how to advertise on pinterest with shopify

How to Advertise on Pinterest for your Shopify Store so in this video I'm going to be walking,you st

Curious Themes - Shopify Experts

Updated on Jan 29,2023

How to Advertise on Pinterest for your Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how to advertise on pinterest with shopify

Let's move on to the first section of how to advertise on pinterest with shopify

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how to advertise on pinterest with shopify catalogs

How to Advertise on Pinterest for your Shopify Store

so in this video I'm going to be walking,you step-by-step how to set up a,Pinterest traffic ad to get more traffic,and sales to your Shopify store so stay,tuned,hi I'm Elle McCann and if you're new to,this channel I post videos every week,all about Shopify and how to grow your,online store so as I mentioned at the,beginning of this video today we're,going to be talking about how to set up,Pinterest ads I'm gonna actually be,walking you through step by step of how,to set this up for your ecommerce store,but before I actually go into my screen,and show you how to set everything up I,first want to cover three different,topics so the first is just the overall,power of Pinterest secondly I want to,talk about what makes Pinterest ads,different from other social media,platform ads like Facebook and Instagram,and then lastly I want to talk about,what makes a good and a bad Pinterest ad,so let's go ahead and get started and,let's start from the top about the power,of Pinterest so if you have watched a,couple videos on this channel already,you may know that I love Pinterest for,e-commerce I've actually done a whole,playlist of videos all about Pinterest,and Shopify strategies and how to set up,different code snippets on your site so,if you're interested in that make sure,to check out the link in the info cards,above and I'll also put a link in the,description below so what makes,Pinterest so different and the power,behind it all is that once you pin,something on there it can then keep,going on and on and on forever where,other social media platforms once you,post it it's typically really dying down,after about 24 to 48 hours but with,Pinterest it can just get more steam and,it still can be seen years after you,actually pin the original pin and that's,because of how their whole system works,so it's kind of like a inspiration board,so if you pin something to your board,someone else may like it and pin it to,one of their boards and so on and so,forth and so everyone starts pinning,different pins that are similar,and years later your PIN can still be,surfaced and still can be shared and,clicked on even long after you,originally posted it and that's really,the key power of why Pinterest I think,is so much better for e-commerce than,other social media platforms so let's go,in now and talk about how the ads are,different on Pinterest versus let's say,Facebook for example on Facebook as soon,as you launch a campaign of course,there's a review process but you can,start seeing some traffic and hopefully,conversions and interactions engagements,on that ad within 24 to about 72 hours,after actually posting it and of course,as soon as you turn the ad off that's it,like it's not going to be continually,seen or surfaced a lot and less people,are sharing it a lot and that's kind of,how it's being seen on Facebook stills,but overall once you turn the ad off,that's done on Pinterest however it's,actually a lot cheaper to advertise,where Facebook's pretty expensive,because a lot of people are advertising,there but also it's a longer stretch,that you're trying to advertise for Kara,Chase who is a Pinterest strategist and,expert that I have interviewed on this,channel before and I can link to her,interview in the description below but,she recommends actually running a,campaign for about two to four weeks to,actually start seeing the impact that,those ads have and see the engagement,and decide what you want to continue on,with now also with that as soon as you,turn off the end of course as I was,saying in my first point is that they,can continue bringing in more traffic,and sales to you because people are,still pinning them long after you turn,the ads off so you can invest a little,bit of money to get a pin out there more,and then it can keep reaping those,benefits for you later down the road so,let's talk about my last tip and then,I'm so excited to jump into my screen,and show you how to set this up my last,tip is all about what makes a good and a,bad Pinterest ad so as you know if,you've gone to Pinterest and kind of,gone down the rabbit hole there of being,sucked in and just,pinning for hours you know that a lot of,Pinterest is very visually based so,let's say you're pinning a product image,from your site you're not going to want,to pin an image that's just your product,flat laying on a white background this,is super boring and it is not gonna get,engagement instead you want to make sure,that you have in more of a lifestyle,setting that it staged more or it's on,an actual model this is what's gonna get,it to be more engaging and people are,actually going to pin it click the link,to your site to hopefully purchase it,and it's going to keep being resurfaced,you want to make sure that your content,is very visually appealing and it's not,super kind of add looking it looks more,lifestyle and organic and it follows the,flow that a normal Pinterest feed has so,you don't want it to look like an ad and,you don't want it to be super boring on,a white background or just a solid color,background you want to really think,about how it's going to look and make,sure it's very visually appealing okay,so now let's go ahead and let's hop into,my screen and I'm going to show you how,to set up a Pinterest traffic campaign,for your Shopify store okay so we are,now on the Pinterest page that we are,going to be running ads for in this,tutorial and you can see up here we have,an ads drop-down menu so we're seeing,this because this is a Pinterest,business account so if you don't see,this that means that you are under a,Pinterest personal account and you're,going to need to switch it over to a,business account to actually run ads you,cannot run ads under a personal account,so to do that I will include a link in,the description below that takes you to,convert your Pinterest personal account,into a Pinterest business account so you,want to make sure that you do that,before you at start running any ads,you'll also need to go in and fill out,your billing information set up your,address and a credit card debit card,that you will actually have charged,whenever you run ads you won't be able,to set them up without that and we want,to set up a couple other things as well,before we get started so first off you,want to go to,conversions and you want to set up your,Pinterest conversion tag now this,actually Lentz Pinterest track how well,your ads are doing and converting on,your site so I already have one set up,here I'm not gonna go through this in,this video tutorial however I do have,another video tutorial that goes,specifically through setting up your,conversion tag for your Shopify store so,I will also put a link to it in the,description below so next under ads we,are going to want to click into,audiences so this is similar to how,Facebook has different audiences set up,of specifically for retargeting so if we,click on create audience you can see I,don't have any created right now so we,hit create audience you then have,different options so you can go ahead,and create an audience based on people,who have already been to your site or a,list of customers so this could be like,an email list that you upload so these,would be really great for retargeting,campaigns that you're doing on Pinterest,you can also target people who have,engaged with pins from your site before,or people that are behaving similarly,similarly to an audience that you,already have running so you could go,ahead we'll do visitors who went to your,site and hit next and then you can go,ahead and name this all out so I'm just,going to say majestic tails website,traffic and you can put a description,here I'm going to select my Pinterest,tag we want to say let's do it 30 days,so I will come up here and I will put 30,days in my tag or my name so that I know,exactly who that is and then we could go,ahead and let's see the ad filter we,could do a URL if it equals or doesn't,equal a specific one so that could be if,you're wanting to target a specific,collection or product on your site and,we can go ahead and hit create so that,is using our conversion tag that we,already have set up on our store and you,can see that that's going to take a,little time to get added in so you could,go ahead and Cree,different audiences if you are wanting,to create an ad campaign to retarget,people who have already been to your,site or on your email list but we are,going to for purposes of this tutorial,actually create ads that people have not,seen before they don't know about us so,we're gonna create those ads first so,first off I'm going to actually create,the actual pin that we are going to be,advertising so I'm just gonna click on,the Pinterest logo over here and this is,our business hub area and then I'm going,to create or hit this red plus sign,button to create our first pin so then,I'm going to say create pin and now we,have the options to create the pin,however we want now if you come to our,site here this is the product that we,are going to be creating the ad form now,as I had said earlier in this video we,don't want to do an ad that's just the,product on a white background that's a,flat light this is really boring and,it's not going to be visually exciting,enough to get people to click on it so,instead of just pinning this directly,from our site and using that is the ad,we want to add an exciting image that we,have created with place it which is,software that lets you add in different,print-on-demand designs and get really,cool images that you can use for,advertising more for your website so we,are going to go back to Pinterest and I,am just going to click on this arrow to,upload it from my computer and we've got,more exciting image here and I'm just,gonna hit open so you can see that's,definitely a lot better of an exciting,image that people would engage with,versus just this on a white background,so now we're going to come in and give,more information about our product so,I'm gonna go ahead and just copy it this,description and paste it over now again,you can make this however you want it to,be I'm just trying to make it a little,bit shorter for this tutorial and we can,say cute corgi dog mom,okay um and then we want to do this add,a destination links I'm going to go back,to my store again I'm going to copy this,link in the URL bar and I'm going to,paste it in to this destination link,here okay we can then choose to either,publish it immediately or publish at a,later date I'm going to go ahead and,publish it immediately and the last step,that we want to do is we want to select,which board to put it on so I've already,got a couple boards created and I'm,going to put it on this animal lover,products and hit publish so next you can,see that Pinterest is immediately trying,to get us to run an ad campaign with it,however we don't want to do it through,this option because it's not going to,give us the keywords and the targeting,that we're really looking for so I'm,gonna go ahead and cross out of that so,that we can see our pin so we can see it,now and whenever we hover over it it,goes to our site URL so we are now that,we've got this pin set up we're gonna go,into our ads and set up our first,campaign so we're gonna go to ads and,then overview so here we would see all,of the different campaigns that we have,set up and are running currently however,we don't have any running right now so,that's why this is all blank,so again whenever you come to this area,you're going to see that Pinterest is,wanting to make it really fast for you,to create an ad however you don't get,the same settings that you would if you,go through it a little bit more,methodically so if you click here again,you won't be able to go through all of,the different settings so what we're,going to actually do to create this,first ad we're going to go to ads and,then create ad now we have a lot more,options that we can use to build out our,campaign so we're going to go ahead and,just have this to be a at traffic,campaign that we're running for,Pinterest so you can see here we have,these options of conversions and catalog,sales not Ave,for us because we actually haven't met,the criteria yet to run it so if we,hover over convergent you can see that,we have to have 50 conversions,attributed to our traffic or awareness,campaign and they'll pass seven days to,actually run this ad or run this,campaign objective so you want to make,sure that you set up that conversion tag,so that you can start working towards,this process so we're going to go ahead,now and name our campaign so I'm just,going to say majestic tales porgy dog,mom sweater or sweatshirt okay and then,we can click here to set our campaign,spend limits as well so we can go in and,actually set how much we want either to,spend daily or lifetime for the campaign,so we could set up that maybe we want to,spend a total of fifty dollars lifetime,for this campaign and then we can set up,different ad sets that all run at,different budgets to actually go into,that so let's go ahead and just set 50,for now and campaigns status we will set,as active and hit continue now we're,going to setup the ad group name so this,is going to be similar to like an ad set,that you would see on Facebook ads so,we're gonna just set this up as will say,Corgi products and this is where we,created this audience before so we could,go ahead and we could select this,audience if you had more added in you,could see all of those here you can also,choose to add an interest so I'm not,gonna do this here because this is,actually Pinterest is bulk interest that,you can choose from whenever you're,first creating a Pinterest account and,it's a lot more broader you can see here,there's only nine different options,inside of animals and so it's a lot,bigger of a scope and you're going to,end up paying for it and it's not going,to be as direct so what we're gonna do,instead is we're gonna go to the,keywords area if we scroll down just a,little bit so you can see here that they,recommend a min,of 25 keywords you can either paste in,or just type in all the keywords that,you want if you already have those,figured out or you can search from on,the right-hand side you can also see as,we add in the keywords that this,potential audience is going to get,smaller so right now it's at 60 million,plus which is obviously very broad so,I'm just going to type in Corgi in the,search bar here and you can see we have,a couple different options that we have,so we could come in here and we could,click on any of these we can click on,like cute Corgi and you can see now it's,added here and also our audience size,changes as well so you can just go in,and click on all the different ones that,you want so I'm gonna go through this,and add a couple more so we could go,through and just keep adding more of,these um I'm going to just go ahead and,leave it at that for now and proceed,through but again you do want to do that,minimum of 25 keywords and again you can,see over here we started over here very,broad at 60 million plus and now we're a,lot lower so you would want to just keep,going until you've got those 25 keywords,you can then choose what type of other,qualifiers that you want this person to,have the CSIs ad so we can choose all,genders or pick a specific one I'll just,leave this at all or actually this one,says dog mom so we want to keep that at,female and unspecified you can also,choose ages that you have so you can,require specific ages and locations as,well so we're going to keep this at all,US locations for language we want to,come in and just pick English because we,our site is in English and we want to,make sure that they're going to be able,to read our site you can also choose to,set this to a specific kind of device,however we're gonna keep this at all,devices for now and we could come in if,we saw it later,that something was performing better and,select that okay so we're going to keep,this at all four recommended as well as,to keep that expand,you can then come in here and actually,set up the daily budget so we could say,that we just want this to run at five,dollars a day so it's going to spend no,more than thirty five dollars a week and,we have that campaign budget set at 50,so that would take us at about a week,and a half so we can make the campaign,lifetime budget a little bit more if we,wanted to run this longer you can also,choose here how much you want your,maximum bid to be you can see here that,this is obviously a lot lower for,Pinterest than it is for Facebook and,you could play around with what you want,it to start off with you can see here,that it's recommending a bid of two,dollars and 17 cents to be competitive,however we can go ahead and start with,this or even lower it a little bit more,if we wanted it to start off it 50,Cent's and kind of just watch the,campaign to see how it goes we're also,going to keep this at standard because,we're wanting to run this for a longer,time period to see what actually happens,so now that we've changed that bid you,can see our audience size changes as,well and now we're going to select the,pin that we have set up for this so,we're going to select this if we had,multiple ones that we wanted to do these,are ones from other sites that I've,pinned so we just want to advertise ours,obviously and we would have that,selected and then whenever you're ready,to launch it we will just hit launch,here now that you've got this set up I'm,gonna turn it to off because we didn't,add in all of our keywords but you'll,see that all of these results will start,to come in it can take a little bit of,time to actually get the ads reviewed,and approved by Pinterest but once you,start actually spending some money and,getting some results you'll still see,that start coming in here now again this,is going to be very different than with,Facebook where you start seeing results,within a 24 to 48 hour period here it's,a lot slower of a process and so it is,recommended to keep the ads running,longer on Pinterest and so you want to,just start with a lower budget and,really see how that goes and of course,keep monitoring that,so I hope you got a lot of value out of,learning how to set up a Pinterest,traffic campaign for your Shopify store,however there is so much more that you,need to do before I tell you even start,running the ads which is just overall,optimizing your Pinterest profile to,make sure that you're going to get the,biggest benefit out of your ads and also,some organic reach so I'm not going,through those tips and tutorials in this,channel because honestly there is a,better resource for that and that,resource is called Pinterest power up,and it's by Kara chase so I have talked,about carrot chase earlier in this video,and we've interviewed her on this,channel before and she is just a,Pinterest rockstar so she created,Pinterest power up which is a monthly,membership program that takes you from,point A all the way down to Z on how to,set up your Pinterest profile to make,sure it's optimized correctly and you're,gonna get the maximum benefits of,Pinterest for your Shopify store now I,have been a member of Pinterest power up,for a couple months now and I've,definitely seen the benefit of Pinterest,for my content both for my own web,design business as well as for this,YouTube channel and my e-commerce stores,so I highly recommend of course using,Pinterest as well as the Pinterest power,up program so I will tell you that I am,an affiliate for the Pinterest power up,course however I'm only an affiliate,because I very strongly believe in it,and I've seen the benefit from my,business as well as I'm able to get a,small commission from referring people,to the course that goes to support this,channel so if you're interested in,learning more about Pinterest power up,and all that you can learn in it about,how to really optimize Pinterest for,your Shopify store make sure to click,the link in the description below and,learn more if you got value from this,video make sure to hit that like button,and consider subscribing for more videos,all about Shopify you can also check out,more recent videos that I've done about,Pinterest and Shopify over here and I,hope to see you in the next video

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