phrases not allowed at facebook ads
Top 7 Things to Avoid with Facebook Ads (Disapproved or Banned Fb Ads)fading dark spots should not b
Updated on Jan 05,2023
Top 7 Things to Avoid with Facebook Ads (Disapproved or Banned Fb Ads)
fading dark spots should not be so,difficult now some of you might say,well wait that's a hook that's the,reason why i want to buy that product,anyways,you're not wrong you're definitely not,wrong but again we're playing with,facebook's rules,we're in their sandbox,so,in this lesson we're talking about the,seven deadly sins of disapproved ads,this is something very very important to,listen to over the time,facebook has gotten more and more strict,on the type of ads that are going live,if you go against their guidelines,if you start to test too many,variables facebook will inevitably,delete your ad account we've been there,before,it is continuing to happen and as we,start heating up around election time,or other major moments like black friday,cyber monday,facebook begins to nail down on these,specifically,so with that being said what are the,seven things to avoid,now there's a longer list than that and,i recommend you go through facebook's,help,but i'll highlight the key ones that,might be applicable for you today,the first daily sin to avoid is no,monetary,unrealistic claims specifically at,founder,when they are launching a story about a,student that found success,they weren't able to get ads approved,that mentioned,so-and-so made x amount of dollars in x,period of time,but when they change that copy and,specifically the headline,to this instructor was able to find x,amount of success,and no specific amount of time that ad,then went through,have to make it generic enough so that,facebook doesn't say,if you did this you get that it can't be,particular,the second deadly sin that you must,avoid is not,launching ads or advertising any,controlled or regulated substances,specifically is products that might,contain cbd,in our experience we've launched brands,that had a subtle mention on the landing,page,of cbd can't do it avoid it at all costs,even if it's an active ingredient it,needs to be buried,deep down within images and within the,product page,let me show you an example so for cbd,and other controlled substances,what needs to be highlighted is you,can't have it on your landing page,wherever you're directing that ad cannot,have,the term cbd thc or any of these,substances,highlighted so for them what they did,was they kept it to very generic face,serum now you can still see it,on the image itself,and as you continue to scroll through,and i'm at the product page level or pdp,you can notice there is no,discussion of it the only little nuance,you see is spectrum hemp which restores,balance,it's sort of suggestive hemp is not,banned it's a way around it,and as you continue to scroll there's no,other word of it,so something to remember when you're,launching ads similar to cbd,regardless of it being legal within your,country or state facebook operates by,facebook's rules,for us we choose to avoid it but,if you do need to build it and if you do,have that active ingredient within your,product,make sure it's nowhere on the landing,page and submit it to facebook,for final approval it's always the best,way to go about it,sin number three no objectible,or nudity to be seen those that might,run into an issue here,is highlighting around lingerie or,bikinis there might be other instances,if you're running a product or brand,that's specifically talking about weight,loss,specifically talking about how your body,could look after you've done a,transformation,and here's a couple of ads that we've,had to alter to make sure that it got,through,the first one is a little bit suggestive,because of how much skin is being,revealed,now the copy is fine and it gets the,point across,but this image is not acceptable by,facebook guys for us to change it,we did this now there's still skin being,shown,but the stomach is much smaller and the,shorts are a little bit longer,this way we're able to get around,facebook's,ban hammer for lack of a better term and,get our ads approved,and the campaigns running remember it's,not,against the rules but the amount of skin,being shown,needs to be brought into consideration,deadly sin number four,misspellings overuse of emojis,and running to dead pages what are dead,pages,four or four redirects oftentimes this,happened,if you have a development team working,on the back end or if you're doing,multiple tests and rotating your links,severely frowned upon and not advised,check your typos download grammarly and,don't overdo,your emojis deadly sin number five,not complying with facebook's community,standards,we are playing in facebook's sandbox,they have clearly labeled,their community standards something that,we briefly talked about,which is integrity actionable content,the safety of others violence or,criminal behavior,respected intellectual property requests,to take down,these are all things that facebook,denotes you might get a reminder,of not complying with facebook's,community standards you will get a,notification but it won't,be specific around the violation that,you've done so what i suggest,is go ahead a
The above is a brief introduction to phrases not allowed at facebook ads
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