how to setup shopify payment gateway

How To Setup Shopify Payment Gateway (Easy) hello guys welcome back to another,step-by-step video tu

Digital Atlas

Updated on Mar 17,2023

How To Setup Shopify Payment Gateway (Easy)

The above is a brief introduction to how to setup shopify payment gateway

Let's move on to the first section of how to setup shopify payment gateway

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How To Setup Shopify Payment Gateway (Easy)

hello guys welcome back to another,step-by-step video tutorial on how to,create your payment Gateway for Shopify,so of course you'll be um on the, website and homepage of,course to start just log on to your site,if you've not actually made an account,yet and you're just Gathering some,information of course you can start your,free trial over here and create your,account by clicking and entering your,email in the Box over here,I've got an account so I'm going to,quickly load now here we are on our um,admin page,um on the the home page of your Shopify,store and if you've obviously created,um your products and your your details,you'll see that all of these I've ticked,and that you've completed that and for,the sake of this video I'm going to skip,it to the payment option of course if,you're just starting out please make,sure that you obviously um click through,these options and get them all set up,before you get to the top of them set up,your Shopify payments now to obviously,set up the payment Gateway just you can,skip ahead and click the settings at the,bottom left corner here,you'll see there's some options on the,left hand side and you can click from a,bit just to fill that out but,um for this video we're going to click,to the payment option on the left hand,side so you'll see it straight away that,there is some options to click through,and we'll briefly run through them all,before we pick one and I'll show you how,to set it up but just in case there is,the option to do manual payment methods,and at the bottom here you can actually,click certain specific options for,example a bank deposit and a money order,or cash on delivery or Co do Cod and so,you can use that in case that's the,particular method you want to use or you,can of course create a custom payment,method,um for example maybe if you're wanting,to trade something Shopify has approval,payment at providers for example and,PayPal and Amazon pay so you can,actually just um set these up as well by,clicking these options and just um,having your store correct paper and,collect PayPal payments or Amazon and,pay as well,so all I'm going to do is see all other,providers,um just to get this started and look at,the alternative options and straight,we'll we'll load up all third-party,payment providers so these are providers,outside of the Shopify and you can,scroll down you see there's a big,um big selection of different options,they're really all they're all there,always is um some are unavailable in,your country so you'll see if it's if,that's the case it'll be um stated just,underneath the um the provider so it,says here unavailable in your country,but over here there's a big selection of,other options to use uh generally,speaking you want to go for the one that,does provide,um the most availability so um for,example these ones here are very good so,it provides a lot of different options,um um and the big ones in particular,Visa Mastercard Amex are all the big,ones but also has some additionals like,discover DCB or Diners Club,the two Checker is a popular one so I'll,be clicking that um to begin and you'll,see straight away that there is,um some steps to do just to get this all,set up for your Shopify business so we,will be going through each step and one,by one to show you how this all works,because it looks a bit complicated to,begin you of course need to create a,checker account and so if you just click,this um a new tab will open up,and it'll teach this website here,so of course we just need to sign up for,free and it does say as well below,intricate with cards like Shopify and,Wix so let's just set up the account so,it is free so all you need to do is fill,out these details and with your business,okay so I've then put through some,details just now it does ask you for,your website now you can just use the,the website that your Shopify it gives,for you so you can see it's,um created here and so I'm just going to,click that and copy this for just now,and you'll have a custom website,yourself I've got to paste that in and,just collect make sure the country is,correct for you and then just do your,captcha and then get started I had an,issue using Chrome and it kept loading,the login and the create user options so,I actually did this on Microsoft Edge,and that seemed to fix a problem the,next page it comes to our number two it,says create your two check and check out,account,and I know and whatever product you want,to sell so of course there's the option,for digital projects online services,retail physical products offline of,course you'll be doing Drop shifting,Shop and Drop shifting on Shopify and so,we're going to be clicking this option,here and they're going to click again,create account and that took a minute to,load but um once it has done it takes,you to this website here and you can log,into your account,so it is new to the very phone website,where you can type in your yeah username,and your password to get this set up now,here we are on to the um kind of home,page for you for your two checkout,account now if we go back to the Shopify,it says now login and activate your to,checkout account and then access,Integrations,um web Hooks and API section in your,cpanel so let's go over here to the,start activation and then essentially,just going to fill this out step by step,and to get sorted and you do have to,have some identification documents and,Company documents to complete this,process so just make sure you have that,handy,um but go through each option step by,step so of course you also have to add,in some of your,um information here at your company name,your business type,um for example there's individual,partnership private Corporation public,corporation company registration date,and similar details here,um there's options as well for some,Financial details and your,stakeholder details in case you have any,a bit of information about your product,so again of course if it's Digital,Services retail and Drop Shipping for,example you can click that option here,have your process online transaction for,this type of business of course you can,enter that and you can do a product as,access instruction for review and next,tab is of course the account settings so,again,um you can click through this as well,over onto the documents tab you have to,input your Company ownership documents,tax identification documents and valid,proof of address and any additional,documents here after you have done that,there's the option M for somebody and,this will just verify everything that,you have,um you filled out anything that you've,left blank already you need to have,filled out it will be highlighted in,rent read anything that is mandatory you,will have to fill out and once you've,done that of course you can then submit,it over here in the bottom corner and,that'll take a couple of days for it all,to be verified and accepted,um but once that has been done and you,will be notified for some information,that you don't quite have just yet of,course you can save it for later and,come back once you have all the,information that is required and that is,mandatory so back to the Shopify tab um,it says now for step three we need to,access Integrations webpooks and API,section in your cpanel so going back,again to our very phone or to checkout,um website there is,um a tab over here for integration,integration so you can see here web,Hooks and API so we can click that,option here,and it'll start displaying some of our,information it says now under the API,section copy the merchant code and paste,it in the merchant code file field on,this page and in the secret word section,so down here we can see over here,so if we click back we'll look for our,metric code which is this option here so,I can copy that and paste it in here it,will ask to ask as well for the secret,word,so over here we can see the secret word,down here so uh with the secret word or,the ins we can just generate it we can,copy it and then just make sure we copy,that and then click save it says secret,key updated success successfully back,into the store we can go back to secret,word and then we can click paste make,sure you do generate a new ANS you could,work because it does see for you to do,it right here in step five,it says click on save settings,of course we actually already have done,that here and everything's updated and,saved and um Step seven says in the,redirect URL click enable return after,sale,so if we scroll down further it says,redirect URL and access to click enable,return after sale,we've done that now if we go back to,step a it says for the redirect URL,select section leave blank Shopify will,provide them the return URL so um we,will leave this blank of course and for,the return method select header redirect,so over here we can click header,redirect and then click update and that,says configuration save successfully and,of course the final option is just to,click on save settings and which we have,just done already,no as easy as that actually as ready to,activate R2 checkout account and have,that set up as a pivot method and to,accept Visa Mastercard American Express,GCB discover and Diners Club onto your,Shopify website so you can drop and drop,ship and run your account and your shop,easily and effectively there's actually,a test modes as well just to make sure,everything's all set up and you can,simulate successful and field,transactions you can do this by clicking,enable test mode and this where it does,warn you that when test mode is on and,all the transactions are simulated and,so just keep that in mind if you are,wanting test out you obviously once,you've tested out and you're happy you,want to deselect that so it's not active,from when your actual Shopify website,goes live,so there you go guys that's effectively,the end of the video,um I hope hopefully you found that easy,to follow,um and there you have your two checkout,accounts set up to go and if there's any,questions don't hesitate to give us a,comment in the section below make sure,you like And subscribe and thanks very,much for watching guys and peace

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