how to change fufillment staus on shopify

Custom fulfilment in Shopify (Shopify How To) welcome back today we're going to be,talking about how

Jody Edgar - The Shopify Expert

Updated on Mar 31,2023

Custom fulfilment in Shopify (Shopify How To)

The above is a brief introduction to how to change fufillment staus on shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to change fufillment staus on shopify

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Custom fulfilment in Shopify (Shopify How To)

welcome back today we're going to be,talking about how to set up a custom,fulfillment service inside of Shopify so,let's jump into it,setting the fulfillment so that it,happens automatically when someone,purchase your product is super easy to,do inside Shopify it's a question I get,asked quite often when talking to,merchants is how do I set it up so that,when someone orders a product it,automatically notifies my distributor to,send that product out so I'm going to go,through how to set that up inside,shelter by so that you can very busy a,notify them when someone purchases so,we're on the dashboard here and he go,down to the very bottom and we go to,settings if we run the settings page we,need to set up shipping no shipping is,what we're going to be basically talking,about so big sunset of some of the,shipping navigation so if we go to,shipping there's a bunch of options in,here and I do a full video on how,shipping works all the individual pieces,in it but for this video we're gonna,jump straight to fulfillment so if we go,break down to the bottom let's see we,have additional shipping methods this,additional 15 methods has custom order,fulfillment so to add a custom,fulfillment you can add fulfillment,service so we're gonna put in jeonse,link as our fulfillment,person and we're gonna put in is email,unclean my email so that you can see,what happens when I didn't purchase in,the safe back and now I've got a custom,fulfillment service setup okay that as,many fulfillment services as I want now,the question I get next is how do I,assign that to product well in Shopify,fulfillment is based on the variant,level so if you have a look at a product,related setup first is the product then,is the variant and the shipping is setup,on the variant side of things now you,can have up to 99 variants fond of,product inside Shopify there is a way,around the 99 variant limit of about,from adapting a separate video so let's,move to hop over to products and let's,pull up our bag organizer,okay,so on our bank organizer if we scroll,down to the bottom we can see we now,have this fulfillment service in your,septa manual if we drop it down,we now have John Smith as our new,filament service so now when somebody,purchases give they take a fulfillment,request and send that off to John this,fair way to get Sid rate now let's go,and test it so let's go include reporter,order I'm gonna send this to any other,customer as we get that bag organizer,clip in a kind of to our order we're,gonna mark it as paid and now that it's,been sent as an order and then create,the order I'm going to hit for classical,color so now that it's been requested,who can now go over to fill items once,we hit fulfilled tracking and then you,can go and check our email for the order,fulfillment so we have a look at our,email here you can see we've reached the,one or you could receive a one order,fulfillment let's burn our dental storm,and under it it has a breakdown of the,items that need to be fulfilled so we,have items to be filled the shipping,address they should be massive the,tracking number is one was supplied when,we put them on fulfilled and customers,email so now know your fulfillment,service has everything we need to know,in order to fulfill the bag for you,if the fulfillment service that you're,using has a tracking number that will,supply me once they'd shipped it out,that's when you can go and add the,tracking number in here and then notify,the customer that it's on the way now,there are other options for from it some,fulfillment services if you're using the,service that's warehousing all your,products have the,that is specifically designed for,Shopify that will allow you to,communicate back and forth if you have a,public service that is open to,developing an integration for Shopify is,something that we can help you with but,for the most part but base fulfillment,can be done through email thanks for,coming by I hope that this was helpful,if it was at the like button the,subscribe button if that's something,that you're into and we will see you in,the next one

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