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How to avoid Tiktok ad account bans/suspensions

hey guys so i finally have an update for,you i know i've been kind of gone for a,few weeks just got done with a vacation,for like two weeks honestly guys long,vacations are not it definitely stick to,the shorter ones so i wanted to kind of,give you guys an update what's going on,i know a lot of you guys been sitting,tick tock bands,and you guys have been trying different,methods so i kind of want to address,some of those methods,tell you what will work best,and tell you how to kind of overcome or,avoid these bands so,first of all,um let's just go straight to the band,part because that's what a lot of you,guys been asking so,tick-tock bands the reason why they are,happening or so suddenly they just kind,of start hitting everybody is,there's a thing called like,uh band sweeps they're quite often,happen in facebook in the early days,they just have like three months where,you get banned whatever you try running,you just get banned no matter even if,you run like cat videos you still get,banned so that happens,um it is annoying,typically the last couple months,um not much you can do about it but here,are some things that we can,avoid or things that we could pretty,much help ourselves not to get banned so,first of all guys i'll say creatives,i know,um i've kind of given you guys a,creative so i'm trying to figure out a,good way to let the new guys start off,with creatives and not getting banned,but while the more experienced guys to,make their own creatives because if,everybody's in the same creative is,right they kind of could link all the,accounts together and just ban everybody,at once that's kind of what happened,so,um trying to figure that out but make,your own creatives especially if you're,running some traffic making some money,and you got to figure out major and,craves they're pretty simple um you know,you could hire somebody on fiverr you,know go on fiverr search spoke person,hire somebody you'll even see the guys,that i hire or dm,you know some tick tock,you know well what works a lot is you,know having a cute girl,dance or some,make even like hey you know get this,loan,that helps as well write a script,however when you make your own cribs you,have to get them approved by the am so,please message your am because the,reason they do this is,um the people that buy the leads want to,make sure that the ads are compliant,they're not running some scammy stuff,like you know pictures of biotin and,stuff like that obviously you know you,could get really cheap cpas by doing,things that are very,illegal,that's kind of illegal you know running,uh government stuff,um but you know you'll get leads for,very cheap but you'll get cut real quick,because um the people that are signing,up for it think that it's free money but,it's actually not and so you'll be,removed from the offer that's how it,always is,um,so number one make better creatives,make your own creatives number two is,that,um,we swap so,uh urls or domains get flagged as well,so we swapping on offer 209 we're,swapping like every three days every,four days we're swapping a different,domain so we're addressing that issue so,if you kept getting banned like a week,ago and you can figure out try again now,um because you're gonna get a new link,and typically you know we have like,hundreds of these links so,you might not get banned again,um,so that's mainly to you know creative uh,and domain now if we want if you're,trying those both and you're still,getting banned i'll probably go a little,bit more granular,and look into,um,payment methods so if you could get a,different card switch it up cool,resources privacy they link to your bank,account,it's only for debit cards unfortunately,you can't use credit cards with them but,link to your bank account and they will,pretty much,give you issue you a different credit,card a different debit card every time,so let's say you know,and it's privacy.com look into it's,pretty simple,um,and then another one is,your ip address,now see i'm,i don't think they're doing this because,it's really advanced trying to figure,out in blacklist ips but they could be,so you know a good way to do that is,don't use vpn guys because vpns are,always flagged um so don't use vpns what,i'll suggest is go to coffee shop and,make a tick tock account there,um i think it's one account creation not,when you use the account you could still,probably log in in the ip that got you,banned and be fine,or you could uh,tether your phone and do a hot spot,and that will pretty much,change your ip so if you go on airplane,mode wait five minutes remove airplane,mode you can see what's my ip and your,ip gets renewed so that's another way to,switch up ip,but those are probably the main four,things i'll tell you guys to tackle so,first tackle creative um,you if you grab a link right now from,offer 209 it's already gonna be a new,domain,so do that again you could also create,agency accounts i know i've promised you,guys the agency account video and i'm,actually working on it

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Tutorial | Reasons Why Your TikTok Ads Are Rejected - TikTok Ads Manager 101

Tutorial | Reasons Why Your TikTok Ads Are Rejected - TikTok Ads Manager 101

are your tic toc ads getting rejected,are you not sure if your content is,being accepted,today we are going to take a look at the,top reasons the tick tock ads,are rejected,hi everybody welcome to the tick tock,ads manager 101 series,i'm peter and i'm here to help you,through your tick tock advertising,journey,our mission is to help you successfully,launch your very first campaign on tick,tock,so let's get started,for this episode we will talk about the,ad creatives and common reasons why ads,are rejected,now on tick tock we ensure a safe and,authentic user experience by holding,advertisers to a high standard for the,content they promote on our platforms,which is why we review each ad to make,sure it complies with our ad creative,policies,and local regulations now i have,personally come across many ad creatives,that have been,rejected due to various reasons and i'm,here to help you understand some of them,so that when you start your campaign,you're already aware of what not to do,so let's take a look at our first reason,that many ads get rejected,the ads that make exaggerated overstated,or misleading claims about product,performance is clearly,not compliant with our policies like an,ad that says they are going to give,twenty thousand dollars once you sign up,without any proof,or if this particular product says,you're going to lose 15 pounds in one,month,basically any weight loss claims i have,another one too,this product will give you 100,satisfaction in life,these absolute claims are not encouraged,on our platform and our review team,will reject any such ads if you look at,the caption in the first one it says 100,natural herbal cream number one of the,whole world,absolute terms and the second one says,use this service and get married,in three days well that's not okay,now let's talk about the second reason,that ads get rejected,which is if ads show products or,services from a prohibited industry,i have seen a lot of ads get rejected,for this particular reason,it's really important for you to know,the list of prohibited,items from your own market tick tock has,always maintained,very strong policies for an authentic,and safe user experience,which is why we don't allow items like,illegal drugs or,adult content you can have a look at the,whole list,if you visit the help center link in,your ads platform,the first part contains the products or,services which are currently prohibited,in all countries and regions like,cigarettes weapons gambling political,ads and more,and the second part contains the list,from various different markets,now we come to the third reason and this,is important guys,if the products and prices in the ads,are not consistent or relevant to the,products and prices on the promoted,website,the ad will be rejected for example,if the product shown in the ad creative,is different,than from the landing page or the price,shown in the creative is,inconsistent with the price on the,website then our review team,rejects the ad in the first creative the,ad,introduces a facial essence for oily,skin in the video but,shows a car on the website the second ad,states a discount of,up to 30 percent off but on the website,you can see,up to 50 percent off and then in the,third one the website is too vague to,determine,if there is any relevancy at all,moving on to the next one the promoted,website does not function properly or,does not contain information required by,local regulations,this is another common reason for,rejection,for example websites that don't open,properly,websites that are not mobile friendly,websites that don't contain the contact,information of the seller,or websites without a clearly stated,refund or return policy,we at tick tock ensure that it's not,just the ad creative that is important,but also the website that you are,promoting and that should comply with,the local rules so as to safeguard our,users,moving on the next reason has to do with,issues of the ads,texts or captions for example ads with,spelling errors,excessive or distracting capitalization,of certain words,or using symbols in place of letters,there could also be issues like,incomplete texts and videos,grammar mistakes or text logos that have,been covered by stickers,check this out first we have the,incorrect spelling of the word sale,and also notice certain letters are,capitalized and certain letters are not,second we have the use of the at sign in,the question mark,there's also the spelling mistake of,sale not to mention,the capitalization again third,there is a very cute cat sticker,covering the main logo,for example if the ad creative has low,resolution that is blurry,a part of the creative is covered up,with black bars,or if it looks pixelated it gets,rejected,i have also seen some uploaded ads,without any sound or,audio this can be a bad experience for,our users,after their streak of user generated,content and hence,these are rejected you also need to,ensure that the audio quality is decent,if your audio quality sounds li

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Top 5 Reasons Why Your TikTok Ad Was Disapproved | Things To Be Aware of Making TikTok Ads in 2021

Top 5 Reasons Why Your TikTok Ad Was Disapproved | Things To Be Aware of Making TikTok Ads in 2021

all right youtube in this video we're,going to talk about is the top,reasons why your tick tock ad has failed,and,is in review and is not going to be able,to be run,on the platform so these will be the top,reasons why,your adwords was rejected so again when,it goes through this is very common in,many different atmospheres,of advertising so tick-tock is very,similar to,your facebook or your instagram of that,nature so,when we go through it there are a little,sensitive of a few other things so we're,going to go through the top,reasons why and we'll go through this,right now so as we go through this week,we're going to talk about this and i,will link this article below,but we're going to actually talk about,this so just like facebook or instagram,or,any other marketing platform just like,this so the ads,uh that you know are overstating our,claiming or,doing mis misleading claims or,performances that nature,will not be you know they'll go through,a review process,and they will fail to be reviewed,they'll be failed to actually go,into a successful running active,platform right so,as far as the ad itself right so when,you think about it this could be your,your text on your ad or it could be your,image or it could be your,your different things that you're,talking about you're overstating you're,you're you're claiming,it you know you're just claiming things,are happening right so it's a lot of,performance issues or claims and and a,lot of things go on with that and it's,it's really protecting the end user when,it comes down to it so when you think,about it,you know if you're getting an ad you're,seeing an ad you don't want to get,anything kind of misleading or you don't,want to get anything that's wrong,or you know causing harm to somebody,else or even taking,there's a lot of you know charlatan,schemes out there and stuff of that,nature,so again this is a protected agents,against that so they're gonna err on the,side of caution when it comes to that,now when you think about the next reason,okay so the next reason,is going to be your text and your,caption right so make sure you're,texting your caption is,done properly there is no kind of,there's no um,like weird instances of you know having,like uh different characters and stuff,of that nature that should not be in,there like false links,or something of that nature that would,give that false indication of that,right so tick tock does give the,variability to have your ad,in an ad quality of a video go directly,to your url if you're going to a landing,page or,something selling something that's not,like a product service,e-commerce or whatever the case may be,right so you don't,have to go ahead and spam the algorithm,of that nature so that's,what this is basically doing is saying,don't falsify stuff don't do,grammar mistakes and stuff like that,don't really indicate,different things so make sure your stuff,is done properly so when you make your,creative make sure that's done,right the next is going to be video,quality there are highly,obviously this is this is a video based,atmosphere right so video quality,and your image quality is going to very,much be,very important right so when it comes,down to it too the audio is something,that is very important when it comes,to that video so if you don't have any,audio,it's going to tell you hey we're not,going to do that right right,this is a this is a platform that is,here for the users it's here to give the,entertainment,it's here to get the best in the you,know user experience possibly for that,one of those two is going to be the,video and the other one is going to be,the audio right so just like youtube,if you didn't see here or you know go,through that you would the video,wouldn't be worth it right so again when,it comes down to it that is something,you need to be,very cautious of now again uh product,pricing,now they want you to not talk about your,product pricing again when it comes down,to it you know,giving different indications of oh by,the way there's going to be discounts of,this this and this,again an inconsistency um you know and,just relative to the product pricing and,promoting,on the page make sure what you're,promoting is what you're promoting on,your page and they too,do line up properly right so when it,comes down to it your price here,is your price here and that's end you're,not going to go ahead and say,oh by the way the price is here just to,get the click through and the price is,raised or is different than what it is,supposed to be,right so that's a very key indicator,right there,another one is uh your website itself,needs to have the proper indications on,here like this is,in itself you know website promoting uh,functions and stuff like that like,different things that will be,against local regulate uh regulations,and stuff like that right so when it,comes down to it,you want to make sure you don't have any,false claims on that as far as that goes,now what i do want to highlight too this,is kind of uh,no

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Reacting to More BANNED Commercials

Reacting to More BANNED Commercials

hello everybody and welcome back to my,youtube channel or welcome to my youtube,channel i'm call me chris you can call,me chris you know the drill today we're,watching some band videos because i like,to watch stuff i'm not supposed to watch,what can i say and i think you guys do,too you guys enjoy the last one so we're,doing it again and don't think i didn't,notice that shirt that you're wearing,it's looking really nice i don't know,what it's doing but it's doing something,for me so sorry let's get into the,offense needs to video here bob if they,want to win this game oh they sure do,but this defense just doesn't give it an,inch okay first of all who flirts like,that like somebody did that to me i'd be,like,off me but also on another note if,i was doing that to my mans and he was,ignoring me,if i was wanting to do the devil's tango,and he was more into the chips and the,sports i'm out of there okay you better,figure out how to make love to those,chips cause i want to think about that,it's down to this last play now both,teams she's over it,that's the white bed sheets you're doing,that on white bet show man just throw,the blankets out at that point i love,how that's what i'm thinking about,that's the first thing i thought about,so much nacho cheese on those white bed,sheets also is that like a twin bed,who's sleeping on a twin bed is this,like a frat house probably,he's,what i think about with doritos i just,picture the board meetings and i know,it's just all men okay i'm gonna act out,what the board meetings would be like,all right man we gotta make another,doritos commercial what do men like uh,doritos sir yes and what else uh,women yeah that's another one all right,what else do men like oh sports yeah,we're hitting the nail on the head okay,we need one more thing one more thing,what is the gentleman,boobs little similar to the other one,this is going to be the best goddamn,doritos commercial we've ever made we're,gonna make millions gentlemen,that creates a killer website for your,small business represented by walter,together love walter they're perfect,they're oh okay yeah should oh please,don't,hello,did they for did they leave the camera,on why are we getting a close-up,why can't i hear them,oh,oh that's that's the thumbnail right,there no it's not i'm not making another,thumbnail that's terrible that's terra,what is this for what is this for i,forgot where i am i need to wash my eyes,get your domain and website at,godaddy.com oh go daddy,oh spitter i don't like spitters,the strong ass sweater,i never understand commercials these,kind of commercials what does that have,to do with mentos did the spider eat,mentos and now it's super strong i,should take mentos's pre-workout i'm not,a doctor don't listen to me yeah,now the boys doritos okay i know i'm in,the zone rubik's cube nice,oh doritos,yummy,so i want to show up to just anybody's,house just,oh my oh my gosh,single player,oh my god or,multiplayer oh my lord,oh my god what is he gonna do is he just,gonna,yeah,oh my god okay back to the board meeting,so they're all there right they're at,the board meeting and they're like all,right gentlemen we need to make another,doritos commercial that last one did did,swell yeah that uh that girl that we,used was absolutely exquisite and,putting her on the bed with those,doritos was pro-choice yeah i don't know,about you guys but i i slept with her,and she was fantastic that's my wife,todd well i hate to tell you this uh tim,but uh i think we all slept with your,wife,what yeah i did i did multiple times,anyway so uh what do you think we need,for uh the next doritos commercial uh uh,todd uh let's just double everything,double the doritos double the women,double the boobs double the sports,genius sorry about your wife timmy hey,dave the day's over time for bud light i,can't ah bud like classics i thought you,cut the cheese already it wasn't me oh,you cut the cheese,i like the cheese and spurts throughout,the day,if you guys don't get the joke if you,cut the cheese it means you fart it,means you pass gas it means you toot,other fart words yeah it's like a pull,your finger kind of thing i'm a child,otherwise it starts backing up i,couldn't my girlfriend was here this,morning and you know how that goes i cut,the cheese in front of my girl once i,never heard the end of it you ever see a,woman cut guys i'm gonna be in the back,yeah i'm gonna pinch your loaf,pinch of love oh my god this is so funny,you want me to pull your finger,oh my god really let me cut the cheese,what's gonna happen is it's gonna,explode pull your finger you'll be,cutting the cheese within seconds oh my,god,this is so good,it's just full of dad jokes,what is it,oh yeah,he's physically cutting the cheese i,like that commercial that made me happy,it wasn't like dirty and gross,puppy,anti-bar doritos again,anti-bark caller speak,oh what is this dog abuse doritos what,the is this i do not approve of,this commercial not that you're,listening or watching th

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TikTok Ads Catalog Manager: How to Appeal Rejected Products (2022)

TikTok Ads Catalog Manager: How to Appeal Rejected Products (2022)

hi everybody this is ian lamont author,of flea media and the founder of two,e-commerce businesses an amazon seller,for many years and also i op i operate a,shopify store and i've recently,connected it with with tiktok so i can,run tick tock ads and also have a tick,tock account for my business,i've discovered in the catalog manager,that there's a problem when some of your,products are synced to tick tock that it,automatically rejects them for various,reasons sometimes the reasons are,legitimate sometimes not so taking a,look at these products that we have we,have 68 items total and you can see most,of them say available for tick tock,marketing and tick tock tick tock,shopping and it says in stock sometimes,you'll see one that says it says it's in,stock but it says unavailable,and this means it's been rejected for,some reason and actually if we go to the,third page,of my items you can see that almost all,of them are unavailable there's just a,few that are available most are,unavailable and here's how to appeal,their automated,removal from your catalog so just click,on the name of the product,and you'll see in the right corner here,your advertised product has been,suspended it might have been disabled,due to violation of our advert,advertising policies and if you click on,the policy it'll show all kinds of scary,language about the stuff that they do,not want you advertising or even,including in the catalog and these are,things like uh weapons um you know,prohibited items like you know drugs,uh,maybe there's some ish issue with uh,animal parts and things like that and of,course we're not selling anything like,that actually let's just scroll down and,see some of the crazy things you know,adult sexual products police military,gears political ads so these are things,that we're not doing and we're not in a,restricted industry i mean we're,basically selling something that,genealogists use it's nothing it's,nothing illegal or anything like that so,to appeal click on the button that says,appeal,and then you have to,click on continue,and then they'll say,reason for appeal so what i do is i,actually have,a quick,a quick uh,explanation of why my product is not,illegal it's genealogy stationary made,of paper it's for people researching,family trees i make it clear that it's,not a forbidden product or forbidden,industry and it's not violating,tick-tock policies i just copy that and,then i paste it over into reason for,appeal and the reason why i just copy,and paste is because i have to do this,over and over again because many of my,products were rejected that way and then,i click appeal,and so i found that currently this is in,early 2022 it takes about two or three,hours for them to review the appeal i,don't know if it's automated or they,actually try to have human beings,looking at it,but in this case all of my older items,that i've appealed already almost all of,them have been successful there's been a,few that are not i'll have to look into,those later on but this makes it,possible now for me to advertise these,products for more information on how to,get the most out of your shopify store,selling on amazon,you know,using amazon advertising marketing i,have all kinds of videos about this if,you go to leanmedia.org,click on video or blog you'll see some,of these posts that i have and also if,you're following this on youtube if you,could like the video and then follow,subscribe to the lean media channel i'd,greatly appreciate that and i usually,release a new video about once or twice,a week this is ian lamont signing off,thank you so much for watching

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Hai Real Madrid adalah klub Liga Premier,labu-labu bila 46 pakai bidan Alaihi Wa,Sallam bakomatic legal writing Euro,tuning VW,Hai Kevin penambah aku yuk enggak aktif,Apple di hakim anjing ngegas Facebooker,itu tugasnya Iwan pistol yang namanya,loveland mereka download fb gratis,browvo default,Hai available ldc sama bersahabat sayang,serap adalah dicoba hihihi selain start,start,Hai Vincent LBC Toba Batak cerpen,setelah itu enggak sebetulnya spelling,hihihi spell remittance demit demit and,Capital LBC demitan tumpah bata.pdf,adalah sehari karena LBC mobil is about,kaya akun Vietnam pedal rem perang,dagang coba Network sebagai buyer Madrid,atau bahkan wedding prewedding bye,drum real mebel omniwallet,riauloker.co.id badge Canyon manik-manik,nice dadah Hah Inpres no,Hai dadah ngotot jeruk dadah musik saya,Pong um66 debit dadah kuat widyatmika,because Joan hidup YouTube gawani kwara,World lolololo genteng beton atromen,Rich sing Sleman,Hai semuanya seneng nice day coffee,healthy shd lebih burjumi paling tahun,2006 ini terasa lebih Boy cumi goreng,kamu ab-106 ini terasa lebih burjumi,paling tahun 2016 Monkasel Minecraft,hai hai

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TikTok Ads Not Spending? Here Are 8 Ways You Can Fix It (UPDATED)

TikTok Ads Not Spending? Here Are 8 Ways You Can Fix It (UPDATED)

hello everyone it's your favorite,digital marketer here Chase chapel and,we're going to be covering exactly what,you need to do and know with Tick Tock,ads if they are not spinning so many of,you have this actual issue we get this,comment all the time and so many people,DM us on Instagram at real Chase Chapel,asking how can we get our Tick Tock ads,to spend we've done everything we've,tried everything what is it that's not,making it actually spin so let's go,ahead and break down those exact things,you need to know that way you can,actually get your Tick Tock ads to spin,and start converting because we all know,Tick Tock has a huge opportunity as a,platform to generate sales and results,for your brand or business alright so if,your Tick Tock ads are not spending,here's what we're gonna do we're gonna,break down the eight things that you can,start trying out to see if your Tick,Tock ads will spend the first one which,is the most obvious one is increasing,your budget sometimes your budgets are,set too low if there are 20 daily and,you sell a product that's say 60 or 100,Tick Tock will automatically scan your,web page and know that maybe it can't,spend you know twenty dollars a day and,expect to get you a result so it's going,to want you to spend more than what your,actual product cost is in some cases so,the first thing to try is actually,double your budget see if they'll,actually start spinning if it doesn't,increase it some more to see if you'll,get delivery out of your actual ads now,if you can't get delivery out of the,actual ads and it's still not spending,no matter how much you increase it you,should staircase your spin across your,ad groups and what I mean by that is if,you have four ad groups what you would,do is you do twenty dollars on one ad,group 30 on the next one forty dollars,fifty dollars sixty dollars and this is,going to basically show you what spin,level you need to be at initially to get,the ads to spend sometimes twenty,dollars doesn't work sometimes forty,dollars doesn't work it's usually maybe,fifty dollars that actually gets the ads,to start spending so you staircase your,spin to identify where your spend is and,once it's actually starting to spin,you'll know what ad group budgets you,need to set going forward initially when,you're launching your ads so that way,you can get the delivery to happen with,your actual spending the third thing is,actually having two create natives in,your ad group sometimes a lot of people,add like five ten different ads and you,know that's okay to do on Facebook ads,because the system's pretty optimized,they'll know how to deliver the spin,between the different creatives to find,out what's working Tick Tock isn't yet,that efficient and if you have too many,creatives in there with a very small,budget it's not going to spend at all if,you launch Five ads and you only have 20,daily it's gonna be have a very hard,time of spending whereas if you have two,actual ad creatives you're going to be,more likely to actually get spend,delivery because the system only has to,optimize between two different ads to,find results for you now the second,thing here is sometimes people have two,ads and it won't deliver or they'll only,have one a good strategy is to have a,one ad that's actually a spark ad which,means it's been an authorized post from,an influencer or it's an authorized post,from your actual page,the second one is a non-you know,authorized post which is just you,uploading the content into Tick Tock ads,directly and having that as an ad as,well where you write the copy and you,actually put in the custom link and,everything there this is a strategy that,allows you to actually see if you'll get,delivery based off spark or non-spark we,see this work a lot of times when you,know Brands actually make these,adjustments go down to two creatives per,ad group and have one creative where,they actually wrote the custom copy the,second one an authorization post from,either influence or other page you'll,start to see delivery and number four is,switching from purchase conversions down,to add to cart and letting that run for,two to three days if you're not getting,any delivery even after making those,adjustments so far switch to add to cart,give it two to three days and see if,your spin starts to go through and if it,does great you can switch back to,purchase conversions after a few days,and your spin delivery should start to,actually start performing and number,five make sure you have all of the,placements turned off besides Tick Tock,you want to have Tick Tock ads as the,only placement because if you're running,an actual creative that doesn't fit the,other you know platform Replacements,it's not going to deliver and the ad,group just won't even run it's not as,efficient as just automatically choosing,Tick Tock for you so you need to select,Tick Tock as a placement Standalone and,number six is turning off comments,sometimes these videos are getting lots,of negative engagements s

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Funniest BANNED Commercials

Funniest BANNED Commercials

hello everybody and welcome back to my,YouTube channel welcome to my YouTube,channel and What's My Line but yeah it's,uh it's call me Chris call me Chris is,the next line I don't understand why it,says call me Chris I don't understand,why I can't just say call me Chris,because that that's what it it's call me,Chris so you just say call me Chris well,that just doesn't make any sense it,doesn't need to make sense okay we're,just we're trying to make a shot okay,fine okay whatever okay take two Mark,okay everybody welcome back to my,YouTube channel welcome to my YouTube,channel I'm call me Chris and you can,call me Chris and you are looking,absolutely Fab today babes let's see,that smile God stunning blinding,blinding absolutely blinding I'm happy,to see you and uh sorry for that really,long intro I don't know do you guys like,these intros I don't know they're kind,of fun to make up anyway um today we're,gonna be watching some funny,International commercials and uh that's,about it and if you watched my last,video I said that I would be shouting,out 10 people that told me embarrassing,stories about themselves in the comment,section so stick around till the end of,the video to see who gets shout out,alright let's get to it,all right we're in an office,oh banana we're starting off strong,okay,I don't know what this could be,I mean oh wow that's a visual,oh God,starting off strong yeah put the banana,down,oh God oh my God,this is a lot of putting stuff in your,mouth what yeah what is this the best,way to eat bananas,is to drink them oh oh it's a fruit,juice oh that's smart that's clever,unless you know you're trying to,insinuate nothing just eating a banana,because abstinence I feel like I'm gonna,try to guess what the advert is for if,it's not very obvious at the beginning,let's do that let's have fun with that,all right,okay we've got a dog love it love it,already,okay come on out it's in the house oh,look at a cute little bunny door,I'm just gonna train you,a little two chains oh my God where's it,going where's he going I don't know what,this is oh he's checking the address,why would it be a new house,is it like a new furniture or something,I can't yeah,small you're not you suck I'm just,kidding sorry I turned it to my mom for,like two seconds when she plays board,games with us she turns into a monster,even when I was like five she's like, you you suck I get all the Monopoly,money love you Mom it's a great advert,it has a dog in it and it has Ikea,furniture all things I love,oh this is um,What's this called Foley I think it's,called Foley I've always if this doesn't,work out I want to be a Foley artist rip, they do the sound effects in movies,oh it's so funny,chest in that watermelon oh God,sir,what does it say Cinema wouldn't be the,same without our fresh vegetarian snacks,what is this vegetarian restaurants oh,all right that makes like literally no,sense but okay you're like wasting fruit,it was a good visual though there's a,lot of fisting and,all right we have a call it's probably a,car commercial I'm assuming,so because it's got the random car there,we're good,what the new smartphone so smart you,forget it's a four-seater,do I want to write commercials I feel,like I'd be kind of good at that,probably not I mean I could try maybe,I'll make just a parody commercial for,you guys here on YouTube maybe I can do,that that's like me anytime I have,friends overs I literally never have,friends over I'll just like be in the,kitchen and then I'll look at the couch,and be like oh my God where did you come,from maybe like I've been here for 30,minutes you're like oh yeah right I,forgot about that oh oh this is intense,oh they're shooting at him oh come on,Brown forward oh my god did it get shot,in the ear holy God damn huh oh my,God what is this a commercial I'm,terrified they got a chainsaw they're,gonna cut the tray down,oh my God Tom Cruise passed away action,movie is this what the what is it,what would this be a commercial for I,literally don't know,oh my gosh oh my God what is happening,this is crazy,oh my god oh Jesus they put me in a,truck and that's how I got here oh my,God he's making up an excuse to why he,was sleeping with this guy's wife what,does he say it's incredible did you hear,that honey,yes it's amazing oh they're French,screenwriter for Canal oh,what oh that was like me I was like a,pathological liar when I was a kid not,like a bad way we had a bad way I don't,think there's any good weight if you're,a bad logical liar I was just really,good at lying when I was a kid like my,mom would be like why were you late,coming home from school it is 8 p.m and,I'd be like Mom I was in the hallway and,there was a math equation on the,chalkboard and I and I solved it and,then this professor came out of his room,and he was chasing me down so I ran I,ran so fast and then I ran into the,police officer and then they arrested me,on wrongly and then my professor bailed,me out but then the only way he got me,from going

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