how do i view my shopify store during trial

How To Use Shopify FREE Trial | How To Unlock Shopify Store in this video we'll show you how to use,

Money is Awesome

Updated on Mar 07,2023

How To Use Shopify FREE Trial | How To Unlock Shopify Store

The above is a brief introduction to how do i view my shopify store during trial

Let's move on to the first section of how do i view my shopify store during trial

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How To Use Shopify FREE Trial | How To Unlock Shopify Store

in this video we'll show you how to use,Shopify free trial and how to unlock,Shopify store during your trial period,hi guys Alex here and welcome to my,channel money is awesome where I share,how to succeed online and I also,document my own journey recently I,published a video where I show a,strategy and method how to start drop,shipping with no money if you haven't,watched that video you can do it right,here so after I published that video,some of the people who watch that video,contacted me send me a message or,commentaries stating that you cannot,really like the shop is locked and you,cannot unlock the shop unless you enter,your credit card number critical number,credit card details and subscribe to a,paid plan and can you have to pay in,advance so that Shopify would unlock the,shop for the visitors it's not really,true it's actually true that during your,trial period by default the shop is,locked and you need to enter a password,to enter to your shop as a visitor so,the reality is that you do need enter,your credit card number,details credit card number and credit,card details but the truth is that,Shopify will not charge your credit card,until the end of trial period this is a,crucial this is important so this is the,general idea this is the the quick,answer to the main confusion I just,wanted to clarify straightaway and right,now I want to jump to my laptop and show,you from the very beginning how to get,your 14 days trial for your Shopify,store and Before we jump to the computer,if you are in you to my channel hit that,subscribe button as well as bail button,so that you don't miss anything on my,channel or my any of my new videos and,now let's,to the laptop so here we have my video,how to start drop shipping with no money,and the load the video in the,description you can find a free trial,link to Shopify well as well as EECOM to,go have the probably highest converting,theme for Shopify shops and I feel that,the app link the the one that I'm,talking about in the video so when you,are following this link of Shopify free,trial if you want to claim 14 days of,free trial of certified you have to,enter your address email address to get,registered I'm doing it live right now,just you know on the go shooting as if I,would be registering my shop for the,first time you choose your password you,choose the name of your shop mine is,awesome,money is awesome money is awesome thumbs,up thumbs up and subscribe to my channel,so create your shop let me just know now,here's another tool by the way LastPass,it saves all the passwords that you're,using highly recommend you I'm gonna,probably do another video about it so,i'm not selling products yet since we,are just launching the shop right now,you have something to sell yes I have a,product and I will be launched in a in a,few weeks but it doesn't really matter,just the the let's say pull just,questionary or Shopify to collect,statistics probably zero I'm just,getting started,in touch really matter are you setting,up a tool for a client no I'm not,next legs don't White Street one one,phone number I'm gonna enter any kind of,personal data here so it just to show,you how to set up the shop really fast,and easy and here we are this is how,Shopify shop looks so at this moment,you're basically your shop is ready to,be set up applications and we are,applications like affiliate Li and other,ones you can add products you can set,everything up,it doesn't really takes a lot of time,once you know how to do it so the main,confusion with using free trial of,Shopify that I was getting as feedback,from you guys is that when you're,starting a free trial of certified you,like without anything entering without,signing up for a paid plan of Shopify,you cannot really see any product that,you upload that you had on your shop on,Shopify and what you can see instead he,is password protected page you can see,right here how it looks yeah so this is,the main confusion the main,misconception because let me explain you,why so in order to remove that password,a lock on your shop all you have to do,is select plan select pan and add your,credit card details so here's the main,thing that people are afraid of they,think that once you select a plan and,add your credit card details you will be,billed straight away but this is not,true you are selecting plan,choosing the one usually for for the,beginners the cheapest 129 a month is,enough and as soon as you select the,plan ad your card number expiry date all,these details your password is getting,removed but you still have 14 days of,free trial so your free trial doesn't go,anywhere it just the shop,Shopify keeps your credit card data and,as soon as your free trial expires they,will charge your credit card not before,so let's see guys it's a lot simpler and,easier than you thought don't get,confused with this locked shop that you,have to pay to unlock when your call,your free trial,no one will charge your credit card you,if you are not sure if you still have,doubts contact Shopify support ask them,they will send you an email with,confirmation that they will not charge,you until your free trial is expired so,there's no problem with that and yeah,good luck with your shop shipping,business so I hope I clarified,everything and you don't have any,questions left but if you do if you do,have any questions related to Shopify,free trial or Shopify in general or the,method that I showed you how to start,with drop shipping with no money feel,free to drop a comment below and share,your experience confusions frustrations,anything I will help you as soon as I,can,you guys those of you who commented,already know that I'm replying to the,comments quite fast and yeah i'll i,communicating with with you guys and,building this kind of like back and,forth communication you know mutual talk,to you so feel free to drop a comment,and anything anything you feel like so,yeah if you're new,to my channel and you still haven't,subscribed to my channel hit the,subscribe button and as well as bail,button and see you in the next video

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