when making shopify account what address to us e

Start a Dropshipping Business As a Complete Beginner (Shopify Dropshipping Step By Step Tutorial) ge

Aiden & Mia's World

Updated on Feb 23,2023

Start a Dropshipping Business As a Complete Beginner (Shopify Dropshipping Step By Step Tutorial)

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Start a Dropshipping Business As a Complete Beginner (Shopify Dropshipping Step By Step Tutorial)

get started with this Drop Shipping,strategy that I'll share with you in,today's video this is a step-by-step,tutorial that anyone can make it work,even a beginner with no experience so,just make sure to keep watching until,the end of this video to get every step,right just before we start I want to,remind all of you that are new to this,channel to subscribe to adonimia's world,with notifications on so with that said,guys let's start right away with the,very first step that you need to,complete whenever you start dropshipping,we choose to find a winning product that,you want to sell so basically you can,just go over to tick tock for example,and you can search for Amazon fines here,on the search bar and you can just see,all of the results that it's going to,give you you can even filter your,searches by the last three months so you,can see what is trending right now and,what people are buying of course you can,even search for tick tock made me buy it,and you're going to do the same thing,filter the your searches by the last,three months and you can see all of the,trending products for the moment and,you're going to notice here for example,that there are a lot of products and you,can just go for example for this dog toy,or dog product and so on so you can sell,it on your own store so what you can do,actually to find this product is to just,find a supplier and I recommend that you,just go over to and here,you're going to find a lot of different,products for really cheap so I have just,searched for dog products and you're,going to see that it's going to give you,a lot of results and as you can see,there is that product that we saw on,Tick Tock too so you can click on it and,you're going to notice that it's selling,a like from a four to five Canadian,dollars so it depends also where you're,from and you're going to see here here,basically that it's still really cheap,actually and of course you can even buy,like more than 500 of pieces so in the,right hand side you're going to see all,of the information regarding the,supplier so this is a verified supplier,which is a very important feature also,they have 4.9 stars out of 5 for their,store rating and also there is like 100,percent on time delivery rate which is,very important as well so basically just,click on contact supplier here you can,just ask them for product pricing,customization as you can see you can,even tell them that you want to do Drop,Shipping and you're going to just start,doing the other things as well so the,next step of course is to just create,your online store but before I show you,that I want to show you how much this,product is selling on Amazon so,basically you can go over to,and you're going to just notice that,here it is selling for like 17 Canadian,dollars 18 also even 23 Canadian dollars,and so on so it's selling for a higher,price that we saw on uh like the, so it is pretty awesome,actually since you're going to just buy,it for really cheap and you're going to,sell it for a higher price so you can,get your own profit so it's time for you,to start creating your online shop your,online store and in order to do that you,can go over to you can see,that you can try Shopify for free for,three days and no credit card is,required also they offer a free trial,and you can enjoy three months of,Shopify for one dollar per month on the,selected plans so click on the pricing,plan and you're going to notice that,that offer is for the basic plan and you,can just get and try this one for free,or you can go for the other plans as,well just like the Shopify one and,advanced one so these plan our plans are,monthly you can even see that you can,get the yearly plan as well and they,cost a little bit less so of course you,can go for any one of these and once you,create your online store you're going to,start listing your product so basically,you don't need to just attach that,product physically because you're not,going to get that product and then ship,it out to other people to your customers,the supplier is going to take care of,the rest so just like I said even before,you're going to contact him and you're,going to say to him that you're going to,start your shipping so once you just,start listing your products on your,online store that you have created on,your own what you need to do is to start,promoting your store all your products,so you can get a lot of sales so what,you can do is to even go over to tick,tock and you can just open up that,product that video that we saw before,and you can see what this account is,posting and you're going to notice here,that this account is posting only about,that product and it's the same video,like seven times and one of these videos,went viral as you can see so he's,managed to make a lot of followers a lot,of likes and also uh he just posted that,link in the bio so people can go over to,his store and they can purchase,something and I want to mention actually,that he's selling it for like more than,twenty dollars so he got it from Alibaba,for really cheap and he's selling it for,much more and you're going to do the,same thing so of course you can even,just start creating some videos just,like this one you can even purchase that,product on your own if you want to so,you can start creating some wild videos,with it and you need to say to stay,consistent to post every single day and,hopefully one of those videos is going,to get viral really soon and after that,you can get some followers and you can,just start posting Link in the bio,because I want to mention that here on,Tick Tock you need to reach one,thousands of followers in order to be,able to start posting links in the bio,and of course you're going to put that,link of your product in your online,store so people can start purchasing it,the same thing that you're going to,follow here on Instagram as well,basically going to create an account,here the same to that on Tick Tock and,you're going to start posting the same,content as well with some reels because,in my opinion really Wheels tend to get,viral like more often and of course you,can just start posting your link in the,bio and even go over to,and create a Pinterest business account,so you can start posting some videos as,well and of course you're going to even,put a little Link in the bio so,basically this is the same strategy for,all of the social media platforms and,accounts that you're going to create,this is for you that don't want to spend,money on promotion so you can even run,ads of course you can run Facebook ads,Pinterest ads and so on but if you want,to start for free you can do this by,creating your own content and just,purchase that particular product that,you're going to sell on your own and you,can even start just making some viral,content with it so if you don't want to,make content with that particular,product just like we saw on that,instance on that Tick Tock account even,before you can even start creating some,other videos as well which is going to,be all around dogs since that product,that we're selling is for dogs so so you,can go over to and here you,can just create different designs for,absolutely free go over to the search,bar and click on Tick Tock video select,Tick Tock videos and search for it and,then you're going to start creating some,videos here all around a dog so they,give you a lot of free footage actually,so just go over to elements and you can,just search for dogs or puppies and then,go over to videos and you can just use,any kind of these videos that you want,and start posting them on your tiktok,account you can also just put some text,on it by going over to text and you can,start writing something so just to make,this video more interested and then just,put in that post them over to your,tiktok account and of course you can,tell them in the description that they,can even purchase a product for their,dogs and so on and you can start selling,dog products in your bio by putting the,link of your store or even your product,that you are selling so with that said,guys this is the strategy that I wanted,to share with you today I really hope,that you like it you can give it a,thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe,to my channel Eden Mia's world with,notifications on

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