tiktok ads to postgresql

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What is ChatGPT and How You Can Use It

chat GPT is one of the most trending,topics right now it's been less than a,week since its release and people's,minds are being blown with what it can,do it's also breaking records with over,1 million users signed up in just 5 days,faster than Netflix Twitter Facebook,even Instagram no longer will you be,Googling the answers to problems Chad,GPT and gives breakdowns of them in fine,detail with explanations exactly how it,works this will make people question,just how relevant Google will be in the,coming future do you want to know the,limitations of typescript chat GPT has,you covered but what exactly is Chad GPT,what makes it so powerful these are,things I wanted to find out it's built,by the same people that are behind open,AI which are now shaping some really,interesting Technologies and they've,been building powerful engines like,codex which is the engine behind GitHub,co-pilot something that many of us are,already using in our day-to-day coding,on vs code and if you're looking closely,you might see the beginnings of chat GPT,where people put in prompts and they get,outputs from an AI generated system,another example was Dali 2 which was an,image generator based on prompts you,enter here you get different types of,visualizations of a Spaceman on a horse,and lots of other examples even,extending out classical artwork chat GPT,is therefore a way of prompting an AI to,solve or answer a question or a prompt,in a human-like manner very different,from anything else we've seen before and,this can sound scary very scary,especially to organizations like stack,Overflow which Pride themselves on,solving problems with human related,answers they've actually gone as far as,Banning chat gbt out from their systems,this is because they want to build a,level of Trust on there and if people,simply copy paste answers from GPT,without any references that might break,that level of trust this is all quite,interesting but let me have a look at,chat GPT under the hood by actually,using it and seeing just how useful it,will become as part of our day-to-day,lives in development as well as any,industry in case you didn't know chat,GPT is entirely free if you want to try,it out yourself simply go to open AI log,in with a brand new account and then,select the chat GPT interface I'm quite,fond of the design it's nice and simple,giving you the examples as well as some,capabilities and limitations of chat GPT,some of these capabilities are quite,powerful things like remembering what a,user said in a conversation and,providing follow-up corrections as well,the first thing I wanted to do is to see,if it could tell me what python or,typescript is and it gave me a pretty,sound answer saying that typescript is a,programming language that's a superset,of JavaScript since I haven't actually,used typescript before I decided to ask,it if it could give me a Hello World,function not only did it write the,function in such a manner that I could,literally copy paste it out but it also,explained the function to me and this is,really just the beginning and here is,where things get interesting I've been,working on a small application and I was,getting an error that I couldn't figure,out I decided to copy paste this error,into chatgpt to see what it would say,here's some JavaScript in vs code for a,upload for a video app I'm working this,code is fairly when I try to run it in,node.js I copy pasted this straight into,chat GPT asking if it could fix the,following code for me what I received,back was my code fixed and not only that,chatgpt went through and gave me the,code to copy paste and even explain to,me exactly what was wrong why it was,wrong and how it was fixed in this,example I had written my return function,incorrectly basically making a bit of a,typo and here it's gone through and,fixed that return making sure that it's,spelled correctly it's also been a bit,cheeky here adding in a comment that it,fixed the typo right here on the line,where it says return if I didn't know,any better this could have come from a,real human even for example a mentor or,a supervisor that could be checking and,reviewing your code and this makes me,question exactly what things might look,like in the future of development,because this could really be like a,personal assistant officer but chat GPT,has a lot of relevance even outside of,programming since it's practical to,pretty much anything here I wanted to,create a list of food I can eat that,don't include carbs because I'm trying,to lose a little bit of weight it gave,me three dishes that I can have grilled,chicken as well as shrimp as well as,some omelets taking this one step,further I asked if it could create a,shopping list for me based on those,meals and yes it did that very easily,not only that it indented them and made,them nice and readable I think that chat,GPT is here to stay I think it'll be,revolutionary it'll become part of our,day-to-day lives similar to how Google,has and not only that it's going to,revo

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These Kids Are Skipping College to Be TikTok Famous

These Kids Are Skipping College to Be TikTok Famous

okay play the audio play your audio,last time,right,go ahead let me see it let's go let's go,they probably just made 15 million,dollars doing that,i was like like what do y'all do and he,was like i'm an influencer i mean he,actually answered i'm an influencer yes,right,i said how do you make money i've never,understood it,he was like you know how there's like,beyonce and jay-z famous field for music,he's like well we're famous,for social media,i'm like so people follow y'all just to,watch your life and i was like yeah i,was like okay sign me up,so we're in west hollywood going to a,tick-tock house,called the vault in which six people,produce content of some sort for 1.5,million followers now i don't know what,tick-tock is or if i download it i,suspect it'd be an amber alert because,i'm too old for this sort of thing,but i need to find out what these people,are doing and how they're making money,they're foregoing college and they're,for going high school to move to la you,make a ton of money by dancing on tick,tock,it was just before noon when i arrived,at vault house,that is good that'll be good content and,its young occupants had only just peeled,themselves from bed assembling for the,day's writer's room which featured no,riders and took place on a couch,let's start morning meeting now hello,focus hello we have hella heads today,what are we yeah but we're gonna have,balo and swag boy cue overs we should do,this,i think keira should do a kiss or slap,i'm not doing that they are sick of me,kissing no they're not they ask for it,every time karen trey kissing,one can be don't bring a girl home or,away oh yes yes and then one can be,don't lose the group can you write these,down because you're gonna forget and,then i'm gonna be very upset escalating,girl,i don't have any idea what's happening,what's popping chicken nuggets,wake up wake up wake up,i didn't want to go to the party to,party i wanted to go to the party,for the past few years tik tok has been,the fastest growing social media,platform in the world it currently,boasts around a billion active users and,its astonishing growth was facilitated,by crisis during those long months of,compelled coveted hibernation tiktok was,the most downloaded app in the world,a platform famous for its ubiquitous,dance trends became a sort of gateway,drug for gen z's and younger millennials,those disinclined to flailing on camera,sought notoriety on different terms is,to give me that money back tic toc,became a vast repository of makeup,tutorials unlicensed psychotherapy,questionable financial advice and,boorish humor,having a more female-based audience,gives you more money can you explain to,me what i was watching tik-tok is all,run by like our age range who's the,youngest person,how old are you 18 you're 18. oh that's,the youngest none of you are from l.a is,that right,how do you get here,an old member that used to live here,invited me just to come like stay and,hang out and that's somebody you knew,through tik tok right right somebody on,take side they offered to trial me like,to see if i would be a fit for the house,i mean does everybody remember that,first time that somebody was like i want,to pay you for the that you do i,thought people were just doing videos,for fun just go like viral,i had people asking to do what me to do,with their videos and they'll pay me and,i'm like,like 250 dollars and i was working what,were you doing at the time i was working,at uh fedex,slightly better than working at fedex,isn't it oh way better so on your own,six dollar account before you came here,like how many calls you drove,before i came out here i had like seven,hundred thousand right well now i have,1.3 meals but you guys all have your own,individual account still,and are you posting to those too yes,yeah we just have to figure out how to,keep everyone in their content,everyone's niche is completely different,what's your niche,i just stand in front of the camera and,i just blink i really do you're good at,standing here yeah pretty much,sometimes they like me to stand in front,of the camera with spence or sometimes,they request i stand in front of the,camera with my leg and so if i they want,that i'm like okay well here's us who's,they,the people watching,who has the biggest following,how big is zero falling,right now i have 4.1 mil i'm sorry about,that 4.1,you know that's the size of ireland it's,about 4 million the population of,ireland,how would you explain your appeal on,september i'm just known as a scary,chick on tick tock she's actually,talented let's rip this off,the most successful video i have right,now was like at 68 point,million views right now i'm sorry 68,million views yeah,i'm sorry,what is it it's just me like,transforming like turning into like a,monster,crush,how is that monetized the 68 million,even if it's fractions of a penny that's,a ton of money i actually didn't get,paid for that video i didn't get paid,for that video can you leave the number,of your manager h

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Bloom Filters | Algorithms You Should Know #2 | Real-world Examples

Bloom Filters | Algorithms You Should Know #2 | Real-world Examples

A Bloom filter is a data structure  with many practical applications.,It can be found in network routers, databases,  and web browsers, just to name a few.,We mentioned it in one of our recent  videos when we discussed NoSQL.,What are bloom filters?,Where are they used?,Let’s take a closer look.,A Bloom filter is a space-efficient  probabilistic data structure.,It has been around for 50 years.,It is used to answer the question  - is this element in the set?,A bloom filter would answer with either  a “firm no”, or a “probably yes”.,In another words, false positives are possible.  ,That is, the element is *not* there  but the bloom filter says it is.,While false negatives are not possible.,That is, the element is there but  the bloom filter says it is not.,The “probably yes” part is what  makes a bloom filter probabilistic.,As with many things in software  engineering, this is a tradeoff.,The tradeoff here is this:,In exchange for providing a sometimes  incorrect false positive answer,  ,a bloom filter consumes a lot  less memory than a data structure  ,like a hash table that would provide  a perfect answer all the time.,If a use case can tolerate some false positives  ,but not any false negatives, a  bloom filter could be very useful.,And another key point though, we cannot  remove an item from a bloom filter.,It never forgets.,Now, let’s see how it is used.,Many NoSQL databases use Bloom filters to  reduce the disk reads for keys that don’t exist.,With an LSM-tree-based database,  ,searching for a key that doesn’t exist requires  looking through many files and is very costly.,If you would like to learn more about  ,how the LSM tree works, check out  this video in the description below.,Content delivery networks like Akamai use bloom  filters to prevent caching “one-hit-wonders”.,These are web pages that are only requested once.,According to Akamai, 75% of the  pages are “one-hit-wonders”.,Using a Bloom filter to track all the URLs seen  and only caching a page on the second request,  ,significantly reduces the caching workload  and increases the caching hit rate.,Web browsers like Chrome used to use a  bloom filter to identify malicious URLs.,Any URL was first checked against a Bloom filter.,It only performed a more  expensive full check of the URL  ,if the Bloom filter returned  a “probably yes” answer.,This is no longer used however as the number  of malicious URLs grows to the millions  ,and a more efficient but  complicated solution is needed.,Similarly, some password validators use a Bloom  filter to prevent users from using weak passwords.,Sometimes a strong password would  be a victim of a false positive,  ,but in this case, they could just ask the  user to come up with another password.,These are just some well-known examples.,There are many more applications  of the Bloom filter.,Now let’s discuss how a bloom filter works.,A critical ingredient to a good bloom  filter is some good hash functions.,These hash functions should be fast,  and they should produce outputs  ,that are evenly and randomly distributed.,Collisions are okay as long as they are rare.,A bloom filter is a large set of buckets,  ,with each bucket containing a single  bit, and they all start with a zero.,Let’s imagine we want to keep  track of the food I like.,For this example, we’ll use a bloom filter  with 10 buckets labeled from 0 to 9.,And we would use three hash functions.,Let’s start by putting  “ribeye” into the bloom filter.,The three hash functions  return the numbers 1, 3, and 4.,These would set the buckets  at those locations to 1.,This can be done in constant time.,Next, let’s put “potato” into the bloom filter.,The hash functions return the  numbers 0, 4, and 8 this time.,Let’s set those bits.,Now, do I like “ribeye”?,Well, we can ask the bloom filter.,Since the same input always  hashes to the same output,  ,“ribeye” still hashes to the numbers 1, 3, and 4.,We check all those buckets,  and they are all set to 1.,So the bloom filter says "I like ribeye.",In this case, it is true.,Now, let’s see if the bloom  filter thinks I like "pork chop".,In this case, the hash functions  return buckets 0, 5, and 8.,And even though buckets 0 and  8 are set to 1, bucket 5 is 0.,In this case, the bloom filter can  confidently say "No, I don't like porkchop.",But how do we get the bloom filter to  tell us something is there when it’s not?,Let’s walk through an example.,Let’s say “lemon” hashes to buckets 1, 4, and 8.,Since all those buckets are set to  1, even though I don’t like lemon,  ,the bloom filter will return yes in  this case, which is a false positive.,In real-life applications, the size of the bloom  filter is much larger than the example here.,We can control how often we see false positives  ,by choosing the correct size for the bloom filter  based on the expected number of entries in it.,These are trade-offs between  space used and accuracy.,If you would like to learn more about system  design, check out our books and weekl

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The 3 Biggest Ecommerce Problems And How You Can Fix Them Today!

The 3 Biggest Ecommerce Problems And How You Can Fix Them Today!

in today's video i want to talk about,the three main things that allowed one,of our e-commerce brands to make over a,million dollar in the last 12 months and,post ios 14. keep in mind more than half,of their revenue was attributed to ads,so again those are tricks that still,work to this day and that are applicable,for any brands looking to grow this year,with paid advertising,so let's get going so looking at the,screen right now essentially the first,issue that i see a lot of brands facing,is that they just got messed up honestly,they cannot get back up i was 14 messed,up their ads their attribution their,results their whole business has been,down in the last year a lot of brands,had a very rapid decrease in roads then,in attribution then platform targeting,capabilities were removed on facebook as,an example and just an overall decrease,in attribution so basically they went,from having four plus roster now,struggling to even get two so it's,pretty much led to a huge loss of,revenue for a bunch of brands out there,so if that's you that sounds like you or,something that you've experienced then,here's the first solution i want to,present in this video to kind of help,you get past that point so it's,basically a solution combining two,things an actual tracking solution and,an increase in creative production so,here's what i mean by both of these,things when you combine both attracting,solution as well as an increase in,adequate output this usually leads to a,direct,increase in your tracking attribution,accuracy which will then lead to better,app optimization and for creatives it,allows you to still hyper target your,audience with your messaging so a,combination of both is basically ideal,post ios 14 because when you have this,better tracking accuracy as mentioned,earlier you get better ad optimization,which if you can take better ad,decisions ultimately you'll get an,increase in your ad results then if you,get an increase in your ad results,you're gonna increase in ad revenue and,the control that you can have over one's,ad creatives enables you to perform,these micro data driven changes to your,creatives so something that we've done,in the agency over the last year is not,only partnered with a company like,triple wall which now we can offer,discounts to all of our clients but it's,also the creative output we use to not,take care of creators but we do now,because again we know the power of,creatives in this era of advertising so,what i recommend that you do is that you,look at the creative based metrics like,your click-through rate like your,through play like your three second,video views like your 50 second video,views your 99 video views right look at,your creative based metrics and make,decisions on that end and now if you're,wondering how to target your audience,right you want to target a middle class,white woman you know in her 40s in the,u.s that has a southern accent well good,for you you can simply find a creator on,tiktok creator marketplace or on any of,these other solutions that literally,fits that description and she can do ads,for you this is the economy that we're,in right now the creator economy so a,lot of platforms like tick tock they,make it very simple for you to partner,with creators and to basically help you,grow both organically and with payday so,again a solution to just fix your,attribution issues and your all of your,ios 14 problems is increase your,creative output use creatives to,actually target your customers on,facebook instagram and tick tock and use,a solution like triple wall to get a,better added attribution and just being,better at decisions the second problem,that i see a lot of people encountering,is that they're just getting frustrated,with facebook ads i hear a lot of people,hoping on calls with us and they're like,look justin i am honestly just i'm,pissed at facebook like i don't know,what's going on we've had three agencies,over the last year that tried to run on,facebook ads did not work and i've tried,to run facebook ads myself but i cannot,get back to my past results and a lot of,people are hooked onto their past,successes they got like 10x pro asking,all once two years ago and they try to,get back to that point look,i hate to break it to you it's not going,to happen facebook's costs are rising,because there is somewhat of a decrease,in the user base and there's an increase,in people wanting to advertise on the,platform so both of these again there's,an increase in demand to advertise and,there's a decrease in the supply so,decrease of eyeballs so basically of,course the cpms will rise of course,you'll get higher ad costs of course,again it'll just become harder for you,to advertise on such a platform the,solution is very simple look i've been,talking about it on the channel over and,over again go on tick tock i'm not,saying switch all of your budget to tick,tock tomorrow morning and forget about,facebook but start exploring tiktok,explore this new ad channel you get a,h

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STOP using this Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) method!

STOP using this Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) method!

sorry but two-factor authentication is,just not as secure as you think it is,our username and password are floating,around the for cell section on the dark,web so we rely on two-factor,authentication as a way to prove to the,system that we are who we say we are the,concept is solid the lowest form of 2fa,is the email confirmation of this otp or,one-time password this is just a,fraction better than having none of this,at all as the likelihood of somebody,having access to your email is pretty,high if they bought your username and,password now the otp idea is solid but,the execution with email is just,terrible so the next level app is via,text message or sms unlike email that,can be accessed from anywhere in the,world to access somebody's text messages,you need to either have their phone or,be able to clone it you know that you,can call your cellular provider and,after answering a bunch of security,questions basically they'll activate,your new sim card well scammers and,hackers do the same thing they call the,cellular provider pretend to be you and,remember they bought a list of your,information so they can answer all those,basic security questions and besides,they typically have somebody on the,inside that does that swim swap for them,anyway and of course once they do that,they have access to your otp text,messages now i want to be clear this,method is a much better than an email,otp and certainly a million times better,than having no two-factor authentication,but otp via sms isn't ideal for two,reasons besides the whole cloning thing,firstly and this actually happened to me,do you have a voicemail password most,people don't and as you know you can,call to retrieve your voicemail from any,phone not just your cell phone so what,these guys do they tell the system hey,don't send me the otp via text messages,rather call me they do it at three in,the morning you're sleeping that phone,call goes to voicemail they log in you,don't have a password and they retrieve,your voicemail now the second reason why,i don't like otp via sms is because i,have to give these platforms my cell,phone number why,they know that your cell phone is gold,because most of us don't change our,phone numbers that often so now they,have another data point to track us,around the web besides the ip address,which they know that you can mask anyway,with a vpn so let's look at what i call,the bare minimum that everybody should,have and that is an authenticator app an,authenticator app essentially uses,something called a time-based one-time,password or totp when you fire up the,app you will see a six digit number that,is automatically generated and,constantly changing every 30 seconds,this is the code that you will need to,provide once you log into the website,after your username and password the,huge plus of this method there is no sum,to clone and it is tied into your device,the big minus is that if you lose your,phone and you're locked out of your,account you are screwed unless you've,saved the recovery codes i'm gonna have,a link in the description to the most,popular authenticator app which is,google authenticator and that shows you,how to create and save your backup codes,now there is some thinking that the,authenticator apps made by companies,like google and microsoft are there just,to spy on you and keep track of your,activities so if you don't like that,well you can use a third-party developer,like authy and speaking of google,authenticator i'm so confused as to why,there isn't a pin or a fingerprint,requirement to access the app that's on,the phone that seems crazy now if you,really want to have what is probably the,best security method available to public,today then you need a physical key,something like the google titan or the,yubiko key these are physical keys that,are either inserted into the usb slot on,your computer or your phone or are nfc,enabled or are bluetooth enabled when,you log into an account that you have,set up to use your key as your 2fa,method you will need to either touch the,key or tap it on your phone or link it,to bluetooth this basically shows the,system that you are who you are and you,have the physical key with you i will,mention that nothing is foolproof there,has been some research that shows that,these keys can actually be cloned,however if you're somebody of that,caliber who's somebody's the,high-profile individual you probably,need to have a security specialist do an,assessment of your risk most of us just,want to keep the creepy guys out of our,systems cons of this method is that this,is a once of course to this and not all,keys are available in every country and,of course you will need to have the key,with you when you travel i'm going to,have some links to this or in the,description below at the very least,enable two-factor authenticator app it's,free and instantly will elevate your,level of security let me know if you,want me to show you how to do that and,in the meantime check out this video,over here wh

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OnlyFans Agency TikTok Automation to manage creators

OnlyFans Agency TikTok Automation to manage creators

good morning guys just thought I'd share,like a couple of interesting things that,I built over the past few days they were,basically going to be used for managing,large-scale,um content creation which is what I was,expecting to take place inside our bill,unfortunately it didn't quite go to plan,um but nonetheless like I built out,these tools which I still think are very,interesting and very useful but now I,can see like a lot of other use cases,for them,um so I'm just going to jump straight,into them this is a airtable database,that is designed to be able to manage,hundreds or even like thousands of um,social media accounts this one is,actually built for The Tick Tock,um,however it could very easily be,translated across to Instagram even to,like some form of like Reddit tracking,uh or several other platforms but yeah,just to walk you through how it works so,the first field uh the first table is,like a high level overview,um so in here we have three models but,again this I just built this to be like,super scalable to give like a high level,overview so you could easily plug in,hundreds or potentially even like,thousands of models up here we have a,high level overview how many posts were,done today uh it's 11 44 so the girls,don't start working for another 16,minutes but post yesterday we have 34,posts yesterday from this model 45 from,this model but again I just want to be,able to see very very quickly uh like,why did this model not hit her like,Target criteria,next field post from the last seven days,and here we have 1934 and you could,easily build this out to go back much,further the kind of the data and the,logic is already there,um,so you could do like a 28 day,um backlog like a 60-day,um lookup as well and here we have the,total number of accounts that they're,managing so here we have six and and,here we have five and again just to add,in a new model into this system and for,them to be tracked you would literally,just create a new road type in the name,of the model and add in The Tick Tock,accounts that she's working we come down,into the next field,this is kind of more in detail and we're,looking at an account by account basis,the first field was looking at an,overview of every account the model,works on,and this is giving the specifics of each,individual account,um so,first off we have like the usernames and,then we have the profile pictures the,reason that I put the profiles in is,actually very um specific I want to be,able to see every single profile picture,of every single account that our model,is working on uh are,team in Georgia will make Tick Tock,accounts in a lot of cases and there may,be a case where they just don't use a,good profile picture and I do think that,profile pictures are kind of like a,um,underestimated,piece of the puzzle on onlyfans by,having a great profile picture on there,that that maybe Sparks a guy's interest,and gets him to click through onto that,profile if you can really optimize the,click-through rate of when someone finds,your profile compared to where they,click through onto your profile and they,either turn into a follower or a,subscriber profile pictures are like a,great way to do that if you can have a,girl who looks like,a little bit hot from a distance and it,kind of gets them to want to click,through uh it just Sparks it Sparks the,guy's interest to want to click through,onto the profile to see like a full view,of her,um that means you're doing really really,well so like you're just going to see,like tremendously better results,compared to a normal profile picture or,even a profile picture where,everything's fully visible I have found,the ones that work the best are profile,pictures that kind of spark a little bit,of Interest like this one here is like a,great great example actually then we,have the bios so this database sorry I,should say it's updated to every single,hour you could run more frequently than,that however I think it would just be a,little bit too much Overkill I think one,running every single hour gives a really,clean evolution of every single account,you can really see the progression of,each account,um and you're not going to be wasting,like a ton of API credits so this checks,the bio every single hour and we also,make sure that the Instagram is entered,in there correctly of course we don't,want to be sending people over to the,wrong Instagram with even something as,small as like a spelling mistake stupid,as it sounds we have had issues like,that before so again I just built an,automated system to verify that the,correct Instagram is added on there and,to make sure that there is actually an,Instagram added on there,um and here we have an overview of The,Tick Tock account and how many posts,they did each day so today again all,accounts are on zero but yesterday we,have 11 10 11 10 and then this account,only had three so I can very easily,build like an automation to trigger,something to send over to the account,manager uh why did this account uh n

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Synchronous vs Asynchronous Clients (TikTok vs Instagram Example)

Synchronous vs Asynchronous Clients (TikTok vs Instagram Example)

in this video I want to describe the,difference between synchronous and,asynchronous clients I am now recording,in Tech Talk and as you will see now,whenever I finish this video and I want,to in this video I want to describe it,you I'm gonna go ahead and post that you,can see when I try to add another video,I am getting an error says hey please,wait oh my video is posted now I am,allowed to record another video this is,referred to as synchronous programming,or synchronous execution where you have,the code have to wait until today client,until the client finish executing that,task you are locked,once that task is finished you can,continue now compare this to Instagram,where I can record the video and,whenever I am done I can hit post and I,can go ahead and record another video,and I can continue recording another,video and I can hit post and then I can,record another video and I can continue,recording multiple video this is,referred to as asynchronous programming,or asynchronous execution where you can,the client doesn't have to wait for a,certain task to actually complete for,the rest of the code to be able to do,the stuff right so that's referred to as,asynchronous execution so the difference,between synchronous execution or,synchronous clients versus asynchronous,clients or asynchronous execution is the,synchronous code is much more elegant,and easy to understand and simple to,code with but,it usually hurt the user experience,where you you'll feel it as a users like,oh I have to wait oh why can't I publish,another video or you can't or do I have,to why am i am on a block you can feel,it,versus the asynchronous code well you,can the asynchronous code you can,obviously work with it and record as,many videos you can the code can be,unblocked and you can do other stuff in,the process in the background right,while your video is getting upload or,your code is getting executed so this is,referred to as asynchronous program so,it's the user experience is much much,much better with asynchronous execution,however asynchronous code is usually,harder to write and especially harder to,read especially when you read I could,review you can see it right it's this is,becoming more way way easier these days,like with async wait and all these kind,of things right so this I wanna just to,take a look a little bit of quick video,to explain the difference between,synchronous execution versus,asynchronous execution so a little bit,of a caveat for tick-tock I can yes I,can record I can post so a little bit of,right yes I cannot post regular in,another video but this is still consume,the application right if you think about,it right so the tick-tock is,asynchronous when it comes to consuming,reading but it is synchronous when it's,writing right so I can only record one,video at a time alright guys I'm going,to reference a video guys for you if you,want to learn more in detail between,synchronous versus asynchronous but this,was just a quick video to illustrate the,difference stay awesome see you in the,next one ciao

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The Wildest Midterm Election Ads & TikTok Unveils 18+ Livestream | The Daily Show

The Wildest Midterm Election Ads & TikTok Unveils 18+ Livestream | The Daily Show

in Tech news Tick Tock has officially,announced that users will now be able to,run live streams for adults only,but,before you get excited,the app says that nudity and sexually,explicit content will still be,prohibited,which like,what what what's adult themed,if it's not sex and nudity,I was just like uh who's ready to watch,me refinance my mortgage,the interest rates are so huge right now,I don't think I can afford to live in my,house anymore,in international news Japan's oldest,toilet which was 500 years old was,destroyed when a man accidentally backed,his car up over it,people are trying to cover up what they,did in the bathroom but this is this,clicking it a step too far it's also,amazing how putting the word oldest,suddenly adds gravitas to something that,none of us actually care about he broke,the toilet so it was the oldest toilet,oh no I need to call my mom,and by the way if you're wondering the,oldest toilets in New York City is the,subway,has announced that they will start,delivering weed in Toronto Canada,which is amazing yeah we deliver what a,game-changing service that no one has,already been using forever,especially under the name repair guy on,my phone wow,all right let's move on to some of the,biggest stories of the day we are now in,the home stretch of the midterm campaign,season which means it's almost that time,of the year when you wake up on that one,special morning in November and you're,like oh I forgot to vote yesterday,and with just three weeks to go this is,the last chance for the candidates and,the shadowy billionaires who fund them,to make their case to the voters and as,always,they're making that case through,campaign ads in fact a record 9.7,billion dollars worth of ads,so if you live in a string State,basically every ad you're seeing on TV,right now is a campaign ad and by the,time November comes around you're gonna,be praying to see the ads that you used,to hate no more please I just want to,know when Toyota Thornton is on please,tell you guys but political ads in,America can get pretty wild they really,can and as the country becomes more and,more polarized the type of political ads,that come out become more and more,intense,so I figured let's enjoy some of the,latest Blockbusters in another,installment of vodemic 2022.,hi let's start our ad watch with the,Republicans now for this election they,want everything to be focused on three,issues inflation crime and pretending,they didn't hear that thing Trump just,said,so they've been running ads emphasizing,these issues you know some of them have,been subtle but Louisiana Senator John,Kennedy has decided that subtle is not,his style violent crime is surging in,Louisiana,woke leaders blame the police,I blame the criminals a mom should not,have to look over her shoulder when,she's pumping gas,I voted against the early release of,violent criminals and I opposed,defunding the police look if you hate,cops just because of cops the next time,you get in trouble call a crackhead I'm,John Kennedy and I approve this message,okay all right all right,first of all nobody's gonna call a,crackhead,2022 I'm gonna text a crackhead,such a crazy way to frame things though,right is it like violent crime call a,crack here,the Senate is acting like cop and,crackhead are the only two options,that's it what about social workers what,about mental health experts what about,heroin addicts there's a whole range,people,it wasn't weird for a guy who's been in,office for six years to complain about,crime and then campaign on it I find it,a little strange like ever since I got,into office crime has exploded re-elect,me so I can figure out what's going on,because I I like I don't know where this,logic goes right because no matter what,happens Republicans always want more,cops crime is up we need more cops crime,is down we need more cops like what is,the plan just to keep hiring until the,entire population is just cops yeah that,way I got an eye on me yeah,maybe the solution is just to hire,crackheads as cops,yeah because first of all they're always,there when you need them,and say what you will about cops versus,crackheads but at least the crackhead is,not going to plant crack on you they're,keeping it for themselves,it works out,I know it might be a little crazy but,you gotta admit a crackhead detective,show,that sounds like a great idea for a CSI,spin-off,the victim is on the table,next to the flowers that he bought for,Valentine's Day,I guess that means it's time to go,smoke some crack,now obviously Democrats have a whole,different set of issues that they want,to emphasize voters don't trust them on,the economy or inflation right now so,the Dems want this election to be about,things like climate change protecting,democracy and pretending that they,didn't hear the thing that Joe Biden,just said,the main issue Democrats are running on,is Reproductive Rights and California,Congressman Eric swalwell just put out,one of the most hardcore campaign ads,you've ever seen

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