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Copy & Paste Reddit Videos Onto TikTok And Make $30,500/Month (NO WORK!)

step number one copy this link step,number two paste it over here and click,on generate step number three you can,get paid money online for this,incredibly viral niche right now you,don't need a camera for this we're not,going to be creating any content you,don't need tick-tock you don't need,instagram reels you don't need youtube,shorts we don't need any social media,platform to make money online from this,all you need is the ability to copy this,link over here whether it's on a mobile,phone or a laptop and you can make,multiple streams of income online in,fact every single second of this video,is bringing you closer to thirty,thousand dollars a month using tick tock,without even creating your own content i,suggest pay close attention to this,video and watch every single detail of,this video as you don't want to miss any,of the steps that i'm going to show you,in order to set up the successful tic,toc business you see this person over,here is approximately making anywhere,between 500 and 2 000 every single day,posting one to two tick tocks every,single morning and afternoon and they,are absolutely killing it with views,none of this is their own content,they're not coming up with themselves,they're not recording their own face,they're not even touching a camera or a,phone to go and make this kind of,content and over here you can see this,link in their bio leads to other,different socials they've got a paid,discord server over here which is how,they're making money online from this,except we're going to be doing this a,little bit differently we're not going,to be using a discord server i'm going,to show you how you can go and do this,with passive income affiliate links now,this has nothing to do with tick tock ad,revenue we're not going to be making,money on ads or anything like that we're,going to be utilizing the virality of,tick tock with this brand new niche over,here that is really blowing up right now,as you can see they are getting millions,and millions of views more views than,what they have followers over here i can,actually show you a couple of smaller,channels doing this this guy only has,188 181k followers and some of these,videos are getting close to two million,views um there's another one over here,with two million another one here with,790 thousands as you can see these,videos absolutely blow up and tick tock,is the kind of platform where you can,get a hundred thousand views overnight,from the algorithm without having any,followers that's just how the tick tock,algorithm is working right now and you,can also go and copy and paste this onto,instagram reels to double up your views,double up your audience and double up,your money online as you can see all,this person is doing this is copying and,pasting stories from reddit overlaying a,text to voice editor with a random,background video of a swing and just,putting it on text over here and they're,basically getting millions of views,doing this so reddit stories on tick,tock right now turning that into a video,is a great way to get a lot of views and,we can monetize that in multiple ways so,in this video i'm going to go and teach,you how to go and create a video like,this it's super important that you know,how to do this you can't just go and,slap bang some voice to text generator,from reddit onto a video there's a,specific way that you need to set it up,in order to maintain your audience,retention and the best thing about,reddit is that there are unlimited,stories there are hundreds of new,stories being posted every single day so,there's literally infinite content ideas,for the rest of your life so this is,something that you can be running for,the rest of your life a business and a,page that you can really be growing and,hand down to your kids one day to their,kids and it will just constantly grow,and produce more money online as it goes,so the first thing we can go and do is,get an idea of what reddit stories,people like the most so we can just go,and google best,reddit,stories,click on enter and over here you can see,what are some classic reddit stories,that users should read 21 reddit stories,no one will believe 12 most fascinating,subreddits for mostly true stories over,here you can see some very fascinating,reddit stories so your tick tock could,be all about the totally random,celebrity sightings over here you can,see is the link to this specific reddit,and you can go and view the full reddit,over here here is another good example,12 of the most fascinating subreddits,for mostly true stories over here you,can have a look relationship and,relationship advice confession stories,is usually a very good video type that,does well on tick tock so if i go and,open this up you can actually have a,look for example,this is a great story to go and turn,into a tick tock so this is how it works,all we're going to do is we're going to,come over to a website called veed dot,io we can click on enter we're going to,click on the first link over here this,video

The above is a brief introduction to youtube tiktok ads reddit

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How to make Reddit TikTok Videos

How to make Reddit TikTok Videos

what's up guys and welcome back to the,channel where we give you the best ai,tips and tricks for youtube,today we are going to walk through how,to make these easy reddit videos with,video game backgrounds typically,minecraft gta and fall guys are used but,any game that is trending and are,relatively slow paced should work great,if certain games go out of style,make sure to like comment and subscribe,and all of the tools will be linked in,the description down below,the first thing you're going to want to,do is go to b dot io,once you're at v dot io you're going to,want to click new video,and create project,now if you already have the gameplay,that you want to use for the video just,upload the file up here but in this,tutorial we're gonna get our gameplay,from youtube,so click youtube,and you're gonna see this add a youtube,video,now we're gonna have to find the link to,a youtube video so go to,and search up,you know minecraft or gta whatever,gameplay that you want for this tutorial,we're going to use minecraft,now when looking for gameplay you have,to make sure you have the right to use,the gameplay okay so free to use,that's you know that looks good,no ads no credit okay but the best way,youtube already does this is click,filters,and click creative comments,okay all these videos you're able to use,under fair use which is why they're put,in the creative commons that's what the,creative commons is,now this is the one thing you're gonna,run into,okay,there's going to be two different,display types there's the tick tock,vertical up and down or the youtube full,screen,you know style displays okay in this,tutorial i think i'm going to go with,the tick tock up and down vertical,and once we figured out that we like,this gameplay we're gonna copy the link,and paste it in v,now once it's uploaded to feed you'll,see it down here the first thing we're,going to want to do,is right click on it go to audio and,detach audio,see this shows audio right here okay i'm,going to delete this but if you want to,keep the audio you can sit there and cut,it that's the way to find the audio for,the gameplay if you ever uploaded a link,sometimes the video is blurred on both,sides so it's you know fits the youtube,aspect ratio,and it looks like this you know black on,both sides or it's blurred what you're,going to want to do is go to size,see where right here it should say,original this is youtube aspect ratio,and we're going to scroll down,there's instagram story and tick tock,right here so it fixes it it's very easy,envy to fix the aspect ratio it's just a,little bit confusing if you don't know,what you're doing so size,right there,see,we're gonna go to,here on reddit we're gonna want to find,a thread that we're gonna use,a good place to find a thread is ask,reddit,but if you're doing niches like you know,scary stories or funny moments,you know you're going to want to look,for,some,interesting topics that people would,like to watch or might catch somebody,off guard,once we've found a thread we're going to,want to screenshot or use the snippet,tool okay if you have a mac,right now i'm on windows if you have a,mac you're gonna have to find a way to,screenshot or have your own snippet tool,you know do a little research i'm not,quite sure but in windows we're gonna,push the window button,plus shift plus s at the same time it's,gonna look like this then we're gonna,hold click and hold and try to get,the whole thread right there,then it's gonna pop up on the right make,sure to click,right here and save,up here,it is not saved once you have just,done the snippet,then we're gonna need to name it we're,just gonna put reddit,one,and then save,now to keep it clean i put it in its own,folder the screenshot or the snip i,guess,if you want to do the,classic reddit,as the voice is reading along the,words are popping up we could easily do,this by opening it up with,paint,once it's in paint you're going to want,to just click the erase,and start erasing,okay i would erase where there's commas,or there's natural breaks when you read,it,but when you erase it automatically,turns white this is why,editing in paint,is the best way to go,it's already white you don't have to you,know do weird coloring,and then we would go to file and then,push save as and then,png,and then when we save it we're going to,want to rename this one 1.1,now we do the next word and we're gonna,just,go down the line,save as one point,two now,i'm gonna do a couple words this time,see so now it's just which,and this is gonna be the last one,one point,three,so we have one,one point one one point two and one,point three,once you have all your snippets you want,to start dragging them into the feed,editor in order from top to bottom so,three two one and then,no or zero,now i have all the screenshots envied,you could edit it and make it bigger or,smaller it's going to be on tick tock i,think this will be completely fine see,this is the last one so,see when you do it,w

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How to make Reddit TikTok Videos

How to make Reddit TikTok Videos

look 1.3 million views 5.4 million 4.8,all with a simple Reddit Minecraft,videos that you can easily do yourself,that's why in this video I'm gonna show,you how,what's up guys and welcome back to,another video where we give you the best,AI tips and tricks I've already done,this tutorial before but with some,updates to CERN programs we're going to,have to throw those programs in the,trash this is a brand new way of how to,make Minecraft reddit Tick Tock videos,at the end of the video I will be,showing you some tips on how to run,these Reddit accounts and other games,you can use so make sure you stay to the,end and as always tools will be linked,in the description down below before we,start make sure to like comment,subscribe for a chance to win free Early,Access to our YouTube automation,masterclass where we teach you how to,run a YouTube channel without doing any,work the winner of last week is,Viviana Gutierrez Viviana make sure to,email us at YT automationcourse, so you can receive your prize,the email will also be in the,description again make sure to like,comment subscribe for your chance to win,early free access to the YouTube,automation master class now back to the,video step one the editing software this,seems to be the most crucial step of all,and I may have found the Holy Grail of,editors DaVinci Resolve DaVinci is,completely free with no watermark this,is what the website looks like and we're,gonna scroll down and make sure we,download the free version in this,tutorial I'm using the one on the left,and I'm on Windows once you have it,downloaded install it and open up,DaVinci create a new project and give it,a name,the second step is getting the gameplay,getting the gameplay is a really easy,part of the process we are just going to,scrub some copyright free gameplay from,YouTube I'm going to search for,something simple like Minecraft Parkour,gameplay and make sure to filter using,Creative Commons to get copyright free,videos,find a video and copy the link,now go to a YouTube to MP4 downloader,paste the link convert and download drag,the gameplay into DaVinci once we're in,DaVinci you can see that the gameplay is,not the right size if you're doing The,Tick Tock and YouTube shorts aspect,ratio to fix this go to file project,settings and see this,1920x1080 we're just going to switch,them and Save,it's that easy step 3 the Reddit content,go to and search for the type,of content you would like,I am going to go with something simple,like the ask Reddit subwit pick an,interesting thread and then use the,snippet tool by pressing Windows shift,and S at the same time make sure to,click this pop-up and select save,save this snippet in its own folder that,you will be able to find now that it is,saved we have to go get our voice,step forward the voiceover for our,voiceovers we are going to be using, pick a language select,AI voices and pick the voice you like,the most now go back to the Reddit post,and just copy and paste everything in AI,text speed you can change the output,volume speech rate and add pauses where,they need to go and then preview the,file to make sure everything is up to,code,once it is good press synthesize scroll,down and download the file,now it's time to put it all together,the final step is putting it all,together to put it all together go to,the edit section right here and drag the,snippet and the voiceover into DaVinci,you might want to get rid of the,gameplay audio so right click on the,gameplay left click then unlink,once it is unlinked make sure to only,have the audio selected and press delete,or backspace,to change the size of the snippet select,a transform button right here and change,the size and location to where it looks,good now make sure the voiceover and the,snippet are the same way and then you go,back to the thread and complete the same,steps to all the other comments,finally you're going to want to get rid,of the extra gameplay so go back to the,cut Tab and then line it up to where,there's no more gameplay and press cut,and then delete the extra gameplay,once you are finished go to file quick,export and select export,and this is the example we made in this,video which fun facts are completely,wrong,now as promised some tips when running,these accounts you are going to want to,make sure you are utilizing two things,the first thing is hashtags this will,allow your videos to pop up in hashtags,in git exposure and we want every chance,we can get to have our video viewed,people will click on the hashtag and are,able to scroll through giving you as a,new channel a better chance to get views,you are going to want to make sure you,are using the most up-to-date tags and I,suggest just looking at what other users,are using to help you out the second,thing is using the pin feature on your,profile this will allow you to show your,best videos first hoping that people,click and scroll through the most,popular posts and to your newest post,helping that p

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Copy & Paste Reddit Videos Onto TikTok And Make $5,750/Month (Payment Proof)

Copy & Paste Reddit Videos Onto TikTok And Make $5,750/Month (Payment Proof)

hey guys it's mr money here and i'm,about to show you how people are using,tick tock and reddit as a money printing,machine and how you can do that as well,so let's get started,there's a certain type of content on tic,tac that we are going to be focused on,in today's video and this is pretty much,it if you guys head over to, or ready stories on,tick tock you're going to find this type,of content basically it's just a,background and some text that was taken,from reddit and an automated voice is,pretty much reading that text aloud and,here's the thing they're generating,millions of views or hundreds of,thousands of views on every single video,in other words there's a lot of traffic,there as far as i know this content is,not monetizable meaning that they are,probably not profiting off of ads or,something of that sort tic tac is not,paying them for the content itself,however there is a lot of free traffic,and wherever there is traffic wherever,there is exposure there are also,potential customers and that's pretty,much all we care about we're not going,to depend on tick tock to pay us we are,not going to depend on any platform and,instead we're going to generate money in,another way that is even more clever,first of all we're going to find those,reddit posts and one thing you can do is,just head over to reddit and find the,topic for today's method we're just,going to focus on a very specific niche,and that is going to be dating more,precisely bad dating experiences because,that is a topic that's going to get,people intrigued just take a look i've,gone ahead and connected to,and i've typed in my worst date and this,is one that i found now make sure that,the post has enough up votes that pretty,much means it is high value you don't,want to go for a post that only has one,upvote and once you find your content,already that is pretty much all we need,at this point it is just a matter of,using the right tools every single tool,we're going to use moving forward is,entirely free and it is just clicking,dragging and dropping anybody can do it,but there are going to be some key,features that you need to pay attention,to because you might get confused,throughout the process and give up so i,don't want you guys to do that so follow,my advice closely do everything,correctly and you've got no reason to,fail first of all we need to head over,to a free stock footage website such as,pixels or pixabay and we need to take a,look at videos that is pretty much going,to be the background video that you can,see on these posts as well you can,pretty much just type in dating or even,go for paris why not and at this point,all you gotta do is find a picture find,a video that's in the right dimensions,this one for instance looks pretty good,to me so let's download that one now,that we have chosen a topic and we've,got a few resources that we can work,with i want you guys to head over to,v.i.o this is pretty much where the,magic happens we're going to bring all,the resources in one place and v that i,o allows us to pretty much create that,video from scratch and so what i want,you guys to do is click on create video,and then create a new project then you,want to use a template and that is just,so that you get the right dimensions for,your video alternatively you can just,select blank project and then upload the,video you have just downloaded from,pixels or pixabay and this is it there,you have it now the main advantage of,using v data is the fact that you can,add subtitles in other words you can add,this text that you took from,onto your video and it's pretty easy to,do now guys the production of this video,is not going to be a key part and,instead of that what you need to focus,on is finding the right topics as long,as you can cover the right topics they,are going to get people intrigued that,will make people want to watch your,content the production is just going to,be an easy thing that you need to get,rid of and so what you can do is just,head over to the subtitles section and,that allows you to add your text onto,the screen onto your video and at this,point you just want to copy these,paragraphs one by one so let me actually,do that and show you how it's done i'm,going to copy that and paste it in here,and this is it it has just been added to,the video but it doesn't really look,good so you can still do some formatting,change the styles the colors the font,size until it looks good i won't be able,to show you guys these videos because of,copyright related issues however i can,assure you there is some automated voice,that's reading these posts aloud and we,can also replicate that by heading over,to video which is spelled with a w right,here that's going to turn our text into,speech and all you gotta do is paste,your text in there and then select the,voice you want so let's actually do a,preview okay it's a long one but worth,the read for background purposes i'm a,42 y o mail now i hope you guys could,h

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How To Make Reddit Tiktok Videos And Earn Money (Affiliate Marketing Tiktok)

How To Make Reddit Tiktok Videos And Earn Money (Affiliate Marketing Tiktok)

you can create high quality original,content for zig talk by getting most of,your inspiration from reddit it's all,free and that's pretty sensitive what,this user right here is doing and they,are generating thousands of dollars in,the process so let's give it a try now,guys there's no secret that getting,viral on tick tock is far easier than it,is on places like instagram or youtube,it doesn't take a genius to come up with,a viral piece of content but now you,might be finding all sorts of excuses i,don't have an interesting life i don't,travel a lot i don't do any interesting,activities so what can i possibly post,that could get viral i don't have any,pets either so i cannot film those well,stop making excuses and listen up you,can actually get your inspiration off of,reddit which is a great place for,finding interesting funny stories in,case you do not have funny stories of,your own you can just outsource them off,of this platform and i'm about to show,you how no solid video editing skills,are needed either all you gotta do is,follow a series of very simple steps the,first one of which would be doing a,little bit of research in other words,taking a look at what this page is,already doing let's just pay attention,to what they are doing so we can model,the process add our own contribution our,own unique touch and come up with a new,product so let's just take a look at,this video right here they got over 400,000 views basically this user is just,taking screenshots off of reddit and,then posting them onto some stock,footage some gameplay now they started,implementing this change recently,because up until a few months ago they,used to actually have stock footage in,the background as you can see and now,i'm gonna leave that up to you and i'm,also going to show you an entirely,different way that you can go about it,at the end of the day you call the shots,here so you get to choose which one you,prefer now if you want to record some,gameplay you can just start playing,minecraft and recording the screen of,your computer using tools such as obs,studio that's pretty self-explanatory so,i'm not going to waste your time with,that you can just download the tool and,start using it it's the exact same one,i'm using right now to record this video,so it's pretty straightforward,alternatively if you want to use some,stock footage let me show you a clear,example here this is it if you want your,videos to look like this one you can,just head over to places like,or pixabay and these are just two of the,options you have and start downloading,stock footage the best part about it is,that all of these videos are copyright,free which means you can just download,them onto your device and then reuse,them even for commercial purposes,nobody's gonna have anything against,that your videos will not be taken down,and you still can see their original,content as long as you also add your own,contribution which we're about to do in,just a second now that we've got our,background it is time to take this,screenshot so how do we do that where,can we find all of these interesting,stories and by the way let me actually,play the video for a few seconds,the voice over movie trailers the,original movie voice guy died and so did,that style of movie trailer those clowns,that used to chase people around in 2016,hotel keys that weren't a plastic credit,card i'm not entirely sure whether or,not you could hear that clearly but,basically there is also a voiceover,that's reading all of those different,screenshots in other words you're just,going to use a bot i'm going to provide,you with a free option a free software,that you can use so that you don't even,need the microphone you don't have to,spend any cash on the process in luckily,for us there are so many tools that can,get the job done one of which is gonna,be and you've got so,many different options,voiceovermaker you name it they got it,another good option from my experience,would be video make sure to spell that,with a w the best part about it is that,you get to choose your voiceover from,this wide range of options that way you,can just choose your language the accent,you have and then even the speed or the,pacing all you gotta do is type in your,text in here and download the mp3 file,and that's pretty sensitive what we're,about to do but now guys things keep,getting better and better let me show,you how easy this whole process is if,you want to put more effort into the,process you can just search for funny,stories find the subreddit and then just,pick one that you like but you don't,necessarily have to do that because,thanks to this page only right here we,can actually access all of their sources,all you gotta do is click on the link in,their description that will take you to,this link three page and then they're,gonna link the subreddits they are,currently using so i'm gonna so if you,click on that you will be taken to this,other page and now you can just sta

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How to Make Reddit TikTok Videos to Make Money Online (Tutorial)

How to Make Reddit TikTok Videos to Make Money Online (Tutorial)

i'm just about to reveal how you guys,can start creating viral tick tock,videos without ever showing your face on,camera or completing any silly,challenges without spending a single,dollar so let's get started and here's a,perfect example of that take a look at,this tick tock account it is literally,generating hundreds of thousands or tens,of thousands even millions of views with,each and every single one of their,uploads and the list goes on and on that,is not an isolated case as you can see,over two million views on this one and,here's another example this channel is,constantly getting huge engagement and,that is for a good reason so guys in the,following minutes we're about to reverse,engineer exactly what these kind of,creators are doing and i'm about to,provide you with a way you can monetize,these videos as well because here's the,thing these are the videos may not be,regarded as original content and for,that reason you may not be able to,monetize your title page so there is a,pretty solid chance you're not making,any money with it and that is a shame,really but we are going to find creative,ways around it don't worry about that i,got you covered but for now let's take a,look at these videos what are they all,about and how can we recreate them as,you can see each and every single one of,these uploads are basically a,combination of stock footage or gameplay,in the background then there are some,screenshots on the screen and these are,basically just some ready screenshots of,certain posts and then finally there's,also an automated voiceover that just,makes the video a lot more engaging,right and let me tell you something if,you take a moment to actually watch,these tick tocks you're gonna notice,they are quite engaging that is because,all of these different content creators,on t talk are basically doing the,research on reddit finding the most,upvoted posts in a certain niche and,then taking advantage of that content,and so these stories are already proven,to work they're really engaging people,love them they have already been,uploaded on reddit so they're proven to,work you're just changing the format,here and repurposing that content for,tic-tac so let me show you how we can,make that happen let's take it one step,at a time what about the background as,you can see this is quite repetitive,actually this content creator is using,the same exact background for several,different videos and it still works,there's no problem with that well if,you're passionate about playing video,games and you're already doing that in,your spare time then the easiest way you,can grab that footage as you might,expect would be by playing the game and,recording your screen now you can do,that using obs studio which is the tool,i'm using right now to record this video,installing this is going to be,effortless so i'm not going to waste,your time with that but in case you want,to save some time and not have to go,through the gameplay in case that is not,something you enjoy here's a quick fix,i've just opened up a new youtube tab,and i have searched for minecraft,gameplay however we are not able to use,any video in the list because of,something called copyright that i'm,pretty sure you're already familiar with,because of that we're not used to reuse,other people's content and profit off of,it we're just stealing it right but in,order to find the solution to that,problem what you gotta do is apply a,filter head over to the list of features,and select creative commons all of these,videos listed down below are copyright,free which means they can download them,and reuse them even for commercial,purposes and nobody is going to have,anything against that in order to keep,things very brief here i'm going to copy,the links to this youtube short and then,download the video you can do that in a,matter of seconds by heading over to a,google tab and typing in youtube to mp4,then you can open up any one of these,websites even though i recommend that,you have an anti-virus turned on because,sometimes these websites will take you,to some pretty shitty pages you gotta,paste in your links and click on,download and once you've done that,you're pretty much all set what you,gotta do um next is download the video,download the footage on your device and,we're gonna use it but now guys what,about the content itself i mean getting,the background footage and the voiceover,is not gonna be too difficult but what,about the stories where can we outsource,this where can we get this from well,before we can do that let me emphasize,something else take a look at this apart,from this page which is a little bit,more broad and it covers general topics,the other ones,have niched down on a certain topic for,instance this one is all about,terrifying ready stories they've got,their own sub niche and then this other,one well it is all about bedtime stories,now you get a point here and we are,actually going to start looking for our,own unique niche in order to stand out,and

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How To Use The TikTok Reddit Bot To Make Money In 2023 | Complete Tutorial

How To Use The TikTok Reddit Bot To Make Money In 2023 | Complete Tutorial

guys there's a new type of videos on,tick tock that are absolutely crushing,it they're getting millions of views and,i'm gonna show you how you can create,and monetize them for free so let's get,started i'm talking about reddit stories,i'm not sure whether or not you're,familiar with this format but these,videos are killing the game i mean take,a look at these results right here i,have literally typed in ready stories in,the tic tac search bar and these are the,results that showed up now let's try to,reverse engineer what these content,creators are doing so we can replicate,that process as well what you're gonna,notice is that most of the times when it,comes to the footage that's used in,these videos it is either some gameplay,footage or some stock footage that you,can get for free of the internet now,that is not the most important part,what's more important here are the,stories themselves because as you can,see apart from the star footage in the,background there's also a screenshot,that basically narrates a very,interesting very engaging story and the,best part about all of these videos is,that you don't actually need to come up,with your own unique stories you don't,need to be too creative because we've,literally got an infinite source of,inspiration which is we can,literally leverage other people's,stories and deliver them in a very,engaging fashion just like all of these,content creators are doing so here's,what you need to do next first off we,need to understand what kind of stories,are getting traction here and most of,the times they will be related to dating,or they will just be embarrassing,moments that people are talking about or,here's another one what is the angriest,you've ever become at a doctor's,appointment these are just some random,very interesting stories that people,have to share so that's what we're gonna,be looking for but for the sake of,simplicity let me just type in something,along the lines of my worst dating,experience and if you do that you will,literally stumble upon all of the,interesting stories that people are,sharing for free they're just sharing,their personal experience right or,here's another one my most weird,encounter meeting a celebrity that could,also work and so on and so forth there,are countless different examples i could,go for it but there's something else we,need to understand here some people,might argue and that's for good reason,that tick tock is not always going to,monetize this sort of content now that,doesn't stop people from still posting,them and getting millions upon millions,of views i mean there are all sorts of,different theme pages that are just,posting this content take a look at this,one 760 thousand followers and here's,another great example of a successful,tick tock page 470 000 followers with,over 57 million likes just imagine that,for a second 57 million likes on your,content and i could keep going for ages,however guys there is one drawback here,if you are going to post these videos in,vain without ever getting paid for them,why would you even bother why would you,waste your time i personally think this,is not such a fun pastime right this is,definitely not a hobby i would say cop i,would only do this if i were able to,find a way to monetize the content and,that's what we are after so let's,explore the possibilities first and,foremost i'm sure you know that tik tok,pays their content creators for the,original content they are posting and,let me place the emphasis on the word,original you see these videos are not,necessarily original they are mass,produced you're just outsourcing the,story from reddit you're getting someone,else's story and delivering it to your,audience and you're just putting,together a bunch of stock footage or,gameplay footage and some screenshots so,you're not really adding any sort of,value to the final product to the final,result that's why you may not get,monetized in the end so applying for the,tixa creator font may be out of the,question for now if it happens if tick,tock decides to monetize your content,that's even better but we're not gonna,depend on it we are going to find,creative ways around it and here's what,i had in mind first and foremost we need,to take a step back and really try to,understand what's going on here and what,kind of content really sells what kind,of content is the most successful and as,we've just determined it is all about,dating experiences take a look at this,one people who've dated the psycho what,incident made you aware that you were,dating a psycho i'm pretty sure that,question is going to be answered with a,really fun story but now guys let me ask,you something let's just say that we're,going to create a very similar title,page to this one right here and we are,going to cover interesting and fun,dating experiences right what if apart,from posting this content that people,can access for free and they can,definitely enjoy it what if we were able,to also deliver some additional

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TY Is Still Raging At Newcastles Tactics | Biased Premier League Show

TY Is Still Raging At Newcastles Tactics | Biased Premier League Show

hi and welcome along to the bias Premier,League show The Boys Are Back bringing,up white yard in the building also tied,but he's today by boohoo man you can see,Tyler rocking it I'm rocking it rocking,it it's rocking it Bob Marley yeah,how many how many do you want,three little birds waiting in Vape not,where the tree looking birds there,Exodus,um yeah the snow was there in November,but it got no it's actually quite,okayish not too much,again yep watch more games watch the,Brighton game and I watch the the um,just before the flight you will just,moved to Brighton yeah move to break you,moved to Red no we are living room,I used we move to them so much they have,to hand their football heads in shape I,heard you made that website apart yeah,no they put me on the website they was,disgrace of a football club now first of,all when I started to change the space,I'm not gonna spray it up no man no no,no very good when I say disgrace,I exclude Danny Danny Wilbert,no no no no I'm saying it now because I,didn't get into an interview because,after the game against Brighton I would,have got I would no we had to go home,but I haven't said that though we got,the brightest safety you came to me I,announced me before the picture but,Brighton,hang your head in shame how dare you put,me me a humble fan on your website show,my face now then show my face,slapped you hold on all over the past,did you just say a humble fan absolutely,not for what I saw last night,what did I say I have to say it right,you were very salty man very much,of Thai and the Newcastle thing,I thought the New Castle fan was a nice,responsible okay yeah you started,cussing him,seem to be very rude towards him Thai,right yeah he was rude to me do you know,what he said to me what if he was,laughing here what do you say to your,feet,I told you,no but I told you what did he say I told,you to offered because people in the,comments sorry Bobby,people in the comments are making,assumptions you didn't hear what the man,said to me this is what one of the guys,in the comments says there's loads of,rational level-headed knowledgeable,awesome fans thank you very very start,and there's morons like you there's more,issue it's very pleasant and handled,Thai very well I saw no reason for Ty to,get rooted yes right you didn't see,because you didn't see him get rude to,me off there did you big up the news man,Ty's taking it way too serious very oh,I'm sorry so football's not serious then,so football's not serious anymore oh oh,I'm sorry,so it's not serious it's not serious,what did you say sorry,go on then move literally everybody,literally everybody in the comments,I don't care and who are they right who,are you travel guy with me who are you,talking about me comment in the comment,section no who are you watched it and,comment in the comment section,we're gonna bring a new segment to the,show,a team like Newcastle came and were that,I mean Calum was playing literally as a,defensive material yeah yeah right yeah,they were so negative right because they,know how dangerous we are they know the,threat of Arsenal so they came they they,was after a point they've got a point,yeah in fact we're going to face this a,lot we're going to face this a lot yeah,we're now till the end of the season and,I think as well we need to bring in,reinforcements you could see 100 we,needed to refresh and we had nobody on,the bridge yeah no I know a lot of,people saying why didn't you bring on,Fabio Viera but yeah that's why it's not,a very physical player isn't it but he's,very technical in a very physical game,because school have nothing funny but,what would you do you know and we can't,blame our forwards in that game no no,that front three all of them have scored,in the last two games absolutely,brilliant,School in the last few games twice this,all three of them scored against,Brighton all Freedom scored against West,Ham yeah so we can't even blame them,that is why,we've got to get options,yeah we need we definitely yeah watching,the game definitely very negative from,Newcastle you know negative castle for,calling right now because they want,their boy the man they call it a game,plan and they stuck to the game plan,they got what they want like like the,polite,um Newcastle fan was saying all right,he said that he's happy with the plan,yeah he said and you should take that as,a compliment as an Arsenal fan that,Newcastle came to the Emirates and they,are happy they got a point that means,like they would be over the moon if they,want yeah so they will never win and in,third place they've considered the least,goals this season 11 goals they've,conceded total four years ago as they,can see they were against from Man City,so that shows how well they've been,playing and they're a good song,remember they didn't lose the man so,yeah they didn't lose they didn't lose,yes,they've taken some big skills so we we,definitely like and fact again you know,we didn't lose the game right no no we,understand it wasn't

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