automate aliexpress dropshipping

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How To Automate Your Shopify Dropshipping Store (Step By Step)

so in this video I'm going to be,teaching you step by step on how you can,start automating your Shopify,dropshipping business as a complete,beginner and the reason why you want to,automate your Drop Shipping businesses,so you can spend more time on the money,making tasks and not the boring tasks,that are not generating income hey guys,welcome to the YouTube channel my name,is Camille Simon is the Ecom King and in,today's video I've got a very important,video for you which is going to teach,you step by step how you can stop,automating basic tasks in your,dropshipping business so you can spend,more time on the money making tasks like,running ads like Tick Tock organic,anything that's going to generate the,business income as you do not want to be,wasting hours a day spending time,fulfilling orders replying to customers,doing your retargeting you want to spend,as little amount of time on those tasks,as possible and the best way to look at,this guys is you can either work in the,business or on the business working in,the business is things like customer,service or a targeting all the,Fulfillment and those types of things,when working on the business is actually,generating more income and growing the,company especially as a beginner because,if you've only got one to three hours a,day doing this and you spend half of,your time on customer service order,fulfillment then what time are you,really spending on growing the Drop,Shipping Store in this video I'm going,to be teaching you exactly how I,automate every single one of my drop,shipping stores as a complete beginner,or a brand new store and what I've also,done for you guys is I've created a free,Google Docs that's going to have copy,and paste templates that you're going to,need for certain parts of this tutorial,and to get access for that we need to,hit 2 000 likes on this video and then,it'll be in the pin comment and in the,description below and I can't emphasize,this enough this video is extremely,important if you want to see success in,your Drop Shipping Store because you are,generating more time to generate more,money on money making tasks so you,should watch this video in full if you,can,foreign,I'm inside of my Shopify backend and,this is a brand new Shopify account,because I'm going to be reacting what,you should be doing as a beginner and if,you want to get a 14 day free trial to,Shopify make sure you use my link in the,description as you can get better,discounts and better offers using that,link now as soon as you're in your,Shopify store and you've created an,account you want to go to the app,section and you want to download the,first app called Auto DS and there will,be a link to all of these things I'm,going to be mentioning in the,description of this video for those that,are wondering what this Shopify app,looks like it's this one right here Auto,DS all-in-one Drop Shipping and this is,the icon once you've downloaded the app,and connected to your Shopify store this,is what the dashboard should look like,and what this app does for those that,don't know is it's going to help you,sync products from AliExpress CJ Drop,Shipping any of your drop shipping,supplies into this software called Auto,DS and as the name States it's automatic,meaning that every time you get an order,placed on your Drop Shipping Store,instead of you having go into the app,and click fulfill order fulfill order,this will automatically fulfill your,orders for you without you even having,to click a button now before this up,we'll start automatically fulfilling,orders we need to set it up correctly so,we can start doing that so the first,thing that you want to do is find a,product on AliExpress CJ Drop Shipping,whatever Supply that you want and I'd,recommend that you download the Chrome,extension for auto DS because as soon as,you've downloaded the Chrome extension,you're going to see that when you go,onto one of the support suppliers it's,going to show you an icon scene import,to Auto DS you're just going to click,that icon now once you click that button,head back into Auto DS and you're going,to see where it says drafts on the left,hand section you're going to see create,drafts and then it says in progress that,means that that product has now,published into your auto DS up so you,can see here it said it should say your,Drop Shipping Store name it should say,the supplier and then it should say the,amount of variance now once you've done,that you're going to see an input button,on the right hand side you want to click,import and once you've done that you,want to head over to where it says,products and it should show your pro,that you've just imported and once,you've done that you want to click the,little three dots here and you want to,click edit now once you've clicked,edited this should be your page here it,should show product description variants,images and item specifications and if,you go to the bottom left hand side it,should say monitoring stock monitoring,price monitoring and au

The above is a brief introduction to automate aliexpress dropshipping

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How to Dropship from Aliexpress to eBay with AutoDS (Lazy Method)

How to Dropship from Aliexpress to eBay with AutoDS (Lazy Method)

Bill Gates once said that I will always,choose a lazy person to do a difficult,job because a lazy person will always,find an easy way to do it so in this,video we're going to look at the laziest,way to start drop shipping on ebay,now dropshipping is a model where we,find items on other retail websites like,Aliexpress calm and we list them up for,sale on eBay then once they sell we buy,them directly on Aliexpress and ship,them directly to our customers which,means we never have to handle the,inventory ourselves now this process can,be done fully manually if you want so,that means you are going to go on,Aliexpress and go on eBay see what items,are already selling well on eBay that,you can buy from Aliexpress list them up,for sale on eBay by copying everything,from Aliexpress pasting it into eBay,doing all that manually but of course,there are now ways to automate that,process make it go much much faster,so I made a video recently you might,want to check that out that video shows,the current way that I do this drop,shipping its a mix between manual and,automatic drop shipping and it really,feel like it's the best approach to,dropship you see if you go fully manual,there are definitely benefits to that,method what you're going to see is that,you're going to have more control over,the whole process you're going to see,exactly what is going into your store,and you exactly check that every item,that's going in there is the item that,you want in there but the drawback of,doing everything manually is that it,takes a lot of time with an automated,approach the benefits there is that it,takes you zero or no time to actually,list products and to get the whole,process going now the drawback there is,that you don't have as much direct,oversight or control a lot of times,because you know when something's,automated we tend to get a little bit,lazy and not pay as much attention to it,now with the method I show it in that,last video it's kind of a mix between,the two and I still think that's the,best method for you to use but I know,some of you guys are lazy out there so,in this video I want to show you the,lazy way to start drop shipping onto,eBay and the lazy method requires you to,just press one button which is the,thumbs up button underneath this video,alright just kidding guys but seriously,hit that like button now let's go into,my computer so I can show you the,lazy way to start drop shipping onto,eBay okay so this is the software that I,used to run my ebay drop shipping,business,it's called Auto D s now this software,does a lot of different things to help,me run my business it will help me find,products it will then list them up for,sale,and it will help me with order,fulfillment as well again we're trying,to do as lazy as possible here so once,you sign up for an auto D s account get,all your settings correctly then if,you're being lazy then come over on the,Left where it says Auto D s finder now,full disclosure here this part is not,free you do have to pay a little bit,extra to be able to use the auto d s,finder but let me show you how it works,am i and why if you're lazy you might,want to take advantage of this so if I'm,gonna choose on the source site here,Aliexpress China - eBay US and what this,Auto D s finder does is it's going to,find items that are already selling well,on eBay that you can source from,Aliexpress and you can break it down,like let's say okay I won an item that,sold at least three times in the past,month or at least five times in the past,month or at least eight times in the,past month now obviously this one is the,most valuable eight times in the past,month because if it's done that then you,know that that's a really popular item,and chances are if you list it up for,sale you're going to make some awesome,sales on it as well but of course this,one cost a little bit more money for,that reason now I'm gonna choose let's,choose a couple from the three and let's,do maybe three products and we'll choose,two that's sold at least five times and,the eight times I'll choose one and that,will cost me a total of eleven credits,now I'll click upload it well.when now,it's going to take me to another screen,where I can choose exactly what I want,these items to be priced at so you can,put your break-even here and then you,could put in an additional profit,percentage so the break-even percentage,how much you have to mark it up in price,just to break even so if you sold it at,just the break-even,you wouldn't make any money but you,wouldn't lose any money but of course,you want to make a profit here so we'll,put in an additional profit here we'll,choose our return our template for the,listings the quantity so how much of the,item you want listed on eBay I'll do one,each and I'll have our handling time,because this is from Aliexpress which is,coming from China I'll choose a longer,shipping time a little bit longer,handling time and a 30-day return policy,if you want to add any tags you can so,on this tag I'm going

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Do NOT Use Aliexpress to Dropship (NEW 2022 Method)

Do NOT Use Aliexpress to Dropship (NEW 2022 Method)

Drop Shipping is dead,this is a phrase that I've heard,countless times over the past few years,it has caught so much confusion and it's,time for me to clear this out selling,things on the Internet isn't going away,what's popping YouTube my name is Nathan,Nazareth welcome back to the channel,I've been doing e-commerce and drop,spring for over three and a half years,doing multiple seven figures in online,sales but like I said there's a whole,host of problems doing things this way,the reason people have this common,misconception About Drop Shipping is due,to scammy looking websites low product,quality long shipping times and all the,other major hassles that you have to,deal with when you're working directly,through a product page on AliExpress to,fulfill your orders and one of the most,important if not the most important,things that I learned along my journey,was to establish a private supplier,right from the job establishing a,relationship with a private supplier has,never been easier yet people are still,doing it in very very incorrect ways so,I'm going to be clearing all that up and,showing you guys exactly how to get a,private supplier in this video to Jump,Right In AliExpress sucks as a supplier,using AliExpress simply limits your,growth and will not satisfy your,customers two main reasons why,AliExpress fails to be good supplier is,won the long shipping times and two the,poor product quality customers just,don't want to wait three to five weeks,for their product to arrive at their,house anymore I don't blame them we're,in the era of Amazon Prime where things,are literally showing up the day people,order them now not only will these long,shipping times overcomplicate the,process causing you more money since,customers will constantly be emailing,and you'll have to respond taking your,time or hiring somebody to respond to,all these issues but they'll refund,orders along the way they'll open,chargeback requests which will not only,charge you fees but they'll also hurt,your payment processors which means that,they'll essentially start holding all,the money in which will really start to,inhibit your scaling potential another,main issue about going through,AliExpress is that there's pretty much,no reliability you're using this one,product page and you'll be left never,knowing if your orders went out on time,if the boxes were all damaged if the,products were broken if the consumers,actually received the product that they,paid for this is exactly why Drop,Shipping gets a bad name when I first,started dropshipping I ran into,countless issues on multiple occasions I,found out the supplier actually shipped,the product to the wrong address and,when I would reach out to them about it,they would either deny it or not answer,me altogether,punch you on the face so bad right now,another common issue these suppliers,will get you on is actually sending,lower quality products to your consumers,they have little incentive to,communicate with the people who buy from,them so in other words they're kind of,just sending out whatever to your,customers because they don't care,they've already made the money terrible,business now that I've gone over why,AliExpress is just not sustainable in,the long run and it's potentially,holding back your business from getting,to the next level I think we should talk,about some of the key benefits that come,along with having a private supplier and,why you literally need one right now so,starting off with a private supplier you,can achieve shipping times much much,faster in many cases you can actually,get two to five day shipping which is,typical for domestic suppliers in other,words suppliers that hold your inventory,in the United States if that's where,you're selling to or in Europe or in,Canada and so on and so forth another,bonus of working with these private,suppliers is usually the potential for,white labeling for custom packaging logo,those and just creating an overall more,unique and branded customer experience a,private supplier would also be willing,to negotiate with you for lower prices,for faster shipping for cheaper shipping,depending on how many units you are,actually selling that way the more,successful that you become and the more,volume you start pushing through the,supplier the more likely they are to,reduce some of the costs per unit thus,increasing your profit margins over time,you're going to need it now at this,point you're probably saying okay I'm,sold but how do I actually find these,private suppliers to work with now this,can be a tricky task if you don't know,where to look and there's lots of,misinformation on it and also many,suppliers are reluctant to work with,drop shippers especially relatively,inexperienced drop shippers that aren't,pushing a lot of volume however there,are a few crucial methods and things,that you can do to increase your chances,in working with a top tier supplier,right off the bat firstly you can try,reaching out to suppliers that,specialize in a pro

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Automatisiertes DROPSHIPPING mit ALIEXPRESS | BuzinezzGang

Automatisiertes DROPSHIPPING mit ALIEXPRESS | BuzinezzGang

servus business gang und willkommen zu,einer weiteren folge der dropshipping,reihe falls dropshipping für euch noch,kein begriff ist schaut euch hier oben,einfach unser vorher vorbereitet das,video an dort wird alles noch mal genau,erklärt wir haben uns im letzten video,nationales brock shipping thematisiert,und heute liebe freunde soll es darum,gehen wie wir dropshipping,automatisieren und den größten anbieter,nämlich aliexpress einbinden einige von,euch werden ja sicherlich aliexpress,bereits kennen das ist einfach einer der,riesigen plattform ähnlich wie amazon,und ebay bei uns wo unabhängige händler,einfach ihre produkte einstellen können,händler oder übrigens auch hersteller,ihre produkte einstellen und dann in die,ganze welt versenden können wir wollen,also einen dropshipping store aufbauen,der am besten automatisierte produkte,importiert auf unserer website präsent,und gewinnbringend verkauft dafür,brauchen wir als allererstes natürlich,eine website im idealfall habt ihr schon,eine wenn ihr noch keine habt könnt ihr,euch gerne wordpress anschauen ich zeige,euch das jetzt einfach mal ganz kurz,wordpress ist eines der bekanntesten,content-management-systeme dass so viel,bedeutet wie ihr könnt auf wordpress,einfach alles bauen sei es ein video,portal youtube sei es ein online store,oder ein produkt generator wordpress ist,einfach nur die software die mit den,plugins vereint nachher ihre webpräsenz,ergibt ganz einfach also wordpress ist,eines der bekanntesten und einfach,umsonst weiß open source ist das,vielleicht auch mal dazu gesagt also im,median fall hat der website falls ihr,noch keine habt ihr euch eine legt euch,eine bei wordpress an arbeitete ein oder,wartet bis das produktvideo dazu bei uns,erscheint wie man eine website über,wordpress baut das könnt ihr natürlich,auch machen aber wir gehen es einfach,mal davon aus wir haben eine wordpress,website was brauchen wir um aliexpress,dort 1 binden was wir dazu brauchen ist,ein plug-in namens ali dropshipping,dropshot gibt's gar nicht mal so lange,und es gibt hier mehrere möglichkeiten,das heißt genau zwei eigentlich ihr habt,erstens die möglichkeit ein plug-in zu,erwerben das dann bei e commerce was,einfach nur ein weiteres plugin für,wordpress ist einzubinden oder aber ihr,abonniert direkt bei ali dropshipping,sieht man dass ein paket wo er alles,inklusive habt,das ist relativ teuer wie hier sehen,könnt deshalb freunde arbeitet euch,unbedingt in wordpress 1 oder wartet bis,das video kommt wo wir euch schritt für,schritt zeigen was sie alles und vor,allen dingen wie ihr alles mit wordpress,aufbauen könnt also wie man hier sehen,kann kann man bei ali dropshipping,plugin installieren oder b eine direkte,website einfach kaufen oder mieten der,vorteil dieses plug-in sally brooks chip,ist einfach nur folgendes ihr könnt in,dem ihr bei aliexpress surft euch,produkte anschaut könnt ihr einfach per,klick irgendwann alle produktbilder,produktnamen produktbewertungen,artikelvarianten und eben die,versandkosten einfach so importieren ihr,könnt sie einfach so übernehmen und ihr,könnt sogar hier original flüssigkeit,retina diesen namen könnt ihr natürlich,alle umbenennen beziehungsweise so,bearbeiten dass sie sinn machen weil da,hat wahrscheinlich irgendjemand google,übersetzer gearbeitet oder so aber,tatsächlich könnt ihr alles eins zu eins,so wie es ist einfach kopiert der kunde,erhält nun sein artikel ist völlig,zufrieden und alles ist gut ihr habt,euren gewinn erwirtschaftet eure taschen,sind voll es geht einfach nur ganz,normal weiter bei euch doch was passiert,wenn der kunde es zurück schickt diese,frage die ständig sehr viele von euch,und deswegen möchte ich euch die einfach,mal jetzt zumindest,in bezug auf aliexpress einfach mal,beantworten denn aliexpress gewährt,einen kunden die in europa was bei,aliexpress bestellen auch ein 14-tägiges,rückgaberecht zudem auch einen,zweijährigen garantieanspruch das sehen,wir nur wenn wir ganz runter scrollen,also ja mal die geld zurück garantie,gilt natürlich auch wenn der artikel der,beschreibung nicht entspricht oder,irgendwas artikel kaputt ist oder sonst,irgendwas danach den käufer schützt,diese frist geht bis 14 tage und dann,bekommt ihr einfach das geld zurück oder,könnte ein ersatzprodukt anfordern noch,wie auch immer das ist erstmal ganz,normale geld zurück garantie von von,alle express im bezug auf käuferschutz,dann gibt es noch die freiwillige,14-tägigen rückgabefrist es kunden die,gibt es natürlich auch aber nur wenn der,kunde in der europäischen union ist dazu,gehen wir ganz nach unten und die,gesetzliche verbraucherrechte von kunden,in der eu das habe ich jetzt mal gemacht,weil ihm ist dann runter scrollen auf,german version und dann seht ihr zum,beispiel dieses recht auf sanierung gilt,nicht für schwankungen am finanzmarkt,abhängige artikel das können zum,beispiel ja was wäre das beste beispiel,dafür einfach kaffee zum beispiel,rohstoffe aller art die gelten natürlich,dann nicht bei diesem 14-tägiges,rück

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Shopify Oberlo Tutorial - Automating Drop Shipping With Aliexpress

Shopify Oberlo Tutorial - Automating Drop Shipping With Aliexpress

all right so this video is going to be,about how you can speed up and semi,automate the Aliexpress drop shipping,process and this is going to help with,speeding up adding products to your,store and it's going to help with the,order fulfillment process so what I'm,going to be showing you today is a quick,tutorial of the over lo app so when you,download the over lo app you get a,Chrome extension and what it does is it,essentially gets access into your,Aliexpress account and it helps to speed,up a lot of processes when it comes to,adding items and fulfilling orders and,things like that so just to show you a,quick example I went ahead and searched,fallout 4 and Aliexpress and you can see,with the Chrome extension installed you,can see when you're browsing items it,shows whether the seller offers a packet,or not and what their processing time is,and things like that so so just to show,you how quick it is to add products to,your store I'm going to go ahead and,just add a few of these into my import,list here so all you would do is scroll,over the item and hit this coupon and,you'll see a product imported,successfully so I'll just go ahead and,import like 3 or 4 port these over and,then if we head over here inside the,overload app to the import list I'll,refresh the page,and you can see that these products,showed up so what it does is it pulls,all of the data over from the sellers,sales page and puts it right here so you,can name it whatever you want so we're,just going to fill out this information,real quick so I'll just say fallout 4,toy and then you can edit your,description here for the sake of time of,the video I'm not going to actually edit,all this stuff but you edit your,description and it what it does is,automatically pulls all the images that,the seller has associated with this,product in here and then you can select,which images you want to show up on your,page and then you can edit your variants,so it automatically imports all of the,variants that they offer and then you,can see it shows the costs right here of,how much it's going to cost you to buy,from aliexpress and it shows how much,inventory that this current supplier has,in stock so you would go in here and,name the options whatever you want and,this usually says like color or type or,material but you can go in once you once,you push these products to your store,you can go into the product editor there,and you can edit these products further,and you can change this from color to,like save for this I guess that would be,type way you can go in here you edit,your variants so we could edit this make,this $24.99 and then you see that,compare that price the same thing is,creating a sale on the store so $24.99,and you would just go down and you and,you would just go in and create all,these products really fast so this would,be fallout keychain and then you know,you check your variants select your,images and then come down here,and you just fill all these out for the,sake of time I'm not actually going to,go through and fill all these out as I,was going to add them to my store all,you would do is fill out all your,information here and as you can see you,can go here and you can add it to your,current collections that you have you,can choose the type of product it is so,this would be like keychain and then you,can insert your tags essentially,everything you need to add a product you,can do it from right here so you can be,in Aliexpress you can import a bunch of,products over and then you can set them,up here and then if you select them all,and if you come up here and select all,products you can hit push all products,to shop and then what that will do is,publish all of these products,automatically in your store and the only,thing that sometimes you will have to go,and change is sometimes you have to go,and edit the variant images if the wrong,image is associated with that variant or,if you want a different image associated,with the variant and now personally I,feel like the main advantage of this,application is to speed up the order,fulfillment process because that's,probably the biggest pain is when you're,trying to fulfill orders and you have to,copy the address you have to copy their,name and all that stuff and it's just a,bunch of copy and paste in and it's like,a 5-minute process for each item and if,you're selling 20 50 100 items of the,day you know even hundreds of items in a,day that's that's gonna take you all day,to do that,or you're going to be paying your VA a,lot of money so what I'm going to show,you next is how over low fulfills orders,on semi-automatic pretty much and how,setting up over low actually will cut,the time that you have to hire a VA to,fulfill your orders it will actually cut,the time in half that the VA will have,to do the work cuz it speeds up the,process a lot so I went ahead and,created a fake product in my store and,then I just bought from myself just so I,could fulfill that order so what I'm,going to do is I'm going to go u

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How To Automatically Fulfill Orders With DSers and AliExpress | Shopify Dropshipping

How To Automatically Fulfill Orders With DSers and AliExpress | Shopify Dropshipping

hey guys Dean here in today's Drop,Shipping video we're going to be going,over how you can Mass fulfill orders,with Shopify using the DS's plugin this,is the main Plugin or add-on for Shopify,that most people use to fulfill their,orders automatically or at least to,automate them rather than doing them,manually because everyone knows that you,don't want to hire a virtual assistant,to actually fulfill orders on Shopify,because it's going to be another minus,into your profits right hiring another,support agent which may also be useful,for certain other things but we can do,the orders automatically through a,plugin and save ourselves some money and,some time so let's jump into the Shopify,dashboard and I'll show you exactly how,to do it so here we are in my personal,Shopify store dashboard I'm going to,show you how to set up DS's now one,thing to note before we get started is I,do actually have a full video on how you,can get started Shopify Drop Shipping,it's a full free course it shows you,from setting up your Shopify account to,actually getting your website online,building out the store and getting the,basics actually set up and also in that,video I do a little bit more of a deep,dive into this plug in the DSs plugin so,the DSs app I go a little bit deeper,into it I'll show you the other features,which is unrelated to the mass order for,filling which I'm going to show in this,video so if you do want to learn a,little bit more about what this Plugin,or this app can do do click on that,video link in the description down below,but I'll kind of gloss over the other,features in this video too but we're,mainly going to be covering order,fulfillment so with that out the way,let's jump into the main section of this,video so if you want to go down to apps,here on the left hand side on our,dashboard and it will show you the apps,which I already have installed right and,as you can see I have a few different,apps so Ali reviews which is obviously,for uh reviews importing for our,products automatically product reviews,and open new product reviews they all do,the same thing I was just experimenting,with them to see which one was the best,that is also in the same video where I,go over which one you should install and,then also the Esters right I could just,type in DS's in here and it'd open up,the Shopify store and it'll,automatically take us to the app okay so,here's our DS's app right so this is,what happens when you first just,installed the assets so you need to link,your AliExpress so you click the button,down below and it takes you to,AliExpress and then you just go ahead,you sign in you press authorize and you,make the connection between the two now,as far as I'm aware DS's is actually,made by the same company as AliExpress,or at least they're in some kind of,partnership so there's nothing wrong,with linking your account here guys it's,totally fine it's safe and recommended,so that's how to set up the basics right,and you can also click on recommended,apps and it'll show you some other apps,to install too I will probably go over a,lot of these other apps in other videos,if there's any apps on Shopify that you,don't know how to use or you're not sure,if they're worth installing do tell me,about those in the comments too I do,want to do some more videos on Shopify,apps maybe we'll cover spocket or oberlo,something like that that should be,interesting to take a deep dive into and,of course on the Shopify app store you,can click that to find more apps too,which do very similar things right on,the Shopify app store we could just type,in order for fill see if anything else,comes up and you can see there's other,order fulfillment apps here too a lot of,things which do a very similar thing we,have Auto DS which I think is very,similar to DS's the reason why we're,using DS's is it hooks directly into the,AliExpress API the AliExpress website,and service which in simple terms means,this directly linked to your AliExpress,account and we can automatically do,tasks through our AliExpress account,straight to the Shopify plugin because,it has that bridge between the two,networks right here we are in DS's so,DSS is an interesting plugin so DSS has,a lot of different features and like I,said before I'm just going to go over,what the plugin actually does and what,you can do with this app and then we'll,get on to order fulfillment I will time,stamp the video so if you already know,about DS's you can jump to the main part,of the video to fulfill orders but let's,just go over it first of all so on DS,it's a very powerful app you can do a,lot of different stuff so for an example,we can go through the find suppliers,section which is particularly good so we,can go over the high profit selection,which tries to give you some products,which may have high margins that you can,potentially sell obviously not all these,products are going to be any good you'll,have to sift through them this is also,another one of those methods to find,winning produ

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How to Automate Dropshipping With a Free Chrome Extension!

How to Automate Dropshipping With a Free Chrome Extension!

one of the challenges of running a,successful ebay or amazon drop shipping,business is that we often find ourselves,doing the same repetitive but simple,tasks over and over and over again it,takes up a lot of time now luckily,people are developing software that is,automating that process for it for us,making it a lot faster but there's some,things that people haven't made software,for yet and in this video I'm going to,show you how you can program basically,your Chrome browser to do it for you and,I promise you it's not as hard as it,sounds hey I'm Paul and I'm committed to,teaching you the exact strategies I use,to create multiple six-figure businesses,on ebay and these are the same methods,that changed my life and I'm here to,show you how they can change yours as,well so here I am on and,if you've dropped it from Home Depot,then you know that one of the challenges,is that Home Depot's address book only,accepts 50 addresses at a time any more,than that and it sort of messes up the,system and what we have to do once a day,is come in to the address book and,delete all 50 addresses by clicking here,then clicking here imagine that there,were 50 year it would take a really long,time to delete all of them that is until,I found this Chrome extension called,imacros and I'll put a link to this,underneath this video I'm gonna go ahead,and add it now and show you how it works,great so it's added now it's up here and,what I'll do is click this and I'm gonna,start a new one so I click on the main,folder imacros this is a little bit,confusing to use the first time but as,you'll see it's not too bad and the more,you play with it the more fun you can,actually have with it you can see how,many different things you can automate,so I'm going to click now where it says,record right here click record macro,there we go now click yes delete it,and now come back here and click stop,and now this will show you the whole,process right here so the first step is,actually labeled number two it says go,to this URL which is slash,addresses right then it's have you click,where it says delete which is right here,then it clicks again where it says,delete it right here so those are the,steps it recorded and now what I'll do,is click Save and close,and this is it right here I'm gonna,rename it by right-clicking click rename,and call it delete addresses and now,I'll click play macro it's going to go,through all the steps so first it's,going to go to that website then it's,going to click the button delete and,then click the next button that says to,be so it just happened it was really,fast and that's how it works now what,you can do now is you highlight it click,on manage and click on edit and you can,edit it in here so I get rid of the URL,because I can just come right here when,I'm ready to do it but you can leave it,in there if you want and then what I'm,going to do is repeat these tasks so I'm,gonna copy them and repeat it so that it,keeps doing it and you can have I think,up to 25 lines of code so to speak so,you can quickly delete all them now one,thing I found is that you need to give,it time to load between deleting items,for the website to load so between each,of them what I'm going to do is add in,another line deposit and that looks like,this it says wait seconds equals 1 so,after it deletes an item it's going to,wait one second actually I screwed that,up goes right here and now I will,copy and paste that so this is really,great you got to play with it a little,bit now click Save and close and now we,can try it again by clicking play the,new one so now it loads the website it's,gonna click delete it's gonna do these,second ones it's gonna need to alert,third one the fourth one it would have,kept it leading them but there's none,left so really cool little software you,can play with this this script itself,that I just showed you I'll put,underneath this video if you want to or,I'll put in a link underneath this video,if you want to copy it and use it,yourself and play around this see what,else you can do with this I'm only,beginning to learn from it if you open,the folder called demo there's a lot of,different demos it will show you,different things that can do like fill,in forms for you do quick save as upload,things for you so try it out and let me,know in the comments section what you've,discovered that it can do or different,ways that you found to do repetitive,tasks over and over again really really,quickly and if you like this video,I'd appreciate it if you give it a,thumbs up if you loved the video make,sure to subscribe for more quick fast,tips about ebay and amazon drop shipping,thanks and I'll see you in the next,video

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Aliexpress Dropshipping Center Product Research Method (Automate VAs To Do...)

Aliexpress Dropshipping Center Product Research Method (Automate VAs To Do...)

so I'll Express has this thing called,that job should be centered it's super,important it's super useful and not many,people know how to use this and that it,even exists so in this video I'll show,you guys the eye especially dropshipping,Center and how could go ahead and use it,to find and prove all your winning,products to find current trending,products today like I'll give you guys,literary a this is a segment from my,course you know I'm giving away a lot of,free content because I don't you know,when I got started I needed a lot of,free content because I didn't have the,capital to invest into a course and,that's not what I'm doing with my,channel giving more and more away,literally you're not gonna get,everything like I don't want you guys to,sort of buy any of my courses or joining,in my programs like this channel is all,free there's no upsells I don't ask what,you guys serve I'll do anything in these,videos they're just 100 percent download,base so if you guys want thousand,dollars worth of courses or cassava,cause of me the last one is here because,gonna qualify if they do drop a comment,below follow my Instagram hit the,subscribe button the notification bar,and I'll be picking the best comment,every single beer after that let's get,right into this free course up so I got,a new strategy for you guys today and,it's called the drop shipping center,strategy this only got recently released,not so long ago and yeah you know I'm,keeping this course up to Dan showing,guys all the newest strategies so what,you want to do is you want to log into,I'll Express all right now that I'm,signed in you want to go to account and,you want to go to drop shipping Center,know a lot of new accounts won't have,this and if that's the case what you,have to do is you want to type in early,Express drop shipping center click on,the first link and then your prompt you,to this sign up button where you go,ahead confirm sign up and then they'll,give you drop shipping sometimes as,simple as that,CEO to Google aliexpress drop shipping,Center click the first link and it'll,give you an option to sign up and apply,for it but for accounts that have a few,borders you should already get drop,shipping Center just cuz you know I'll,Express gives this to people who have a,lot of orders and what you want to do is,you want to go to hot drop shipping,items they get to all categories and as,you can see you get a time,I like hot drop shipping quarters like a,look at this that's a mean this is like,a Gucci looking watch this is a really,really cool cable manager like I'm,looking at this and I think I need it,too,and they're just 250 pages worth of hot,items no this is a way to find really,really cool items and everyday you just,want to go through from page 1 to 7 and,look for unique items but what you also,want to do is use a product analysis so,what product analysis is it actually,shows the current trend of that product,so let's go back here hot drop shipping,items now let's say you want to open up,this and what you want to do is go ahead,and copy the link paste into product now,it's a search and as you can see you see,the cells while I'm every single day and,see if it's on an upwards trend and from,the looks of it this product is on an,upward trend I could totally understand,why because this is a product I'm,probably gonna purchase after this video,because I need one of them but you want,to look for products on an upward trend,let's get another example let's try this,watch and this belt,Wow this watch is on a crazy upward,trend so this is something you,definitely want to test ASAP let's check,this belt this is gone on an upward,trend as well which is pretty crazy so,I'm seeing usually it'll take me 10,products if I'm you know percocet on an,upward trend but today's just a good day,let's give this product a try let me try,find a bad example,yeah this is a bad example where it's,steady this high sales volume let's calm,down,and it's just flatlined so you literally,want to go through all these products,and you can literally hire a virtual,assistant that can all they do is find,products that are on an upward trend and,pay them for every birth they find this,one very steady what this means is,someone is currently dominating this,market and they're having a steady flow,of sales and it's probably really hard,for you to get a market share because it,consistently bills 700 cells every day,and you can't really jump into that,unless it's on an upward trend so you,don't want to go for I was a flatline,downhill you only want to go for price,Legon uphill but that's the power drop,shipping so not only do I give you hot,drop shipping items you have this,product analysis chart so that is a drop,shipping center strategy you know I'm,always show you guys the latest,up-to-date strategies and yeah hopefully,you know by the end of the year we'll,have you know 50 plus product research,strategies for you but the main thing is,you want to be using all these,strategies find

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