wholesale shopify aliexpress plugin suppliers

Best Aliexpress Alternatives For Dropshipping (3-5 Day Shipping) in this video i'll be revealing exa

Ac Hampton

Updated on Feb 14,2023

Best Aliexpress Alternatives For Dropshipping (3-5 Day Shipping)

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Best Aliexpress Alternatives For Dropshipping (3-5 Day Shipping)

in this video i'll be revealing exactly,how i'm drop shipping with less than 10,day shipping times from china without,using aliexpress that have allowed me to,hit results like this so as you can see,i'm right around that 275 000 in sales,right around in the last six months i'm,gonna go ahead and refresh my screen,because we already know it's no cap so,right around 275 000 in sales 102 000,store sessions nine percent customer,returning rate and a great conversion,rate of around 2.7 so this store's been,going absolutely crazy and i would not,have been able to accomplish this,without the supplier that i'm using,today there's many options out there to,speed up the shipping process so not,only will i be showing you what i'm,doing to get fast shipping times but,i'll also be giving you some viable,options that you can be using today on,your store this is to make sure that,your customers aren't waiting decades,for their product like most people who,are drop shipping or just officially,getting started so let's get that,competitive advantage without further,ado let's go ahead and jump right into,it,i need to know everything who in the,world and where i need everything,what's going on everyone my name is ac,hampton and i'm an eight figure marketer,and coach that teaches people how to,test build and scale profitable,e-commerce brands if you're new here,welcome in and make sure that you have,your notebooks ready because the value,in this video is going to be limitless,if you're a part of my supreme family,who comes back each and every week for,this value then thank you so much for,tuning in and always showing love now,before we get into exactly how you can,be getting a 7 to 10 day shipping on,your drop shipping store today for,cheaper than aliexpress you all know,that each and every week i hand out an,absolute free consulting call to one,lucky winner to streamline their success,with e-commerce if you want the chance,to win this giveaway and you want to get,all of your questions answered all you,have to do is three simple things the,first thing you must do is in the,comment section below comment the word,supplier and what your biggest take away,from this video was the second thing you,must do is head over to my instagram ac,underscore hampton and go ahead and give,me a follow and the third thing you must,do is smash that like button below and,subscribe to my channel as i have never,missed a single week on this platform,make sure you follow and do all three,instructions as i'll be checking and,make sure that they're all done to enter,you in the chance to win this free,consulting call but if you are looking,for more one-on-one help to help you,through starting and scaling up your,online brand make sure you dm me the,word mentorship on instagram at ac,underscore hampton so i can reach out to,see if you'd be a good fit for the four,limited spots that i have for all of,january now without further ado let's go,ahead and jump right into it as i'm sure,you all know aliexpress is not the most,sustainable way to scale your online,business especially with the fact that,it's taking 30 to 60 days in order to,get the product to your customer in my,opinion one of the only benefits of,using aliexpress is when you're testing,products this is because there's a ton,of sellers with all kinds of products,that you're able to find and add to your,store to quickly test and find out if,it's going to be a winning product for,you or not but when it comes to finding,that winning product and scaling using,this platform will not be sustainable,for your business at all there is a,couple other things that play into the,reason of aliexpress not being the best,platform to use for scaling a product,outside of just the shipping times a,couple of those reasons is product and,quality and communication there are,major variations between the suppliers,shipping times and product quality so,what that basically means is that it is,a random game of product quality and how,well your supplier is going to do when,sourcing and shipping your product and,as that is not enough of a hassle it can,take days to have a conversation with,the suppliers as they are likely in a,different time zone as you depending on,wherever you live so with that being,said my one suggestion during this,testing phase and using aliexpress is,make sure that you're doing supplier,validation heavily you should be looking,for a 98,or a higher store rating with a 4.7,rating or higher for the communication,product as described and the shipping,times along with that you want to make,sure that they have a couple hundred,reviews and orders and have been in,business for at least over a year to,know that this is a supplier that you,can at least test with and regardless of,the fact that it can take days to hear a,response when you find a supplier that,has what you're looking for make sure,that you still message them start,communication and make sure that it is,someone that wants to help you grow now,i just want to reiterate that aliexpress,is used solely for testing and once,you've found a product that is selling,well for you it's time to move on to get,those faster shipping times so that you,can continue to grow and scale your,business so with that being said i'm,going to recommend you two different,sites that you can be using today to,make sure that your customers are,satisfied with your service and you're,not getting angry emails and low,feedback ratings that can ultimately,give you a restriction very quickly,efficiency is everything for your,customers today especially with,competing with platforms like amazon and,other drop shippers in the space,customers like to have their product in,a hurry and these two suppliers can help,you with exactly that now the first site,that you can be using is cj drop,shipping cj drop shipping is just one of,the top picks due to the fact that they,have warehouses all around the world to,ship to other countries this is the,ideal situation for local and worldwide,drop shipping so that you can make sure,that those shipping times are,competitive and something that your,customers are satisfied with so if,you're someone who is currently,struggling with chargebacks and refunds,because customers are unhappy with the,shipping times then cj dropshipping can,really help you with these issues many,of you have heard of cj dropship and you,may know their fulfillment center for,any products that you might want to be,selling but you may not know all the,benefits that can come from using them,as a supplier so let's go ahead and jump,right into it so here we are on cj drop,shipping and you can see they have a lot,of products that you can sell and a lot,of products that they can fulfill as,well and honestly this is just great,because just like aliexpress they have,almost everything that you can think of,so you could even start off with testing,products with cj drop shipping and use,that same supplier to scale up the,products with even faster and better,shipping now one of my favorite parts,about cj drop shipping is that you're,able to get faster shipping times at a,lower cost so let me just go ahead and,show you an example of this now i'm just,going to pull up a product on aliexpress,and as you guys can see i went ahead and,chose a dog harness if you guys have,been drop shipping for a while you know,that this dog harness has been going,absolutely crazy year after year and,it's always a product that you can sell,on aliexpress you can see that we're,going to get this item for 11.95,this is for the large variant with free,shipping being estimated delivery of,march 5th now today is january 18 so,this is almost 45 to 50 day shipping on,this product if i go ahead and source it,from aliexpress but if we head over to,cj drop shipping and we look for that,exact same product you can see that is,three dollars and 81 cents for the large,variant as well with the shipping cost,of six dollars and 23 cents which gives,us a total drop shipping price of around,10 dollars and four cents so this is,with the estimated delivery time of,around 15 to 25 days but it is even,cheaper than what you're getting for,11.95 here on aliexpress and mind you if,we get some type of margin we're going,to use it so the fact that this is,already two dollars cheaper on cj drop,shipping i can see that i can actually,play around with the shipping method and,get even faster shipping so if i come,down here to shipping method and i,change the usps you can see it changes,my delivery time to 7 to 15 days and my,product price is now around 20 cents,more so i'm now getting this product for,10.36,with 7 to 15 days shipping and again,that's even cheaper than aliexpress by a,close to around 1.50 for around 45 days,shipping now that's why i always say i'm,always looking for around a 2.5 margin,on any product that i sell so if i still,have some margin left over i'm going to,always spend it on better shipping by,just paying a little more for sourcing,your product you already become a,competitor you allow your brand to stick,out from everyone else trying to sell,the same product and compete with the,big companies that have that fast,shipping times if you want to try out cj,dropshipping make sure you go ahead and,click on the link in my description and,start getting those fast shipping times,today now the next supplier that you can,be utilizing to get faster shipping,times in 2022 is source and box now i've,never had a problem when using source,and box as my fulfillment center as they,are very competitive with their shipping,times as well now the first thing that,you're going to do when you do download,and set up an account with source inbox,is come over here to manage products and,then you're going to come down to,marketplace and go ahead and enter into,that space and as you can see on this,screen they're going to show a lot of,amazing products that you can sell as,well another great addition to sourcing,box is they don't just have drop,shipping products but they have,wholesale products as well and you can,see right here on source and box they,have a section for dropshipper and an,entire other section for wholesaler and,this is honestly great because when you,find a product that is a winner and,you're in the position of scaling your,brand you'll be able to buy your,inventory up front for even faster,shipping times making sure that i buy my,products and have inventory in the,united states is something that i always,do when it comes to branding my store,but again before you get into that you,need to make sure that you have,something working for you as you don't,want to be left with a ton of inventory,that you've paid for and no one to sell,to so if you're not massively scaling a,product i do recommend always sticking,on this drop shipper side find a product,that works for you and i promise you you,can scale to the moon and eventually,brand as well another amazing feature,about sourcing box is that if you're,looking for a product that you can't,find you can hit this sourcing tab right,here and put the link of the product on,aliexpress they'll go source the product,and then they can actually have you,start selling it right away so i went,ahead on source and box i just chose a,random product that most of you guys,probably have seen again if you've been,drop shipping for a while these posture,correctors have been in for years and as,you guys can see they do have multiple,different shipping times that you can be,using similar to cj drop shipping so,they have yun express for 9 to 18 days 4,px for 8 to 18. you can make your way,down to usps for 7 to 14 days i mean,they honestly have it all now these,shipping prices are a little more,expensive but you have to always,remember to do what is best for your,store to have the most competitive,shipping times while still being able to,have great profit margins profit margins,are extremely important so if you're not,able to source your product add the,shipping and multiply that by 2.5 and,see a price that is lower than your,competition is selling the same product,for then that is not something that you,want to sell so for this example here is,one of the biggest competitors who are,selling this product they are selling,this product for 29.99,plus shipping which comes out to 34.99,back over here in cj drop shipping i,know that any product that i'm trying to,sell has to be less than,34.99 after i multiply that number by,2.5 so if i really want to have a,competitive shipping on this and really,wipe out my competition from the very,beginning watch this so over here the,product price is around three dollars,and 81 cents as i come down to the,shipping i can see that this is going to,give me 7 to 14 day shipping for around,10 so let's go ahead and apply that so,with applying 10 shipping that's going,to bring my product price to 13.81,well if we take out our handy-dandy,calculator we go by 13.81 times 2.5 you,can see that comes out to 34.52,well again the competitor was selling,his item for,34.99 and now i'm getting seven to 14,day shipping while doing so so now i'm,getting over my 2.5 margin and i'm,getting better shipping than my,competitors and the two main things that,i'm looking for when i'm selling a,product is does this make sense to my,business and am i getting better,shipping times to my competitors and i'm,doing both not only would i be sourcing,my main product that i'm selling from,either one of those suppliers but i also,like to source my upsell products from,there as well after all you do not want,the main product to arrive for the,customer to have to wait an additional,30 to 60 days for the upsell product and,speaking of upsells it's so important to,have those on your store as this is how,you're going to increase the average,order value and put more money into your,pocket one of my favorite apps for,upsells is called reconvert reconvert,has a post purchase one click upsell,funnel that allows you to include a set,of three upsells which makes it easier,for your customers to buy another,product right after purchasing your main,one this is so easy to set up and allows,you to activate in just one click this,is one of the best post purchase upsell,apps on the market that has an average,roi of over four thousand percent and a,revenue boost of around five to twelve,percent especially if you have source,great products that complement your main,product and make the customers feel like,they need it as an addition this is an,app that i do not build my stores,without and they're letting me give you,all a free 30-day trial just so you can,test out the benefits as well check out,the link in my description and start,with 10 off today now before i hop into,what i do specifically if you have any,questions at all over this video or how,you can get started make sure that you,dm me the word youtube on instagram at,ac underscore hampton so i can reach out,and help out in any way possible,remember it's not about how much money,you can make in this world but how much,knowledge you can teach others to change,their lives now when you are ready to,take it to the next level this is the,method that i use and this is what i,recommend that you all try to get as,soon as possible with your drop shipping,store the best and fastest way to ship,out of china is through using a private,supplier a private supplier is someone,who is going to have all the connections,in china with not only the fulfillment,suppliers but also the shipping lines,and the manufacturers that will help you,get the best prices with the fastest,shipping times as possible and working,with the private supplier is not as,overwhelming as many people make it,sound like it's actually a pretty simple,process the hardest part is just finding,the private supplier that works for you,and what your business needs private,suppliers are meant to work with you and,for you now again they work for you they,are meant to find your product with the,best quality at the best prices and can,even help you with branding when you get,to that point getting a private supplier,is something that will take your,business to the next level help you make,more money and create more consistency,with your online brand not only does,this help with three things that i just,listed but it also helps you take the,weight off your shoulder when it comes,to communication i'm able to talk to my,private supplier every single week,whether that's either face to face on,skype or if we're using whatsapp my,private supplier sends me constant,updates on all my products and it's,similar to things like this i work,directly with my private supplier to,source my product find the best quality,and find the best shipping lines that,give me five to seven day shipping on,any item that i sell having this quick,of shipping times will help you to,increase your feedback score which will,ultimately help your ads run so more,smoothly and added cheaper costs and not,only am i able to get that five to seven,day shipping but i'm also able to get,custom packaging put a branded logo on,my product and i was able to work with,my private supplier to increase the,quality of every product that i sell my,private supplier is something that i,give to all my students in my one-on-one,mentorship and my blueprint course to,make sure that you're getting the best,shipping times and quality of products,so that you're able to streamline your,success with your online business,shipping times are a major reason that,many people don't even get started with,drop shipping as it is a well-known,problem across the whole entire drop,shipping community but i hope that this,video was able to clear some things up,and give some great options so that you,can get started with your drop shipping,career with full confidence in what,you're doing and the options that you,have outside of 30 to 60 day shipping,from aliexpress and don't think i forgot,about the free consulting call winner,from last week's video the free,consulting call winner from last week's,video is rochelle campbell rochelle,congratulations on winning go ahead and,reach out to me on instagram ac,underscore hampton we can look over your,products look over your ads hop on one,on one zoom call and help you start,getting the success that you deserve,with your drop shipping store and,remember if you want the opportunity of,winning this giveaway and getting all,your questions answered next week do all,three things that i mentioned at the,very beginning of this video i can't,wait to see what you all accomplished in,2022 and i can't wait to continue to,create this generational world together,i'll see you all next week this is ac,and i'm out they gonna want a piece when,you got it like that like jigsaw we,gonna spend it get it right back stack,that internet money to the site crash,they on ig trying to get a light back,see they don't talk that talk they just,type fast

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