how does snapchat make money tiktok ads

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$100k/mo on Tiktok ads with Affiliate Marketing Walkthrough

hey guys welcome to my discord and in,this video i'm going to show you exactly,how to make money on tick tock ads guys,tick tock ads to be honest is the,easiest way to make money online right,now this is ridiculous and this is guys,it's not drop shipping this is not,e-commerce i don't know if you ever,heard of it but it's affiliate marketing,all you do is set up ads put a link in,there somebody follows the link fills,out a form and you get paid 10 bucks,easiest money you will probably ever,make and that i've made online if you,follow my tutorial this will be like 35,30 minutes 45 minutes if you follow it,step by step literally the next day you,can start making 50 and that's just the,start i literally show this to my,friends how to do it and they are now,making two grand three grand i'm gonna,show you screenshots and how much their,accounts and how much they're making,buckle up strap up there's gonna be a,walkthrough and we're gonna get it right,into it but right before that i wanna,clear some things i know i'm giving out,free information and a lot of people,think oh this is the course this is drop,shipping this is e-commerce this is none,of that i'm literally giving you free,information on how to make money right,before getting into the nitty gritty let,me just show you my buddies that made,money and i literally just showed them,what i'm gonna show you now and they,started making money right away so so,i'm recording this on sunday right as,you can see here this is thursday,never ran ads,like first day made 420 second day made,what 1400 and so today he made 1.3 k,um total he already made 3k guys and he,started thursday so was this thursday,friday saturday sunday in four days he,made 3k in revenue i think about,a thousand dollars of that is profit,somewhere around there like come on bro,four days and he's never ran ads and he,just started so this is another friend,of mine that's been running ads um he,kind of has more experience so you could,see the growth but so he started back in,uh february 18th so he started 30 bucks,right here's the growth and check this,out,bam bam bam bam so right now he made,today he made 4.1 k this is again sunday,um,and i mean march 1st he made 200 so he,went from 200 to 4 grand guys and like i,mean he knew the ads world a little bit,more than the other person but this is,just stupid it's stupid all i could say,here let me show you somebody that i,showed how to run it and he ran it today,okay so here's my other buddy i,literally showed him how to do this,yesterday,um so this is sunday right,let me show you this so all right,saturday he launched the ads,and um,look at this,65,never ran as before it's gonna be split,into seven sections let's hit section,one is first we need to do is create a,tick tock ads account now i'm gonna do,it here,you can speed up this part if you,already know how to do it but i'm gonna,walk through everything because i wanna,show you how easy it is to start making,money online so you just wanna go to,,create an account google search it i'll,post a link in the description so,you want to enter email here,all right now once you're here again,enter some basic information business,name you could kind of enter whatever,you can enter your name you know,again it doesn't matter you could just,do whatever just do other um do your,time zone and then you enter your phone,number,all right now you're going to be here,then ask you some basic information just,be like,running ads for,um,affiliate,um so they're going to want you to do,so you could set up the payment later,i guess you can't so pretty much enter,your,address here,okay agency again this stuff doesn't,really matter all right now when you're,here it's telling you to create an ad,that away but we don't want to do that,we created we want to create a pixel so,on to section two of the video,all right so section two is creating a,pixel what a pixel is it pretty much,tracks when somebody converts,and it tells tik tok hey the person that,clicked this ad converted right you know,submitted the form and so now tick tock,understands you know which ad had a,conversion that way you know which ad,works best so in simplified terms so,we're going to go to assets and then hit,events,and then web events manage,and then create pixel,so this is going to be a little bit more,technical so i want you guys to follow,closely um but again it's still pretty,simple so select tick tock pixel next,um,you want to do manual install code now,we can do you know,sam's pixel,next,next you wanna do standard mode,create,all right,so copying the pixel code we'll get to,this later in another section so right,now we just want to create the pixel,right,so,you know we'll have advanced matching,so verify,you can kind of skip this step so just,honestly just enter something random,again we'll kind of get back to this,step,we'll make more sense down the road so,right now we just want to set up the,pixel and that's what we're here to do,so once it ver

The above is a brief introduction to how does snapchat make money tiktok ads

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Make $8,000 Per Day Posting Snapchats | STEP BY STEP TUTORIAL (Snapchat Spotlight)

Make $8,000 Per Day Posting Snapchats | STEP BY STEP TUTORIAL (Snapchat Spotlight)

posting snapchat videos made this 19,year old three million dollars in three,weeks quick math tells me that's one,million dollars per week and you would,love to do the same thing so why don't,you i don't know how logan oh well,neither did i a year ago and since then,i've made almost six figures me too i'm,only 15 and i made 250k same snapchat,money bought me this charger right here,i quit my job about a house because of,snapchat see all ages are doing this and,i'm not just gonna tell you how to do it,i'm gonna show you each step by starting,a new snapchat from scratch but first,let me explain how getting paid this,much is possible it all started in,november of 2020. tick tock was popping,off and other platforms needed to find a,way to compete so instagram made reels,youtube made shorts and snapchat made,spotlight they were all knock-offs of,talk tick's 4u page and miserably failed,at first which in return made the,companies decide to pay users for,posting on their platforms instagram,paid four dollars per 1 000 views,youtube introduced a creator fund and,snapchat gave away 1 million dollars per,day how this worked was the 100 most,viewed videos in a day would receive a,portion of that 7 figure prize pool with,first place receiving anywhere from 100,to 200k and 100 still getting a few,grand and the craziest part about this,is anyone can do it you don't have to be,some huge influence or get selected into,the program if your video is in the top,100 you will get paid like my friend joe,never made content in his life until,snapchat and has since made almost six,figures i was just a regular college kid,honestly looking for a way to make money,to pay for school and so what i started,doing was posting like up to 20 videos a,day eventually one just popped up and i,got paid i remember getting that first,message and i was like i have to stick,with this you know i'm almost at the six,figures mark which is insane and it's,just such a blessing okay now that you,all know it's possible i'm gonna show,you how to do it there's four main ways,to start making money from spotlight one,is creating a niche page where you post,things like family guy anime or travel,edits second is being a typical,influencer where you post your tick tock,content but on snapchat third is posting,that useless content that makes up,eighty percent of snapchat's feed you,know the five second clips that lower,your iq after watching them and fourth,is thirst trapping as a hot female all,of these strategies have been proven to,work time after time and i'm gonna try,to make one thousand dollars from each,of them in this video well besides the,thirst trapping i'm saving that for my,only fans account one influencer page to,make an influencer page just open a new,snap account create a public profile and,bam now you're ready to get paid it is,indeed that easy and my strategy to make,1k from this account is posting one of,my tick tocks every hour throughout the,challenge posting at this rate will,allow me to get a solid amount of videos,uploaded without being flagged as a,spammer account 2 niche page i have two,options for the niche account i either,spend hours making my own edits or i,joint content from an already popular,page and of course i'm going to do the,right thing impersonate my friend dylan,this will save me tons of time because i,don't need to create the content and i,won't feel bad because i know the person,i'm stealing it from plus i always tell,dylan the post on spotlight and he,doesn't so if i make a lot of money from,his videos i'm gonna roast the hell out,of him at the end of this challenge,account three the stupid content page,this is by far the easiest account to,create and make loads of money from just,name the account after yourself and film,the dumbest most random things you could,think of like for example this video of,me drawing colorful hearts made me 800,it's kind of like trading nfts the,dumber you are the more money you make,and by the way if your account doesn't,have the public profile option i teach,you how to fix that in this tutorial the,following day all right boys it's the,morning of day one i just posted a few,spotlights on the niche and influencer,pages and now it's time to spend two,hours straight making some stupid,content your whip is a toilet you,looking like poop,i lost my virginity to this stuff,that was exhausting before i passed out,this morning i made a total of 87 videos,and so far none of them have more than 1,000 views but that's typical because on,average it takes 24 hours until they,start getting promoted so while we wait,for those results i'm gonna go to a,place where a lot of dumb videos are,made the mini golf course this place has,unlimited opportunities from trick shots,to my viral if he makes a series so i'm,pretty positive one of these will go,viral and to make it even more,interesting if my neighbor beats me in a,round of 18 i'll give him half the money,these videos make he gets a hole in one,through the m

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How To Make Money With Snapchat Ads In 2022 (For Beginners)

How To Make Money With Snapchat Ads In 2022 (For Beginners)

how to make money on snapchat ads now,this video is going to be a complete,step-by-step tutorial i'm going to show,you everything you need to know,including how this works how much money,you can make and how you can get started,making money with snapchat ads as soon,as today so if you are interested in,making money online and making money,with snapchat adverts then keep watching,as this is going to be the most valuable,video you ever watch now before we jump,into this video i just want to mention,that my mentor has opened up a few spots,for his free workshop as i said there is,only a few spots so it is a first come,first served basis and this workshop,actually allowed me to earn my first,000 a month online so it is definitely,worth your time and if you want to sign,up you can use the link down in the,description okay so as we can see we are,right here on the snapchat ads,basically the main website for snapchat,ads they say grow your business with,snapchat snapchat ads and public,profiles are made for every business no,matter the size or industry become part,of snapchatter's everyday conversations,with full screen digital ads that,inspire action from people who matter,most to your business so guys most,people are actually under kind of like,this false impression that the only way,you can make money with snapchat ads is,by being a business owner being an,agency or something like that however,this is completely wrong and actually,one of the best way if not the best way,to make money with snapchat ads is,actually through affiliate marketing now,if you guys don't know what affiliate,marketing is let me quickly explain so,this website says affiliate marketing is,an advertising model in which a company,compensates third-party publishers to,generate traffic or leads to the,company's products and services the,third-party publishers are affiliates,and the commission fee incentivizes them,to find ways to promote the company so,effectively guys what this means is you,will be going out there and finding,products to promote for example if we,take this truff hot sauce right here,this isn't actually what we are going to,be promoting but this is just an example,if we take this trough hot sauce right,here they might say to us okay so for,every sale you get of this trough hot,sauce you can keep 20 of this for,getting the sale and let's imagine that,the hot sauce costs 20 okay this is a,premium high brand hot sauce whoopsie,what we need to do is pull up a,calculator right here so if the hot,sauce is 20,we are going to be getting 20 for every,single time this makes a sale that means,we would keep four dollars for every,single bottle we sell so literally all,our job would be is to acquire a,customer for under four dollars and that,way we are profitable now don't worry,guys i'm going to walk you through,everything i'm going to show you how you,can find awesome affiliates to promote,for that pay super high commissions i'm,basically going to show you everything,you need to know so make sure that you,keep watching as this is going to be a,value-packed video so let's get into the,affiliate marketing stuff later but for,now let's keep talking about snapchat,apps so these are just a few things,about the snapchat ad features right,here ad manager is snapchat's self-serve,advertising platform where you can,create ads launch campaigns monitor,performance and optimize towards your,goals all in one place and the awesome,thing about this snapchat ad manager is,you can literally target snapchat users,based on their interests behaviors,location and more which is actually kind,of creepy if you guys are using snapchat,then this is how advertisers are,targeting you they are literally looking,at your interests your behaviors a bunch,of other things like that and that is,kind of scary until you realize that,this is how all advertising works and if,you want to be a good advertiser this is,what you need to do in order to make a,lot of money we can see that on average,347,million people use snapchat every day,snapchat reaches 75 percent of,millennials under gen z and on average,snapchatters spend over 30 minutes on,snapchat every single day so that is,just some crazy statistics right there,you can reach a bunch of people with,your adverts and there is something to,keep in mind here that the vast majority,of people who use snapchat are going to,be millennials and gen z so if you come,across like back ointment or,something for old people probably not,going to be something to promote on,snapchat now you can also launch ads,with as little as five dollars a day,advertising on snapchat with this la la,la our low daily minimum spend,requirement means you can test learn and,optimize campaigns on a budget so if we,go up to here and into the advertising,section this right here is how the,snapshot ads manager is going to look so,this would be an example and let's,imagine that once again uh i can't see,it anymore but we are promoting this,trough um chili hot sauc

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What is the BEST Ad Platform FOR YOU? TikTok vs. Snapchat vs. FB

What is the BEST Ad Platform FOR YOU? TikTok vs. Snapchat vs. FB

hi how are you doing in today's video,i'm going to compare facebook,textbook and snapchats so if you're,wondering why these exact three,so first of all facebook and instagram,com combined,in facebook ads is pretty obvious it's,the big player in e-commerce in,social media marketing but then we have,snapchat ads,which is known to generate pretty good,results at a pretty low cost,especially when targeting the us and,then of course we have tick tock which,is the sexy new player,not a lot of people utilize it but it's,also known for,ridiculous good results so let's compare,these let's compare stats,demographics and in the end what ad,platform you should be using,so without further ado let's hop into it,but before i do that make sure to like,the video and to smash the subscribe,button,including the notification bell you,don't miss out on any future videos i do,about e-commerce,dropshipping and social media marketing,in general so do that right now and,let's hop into it so as you can see on,the screen,facebook versus tick tock voices,snapchat ads so let's just get started,with the general stats,so i'm going to start with take talk,then go with snapchat into facebook,and instagram so as you can see facebook,and instagram,is combined because obviously the,facebook ad manager instagram is in,there,as well so i'm going to talk about both,of them more or less combined here,so let's get started with tiktok first,of all we as we can see,one billion monthly active users which,is,quite a lot to be honest a lot of people,say it's not as big as facebook,which is true facebook with its with its,2.8,billion monthly active users is a bit,bigger,but to be honest with one billion,monthly active users you can easily,scale to multiple seven figures,so this should be more than enough,honestly then on snapchat we have 400,million active users,which is still a lot of people of course,it's,definitely smaller than the other ones,but let's just be honest with,400 million monthly active users you can,easily scale to multiple seven figures,as well so this is going to be true for,the entire video,i first of all i'm going to share a lot,of stats and later my personal opinion,but we have to be careful with these,stats because it's easy to say ah,400 million monthly active uses is not,enough,which in reality it's more than enough,so next,tiktuk has average users spent,52 minutes each day on app on snapchat,it's roughly 30 and a bit,more the data was here wasn't as,accurate and on facebook it's,5 58 minutes and a tick tock 53,so pretty comparable and shouldn't make,too much of a difference,and tick tock which is really really,really interesting and a key benefit and,a key takeaway of this video is that,only five percent of marketers,are using tick tocks right now and 74,of marketers do not plan on using the,platform in the next year,some people might think well the,majority has to be right if so many,marketers don't utilize ticket against,probably a bad advertising platform or,you can see if so little marketers,actually utilize tik tok,that the price and cpms etc will be,insanely cheap,and there will be a lot less competition,on any other ad platform and this is,what we personally believe,tick tock is insanely powerful and,the reason in my opinion why so little,marketers actually utilize tick tock and,tick tock ads,is because it's new and we human in,general,always are a bit scared of new things,and obviously take is very new,it hasn't been rolled out yet for very,long there was this battle,axis for quite some time and now it's,roller to everybody,and it has some limitations of course,because it's new we will get into these,later on but overall i think this is a,major major benefit for tick to gets,so let's continue here with the,demographics so tick tock,has 100 million active users in the us,and here is the percentage of us-based,tick-tock,users by age so this is pretty important,because a,big misconception misconception is that,only very young people aren't,tick-to-man,while it's true that the average age is,a bit younger than from facebook for,example,we can clearly see that 16.4 percent of,ticking users are between 30 and 39,and roughly 14 are between 40 and 49.,so it's 100 wrong that only young people,are on tick tock but obviously,only seven percent are 50 plus for,example if you go on facebook,55 plus year olds are 31 so if your,target demographic is,older people so 50 plus then tick tock,also snapchat is probably not a good fit,for you but for everybody else,who doesn't sell products for elderly,people so who,for everybody who sells to young people,to middle aged 40,50 year olds tick tock and snapchat,works perfectly fine,if you continue to snapchat to 82,percent of snapchat users,are ages 34 or younger so snapchat is,generally,a bit younger than tiktok so snapchat is,the youngest platform,of all of these here and,also what's pretty interesting is on,facebook and instagram on tik tok,man and females of male and female are,kind of equal

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How To Make Snapchat & TikTok Ad Creatives That Convert! Snapchat and TikTok Ad Creative Tips 2020

How To Make Snapchat & TikTok Ad Creatives That Convert! Snapchat and TikTok Ad Creative Tips 2020

hey everybody this is savannah sanchez,today,i'm going to be giving you five quick,tips on how to improve your tick tock,and,snapchat ad creatives my number one tip,is to,always have captions and design for,sound off,so especially on snapchat not everyone,is watching their videos with,sound on tick tock there's a lot more,people,listening with sound on however it's,really important that you always have,captions so that the people who aren't,listening with sound perhaps they're at,work,or choosing not to watch the video with,sound still understand what,your product is and what you are selling,so i always caption my videos,especially if you have someone talking,about your product you want to make sure,that that's captioned,or just add some text on top that that,describes your product,and have the call to action to shop now,or whatever your cta,is my second tip is to keep it native to,the platform,so for tick tock in particular you don't,want it to look like an ad,you want it to look like another,tick-tock video so the best way for that,is sending your products to influencers,people who can make tick-tock-esque,content,so that they're interacting with your,product but it doesn't look,like an ad the same goes for snapchat on,snapchat,ugc is extraordinarily popular,so i would say giving your product to,influencers or other content creators,to help you make snapchat content is,going to be a lot more effective,than just showing like a lifestyle video,or,product on white for instance my third,tip for,effective tick-tock and snapchat ads is,to design,for 15 seconds or less so,on average people only watching less,than two seconds of your video so,you need to capture attention within,those first two seconds,and people don't typically watch the,entire video either,they're going to decide within the first,10 seconds whether they want to purchase,or not so,keep your video short short and sweet 15,seconds,with a compelling call to action to,swipe up to learn more,my fourth tip is more related to what,styles of videos work best on snapchat,and tick tock so for all of the,ecommerce accounts that i've managed on,snapchat and tick tock,i found that unboxing has worked the,best as an ad format,so i would say if you are considering,advertising on snapchat and tick tock,make sure that you have unboxing videos,so what that means it would be somebody,who is receiving your product maybe the,video starts where like the package is,at their door,they're showing them unbox it they're,giving their first impressions,this is a really effective ad that i,recommend,all my clients to have in their car in,their creative arsenal so,absolutely add unboxing videos to your,tick tock in snapchat ad library,my fifth tip for effective ads is always,always keep testing and especially keep,testing copy,so on the first few seconds of the video,like i mentioned before,you're always going to want to have,captions so you want to test different,intro text,as well as different value props on your,video so for instance,let's just say you're showing that great,unboxing video of someone receiving for,your,your product for the first time then,maybe in the first three seconds for one,you test having text come up that says,free shipping,where another one says like the most,beautiful gift here for your friend it's,more of like a value prop,driven text so the first text that pops,up on the screen,can make a really big difference in your,ad performance so,don't only test one text variation,because you can have a great video but,you might just have the wrong copy,paired with it so when you're launching,your snap and tick talk ads,make sure you're testing different,headlines and different top texts in,order to get the most effective results,alrighty guys i hope that my tips were,helpful and please let me know how,your snapchat and tick tock ads go and,if you want more tips,make sure to subscribe

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How to make money with Snapchat Spotlight 🤫

How to make money with Snapchat Spotlight 🤫

hey what's up guys welcome back to my,channel in this video we're going to,talk about how do you make money with,snapchat in snapchat spotlight which is,very similar to what we see on tick tock,instagram reels youtube shorts but you,can make ton of money from snapchats,spotlight uh snapchat released this,feature,about year and a half ago and it was,people were making a lot of money but,now uh they are you can still make,hundreds and thousands of dollars on,snapchat spotlight it's fairly easy the,videos on snapchat are very very uh,simple and here is um i'm on my snapchat,i i you'll see the play icon at the,bottom this tells you you are in the,spotlight and if you consume this number,one you'll notice that it's very similar,to,yes you guessed it tick tock and the,videos are very short very easy to do,and also,you get paid when snapchat first,launched this uh they were giving out,one million dollar every single day now,it's not a million dollar every single,day but they say millions per month from,my experience i know a lot of people are,making tons of money uh from snapchat,spotlight and i have also recently made,some money which i'll show you in a,second but this is what you're going to,do open snapchat go to spotlight and,then consume some of this content and,then when you want to create something,start creating your videos uh like using,the snapchat camera uh and then before,you post uh you'll see that your videos,needs to be at least six seconds so this,was in six second it needs to be,i should have read that message anyways,let's see,still not,let's try one more time,and now it's about it's yeah look at,this so it needs to be six seconds and,then you can send it to or post it to,the spotlight snapchat spotlight uh and,then depending on how your video does,based on the views,you will get paid and once you get paid,you'll notice here's how you can check,uh that you're making money so you're,gonna click on your face and then scroll,all the way down here are different,snapchat that i am creating uh,spotlights that i'm creating and then,you're gonna see crystals,so this is how when you start getting,crystals this is how you know you're,getting paid from snapchat spotlight so,if i log in there you'll see i have some,crystals and here's the the money,that i have made and i haven't cached,this out yet,i didn't mean to take a picture,let's delete the screenshot but this is,how so for example in this case i have,9277 crystals which means i have a,927 dollars that i can cash out so you,can cash out whatever you want some,people do it every month every week it's,just up to you,i have to do this on my account but this,is how you can make thousands and,thousands of dollars on snapchat by,creating spotlight another thing i'll,mention if you look at this icon on the,top you can see what's trending on the,snapchat spotlight so you can see,the music that's trending,and also different hashtags here's the,hashtag that's trending so there's a lot,of,good information here as far as what's,trending on this platform so you can use,some of these trends,music,to get paid another thing is on the top,you'll see different challenges so in,addition to making money from the,spotlight videos you can also,participate in some of these challenges,and make money so a lot of opportunity,to make money if you are a content,creator on snapchat if you have any,questions let me know in the comments,below i'll see you in the next video bye,for now

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Snapchat Ads Vs. TikTok Ads: Which Is Better For eCommerce Advertising?!

Snapchat Ads Vs. TikTok Ads: Which Is Better For eCommerce Advertising?!

hey there it's savannah sanchez from the,social savannah,today i'm going to be talking about what,platform is better for your ecommerce,business,snap or tick tock so a bit of background,i've been working with both these,platforms for,many years now so for snapchat i used to,work in an agency,where i led the facebook and snapchat,media buying teams,so i've been working with snapchat for,over two years,for e-commerce ad clients and at the,social savannah where i consult,e-commerce businesses,for the last year and a few months now,it's been,um a lot of my clients have tested and,seen snapchat work really well,and then for tick-tock it's definitely a,newer platform,but i've started with tick tock ads to,my clients back last april,and i've seen some great results for my,clients on tick tock as well,for clients including kitsch our place,thrive market blend jet,sugar bear hair so lots of experience,with both platforms,and a common question i get is if i was,to start brand new,whether on snap or tick tock which one,should i test first,and which one is getting the lowest cpas,so i'm going to go through the pros and,cons of both platforms and ultimately,what my suggestion is for e-commerce,brands,that are looking to expand away from,facebook and google and are wondering,what's the best next platform to test,so the first platform i'm going to talk,about is snapchat so if you guys are no,stranger to my youtube,channel i have plenty of tutorials and,videos about how to set up your snapchat,ad campaigns,so make sure to check those out but i'm,going to go first and say that one of,the best things about snapchat,is the low barrier to entry to start,advertising on that platform,the ads manager is extremely simple to,navigate,and it's really hard to screw up and for,lack of a better word,in terms of if you choose broad,targeting you upload your creatives,and you can easily sync the pixel with,the snapchat shopify app,it's really easy to set up your first,campaign and get launched right away,there's a lot of basic best practices,with snapchat in terms of using,ugc or user generated ad creatives using,target cost bidding,as well as leveraging broad audiences,but ultimately,snapchat is a very simple to use,platform with very,low barriers to entry to get started or,as composed of tick tock can be a bit,more complex,especially if you are trying to get an,agency managed account so if you were to,be one of my clients,the way that we set up with tick tock is,that we have to go through,a tick tock representative so that they,set up the ad account internally,they have to set up a line of credit,often and it often could take a couple,of days to get started to get the pixels,set up,or snapchat if you decide that you want,to start advertising on snapchat today,you can get started in the matter of,minutes upload your credit card,have your campaign and get ready to go i,would say one of the biggest benefits of,snapchat over tick tock is just the low,barrier to entry to get started another,one of the main advantages of snapchat,over tick tock is that they have more,placement opportunities,on snapchat so they have the regular,video story ads,but you can also advertise in the,discover feed and buy a discovered feed,tile with,which i've seen those ad placements have,been extremely successful for my clients,you can also run dpa or dynamic product,ads,as well as collection ads on snapchat so,these are all,placements that i know tick tock is,either developing or is currently,testing,but as of now snapchat has more,placements,which means more opportunities to show,your ads to the people who care about,your business,another great thing about snapchat is,that it's really easy to get started in,terms of just taking your existing,facebook ad creatives especially your,ugc ad creatives,that you've tested on instagram stories,and pop them over to snapchat,i've seen that even though ugc of course,is going to be the best,creative content for snap and it is,ideal to make content specific for,snapchat that is very ugc focused,i still had a lot of success with my,clients where we take their instagram,stories,and test them on snapchat and again,that's just gonna make the setup on,snapchat so much easier,if you can already leverage your 9x16,facebook ad creatives right on snapchat,alternatively on tick tock,i would highly recommend against running,your instagram,story or facebook creatives on tick tock,because they will not work,when i first started with a few tick,tock clients i tried the same strategy,of i would take what was working on,facebook,instagram stories and snapchat and try,to test it on tick tock and it was a,complete,flop it is so important to make specific,creatives for tick tock,leveraging tick tick-tock influencer,styles transitions,trending text it's so important with,tick-tock ads that you make it look like,an organic tick-tock,and stay current with the trends if,someone senses that it's an ad and,you're just putting your instagram story,ad

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People Are Becoming Millionaires From Snapchat... THIS Is How

People Are Becoming Millionaires From Snapchat... THIS Is How

alberto was having dinner with his,girlfriend one night,and took a quick video he posted it on,snapchat,and didn't think much of it,two weeks later that video had earned,him 94,000 welcome to the bizarre and troubling,world,of snapchat spotlight,snapchat said that they were going to,pay me about 3 000. you may have earned,7,876 and 54 from your submission,how can someone make thirty thousand,dollars from a snapchat video fifteen,thousand dollars,it is crazy snapchat are giving away,millions and millions of dollars,to creators for posting simple videos,under 60 seconds long,a lot of people aren't even aware of,this opportunity,and even fewer people have realized a,huge problem,19 years old he has made then correct me,if i'm wrong but it says three million,dollars since november from snapchat,yeah so three million dollars in the,past five weeks,snapchat is used to being copied,snapchat's story feature,has been replicated by just about every,social media competitor,instagram facebook messenger even,youtube,all decided to launch essentially the,same thing,however now it's snapchat's turn to do a,little copying of their own,which is why near the end of 2020 they,launched,spotlight a feed of videos under 60,seconds long,that's more than a little similar to,tick tock,but since instagram did the same thing,with reels youtube have done the same,thing with shorts,how are snapchat possibly gonna compete,simple give away a million,dollars a day,with youtube the amount a creator earns,from a video,is determined by how much ad revenue it,generates,but with snapchat's new spotlight,feature they did things differently,firstly since the money comes from,snapchat and not advertisers,all videos are treated equally a video,of someone dancing at home,can earn just as much per view as a,video about investing,but the really major difference with,snapchat is that instead of paying,creators proportionally,for the amount of views their video gets,there is a daily prize fund,and the videos that get the most views,per day split that daily prize,between them so it's kind of an all or,nothing situation,if your video gets less than about a,hundred thousand views,you won't see a penny but if it does get,several hundred thousand views,you're likely going to be getting a lump,sum payment of thousands and thousands,of dollars,and this may be why you haven't heard a,lot about,snapchat spotlight people want to keep,it a secret,the more creators posting videos the,more competition and the less chance of,being one of the top videos,of the day in the early stages when even,less people knew about it,there are reports of users earning over,a hundred thousand dollars,for a post think about that for a second,that's more than the average teacher,earns in over two years,or from a single video that was just a,few seconds long but,here's the even crazier part snapchat's,algorithm is kind of similar to tick,tock,in the sense that a random video can,blow up even if you have zero followers,on your very first day you could have a,viral snap,and then thousands however,you saw the title of this video before,you excitedly start spamming new videos,on spotlight,we need to talk,a quick search of the snapchat related,subreddits,will reveal many questions like this,do people make money reposting other,people's,tick tocks the answers are some of them,do,my mate has i don't even see original,content anymore just tick tocks,and in some cases people have openly,admitted it,i got paid from stolen content just make,sure the watermark is removed,and it was maybe you think it's just one,or two people who've,slipped through the cracks i don't think,so,the deeper i dug into this i kept,finding more and more,and this is just the ones who publicly,admit it online,i imagine the vast majority of people,don't publicly admit to it,the thing is it seems to be largely,teenagers doing this,who in many cases genuinely don't seem,to have any idea,about copyright laws like one saying,i've made 20k,from doing this but it's mad immoral of,course,the correct term here is illegal people,are earning,thousands from simply re-uploading other,people's contents,and if it goes viral they're making way,more money than the original content,creator,will have made it's entirely possible,that the original tick tock,earned the creator zero dollars and yet,the person who reposted it on snapchat,will have made several thousand dollars,at least,some even saying they've earned 58k and,34k,from reposting other people's videos,now snapchat's terms do state only post,original content,and it will remove infringing material,reported to us,by rights holders and i'm sure that's,true,but the only way someone would know if,their work is being used without,permission,is if they happen to stumble across it,in their snapchat feed,which in a sea of millions of videos is,very unlikely,especially since a lot of creators,aren't even on snapchat,it's not even like there's a link to the,videos so it's incredibly hard to tra

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