what big brands use shopify

$2.7 Billion Ecommerce Brand (My Fav Shopify Store) it's amazing the amount of growth that a,busines

Arie Scherson

Updated on Feb 13,2023

$2.7 Billion Ecommerce Brand (My Fav Shopify Store)

The above is a brief introduction to what big brands use shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what big brands use shopify

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what big brands use shopify catalogs

$2.7 Billion Ecommerce Brand (My Fav Shopify Store)

it's amazing the amount of growth that a,business can achieve over a long period,of time when they stay consistent,especially now with the boom of the,digital era we've seen companies,completely explode in the e-commerce,space and in today's video i want to,break down one of my favorite e-commerce,brands right now it's a 2.7 billion,dollar company and their e-commerce,store is super simple their whole brand,is extremely simple so we're going to be,able to learn a lot from it i don't want,to waste any of your time though so the,brand is called muji if you follow me on,instagram which you should you may have,seen me post about it i absolutely love,this brand and i just got a care package,from them so i just ordered a whole,bunch of stuff from them and i don't,know if you can tell but i'm really,excited about it when i received it it,was kind of like christmas morning so,basically what i got is this little,planner this is a japanese company by,the way but they have a us store as well,so this is my new to-do list and then i,got a calendar as well i got a little,notebook for a new company where i'm,helping some businesses grow so it's,kind of like a client notebook and then,i got just a bigger notebook as my,journal and then i also got an extra,notebook for once i run out of pages but,look at how clean these are so there's,no spiral but even though there's no,spiral they still sit flat which is very,rare like notebooks that don't have a,spiral don't usually sit flat you,usually have to hold them down with your,hand oh yeah and then lastly i got a pen,from them as well,and it's just a normal pen so this is,not really a new brand and you can,really see it reflected in their monthly,traffic they're averaging about 470 000,visitors to the us store alone and as i,just told you this is a japanese brand,so that's extremely impressive and what,i really find impressive about them is,that they're literally the most simple,brand possible their products are,extremely simple on their instagram bio,for example they say no brand quality,goods,and that's basically what it's all about,so they sell really high quality minimal,goods that are unbranded and are just,awesome so this right here is a great,example of a general store where they,sell a variety of different products,right like they don't just stick to one,product or one particular niche they,really sell a lot of different things,but all of it is encompassed in this,sort of minimal lifestyle so they still,chose a vibe to stick to so it's not,just a general store that sells whatever,and doesn't really have any sort of,branding they do sell a variety of,products but it's all within the,minimalist niche and you would be,surprised at how big that niche is the,key term minimal for example is,continuously rising and i think that's,the best way to describe this brand,really now they were established in 1989,so this isn't a new brand that has,popped up but still to achieve a 2.7,billion dollar valuation this is a,public company now so that's how i know,their valuation is very impressive,especially selling products like this,that are very general very broad and are,truly high quality so that's what i,really love about these notebooks,they're the highest quality notebooks,i've been able to find they're like five,six bucks so not like the cheapest,notebooks but they're also not very,expensive at the same time so they're a,great balance of amazing quality and,amazing design with amazing prices so,how could you not love this brand and,i'm definitely their target demographic,i mean you know young adults that are,interested in minimalism and design like,this is literally what i wear basically,like every day i just got like,some jeans like a belt and a shirt my,wardrobe is not very extensive but i,think it looks good so let's break down,a couple of these product pages and,we'll sort by best selling here to see,what their best selling products are,from their new collection a seat cushion,so that's pretty funny i mean that's not,what you would expect i guess maybe,that's a good idea for a brand,clearly people are looking for seat,cushions if this is their new,best-selling product wow this is a,really aggressive pop-up right here i,literally can't figure out how to get,rid of it,so i guess i'll just type whatever but,this is a very beautifully designed,brand i mean all their products are,beautifully designed their whole,aesthetic is so clean and their website,branding and design really reflects that,so they got a very big add to cart,button that's really easy to see they,got a nice little sale banner here a,very simple description with a nice,header and then some specifics on the,actual product followed by some reviews,and then a bot together widget here and,a recommended product widget so this,actually looks a lot like the dawn theme,on shopify i talk about the don theme a,lot because it's my current new favorite,theme and surprisingly it's actually,free it's a very similar theme in terms,of aesthetics it's very minimal you have,all the same tabs that you can find in,the muji one and again it's free so,definitely try this one out if you,haven't started your shopify store yet i,highly suggest that you just take action,and start one right now and of course i,would love for you to use my official,shopify partner link we're official,shopify partners now which i'm really,hyped about so lastly we will take a,look at their mobile site and then we'll,move on to some of their social media,and paid ads so their mobile site is,actually almost identical to their,desktop site they didn't really change,anything they still even have this,search bar right here literally the same,just in mobile ratio so that's pretty,cool they got a floating little cart,button here which is cool that's a,really easy widget you can add on,shopify there's tons of apps that do,this so let's add this to our cart and,while even they state this same text,that a lot of drop shipping stores use,due to the high volume of orders we are,experiencing a delay in shipping times,we apologize for the inconvenience,that's kind of interesting so as far as,their social media goes they're posting,a lot on instagram which doesn't really,surprise me they're utilizing reels,which is really great so for example,here they posted a reel recently that's,got almost 30k views one that almost has,100k views let's see what it's all about,so they're sticking by their aesthetic,right it's super minimal,oh,that's really nice,such a simple product what that's,actually really cool,oh my god and it's a phone stand you got,to be kidding me okay i'm definitely,buying that this is kind of similar to,ikea as well this also reminds me of,ikea but the japanese version of ikea so,super cool stuff i mean i love ikea,that's another store that i truly love,and yeah that's their instagram their,twitter is also pretty big you don't,really see often brands using twitter,this much and you know getting this much,engagement but they do so again no brand,quality goods that's a funny headline,but that's what they are it's unbranded,high quality goods that are very,practical on pinterest they're posting a,lot but they're not really doing too,much besides that they even got a length,in linked on their website so i followed,that and then of course they got a tick,tock but they're not really doing too,much on tik tok either so if anyone from,muji is watching this which is very,unlikely but you never know so you gotta,shoot your shot then hit me up my team,and i would love to work with you guys,and help you grow your sales but aside,from that they're also posting on,youtube a little bit this is their north,america branch like obviously like i,mentioned they're a japanese brand as,well so they're much bigger in japan but,still the u.s is a huge market so it,makes sense that they're starting to,tackle it and when it comes to their ads,this is all we got here it's just a skin,care ad that's the only thing but it's a,skin care ad they're really tackling so,many different industries but still,sticking to their vibe and aesthetic and,principles which is no brands just,quality goods so that's about it for,this one i just wanted to share this,real quick i posted on my instagram,story about these notebooks that i got,and one of you asked to do a haul so,here's the haul i really hope you,enjoyed this video and learned something,if you did i want you to give this video,a like and subscribe for more and also,check out some of the links in the,description got some really great,resources in there but that's about it,hope you have an amazing rest of your,day and i'll see you next time peace

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