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YouTube Advertising: How to Run Your First Ad- By the end of this video,,you'll be ready to run your
Updated on Jan 05,2023
YouTube Advertising: How to Run Your First Ad
- By the end of this video,,you'll be ready to run your very first YouTube ad.,Let's dive in.,(calming music),YouTube Ads are actually run,through your Google Ads account.,But before we get there,,you will need to set up a YouTube channel,if you haven't already.,There are timestamps in the description below,in case you need to skip ahead.,Once you log in to your Google account,and navigate to YouTube,,you're simply going to click on the profile picture,on the top right-hand side,,and the first option will be Create a channel.,Once you click there, add a name, click Next,,and your YouTube channel is created.,You will need to upload the video you plan on running,as a YouTube ad to this channel,,but we'll get there as we move through this process.,You'll now need to create your Google Ads account.,You can visit ads.google.com to get started.,Simply click on Sign in.,I do recommend that you use that same Gmail login,for your YouTube channel,,as well as your Google Ads account.,You'll then click on the button,that says New Google Ads Account,,and it will start to create your account for you.,On the next screen,,your Google Ads account will give you a few options.,You do have the option,to connect your Google My Business account.,If you already have the YouTube video,that you wanna run as a YouTube ad,uploaded to your new YouTube account,,you can select Your video,and it will ask you for the video URL.,If you do not yet have the video you'd like to run,,select Your website and go through the prompts one by one,about your business information.,The prompts may ask you about budgets,and different ad copy for your new Google Ads account.,You do not have to use these options,for the YouTube ad you plan to run,,but select whatever you want on these prompts,to simply move through the setup process,and then we'll be able to create the ad,that you intentionally wanna run on YouTube.,Now that you've set up your Google Ads account,,you need to link the YouTube channel,that you created to the account.,You'll do this by simply navigating,to the Tools and Settings button at the top-right,and clicking on the Linked accounts option.,You'll then see YouTube channel,and I'm simply gonna click Manage and Link.,Click on the blue plus button,and either find your channel name,or paste your YouTube channel URL.,If you're signed in with the same Gmail account,used to create your YouTube channel,,it should auto-populate.,Before I get to the next step,,do me a favor and hit that like button,if you're getting value from this video.,It really helps the channel out.,Now, you're going to navigate to your YouTube channel.,At the top-right, you're going to click on YouTube Studio.,We are then gonna click on Content.,You'll either upload your video there,or you'll navigate to the video,that you'd like to run as your YouTube ad.,It's important to note,that you are able to have this video as public,,but I prefer to have my ads unlisted,so they don't show up on my channel.,We'll now need the URL of that specific YouTube video,to paste into our Google Ads account.,You can simply click here to get the shareable link.,Now, we're navigating back to our Google Ads account,and we are gonna select the Create New Campaign option.,I'm now on a screen that's asking me to select,the goal I'd like to use for this campaign.,I'm simply gonna click on,Create a campaign without guidance.,The next option is the type of ad that you'd like to run.,Video is the type of ad we'll be running for a YouTube ad.,The next option is to create a campaign sub-type.,On this screen, we will get to decide,where these video ads are actually shown.,I'm gonna select Custom video campaign,and then click Continue.,Now, we're going to be selecting our ad settings,,walk through the prompts one by one,,and select the options that work for you.,The campaign name should be related,to the goal of the campaign,or the specific YouTube ad you're trying to run.,The name of your ad will only be visible to you.,Under these campaign settings,,I have two options for my bid strategy:,my cost per view,or my CPM, which is cost per thousand.,I'm gonna select Maximum Cost Per View.,Under Budget and dates,,we'll have the option to select either a daily budget,or an overall campaign budget.,If you select an overall campaign budget,,you will need to add the start date and the end date.,If you select a daily budget,,you will not need to select dates for that.,I'll be selecting the daily budget.,The next option is the networks.,You'll have three different options to select from.,YouTube search results will allow your ad,to be shown in the YouTube search results.,For YouTube videos, your ad will be shown,inside of YouTube videos.,And for the Display Network,,your video will be shown on platforms other than YouTube.,I am only going to select YouTube videos,for this specific ad.,I'm now going to select the country,and location that I would like to show my ads in.,I'll also select the language,that I would like m
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