phrases not allowed at facebook ads

Top 7 Things to Avoid with Facebook Ads (Disapproved or Banned Fb Ads)fading dark spots should not b

Top 7 Things to Avoid with Facebook Ads (Disapproved or Banned Fb Ads)

fading dark spots should not be so,difficult now some of you might say,well wait that's a hook that's the,reason why i want to buy that product,anyways,you're not wrong you're definitely not,wrong but again we're playing with,facebook's rules,we're in their sandbox,so,in this lesson we're talking about the,seven deadly sins of disapproved ads,this is something very very important to,listen to over the time,facebook has gotten more and more strict,on the type of ads that are going live,if you go against their guidelines,if you start to test too many,variables facebook will inevitably,delete your ad account we've been there,before,it is continuing to happen and as we,start heating up around election time,or other major moments like black friday,cyber monday,facebook begins to nail down on these,specifically,so with that being said what are the,seven things to avoid,now there's a longer list than that and,i recommend you go through facebook's,help,but i'll highlight the key ones that,might be applicable for you today,the first daily sin to avoid is no,monetary,unrealistic claims specifically at,founder,when they are launching a story about a,student that found success,they weren't able to get ads approved,that mentioned,so-and-so made x amount of dollars in x,period of time,but when they change that copy and,specifically the headline,to this instructor was able to find x,amount of success,and no specific amount of time that ad,then went through,have to make it generic enough so that,facebook doesn't say,if you did this you get that it can't be,particular,the second deadly sin that you must,avoid is not,launching ads or advertising any,controlled or regulated substances,specifically is products that might,contain cbd,in our experience we've launched brands,that had a subtle mention on the landing,page,of cbd can't do it avoid it at all costs,even if it's an active ingredient it,needs to be buried,deep down within images and within the,product page,let me show you an example so for cbd,and other controlled substances,what needs to be highlighted is you,can't have it on your landing page,wherever you're directing that ad cannot,have,the term cbd thc or any of these,substances,highlighted so for them what they did,was they kept it to very generic face,serum now you can still see it,on the image itself,and as you continue to scroll through,and i'm at the product page level or pdp,you can notice there is no,discussion of it the only little nuance,you see is spectrum hemp which restores,balance,it's sort of suggestive hemp is not,banned it's a way around it,and as you continue to scroll there's no,other word of it,so something to remember when you're,launching ads similar to cbd,regardless of it being legal within your,country or state facebook operates by,facebook's rules,for us we choose to avoid it but,if you do need to build it and if you do,have that active ingredient within your,product,make sure it's nowhere on the landing,page and submit it to facebook,for final approval it's always the best,way to go about it,sin number three no objectible,or nudity to be seen those that might,run into an issue here,is highlighting around lingerie or,bikinis there might be other instances,if you're running a product or brand,that's specifically talking about weight,loss,specifically talking about how your body,could look after you've done a,transformation,and here's a couple of ads that we've,had to alter to make sure that it got,through,the first one is a little bit suggestive,because of how much skin is being,revealed,now the copy is fine and it gets the,point across,but this image is not acceptable by,facebook guys for us to change it,we did this now there's still skin being,shown,but the stomach is much smaller and the,shorts are a little bit longer,this way we're able to get around,facebook's,ban hammer for lack of a better term and,get our ads approved,and the campaigns running remember it's,not,against the rules but the amount of skin,being shown,needs to be brought into consideration,deadly sin number four,misspellings overuse of emojis,and running to dead pages what are dead,pages,four or four redirects oftentimes this,happened,if you have a development team working,on the back end or if you're doing,multiple tests and rotating your links,severely frowned upon and not advised,check your typos download grammarly and,don't overdo,your emojis deadly sin number five,not complying with facebook's community,standards,we are playing in facebook's sandbox,they have clearly labeled,their community standards something that,we briefly talked about,which is integrity actionable content,the safety of others violence or,criminal behavior,respected intellectual property requests,to take down,these are all things that facebook,denotes you might get a reminder,of not complying with facebook's,community standards you will get a,notification but it won't,be specific around the violation that,you've done so what i suggest,is go ahead a

The above is a brief introduction to phrases not allowed at facebook ads

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Facebook Advertising Policies - What To Watch Out For!

Facebook Advertising Policies - What To Watch Out For!

hi guys it's been Heath from lead guru,and in this video I'm going to talk,about Facebook's advertising policies,and I'm going to specifically focus on,areas that you need to watch out for,that a lot of people are being caught up,on that you may not think about that may,not be very obvious I'm receiving tons,of messages emails posts in my Facebook,group from people saying my hands keep,getting disapproved my ad account has,been disabled how do I get it back and,and it does seem that right now Facebook,is being way over the top on basically,disapproving any ad or disabling out,accounts that don't 100% comply with,every single tiny little detail in their,Facebook advertising policies in fact,they're even going beyond that and many,many ads are getting disapproved when,they shouldn't be disapproved and,accounts are getting disabled when they,shouldn't be disabled but I think there,are some things that you will need to,watch out for them in a high light in,this video that if you do make sure,you're ultra compliant with that you're,nowhere near any sort of gray area on,you'll make sure that your facebook ad,accounts don't run into issues they,don't get disapproved they don't get,disabled and you can obviously continue,advertising on Facebook or Instagram,which for a lot of people you know it's,very very important the very key part of,their business that they're anacondas,are get disabled that's what this video,is gonna be all about now before we get,into it something I'm gonna mention at,the end all about Facebook advertising,strategy so make sure you stick around,to the end of the video for that,something I think you gonna find really,really interesting and it's free and,with that said let's get into into this,process now now I'm in Facebook's,advertising advertising policies webpage,I'll include a link to this beneath the,video description I would recommend that,all Facebook advertisers take couple of,minutes to go through this at some point,it doesn't take that long but it's,really really important you don't want,to get your ad account disabled you,don't want to constantly be running up,against ad being ads being disapproved,now before I go any further I do need to,quickly mention because I've had tons of,questions about this if you're an,account is disabled it's not necessarily,the end of the world the way Facebook's,approval process works is they basically,use algorithms to sweep through the ads,highlight anything that might be an,issue they will disapprove an ad,immediately and then you often have to,appeal that you have to request a review,and then that's when a human being will,actually come and take a look or,whatever it is has been disapproved,if you get enough of those algorithm,disapprovals they'll have automatically,disabled your right account again that,can happen automatically with algorithms,when you then appeal that approach that,decision if you're an account to be,disabled that's when Facebook can go,ahead and take a look a person will take,a look and see oh actually you know what,this ads these ads aren't against the,rules we can pre in able this ad account,we can allow those ads to read so that,does happen all the time happens to us,an agency all the time so the first,thing I'll say is don't panic if that,happens to you go through the appeal,process provided you haven't been,egregiously breaching the policies you,will be okay but just be aware that,Facebook algorithms very frustratingly,disapprove ads disabled ad accounts,incorrectly for nonsense reasons all the,time,we often see ads put you know ads be,disapproved and the message popping up,or you'll read it and go hang on that,has nothing to do with my ad but how,does nothing to do with that why are you,telling me that it's to do with,multi-level marketing it's not you can't,disapprove my hand for a folks reason,very frustrating but don't worry once a,human being reviews it which is what,you'll get when your requests to review,appear a decision etc you'd be much,better off okay so with that said let's,work on how we can stop you getting ads,disapproved in the first place and had,accounts disabled so I'm not going to,cover in this video the really obvious,things things like don't include any,adult content don't include anything,violent I mean these things are self,explanatory of course if you include,violence in your facebook ads or a,violent video it's not going to be,approved what I want to focus on is some,stuff that is catching people out a lot,right now and that you may not think you,have to worry about so misleading claim,now what isn't isn't a misleading claim,is very much subjective and,unfortunately right now Facebook is,airing on the side of a claim is,misleading and this is something that,people get caught by a lot and if,something needs to be care about,Facebook is very very hot on things that,they call deceptive folks or misleading,claims so if for example you tell people,do your product or service is fantastic,and can achieve x

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Facebook Ads Disapproved?! AVOID this...

Facebook Ads Disapproved?! AVOID this...

hi guys it's ben heath from lead guru,and in this video,i'm going to talk about something you,should really avoid if you find,that you're getting your facebook ads,disapproved now before i get into that,should i very quickly ask you to smash a,like,on this video and subscribe to my,channel if you are new and haven't done,so,already okay so there are many different,reasons why you can have your facebook,ads disapproved it's something that most,facebook advertisers will have to deal,with,very regularly and it is very,frustrating,and it may often seem like there's,nothing you can do to help this scenario,whatever you create an ad about it just,gets disapproved i've certainly been,there but it but it's not the case there,are always things you can do,to help prevent your ads from getting,disproved no guarantees as i said there,are other reasons,other than what i'm about to talk about,as to why your facebook ads might be,disapproved,but if you can avoid this big issue it,should certainly help,and that's personalization in,your facebook ad copy either in the,headline or in this case i'm going to,use the primary text,facebook really doesn't want you to sort,of personalize,copy or make anything seem too personal,and too personal is by facebook,standards not necessarily by what you,might think,so one thing to absolutely avoid,is direct questions in your ad copy,direct questions that are personal so,you want to avoid things like are you or,do you put them on different lines,or have you,so you don't want to say things like are,you in the market for,have you just gotten divorced or,do you have certain medical condition,all that stuff is an absolute no-no okay,you really,the word you should basically be avoided,at all cost particularly within a,question,you can get away with things more things,like um you know make sure you take,advantage of the special offer is fine,but you don't want to be asking are you,do you have you there are some,industries where this is even more,important than others,anything to do with medical um fairly,understandably is,very very sort of close to the wire and,face is going to be very very hot on,that and disapprove ads,if they have enough questions um but in,general even outside of that you're,often going to run into,things with this sort of stuff so,first thing i'd say about getting,personalization out of your ad copy,is get rid of all of those it doesn't,mean that you can't still ask,questions so instead of saying things,like,um how let's think of an example,okay so instead of saying things like,are you in the market for dot dot dot,you can literally say things like in the,market for,dot dot dot and you know let's say it's,a,new home in the market for a new home,that's far more likely to be approved,than,this version are you in the market for a,new home,makes almost no sense i know but,remember,when you're submitting your facebook ads,for approval the first round is just to,go through an algorithm,it's not to have a person take a look at,it and and that's a lot of what we're,trying to avoid here is get past the,algorithm because you can get past the,algorithm,you make yourself a lot easier so things,like are you in the market for a new,home,um yeah that would be a perfect example,of things we might,just slightly change the wording to make,the ad seem a lot less personal,for things like you know if you had a,medical condition um,of some sort or you know in a medical,condition that sounds quite big but even,something fairly minor that people just,want to,fix like let's say you've got bad,posture or something like that you don't,want to say,have you got bad posture instead you,would want to focus,more on the product itself so instead of,saying have you got bad posture,our product helps fix bad posture you,could say things like,well you basically get rid of that first,part so you say um,our product helps fix bad posture it has,been shown to be successful,in cases here's how it works,so if you're talking about anything to,do with sort of the body or,or anything with a slight medical hint,to it,just focusing on your product or service,is usually the way to go get out of,talking about,are you have you do you um trying to,resonate with the prospect now i know,that goes against best marketing,practices because you want to,ask questions and and sort of connect,with an audience and,um make sure that they know the product,or services for them and that they have,the issue you know aggravate,old-school copywriting expertise is like,aggravate the problem then provide a,solution,a lot of facebook you just can't,aggravate the problem in a lot of cases,it also doesn't so that's one thing to,do if you anything medical or anything,is slightly controversial is just focus,on the product or service,so you know if we think about the,different strategies you can use here,the first is make sure you get rid of,are you have you do you all those sorts,of things,um just take those out so that's just,quite a simple copy v

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Don't Get BANNED From Facebook Ads! (Here's How)

Don't Get BANNED From Facebook Ads! (Here's How)

hi guys it's ben heath from lead guru,and in this video,i'm going to give you five steps you can,take right now and you can make sure you,keep taking,as you operate your facebook ad account,to protect your facebook ad,app to make it much less likely that,your facebook ad account is going to be,disabled and you'll lose the ability,to advertise on facebook this is,something that a lot of facebook,advertisers are struggling with as they,get their facebook ad account disabled,they can appeal but it takes ages to get,it back or maybe they never get it back,at all,and it's something that if facebook and,instagram advertising is an important,part of your marketing mix of how you're,going to grow your business,something you absolutely want to avoid,so i'm going to show you how to do in,this video before i get into that trying,to very very quickly ask you to smash,that like button click that thumbs up,button,that really really helps me out and is,much appreciated and of course subscribe,to my channel if you haven't done so,already okay so i've got five steps i'm,in an example facebook ad account here,i've got um,i'm at the ad level because i think most,ad account,disabling issues result from what you do,at the ad level and if you want to avoid,your at your ad account being disabled,you need to make sure that you don't,have too many ad disapprovals i'm going,to talk about that a bit more in a,minute,um but i'm going to go these five steps,here i've got some notes that i want to,want to talk through,now the first one is to reduce the,number of,ads that you get disapproved so an ad,account being disabled will,usually not always but usually come off,the back of a number of ads being,disapproved okay facebook haven't,officially confirmed this but it seems,to me that there's a certain number of,ads that you can get disapproved or,perhaps that's not a good way looking at,perhaps a better way of looking at it is,a certain percentage of overall ads that,get disapproved,that can lead to an ad account being,disabled so let's say for example you,created 100 new ads,if you were to get 30 or more of those,disapproved,i think there's a good chance that your,ad account is going to be disabled,obviously if you get 50 or 60 of those,100 disapproved there's a very very good,chance your,facebook ad account is going to be,disabled so you want to reduce the,number of ads that you,get disapproved when you're in a,facebook ad account like i am here and,at the ad level creating your,creating your ads um and there's a,number of ways that you can go about,doing that now there's the obvious ones,around,make sure you um are aware of facebook,advertiser policies and make sure you,abide by them and make sure you don't,do anything that that breach was i'm,going to talk about some more specifics,on that later,but what i want to mention now that i,think is something that's a bit of a,no-brainer,is to be cautious in how you introduce,ads,into your ad account so instead of,creating 18 new ads,you're going to run across all your,different ad sets perhaps just,create one or two ads put those inside,account submit those for review,and see how they do if they get approved,great well then you can perhaps,duplicate them across other ad sets or,create ads that are similar to those,that you think are likely to be approved,but you don't want to go ahead just add,in 18 new ads or 10 new ads,see that they all get disapproved 24,hours later or two hours later how long,facebook takes to um,to get around to it because that's gonna,be a black mark against your,your account okay so um just a simple,easy thing you can do whereby you're,being cautious slowing down how you,introduce ads,into your ad account and just make sure,you don't boo 12 ads disapproved,that takes down your whole ad account in,one go or you do that a few times,ad account gets taken down and then,you've got a real uphill battle trying,to get it back when it's easy just to,introduce,one or two ads today see how they do do,they get approved great,then go and introduce them into all the,other ad sets or other campaigns or,create ones that are similar to that for,testing okay that's a bit of a a bit of,a no-brainer is to introduce ads,slowly make sure they're approved first,and then go up,go on and and get it sorted,okay the next thing is around special,categories if you,think that you may fall within a special,category,with your facebook advertising efforts,um,even if you're not sure maybe you do,maybe you don't it's always best to er,on the side of caution,and say yes i'm part of a special,category and run your ads accordingly,now if you're part of a special category,then,ancestral categories if you're not,familiar at all refer to things like any,political issues,housing there's a whole bunch of,criteria and i've seen,i've spoken to a number of advertisers,that thought they weren't part of a,special category,ran facebook ad campaigns uh facebook,flag that they were or potentially,should be um,a specia

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Outdated Facebook Ads Tips You SHOULD NOT Be Doing In 2023

Outdated Facebook Ads Tips You SHOULD NOT Be Doing In 2023

if you've been seeing your Facebook ad,results declining your advertising costs,skyrocketing or your ads going nowhere,and not getting the results you were,hoping for then you're probably already,well aware that there have been a lot of,changes going on inside the Facebook ads,platform lately pretty big changes that,are leaving a lot of business owners and,marketers and advertisers frustrated and,confused and jumping ship to another ad,platform or giving up on their,advertising goals altogether and that's,a shame because despite what you may,have been told the problem isn't the,algorithm or iOS 14 or even Facebook,themselves and the fact that their terms,of service says that they can reject or,remove any ad for any reason no the big,problem is that much of the Facebook ads,advice that's being shared and passed,around right now just hasn't caught up,to these changes which is leading to,people trying to win this new,advertising game using yesterday's old,advertising rules,old advertising rules that no longer,work don't apply and often prescribe,doing the exact opposite to what you,should be doing if you want to get more,clicks more leads more customers and,more sales from your ads,which to me sounds like the exact,definition of a recipe for Facebook ads,disaster so the first outdated Facebook,ad tip and piece of bad advice that I,want to share with you here that could,be the reason that your ads aren't,performing as well as you were hoping,for has to do with the advice on which,Facebook ad objective you should be,using in your campaigns also a big thank,you to HubSpot for sponsoring this video,but more on that later for now let's,talk about Facebook ad objectives here's,the deal when you create a Facebook ad,campaign one of the first options you,get is which campaign objective do you,want to optimize for awareness traffic,engagement leads app promotion or sales,this is an important step and is,essentially your way of telling Facebook,what kind of people you want them to put,your ad in front of and what action you,want them to take and the general rule,here is to just tell Facebook exactly,what you want in other words if you want,sales choose sales if you want leads,choose leads and if you want awareness,well my suggestion here is to choose,sales or leads say what I know crazy,right but this is because despite what,many people think the internet included,brand awareness is not the best Facebook,ad objective in fact the brand awareness,objective has never really been and will,probably never be the best objective,this is this is because even according,to Facebook the brand awareness,objective is there to help you reach the,largest number of people who are most,likely to remember your ad but you don't,just want people to remember your ad you,want them to actually do something buy,something sign up for something I mean,that's kind of the main reason to run,ads right,to generate sales cash flow Revenue a,positive Roi return on investment now in,the past the best way to do this was,with conversion ads and while these,still play an active role in most of the,campaigns I create and advise on they've,taken kind of a backseat to the new kid,in town who is actually the old kid in,town but who is kind of a bully that,nobody really liked so he got sent away,and got some therapy and did a little,bit of soul searching and then came back,nicer than ever I am of course talking,about Facebook lead ads and the outdated,advice here is that you should avoid,them but that's a mistake and here's why,Facebook lead ads were ones a terrible,choice for businesses that only ever,seemed capable of delivering low quality,leads that never seem to buy anything,and often forgot signing up for the ad,in the first place but now thanks to a,whole bunch of things including the,decreased effectiveness of the Facebook,pixel and cookies thanks to Apple's IOS,14 as well as improvements and changes,to the Facebook lead ads interface and,an increased willingness among Facebook,users to actually engage and interact,with Facebook lead ads well lead ads are,now amazing and they've quickly become,one of my top picks for most businesses,out there in order to generate leads and,make sales they're easy to set up easy,to launch and don't require installing,any pixels or cookies or code on your,website or landing page that said,Facebook lead ads aren't a magic,solution that'll solve all of your,Facebook ad problems especially if,you're still following this next piece,of absolutely terrible and outdated,Facebook advice but before we get to,that first a big thank you and quick,message from this video's sponsor,HubSpot and I want to introduce you to,their free Facebook advertising,checklist hubspot's Facebook advertising,checklist is a free downloadable,checklist that you can use to plan and,launch a successful Facebook ad campaign,and it contains hacks and tips directly,from hubspot's Paid ads team the real,benefit to me though is that it helps,make sure that not

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Copywriting Hacks to Double Your Facebook Ad CTR (Even if You're Not a Great Copywriter)

Copywriting Hacks to Double Your Facebook Ad CTR (Even if You're Not a Great Copywriter)

- When it comes to Facebook ad copy,,two to three sentences are responsible,for about 80% of your copy's performance.,On Instagram, it's even less.,One to two sentences,make up the bulk of the performance of your ad copy.,Why, because on Facebook, when somebody sees your ad,,all they can see is the headline,and the first few lines of your copy,,and that's it.,If they wanna read the rest of your copy,,they have to click a See more button.,And on Instagram, it's even worse.,They can only see the first sentence,,if that, before they have to click that more button.,So if that first part of your copy isn't really good,,then the rest doesn't matter at all,,because no one's gonna see it anyway.,All right, so let's talk about how to optimize that headline,and the first few lines of your ad copy,,also known as the know as the hook.,To quickly and easily improve,the performance of your ad copy,without you having to become a master copywriter.,Think of this as the 80/20 of copywriting.,It's the 20% that you can do,that's going to get you 80% of the result.,Now let's start with the first and most important thing,,which is tapping the Like button below this video.,Now, obviously I'm just kidding,,but if you do enjoy this video,,please tap that Like button.,It makes a huge difference in the channel.,Helps get this video out in front of more people.,And it also tells me what type of content,I should be creating for you.,Okay, so seriously, let's talk about your headline now,,because this is a really important piece of your ad.,And so many advertisers use really generic,,boring headlines like this,,which is a total waste.,So I'm gonna give you a couple of my favorite ways,to craft a really effective headline for your ad.,Okay, so the first one we'll talk about,is the curiosity invoking headline.,So it's pretty self-explanatory.,The goal of this headline is to create curiosity,within the reader.,But the key isn't just to create curiosity,,it's to also be very specific.,Take a look at this example.,You'll notice it speaks directly,to the target audience, freelancers.,But it also generates a ton of curiosity,,which makes the reader want to keep reading,the rest of the ad,,so they can learn more about what this is all about.,Now let's apply this to some previous examples.,So if we see this one, it just says Ad World Conference,,pretty generic, right?,But if we apply this formula, we get something like this.,Find out how Rand gets detailed behavioral data,about audiences without large scale surveys.,So that's something that's only going to appeal,to a very specific audience,because we're talking about behavioral data,,but it's also something that generates curiosity.,Rand is a well-known figure in the industry,,and people are going to wanna know,how he's doing this,because it's something that everybody wants to do,and no one's really cracked.,Here's another example we could use here.,Rand Fishkin shares his secrets,to uncovering detailed audience,behavioral data without surveys.,Now, sometimes, the curiosity approach,doesn't work for every product, or service, or offer,,so here's another one you can use.,And that is the big promise headline.,Now, again, it's pretty self-explanatory.,I'm not super creative with these names,,but all you do here is your offering something big,that the reader really, really wants.,Now there's one caveat that I have to mention here,,and that is, this has to be something,you can actually deliver.,So you'd be surprised how often I see things,that get written in Facebook ads,,pretty obviously can't be delivered on.,There's a big promise,,but it's an empty promise.,So make sure you're not doing that,when you create these ads.,So again, the keys are just that it's really specific, okay?,You don't want something,that's kind of wishy-washy and vague.,It's gotta be very specific in terms of what the promise is,,and it has to be something they really want.,So take a look at this example.,300 to 500 appointments booked on autopilot.,This fits all of those criteria that I mentioned before.,It's very specific,,and it's something that anybody,who's trying to book sales appointments and calls,is going to be really interested in.,One, because that's a lot of appointments.,And two, the autopilot part is really appealing as well.,If you can create a machine,that generates booked appointments for you,,and you're a salesperson,,or you're an organization that generates revenue,through sales calls,,then this is super appealing.,Now here's another example.,Now what I like about this is,,one, it speaks very directly to the target audience.,It actually calls them out,,physical therapists in the headline.,And it actually has a huge promise there as well.,So it fits all of the criteria,of this particular headline framework.,Now let's apply this same framework,to the Peloton ad that we saw earlier,,which just said, Try Peloton.,We could take that same headline,,rework it using this formula,,and get something like this.,We'll

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How to Fix a Restricted FB Business Page and Restore your Ad Account In 2022! UPDATED!

How to Fix a Restricted FB Business Page and Restore your Ad Account In 2022! UPDATED!

what's going on everyone lazar suva here,and today's video,i'm gonna show you how to get your ads,from a rejected status,to an approved status your ad account,from a restricted,or disabled status back to an active,status,and finally if your business page has,been restricted how to figure out,what happened and how we can fix that,with facebook as well,so whether you've been advertising with,facebook for years or you're,brand new to the platform you're bound,to get to a point where,when your ads get rejected or your ad,account gets restricted,or again like i said your facebook page,your business page gets restricted,now there's no need to freak out or,you know go up in arms because this you,know there's,a numerous amount of reasons why this,happens,the most familiar reason,is the fact that facebook utilizes,automation and bots,a lot more than you'd think so when ads,go into the review process,most of the time it's a bot rather than,a manual review by somebody that works,at facebook that is checking uh,your ads to see if they're within the,policies of facebook,so first and foremost if you're not,familiar with facebook's advertising,policies i'll have a link in the,description below,that can take you right to that page i,definitely encourage you to brush up on,that,secondly when it comes to your facebook,business manager you want to make sure,that it is verified,and the security all the security,options have been completed by you so,that just allows facebook to know that,this is a verified business profile uh,the business manager is verified as well,and it'll help you if you ever get,locked out of your account you have to,switch some information up,or if you have to verify anything with,facebook now the last thing we're going,to touch upon and i'm going to actually,show you kind of a step-by-step process,on how to get this completed is,whenever your ad accounts get restricted,or if an ad a single ad gets rejected,or your business page gets restricted,there's a few steps you can take,there's a specific link to click that'll,take you right to the help page,the vip support link essentially of,facebook's,that will help you chat with somebody,get you with the right person i'll tell,you exactly how you should,uh kind of portray that message to the,facebook messenger helper,that way the process moves on a little,bit quicker but without further ado,let's jump into the video all right,what's going on everyone so welcome back,we are in the facebook business help,center page to get to here you just go,to forward slash business,forward slash help,and in most cases when you receive the,email from facebook notifying you of,your restriction or rejected,ad there's going gonna be a link to fill,out an appeal,so in that appeal uh you just fill out,you know what you think the issue is,it's gonna give you the option i do know,i broke a policy um,i don't know or i'm i think it has been,done by mistake,uh most cases you can just put in i,think has been done by mistake,as that's usually the case unless you,did break an advertising policy rule,uh which i have that opened up in the,next tab and i'll show you how to get to,there as well,um and then just fill out your,explanation,but the process i'm going to walk you,through right now you're going to be,able to speak with a live facebook,representative,and with that they're going to be able,to give you a little bit more insight on,what the problem is,if you're having trouble navigating the,platform uh,especially if you're new they're going,to give you screenshots,and what to do so right off the bat what,you want to do when you get to here,is you want to click still need help,find answers and contact support,so when you click this it's going to,give you a few options,so like i said if you had an issue with,your business page you're going to want,to click business page,if you've had an issue with your,specific ads you're going to want to,click right here,and if you've had any issues with the,policy or the ad account has become,restricted,then you want to gonna click on that,option obviously there's these other,three options measure,improved results ad management tools and,billing and payment,so you can always come here if you need,help with any of these resources it's,not just if you've had your account,uh restricted or any ads rejected,if you need help with any tools or you,need clarification on anything feel free,to,jump on here facebook's super helpful,and a lot of people don't use this tool,so let's just say you had an issue with,your ads i'm going to go down here,it's going to give you all these options,right so is the trouble with managing,your ads are you having any,troubleshooting so,your ads are disproved or they're,pending review and they're just sitting,there,uh stale or you know you have a 50,a day ad budget and it's only spending,ten dollars a day why is that,so they're going to help you with all,those things um as well as formatting,and targeting you know your ad

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A BETTER Way To Advertise On Facebook In 2023 (SECRET)

A BETTER Way To Advertise On Facebook In 2023 (SECRET)

there are three things that you need to,know if you want to create effective,high converting and profitable facebook,ads first you need to nail message,market match get this wrong and it,doesn't matter how smart or funny or,creative your ads are they're not gonna,work next is something called the 40 40,20 rule every great direct response,marketer and advertising legend lives,and dies by this rule but don't worry if,you've never heard of it before most,people haven't and i'm going to walk you,through exactly how to use this with,your facebook ads and third you need to,use something called the marketing rule,of seven and not just with your facebook,ads either but with all of your,advertising and marketing and everything,you do from this day forward use it and,profit don't use it and don't profit,that is a terrible catchphrase so let me,show you how it's done starting with the,ever important message market match want,to know the single biggest reason that,most facebook ads don't work i can't see,it right now but i'm going to assume,you're nodding your head yes well my,friend the biggest reason that most,facebook ads don't work is not because,they chose the wrong campaign objective,or wrong placement or wrong budget or,anything related to the actual setup of,the facebook ad campaign nope the reason,that most ads don't work is because,they're saying the wrong things to the,wrong people or in other words the offer,that they're making is either unrelated,or unappealing an unrelated message,means that they're making an offer that,people just don't really care about,trying to sell something in a way that,just doesn't resonate with the pains and,problems and fears and frustrations of,the market this is often the result of,spending too much time on the features,and the actual tangible things that,they're going to be getting rather than,on the benefits and the outcomes and all,of the results and how their life's,going to be better after they make a,purchase an unappealing message is,simply a message that's packaged wrong,or in other words it's boring it doesn't,do anything to try to catch someone's,attention and so they don't stop to read,it and if they do stop well they just,don't care what's that sound oh that's,the sound of your ad dollars getting,flushed down the toilet and so money is,wasted putting these boring and,uninteresting and irrelevant messages in,front of people and then wondering why,nobody's buying sounds harsh i know i,don't like to be the bad guy here but,fortunately there is a solution that,comes in the form of message market,match and message market match is,exactly what it sounds like it means,matching your message to your market but,obviously there's a little more to it,than that essentially message market,match also commonly known as message to,market match is really just a way of,making sure that you've done your,homework and you've researched your,target audience you've figured out what,their pains and their problems and their,fears and their frustrations are and how,whatever it is that you're selling is,well positioned to help solve that for,them get it right and people buy get it,wrong and they don't buy and this is one,of my favorite things about marketing,and about advertising in that it's a,literal case study of human behavior,after all people can say all of the,things about how they think they are or,how they would like to be but at the end,of the day money talks and what people,choose to buy and how they spend their,time are two of the most powerful,indicators that really show what someone,values so if your ads aren't working and,people aren't clicking on them or,signing up or buying or anything like,that well it's simply because they don't,see the value in what you're offering so,it's your job as the marketer as the,advertiser to try to show them that,value and the best way to do this isn't,by shoving it down their throats but,rather to show them that you understand,where they're coming from you understand,their problems and you possibly have a,solution they may be interested in i,wish i could remember who told me this,quote so i could give them due credit,but one of my favorite sayings is that,customers don't buy when they understand,they buy when they feel understood okay,next i'm gonna give you the secret sauce,and those special ingredients that,really separates the amateurs from the,pros when it comes to creating high,converting and profitable facebook ads,but first a real quick message from this,video's sponsor metrocool over the years,i've had the chance to work with a lot,of different companies and software but,metricool has quickly become my number,one secret weapon when it comes to,creating better and more effective,social media marketing campaigns and i,use it every single day not only does it,allow you to take care of everything all,in one place it also integrates,seamlessly with facebook and instagram,and twitter and tick tock and linkedin,and google business and pinterest

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