how to sync product inventory with subdomain shopify

How To Work With Multiple Inventory Sources & Inventory Feeds In Shopify hey everybody Justin scenar

Justin Cener

Updated on Mar 28,2023

How To Work With Multiple Inventory Sources & Inventory Feeds In Shopify

The above is a brief introduction to how to sync product inventory with subdomain shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to sync product inventory with subdomain shopify

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how to sync product inventory with subdomain shopify catalogs

How To Work With Multiple Inventory Sources & Inventory Feeds In Shopify

hey everybody Justin scenar here how's,it going I got a great video for you,here today I'm gonna show you how you,can flawlessly work with multiple,inventory sources on Shopify without,having any issue and this is super huge,for dropshippers right if you want to be,working with multiple inventory feed,sources you're gonna be able to have a,very diverse catalog you're gonna have,lots of suppliers you're gonna be able,to avoid risk let's say you have a,supplier that goes offline you'll have,other suppliers ready to go you'll have,new products consistently and when you,integrate this correctly everything,happens automatically you automate the,entire process now there are some cons,as well right but sometimes hard to set,up we're talking about inventory feeds,from various different partners you're,gonna see lots of different formats,you're gonna see lots of different file,types you might get your feed through,FTP or through email or through,automatic upload lots of different ways,feeds are always updating constantly so,you need to automate the updating,process we're talking about unhappy,customers while it's obviously great to,have a huge product catalog there are,some risks if you don't set this up,correctly chargebacks disputes negative,reviews increased customer service,having products that are out of stock or,having the wrong or outdated product,information that can completely kill,your store kill your customers feeling,about you and really set you up to have,some negative reviews so how do you do,is the right way on your Shopify store,I'm gonna show you over the shoulder,using a tool that I use it's called,stock sync and it's gonna allow you to,keep all of your different inventory,sources all your feeds completely up to,date automatically so let's go over the,shoulder this is the stock sync,inventory update app on Shopify and,first thing I want you to see they got a,massive four point seven at a five star,review on over 500 reviews so you know,that this thing works I've been using it,for a while and I really one of the cool,parts is in terms of inventory feeds it,doesn't matter what the format is you,might have some suppliers giving you XML,or HTML or XLS or you know just basic,spreadsheet whatever it is even a text,file it doesn't really matter because,you know the idea about stock sync is,really you know no matter what the,format is they can make it,work for Shopify and that's something,that is actually very underrated if,you've been working with multiple,suppliers you know how annoying and how,time-consuming that could be at the same,same way in terms of actually receiving,the the feed it could be through FTP it,could be through just basic email could,be Dropbox could be API integrations,with all these different ways to kind of,make this happen in terms of the feed,channels and getting them updated and,not having to do anything manual that's,kind of one of the big reasons why stops,stock sync works so good and why it,really has such a solid review score as,you see right here and of course,automation right you could schedule,basically automatic updating of your,inventory feed or inventory feeds it,could be hourly it could be daily,totally up to you and you have full,control over that really have full,control over everything in stock stock,sync and I'm gonna go over the shoulder,in a minute and actually show you how,it's set up but I really want you to,take a look at this you get a 14-day,free trial you see the link directly,below this video take a read through,here and see everything that you're,gonna get with it but super easy to,install all you need to do is press the,add app I'm gonna go over the shoulder,and show you how I have it set up in one,of my stores once you've installed the,app you're gonna be able to open up the,stock sync app and you're gonna be able,to go into your dashboard you're gonna,look something like this and this is a,little demo that I've had set up here,and there's a bunch of different things,that I want to show you over here we're,going to talk about adding products and,setting up feeds and you see we have a,Google Drive based feed shown over here,this is the first feed and of course you,can go ahead and set up a new feed and,there's a bunch of different options in,terms of updating existing adding new,products removing discontinued products,basically whatever your goal is it's a,nice little visual kind of easy to,understand process to go through but we,already have a feed in here and I'm,gonna show you exactly how powerful this,tool is we're gonna click into it show,you a little bit more of the details and,shows you a little bit more about last,processed number of products before,added how many products are added status,of it and you can actually see the,entire change lock obviously this is,just a new for this video but you would,see your entire change log in terms of,all the activity anything that you'd be,pulling from the,the product feed and we'll take a look,at the actual setup of the feed here in,this case the connection method google,drive and we have a bunch of different,options here again it doesn't matter,what type of input you're receiving,right it could be an upload file it,could be a download link you could be,getting it through an FTP or a secure,FTP it could be through API it could,just be from Google spreadsheet it could,be a file inside your Google Drive or a,file inside Dropbox all these different,options and plenty of new ones getting,added all the time plenty of different,options to connect right to make a link,with your inventory a supplier with your,basically feed provider and then you,just simply put in the host you put in,the actual source of the file here in,this case it's a Google Drive and this,could be an FTP address this could be,some other link to a Dropbox file from,your whatever your inventory partner,provides in terms of the feed that's why,you use stock sync it's not going to,matter which type you use you'll be able,to select the format right all these,different format choices and if it's,your first time doing it of course you,could test the connection to make sure,that it works I've already added this,fee here and we go to the field mappings,this is basically when you start to kind,of make the connection to make,everything Universal write some some,feeds have just different types of,naming conventions for their products,some people have different abbreviations,some people just don't use the same,terminology that's okay we're not going,to be having any headaches about that,we're not gonna have to edit files we're,just gonna do field mapping and what,it's going to allow us to do is,basically assign different identifiers,that make sense to us to the actual you,know fields that we've submitted or that,we will submit in the actual feed so,this makes everything universal now I'll,show you the actual file that we're,pulling from from Google Drive and make,this a little bit bigger but what you,want to see is over here I will talk,about quantity for example you see how,the we need to map the quantity to,whatever they call the quantity in this,feat let's say this is our favorite,inventory provider right,have these different products and they,have different quantities we need to do,mapping right and some people might call,it quantity some people might call it QT,UI some people might call it QA n who,knows right there they have their own,naming conventions what we coming over,here,basically we'd Mack them okay and,literally what is the field or column,name that we're mapping quantity to QT,why right if this said QT YY then we'd,put QT why we're basically just telling,our store these are things that Shopify,in stock stock sync understand right,variants product title description,product images vendor right these are,all things that are inside of a Shopify,product we're pulling them from the,specific feeds that we want and what's,happening here with the mapping they're,making them all Universal okay quantity,goes with quantity another example in,the exact same sheet we look at any of,these different variables,how about VAR ID right here we go VAR ID,that is gonna get matched up with,variant group okay it all matches up,right if you if you wanted to check out,SKU write-ups you are matching up SKU,with SKU why are we picking SKU because,that's how it's defined in our feed but,you can imagine this feed being updated,in real time we only have to set this up,once this mapping this is just as we're,doing the set up but of course I've,already set this up and we're talking,about having full control especially,over inventory let me give you a really,really great example the rule that you,see on the screen right here this,quantity rule where it says less than a,4 and then a little arrow to 0 what,exactly does that mean well that's gonna,save you a lot of headache and this is,gonna be exactly how you can avoid over,selling right let's say you have a,product that comes in from your,inventory provider with some low,quantity in this case if the quantity is,less than 4 we're gonna set the quantity,in our store to be zero why would we,want to do that well very simple when,there's low quantity we can potentially,run into a situation where a customer,orders from a supplier and they don't,have any left in stock we want to avoid,this and anytime we see that a quantity,from our feed,supplier is only going to be four or,less we will set it to zero meaning it,won't be available and on the flip side,you could also convert any quantity to,any number you see over here it's equal,to seven set it to ten you have full,control over the rules but this first,one is super important in terms of,having that we have different options,for inventory management if you want to,allow Shopify to manage the inventory or,not you could have tags automatically,right you can auto publish products,basically the meeting as soon as the,products come into the feed and their,process through stock sync we can get,them up and running so really really,kind of easy to understand on a setup,side it's really all about just giving,the source setting the format and then,doing those mappings there's a couple,other options that you as you saw but,really nothing that is super super,revolutionary here the biggest thing is,that we're doing the field mapping and,that's gonna get a set up it's really,allows doxing to do the same for any,type of feed and that's process the,products automatically get them added,into your store get all the information,updated in real time and not have to,worry about the different headings or,formats now that you have your feed set,up you can go ahead and actually start,the process what's this going to do it's,gonna process the actual feed and it,literally is its dependent on how how,many items are in your feet how big your,feed is of course it's a pretty quick,feed just gonna pause this video and,once this is updated I'm gonna show you,exactly what happened okay so that was,very quick it took under a minute,and what we have now you see the,activity log has been updated three,products have been added to the store,and how do we know that we could,literally come over here into products,and just reloaded these and these were,just added in here automatically alright,this is from our inventory partner in,terms of this was our it was a demo but,this is our source file right and we see,polo t-shirt skinny jeans sports shoes,remember we map those as the title what,are they going to be showing over here,well of course exactly what we define,and if we were to click inside here we,could actually see the different,variants the descriptions everything set,up automatically all from this from this,source file and you could imagine having,multiple source files in your stock sync,account that are,constantly being updated automatically,that are constantly being formatted,correctly and are constantly giving you,new products you see all the variants to,see all the pricing everything's set up,just like any other product would be,these are hooked in directly through,your inventory feeds so really really,powerful and again you could have,multiple feeds is just one feed you see,the activity log just for one feed we,could have multiple feeds across the,entire app next I want to show you an,update feed this is basically how we can,update products very easily through a,feed and I'm going to show you the,process over here and this is another,new one will come under settings and,we'll see our various settings here of,course we're gonna be likely doing an,upload file if this is an update feed,that we're uploading but of course you,have the different connection methods it,doesn't have to be upload file it's just,going to be the example that I'm showing,you here but again you could update the,ref TP you could update through API,Google Drive Dropbox it doesn't matter,if your supplier has a way to update,their feed stock sync is gonna make it,happen for you in your Shopify store,because again it can parse it could,format you could read any type of file,format as long as we just do the field,mapping options like I showed you before,so we're gonna do a manual upload and,actually before I upload I'm gonna show,you the file so I really want you to see,so this is the actual file that we're,gonna be uploading into the update feed,and I just want to show you over here,just I set this myself just so you could,see I've obviously exaggerated it I just,put the price at $9.99 for this variant,just so I could show you back over in,the product section once we upload this,you'll see that this will be the price,automatically updated of course because,stocks Inc is gonna be able to read this,feed and make all the updates,automatically so we'll come back over,here and again we're gonna upload this,file okay that file was uploaded,successfully we obviously will set the,format so go to the next step over here,this should look familiar,right we're able to map our columns and,there are options for each right we have,different price conditions here this,could automatically price our products,at a specific multiply our 1.6 at 1.4,1.2 based on the different conditions of,course you could add your own conditions,on here it's very smart in terms of,being,able to really have these kind of,conditional statements that allow you to,add even more automation but overall,here you already know what this is field,mappings right this is the real kind of,brains behind everything how it makes,every single format work then we can go,into the last step here so the locations,part this is where you could actually,select the location to update your,inventory this is super useful if you,might have multiple spots where your,inventory is stored if not you're gonna,just select primary location they also,have a lot of select location this is,really a more advanced feature and then,we'll go click done and we'll be able to,start the process and all we need to do,is click start process to actually,perform our update feed based on the,file that we uploaded clicking start,process and literally says yes process,immediately after upload this will add,it to the queue take a couple seconds,okay this is done we've seen the,activity log seven products updated not,all products had changes so they don't,need to update products that don't have,changes and I'm going to come over here,into the product section and when we,click into polo t-shirt we should see,some ridiculous price because we set,that $9.99 base cost so there you see,for that small variant remember we had,the pricing rules on there so they added,about the 20% on top of that to our,$9.99 price remember this is the price,from the supplier and those automatic,pricing rules allow you don't worries in,a different currency just as a demo,store but those pricing rules lie to,automatically increase or input your own,margins there so you see that,automatically update because we have the,update feed and in this example it was a,CSV upload but again this source could,be any source could be in any format,that's the power of stock sync here's,another cool thing apply filters every,single feed is going to have filters and,when you click apply filters you're,going to be able to pop these up and you,can filter feed data you can also filter,based on Shopify product data and it's,really simple all you need to do is,basically tell it what column or,whatever you want to be excluded you,just need to basically have it look it,up similar to how you do field mapping,you're going to do field mapping in,terms of what you wanted,be included or excluded in terms of,making sure that filters get applied to,your actual feed on a specific basis so,take a look at this example let's say we,did not want to update any product where,the size is large so the variance is,large or not going to update it,literally you just put it directly in,here in terms of okay here's where what,we're mapping right size column and we,can again take a look at over here so,here's the size column and what are we,going to do we could either include or,exclude so we're you're going to either,include or exclude and then we're gonna,put in what we're excluding large,alright so if we want to exclude,products that have the size large,variant this is how we do it,if we want to exclude products that have,the variant a one right the variant ID a,one we could simply just edit this,filter come over here put in borrower ID,right why are we picking that because,that's how it's defined in our source,spreadsheet and then obviously then it's,not going to be L it's gonna be a 1 and,that means we're gonna exclude all of,these products ok let's say you wanted,to you wanted to exclude any product,where the vendor was led this same thing,over here come back to our filter oops -,vendor and we simply exclude that so in,that case that would exclude these,anyone with the vendor that matches that,filter simply save and close and when,you process the the import or when you,process the feed in any capacity you can,apply the filters and that's going to,allow you to like I said do inclusions,exclusions give you a bit more control,over the feed data that's getting,updated and processed in fact there are,tons and tons of different filters,filters are really giving you the,merchants tons of power right of course,you could filter by SKU as you see over,here you could exclude specific SKUs,from your update but really you have,collection you have published you have,vendor you have product type you have,tags you have all of the different,fields that you mapped you can create,really powerful,filters off of these as well so you're,always having full control so truly a,lot that you could do with stock sink,again I highly recommend it it's,incredibly powerful,it really makes working with inventory,partners incredibly easy it doesn't,matter the format it doesn't matter the,style they're gonna be able to make it,work with your Shopify store and have,tons of different filters and options to,really give you all the advanced,controls that you want so please take a,look at the link directly below this,video and they're gonna absolutely love,it,I hope this helps you make some money,and I'll talk to you real soon

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