful to,you please don't forget to subscribe and,hit the like button and leave a comment,below if this has been helpful to you,thank you for viewing this video I hope,you have enjoyed it,for music productions music lessons,piano keyboard bass and singing please,do email me ask Mikey D underscore keys,at please do like subscribe,and comment below don't forget to press,the bell button to be notified of new,video uploads thank you bye for now,making an impression with your,expression ki Central's

The above is a brief introduction to how to get rid of tiktok ads on youtube

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TikTok Ads vs Facebook Ads vs YouTube Ads | Beginners Guide to Ad Platforms in 2023

TikTok Ads vs Facebook Ads vs YouTube Ads | Beginners Guide to Ad Platforms in 2023

on my agency we've managed over two and,a half million dollars on Facebook we've,spent a little over half a million,dollars on YouTube and we've even,started playing around with Tick Tock,ads and through all of that we've,generated over seven million dollars in,sales for our clients which is pretty,awesome but when I got started doing all,of this I couldn't find a lot of really,great content online to get started and,so I had to just learn a lot of stuff,through trial and error through jumping,into different courses and programs and,spending a ton of money trying to learn,all of this stuff and so what I want to,give you in this video is breaking down,each one of these three big platforms,that are out there and help you decide,which platform you should be going after,for your business whether that is,Facebook or YouTube or Tick Tock and,actually we did the same evaluation at,my agency not that long ago and we,actually decided to cut one platform,completely so between Facebook YouTube,and Tick Tock we are only going to be,running two of these platforms going,forward so there are actually hundreds,of AD platforms out there I don't think,most people realize how many different,places there are to go out and buy ads I,mean between like mobile ads display ads,social ads video ads native ads all of,these different types of advertising out,there now the three big ones would be,Facebook Google and Tick Tock when we're,talking about Facebook Facebook includes,Instagram they also own Facebook,Messenger you can run ads in messenger,they also own WhatsApp and they're,starting to roll out little tests for,running ads and WhatsApp depending on,where you're at so Facebook is a bigger,network of advertising placements Google,the same thing right so Google owns,Google search ads the ads you see when,you are actually searching in Google and,the ads that pop up at the top of the,search page they also own YouTube so the,second largest search engine in the,world YouTube is owned by Google so if,you're running Google ads that takes,place in the YouTube ads platform the,big question is out of all of these how,do you decide which one is best for you,and so we actually did this same,evaluation with our clients now at my,agency we work with people who are,selling information products educational,programs High ticket programs stuff like,that and so we wanted to sit down and,figure out how do we decide what is the,best platform you're running ads for,them and so I want to give you that same,framework we used and what we looked at,so that you can decide which platform is,best for you so the things that we need,to take into consideration while we're,going through this whole decision making,process is what is your business model,like what is your offer what are you,selling what is your whole business,model that you have what are the,resources that you have available to you,so what does your team look like what is,your ability to create video and content,and all of that stuff what are your,competitors doing in your space actually,doing competitor research is an insanely,valuable way to see what's working in,your space because something that you,should know is like people don't spend,money for a long time on ads that aren't,working so if you see a competitor on a,platform that is spending a ton of money,on ads then you can be pretty sure that,that's probably working and that,probably means that there's an,opportunity for you to go do something,similar on that Network and then the,other huge one is what is your target,audience like who are you going after,you're going to make very different,decisions if you're trying to go after,people who are between the ages of 18 to,25 then if you're trying to go after,people who are between the ages of 60,and 70. so who your actual target,audience is also going to play a big,factor into what platforms you decide,you might want to go into so let's get,started with like the three big ones,that we evaluated and these are the,three big ones that you will probably be,evaluating depending on what type of,business you have but the first big one,we looked at was YouTube so remember,this is on this is basically you're,running ads on YouTube through the,Google ads Network so the pros of,running YouTube ads the intent of,someone on YouTube is amazing so someone,is on YouTube Just consume a ton of,content and they are probably there,either trying to learn something right,doing educational searches how to do,this how can I learn this what's the,best way to do this or they're trying to,look for something that's really,entertaining and so that being their,intent and the mindset that they are in,as they're sitting at their computer,searching through stuff if you can,create ads that are either educational,or entertaining then what you can do is,just step right into what someone is,already doing and quickly get their,attention which is a really awesome,thing for us to be able to do as,advertisers right it's very different,

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How To Block Specific Ads On YouTube

How To Block Specific Ads On YouTube

oh,did you know that you have the ability,to block specific ads from appearing on,youtube channel,rather than blocking all the ads for,example if you don't want to see those,grammarly ads that are served to you,you can block the grammarly website and,all its accompanying pages,in this video you'll discover the,reasons why you see an ad the types of,ads you might see,and how to block specific ads on youtube,the ads that play on the youtube videos,you watch are tailored to your specific,interests,they're based on your google ad settings,the videos you've watched,and whether you're signed in or not here,are some of the anonymous signals which,may decide which ads you see,types of videos you viewed for example,recently i purchased the gopro hero 9,black,so i've been watching a lot of gopro,videos on youtube every time i watch a,gopro hero video on youtube,i get served an ad at the beginning of,the video that shows the adobe creative,cloud photography plan,here's some more anonymous signals the,apps on your device and the use of these,apps the websites you visit,anonymous identifiers associated with,your mobile device your previous,interactions with google ads or,advertising services,your geographic location the age range,your gender,your youtube video interactions have you,got valley on the content so far,hit the subscribe button and click the,bell notification icon,so you can receive more content like,this every week,here's a skippable ad that plays before,your video you can skip it after five,seconds,here are the other types of ads that you,might see on your videos you've got,overlay ads,that appear at the bottom of your video,sponsored cards that appear on the right,and non-skippable ads which means you've,got to wait till the ads finish playing,before you can watch the video,i find these types of ads the most,annoying let me know in the comments,below,which types of ads you find the most,annoying if you click on monetization,for an individual video,you can choose which type of ads you,want to display on your video,overlay ads sponsored cards skippable,video ads non-skippable videos,you can also choose the location of your,video ads such as before the video which,is a pre-roll ad,during the video which is a mid-roll ad,where your video has to be at least,eight minutes long,then after the video which is a post,role ad,you can make the ads more useful by,making them more specific to you,here's the way you can edit your,information or interests,go to here's a,list of how all the ads are personalized,to my channel,these ads are based on the personal info,that has been added to my google account,data from advertisers that partner with,google and google's estimation of your,interests,if you want to turn off ad,personalization move the slider to the,left,once you've turned off personalization,google will no longer use your info to,personalize your ads,here's how to disable interest-based ads,from a youtube channel,click on your profile icon click on,youtube studio,click on settings in your left hand,column click on channel,then click on advanced settings scroll,down,where it says advertisements,check the box that says disable,interspace ads so if you check this box,just keep in mind that if you select,this option,personalized ads will not be shown on,videos on your channel,such as ads based on viewers interests,or remarketing ads,this may significantly reduce your,channel's revenue,in addition earned action reports and,remarketing lists,will stop working for your channel so,keep that in mind if you check this box,personally i keep this box unchecked,because i want to get the maximum,revenue from my ads,ads can still be targeted with info like,a general location,or the content of the website using you,can also install a browser plugin,to opt out of personalized ads from,google even if you've cleared your,cookies just keep in mind if you block,personalized ads from being displayed on,youtube videos,you'll see a decrease in revenue,this refers to the creator's ability to,block certain ads on their channel,this simply refers to ads that you don't,want on your channel rather than,blocking all the ads on your channel,go to your google adsense account at, forward slash,adsense click on blocking controls then,click on youtube host,you've got advertiser urls which means,you can prevent ads from,individual advertisers all you have to,do is click on manage advertiser urls,then you just enter the url or url,separated by a comma if you want to,block all the pages from that specific,website,and put the top domain url such as,,this means we'll block all the pages,from forward slash about, forward slash contact or any,other pages under that domain,you also got sensitive categories so if,i click on manage sensitive categories,i can use this page to allow or block,sensitive categories of,ads from appearing on my site so if you,want to block,ads that refer to get rich qui

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[TOO EASY] My $15k+ Per Day TikTok Ads Strategy For 2023! - Shopify Dropshipping

[TOO EASY] My $15k+ Per Day TikTok Ads Strategy For 2023! - Shopify Dropshipping

all right guys just gonna do a real,quick refresh check right here,it's too easy,yo what is going on guys this is Boy,Soldier back in the game with a brand,new video 15K plus per day Tick Tock ad,strategy and it is simply too easy now,last year I made another video very,similar to this but this is going on in,current time and exactly what I'm doing,to scale my ads with ease in a,three-step plan so you guys can do this,too so guys make sure to stick around to,the end of the video I'll be doing a,full kind of walk through campaign setup,here,to kick off the New Year I'm going to be,doing a giveaway in the black hat,Discord group I'm gonna be taking one,student I'm gonna be scaling their store,alongside with them setting everything,up as I would my own store so if you,guys are interested in that mentorship,it is going to be absolutely free all,you have to do is be in black hat that's,where we have all the sauce anything,goes and I hope to see you in there soon,so I'm not gonna waste any time here and,we're gonna drop into a Google Docs I'm,pretty much gonna walk you through it,and then I'm actually going to walk you,through the full setup uh and we're,physically going to set up a campaign,together just so you guys can see but,yes so this is the 0 to 15K plus per day,Tick Tock ad strategy things people,always ask me about that I don't cover,too often in my videos let's go over,that one your store set up in back end I,don't pay too much attention to the,store I think what really comes first is,going to be the ads and the ad strategy,that's where I spend most of my time and,what I focus on so three Stepping Stones,before we get into the side do you want,to add on to this document is the,product the store and the creative so I,just want to go over it really fast,these are kind of requirements that you,guys really need to have in order to,have this backbone this consistent,scalability uh and as you will see as,you guys saw in my previous video I was,able to use this backbone and actually,scale it to 100K a day which is very,Advanced it's very extreme over the last,couple weeks I've spent about 500 000 in,ads and I plan on doubling that tripling,that so just these are some things you,can do to your store as well so product,I definitely always will recommend a,saturated product with a lower undercut,offer something where you can uh you,know price out your opponents using such,an offer like free plus shipping on a,very saturated process product that,doesn't cost a lot to supply places you,can find these products where you can,kind of see all the backing costs it's,not PP ads the only spy tool I currently,use and most likely will ever use just,because I like the analysis that it,actually does in current time again we,work in current time now I'm going to be,getting into some free game this is,Mania and it is absolutely free no,credit card required okay I don't think,it's like in my opinion this product,research tool is the best and it's,currently what I've been using a lot,lately and obviously you know the price,factor is huge uh if you guys want you,can go check that down below I do have,an affiliate code if you do plan on,getting like some upgraded features and,things like that but yes you can,literally go and get your first launch,launch you can find winning products,that are generated by AI you get an,analysis of all the ads on the shop how,these ads are performing um and just,different things like that it's,absolutely free go check it out so if,you guys need a link for that is down,below and you guys can get you know a,discount on that as well now when it,comes to the store the SMS bump I,typically use the five minute,abandonment flow and the 45 minute,abandonment flow I don't use emails I,think they're very cost um inefficient I,mean 100 of the traffic is on their,mobile phone along with Tick Tock so it,makes sense it adds up simplify ocu I,just keep re-up selling the same product,after the customer purchases um there's,you're gonna have a guaranteed 15 hit,rate on that so free money free free aov,increase why not and quantity breaks,bundle bear things like that um you know,those are just to wear on the front you,know before they get into checkout,they're able to increase the average,order value as well so these I believe,are Essentials to have on the store and,if I didn't have them I doubt I'd be,profitable in fact I wouldn't be so when,it comes to the creative now you're,going to need a very controlled ugc what,I mean by controlled ugc is something,that focuses directly on the product the,function the offer you can scale it,indefinitely without hitting the wrong,audience in Tick Tock everything does,come down to creative and you are,leveraging that again I don't run pixel,we're fully and only leveraging the,creative so it needs to be good and it,needs to check off all the right boxes,really quick I do want to give a huge,shout out to Celebration as well for the,New Year's you guys are able to get ugc,this is ac

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I Bought EVERYTHING TikTok Ads Recommended Me!

I Bought EVERYTHING TikTok Ads Recommended Me!

i'm just gonna be scrolling through my,tic toc for you page and every single ad,that comes up i'm just going to,literally hit purchase right then and in,there,wait a second why is this so cute it's,an ad by the official las vegas tick,tock account you guys are not going to,want to go to las vegas for a tick tock,okay come on you guys come on,hi sisters james charles here and,welcome back to my youtube channel for,today's video we're going shopping and,i'm super excited because i'm going to,be buying everything that tick tock ads,recommend to me i feel like there's a,certain group of people that are like,the ad buyers and i feel like it's a lot,of moms and a lot of grandmas i love you,guys to death i'm not being shady when i,say that but it's like there's just you,know an ad for anything and suddenly,it's in the cart for three easy payments,of 19.99,i've never been that person i really,don't shop via ads that often a tick,tock ad or a simple little picture on,like a youtube banner page is not doing,it for me however that is all going to,be out the door today because i am going,to be the easiest way person on planet,earth because i'm just gonna be,scrolling through my tic toc for you,page and every single ad that comes up,i'm just going to literally hit purchase,right then and there so without further,ado let's just get into it,let's scroll i don't care what it is i'm,going to hit purchase oh my god wish you,luck usually the first thing that you,see when you open tick-tock is an ad so,let's see what we have in store for us,today new chrome finish,bubbles you can make your own oh yes,gorgeous mandarin red did you say red,man fly literally slime color you're,going to want to frame this,okay you should say that i'm not easily,swayed because even if i was not filming,this video and i just saw this girl i'd,be swiping the card okay this is for the,sodastream art and i do know what a soda,stream is it's basically a machine where,you can turn any liquid into a,carbonated delicious soda beverage and,you guys if you know me you would know,that i love soda okay i think wine,tastes like battery acid the wine cellar,in my house filled with coke bottles,let's fly,i have an ad for bat oh hbo max i,already paid for a subscription for that,sorry sweetie let's go,oh what's this nothing beats a day on,the water gear up with columbia pfg for,your next angling adventure,my free page is giving me ads about,fishing,this literally so cute are you literally,kidding me a mini film camera oh my god,they're half price for the next 10,minutes it says who will be buying it's,really hard for me to cook dinner every,night especially with the full-time job,i mean a doordash ad hello y'all don't,have to sell that to me okay our lunch,is literally on the way we ordered,chinese food for lunch today i'm very,excited to eat it it's on the way right,now via doordash does it does that count,should we just do another one,come on give me something good give me,something good,oh here's one,then m m's and cookies,two of my favorites on one try eminem's,new crunchy cookie m ms,oh,crunchy cookie m ms this might be an,unpopular opinion i love the m m's with,things inside of them i love a peanut m,m you know what the ones are so,underrated that i stan pretzel m m's,do you like them yeah i thought that was,the only person on planet earth that i,like love i love them it's like an,exaggerated,like i've never done like,this like,trav,you know,let's mosh,yes,oh my god an ad for domino's pizza yes,my boss said i had to make a tick tock,about domino's 50 off pizza deal being,back so,50 off yes,please,no transfer no bleed no fade for 16,hours with our vegan fave shine loud,high shine lip color,that's a name i don't know how that,could ever exist but i'm definitely done,to try let's do like one or two more,because i feel like we have a lot of,good ones at this point,okay crocs i love crocs love love crocs,i love that they're having a comeback,but i slide on our new ultra plush,classic cozy sandals,good question chili chews that meat if,you work from home,no,no no no sorry what is it it's an ad by,the official las vegas tick tock account,that's fine no,you guys we're not going to we're not,going to las vegas for a tick tock ad,i don't care what it is i'm going to hit,purchase hit purchase,okay come on you guys look come on,um,hey oh hi finn oh okay hello it's been,only a couple seconds for you since i've,seen you last but it's been a couple of,days for me everything has officially,came in the mail obviously you know we,had the vegas hat we'll get to that a,little bit later on but everything else,like the end up,every other ad that we got the furry,crocs the cookie m ms the soda stream,the domino's pizza literally is like,setting us up for like a sleepover,slumber party i mean is that not the,cutest idea i've ever done had okay you,guys,we have to get changed into my lovely,feet wear oh don't pan down don't,that's not for free you didn't say it,you didn't say it qui

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I Bought The First 5 Things TikTok Ads Recommended To Me

I Bought The First 5 Things TikTok Ads Recommended To Me

(upbeat music),♪ This is Safiya's new intro song! ♪,- Hello friends, and welcome to another video.,This week, I'm gonna be buying the first five things,that TikTok ads recommend to me.,That's right, I'm gonna be giving TikTok,even more of my personal information, a questionable move.,So, over the past few years,,we've done a few experiments that involve buying products,from targeted ads across social media platforms,,like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat,to see if their ad algorithms and analytics,could match me to things I might like.,And a few months ago,,I finally relented and downloaded TikTok,,and lo and behold, there were ads and abs, but mostly ads.,Now in general, TikTok has actually become an environment,where companies and people interact a lot,,so I think a lot of businesses see TikTok,as a good marketing opportunity.,- Thank you Little Caesars,for the life size plush replica of me!,- And in terms of the ads I've seen,,there's quite a wide variety.,(dramatic music),- I have been dreaming of marriage with a rich girl.,- I've gotten ads for parks,,ads for like fake veneers and ads for working for TikTok.,Some are for super small Etsy shops.,Some are for larger corporations.,Some play into TikTok trends,,or try to mimic the normal videos,you might see on your for you page,,and some are incredibly low effort and confusing.,Like, what is this product, and why is it so pixelated?,And I also know that other people notice these ads as well,and can relate to getting blasted,by the same one for weeks on end.,- This is a plea to the marketing people at HALARA.,Please, stop targeting me to buy your mini tennis dress.,- Every time they open the app.,- Wow, I sure love my HALARA dress.,(sobs) It's, it's really cute!,- But TikTok does have a very targeted algorithm.,I should know. I've been on Edgar Allen Poe Tok before,,so maybe they do know best,,and maybe I will like the things they show me.,So that's what we're gonna do, buy the first five things,that TikTok ads recommend to me and see how they do.,All right, so a couple of quick disclaimers here.,One is that I'm gonna be pretty much just ignoring,the first ad that comes up right when you open the app,,because I usually find that those are for movies, TV shows,or big companies like Credit Karma,,and I'm more interested in their normal ad inventory,rather than the big banner ones,,which feel less targeted overall.,The other disclaimer is that rather than just sitting,in one spot and just scrolling,until I get to all of the ads,,I'm gonna open the app up multiple times,throughout the day and get my five ads that way,,just because that more closely replicates,the way I use TikTok on the daily,,compulsively opening the app,,scrolling through a few videos,,feeling guilty about wasting time and then closing the app.,Alright, and with that, let's ruin my algorithm.,Alright, so I've been scrolling,,and TikTok gave me a pretty good ad here.,This is an ad for Pizza Hut's new limited edition,,streetwear line, Tastewear.,- They don't just sell pizza anymore. They make streetwear.,And it's called Tastewear, so let's get into it.,- Yes, that's right, Pizza Hut made a track suit,,and they're advertising it to me, which is weirdly targeted.,I am not necessarily the world's biggest Pizza Hut fan,,but I am a huge fan of companies,doing weird PR things, including clothing.,KFC Crocs, sign me up. Peeps Crocs, I'm there.,Pizza Hut parka, I mean, I have that.,I don't actually follow a lot of brands on TikTok,,but I have posted a fair amount of videos,with weird clothing, including the aforementioned Crocs,,so maybe that's what tipped them off.,So I am gonna get all of this stuff, or as much as I can.,They have a jumpsuit that's inspired,by the plaid tablecloths at Pizza Hut restaurants.,Then I'm gonna get their T-shirt that is inspired,by their stained glass chandeliers,,and I'm also gonna get the slides.,They do also have a necklace, which I'm gonna grab.,The pizza chain, oh I just got chain.,It's a pizza chain about the pizza chain,,Pizza Hut, pizza chain.,Two notes here, one is that the iconic red cup,was sadly already sold out,,and also that this is not that cheap,,specifically, the track suit is kind of expensive,,which I wouldn't really expect from Pizza Hut,,but we're gonna get it anyways.,Dude, we're definitely gonna have to go,to Pizza Hut in this.,- You're gonna be drippin' in Pizza Hut.,- I'm going to be as greasy (laughing) as a Pizza Hut pizza,,sorry for the slander.,Alright, so I just got another ad,for what seems to be an electronics mystery box.,It's from this account called, What the Boxio,,and it's sort of cryptic.,It's almost like a cliffhanger.,This dude is just like, "Hey, you need a box, go get one!",- So you guys know we've got boxes, boxes, and more boxes.,I can't show you guys what's in there,,but I can tell you guys,,you guys need to go buy one as soon as possible.,- He also does a nice sheesh at the end.,Wow, I felt so weird doin

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How to use local hashtags in your TikTok ads

How to use local hashtags in your TikTok ads

hello friends and welcome to small,business wednesday i'm your host carrie,canole thank you so much for tuning in,to today's episode about how to use,local hashtags in your tiktok ads if,you're watching this on youtube please,hit that subscribe button and a bell,notification if you like this video and,get some good value out of it please hit,the like or thumbs up as well whether,you're watching this on youtube on,linkedin or on facebook,and as always please share this with,anyone who might benefit from it or find,it of interest i'd appreciate that,and as always feel free to leave me a,comment i'd love to hear from you even,if it's just to say hi,so hi,um so i'm going to get started i'm going,to show you exactly what i have for you,today might take a little longer than,usual but i want to show you how this,works so i'm inside my tic toc ads,manager,and i want to create a brand new,campaign so i'm going to click this,button here it says create,and hopefully everything will go,smoothly while i'm doing this but we'll,see,and the first thing that's going to come,up here is either simplified mode or,custom mode i'm just going to use,simplify mode for right now,and then of course we got community,interaction get website visits generate,customer leads or drive conversions,right now we'll just leave it on,simplified mode with get website visits,for this demonstration,and then here we are going to do,location and audience type and we have,some other factors here inside of select,your audience so under location this is,where,i would go in and if i was doing a,location like las vegas i would type it,in and then i would select it,and then under,let's go on here i think i have to,actually get through to the,create the ad and then go back and edit,to show you where i can actually add the,hashtags let me double check here though,so let's say demographics was no limit,on male or female no limit on age range,languages we have no limit right now we,could change that to english just to,make sure we're not showing it to anyone,who doesn't speak english,interest and behavior,um this see this shows any uh include,people with any of the following,interests or carried out following,interactions with videos but nothing,else is here then we have additional,placements and we are just going to,stick to tick tock we don't want pango,or news feed app series so continue,then we're going to put our budget in at,least five dollars minimum there start,now with no end date continue,and,on the create an ad section we're just,going to grab one of my ads here,so we can just add something,and,we can go back if we want to change it,let's do that let's just change it to,the other one,here to make sure everything's cool so,we'll add that one,and then we have our url since we're,sending it to somewhere let's just put,our url in there and then we're keeping,learn more as our action we don't need,to worry about display name and text,it's all in the video itself we don't,add name itself i usually like to you,know somewhat tighten up with whatever,the name of the video is or whatever is,happening in the video,and then um i just gonna click publish,right so once i click publish,it's going to say creating ad your ad is,being created,and it's going to take me back to the,campaign level here in a second,i can go to ads manager right now too,but i just want to show you the process,now it says redirecting as manager in,three seconds so now it's going to,redirect me back to ads manager,and here inside of ads manager it's,going to be the first campaign listed,so i'm going to click on this to get to,the ad group level,similar to an ad set in facebook and,then we're going to click on edit,and then once you're here you're going,to see the promotion type is website and,placement we've already selected,custom targeting so we have demographic,location las vegas,english no limit on gender no limit on,age audience we don't want to include or,exclude anything interest behaviors so,they give you some ideas of what some,based on recent campaigns conversions in,your industry i mean a lot of this,doesn't match up i'm not quite sure,where to get it from,we have ad interest ad,behavior video interactions ad behavior,creator interactions ad behavior hashtag,interaction so this is what we want,expand that and then in here we can,start typing in a hashtag like las vegas,for instance,and you can see we have las vegas here,las vegas golf homes barber tattoo,realtor,uh i don't know what showdown is,bartender real estate hair stylist,restaurants tattoo artist and these are,just some of the ones that are in here,right now now,granted not all the hashtags you'll find,when you set up a organic tik tok when,you start typing in hashtags will show,up,in the advertising,platform here the ads manager and i'm,not certain why um but there are quite a,few good ones here if you are working,like let's say with real estate agents,you could have a hashtag las vegas real,estate and then you could al

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2023 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

How to Run TikTok Ads 2023 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

what's up guys jordan here today we're going to  be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to  ,z everything you need to know to launch your first  ad on the platform today now we're currently using  ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent  agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount  ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using  the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you  ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got  a presentation ready for you we're going to jump  ,onto it in a second but before we do i want  to announce a quick competition on this video  ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down  below with their goals for running tik tok ads  ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to  win a completely free strategy call with me for  ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want  to run through we break down your strategy how you  ,can increase your revenue how you can increase  your roads on whatever platform you're using  ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make  that happen for you so enter that competition  ,let's get started with this no bs implementable  training but do me a favor stop what you're doing  ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take  some notes and pay attention and take action on  ,what you learned today let's get started okay  so tick-tock ads training first of all let's  ,start off with some data we need to understand  the opportunity here now tik tok was the most  ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads  okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide  ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per  day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal  ,customer multiple times a day on average now as  of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in  ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its  january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year  ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks  as the second biggest app in consumer spend  ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this  is probably the uh the biggest stat on this  ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in  consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so  ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and  businesses to sell their products on the platform  ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've  said ah i found that product on tick tock it's  ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how  you can actually make the most of that so this is  ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have  tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns  ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then  landing pages to break these down one by one tick  ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock  advertising account similar to the facebook  ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation  of your ad so we're setting up our advertising  ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which  is target audiences ad placements budget and the  ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is  the text and the video that will appear on our  ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our  landing page and this is the destination url that  ,we are driving our potential customers too this  is the place where they will actually buy our  ,products or service so when you actually have your  tick tock ad account up and running this is kind  ,of what the format will look like we have our ad  manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that  ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple  ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple  ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even  be testing out multiple different ad creatives  ,as well so what are the actual creative the the  creative formats that we can use on tick tock well  ,we have top view on the left hand side here which  is like a full-size video which shows up when we  ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover  now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and  ,very large brands use these and again these come  up right at the start of launching the app and it  ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads  this is what we're going to be going through today  ,and what most businesses are actually using  to generate the most revenue from tick tock  ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we  want to launch a challenge on the platform and  ,then finally branded event so we want to have our  own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so  ,people can use them when they're creating their  own content but as i said in feed ads it's the  ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients  at the affluent agency and we're literally  ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue  from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to  ,show you today so without further ado let's jump  straight on to the tick tock advertising platform  ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is  go over to forward slash business  ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see  every

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