The Best Shopify Themes for Your Online Store in 2022
in today's video i'm going to show you,how you can make one of the best online,stores out there with ecommerce themes,that are a designed to be fast and also,high converting so,shopify has rolled out five new free,themes and 65 updated paid themes that,work with online store 2.0 features,literally so exciting so i'm going to,take you guys through some incredible,shopify themes so that you guys can,decide which one is right for your,business in 2022. each one of these,offers industry leading performance and,deep customization but can we just get a,little sneak peek here okay let's look,at some of these amazing themes so first,of all look at this one this one's,called context and i just feel like it,would be perfect for someone who is,starting like a clothing store but maybe,wants a bit more of an editorial vibe,and then this one over here look at this,one this one's called loft and i feel,like it would be so good for anyone,selling home goods so that's just a,little preview but definitely stick,around till the end of this video,because i'm going to go through a ton of,themes and just discuss the specifics on,who they're good for and how they can,work for you and your business,okay guys so what exactly is a theme so,if you think about it themes are kind of,like the skeleton of your online store,it's just going to define what your,store is going to look like so for,example,in this theme over here,this has one main image for the banner,but if you look at this one it's going,to allow you to put two images for the,banner and a theme is also going to,define some of the functionality of your,store so for example when i click the,cart on this theme it pops up as a,sidebar and then when i click the cart,on this theme it's just going to take up,the whole page,so if you guys don't already know when,you create your online store with,shopify you can choose between either,free themes or premium themes and it's,really nice because there are more and,more free themes that are being released,recently so there's tons of options,there and then as of now there's also 60,paid themes and you can find a theme,that works really easily for yourself,because you can narrow it down by,industry price and then just basically,find the design that you're after okay i,know you guys are wondering are shopify,themes better than other themes out,there and i just want to say really,quickly just want to say this from the,jump shopify themes,are,amazing they're amazing first of all if,you are not tech savvy shopify themes,were going to be perfect for you because,all of the features that you need,already come built into your theme,you're probably,never going to need to hire developer,because 99 if not 100 of what you need,already comes built into your theme,but but if you are a perfectionist like,me and let's say you do want to do like,a little tweaks and like edit,you can edit your store without touching,any code so let's just look at my screen,here for one sec because i actually do,think this is really important so if we,look here you can see that i can easily,edit these sections and these blocks,to look exactly how i want and i can add,apps and i can add apps through app,blocks like there's so much flexibility,here obviously hiring a developer can,get really expensive really quickly so,this is a really good option if you are,just starting maybe you're trying to,save a bit of money and another thing,that i really like about shopify themes,is that you can get set up in literally,less than 24 hours like that is not an,exaggeration it is so fast you could get,set up,between zoo meetings you can get set up,while your bagel,is toasting you can get set up before,your roommate is done with the shower,okay i don't know probably not that fast,but one thing is for sure you can,definitely get set up before the,pandemic is over,that's a little food for that so this,could be your sign,to get going so it is really quick to,get set up but it's also really good at,getting your vision into the real world,you know when you have like an idea in,your head and then you're like okay like,i know what i want this to look like i,have this idea in my head and then you,put it out into the universe and it's,just like not really what you were,hoping it would look like i feel like,that's definitely happened to me before,but i feel like with shopify themes you,can you can get your branding and your,vision out into the real world because,you just have so much control over,styling,over everything and,have you ever been on a website on your,phone and it's just like not as good as,it would be on desktop but with shopify,since themes are responsive i feel like,that just pretty much guarantees that,your store is going to look dope whether,it's on the phone whether it's on the,desktop,wherever we've all gotten to be very,impatient creatures and let's be real no,one really has the time to wait for even,like four seconds for a page to load but,with the online store 2.0 let me tell,you
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10 Best Shopify Themes With Beautiful eCommerce Designs
10 Best Shopify Themes With Beautiful eCommerce Designs
it's essential to make sure you pick the,exact right e-commerce platform and the,best site theme,here are the best shopify themes with,beautiful ecommerce designs,whether you need a theme for your online,store or to use for your next client,website project,we have you covered woki is one of the,best shopify themes,you could find if you're looking for,versatility it's the latest update,included 16 new skins,loads of blocks to help you build the,ecommerce layout,you want bizzell is a multi-purpose,shopify theme,offering a classic looking storefront,for all kinds of ecommerce businesses,including fashion,electronics and food and drink,shella is all about performance it,includes features such as,advanced filters a banner builder and a,mega menu builder if you want one of the,best shopify templates,this is a great option,gecko is a responsive shopify theme with,a range of,subtly different home pages and layouts,it's bright and inviting and takes,advantage of all the shopify selling,features,under the moniker of fast store version,4 this multi-purpose theme has seen,plenty of updates since the original,version,it's now faster with less complexity and,has seen support for shopify features,like shopify sections added as well,handy is a stylish responsive and easy,to use shopify theme it's a great choice,if you are looking to start a shop,selling handmade products,the theme comes with plenty of features,like an out of the box layout,configurator,that allows you to set custom layouts,mega menus video slideshows,live searches and more,the bell shopify theme by elite author,adorn themes,is worth taking a look at its latest,version includes,four new christmas themed layouts for,when the festive season,comes around this is one of the coolest,shopify themes for sale,on themeforest featuring more than 225,home pages,40 plus drag and drop sections and over,10 headers so you can build your perfect,shopify store,porto shopify theme is not only a,shopify theme it is a powerful package,that has everything you need,for your shopify store,this theme provides many different,layouts and design styles,powerful theme settings and is easy to,customize for any business or store,while also providing over 45 preset,homepage layouts,great for launching your store,immediately,and if you're looking to learn about all,things design why not check out some of,the other excellent videos that,envirotouch plus,has to offer if you like this video and,would like to see more,consider giving us a like and even,subscribing if you haven't already,and don't forget to click the little,bell icon to be notified of all new,videos including tips tricks,and tutorials
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I Survived 50 Hours In Antarctica
I Survived 50 Hours In Antarctica
- لقد هبطنا للتو في القطب الجنوبي،,وسنحاول البقاء أحياء خلال
الـ50 ساعة القادمة هنا.,نحن حرفيًا في آخر الكوكب،,في أبرد مكان على الأرض.,لا أطيق صبرًا حتى أموت متجمدًا.,وها قد رحلت الطائرة.,حسنًا، إلى اللقاء.,والآن بعد أن غادرت تلك الطائرة،,لا مجال للمغادرة قبل مرور 50 ساعة.,- لقد علقنا.,- أولًا، يجب أن نسير باتجاه الجبال،,للحصول على بعض الحماية من الرياح.,- هذا أجمل مكان رأيته في حياتي.,- اصمت يا نولان.,- أرى عاصفة ثلجيّة قريبة.,يا لحظّنا السيّئ.,- الطقس سيئ جدًا بالفعل.,- هذا سيّئ جدًا!
- يا للهول!,- ما احتمالات حدوث عاصفة ثلجية,حالما نصل إلى هنا؟,- الطقس بارد!,- جيمي، هذا جنون.,- هيا بنا!,- سنجهز للاحتماء في سفح ذلك الجبل.,عجباً! كدت أموت.,- القطب الجنوبي! القطب الجنوبي!,القطب الجنوبي!,- أُعلن هذا، مخيم بيست.,- تبلغ درجة الحرارة ناقص 30 تحت الصفر،,وإذا كنا سنصمد 49 ساعة أخرى--,- أمسك بها! أمسك بها!,- كادت خيمتي تطير بعيدًا,- نحتاج إلى مأوى بأسرع ما يمكن.,قال البرنامج التعليمي
إن علينا تثبيتها بزاوية.,عجباً!,- لا أعرف، أسأنا تركيبها.,كيف تكون قريبة جدًا إلى الأرض هكذا؟,إنه في كمي!,- إنهم كالأطفال الصغار.,- قُضي علينا.,- إنهم يحرزون تقدمًا بالفعل.,- انظروا إلينا، نحن الأفضل!,- مخيم بيست يزدهر!,مشكلة شائعة في القطب الجنوبي,ألا وهي الطقس القاسي الذي يطيح بخيمتك.,يجب أن نقطع قوالب ثلج
لتثبيت الخيام ضد الرياح.,لذا سنستخدم قوالب الثلج هذه,لبناء جدار والحفاظ على سلامة مخيمنا.,الحرارة انخفضت 20 درجة منذ وصولنا إلى هنا.,علينا بناء الجدار بشكل أسرع.,- يا للهول!,يا صاح، هذا بلا شك هو
أصعب شيء قمنا به حتى الآن.,- مخيم بيست اكتمل الآن!,الآن وقد انتهى الجدار الجليدي،,نأمل ألا تطيح الرياح بخيامنا.,الجزء الصعب في القطب الجنوبي
هو أن الشمس لا تغرب أبدًا.,لذا لا تعرف متى يحل الليل.,- تخبرني معدتي متى يحل الليل.,- وبماذا تخبرك معدتك الآن؟,- إنّه وقت العشاء.,- أهلًا بك، عزيزتي.,- يا إلهي، المكان أحمر هنا.,- وللعشاء، لدينا وجبات جاهزة.,- عجبًا!,- جيمي، هذا فظيع.,مرحبًا بكم في القطب الجنوبي.,- وفي حال كنتم تتساءلون,كيف تأكلون في أبعد مكان على الكوكب.,أولًا، تغلي الماء، ثم,تسكب الماء المغلي،,يجب أن تتوخى الحذر هنا.,ثم بعد 10 دقائق، تحصل على الطعام.,وهكذا نأكل في القطب الجنوبي.,- لا تعرفون كم طعمه لذيذ.,- أنا مستعد جدًا للنوم.,- في خيمتي يمكث نولان ودريم.,وكارل، من في خيمتك؟,- هذا أنا وتشاندلر وسابناب وجورج.,- ستخلد إلى النوم، صحيح؟,- نعم.,- أنا متعب جدًا وأشعر بالغثيان.,القطب الجنوبي ليس مكانًا جيدًا لتمرض فيه.,- لا يعرف جيمي أننا نحفر نفقًا.,- يا إلهي.
- لنذهب.,- من الجنوني أنه في هذا العمق.,- جيمي، لا أظن أنني سأصمد 50 ساعة.,- تزداد سرعة الرياح،,لذا سنواجه صعوبة في النوم.,حسنًا يا رفاق، قبّلا بعضكما.,- الشمس لا تغرب أبدًا حرفيًا.,في القطب الجنوبي، لذا
كانت الليلة الأولى قاسية.,- نحن في الصباح التالي،,ولا أعرف إن كان يُفترض
بي مغادرة السرير أم لا.,لأن الشمس تشرق دائمًا.,- الصباح الأول، هذا بائس.,- القطب الجنوبي ليس مكانًا للمرح.,أنا مريض يا رجل.,استيقظت وأنا أسعل دمًا.,- قبل أن تغادر خيمتك في القطب الجنوبي،,تحتاج إلى سروال طويل وقميص طويل الكمين،,زوج ثانٍ من السراويل,وزوج ثالث من السراويل وسترة,وسترة لسترتك وقناع تزلج,وأيًا كان هذا، وقفازات، وقفازات لقفازاتك،,قفازات، ونظارات كي لا تتجمد مقلتا عينيك.,ورغم أنني أضع كل هذا، ما زال
ممكنًا أن أُصاب بقضمة الصقيع.,مع دخول اليوم الثاني،,هناك أمران مهمان جدًا يجب أن نهتم بهما.,أولًا:,في القطب الجنوبي،
تعتقدون أنه يمكنكم التبول,في الثلج ببساطة، لكن لا يمكنكم ذلك,لذلك علينا التبول في هذه الزجاجات,ونحتفظ بهما حتى نهاية الفيديو.,درجة الحرارة ناقص 20 درجة.,لنر إن كنت أستطيع التبول.,مهلًا، فعلتها!,- لقد نجح!,- فعلتها.,- جميل.,- استغرق ذلك خمس دقائق.,وثانيًا:,كثير من الرفاق بحاجة إلى أن يتبرزون،,لذا سنبتعد عن المخيم لننصب خيمة للبراز.,- يجب أن أتبرز.,- أسوأ جزء في القطب الجنوبي هو,أن العواصف الثلجية العملاقة ستمر عشوائيًا,وتبدأ بشرتك بالتجمد حرفيًا.,- كلا! الخيمة!,- هذا مؤلم!,- خيمة سيئة.,- ثبتوها!,- ابقي ثابتة أيتها الخيمة.,- نجح الأمر.,هذا الدلو هو مرحاضي، وهذا هو الحمام.,سأخرج رجلًا أفضل.,- نولان، كيف حالك؟,- كانت تلك أسوأ تجربة في حياتي.,- هل ترون ذلك الجبل هناك؟,- أجل!,- ليس له اسم حاليًا.,ويعرف الجميع أنك لو تسلقت جبلًا،,فلك أن تُطلق عليه اسمًا.,من يريد الانضمام إلي؟,- ليس أنا.,- سأحضر أغراضي من الخيمة بسرعة.,- حسنًا,- تركت شيئًا في خيمتي.,- الطقس سيىء.
- بحقك!,- قد أضطر إلى...,- ستتسلق الجبل معي.,- لمجرد أنني الأخير هنا؟,- أحتاج إلى شخص لأتمسك به في حال وقعت.,- يسرني أن الجو ليس عاصفًا.,- حقًا، بما أنه لم يُسمّ ذلك الجبل،,إن تسلّقناه، فسنتمكن حرفيًا من تسميته,كما نريد.,- وداعًا يا رفاق!
- إلى اللقاء.,- إلى اللقاء.
- الآن، عمليّة الثقب.,هيّا.,- خلال الـ20 ساعة الماضية،,نحن نحفر هذه الحفرة.,عندما يعود جيمي، سيكون هذا هائلًا!,- لسنا حتى في الجبل،,وقد واجهنا العقبة الأولى.,إنه بحر من الجليد.,انظر إلى هذا المنظر.,القطب الجنوبي مذهل.,ما أجمله.,- توخ الحذر الشديد يا جيمي.,- الأرض زلقة جدًا.,- توخ الحذر الشديد.,وطأ هذا المكان أقل من
10 أشخاص على وجه الأرض.,- هذا هو الجبل الذي سنتسلقه.,على أي حال، لنتسلق قبل أن نموت.,- إلى الأمام!,- يا إلهي!,- يا للهول! لا تنزلق.,- هذا جامح.,أنا خائف جدًا,هناك حفرة على يميني,إن سقطت إلى الخلف
فسأتدحرج لمسافة ألفي قدم.,جيمي.,- ماذا؟,- مضى 30 ساعة!,- أجل!,- هذا جرف شاهق.,أنا لا أمزح.,- إن سقطنا هناك، سنموت.,- نعم، بلا أدنى شك.,- ما زال كارل يبحث رغم أنه عميق جدًا.,- كيف سأخرج من هنا؟,- جيمي!,- أنا هنا.,استمر في الدوس.,- عجبًا! أجل، أنا على قيد الحياة.,- سأذهب لأتبو
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Shopify Theme Optimization Tutorial
Shopify Theme Optimization Tutorial
starting and our hangout is live,wonderful howdy folks it's quite a few,people joining us which is wonderful and,joining me is mr. Craig Davis hi say,hello hey folks,excellent you know it's a change so in,both of our both our offices we have the,same acoustic foam tile because we both,buy everything from Amazon and I noticed,that Kai's glue job is a little bit,off-center you could trust me with,anything right onto your website nothing,relating to a home improvement tasks,good to know,okay so if people would be so kind as to,ask a question or suggest topic mainly,so ask a question or suggest your store,and we can run through quickly that,would be fantastic if you do it in just,that big red ask a question or suggest a,topic button it's at the bottom and I,see we've got we started with two,questions we're up to three so you know,just keep putting them up there that,would be fantastic for us you know I,could see that easily the chat the Q&A,on the side I don't necessarily see that,but so first what we're going to do you,know let's talk about what we mean by,theme optimization what the point is you,know the the quick five-minute 500 foot,view and then you know run through a,working example and we'll talk through,what what works and what should be,interesting is you know Kai is a guy is,going to be my my devil's advocate here,for what may not work and some of the,stores I've set up which could be,interesting and beyond that you know,then I would just like to run through,some of your stores and your questions,so make sure you're you're posting those,cool cool cool all right so when we talk,about you know the the what know-how,when we talk about theme optimization,we're really talking just about web,design optimization web designs set up,you know in Shopify functionally our,theme is our website you know it's no,different than WordPress or if,you were cutting your own static website,back in the day like I'm fond of doing,but the whole point you know of,optimization really comes down to making,things as easy as possible to use so you,know we think immediately of putting,your payment details in and everyone,concentrates on making that easy to use,I've noticed but before you even get,there there's so many more steps you,know we have to look at the entire thing,end-to-end,so when someone first lands on the site,do they know they're at the right place,do they know what you sell who you sell,it for why what the benefit is and,that's a lot of about positioning and we,talked about that two weeks ago and the,positioning webinar and you know then,can they find the right products can,they find the thing they're looking for,can they get it into their cart easily,and then can they check out and along,the whole way do they feel safe and the,reason that all of these things these,tiny little things about optimization,are so incredibly important is your,biggest enemy isn't your competitors,it's the back button you know at any,moment it is just so easy for me to,swipe back click back hit the backspace,key I can just very easily leave your,website and go to back to Google and,just search something else find someone,else's website or just go back to Amazon,you know there's no reason I have to,suffer through a poorly set up website,be it a Shopify store or anything else,and I think you know we know that you,know when everyone is browsing other,people's website suddenly they're very,critical but with their own site you,know the issue is no one spends as much,time on it as you do so stuff that makes,sense to you as the store owner may not,make sense to other people so when we,talk about optimization ot mop today,ssin we're really just talking about hey,can we make this theme as easy as,possible to use you know the big reason,is the the phrase that I coined with Kai,at double your freelancing conference is,the user is a crazy lazy drunk if we,just think about the user that way if we,assume you know I just assume the worst,of the visitor you know that they are on,their worst day when they visit your,website that's a good starting point so,if we can design and optimize,them then we know it's going to work for,everyone else who might just be lazy and,drunk or just drunk but for the sake of,it let's assume everyone is lazy that,one's probably safe all right,CAI anything together I was just going,to say whenever I look at a website for,optimization possibilities I always,imagine that the user I'm designing for,these or I'm optimizing for they're,ordering a gift for their spouse they're,about to get into a taxi or an uber and,so they're really really rushed so in,that scenario luggage in one hand phone,in the other thinking about their trip,needing to order a gift can they browse,your website buy the thing and complete,checkout within two minutes three,minutes if not what can you do to make,it easier for that person in that,completely hectic crazy situation to be,able to find their way forward like Kirk,pointed out if you optimize for that,call
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Customize your Shopify Email Notifications
Customize your Shopify Email Notifications
hi I'm Alma kin from curious themes web,development studio in Nashville,Tennessee and in this video tutorial I'm,going to show you how to customize your,order notifications in the Shopify,back-end,so I'm here under the notifications area,which you can get to by just going to,settings in this lower left-hand corner,and then choosing from there,notifications so as you can see here,there's a lot of different notifications,that you have both under order as well,as for shipping as well as of course the,customer in terms of inviting them,letting them create their password so,there's a lot of different options here,so they all have the default template as,well as the the design and the wording,that all of the Shopify notifications,have however if you want to have a,little bit more customized branding this,is my favorite way to do it so it's,actually using an app called klaviyo,and I think I'm saying that right but if,you go to their website it is que la vie,I y ou comm which you can see here and,I'll also put in a link in the,description below but you can sign up,for a free trial so they do have paid,email marketing options which would,actually have them be your email,marketing provider however and they you,know really connect in with your Shopify,store and do a lot of data stuff however,I don't really say that you have to do,that you can definitely use the free,trial here and customize your,notifications first and pull that into,Shopify without having to use one of,their paid plans so what you'll do first,is go into their website and sign up for,the free trial here and once you do that,once you log in I'm gonna go into my,dashboard area of klaviyo now or however,you say their name but you're going to,go to this left-hand menu called email,templates now I have a few already in,here as you can tell I really do like,using this software but what you're,going to do is you're going to click in,the top right hand corner to create,template now,the great thing about this is that it,connects directly with Shopify so you,can see here they have their basic,templates to let you stylize things but,they already have Shopify templates set,up so they have ones already set up for,order confirmation shipping confirmation,shipping update and order cancel so we,are going to just click on the order,confirmation and I'm just going to name,this test you can of course name it,whatever you want to and I'm gonna hit,create template so now it gives us this,overall design that you can see here of,you know setting up to put in an image,it's Auto populating the fields that are,coming in so anything that you see with,this dotted box around it like how you,see here the shipping name the date the,shipping address billing address all of,that is being Auto populated by Shopify,again this is for an order confirmation,so it'll pull in all of their order,information as well as you can see all,of the order details here and all of it,down here as well so you don't have to,really worry about any of the content in,terms of editing that you can always of,course add in more of your wording and,so to edit a block you would just hover,over the one you want to edit and hit,the pencil icon and that's gonna update,it on the left hand side so instead of,thank you for placing your order with,shop name you can use this just like you,would a word document and edit exactly,what you'd like however if you still,want the information to auto populate,like for example this date anything,within the two curly brackets you won't,want to change because that's how it's,Auto populating that in so let's go,ahead and add in some personality and,branding to this so we'll come in here,and let's do an image first so I'm just,going to click on this field here for an,image and it's popping up this box I'm,going to come over here to upload import,and browse for file and then I'm going,to choose the file that I want on my,computer,and I'm gonna hit open and then upload,so it's put in here so you can see the,settings on the left hand side now so I,want to Center this image and I also,want to make it linked to my actual,website so I'll put in my website into,the link here so I recommend having this,go to either a home page or if you,wanted to if you expect to get you know,enquiries you could put that to go,directly to a contact page as well and,we'll just hit save and there's a lot of,different options that you can use on,this left hand side to change it up a,little bit in terms of the styling so,for example this logo is just a little,bit close to the top and the bottom of,the text so you can come over here and,we're just gonna drag and drop the,spacer I'm gonna drop it above and I'm,gonna keep that no background height of,20 pixels is great and hit save and I'm,gonna do the same for the bottom just to,give a little bit more space so now it,has more breathing room let's scroll,down here to the bottom and let's say we,want to add in an image so for example,for a lot of my notifications I i
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Web Design vs Wix vs Wordpress vs Shopify?
Web Design vs Wix vs Wordpress vs Shopify?
hey guys welcome to the vlog so let's,talk about web design 2018 a question,that I get every so often is whether or,not Web Design as a profession is at,risk because of tools like Wix web,building tools like Wix Squarespace,tools like Shopify are these tools going,to make web design obsolete because they,look pretty easy to use and you can,create some pretty good-looking sites,short answer is no because you have to,look at these things as being tools,period yes for very simple sites any,small non-trained non-professional could,get in there and build something it's,very basic but there's much more to web,design today than just doing a layout,much more than that,you'd be surprised of how many business,owners small business owners have no,ability to see and layout things even,with the tool like Wix you kind of think,of it like a race car you can give an,average person a race car does that mean,they're gonna be able to drive it on a,track well chances are not very likely,let me get into this a little bit more,web design goes through changes every so,often and these changes are driven by,technology so back in 1994 when I,started building websites everything was,hand coding then the programs came out,the web design programs came out like,front-page hot dog Dreamweaver later on,etc etc and they changed the way we used,to build sites and that went on for a,couple years because of limitation of,technologies in terms of the coding,languages people would make made heavy,use of programs photo editing programs,like Photoshop CorelDraw whatever in,their web design the web design toolset,in the 1990s was very different from,where they are today or even where they,were in the early 2000s I remember a,friend of mine,who had been a professional web designer,webmaster as we would call them back,then and he stepped away from the web,design world for about three years to,three years and when he came back he,found out but it was totally changed the,way we would look at things the way we,would apply the technologies was totally,totally changed one of the major changes,was that the use of Photoshop had,diminished quite a bit back in the late,90s early 90s using Photoshop was a huge,part of the process to fast forward to,2003 and 4 totally changed the use of,Photoshop became at best,secondary and in fact today say you,don't really need hardly any Photoshop,skills to be a successful web,professional web designer today that's,another story so in comes the early,2000s you have this migration to CSS,based layout the whole game changes,again back in those days around that,time give it a couple years WordPress,came about and other content management,systems you install it on the server,boom a bone you apply template and then,you want to generate a new page it's,just like using a lose the week which,you see what you get type of app and,Bob's your uncle where you go and web,designers were freaking out oh my no no,no abused WordPress we won't have any,more work we won't build all these pages,well what happened was that yes certain,jobs that a web designer did in the 90s,got replaced with even more complex jobs,in certain respects that you did with,WordPress so you had this growth of the,WordPress professional the WordPress,ecosystem with the themes and the,plugins and the templates the,installations and a maintenance in the,update and now today 35% of websites are,give or take are powered by WordPress,added another CMS this you're looking at,you know maybe close to 40% of the,websites or CMS based and that makes,sense,CMS's are good but it hasn't taken,away from the utility of web designers,it's just that their roles the jobs that,the web designer did changed quite a bit,fast-forward to today you have web,builders like wakes you got ecommerce,platforms like Shopify and people are,wondering um all know is that going to,replace web designers as well again the,web professional web designer is kind of,an old-school term today I think web,professional or front-end developer,might be better but even front-end,developers kind of a specialization you,see web design the whole process of,putting a site on the web there's,different ways to approach it you can,use web builder like a Wix or,Squarespace you can use a Shopify you,can go traditional you can go WordPress,your go Drupal all these things are,viable and depending on the nature of,the job at hand you can use one or the,other so to answer a burning question a,lot of newb web designers or aspiring,web designers or front-end developers,have will these tools make web design,obsolete no it's just going to shift the,way web designers work and the type of,skills that they bring to the table,in fact guess what there are jobs for,professional Wix developers believe it,or not there are jobs for professional,Shopify developers of course there's,tons of work for WordPress professionals,as well so it's just there is just a,shift in the skill sets required for a,web developer web that web developer a,web des
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5 Things To Know Before You Start Your Shopify Store | Ecommerce Tips 2021
5 Things To Know Before You Start Your Shopify Store | Ecommerce Tips 2021
hey guys Greta here and today I'm going,to be covering five things that you need,to know before you start an e-commerce,business over the last six years I,founded for multi-million dollar,ecommerce brands including skinny meaty,v and drop model and scaled these brands,into the eight figures I've also made,some huge mistakes along the way these,are mistakes I see new ecommerce,entrepreneurs making again and again now,I've also taught a course alongside,found are called start and Scalia online,store to thousands of students so I've,not only learnt from my own mistakes but,also send thousands of e-commerce,entrepreneurs just starting out make,their own the best thing about making a,mistake are the lessons that you learn,in doing so so today I'm not only going,to identify five things that you need to,know before you start an e-commerce,business but also give you some,actionable tips around them where I can,so let's list them quickly now so that,you know what the agenda is for today,number one your product is the solution,to a problem number two your product,needs to be viable for e-commerce number,three you need to be able to communicate,how you're different,number four your customer is not,everyone and number five you can build,your audience before you have a product,so I'm going to take you through all of,these with an example of a new,e-commerce brand and how you'd apply,each of these learnings to that brand,like I said this is going to be very,actionable then I'm going to let you,know how you can get started today so,let's dive straight into it number one,your product is the solution to a,problem so the first thing that you need,to know when starting an e-commerce,business is that you're not just,creating a product you're solving a,problem the world does not need more,products what it does need is better,solutions to existing problems one of,the most common mistakes I see new,entrepreneurs making again and again is,creating a solution before identifying,the problem so before thinking what,product can I sell first think about,what problem can I solve so what we need,to do is find a problem that you know,exists or better yet you've experienced,yourself ideally this will be a niche,that you're truly passionate about as,this is going to be something that you,want to be able to do day in day out for,the foreseeable future,so let's use an example I'm interested,in protecting our shared environment for,future generations this might be because,my mom was a bit of a hippie and also,like a lot of mums the person I look up,to most in this world so a huge,environmental issue is waste both,landfill and recyclable for different,reasons my mum has taken to doing things,like lighting have been with old,newspaper instead of plastic bags and,she religiously takes her own reusable,bags to the supermarket including the,ones that you put your fruit and veggies,in to be weighed so the problem I'd like,my brand to solve is decreasing waste,from everyday disposable items so a good,way to come up with your product type,here is by turning your problem into a,question and your product type over the,answer to that question so the question,would be how can i decrease waste from,everyday disposable items and one answer,would be to make those items reusable so,now let's start to think of some items,that use daily that are disposable that,you could make reusable so the first few,things that come to mind just off the,top of my head of razors toothbrushes,takeaway coffee cups and straws so now,you want to begin to have a think and do,some research around each potential,product idea and which you think has the,biggest market potential and which isn't,being done as well as the others so,let's fast forward and go for the item,of those which has the least market,saturation which is disposable straws,then we want to focus in and start to do,some additional research around our,problem and solution so we want to look,into some of the facts and figures that,you can focus on to highlight the,problem of disposable strollers,apparently an estimated 500 million,straws are used everyday in the US alone,this is a powerful number and will help,your potential customer instantly,understand the importance of making a,change then you want to highlight the,fact that plastic straws can not be,recycled and that they sit in landfill,for years or pollute our waterways so,you're starting to create a compelling,reason for your prospective customers to,switch to a reusable straw by getting to,the,to understand and even empathize with,the problem now your customer just needs,to understand how your product is,different to every other reusable straw,on the market which we'll cover in point,number three but first we need to make,sure our product is viable for,e-commerce so moving on to point number,two not all products are viable for,e-commerce now that you've come up with,the problem in it you're solving and the,solution your product you need to make,sure that your prod
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Claim your Website on Pinterest for your Shopify Store
Claim your Website on Pinterest for your Shopify Store
are you ready to get started with,Pinterest for your Shopify store well,you are in luck because we are doing a,four part video series all about,Pinterest and Shopify and in this first,video we're going to show you how to,claim your website on Pinterest so stay,tuned,hi and thanks so much for joining us if,you are new here my name is Elle McCann,and I've been a Shopify expert for six,years now if you've already been a,subscriber to this channel thanks so,much for watching and make sure to,comment below and say hey now I am so,excited to be doing a four part video,series all about Pinterest and Shopify,and how they are just perfect together,so if you are just getting started on,this and maybe it's already come out,well then you are in luck and you can,watch the full playlist up in the info,cards above or in the description below,now in this first video we are going to,be talking about how to actually claim,your website on Pinterest and you just,need to do a little bit of tweaking or,put in some code on your Shopify store,so that you can claim your website now,the benefit of doing this is that,there's another place where your website,is listed and maybe people go to your,actual Pinterest profile and click on,your website there after they found a,couple pins that they like so it's just,another place to link in your Shopify,store and get it connected to Pinterest,so let's go ahead and hop into my screen,and I'm going to show you exactly how to,get that set up okay so I am in the back,end of my Shopify store now and I am,under online store and themes and we're,gonna actually be adding some code into,our Shopify theme here so to show you,exactly what it's gonna look like let's,hop over to Pinterest and you can see,here for our curious themes profile you,can see here this WWC our themes calm,and it has this little globe with a,check and it says this website has been,claimed so this is what we are trying to,set up on our Pinterest profile for this,website as well of in all home so we,don't have it here so we're gonna go,ahead and claim our website for this,profile so to do this we're just going,to click on the three dots in the,right-hand corner and then go to edit,settings and then claim and you can see,here it has this area of claim your,website so we're just going to type in,our website URL,okay and I'm gonna hit claim and you,have two different options you can,either add HTML tag to your site or,upload an HTML file so since we are,doing Shopify we actually don't have the,option with Shopify to upload an an HTML,file to our root directory folder,because this is all on Shopify servers,so the option that we're going to need,to do if your web site is with Shopify,is this add HTML tag so we're gonna just,click on this here and I'm gonna copy,this and I'm going to before I hit the,next button I'm gonna go back to my,Shopify store and now I'm going to click,on actions and from this drop-down menu,I'm gonna hit edit code now you want to,be careful when you're doing this,because you can you know mess up your,site design or your site functionality,so you want to be very careful and pay,attention whenever you're editing any of,the code in this area under the layout,area you're going to click on this theme,dot lick one and then now you're going,to see a few different things on the,page so you're gonna see this first head,tag and then you're going to want to,scroll down and see where the end head,tag is you need to paste this code that,we copied in between these head tags if,you do it too far down the page then it,won't work correctly so I'm just gonna,put it here next to this tag and I'm,gonna hit enter twice and then paste it,in and then I'm gonna hit save in the,top right hand corner okay so now we,have our Pinterest code on our site so,I'm just gonna head back to Pinterest,and I'm gonna hit next and now it's just,saying that we are going to submit it,for a review and it's gonna take about,24 hours for Pinterest to review it on,your site and make sure that the code is,in there correctly to get that website,showing up on your profile so we're just,gonna hit submit and again you see this,stay tuned so then you'll be looking for,an email from them and then once it is,approved then you'll see that area on,your Pinterest profile and that's,you have to do thank you so much for,watching and I hope you found that video,tutorial helpful in our next video we're,gonna be talking about how to set up the,Pinterest conversion tags so you can,actually track exactly what actions,people are taking on your site whenever,they come from Pinterest so stay tuned,and if you're not a subscriber yet make,sure to hit that subscribe button below,and be the first to be notified when if,we put out new videos and tutorials all,about Shopify and how to grow your,online store,thanks for watching
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