confirming shopify website on pintrest

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How to Claim Your Shopify Website on Pinterest (in under 5 minutes!)

how to claim your shopify website on,pinterest i was recently doing an audit,for a client and came across one of the,most important things that you need to,do in your pinterest strategy and that,is to claim your domain it doesn't,matter if you have a wordpress domain in,this case a shopify domain you need to,claim your store in order for you to,actually have that extra added layer of,analytics inside of your pinterest,account and it'll also show on the front,end of your profile as claimed and,pinterest actually will prefer claim,domains in the algorithm they actually,seem to prioritize them in distribution,of pins so let's hop right on into the,tutorial you can do this in under four,minutes and i promise you're not gonna,break your website first thing that you,need to do to actually install and claim,that,website is to go to settings in your,pinterest account,and go to claim,and once you're inside of claim you're,going to go to,websites now you can claim more than one,website,on your pinterest account now and you,can also claim these other channels now,i've covered these in a separate video,if you'd like to watch that you can so,just in this video we're going to claim,our shopify website,so the very first thing we're going to,do is actually add an html tag to our,liquid file on our site,we cannot upload files to shopify,unfortunately and since we're not um,we can't access the hosting as well this,doesn't work either so what we're going,to do is go ahead and click to copy this,html tag,and hop over to your site now it's,probably going to look similar to this,on the front end you're going to go to,online store once you're here you're,going to click themes and that's if,you're looking for other themes but,we're going to go to edit code now we're,looking for our theme dot liquid so if,you want to search through here,typically what i do it's it's up here at,the top but i will control f and just,search theme,dot liquid,and this is where we need to put that,meta tag that we got from pinterest,so you have to paste it between the head,tags so you can see the beginning of the,head tag starts here,and you want to scroll down and find the,end of the head tag,and the end of the head tag is here and,then the body starts here,so you can see right here,this particular website has a google,site verification meta tag right there,so what we can do is just enter down a,couple of times paste our pinterest,meta tag and then you want to put it,before the in tag,now if you are doing your,pinterest tag you're not going to use,this method so,do not manually install your pinterest,tag for shopify using this method,there's a much better way so this is,just to claim your domain so your,website on pinterest shows claimed,once you've pasted that in before the,end of the head tag click save,we're going to go back to pinterest and,we're going to click continue and we're,going to put the name of the website in,so it's just this particular one is shop,quinn street i'm going to pull up the,full domain and i'm going to come over,here and paste it in,and click verify,and it says you're connected and done,and then it will say that your domain is,claimed now this may take sometimes this,can take up to 24 hours to show claimed,so over here on the front end it's not,actually showing a claim status anymore,or currently there will be a little,world with the check box,but it is showing claimed in the back,end so if it's not showing out here on,the front end it likely is fighting with,your,verified merchant status if you have a,verified merchant status these two,things can fight with each other and it,may not show that world with the,checkbox,however just to verify that the site is,claimed you'll go to settings,and claim and it'll just show that it's,claimed here,and that's how you know your website is,claimed,so don't worry if the world on the front,end does not show it's okay,just make sure that it actually shows,claimed in here,and that's it that's how you install,your meta tag to claim your website your,shopify website on pinterest,if you liked that tutorial i would love,it if you would give the video a thumbs,up that way more people can see it just,like you did and for your viewing,pleasure head on over here and watch the,pinterest for ecommerce strategy,tutorials that way you can up your,strategy game on pinterest in 2021 and,beyond that's it for today see you later

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Claim your Website on Pinterest for your Shopify Store

Claim your Website on Pinterest for your Shopify Store

are you ready to get started with,Pinterest for your Shopify store well,you are in luck because we are doing a,four part video series all about,Pinterest and Shopify and in this first,video we're going to show you how to,claim your website on Pinterest so stay,tuned,hi and thanks so much for joining us if,you are new here my name is Elle McCann,and I've been a Shopify expert for six,years now if you've already been a,subscriber to this channel thanks so,much for watching and make sure to,comment below and say hey now I am so,excited to be doing a four part video,series all about Pinterest and Shopify,and how they are just perfect together,so if you are just getting started on,this and maybe it's already come out,well then you are in luck and you can,watch the full playlist up in the info,cards above or in the description below,now in this first video we are going to,be talking about how to actually claim,your website on Pinterest and you just,need to do a little bit of tweaking or,put in some code on your Shopify store,so that you can claim your website now,the benefit of doing this is that,there's another place where your website,is listed and maybe people go to your,actual Pinterest profile and click on,your website there after they found a,couple pins that they like so it's just,another place to link in your Shopify,store and get it connected to Pinterest,so let's go ahead and hop into my screen,and I'm going to show you exactly how to,get that set up okay so I am in the back,end of my Shopify store now and I am,under online store and themes and we're,gonna actually be adding some code into,our Shopify theme here so to show you,exactly what it's gonna look like let's,hop over to Pinterest and you can see,here for our curious themes profile you,can see here this WWC our themes calm,and it has this little globe with a,check and it says this website has been,claimed so this is what we are trying to,set up on our Pinterest profile for this,website as well of in all home so we,don't have it here so we're gonna go,ahead and claim our website for this,profile so to do this we're just going,to click on the three dots in the,right-hand corner and then go to edit,settings and then claim and you can see,here it has this area of claim your,website so we're just going to type in,our website URL,okay and I'm gonna hit claim and you,have two different options you can,either add HTML tag to your site or,upload an HTML file so since we are,doing Shopify we actually don't have the,option with Shopify to upload an an HTML,file to our root directory folder,because this is all on Shopify servers,so the option that we're going to need,to do if your web site is with Shopify,is this add HTML tag so we're gonna just,click on this here and I'm gonna copy,this and I'm going to before I hit the,next button I'm gonna go back to my,Shopify store and now I'm going to click,on actions and from this drop-down menu,I'm gonna hit edit code now you want to,be careful when you're doing this,because you can you know mess up your,site design or your site functionality,so you want to be very careful and pay,attention whenever you're editing any of,the code in this area under the layout,area you're going to click on this theme,dot lick one and then now you're going,to see a few different things on the,page so you're gonna see this first head,tag and then you're going to want to,scroll down and see where the end head,tag is you need to paste this code that,we copied in between these head tags if,you do it too far down the page then it,won't work correctly so I'm just gonna,put it here next to this tag and I'm,gonna hit enter twice and then paste it,in and then I'm gonna hit save in the,top right hand corner okay so now we,have our Pinterest code on our site so,I'm just gonna head back to Pinterest,and I'm gonna hit next and now it's just,saying that we are going to submit it,for a review and it's gonna take about,24 hours for Pinterest to review it on,your site and make sure that the code is,in there correctly to get that website,showing up on your profile so we're just,gonna hit submit and again you see this,stay tuned so then you'll be looking for,an email from them and then once it is,approved then you'll see that area on,your Pinterest profile and that's,you have to do thank you so much for,watching and I hope you found that video,tutorial helpful in our next video we're,gonna be talking about how to set up the,Pinterest conversion tags so you can,actually track exactly what actions,people are taking on your site whenever,they come from Pinterest so stay tuned,and if you're not a subscriber yet make,sure to hit that subscribe button below,and be the first to be notified when if,we put out new videos and tutorials all,about Shopify and how to grow your,online store,thanks for watching

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How To Claim Your Shopify Website On Pinterest 2019

How To Claim Your Shopify Website On Pinterest 2019

in this video I'm gonna be showing you,guys in about four seconds how you can,claim your Shopify website on Pinterest,I was a little confused at first but I,just figured out how to do it so I'm,gonna hop over to my computer and show,you how to do it by the way I'm Hannah,Gardner you got any value out of this,video please comment like and subscribe,and you know what you have to do again,we are confirming our website with,Pinterest and the reason you want to do,this is because with any you know search,engine or any social media account that,you make an account a business account,on you want to give it as much,information as you can you want to get,all the verifications you want to get,your website confirm confirm your phone,number your email whatever it asked for,you gonna want to give it for your,business specifically because it's gonna,make you compliant with the platform,you're making them happy and you want to,comply with everything that they're,asking for so that you get your stuff,seen in front of the most people as,possible in addition to that it even,says right here what this is gonna do,once the website confirm it's gonna give,us some further analytics about how our,Pinterest account is sending traffic to,our website so it says confirm your,website to see what people are saying,from your domain you're saving from your,domain you'll know how all your content,is doing on Pinterest just not not just,the pins you've saved to your profile so,you want to confirm your website so in,order to do that you're gonna press,confirm your website and what its gonna,say is to take this piece of code here,and put this into the head section of,your website's index dot HTML file so if,you're not at familiar with this page,another way to get to this is by going,to settings and going to claim and then,going to claim your website now I,already am just claimed my website,before this so I'm not gonna do it again,but I'm gonna just show you how to do it,so you're gonna,claim you're gonna put ad HTML tag and,this is that same tag that we just saw a,second ago you're gonna take this tag,you're gonna copy it ctrl C you're gonna,go into your website on Shopify that was,my website and you're gonna go to,actions and you are going to go to edit,code go to your theme liquid and don't,get overwhelmed with all this stuff it,honestly this is just how you do it it's,um you don't need a new code or anything,but what you are gonna do is you're not,you're good you're not you're gonna look,for this little head right here but this,is the opening one you want to look for,the closing one so if you're on a Mac,you can go ctrl F and that will let you,search so you're gonna want to search,for this thing I don't even know what,this stuff means - head and you're gonna,want to you're gonna want to make sure,that this is the second one the closing,one which there's only there should only,be two so this is the opening one here,and then this is the closing one here,and you're going to want to paste that,tag right above this as you can see mine,is put right here and then once you put,it here you're just gonna want to hit,save and then it says stay tuned we're,checking your site and we will email you,in the next 24 hours so mine should be,claimed because we have it will it,should claim here in the next 24 hours,since I just put that HTML tag into my,website's head underneath that little,head whatever that means the closing,head tag but it's really that simple,and then hopefully here in the next 24,hours my website will be claimed and I,will be able to see that little piece of,analytics which if you want to see where,you get to that you go to here analytics,and you go to overview and then if it,brings you to a different page other,than that other than this which will,call it there should be a little thing,here that says bring me back to the old,analytics overview because I know,they're updating this as of this video,looks like it already is sinking here,and it says please check back soon we're,processing the latest day that's so it,looks like this is already in the works,of getting this updated so cool stuff in,if you guys have any questions don't,hesitate to comment down below and this,video is made as July 24th of 2019 so,there may be updates don't freak out if,you're watching this video you're from,now and it's changed so if you enjoyed,this video make sure you subscribe and,I'll see you guys in my next video

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How to use Pinterest + Shopify Integration? Selling on Pinterest | Pinterest for Ecommerce (2022)

How to use Pinterest + Shopify Integration? Selling on Pinterest | Pinterest for Ecommerce (2022)

How does Pinterest marketing work for eCommerce sites? Can you connect your,Shopify store and Pinterest and how you can start profitably selling on,Pinterest? I will answer all these questions and more in today's video.,Hi! I'm Anastasia I'm a Pinterest marketing expert and if you,sign up for my channel you will get fresh and valuable Pinterest tips every,Thursday. So click on Subscribe and on that Bell button to get notifications and now,let's move on to your questions. So, why am I so confident that Pinterest is a,great place to promote products for eCommerce sites? Well, just look at these,quick stats to show you how strong is the buyer intent on Pinterest. 90% of,weekly users are looking on Pinterest to make purchasing decisions,this may include immediate purchases and planning for later purchases.,55% of users said that they login to Pinterest specifically to find products, that's,more than half of all the user base and 50% of Pinterest users say that they buy,something after seeing a Promoted pin (meaning a Pinterest ad). And based on,these factors, Pinterest is about 4 times more effective at generating sales,than other social media platforms. If you have been eCommerce or dropshipping,business for a while now, you probably know that most of the marketers would,recommend you Facebook Ads. But the hard part about Facebook Ads nowadays is that,it's too much competition there. So Facebook has become too expensive,,especially for beginners in the industry. And if we compare Pinterest and,Instagram, just the fact that every pin image on Pinterest is clickable and can,be linked to your store or directly to the product page, just this fact itself,makes Pinterest so much more powerful as a traffic source compared to Instagram,where you can have max one link to the store in your bio and,that's it. Another reason you should be on Pinterest is because of the half-life,of a pin. It's so much longer than an average post duration on other social,media platforms like Instagram or Twitter for example. If you get traffic,from your post on these platforms it will last for a few hours perhaps -,maximum one day. Your pins on Pinterest can bring you traffic for many months,and for some pins even for years. This especially applies to seasonal products,because Pinterest tends to revive old viral pins every year when the season,comes. I've seen this a lot with my Halloween and Thanksgiving pins. You can,see on this screenshot that I'm getting traffic from the same post the same pins,basically are getting viral year after year at the same time. And I hope,to get traffic again, the same viral spike of traffic this year in around,October and November. So what are the best e-commerce platforms you can use,with Pinterest? I will start with Etsy because it's one of the first,platforms Pinterest created integration with and moreover Etsy is the only,platform of its kind for which Pinterest created a simple verification process in,your account. To connect your Pinterest account with Etsy and start seeing,Product pins, you don't even need to install any code on your store. You can,simply verify your Etsy shop by just going to your settings and then clicking,to Claim and here you will see verification for Etsy when you click,here the browser will simply ask you to log in to your Etsy account and when you,do it - boom! - your verification is complete and you're gonna start seeing your,Rich pins for these Etsy product pins. If you're not sure what a Product pin is,,let me just show you a few examples. So, if we click and on this pin, it's an,irregular pin that goes to a post on their site and this,is called article type of pin it's also a Rich pin but it's an Article pin,because it goes to an article. And if you go back you will see here some Product,pins, they will have this icon on the left and when you click on a Product pin,it always has a price tag. It also brings from the site, from the product page it,brings the title of the product and the description. But the main difference,between the product pin and article pin is that product pins they bring the,information about the price of this product. Here is a perfect example of an,Etsy product pin you can see that the link goes to an Etsy store, and you,have here all the information that is displayed on the Etsy product page.,One side note here. To see the settings that I'm showing you about claiming your,Etsy store, you must have a business account on Pinterest. If you don't know,what I'm talking about and how to set up a business account, I already published a,video with all the details about it on my channel. I will give you a link to,that video in the info icon. It will be in the top right corner and also I will,duplicate that link in the description below this video.,So basically Pinterest just connects Etsy account as easy as your YouTube or,Instagram account and if you have an Etsy store and also a self-hosted,website, you can actually verify both of them

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I Made $432/Day On Shopify With FREE Pinterest Traffic | 2022

I Made $432/Day On Shopify With FREE Pinterest Traffic | 2022

In this video, I'm going to show you exactly how I made $432 on Shopify with free Pinterest,traffic.,It only takes one hour of work.,Now, believe it or not, I actually came across this method by accident when one of my old,Shopify source started making sales seemingly out of nowhere.,I logged into the dashboard and saw that 80% of the sales were all coming from Pinterest.,Now, all we did in the store was make a couple of boards, pin all of our products in the,appropriate categories, and let it sit, and it's been like that for years.,Now, I found out that there's actually two methods of getting a ton of free traffic from,Pinterest.,There's a very passive way and an active way.,In this video, I'm going to show you how to do both.,The passive way I could explain really quickly, then we're going to jump right into how to,set this all up.,When I looked into it a little bit further, I found out that Pinterest was acting as a,catalyst for Google search traffic, so where the Shopify store didn't have the authority,to rank in Google for those product terms, Pinterest, however, did have that authority.,So simply posting all your products on Pinterest can drive a lot of free passive traffic, but,if you look at the graph right here, the method that I'm about to teach you was enabled right,about here, right towards the end where you see those big spikes, very similar method,that I taught you guys about a year, or so ago on Instagram.,You can automate your Pinterest account to drive literal thousands of visitors to your,Shopify store, your affiliate marketing offers, CPA offers, your YouTube channel, whatever,it is.,Just because I use e-commerce in this example, it doesn't mean you can't use this to drive,traffic to anything that you want.,The great thing about Pinterest is it's a buyers market.,People go on Pinterest for ideas, for different things to buy, in particular fashion items.,So let's hop into my computer, I'm going to log in to Shopify and show you how I set this,all up, but by the way, make sure number one, you smash the like button for the YouTube,algorithm.,It really helps out this channel, it helps out more people learn how to make money online.,Plus make sure you watch until the end of the video because there is a roadblock I ran,into that I'm going to show you guys how to overcome.,So if you really want to make this work for you, make sure you watch the video until the,end.,All right guys, so here we are in the Shopify dashboard for that website I set up as the,example for this video.,We've actually made a sale of $159 today.,As I'm recording this, we have one person on the website and we're showing $432 in sales,over this period.,Now, we had one large sale right before the graph starts right here.,This one right here was actually kind of a mistake.,I found out the infinite product options app I was using allowed people to get products,for a little bit cheaper, but I fixed to have bug before we continued driving traffic.,After that we had another sale of 99.99, 53.98, 99.88 and today we had that sale for $159.,And as you guys could see right here, 90% of all the traffic coming to this website,is coming from Pinterest.,So Pinterest has generated 858 visits to the website, which resulted in about $597 in sales.,And as you guys can see on the bottom right here, what we're selling on this website are,these custom bubble letter gold jewelry necklaces.,This is actually something I want you guys to keep in mind from here on out, when you're,setting up a drop shipping business, try and find products that have these big profit margins.,I mean, not only are you obviously going to make more money, but once you take this after,free traffic and you want to scale to paid advertising, you're going to have a lot of,wiggle room to experiment and a lot of profit leftover.,The person who spends the most to acquire a customer wins in the marketplace, so keep,that in mind.,So I set up this really simple little website right here, I called it 2020 gold.,These images are straight off of AliExpress, which, listen, obviously if you don't actually,want to do, if you're taking this seriously, but for an example, and just to test this,product, they absolutely worked.,If we go up here, as you guys could see bubble letter necklaces on AliExpress, you can purchase,every one of these products for around $7 I actually found some listings that let us,do it even cheaper.,So for this entire amount right here of around $600 in sales, we actually only spent about,$40 of that to purchase the product.,So again, you guys want to go out there, try and find products with really high profit,margins.,Right here we had the different chains that come with them, they have gold, silver, rolls,gold, you choose later on here.,I use a Shopify app called Infinite Product Options, which allows the customers to choose,what they want.,They could purchase individual letters or there's listings on here too, where you would,have their entire name written out or

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How to Claim a Website on Pinterest TUTORIAL (2022) // Easy Beginner Tutorial to Verify your Blog

How to Claim a Website on Pinterest TUTORIAL (2022) // Easy Beginner Tutorial to Verify your Blog

do you want to know how to claim or,verify your wordpress website on,pinterest if you're struggling to get,impressions saves on your pins and more,clicks back to your blog then i suggest,you claim your site on pinterest today,i'm going to show you two easy ways to,claim your wordpress blog for pinterest,in just a couple of minutes with no,overwhelm or tech headaches it will be,super quick and you'll see a massive,effect on your pinterest growth get your,quick win today hi there my name is,katie and i'm a swiss blogger and,pinterest marketing teacher here on,youtube i teach passionate online,entrepreneurs like you how you can use,pinterest to grow your blog so let's,reach your pinterest goals together,today so what does claim or verify your,website on pinterest means in the first,place and why should you make an effort,to connect your site today to grow your,pinterest account faster and easier also,what are the step-by-step instructions,to claim your wordpress blog in,literally five minutes so you've got,that out of the way and before we jump,in make sure you grab yourself access to,my free blogger resource library it,contains over 30 plus blogging and,pinterest related downloads you can,access immediately once you grab your,password grab your free pinterest guides,checklist cheat sheets and so much more,so that there's nothing in the way of,your pinterest success so let's do this,okay first of all what does claim or,verify your website mean on pinterest,here on my profile next to my profile,image you can see that it shows the url,of my blog here and next to the url you,can see this cute little icon meaning,that this website is claimed by me i'm,the owner of this blog and i have,connected it to my pinterest account so,basically when you claim your website,you let pinterest know you are the,source of everything saved from that,website so pinterest will know that all,pins or videos you upload to pinterest,that have a url coming from this blog,belongs to you you can claim more than,one website on your pinterest profile,but only one will show up here on your,profile you can also claim your etsy or,shopify store as well as your youtube,channel but i'll cover that in another,video okay but why should you claim your,wordpress website or blog in the first,place why does it matter first of all,when you claim your website or blog you,get access to analytics for the pins you,publish from your site and for the pins,that other people create for your site,as well so this is how this looks like,on my account next to each pin i can see,the stats for that pin for example here,i can also go into analytics and check,out which pins are performing best so i,can create more of that content i can go,into analytics here and do that second,when you claim your blog you also let,people know where they can find more of,your content i showed you this in the,beginning but your website will show up,on your profile next to your image here,from here people can directly click over,to your site from your account and boom,we are here on my blog and finally the,best part is that if you verify your,site on pinterest your profile picture,will show up next to any pins that come,from your site as well as a follow,button for your pinterest account here,this is massive if you want to grow more,followers on pinterest or attract new,customers that checked out your amazing,pins and this follow button does not,only show up on the pins you pinned,yourself but on all pins coming from,your claimed website even if someone,else repinned it or saved it from your,site this is really massive and just to,show you more proof of how important,claiming your website is check out what,tailwind found out in a huge data study,they made in the beginning of 2021. they,looked at all pens saved or created on,pinterest in january 2021. that's,thousands of pins and they have found,that eighty percent of high-performing,pinterest accounts so the accounts with,the most saves on their pins all had,claimed their domains on pinterest now,don't worry claiming your wordpress blog,is not complicated and it's going to be,super quick so if you're ready i am,let's claim and verify your wordpress,website for pinterest okay now before we,start two things are important first of,all to claim your website you need to,use a computer or a laptop right now i,think it does not work if you're on your,phone and second your website domain so,your url needs to have one of the,following formats so for example, just a site or a,subdomain so something like, or a sub path domain,like,something if you run your blog on, like me then this should,be perfect and please don't confuse, with like i,did when i started blogging you can,learn more about the difference when you,click the link here above let's jump,into the tutorial of how to claim and,verify your website on pinterest okay,first of all log into your existing,pin

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How To Claim Your website On Pinterest - Verify Website on Pinterest

How To Claim Your website On Pinterest - Verify Website on Pinterest

welcome to briscoe galaxy i'm abraham,tabath and in this video i will be,showing you,how to verify your website your,wordpress website,on pin interest and um ready for that,let's jump in and get started,to be able to upload your video on pin,interest one of the things you would,need to do,is um claim your website just directly,go,to your settings and um,come here to claim once you come to,claim here you can see here,website has not been cleaned instagram,has probably cleaned sd youtube has not,been clicked,so it's very easy to claim i just click,like for instance,i was claiming my youtube i'll just,click my youtube,and um i will just go to my youtube,account here,i will select the youtube account i'm,trying to verify,and um allow,and you can see here youtube has been,claimed for you to clean your website is,quite a different process,and um so if you click claim here you,can see that you wish to,clean your website here um either by,using the,add html tag here to your header or,uploading,the html file on your root directory,or adding this piece of code to your txt,record so um i'm just going to show you,how to do,either one of this which is very easy so,and all you need to do is download the,code,that's one or copy this piece of photo,the header section on your website here,so this is my website,and and i'm going to go,to the back and,you go to the back end of your website,you need to install the plugin it's,called,header and so if you have a wordpress,website just go to the,plugin section and install header and,footer i already have the plugin,installed,i come to my settings and you see it,here so you can find,go to the plugin directory on wordpress,and install this,insert headers and footer plugin,so once i click this and um,it's going to show me different sections,that can be sat that code i just copied,from pin interest,so you can see here i have,the script header here,and i have the body and i have,the footer so instantly here this is the,head section you can see up here telling,you,this is the add section so i'm just,going to paste this code,down here paste and um,i would say this,one thing you will need to do before,proceeding you need to check,to be sure your website is not broken,because sometimes if you paste the code,on your,um head section it might break your,website so you have to refresh,to be sure your website is still fine,okay,i don't see any issues with my website,my website still loads fine,and um looks good so all i need to do,once i've inserted that code that i've,saved,saved it and save the code,i just need to go to pin interest,here and um,continue okay but remember i also said,i'm going to show you how to,use this other method if you have access,to your website root directory,so this is my website root directory,over here so i need to find the website,um for you you might just need to go to,your cpanel and access your website,group directory so once i come to my,website directory i just click web,and i should be able to access that,particular website okay i have a couple,of websites here,so i'll just look for this website this,this is the website i'm trying to verify,over here so i'll just click preschool,and i'll come,over to the html public underscore html,section,and this is where i'm supposed to upload,that file right here,so i can just copy here and locate the,file,and drop it inside the root directory,right now i have uploaded the file,so all i need to do i can come to pd,interest and,click any of the click continue and,enter your website url below,and click the button to verify,okay so i'll just come here,and copy my website address,and paste it here,and click verify,you can see how easy it is a website,connected,done so my website has been verified,on pin interest hope this was helpful,and uh see you in the next video bye,thanks for watching,if this video was helpful and you would,love other exciting videos on tech,growing your business and making more,money online kindly subscribe to our,channel at breed school and click the,bell notification icon to stay updated,on other upcoming videos we create,you can also connect with us on facebook,twitter,instagram and linkedin at breed school,or visit us at,have a great time and keep soaring bye

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How to Claim your Shopify Store with Pinterest - E-commerce Tutorials

How to Claim your Shopify Store with Pinterest - E-commerce Tutorials

hello everyone here we are again for,another session of sellers choice,tutorials in this tutorial we will learn,how to claim your Shopify store with,Pinterest third-party services like,Pinterest require you to verify your,domain before you can use their services,this makes sure that you are the correct,owner of your Shopify store before they,provide their services to you use the,disable password protection for your,online store first to be verified if you,aren't ready to launch your store you,can disable password protection and then,enable it again after verifying your,domain the solution works only if you,are using a custom domain with your,store you must also set your root domain,as your primary domain and your Shopify,admin in rooting your domain as your,primary domain we have a tutorial for,that check the link at the description,now let us walk you through how to claim,your Shopify store with Pinterest so,let's get started don't forget to hit,the subscribe button what you need to do,first is to log in to your account at,Pinterest,that's WWF in trust calm you can either,log in using your email and password or,you see Facebook and Google once you're,in click the three dots at the top right,of the page to access the drop-down and,select settings,click the claim section on the left side,on the claim your website field type in,your website and click the claim button,on the right please the advice that this,will only work if you're using a custom,domain with your store and again you,must also set your root domain as your,primary domain in your Shopify admin,select the add HTML tag on the options,and click the next button copy the tag,that was generated and click Next then,click the submit button to submit the,review let's go to Shopify and add the,code log into your Shopify account at, click the online store section,of the sales channel on your current,theme click the actions drop-down and,select edit code search for the theme,dot liquid layout and select it I,understand that you're seeing face it,may not understand don't panic all you,need to search is the closing head tag,or the second head tag so there's the,first one of the opening head tag just,scroll down and here's the second or the,closing head tag,just on top of the closing head tag,piece the Pinterest clean tag then click,the Save button on the upper right you,should see an asset save prompt at the,bottom after when it is verified you,should see a check on the website when,you go back to Pinterest you'd also,receive an email informing you that you,have claimed the website unpin turist,when you click view analytics on your,email or when you view your analytics on,Pinterest you should see the activity,from your website so that's it that's,how you claim your Shopify store with,Pinterest just so you know that we have,a lot of tutorials and webinars on bits,of advice on how to run and the,applicable techniques for your,e-commerce business you can always visit,our site at sellers choice dot digital,and browse through a huge compilations,of webinars tutorials and vlogs and,don't forget to hit the subscribe button,to stay tuned see you soon

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