shopify work from anywhere

How To Quit Your Job And Work From Anywhere | Make Money Online [Amazon Merch - Shopify - Freelance]


Updated on Feb 02,2023

How To Quit Your Job And Work From Anywhere | Make Money Online [Amazon Merch - Shopify - Freelance]

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How To Quit Your Job And Work From Anywhere | Make Money Online [Amazon Merch - Shopify - Freelance]

so we've got a lot to,pay attention to for 2023 a lot of,changes coming to the economy to jobs to,folks employment,good bad and different depending on how,you look at it I actually put up a,community post I had a poll that asked a,question of what people thought 2023,would look like in comparison to 2022,and it seemed like there was a huge,percentage of folks that thought 2023,was going to be worse than 2022 and uh,more folks were considering 2023 is,going to be the same very few thought,2023 was going to be better,and uh I think it's all perspective,however,uh I think it comes down to a lot of it,comes down to uh Financial,Independence Financial stability,Financial Security Financial happiness,ultimately you would think the more,money you make the happier you would be,but that's not always the case and I do,think that much like we saw the great,resignation during the pandemic the,height of the pandemic where folks were,pretty much saying that they're done and,they are going to adopt this new way of,life of working for themselves and,working from home I think we're going to,see a lot more of that here in 2023,but,it won't necessarily be a bad thing for,the people who choose to do it and I'm,going to explain why in just a moment,working remotely has I think working,remotely is like ranked up there with,passive income because there's there's,always this dream of folks having the,idea that they could not commute not,drive not go into work not going to the,office and still make good money,by doing their job which some people,perhaps maybe introverts would prefer to,work silently and alone in solitude uh,and perhaps maybe others not necessarily,introverts but feel as though that they,are more effective and enjoy their work,more are happier when they're not,surrounded by some others working nearby,or co-workers that they just don't quite,get along with whatever the case may be,I think that the jobs Market obviously,the jobs Market is already being,heavily scrutinized especially with the,fed's push to raise interest rates and,push for more unemployment,I brought you guys an update where it,says Bank of America I believe it was,Bank of America projected a two percent,increase in Unemployment uh in order to,get things kind of leveled out,look folks I hope that this unemployment,push doesn't affect you I really do and,if it does hopefully not uh terribly and,you're able to recover from it,relatively quickly and relatively soon,but more so than hoping that it doesn't,affect you I really hope that you do,things to make sure it doesn't affect,you more so than anything,and working remotely,ties into this very very closely and,here's why,it's because a lot of these companies,and corporations are going to see more,than likely their best and brightest,they're going to see their best and,brightest possibly deciding that they,are ready to move on and to pursue,happiness and ultimately what matters to,them most without having to sacrifice,their income,and there's a few ways that this can be,done now you guys probably have seen,similar uh case studies and stories and,and watch like uh House Hunters,International or something like that and,you'll see expats move into another,country to uh enjoy life in a warmer,more pleasant tropical climate perhaps,maybe without all the nonsense that goes,on inside the United States on a regular,basis,it's almost like pretty much living on,vacation every day in like a you know,Caribbean island tropical island but in,order to do that you're going to have to,have either a substantial amount of,money or the ability to continuously,produce income while ultimately working,from the beach working from a villa and,an over water Villa,or wherever you choose to live some,people they uh they they go off the grid,and they're they're living out of a van,but they still or even oh man who's the,folks on YouTube and they live out of a,catamaran full time,but they still have the ability to do,what they need to do from a remote,location and still generate income to be,able to support and sustain their their,lifestyle so in my opinion we're,probably going to see 2023,especially with the increased costs that,are like going on everywhere of people,saying you know what enough is enough,if I'm going to do this I'm going to a,enjoy every single moment of it and be,uh not,unnecessarily put myself in a situation,in a position in a place to have to pay,these exorbitant exorbitantly expensive,costs folks know that heading down to,Mexico,you can you can you can actually achieve,a a much higher quality of life as far,as the living,circumstances and housing in uh,apartments or whatever it is you choose,in Mexico for a fraction of what we pay,here,meanwhile if you had the ability to live,there,but yet the ability to work remotely to,earn you know the income that we see,here in the United States but live in,another country with a lower cost of,living,that would be really like a game changer,when in terms of retirement and,enjoyment and quality of life and,ultimately like even if you didn't,increase your income but you reduced,your living expenses by half by 50,percent or more that's that's almost,like getting a giant race you see what,I'm saying because it's less money you,have to spend but,today,a technology,business opportunities and the demand,for extremely highly qualified and,talented individuals is going to really,put these jobs and these companies and,these employers and a bit of a little,bit of a jam and this is just my opinion,on what's going to happen okay,the best and brightest are going to,pursue happiness and what matters to the,most without having to sacrifice their,income and they're going to be able to,do this by pretty much holding these,companies hostage with the skills and,and their ability,while being able to leverage and utilize,freelance work and also other side,hustles and passive incomes,for instance something as simple as,print on demand and Drop Shipping,courses and Consulting so think about,this you could be a uh you could be an,engineer you could be an engineer you,could be an analyst you could be a,technician you could be a variety of,different things especially within like,the tech sector and all you need is a,laptop or a computer and your security,key to get into access you know with the,rolling code that's always encrypted and,constantly changing and you could pretty,much work anywhere,almost,got to have internet,a solid internet connection,which Elon Musk and starlink or Skylink,or whatever his company is called is,continuously trying to make sure that,anybody can have internet high-speed,internet relatively stable and reliable,high-speed internet almost anywhere in,the world,but by having the ability to freelance,your work you don't even have to be an,employee you could be a 1099 contractor,you could be self-employed contractor,working for a variety of companies in in,this with your skill set okay,and then you could also supplement your,income with side hustles and passive,income streams like print on demand like,with Amazon merch or with Teespring or,other services like that even uh you,know using these in conjunction with,perhaps maybe even building a Shopify,store to facilitate A Drop Shipping,Company so now you've got the income,coming in as a 1099 contractor doing,freelance work in the tech sector you,have a print-on-demand side hustle,that's producing passive income streams,that once you set it up it pretty much,runs itself and no matter where you are,in the world it'll still operate and,then you could have this Drop Shipping,service run through Shopify again once,you set it up it's pretty much automated,and then beyond that you could even,start with teaching folks through,courses and master class and teachable,and a variety of other platforms and,services that allow you to share your,knowledge with the world and receive,monetary compensation for it in addition,to one-on-one Consulting,so these are all things that can,literally happen from anywhere without,having to be bound and tied to a desk or,an employer or anything like that,further improving folks's quality of,life which is the main goal because,people have probably in my opinion come,to realize that quality of life is going,to supersede almost anything else in the,world and especially now seeing and,connecting the dots that I can increase,and improve and achieve this high,quality of life while also maintaining a,high level of income no matter where no,matter where,so quality of life is going to take over,while folks continue to,like deploy the five basic steps of,survival,making more money is number one we've,already discussed that with freelance,work and passive income streams and,print on demand and Drop Shipping and,courses and Consulting and the list can,go on and on if you guys want to know,more about that just let me know so you,make more money,you spin less than you make which we've,already discussed that we're moving to,countries that are lowering the cost of,living,for for the the area,so we're going to make more money we're,going to spend less money then we're,going to make sure our budget is in,check and that budget means you know,what are our Necessities must haves have,to pay for shelter Food Water,Utilities health care whatever it may be,transportation,gotta gotta have those set then you set,aside you know a little bit of,discretionary emergency cushions some,fun money and then beyond that you'll,have excess that you're going to put,into the fourth category which is,savings and investing because once you,get to the savings and investing point,then we're moving on to the fifth which,is grow which is growth,um actually I'm sorry the the fifth is,savings and investing in growth the,fourth is eliminating High interest uh,credit card debt and revolving debt but,I've I've skipped over that because if,we're moving to a a coastal tropical,Caribbean island I already know that,that is the furthest thing from your,mind because you're not going to be,waking up sipping pina coladas out of,coconuts uh with credit card debt that's,not going to happen Okay so just remove,that from your vocabulary and if you,haven't yet then let's talk about that,because uh actually comment down below,if you want to talk about ways to get,out of credit card debt because these,are the steps that are going to not only,bring a higher happiness level and,quality of life to many but are going to,be the building blocks for those who are,looking,and planning and preparing to walk away,from this ball and chain of a job and a,career and also put themselves in,positions where they're no longer going,to be vulnerable to layoffs they're,going to have multiple streams of income,passive streams of income they're going,to be independent contractors and,they're going to have their pick of the,litter on what and how they what they,want to do and how they want to make,their their living make their money make,their Fortune make money to go towards,their Fortune and the crazy part about,it is is not even necessarily the fact,and the idea that perhaps maybe being in,the tech sector is what's going to drive,up your income that is just kind of like,the the Baseline that's the foundation,that's the constant the variable is,going to be your side hustles and your,passive income streams and the,possibility of those actually exceeding,in revenues what you earn from your,primary career which ultimately then at,that point you can move on to a phase of,retirement where you don't necessarily,have to work you could literally live,off of your passive income streams,and enjoy every single day of your life,doing whatever you want whenever you,want and not having to worry about where,the money's coming from with that being,said all that money coming in has been,budgeted we don't have any debt we don't,have any waste and it's being invested,and it's continuously growing producing,uh compounded interest and returns that,are further uh supporting your lifestyle,of literally living,this remote work free passive income,dream,foreign,come on guys let me let me get a little,closer here,tell me if you wouldn't enjoy that,lifestyle now,how do we do it well there's a number,there's a variety of different ways that,it can be done but let's just start with,the simple idea of one creating a,business,so if you haven't created a business,then we need to go ahead and get that,done simple easy process Link in the,description check it out uh start your,business now why,that business is going to set you up as,a contractor that way that you can,remove yourself from the employee role,introduce,the new and improved you which is a,company which is a corporation which is,a separate entity which not only is,going to separate you from the employees,vulnerable to layoffs but it's also,going to increase your level of,protection and security while also,improving your your taxable income,situation which we'll talk about in,another video,so we first we want to start a business,okay once we get that set up then We're,Off to the Races from there we want to,from there we want to then start,building out and developing our multiple,passive income streams so we want to,start a print on demand service like I,said Amazon merch is a great way to get,started and if you guys want to know,more about that and how to get those,going get your account set up get your,artwork uploaded get your products,listed and set your prices just let me,know comment down below,additionally from there we're not going,to stop we're going to maintain this,diversity we don't want to put all of,our eggs in one basket,we want to be diverse and we want to,have multiple streams of income on our,way to producing multiple streams of,passive income so after we set that up,then we're going to set up our print on,demand which can be in other platforms,besides Amazon merch and then we're,going to be looking at taking advantage,of creating courses and teaching people,what we know teaching people what we,know to help them grow themselves to put,them in positions in similar positions,of living a lifestyle of of enjoyment,increasing their quality of living and,happiness and removing themselves from,living to work,so from there you know we have the,options of getting involved in some,consulting which in my opinion,Consulting is like,Consulting is really cool so the courses,you can set those up and those can be,automated right but the Consulting to me,that's when you get one-on-ones that's,when you get group sessions that's when,you perhaps maybe set up a um a a,seminar uh at a resort at this Private,Island at this tropical Caribbean island,that you're living on you have a there's,always going to be a really nice hotel a,nice resort with a conference and a,conference room or a ballroom or a few,where you can fit about you know a few,hundred people in there and then you can,start hitting them with the Consulting,and that's when you can start to really,touch lives you can really start to,connect with people like one-on-one like,really,engage and get real-time feedback and,that to me is the best because that's,when you start to really see it click,for people you get people coming to you,and saying wow I never thought about it,that way or you know I appreciate your,help I took your course and it it got me,here and so I had to come here to the,seminar to to meet up with you or even,the Consulting could be a one-on-one,phone call,where you can have these calls you can,have a zoom you can have a Skype and you,can really help people connect the dots,where I'm seeing more and more that,people want this they want this,they want help they want a friend they,want answers they want to Mentor they,want somebody they can talk to to help,them along this journey to get out of,this rat race,but they don't know what to do first,where to turn who to talk to and when,you have that ability to have that,one-on-one it's a game changer because I,could say something on this video and,I'll ask you if you want to know more,you drop a comment you gotta hope and,wait and see if I see the comment then,you got to see if I'm going to make the,content based on the comment does the,content that I make based on the comment,answer your question that's why the,Consulting in the one-on-one and the,personal phone calls and the live chats,are so important is because you can do,this in real time get back and forth and,you're going to be way more effective,and efficient in accomplishing and,achieving these goals,so from there the sky is the limit folks,from there honestly I didn't mention it,in this video but honestly you know,content creation social media building a,brand,just think if you're living on a,tropical Caribbean island and you're not,making content with Drone footage and in,in Jungle uh excursions and zip lines,and snorkeling and boating and sailing,and everything all the beautiful things,the food the cuisine the cocktails the,people the dancing if you're not,taking this in this this travel if,you're not taking this experience and,sharing it with the world you're missing,out on a huge a huge opportunity to,further increase your income earning,potential in diverse income streams,uh with the tools that you have readily,available to you literally at no extra,cost you just have to turn on the camera,and record your surroundings,and this is just the tip of the iceberg,because,it goes so much further from there we,would be here for hours discussing it,but literally in my opinion all these,components all these little pieces are,the reason why we're going to see such a,huge and drastic change in employment in,business especially in with,professionals especially with folks who,are extremely talented and ready to move,on and actually live a much more,enjoyable and a much higher quality of,life,by utilizing the,skills that they have available to them,and the technology,and how technology has made it so easy,to run businesses from almost anywhere,and succeed and and produce revenues and,and grow,um,respectable portfolios from anywhere in,the world for the most part like I said,you got to have a solid internet,connection this in my opinion is going,to be,the game changer of why we see such a,drastic change and a shift in employment,from what we once knew to what will be,the new Norm,of people working remotely taking,advantage of freelance freelance work,side hustles passive income and,technology and social media and building,a brand in affiliate marketing and,sponsorship deals and pay promotions and,the list goes on and on that is going to,be the game changer and if you guys want,to know more feel free to hit me up my,information is in the description I love,talking about it I love to share this,information with you and if you're,thinking about starting as a beginner or,have already begun and you want to know,how to,improve the system that you have in,place,or anything of the sort feel free to,contact me anytime you guys take care be,safe I'll see you next one bye

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