what are the ipad requirements for shopify pos

Shopify POS App| How to turn your iPad into a cash register using this app hey guys it's your girl m


Updated on Jan 30,2023

Shopify POS App| How to turn your iPad into a cash register using this app

The above is a brief introduction to what are the ipad requirements for shopify pos

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what are the ipad requirements for shopify pos catalogs

Shopify POS App| How to turn your iPad into a cash register using this app

hey guys it's your girl monique lynette,and i'm back at you with another video,please excuse my hair that's my natural,but it is not cooperating with nobody,so it is what it is but anyway,it's your girl monique lynette i'm back,at you with another video,oh i'm so excited i'm definitely trying,to stay up on my content game,um thank you guys for the comments and,people emailing me and asking for help,and just really being appreciative,i really appreciate that as well i do,this guy do this to help you guys and to,help myself you know this,is like an awesome way to um,just document my journey of being an,entrepreneur so,i try to help as much as possible as,soon as i learn something i'm like,writing it down to share with you guys,so today i'm very excited,to give you guys like an update on,shopify pos,system um i had a pop-up shop,and i could not find my paypal you know,i told you guys last year i do,everything with paypal but shopify has,just,blown it out of the water um with their,pos,um app system so the day of the day,before my pop-up shop i could not find,my paypal,card readers so i did have my shopify,card reader,um so i ended up going ahead and using,that,and downloading the pos um,app to be able to take orders and swipe,orders on the way to my actual pop-up,so once i got to the pop-up i did not,realize that,um it was there but i didn't see my,product,so i ended up not using the card reader,um,and not finding out all these features,until i got home i ended up,using it as um using it as i was,regularly at home and doing things to,the store,and that kind of made the process um for,checkout,a lot slower so now i know better,um when i go this time to use the,shopify pos,system enough rambling i'm going to get,right into it,so the shopify pos system it actually,will turn your phone,your tablet whatever device you have it,on into a full,live cash register like a touch screen,cash register that you can,quickly um check out your customers um,and i'm just gonna give you guys a few,of the pros it's not in order,this is just a list i put together so,the first thing is when i do a pop-up,shop and i do have videos um,to let you guys know some of the things,you can do,to be prepared for a pop-up shop the,first thing i,do is take money out of the bank so this,time i took,um forty dollars in ones because you,gotta have change for your customers,so the pos system you can actually start,it,on cash register mode it'll use your,login if you have a different person,working with you,or um say you guys are partners you'll,use your login they'll use their login,and it will go ahead and start recording,every transaction,that you do until you end the session,so the first thing um you can do is go,ahead like i have 40,dollars in one you can go ahead and type,in forty dollars and ones,um so when you have a cash transaction,it'll actually tell you the exact change,say the transaction is 38.88,it'll say 39 it'll give you the option,for 39 it'll give you the option for 40,that you can just hurry up and click,without having to put that in and then,it'll tell you the exact change that you,need to give the customer,at the end of the day if there's,something wrong with the,records it will ask you how much did you,how much cash do you have at the end of,the day and then you input how much cash,you have,and then it will actually count to let,you know if that cash is correct or if,something is off,so that is a plus to me the,um other thing is the face i'll call it,the face screen but it's like the main,screen,for the pos app you can customize it it,has add customer,it has um send a link to checkout for,customer for customer walk-off,um it has discounts so say my pop-up,shop i did 30,off everything in my store so that,discount i can put 30,save it so as i'm checking people out i,just hit that discount and it,automatically takes the discount off for,you,and it will put the taxes in for you as,well,so that's awesome and then sometimes,that,you can pull your collections like i,sell clothes i sell lashes that's all,hairstyling,things so i didn't take everything from,my store,so i love that you'll be able to just,pull the collections that you need,and have those already set to go on your,main,screen so when a customer comes up you,can go ahead and just click on those,items it checks it out for you it's,showing you everything like when you're,at home,how many items do you have if someone,says hey do you have this in small,this isn't that you can go ahead and,check it right there so,it's just bomb i cannot wait to use it,um next month,it will let you customize it,each transaction is being recorded when,you have it in cash register mode,everything you do,is being recorded from the time you,start,and from the time you press in,i did go over give you guys the end of,the day tally it communicates with your,store,so you know um when you're running your,store at home and you get a transaction,um mine gives me a notification that i,just got to order so it'll say,so even as you're cashing people out,it'll do the cha-ching,to let you know there's a notification,or there's an order,so it communicates with your actual,store,while you're at the event or why you're,cashing people out and it'll give you,the total,it'll you know it'll tell you how many,orders and things like that or how much,you made,at the end of the day,if you type in the,actual card if you type it in manually,they'll only charge you 2.7,if you use the card inserter it'll be,2.9,plus 30 cents um for a transaction fee,so i for me i ended up inputting,everything in because i didn't know how,to work the pos system i thought i did,but,i did not understand that all my,products was right there i just needed,to customize the main thing,so i didn't end up saving a bit of money,but it was kind of a tedious process,checking people out with the card,um so that's totally up to you,um text and then it'll also,let you text the customer a receipt of,the transaction or it will let you email,a receipt of the transaction um,if they're a new customer you can go,ahead and add them right there at the,system you don't need to change anything,and also to let you guys know update on,the payout because that's why i didn't,like,shopify because i felt like it was,taking longer to do a payout,my event was on saturday i have not used,shopify since,maybe i think it said december 2019,so i hadn't used them and my event was,on saturday,and my money came on tuesday so i think,that was pretty bomb,and it let you know i think that's,everything that i have,excuse my hair but yeah,try it out for yourself when you get,time if you have a shopify,store go ahead and download the shopify,pos,app um play around with it customize,it uh if you're going to be doing it i'm,going to hold you guys long,happy wednesday i upload every wednesday,for my girl boss siri like my rainbow,haul,go ahead smash that subscribe button,like why would you not this is free,content,free game you know people usually have,to pay for game i'm giving it to you for,free,you know so thank you guys so much as,always,um i love you guys keep god first and,the rest will follow,peace

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