how to use clickfunnels with shopify

How To Use ClickFunnels for Dropshipping & Ecommerce (Full Guide) clickfunnels is a really powerful

Andrew Ethan Zeng

Updated on Jan 23,2023

How To Use ClickFunnels for Dropshipping & Ecommerce (Full Guide)

The above is a brief introduction to how to use clickfunnels with shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to use clickfunnels with shopify

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how to use clickfunnels with shopify catalogs

How To Use ClickFunnels for Dropshipping & Ecommerce (Full Guide)

clickfunnels is a really powerful piece,of software that creates sales funnels,and sales pages really really quickly,and i know some of you already know what,clickfunnels is but not many,are using click funnels for e-commerce,and drop shipping and i think there is,untapped potential in click funnels if,you use it correctly for e-commerce,sometimes i'll get questions asking what,are the alternatives to the usual,e-commerce platforms like woocommerce,and shopify,and actually the answers that are one of,the answers to that is click funnels,so in today's video i'll guide you step,by step in creating a sales funnel,and a store on click funnels so if that,sounds good to you,give this video a thumbs up right now,it'd be much appreciated and let's get,stuck,into it so first let's jump onto my,screen here,and let's quickly talk about what the,heck is a funnel anyway,so put simply funnel is a marketing,journey for your customer it puts them,through different funnels and buckets to,get them,to the to the selling point essentially,in a sentence that is a funnel i don't,want to over complicate it,and click funnels is a piece of software,that helps people,easily create funnels for a whole range,of things including e-commerce which is,the focus of today,i want to show you an example first of,how exactly this works,and all of it in action and then i'll,guide you through step by step on my,dashboard,how exactly we can create one on click,funnels this is,the prime example i want to show you and,it,is a product called evidence ever strike,now this is your typical product,uh physical product that we can sell and,then we can indeed,put this onto a funnel system and this,is how,survival life has done it i know the,guys behind survival life they are very,very smart people,so this is a great case study so the,everstrike lighter,it is just a simple lighter that's,durable long lasting and a waterproof,light up what they do here is this is a,store in itself it's a one,product store if you want to think about,it in that way,but really it's just one of their,products that,they decided to break off and create a,single funnel for so how this works is,they have the product,information a video a gif and it's,pretty straightforward as you can see if,you keep scrolling down,it's a really short page it just has,features benefits,a few images here and there and that's,about it,so really what they're trying to do here,is really push,the sale and you can see that they have,an integrated checkout box here,where you can just put in your shipping,select the quantity,and then check out it's that simple now,you might be thinking well i can do that,on other platforms yes you can but there,are major perks for clickfunnels,and one of this is yes having integrated,checkout on a single page it makes it,really easy to do that,and really does just focus on getting,the sale,and you can increase sales by having a,set up like this,over different various pages now there's,a few other things that you can get,going on this which is,upsells and cross-sells that is really,big um and something that i bang on,about all the time in e-commerce,basically click funnels makes that,really really easy so,what you would do is you type in you,know let's just type in a fake profile,here,and click next step let's pick something,random,and then it sells you on an upsell,straight away immediately,so it gives you the choice of one free,ever strike and the shipping is 295,or you can go two ever strikes or five,over strikes,now if you were to put in your credit,card okay all you're paying here in this,case is shipping but,i mean you can do this for absolutely,anything it doesn't need to be a free,shipping offer,well in this case what you're going to,do is you're going to put in your credit,card number then it's going to take you,to the next step and it allows you to,upsell or down so actually the customer,immediately now i'm going to show you,this in action,and let's go on to click funnels now,so if you haven't already go ahead and,sign up to click funnels there's a free,14-day trial links down below,directly to this free trial i believe uh,if it's still available,the link down below should be an,extended trial so it should be 30 days,but don't quote me on that it might be,expired,by click funnels so going into the,dashboard we'll be using again,be using this as an example because this,is the prime example of selling,on click funnels and by the way i should,mention that this,does work best with a one product,approach,and it's called click funnels for a,reason we're gonna be creating a sales,funnel for this single product,that really helps to drive profit and,sales because that's really the goal,here it's to increase profit and sales,so going back on to click funnels once,you signed up you'll be met with,this screen here and then you can click,build a funnel here or you can hover on,click funnels and click build funnel,here,so once you click build a funnel you'd,be great met,with a the steps here,and then what you're going to do is,actually get out of this we want to,create our own funnel,manually and you're going to click,e-commerce on the left-hand list here,so what this is is it is a list of,templates,that click funnels has implemented uh,that is completely for free,and it already has pre-determined uh,templates for you to build now,that being said of course if you're used,to creating funnels then,indeed go ahead and create your own,funnel that's unique to yourself,but the fact that it's already here for,you to customize is great and this is a,big difference to,other traditional eco ecommerce,platforms,in the sense that almost everything is,customizable,to a further extent and of course you,get to create funnels which is the,unique selling point here,but now going down into e-commerce what,we want to click on,in this case and now yes you can create,all sorts of different funnels,but we're going to be following a,specific strategy here that has worked,well and also has worked well for these,guys here,and that is the two-step trip while wire,funnel,so click select that funnel and then,there's a few things you want to do,there are a few templates that you can,pick from there are paid and free,templates but in this case you can,the you know the free templates are more,than enough or you can go with the blank,two-step tripwire funnel here if you,really know what you're doing,but for most people that are watching,this video i am assuming,that you're completely new so let's get,started with one of these templates you,can pick any of these as long as it's a,two-step trip wire,so it's up to personal preference in,this case just,for the sake of this video i'm gonna go,with the gordon template,so you're gonna click on the template,and then activate and click get funnel,so now we're on the funnel builder page,we're met with a few things,and we want to set up a few things,before we start building out the pages,now real quick on the left hand side,here you can see,that this is the different pages or,different funnels whatever you want to,call it,where we're going to customize each step,now,this is very important and crucial and a,unique aspect to click funnels but more,on that in a second,then of course you have the actual page,itself which we're going to edit in a,moment,the first thing we're going to do though,is set up your product,assuming you already have a product in,mind you're going to come,up here and then click products we're,going to,set up this product first and set up,your,payment gateway before we start building,the page obviously so,you're going to click add product once,you click add product the first step is,of course,adding the payment option now there's a,few integrations that we can add,but the bare minimum once you click add,payment integration is,stripe and paypal that is my,recommendation so go with stripe and,paypal,and that's all we're going to use for,now and then let's get back out,so once that's all set up we're going to,move on to,product details now click save and next,oh by the way really quickly,subscription or one time we're going to,stick with one time because this is,a single purchase so click save and next,and then we're going to move into,product details this is where you,you know follow the steps to build out,the product very similar to every other,e-commerce platform that will be,that we have used or assuming you have,used like shopify or woocommerce you're,gonna put in the product name the,product price the currency,uh shipping origin etc etc now with,things like bump products,no just tick that off leave it as is,product inventory limit,unless you have a specific limit which,i'm assuming if you're drop shipping,then you probably do not,then you don't need to worry about this,so fill out all of this,using the usual you know elements of,making sure that you have great copy for,your,uh for your product etc,and then we're gonna move on to product,variations which is the next step,and this is an optional step and in this,case,we're not going to go with a product,variation,so we're going to leave this ticked off,and then click save and next then we're,going to move on to the next step,now the next step is fulfillment email,of course we should have this on you do,not want this off,the filament email is obviously just,that it is when someone,makes the order they're going to receive,an email,so create your own email and also,create a thank you page which is both,important,so once the customer orders your product,from click funnels,they're going to hit the thank you page,which is just telling them thank you,your order is going to arrive x,y zed please follow our socials etc,and you're going to have a similar thing,in your fulfillment email too,it's quite important to integrate this,with whichever fulfillment provider that,you're using,and more on that in a moment but for now,focus on your fulfillment email you can,easily google,fulfillment email examples or heck i'm,sure many of you have already purchased,something online so go ahead and check,your inbox,for a fulfillment email and just base it,off that's pretty straightforward,nothing,too fancy needed here now moving on to,follow up,actions this is not needed at the moment,unless you have a certain integration,you're working with a piece of software,that needs a follow-up action for,whatever reason but in this case keeping,it simple for the beginners,we're not needing this so let's move on,to shipping,is this a physical physical product yes,it is indeed so that way,we do need customers to provide their,shipping address,now we need to add shipping integration,here and there are a few,options for this of course you have,shopify,okay or you have ship station now,depending on,you know whether you already have,shopify or not or you want a really like,lean uh solution which is just ship,station and they just basically manage,just the shipment and fulfillment and,that's it then that's up to you,because you can always push it over to,shopify as well and get it all,filled over there okay or you can go,with ship station so it's up to you,now i'm gonna go back again so yes this,is indeed a physical product okay,then you're gonna add your integration,pretty straightforward stuff so far,then you're gonna go into summary then,you're gonna basically,set this all up and then tick it all,live and set it up there,so from here we've already got the,product set up,and now we need to focus on the actual,sales page now this is the fun part,and we're not going to need to create a,split test because we just want to focus,on getting one single page up first so,let's click,the edit page now the first page that,you see,here this is the main page where,everyone will land on so we should,really focus on this page first and,foremost,and what i love about you know the click,funnels builder is it's really really,straightforward it's really,similar if you guys and girls know about,elementor it's very similar,uh basically it's a drag and drop,function,so you can edit things really quite,simply and customize things to,your liking so in this case you know,follow the usual steps of conversion,rate optimization,a really good sales page you know we,need to focus on things like,product copy images videos etc,and so it's pretty straightforward stuff,really,up here we don't really need uh we don't,really need,a menu bar because it's a one-page,approach but it's up to you,so in this case you're going to change,around play around with it,change the images and then add more,elements you can do that by just,clicking add section here as you can see,once you click add section you'll be met,with a whole different,range of options in this case case let's,just click,full width and then you're gonna be met,with another option of click add new row,and then you're going to choose how many,rows you want in that full width panel,and then okay so in this case you can,see here,on the above image this is a two panel,so you've got two elements here that's,basically what it's asking you,so in this case you know let's just say,we want a small blurb,about just the product itself with no,other columns so in this case we're just,going to click,one column and then you're going to,click it again,the last time and click add new element,and that's where all the fun,nifty stuff is you can pull in different,elements like buttons you can pull in,headlines paragraphs etc,so we're just going to pull in in this,case a call to action headline,and we're going to say something really,cool about the product you know cool,phone,whatever and you're gonna just,continually build out,this page to your liking now something,that we really need to focus on and that,you definitely should have,here is indeed that checkout box first,and foremost right at the top,and then you're gonna have another one,at the bottom if it's applicable to you,now one of the things that i do like and,just a pro tip here for you,you want to minimize the amount of,actions needed,to get to the sale so in other words the,more boxes,the lower the conversion rate actually,now so what i like doing is i don't,necessarily need the phone number,because ah,you know unless you want to do text,messaging,marketing well then you don't really,need the phone number do you,so i can do without the phone number so,you're gonna click that um,cog button and then you're gonna click,advanced here and then you're going to,go,down to phone number toggle phone,and then click hide phone number field,so,just like that we have one less field,there and that already looks,cleaner so as you can see you can,completely tailor this checkout box to,your liking,um in so many different ways appearance,wise functionality and that's,really really fun so go ahead and,customize this entire page,to your liking now as you can see here,once this is all done,that is your homepage all done,click save and then get back out,to where we were at initially so you can,see here now,we have a few more pages that we're,going to edit and then we're going to,actually click out of one of these now,this is totally up to you,but with this specific strategy that i'm,talking to,we don't really need a down cell page so,we're going to exit out of that,and remove it then we're going to be,left with three pages here,and then we're going to customize this,now the oto page this is a very,important page and this,is a prime function of click funnels,this is the page when,once someone has signed up or either,purchase your product on the first page,they're going to get,what we call a one-time offer an oto,what the oto does,is it's literally just that it's a,one-time offer only for people that have,just purchased your physical product,this might be for example an ebook that,complements the,product that you're selling and that's a,great idea and you're going to offer,this as a one-time thing so there's,exclusivity and there is a time,factor to it you're going to go ahead,and click edit page and you're going to,do the exact,same of what we just talked about for,the home page you're going to customize,it,you're going to you know tell them about,your offer,and then give them a chance to also,check out,once more sorry before they check out,add,that to the cart and then check out with,both the main product that you just sold,them and also that one-time offer,product that you just offered them,finally from there the offer war is just,as important this is the order,confirmation page,customize it so you speak to the,customer,and get them to do anything else that,you might want them to do now,this is not a page to sell them again,that's just a bit overkill in my opinion,a lot of people do do that,but my recommendation here is just leave,it as the order confirmation page and,that is it now of course you have to,make sure,that you set up a follow-up email like i,said in the settings page,but uh from there essentially you have a,click funnels ecommerce store yes it is,that simple,and of course there are more strategies,to it but if you're just getting started,and wondering,how exactly so on click funnels there we,go,there we have it that is exactly it and,with this strategy in itself,having the check out box right there and,then on the home page plus the oto offer,this is really going to help you boost,your conversions dramatically,with a different platform other than,the usual ones the usual suspects that,we see,automations is also very important now,make sure that you do,follow up via email and of course if you,do,want to do sms marketing well then go,ahead and do that too they have great,integration for sms and email,together so you can go ahead and click,add new action add new email and add new,sms,text based on what they do on your,funnel so for example if they land on,your page,and they don't make a purchase or a,conversion,well then you can automatically target,them and email them,telling them hey have you forgot about,the product well,here's a chance or here's a discount to,check out right now,so that is another great feature and,great thing about clack funnels is,everything is integrated into one,rather than needing apps and plugins and,different subscriptions it's all done,for you in a single,product like click funnels so this is,again a great,way to manage everything all in one go,and really quickly set up,appealing visually appealing and,converting e-commerce,stores so i know i didn't yet go over,um how to manage your sales and,completely integrate,aliexpress and order fulfillment through,click funnels,but let's get this video to a thousand,likes and i'll make a dedicated video,tutorial,on just aliexpress integration onto,click funnels and order fulfillment,that is 100 100 automatic for click,funnels,let me know the platform that you're,currently selling on now and if you're,thinking about moving on to click,funnels let me know as well down in the,comments below,hope you enjoyed this video hope it's,helped you out if you found it useful,give it a like,and also if you haven't subscribed,already subscribe and until the next,video,keep on hustling

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