cpa tiktok ads

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How to Get $1 CPA's Using Tiktok Ads

hello hello and welcome into the one,dollar structure setup this is,basically how I was able to get all of,those one dollar CPAs that I was showing,on my story this structure is basically,the hive mind of the surf scaling,strategy the bump method the bully,method and my independent scaling,strategy,um specifically using cost caps so it's,kind of like the best current marketing,strategy out there at the moment that I,would use to scale a winner so you don't,do this for testing this is if your,product is doing well you would,structure and set up multiple campaigns,like this and then just adjust the,budget so it's very similar in the sense,of the bump method where you actually,have to sit there at the time that you,would like to run it and then you are,surf scaling the budget up so you're,actively bumping that budget,continuously and it'll make sense here,in one second just hang with me okay so,obviously here we go we have have bump,one two three four five accelerated bump,one two three four five what can that,mean obviously it is for Accelerated,budget okay so within the actual 10 ad,groups we have 10 ad groups running all,of them have a budget of fifty dollars,which means we're gonna be spending 500,but it doesn't so the algorithm thinks,that we're gonna be spending 500 so that,we have the capacity to if these budgets,exhaust but obviously on the campaign,level it's capped to fifty dollars so,why would we do that well it's because,we want to only spend the least amount,that we have to in order to get it to,the point where it's actually going to,be making this money so that's why I say,this isn't for testing this is if you,have an existing winner because you have,to burn through 50 bucks okay so you got,to burn through 50 bucks but I promise,you if you if you do the math at scale,that fifty dollars is nothing in,contrast two what you're going to be,saving when these perform well okay so a,little bit of an update,The Tick Tock bidding structure seems to,be working the best for me as opposed to,the lowest cost lowest cost typically,will outperform at high budget abos High,budget cbos but for me with abos and,with testing like this and just,basically utilizing the strategy that,I'm going to show you I always do cost,cap and as you guys know my famous 33 or,77 so I'm scaling this up by about two,to three dollars every single time the,highest being 34 the lowest being 21. I,recommend you guys follow this schedule,first and foremost,um not schedule sorry follow this bid,all the way up and then you can bump it,if it's not spending for your ad account,your product or your Lander like I said,before I don't know what product you're,running I don't know what your Lander,looks like so when this works for me,this is my tool This Is My Method that's,all I'm giving you guys right now okay,so if it doesn't work for you guys or,it's not performing right probably,switch up that product that's why I say,this isn't for testing this is for,products or businesses that are doing,well on tick tock right now this is just,a little cheeky method that you could,bump in and make you some Bookoo bucks,with so accelerated bump number one,same exact structure as all of the other,bumps basically if you guys don't know,how to do this when you create the one,ad group you duplicate it nine times you,just select it'll give you the option to,clone it you clone it nine times then,you physically go in and click on each,one of these and the ad and the content,that you guys are going to see is an,actual ads that I'm running I just had,to propagate it for the video there but,let me show you guys here I'm running an,ACO campaign okay,automatic automated creative,optimization so it's always ACL because,I want to feed that algorithm as much,content as possible and you'll,understand why when I show you guys the,method here automatic targeting this,varies okay so I personally am using,automatic targeting right now because I,feel like The Tick Tock algorithm is,really really capable of finding those,audience members or viewers rather,audience members where the are we,on stage uh finding the viewers who are,going to be purchasing the products,finally finally finally we have an,algorithm that's actually optimizing for,people that purchase and it's not just,blindly sending out content to people,that you know in the learning phase are,just going to click on the ad and then,nothing happens so,United States only the elite budget 50,here is my day partying so I'm day,parting I start my ad at 12 o'clock okay,so boom right Splat right in the middle,of the day and then it extends to about,1am Friday it goes to two Sunday it goes,to two as well and then on Monday we,start back at 12 o'clock okay so why do,we want this to basically exhaust from,12 o'clock to one o'clock the full fifty,dollars well our point is we want it to,spend basically as quickly as possible,so that's why this is accelerated so,this is going to spend as quickly as,possible but at 12 o'clock that's

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[FREE COURSE ] CPA Marketing & TikTok Ads | STEP BY STEP TikTok Affiliate Marketing Tutorial

[FREE COURSE ] CPA Marketing & TikTok Ads | STEP BY STEP TikTok Affiliate Marketing Tutorial

what's going on everybody it's your girl,chanel stevens and i'm back again with,another video and in this video i'm,gonna be showing you guys how to,basically get started getting traffic,with tick-tock ads and um you know,running into affiliate offers and things,like that so you can make uh some money,just online and let me show you like how,simple and easy it is to get started uh,testing the campaign i'm gonna do an,example campaign,like right here live on video just,starting from scratch like none of this,is like really planned we just go,go through the process go through the,motions together so you guys can kind of,see like the process of it all and uh,tick tock is just a good platform to run,as right now if you guys didn't know,it's just one of the most popular sites,out right now you can see over,1.8 billion visits,uh per month so that's billions of,impressions that's available via their,ads platform every single month so you,guys can literally tap into these,impressions like,i mean if you could just get you know,ten thousand a hundred thousand,impressions every single day um that can,be something life-changing so um that's,just a small small percentage like one,percent of this traffic like you don't,even have to get a lot of that traffic,to get results guys so,that's just an introduction on um,tick tock ads some other things you're,gonna need for this tutorial because i,don't just want you to watch this video,and then just like go do something else,i really want you to set this up get,started right now,on this video so i'm gonna give you,everything you need,um and you can sign up with today so i,got clickbank pulled up this is where,we're gonna pull the offer from so make,sure you have a clickbank account it's,really fast easy,and um,it's free no interview process anything,like that to get started with clickbank,because,a lot of you guys holdups do be oh well,i'm not accepting to any affiliate,networks and um you know what do i say,on the interview a lot of y'all get,nervous and stuff like that so just join,clickbank where it's going to get an,offer from there also what you're going,to need is canva and what canva is going,to do is allow you to create the ads,that we're going to use,for the offer so this is the resource,that i use,you can see here you can type in um,you can type in tick-tock,and then you can do uh stories videos i,usually just do tick-tock videos,you can see they have over five thousand,almost six thousand templates,uh so you can literally just like create,your offer from these templates and i,have the pro version so,you don't have to have a pro version,i'll try to find uh,something free but um yeah,that's what we got uh as far as ad,creation and another thing you're going,to need is a click funnels account and,the reason for click funnels is just,it's the easy way to set up um,a landing page,you can just like use this uh template,software right here you go to,funnels and um you'll be able to,basically collect emails or you can just,do straight um one-off pages like,capture pages uh with this as well or,you could create a custom funnel so,um yeah clickfunnels is just good,because you literally they give you,everything is drag and drop and it's,like oh here you can see all these,different type of funnels they have,um,available so if you don't have click,funnels or if you want to if you already,have software like landing page software,or whatever you can just model that you,know you don't have to have click,funnels but if you don't have anything,like they have a free 14 day trial so,link in description if you want to jump,on click funnels so once you have all,that set up and you have all that you,know i'm saying start the video you know,from this point we're going to be,breaking down everything you need to get,started all right so first things first,is let's find an offer right so,the best and easy way to find an offer,on clickbank is really just looking at,the top 10 products,on their platform so what you'll do is,you'll come in here you just hit enter,and these are,the top,10 products uh,on the uh page you can also listen by,the top 20 if you want,more options but i like to stay in the,top 10 so,let's just see what we got here we can,just,kind of see what's popping we got some a,tea offer and then we'll offer,it looks like some dietary supplements,so you just check out the um,the category to kind of see like what,niches it is so it looks like,diet supplements are like killing it,right now,uh so that's you know weight loss off uh,pretty much a weight loss offer so,weight loss is going,um nuts they have something called a,tick-tock,a soulmate sketch a tick-tock and social,media monster so this,um,this might be something good to run on,tick-tock because it is they like it's a,top 10 offer and it's already talking,about,it's converting on tick-tock and social,media and that's this is just the best,way to,you know saying if they calling it out,like hey this is killing it on social,media i

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Do This To Make HUGE Profits CPA Marketing 2023

Do This To Make HUGE Profits CPA Marketing 2023

as you can see this top one is running a,massive 17 000 profit i'm gonna show you,a secret sauce that absolutely exploded,my cpa affiliate marketing profits you,do not want to miss this hi guys if,you're new here my name's liam james k,and i'm a super affiliate i've been,affiliate marketing probably about five,years now and i've made millions of,dollars in commissions i'm clickbank,platinum two years in a row but in this,video i'm gonna share with you a secret,sauce that is absolutely gonna blow your,mind it's almost like a hack that means,you're never gonna have to worry about,the cost of your clicks ever again and,you can make some insane profits which,i'm gonna show you proof of in just a,moment but before we do that i'm gonna,be giving away two copies of my five,thousand dollar native ads training,program in this video so make sure you,keep an eye out to find out how you can,win a copy of that let's get started,first up if you don't know what cpa,marketing is it's just another form of,affiliate marketing it stands for cost,per action the way that it works,companies will usually pay you out a,small commission for usually generating,them leads so for example you would sign,up to a cpa network that's got lots of,offers on there you can grab a unique,referral link or affiliate link to one,of those offers when you share that if,someone clicked on that link and then,they signed up entered an email address,on a website or something like that that,company might pay you out one dollar or,two dollar for generating them a lead,but there's lots of different variations,to cpa marketing it's not just people,entering email addresses sometimes,companies might want you to get,customers to enter credit card details,or sign up for free trials or sometimes,even purchase products or make deposits,and the commissions you can earn from,them vary greatly depending on the type,of offer so now i just want to jump on,the computer to show you some results,from an offer that i've been promoting,so this is a cpa network that i've been,running some campaigns on and as you can,see this top campaign the amount i've,generated so far is 53,9344 in commissions i'm just going to,refresh this here so you can see it's,all legit,it's not a screenshot when it loads 53,000 there and i'm actually going to show,you profit margins in just a moment but,i really want to focus on this this is,the epc and if you don't know epc stands,for earnings per click and earnings per,click is is kind of an average amount of,money that i earn,for every click that i send to the offer,so the way they work that out is by,getting the amount of commissions that,i've received divided by how many clicks,i've sent to that offer and it gives us,an average earnings per click now this,is a really important metric if you're,doing any kind of paid traffic because,if your cost per click is lower than,your earnings per click then you're,always gonna be in profit and at five,dollars earnings per click is very very,good and that's very high especially for,a cpa offer if anyone's tried doing cpa,marketing they will know that that it's,very difficult to get earnings per click,of over five dollars and i'm gonna share,some secrets with you in a minute but,what that means for me is that no,traffic source is really too expensive i,can run tier one the best native ad,campaigns on the best websites i can be,out bidding the most of my competition,and i'm still gonna be in profit because,my earnings per click is so high and,that means i can even pay up to like,four dollars per click and i will be in,profit so that's very very important,metric and i'm going to share some,secrets with you how to increase this,earnings per click but i just want to,show you the profit margins for this and,then we'll delve into it a little bit,more so just quickly this is my tracking,software,where i track all of my conversions and,sales for cpa and affiliate marketing,and as you can see this top campaign,here is responsible for 46 000 of that,revenue and as you can see a profit of,over 17 000,and an roi of 61 roi and if we look down,here you can see the epc here um for,this specific campaign is 4.28 some of,them have even got like a nine dollar,epc as well down here but really,importantly if we look at the end column,estimated cost per click is,2.64 it's costing me 2.64 to get a click,to this offer and that is quite,expensive but my earnings per click is,so high that means i'm still earning a,massive profit of 61,roi so the question is how do you get a,really high epc when you're doing cpa,marketing well it's actually quite,simple when you think about it the epc,relates to one of two things it's either,the conversion rate of the offer and how,well it's converting,or it's related to the payout of the,offer how much you actually earn in,commissions from that offer they both,have a massive impact on the earnings,per click that you can earn from an,offer now i just want to show you,something on a cpa network now t

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$100k/mo on Tiktok ads with Affiliate Marketing Walkthrough

$100k/mo on Tiktok ads with Affiliate Marketing Walkthrough

hey guys welcome to my discord and in,this video i'm going to show you exactly,how to make money on tick tock ads guys,tick tock ads to be honest is the,easiest way to make money online right,now this is ridiculous and this is guys,it's not drop shipping this is not,e-commerce i don't know if you ever,heard of it but it's affiliate marketing,all you do is set up ads put a link in,there somebody follows the link fills,out a form and you get paid 10 bucks,easiest money you will probably ever,make and that i've made online if you,follow my tutorial this will be like 35,30 minutes 45 minutes if you follow it,step by step literally the next day you,can start making 50 and that's just the,start i literally show this to my,friends how to do it and they are now,making two grand three grand i'm gonna,show you screenshots and how much their,accounts and how much they're making,buckle up strap up there's gonna be a,walkthrough and we're gonna get it right,into it but right before that i wanna,clear some things i know i'm giving out,free information and a lot of people,think oh this is the course this is drop,shipping this is e-commerce this is none,of that i'm literally giving you free,information on how to make money right,before getting into the nitty gritty let,me just show you my buddies that made,money and i literally just showed them,what i'm gonna show you now and they,started making money right away so so,i'm recording this on sunday right as,you can see here this is thursday,never ran ads,like first day made 420 second day made,what 1400 and so today he made 1.3 k,um total he already made 3k guys and he,started thursday so was this thursday,friday saturday sunday in four days he,made 3k in revenue i think about,a thousand dollars of that is profit,somewhere around there like come on bro,four days and he's never ran ads and he,just started so this is another friend,of mine that's been running ads um he,kind of has more experience so you could,see the growth but so he started back in,uh february 18th so he started 30 bucks,right here's the growth and check this,out,bam bam bam bam so right now he made,today he made 4.1 k this is again sunday,um,and i mean march 1st he made 200 so he,went from 200 to 4 grand guys and like i,mean he knew the ads world a little bit,more than the other person but this is,just stupid it's stupid all i could say,here let me show you somebody that i,showed how to run it and he ran it today,okay so here's my other buddy i,literally showed him how to do this,yesterday,um so this is sunday right,let me show you this so all right,saturday he launched the ads,and um,look at this,65,never ran as before it's gonna be split,into seven sections let's hit section,one is first we need to do is create a,tick tock ads account now i'm gonna do,it here,you can speed up this part if you,already know how to do it but i'm gonna,walk through everything because i wanna,show you how easy it is to start making,money online so you just wanna go to,,create an account google search it i'll,post a link in the description so,you want to enter email here,all right now once you're here again,enter some basic information business,name you could kind of enter whatever,you can enter your name you know,again it doesn't matter you could just,do whatever just do other um do your,time zone and then you enter your phone,number,all right now you're going to be here,then ask you some basic information just,be like,running ads for,um,affiliate,um so they're going to want you to do,so you could set up the payment later,i guess you can't so pretty much enter,your,address here,okay agency again this stuff doesn't,really matter all right now when you're,here it's telling you to create an ad,that away but we don't want to do that,we created we want to create a pixel so,on to section two of the video,all right so section two is creating a,pixel what a pixel is it pretty much,tracks when somebody converts,and it tells tik tok hey the person that,clicked this ad converted right you know,submitted the form and so now tick tock,understands you know which ad had a,conversion that way you know which ad,works best so in simplified terms so,we're going to go to assets and then hit,events,and then web events manage,and then create pixel,so this is going to be a little bit more,technical so i want you guys to follow,closely um but again it's still pretty,simple so select tick tock pixel next,um,you want to do manual install code now,we can do you know,sam's pixel,next,next you wanna do standard mode,create,all right,so copying the pixel code we'll get to,this later in another section so right,now we just want to create the pixel,right,so,you know we'll have advanced matching,so verify,you can kind of skip this step so just,honestly just enter something random,again we'll kind of get back to this,step,we'll make more sense down the road so,right now we just want to set up the,pixel and that's what we're here to do,so once it ver

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hanya itu empat dan untuk yang desain,itu delapan 44.000 ini Bukan HP Ya tapi,saya spinser terus-terusan dengan iklan,teman-temannya jumlah rata-rata uang,yang sudah anda belanjakan untuk setiap,1000 impresi jadi saya akan masukkan,rumus yaitu di sini terus hitungannya,dari CP ini dari mana Danau kecap ya ini,sebenarnya itungannya gampang,teman-temannya cek ini gini itunya ya,Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi,wabarakatuh Halo semuanya kembali lagi,di channel saya di video kali ini saya,ingin sharing masalah iklan Tik Tok,proses lebih tepatnya ngebahas cpa ya,konser akuisisi nah saya memiliki PR dan,tugas bagaimana caranya ketika kita,ngiklan di tiktok software tes CPNS tuh,bisa murah ataupun bisa rendah setelah,saya coba riset selama tiga hari,temen-temennya ngotak-ngatik di bagian,hidup iklan di bagian kontennya bahkan,di bagian yang lainnya itu Alhamdulillah,untuk hasilnya itu seperti ini temennya,bisa kalian lihat nah untuk cv-nya,dibulan Juni saya masuk ke bagian cpa,dianggap normal bagi pengiklan ditiktok,AIDS yaitu 46.000 and jadi menurut,pengiklan di toples ya yang udah Pro,ataupun yang udah jago katanya untuk,normalnya SMP itu di bawah Rp50.000 jadi,CVC udah termasuk 40.000 itu normal,teman-teman ya Nah di bulan Mei ini,ktanya itu sekitaran 133000 yang jelas,ini jelek banget teman-teman ya Nah,Bagaimana caranya untuk bisa membuat cpa,ini lebih murah kecilnya untungnya itu,banyak temen-temen yang namun Disini,saya akan membagikan sebuah,faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi,CP ini bisa murah mungkin lebih masuk,kayak gitu ya Nah apa aja potonya dan,disini saya sudah coba merangkum,temen-temennya setidaknya ada tiga,faktor yang mempengaruhi CP ini mudah,goyah tiga faktor ini adalah hasil riset,Saya pribadi jadi pasti bakalan beda,dengan Menthol teman-teman kalau,misalkan kalian itu ikutan semacam,workshop ataupun ikutan khas online ya,pasti bakalan beda namun kalau misalkan,video ini bisa ngebantu teman-teman ya,bisa dicoba dulu ya untuk cara-caranya,Oke kita akan saja bahas teman-teman ya,Apa saja sih yang mempengaruhi cpa bisa,melihat tersebut kita akan langsung,masuk ke bagian grup iklan terlebih,dahulu untuk melihat hasil iklannya,pakai ini adalah hasil grup iklannya,seperti ini ya disini saya menggunakan,formasi 113 maksudnya 113 itu kayak,gimana di bagian kampanye itu saya,membuat satu kampanye dan di bagian gap,iklan saya membuat satu iklan lagi,sistemnya satu grup iklan dan di bagian,iklannya saya membuat 3 iklan Nah itu,untuk tiga bebekan dibulan Juni ini Jadi,bronjong ini saya menggunakan formasi,131 kampanye 1GB keadaan tiga iklan,sudah jelaskan 6 untuk timbulnya Meisya,menggunakan kampanye sore informasi yang,sama ayah 111 penuh kampanye 1B pikiran,dan satu iklan itu yang paling normal,ataupun yang sering banyak orang,dijalankan gitu kan namun disini Saya,ingin mencoba hal yang berbeda dan untuk,kasihan ini Alhamdulillah temen-temennya,bisa lihat di bagian sini nah ini adalah,hasil CPNS tentunya seperti ini ya ada,untuk di bagian bulan Mei ini Kalau,nggak salah itu beda-beda ya ada yang,buat otomatis nadanya saya buat secara,manual teman-teman ya Nah ini untuk,hasil secara otomatis dan manual Ya,seperti ini temennya tuh ada yang satu,Rp95.000 ada yang 99000 ada yang,Rp33.000 ada yang 83.000 dan ada yang,37.000 ini kenapa dankook bisa 33.000,Ketika saya iklan di hari kedua itu bisa,naik 83061 ngaruhnya teman-temannya,nanti saya akan bahas Oke kita akan,mulai dulu bahas teman-temannya jadi apa,sih pengaruhnya gitu kan Oke faktor yang,pertama adalah cpm dan tayangan jadi ini,ya pengaruhnya itu adalah cpm dan,tayangan Nah untuk yang pertama ini,perlu digarisbawahi karena setiap,pengiklan yang riset iklan yg cocok es,itu beda-beda ya ada yang bilang di,bagian CVT nya tuh yang bisa,mempengaruhi cpa ada yang dibilang juga,di bagian ctmnya yang bisa mempengaruhi,cpa teman-temannya dan ada yang di,bagian lainnya namun yang sudah saya,dapatkan dan sudah saya tangkep ya hasil,saya sendiri itu ada di bagian cpm dan,tayangan semakin rendah cpm dan semakin,tinggi tayangan maka akan berpengaruh ke,cpa dan ini Hai menurut saya pribadi,temen-temen ya kalau misalkan salah,silahkan koreksi di kolom komentar oke,nah kita akan lihat dulu di bagian cpm,ya nih disini cpm itu naik turun,teman-temannya bahasanya itu fluktuatif,itu kan ada yang Rp22.000 ada yang,Rp12.000 ada yang 20ribuan Ya seperti,ini kita akan lihat dulu di bagian,22.000 ini nah di bagian Rp20.000 ini,ikan manual kalau masalah ya kita akan,lihat dulu ya benar tentunya kita manual,di sini ya Nah ini ada ikan manual,80.000 beatnya saya sama Kanya dengan,yang atas 80.000 disini saya mendapatkan,CPC mulai rendah temen-temen Jadi angka,1000 Gitu kan 1073 perak dan disini saya,mendapatkan cpm Rp22.000 tayangannya itu,ada di bagian 8000n dah temen-temennya,tayangannya namun diincarnya itu bisa,tinggi yaitu dua pesanan Tapi kompasnya,masih tetep aja ya Enggak ngaruh dan,c-nya itu masih tetap mahal dibulan Juni,saya mencoba dengan teknik yang baru WD,cav

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Affiliate Marketing + TikTok Ads Is Too Easy To Fail? (MUST WATCH)

Affiliate Marketing + TikTok Ads Is Too Easy To Fail? (MUST WATCH)

hey everyone chad here so today is an,exciting day because i'm gonna be,showing you a brand new method you can,use to make sales with affiliate,marketing now if you're in this space,i'm sure you've been told a million,times that posting tick tock videos is,the absolute best way to get traffic and,make sales and i do agree with that it's,one of the best ways to start getting,traffic for completely free but what if,instead of having to post a new tick,tock video every single day to get,traffic you can make one really good,tick tock video or have someone else,make it for you and run it as an ad for,weeks if not months while it brings you,in passive commissions every single day,like this so that's exactly what we're,gonna be doing in this video so i'm,super excited to test this method out,for you guys so without further ado,let's dive straight into it all right so,what we're going to be doing today is,we're going to be combining tick-tock,ads with affiliate marketing now for,this method we're going to be using a,very specific type of tick-tock ads and,this is going to be called tick-tock,spark ads now if you don't know what,spark ads are they're basically taking,one of your tick tock videos and turning,it into an ad so it has a super organic,feel to it and it's really not made to,look like an ad so what we're gonna do,in this video is i'm gonna show you all,the steps i'm gonna set everything up go,inside of my computer so you guys can,see exactly what to do and i'm actually,going to launch a real campaign so you,guys can see the actual results in a few,weeks from now all right so the first,step of this is you need some type of,video ad that you're going to run with,some kind of product that's going to be,linked to it right so obviously you guys,are affiliates watching this video,you're doing affiliate marketing what,product are you going to promote and how,can you make a tick tock video or find,another person's tic talk video that's,going to be a good video to promote that,product now tick tock actually has a,saying for their ad creators it's,basically says you know don't try to,create ads create tick tocks because the,secret to advertising is not to be,annoying and just sell and you know try,to get them to buy right away it's to,provide some kind of value in the ad,make it entertaining right everyone on,tiktok is there for entertainment maybe,to learn some stuff right so make the ad,like that so the best approach to this,is go on your tick tock account see what,video did best right go to the most,viewed video on your tiktok account and,honestly just use that and you just have,to make sure it has some kind of call to,action at the end so maybe you can,remake that video if you don't have a,call to action but anyways i'm going to,share my screen here and you can see,this is one of my accounts right it's a,work from homegirl account now basically,what i do is i pay a freelancer to,create all these tick tock videos for me,so this is another option you can use if,you don't have a tick tock account or,you don't want to create tick tock,videos yourself you can actually go on,fiverr type in tick tock video and,there's a bunch of freelancers that will,make your tick tock ads your tick tock,videos for you and they'll basically you,know do whatever you want on the video,so,um anyways this is the account here and,as you can see we've we have a decent,amount of videos on here we have a,decent amount of views and followers so,what i'm going to use is i'm going to,find a video that i want to use for this,ad so for example i'm going to click on,this video right here and as you can see,the hook of this video is the easiest,and highest paid online jobs and,basically,during this ad we're not selling the,product right away we're going to,provide some value to them right we're,going to hook them in,so anyways she kind of walks through you,know the different ways to you know,basically just earn an income online so,she has freelance writing right all,these different ways and then as you can,see the very end the call to action,is click the link in my bible to learn,the best work from home jobs and yes you,guessed it the product we're promoting,is a work from home jobs product right,it takes them to a quiz funnel that's my,affiliate link and that funnel,eventually goes to sell them a product,where we actually make a commission if,they buy so i think this is a good video,it has a good amount of engagement has a,good amount of views good amount of,shares so i think this would be a good,video to actually use as our ad for this,so once you find a good video you want,to use for your ad you know you,basically just want to make sure it's,already done good in organic right so i,can see this video has already gotten 51,000 views just from organic so if i run,it as an app it's probably going to do,well on there too and the second thing,is you just want to make sure it has,some kind of call to action for whatever,product you're promoting all righ

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TikTok Ads Affiliate Marketing Strategy & Tutorial

TikTok Ads Affiliate Marketing Strategy & Tutorial

if you are a digital marketer and you're,running Tick Tock ads today I want to,show you a super easy way to find the,most profitable ads running on Tick Tock,today in any Niche or category and no,we're not going to be using the free,Tick Tock creative library because we,all know that is kind of meh I'm going,to show you a better tool that is free,to use and try and it's going to show,you precisely how to find the best ads,running on Tick Tock and much more,detail about these ads and where they're,leading to and how people are making,money with Tick Tock ads so stay tuned,we're going to go into my computer right,now and I'm going to show you exactly,how to do this,foreign,advertisers today I want to go through,how to find winning ads for a tick tock,ads campaign I started running Tick Tock,ads recently I am an affiliate marketer,I've been running affiliate offers and,you can see I am getting conversions and,I'm really liking the results,so I wanted to find a way to spy but the,problem was I could not find any really,good ads by using this tick tock's,creative Center as you can see here they,do have a tool that you can use but the,problem is when you view these top ads,they don't give you any real data about,the ads all they show you is kind of the,CTR but really not really giving you any,info you can see here there's nothing,helpful other than the video itself and,the other problem with Tick Tock,creative Center is that advertisers can,opt out of having their ads shown here,so you're only seeing some ads that,luckily made through the filters for the,ones that are really making a lot of,money the smart thing to do is to hide,your ads from everyone else so they,can't see them when they're doing,competitive intelligence so how do we,find Those ads we use a tool like this,called pippy ads you can get a 20,discount at pippy ads using the promo,code day job hacks they reached out to,me and told me about this because I,actually didn't even know about it,recently and so I decided I would give,it a try and I love the tool I didn't,realize how much data they had until I,started using it and it has changed the,game in finding ads that really convert,so I want to show you how it works and,quickly go through it and again there's,a link in the description if you want to,use that link you get a 20 discount and,you can try it for free today I am,running a a campaign now as an affiliate,let's have a look if I'm running,something in diet I can now search the,keyword diet in the keyword ads but I,can also change the filter here to,change who I want to maybe spy on if I,find something good now I'm also,targeting a country so I want to choose,the country I'm targeting because if I,don't I'm going to have literally,hundreds of pages of results here on ads,and then we're going to click on,something here and show you something,really cool here but first let's select,the United States just for fun and now,we can start to scroll down and see more,details about ads,about diet in the United States so now,let's have a look at what we see when we,click on one of these ads and what we,can actually do here to see what's,happening I'm going to pause this you,can watch the video which is a great,thing but what's what else you get to,see here is now you can actually see the,landing page you can download the video,um if you're looking to maybe edit some,some video and pull some parts I'm not,saying you should because that'll,probably get you banned you need to just,make your own videos but what I'm saying,is you can pull it down and maybe send,it to one of your your staff or,whoever's managing creating your ads and,saying look this is the video can you,please make something similar or you,know take some of the the things out of,this video and add it into ours so this,is what I like about that now if you,want to click on detail you can see more,details about the ads and what's really,cool that I like about this is you can,start seeing when they're running their,ads all of their ad text and you don't,get this with any other spy tool I've,tried big ad spy and some other one,power ad spy they don't work like this,this is actually a very in-depth tool,and the another cool thing here is you,can actually click ads from the same,Advertiser and now it's just going to,pull up a whole filter on just this guy,probably all under the same account I,don't know how they do it exactly but,I've gone through here and now you can,see all the people that they have doing,their ads and there's multiple pages so,when you when you start seeing multiple,pages of ads you obviously know this uh,this company is doing well and you can,see ads from the same product name,as well and again it's going to filter,down and you're going to find all the,ads let's go back to the tick tock ad,search what I've discovered on Tick Tock,ads especially running my own campaigns,is that the use of a landing page isn't,as effective on some of the campaigns,I'm running especially when I get i

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hey guys so it's me jeremiah here what,are they i'm recording this presentation,to basically talk to you guys about,how to set up title guides for affiliate,offers and simplify this i'm going to,actually make this as simple as i could,possibly do for you and also this is,going to be a completely free training,so it's not going to cost you anything,and i'm also going to show you behind,the scenes everything what to do here,all right so who am i uh real real quick,rundown i'm jeremiah goodman actually a,digital marketer for over eight years,i've been running as on being as google,as facebook has to talk ads also coach,over 100 people i'm a traveler obviously,um advertising consultant also big,bookworm uh,what i want to do is just go ahead and,dive straight into this training talk to,you guys about this and why it's,important to have like certain tools and,stuff in place before jumping into talk,ads and also affiliate marketing running,paid advertisements all right one,important thing that you should have is,self-hosted landing pages so i see a lot,of you affiliates you use things like,kajabi click funnels,let's say dan gone,google pages wigs i've seen weebly i've,seen affiliates use all kinds of pages,as a landing page uh but one great thing,to use as a landing page the best thing,for the best optimal results is a,self-hosted landing page that you can,apply code into and also social media so,i'm not even gonna leave social media,out there but you still want to have,your own page that you're running your,traffic through what this does is it,allows you to do a whole lot more um,onto the landing page like i said here,self-hosted landing pages is a enables,you to have complete control controller,enable us to have click control,over our landing page would allow us to,track use tracking token tokens uh other,pixels basically we put facebook pixels,google pixels on there also and follow,our traffic across the whole internet,and the only way you could do that is,you're going to have to have,self-hosting landing pages also,inside the cpanel that's going to give,you access to do a whole lot more stuff,and have a whole lot more control over,your server alright why you need a,cpanel all right,a lot of affiliates this is why you need,self-hosting again,well,so we can create emails so we can manage,our own emails so we can manage our own,data so we can set up so we can download,our sql database so we can have all the,information that we need in case,anything else go wrong we can,automatically upload it and then also,this gave us complete control over our,data so it's not necessarily that okay,um all my stuff is on someone else,platform no it's on a complete dedicated,server that's we just written out and,collecting our data on so that's super,super important i know get technical and,stuff of that nature i don't want to,over complicate it,applying tracking versus not applying,traffic tracking so basically this,actually before we get into like i said,before you have to understand tracking,before you run any paid traffic,whatsoever you need to be using tracking,software along with that,this is how you're going to be able to,know what's profitable for you and,what's not profitable for you because if,you're not tracking whatsoever in the,business then you're not going to know,what headlines is converting what,buttons convert and what's images,converting what ads is converting what,landing page is converting and if you're,just setting up your landing pages,putting the affiliate link together and,just tying it or just direct linking,what you're doing is you're literally,just,telling the network hey send me any type,of traffic i don't even care about how,good or bad it is and also traffic this,is what's going to allow you to know,what's real and what's fake so a lot of,times a lot of ad networks might send,you a boatload of,traffic and things of that nature to,your offers and what happens is you,think you end up spending hundreds of,dollars on paid advertisements but in,reality you spend a hundreds of dollars,on bot traffic and what happens is if,you can show that hey this is by traffic,it'll in a it enables you to say hey,i don't need to be paying for all of,this traffic because this traffic is not,real and so that and also enables you to,turn off which ads that's not working,for your ad campaigns and keep on the,ones that's working so flying tracking i,could talk about this pretty in depth,all day long but applying traffic,tracking allows you to know what works,for your traffic what doesn't enables,you to cut loss losing traffic also and,save money so basically you know what's,costing you money you can turn that off,and just save all that money that you're,spending on it all right so you don't,want to end up spending,spending a hundred dollars and that,hundred dollars doesn't bring you,anything back so you can cut that ad off,and also able enables you to see what's,profitable,for your campaign so if you know if,you're spending l

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