shopify how lettershirts custom appeals

How to Create a free "Online Shop" in 5 minutes hey and welcome to this video for word,ants calm in


Updated on Feb 27,2023

How to Create a free "Online Shop" in 5 minutes

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shopify how lettershirts custom appeals catalogs

How to Create a free "Online Shop" in 5 minutes

hey and welcome to this video for word,ants calm in this video we're gonna be,looking at how you can create your own,custom t-shirt shop using word ants calm,and we're gonna show you some different,examples of some good and bad shops,created using the website so let's go,ahead and get started so how do we,create our own custom t-shirt shop if,you go to the website which is word ants,calm you'll see at the very top of the,webpage there's a few different listings,if we go to sell we see that there's an,option to open a t-shirt shop so if we,click on that you'll see that it gives,us these steps necessary to open our own,t-shirt shop so in the middle here where,it says open a shop if we click on the,learn more button now we can click on,open your free shop alright since we,haven't created an account yet we can go,ahead and click on the join Now button,and it's gonna ask us to put in some,information so go ahead and fill out all,the information that's required it's,gonna ask you for your first name last,name a user name email etc so fill that,information out now in addition to,create an account by typing in your,information you can also connect using,Facebook Google or Twitter so it's your,option in this case I'm going to go,ahead and connect with Facebook so go,ahead and either input your information,in the join us section here or sign in,with your Facebook Google or Twitter,account and we'll continue from there,all right so once we've created our,account it'll take us to the next step,from here we can go ahead and choose a,shop name and once we've selected our,shop name we can go ahead and put our,website company and phone number and,click on the next step alright so once,we've got ahead and selected our shop,name we can go ahead and click on the,word ants theme that we want to use we,have few different presets here we can,use the default we can use grey metal so,you can scroll through these different,options here and see what appeals to you,and once we've selected the theme that,we want we can click on the save and,Next button or if we'd like we can also,create our own custom theme so once,you've selected your theme we can go,ahead and adjust our shop settings so,we'll go ahead and put in our shop title,again so we're gonna go ahead and put in,a description for our shop and then next,we're gonna go ahead and choose whether,or not we want to upload our designs,products things like that to Facebook,and Twitter,if we want to share information using,social networks we can choose Facebook,or Twitter for each of these options,here it's completely up to you any of,these you can check or leave blank and,then once you're done we can click on,these save and Next button to continue,okay next it's time to go ahead and,create our first product so from here,we're able to go ahead and start,designing our first t-shirt and we can,select what kind of t-shirts we want to,use whether or not we want to do male,t-shirts female t-shirts what color,t-shirt we want to use that a style of,t-shirt that we want to use we can do,jackets and things like that so you can,see that all the products that are,available are listed here and you also,have the option to use designs from,other shop owners as well if you'd like,and you get Commission's based off that,so all the options and details are,listed here,let's go ahead and choose a basic,t-shirt and once we select the t-shirt,from the list of presets here it's going,to appear on our display here so we can,preview what we're gonna be looking at,and then we can go ahead and add in,different images that we like so under,the images panel we can actually upload,our own custom images if we like or we,can use a list of preset images here,that are available to your designers so,if I want once I import whatever image,I've chosen here I can move it around,and adjust it on the screen here we can,also navigate through the website and,see both these sides left and right of,the t-shirt we can see the back of the,t-shirt so we can see all around and,adjust it accordingly all right so we,can go ahead and adjust the back and,then we'll leave the left and right as,it is alright so once we finish with the,images we can also add text to our shirt,if we'd like to do that so there's this,text item here where we can go ahead and,add different lines of text all right so,we can go ahead and type in our text,here and then adjust the different fonts,accordingly however we like we can also,adjust the size of the text and how we,want to outline that we can also,underline the text if we want to do that,and so once we've gone ahead and,adjusted the images and text to our,liking we can go ahead and create a name,for our product here and set a,commission price if we like and once,we're done we can click on the create,product button keep in mind that the,designs that I'm demonstrating here are,just examples of how you can create a,tshirt not actually a designer so this,is not going to look quite as good as,what your designs might look like,however I'm going to show you a few,websites that have already been built,using word ants calm and some examples,of some good and bad shops that have,been already designed so once you're,done we can click on the create product,button and you'll get a confirmation,that the product has been successfully,created so we can either create another,product or we can go ahead and see what,we have so far and so we'll go ahead and,continue from here since I'm done with,my designs for now I'll go ahead and,click on the done button at the very,bottom of the screen and you can see now,that my shop has been successfully,created I can go ahead and customize the,layout of the t-shirt shop at any time,that I like and I can go ahead and start,uploading more designs so I've now,essentially created my entire t-shirt,shop you'll see here that I have now the,link to my new t-shirt shop on where,dance comm and we can go ahead and open,this in a new tab so we can see what,it's going to look like so what the one,design that I've created so far this is,my t-shirt shop this is what it looks,like so now if anyone visits your link,they can see a list of all of your,different designs and they can go ahead,and purchase these designs directly from,the website you can see the price listed,here and there's a Buy Now button for,anyone that wants to purchase your,designs obviously this has not really,been finished yet so I'm gonna go ahead,and show you a few samples of some fully,designed t-shirt shops that look really,nice and I'm gonna show you one that,maybe could use a little bit more work,so for comparison here here we have a,very basic t-shirt shop that was created,on were dance comm it's not bad however,it's very plain let's take a look at a,fully designed website that we would,like to see so here's an example of a,fully designed t-shirt shop using were,dance comm here we've got hoodies we've,got t-shirts it's designed very well,like the colors,they've got a nice graphic at the top of,the website which catches your eye here,so this is really well done here and,they've got all their products on the,right hand side here so this is an,example of a really nice a simple,designed t-shirt shop they've got shirts,they've got hats they've got aprons bags,things like that so it's a very simple,shop,but it looks really really nice let's,take a look at another t-shirt shop so,here's another one that was created,using word ants calm you can see at the,top they've got this nice graphic here,and they've also got scrolling images,that can be played so you can actually,have it go through a slideshow of,different images to kind of appeal to,the eye here they haven't really put in,very many designs yet but it's always,good to have a graphic of some sort at,the top they got the header is really,nice so you want something at the top of,the screen that's really going to appeal,to your customers so the last two shops,that I showed you here have really nice,images and graphics on the website well,as the first t-shirt shop doesn't really,have a lot of graphics it doesn't have,very much really to appeal to the eye so,that's something that you might consider,integrating into your t-shirt shop,making sure that you have plenty of,graphics to draw attention to the,website and that's really all there is,to it that's how you design your custom,t-shirt shop using word ants comm it's,very simple you can head to the website,and create your own shop for free and,get started thank you so much for,watching this video tutorial and have a,great day

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