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These TikTok Stats Will BLOW Your Mind

hey andres here from lynx digital in,today's video we're going to talk about,take talk advertising and more,specifically we're going to give you 20,22 stats that are going to blow your,mind if you're a video marketer tick,tock i think by now most video,advertisers have taken note and are now,jumping on the take tuck bandwagon and,advertising their offers on this,platform there's still a lot of,advertisers that may be hesitant in,doing it just because maybe their target,audience is not on the platform as you,may know tech talk is mainly catered,towards 18 year olds or even younger,demographic than what we're used to but,that has been changing so as of march,2021 the tick tock app had more female,downloads than mail downloads right so,that's one thing it's dominated by,females 57 percent while the balance is,only 43 but there is a strong,demographic that is actually growing on,this platform and is that demographic of,30 to 39 year old females that have,acquisition power and may be able to,let's say buy your product or have,inclination to buying certain products,that you may be offering so it's,extremely an undervalued and let's say,underrated app for advertisers to who,have maybe an e-commerce product or,brand to position themselves and,actually convert people that don't know,about you into paying customers so,i'm going to share a couple of other,stats here that are going to blow your,mind and maybe,going to motivate you to actually,advertise on this platform right now,after this year 2022 is actually,positioned at number six in terms of the,most used social apps platforms right,behind instagram right behind wechat and,facebook obviously whatsapp but it is an,app that is definitely taking the,internet by storm and the mobile used by,storm so,one of the things that i encourage you,as a video marketer right if you're a,media buyer on youtube or on facebook,and you're mainly focusing on video to,consider having a strategy for tik tok,so we're going to go into a couple of,other stats that are just going to be,very important for you to take note so,32 percent of tick tock users are,actually in the age of 25 and 34 and 43,of texas global audience is between 18,and 24 year olds now you may be thinking,from an advertiser but this is a younger,demographic they don't really have you,know acquisition power to to buy you,know my product or service but again,this has been changing there has been a,shift and even though the platform is,has been dominated mainly by females,which is over 57 as i mentioned earlier,right now there is an age group between,25 and 34 that make up more than 32,percent of the tick tock users right so,that's significant and now we're talking,about people that you know people who,have jobs for example and they might be,able to contemplate purchasing a product,or or service that they see through tick,tock right so it's very important,figures that we have here just know that,if you're targeting the us there's over,134 million active users per month on,tick tock right so that is a significant,figure where you know if you place your,product or brand on the right time to,the right person then they might be able,to take you up on the offer they'll you,know you're directing traffic to your,funnel obviously that's half the battle,one is you have to have great video and,that and we're gonna go into a couple of,tips on that uh in a second but,you need to have a great offer as well,in a funnel that's functioning,that can help convert those users from,tick tock into paying customers right so,at our agency for example we've already,started implementing tick tock media,mining we've already let's say are in,the trenches right now for different,brands you know from online courses to,even mentorships,and some have have been e-commerce as,well so we have had some mixed results,there have been others where we're,seeing great costs right even from an,affiliate marketing perspective it's a,blue ocean still for certain uh offers,that you can choose to do advertising in,but it is challenging in some areas as,well around,the policies right so they're taking,heed somewhat in terms of you know what,they allow right what's allowable but,it's still blue ocean and there's still,a lot of things that are let's say gray,area in terms of the policies right not,to say that you know you have to follow,the policies that's the bottom line,right but you can push the boundaries a,little bit and especially when you're,doing you know affiliate marketing right,there's certain offers in the health,space for example that might get flagged,right away or some there you know you,can make some money out of it right if,you if you're smart about it and you can,create let's say specific offers and,specific campaigns that are following,the policies and they're just kind of,right on the boundaries of like hey you,know it's personalized advertising right,that that hasn't really been an issue on,tick tock until mostly until mainly,recently but we have ha

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok programatic ads

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Tren Programmatic Advertising dan Efektivitasnya. #LIVE TRENDING 27

Tren Programmatic Advertising dan Efektivitasnya. #LIVE TRENDING 27

Hi Ho,halo halo,Martir Selamat sore semua lagi dengan,saya sedikit Kurniawan kembali dalam,acara trending trend and Marketing dan,saat ini saya udah ditemani oleh salah,satu narasumber yang sudah hadir di,studio artist TV yakni Ibu Florencia Ika,selaku country Manager the trade,Indonesia Halo selamat sore Mbak halo,sore Pak Sigit usah panggil siapa aja ya,Terima kasih ya sudah bergabung di acara,training kali ini sama-sama Makasih udah,diundang lho,ngomongo sibuk apa nih sekarang,mesti book Ya biasalah ya mastiin Kenken,klien tuh jalan semua dengan baik terus,siap-siap buat kipor banyak yang kefir,tahun juga Udah disiapin dari sekarang,sama tentunya 423 oke oke marketer kali,ini kita akan membahas tren programmatic,Advertising Seperti apa dan bagaimana,efektivitasnya kita langsung banyak,kepada backflow 40 sebelum kita masuk ke,Apa itu program Advertising ya mungkin,kita akan berangkat dari lanskap nya,dulu Nah untuk industri periklanan,khususnya yang pemakaian dari program,advertise ini seperti apa di Indonesia,sejauh mana dan apa saja yang pantas di,highlight ah jadi tren yang aku lihat,itu terutama karena masa pandemi ya itu,ada kecenderungan dimana brand-brand itu,ada semacam kayak budget card atau kayak,pengencangan ikat pinggang dari sisi itu,tentunya hal-hal seperti Arok jadi ton,investment sama efektivitas itu tuh jadi,lebih penting jadi tentunya apa,kesigapan dari brand itu untuk Rich,audiensi mereka itu semakin penting,semakin diperlukan Jadi mereka yang,sangat memilih-milih banget nih,kanal-kanal di mana odience itu mereka,berada Yah gimana Udinese Mereka ingin,jangkau itu berada jadi dari sisi,konsumen setelah pandemi itu yang kita,lihat adalah,ada beberapa kanal yang sangat vs Brown,banget lebih dibanding yang sebelumnya,Nah itu tuh ada di open internet yaitu,di luar sosial media terutama otiti jadi,out itu adalah platform video,profesional,premium gitu seperti kayak with TV iflix,view Nah itu kita akhiri melakukan,survei tahun 22/5 nih satu dari tiga,konsumen Indonesia tuh nonton otv oke,sekitar 3,8 miliar jam nonton 11 bulan,konten yaitu tinggi sekali terus Iron,yogurtnya ada 40% itu tuh salah satu,yang paling tinggi di atau mungkin,Riyadi di Asia Tenggara gitu Jadi itu,yang aku highlight aja sih Mungkin ia,kecenderungan dari sisi brand makin,penting efektivitas dari si Konsumen,juga ada Sip gitu ya dari sisi apa kenal,yang mereka nonton dan atau meluangkan,waktu gitu atau perubahan dari customer,Firma Iya tetap benar-benar depannya,jadi dari sisi belanjakan jadi,online-offline itu makin mencolok Karena,sekarang udah simulasi banget Kalau,mungkin dulu sebelum pandemi masih lebih,sering offline aja atau gimana Ya kalau,sekarang udah singlet aja mungkin,melihatnya di mana belinya dimana gitu,loh udah ngelihatnya offline-online atau,lihatnya online punya offline amtrust,dari sisi eduksi konsumsi media jadi,seperti caudio dan krimnya video itu,kayak kelihatan semakin meningkat,terkait dengan bahasan yang akan kita,explore nih hari ini programatik,advertise nah sebelum kita melangkah,lebih jauh sebenarnya apa sih terkenal,tiket freising itu Jadi sebenarnya pada,dasarnya ini adalah media baeng yang,menggunakan aja di Yang intinya,otonomisasi sih gitu Jadi kalau misalnya,dulu harus beli 11 mungkin ada zaman,lebih dulu lagi pak efek gitu Pakai,surat order atau gimana sekarang solusi,wilayah satu paspor,bermacam-macam karena bermacam-macam,diways jadi mobile website itu bisa,semua dan sekarang konektivitas semua,bisa dibeli oleh satu plafon dan,ditambah dengan itu kemampuan untuk bisa,targeting dan renang reporting gitu Jadi,semua pembelian iklan bisa ditracking,aja gitu dengan organiknya enggak kalau,kita apa Ridwan lebih lanjut lagi nah,manfaat dari atau fenofit ketika brand,atau perusahaan itu memanfaatkan,berkreasi ngapa ya,Hai ayang nomor satu tentunya menghemat,waktu Jadi intinya sih kalau aku lihat,dari semua semuanya intinya menghemat,waktu dan menghemat menambah efektifitas,jadi dari sisik kos gitu karena sekarang,beli semua bisa lewat ah satu dashboard,satu platform yang kedua ditambah,teknologi dari koordinasi itu jadi bisa,tempe itu,mendapatkan KPI yang di mau dibawakan,oleh brand itu kita jadi bisa dioptimasi,Kenken itu jadi misalnya mereka mau,jualan lebih banyak atau lebih banyak,iklan yang dilihat itu semua bisa di,optimisasi jadi ujung-ujungnya sih Balik,lagi ke situ semuanya diciptakan udah,dibilang gb-nya lebih efektif betul,karena semua bisa di track dan semua,bisa diukur gitu nah tentu bentuknya,bisa,jadi bisa dari jadi kalau saya zaman,dulu balik lagi ke contoh zaman dulu,kita mungkin kalau beli print kita akan,tahu ada sirkulasi berapa tapi kita,nggak akan tahu jam berapa dia lihat,orang yang mana melihat atau mungkin,dibaca tonggak yang kita kan kalau,sekarang dengan program itu semua bisa,diukur jadi mulai dari hak matriks,Misalnya jumlah Nek kalau Adek nggak,nyangka aja udah banyak orang klik,Berapa banyak orang yang lihat jadi,kefir detik itu kan Berapa banyak orang,yang men

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TikTok marketing strategies for restaurants and hospitality businesses | SERVED WITH podcast

TikTok marketing strategies for restaurants and hospitality businesses | SERVED WITH podcast

you if you were in in the world of,influences if you actually want to hit,that crash of influences with mega money,you know a million is a platform to get,there yes agreed,but you chose not to go,i want the 100 followers it's a lonely,lifestyle like i sat in my bedroom every,day making three videos and live,streaming for four hours the actual day,to day i'm like this is the most,impressive my best friend the person i,saw most was my mom,welcome to the glamorous world of tick,tock this is the short form video,platform which launched in 2014 and has,now grown to one billion monthly active,users a behemoth of the social world,famous for super creative collaborations,between users like the sea shanty collab,which became so successful mid pandemic,it started with lip-sync dancers and,makeup tutorials but now includes excel,tips and yes hospitality businesses,which are starting to pour in and drive,customers to their venues with it,victoria banham is a former influencer,of one million followers she now runs a,hospitality tick-tock agency called,antler social whose clients include,honest burgers i had to catch up with,her to find out how tick-tock is,changing the way that restaurants and,other hospitality businesses do,marketing,i've never used tick tock excellent,glad i'm here how is it different from,platforms that we're more familiar with,have come before it so i guess the main,thing from my perspective is that tik,tok is all about community,you don't really have that sense of,togetherness now on instagram or,facebook for sure or so you have trends,and challenges and music and sounds and,all of these different things that bring,people together that everyone creates,content for yeah together there are,quite big individual accounts right and,if you've got a million followers on,instagram and you're getting a hundred,thousand likes if i've got 10 followers,on instagram i'm not going to get 100,000 likes whereas if on tick tock if,you've got those same figures,it's easier to go viral easier i think,it's just a,fairer playing field just just in terms,of the physicality about how it works,there's a feed yep like,with most of them i'm gonna let you do,this one,i've literally never used it by the way,this isn't me playing dumb i've never,used tiktok what i'm imagining is,actually a,there's very little navigational control,you swipe your swipe and it just it,keeps feeding you based based on your,reactions and maybe you can,click on a trend button somewhere yeah,tick tock is there's no pretense that,you're building you know,just it's all algorithms it's all,algorithms you do have another feed,called the following feed but that is,kind of like a secondary and i actually,have never heard of anybody going on to,the volleyball i don't use the follow,feed,you're starting to get more um,well i was astonished there was this,woman selling xl courses oh she's,amazing,okay you know her of course yeah she's,amazing i can't wear username it's now,300 a day yeah a quick note from adam,here of course i was amazed she actually,makes 300 000 per month and she's genius,but like think of that like if you,thought of a niche on tick tock yeah and,she didn't exist and somebody went i'm,gonna learn oh i'm gonna just make,videos of excel you go that is,bought am i allowed to swear yeah i can,swear away not assume that that's a,that's a,niche that anybody would care about but,the way that she's created that,has made it engaging and when i started,when it was musically,um,the massive area was the singing,lip-syncing dancing like very,two-dimensional content with corona,and the huge influx of people coming,onto the platform um there's been a,massive speed change paved way for the,newer more mature areas of interest,having limelight there's some of the,mature areas of interest so,fitness is a huge one like if you're 13,you're not really going to care about,like nutrition carbs like keto diets but,that is something that people really,focus on so now gym is a huge area yeah,um you know diet or just like food in,general or teaching people about,nutrition like that's a huge sector yeah,um,something that we are seeing coming,through is more like the alcohol area,and obviously it's still a 50 50 years,or it's just a gray area really on tick,tock as to whether you post about it or,not but cocktail recipes and bartenders,and all that sort of thing is now coming,into play so that's a really interesting,one that i'm fascinated by,old people that's right people in their,late twenties are now on tick tock and,they bring their disposable incomes with,them,you're listening to served with podcast,and you need to subscribe in the next,five seconds or you two will eventually,get old,five,four,three,two,one,back to the show,i,work for a hospitality business,i think of tick tock so i've just heard,about tick-tock,i don't know the party,party i'm excited to get my fill of of,of dog dog videos and excel videos and,gym videos if i wanted to ideate a,social media strate

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EASY: Add programmatic advertising to your current marketing mix

EASY: Add programmatic advertising to your current marketing mix

welcome to the premiere episode of,sheldon cooper presents fun with flags,as a startup small business e-commerce,business or agency you're most likely,going to invest in paid search and,social media advertising at some point,now as a brand grows so must its,marketing channels because paid search,and social advertising alone will no,longer be able to provide enough leads,to meet growth requirements plus cost,and complexity of these two will keep,increasing and it'll be very very hard,to keep track over everything,and that is the time where you might,want to consider adding programmatic,advertising into your current marketing,mix hey guys it's veni and this video is,sponsored by ad persona a no code,programmatic app integrated with the,major dsps that let you create display,video and audio advertising campaigns,without minimum budgets or hidden fees,subscribe to our channel and make sure,to click the bell icon to be notified,every time we upload a new video and we,would also highly appreciate a little,thumbs up if you will and if you have,any questions leave them in the comments,down below and without further ado let's,hop right into the video,now let's start with what is,programmatic advertising programmatic,advertising is the automated process of,buying digital ad inventory based on,criteria set by the advertiser him or,herself and yes that is the shortest,explanation i could possibly come up,with it typically refers to display ads,which could be banners popping up on,websites but also video ads and native,ads also programmatic lets you access,unique inventory from the largest,publishers across the entire internet,now since a majority of websites on the,open internet fill their own inventory,using programmatic themselves the,available reach frequency is very high,and the cost very low in comparison,another major advantage is that you can,make use of first and third party data,in order to reach your target audience,but now i want to give you three,strategic use cases on how you can,include programmatic advertising in your,current marketing mix let's get started,number one optimize landing pages now,while your current landing page for,search ads may want to drive the user to,fulfill the original intent meaning,bringing them from i am searching for an,item to i will buy the item a user that,clicks on a display ad or which is a,video may just be interested in your,brand overall but might not want to buy,anything just yet now as for your,programmatic ads landing page you might,want to consider adding some,informational content which could be a,picture a video a blog post and then,track your audience's behavior do they,click it do they not and off of that,information you can build a retargeting,audience this means that you now have a,potential converting audience without,them having shown any purchase intention,in the first place genius right number,two,develop a successful programmatic,strategy with the help of paid search,learning let's say you were to use,geographical data from your converting,paid search and social campaigns now you,can create geofencing placements via,programmatic ads another idea would be,to leverage top search keywords to,target content with a high density of,those keywords in it which again can,increase your conversions significantly,and number three smart measurement now,for this you need to keep in mind that,search and programmatic ads target users,with completely different intentions and,knowledge while search ads are for users,with intent programmatic ads are for,those who haven't got any intent yet,this also means that programmatic can,increase your organic traffic at the net,of a consistent paid search cpa you,should measure the effectiveness of,programmatic advertising by evaluating,the increase in organic search and,direct traffic that have actively led to,conversions,what a bundle of information am i right,well as you can see programmatic is able,to fill gaps and build bridges which,paid search and social ads alone just,simply can't do in order to bring your,business marketing to the next level and,also leverage data to their maximum,potential programmatic advertising,offers a solution which will be,effective yet not break the bank check,out at persona i o for more information,on how to get started with programmatic,advertising thank you so much for,watching and take care bye

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Programmatic Advertising: Monetizing with Creative Control

Programmatic Advertising: Monetizing with Creative Control

hi everyone and welcome to this spreaker,segment on programmatic advertising,my name is rebecca dalby i am the,marketing and monetization manager for,spreaker,today i'm going to tell you why,programmatic advertising is the future,when it comes to buying and selling ad,space in the podcasting industry,i will explain the many benefits and why,you should definitely be exploring,programmatic if you want to monetize,your podcast,in this video i will cover programmatic,advertising,an overview of what it is debunk the,false myths,i will explain why it is a future of,advertising in podcasting,and finally our spreaker prime program,but first a little bit about us spreaker,since 2010 we've been on a mission to be,the ultimate one-stop shop for,podcasters,from newbies just getting started to,publishers developing,tons of content spreaker has a solution,for making,any podcasters journey a smooth and,profitable one,we connect listeners podcast creators,and advertisers in one place,within spreaker podcasts can be hosted,distributed,monetized discovered and listened to,we're the first to do it all,so let's get into programmatic,advertising,it really is a win-win for both,advertisers and podcasters,programmatic advertising is automating,the process of buying and selling ad,space,in podcasts there is a misconception,that,programmatic advertising is rigid or can,cause a jolt in the listeners experience,in reality there are many options when,it comes to programmatic advertising,and when produced correctly it does not,cause any issues at all,generally programmatic advertising can,be broken down into four different,models,open marketplace private marketplace,preferred deals,and programmatic direct whatever way you,choose to work with programmatic,it's really important to remember that,the podcaster always has control,over their content and determines how it,is made available,unfortunately there are some,misconceptions around programmatic,advertising,and i'm here today to highlight the most,significant myths and debunk them for,you,there is a sense that programmatic ads,are kind of cheaper leftovers,and filled into ad spots that are,undesirable this,is completely false programmatic does,not mean lower cpms,in fact lately at spreaker we've seen,cpms in the,30 plus dollar range and not for small,buys,these are campaigns of tens or even,hundreds of thousands of total buys,they might still be considered tests but,more and more brand advertisers,are getting into this market and more,podcasters are realizing that this,method of advertising,really works,there's also a myth that programmatic,ads are disruptive,and at times dare i say obnoxious,however,we have found that in our experience,this is only the case when they're not,managed correctly,in reality programmatic ads can be,seamlessly stitched into strategic,breaks in your content,they should be recorded in a tone of,voice that creates a pleasant,and engaging listening experience for,your users,the benefits of programmatic are truly,great it is an inclusive tool,meaning it is accessible to a much wider,range of podcasters than other,advertising options,it is powered by technology which makes,it highly efficient,but also seeking the best results for,both podcasters and advertisers,a unique feature of programmatic which,we absolutely love at spreaker,is that it allows podcasters to monetize,their already existing content by,placing ads in the back catalog,this can be a very significant revenue,stream especially if your content is,evergreen,programmatic eliminates the back and,forth communication of price,negotiations,it enables data tracking and reporting,which strengthens its reliability,allowing advertisers to spend more money,we believe that programmatic advertising,is the future for accessible and,inclusive monetization of podcasts,in the not so distant future it's,looking more likely that the majority of,advertising dollars will be traded in,programmatic advertising,native advertising is expensive and is,only really possible for the top,podcasts out there with very large,audiences,without programmatic the remaining,podcasts would be left with little to no,option to monetize their show,the programmatic approach enables,smaller shows to grow their reach by,allowing advertisers to access,cost-effective,advertising aimed towards an engaged and,highly targeted,niche relevant audience,an emarketer.com agrees according to,them programmatic podcast ad spending in,the us,is growing at a fast rate they predict,spend will double from last year to 31.3,million dollars,and reach 106.5 million dollars by the,end of 2022.,at spreaker we have developed the prime,program a dedicated,program to support podcasters helping,them to maximize ad revenue,using our dynamic programmatic,technology,it also helps increase their podcast,exposure and streamlines the publishing,process,the prime program offers free hosting,marketing support,and priority customer service we've,helped hundreds of podcasters,who

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Virtual Programmatic Day H2 2022 - Tackling 2023 – The Big Themes Coming Up

Virtual Programmatic Day H2 2022 - Tackling 2023 – The Big Themes Coming Up

our final panel session of the day which,is tackling 2023 the big themes for next,year where Andrew Hayward Wright the,group curse commercial director for,strategic Partnerships at seen this and,IB Europe's program at and,sustainability advisor will lead a panel,of experts as they explore the big,themes coming up for the programmatic,industry so over to you drew and again,another final reminder please do submit,any questions you have for our panelists,in the Q a over to you drew,thanks Nick and thank you everyone for,dialing in and tuning in today the topic,of themes and Trends is always my,favorite to talk about because we,basically get to talk about anything and,everything so it's always a good,prediction to be in but before we do,dive into that I'm going to just let my,panelists quickly introduce yourselves,to them on it's great but I'll start,with Sarah if you wanted to quickly,introduce yourself sure good afternoon,everybody my name is Sarah Vincent I'm,the managing director for UK and Ireland,for index Exchange,happy to be here Maria,hi hi everyone I'm Maria Ramiro,representing head of Business,Development in Europe,and Jay,hi everyone I'm Jay Kingsley Brooks I'm,currently at one football and leading,our efforts in programmatic,and finally Susanna,and good afternoon everyone I'm Susanna,gilinska I'm the managing director of,Zaxby's UK happy to be here,okay,excellent thank you all so much for,taking time to join us today so before,we dive into,Trends and topics of 2023 I think it's,always good to reflectors where in,November now it feels like they use,world fastest reflect on what's happened,in 2022 to set the scene of the,direction that we think we're going to,go in and I think there's loads and,loads of different topics that we can,discuss so we're going to approach this,in a little bit of a different way,rather than a round robin a question and,I have a general chat disagree agree,hopefully more agree then disagree on,topics but Sarah why don't you open us,up with what do you think what's,happened in 2022 what are the key,highlights and topics that we've ever,achieved and what's coming okay so I,think 2022 is it's safe to say I've been,a year of really two halves that,certainly how we've seen it I think the,industry and to some degree really the,whole of Europe is not the world we,started off 2022 with a lot of optimism,having coming out of covid seeing good,growth and like a really bumper Q4 and,then I think throughout the course of H1,obviously there was a bigger impact,influencing the industry from why,macroeconomic factors and that has,wealth that we don't see the impact in,immediately I think during the course of,the year we have definitely seen lots,more caution I think concern within the,industry within society as a whole as to,how we are going to navigate through,current the situation we're in now so I,think it's that's been interesting but,obviously that that has been a bit of a,change across the way that we view the,business and like what we should be,focusing on so I think because of that,change the year for us has been we're,working really hard and doubling down on,reassurance stability close to,Partnerships I've saw that at the Mexico,this year actually a lot of the,conversations I had with our clients,were they want to work with Partners,where they really exist in trust they,can see there's transparency they have,clear understanding of whether what the,roadmap looks like and I think it's,become in a world that we live in now I,think that preferred partnership and,closer partnership has become even more,important so that's been a like a real,key difference I've seen throughout the,year and obviously something that we're,happy to be more involved with I think,in terms of like outside of,macroeconomic and more into the industry,there's obviously been a lot of growth a,lot more so let's say lots of talk,around CTV and I think that we've made,there's some interesting developments,there as well which hopefully we'll talk,about in the upcoming panel the we've,also seen a big Focus around efficiency,and how to be there is there's a there's,a limited amount of Supply in the,industry there's demand and then there,is the most efficient pipes and paths to,connect those two Partnerships those two,sides together so efficiency in time has,become incredibly important from our,point of view I think that's really the,key things I'd say anyone want to go,next absolutely the preferably I've seen,close Partnerships and stuff maybe,Susanna from from your perspective from,the biotide and taxes for the airport,certainly I can build on What Sarah Said,in terms of it's been a year of two,halves I'd actually say it's been quite,a roller coaster year so absolutely,companies had the wind in their sales,coming out of Q4 there was strong,performance reports posted in H1 but,already towards the end of Q2 we saw,those macroeconomic impacts that were,just touched on starting to take a,impact and interestingly when I wa

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Programmatic Advertising Basics - Explained using DAYTIME TV!

Programmatic Advertising Basics - Explained using DAYTIME TV!

programmatic advertising can seem like a,really intimidating and complex thing to,understand,especially when you're first starting,out in the advertising industry,and even if you've been in the industry,for some time,especially you who's been blagging it,for far too long now it took me a while,to properly get programmatic advertising,but getting the basics under your belt,is a lot less complicated than you think,welcome to media imposter my name's jack,and i'm here to help you make sense of,advertising,creativity and careers there's quite a,lot of information out there explaining,programmatic advertising,but for me it's not always the most,accessible and especially when you're,starting out it can be hard to get to,grips with it,so today i'm going to try and explain,the basics of programmatic advertising,using storage wars that's right storage,wars,the so bad it's good behemoth of daytime,tv,that you watch when you're hungover by,the end of this video you're going to,understand the basics of what,programmatic advertising is,understand some of the jargon and,acronyms that you run into along the way,and understand why we use it as a method,for buying media,now this video isn't exhaustive but the,aim today is to try and help you to,understand the basics,so that you can go on and do further,research yourself,so let's start by explaining what it is,so when you're lying on the sofa,scrolling through an article about how,doomed the world is today with your,dorito dust covered fingers,or about to watch a video explaining,what programmatic advertising is,chances are that the adverts that you,see in and around this content,were put there or served as we like to,say in media,programmatically in the early days of,digital advertising,if a brand like say coca-cola wanted to,advertise on a website for example,the guardian their agency would call up,the guardian sales team,and buy a block of impressions for a set,period of time then whilst the activity,was live,it didn't matter who you were if you,went on the guardian you would see,an advert for coca-cola nowadays things,are a fair bit more sophisticated than,that,when you see an online display or banner,ad when you,listen to your favorite music via a,streaming service,or when you watch a video online like,this one it's extremely likely that it,will serve to you,based on the enormous sack of data that,you,drag around after you as you traverse,the internet you're all right jack,whatever get on with it how does it work,this is where storage wars comes in if,you've ever watched this show,you'll know it's all about the fast,talking american auctioneers,selling off storage units full of,potential treasures,to different teams who are trying to,make the greatest profit,the auctioneer will open up the storage,unit,and the teams will be able to assess the,contents from the outside without going,in,then they have an incredibly fast paced,auction to determine which team will get,the unit,and the contents within now i want you,to imagine that process carried out in a,fraction of a second,and you've got the fundamentals of,programmatic advertising,it's known as real-time bidding or rtb,this is the process by which ad,impressions are valued,bid upon and then sold programmatically,now if you take the storage wall teams,these guys represent the dsps or demand,side platforms,in the show they're making bids in order,to buy the contents of the storage units,dsps are tech platforms that allow,advertisers to bid,on ad impressions in real time examples,of dsps would be the trade desk,rocket fuel or google doubleclick if we,look at the storage units themselves,these represent the ssps or supply side,platforms,in storage wars these make the valuable,contents that they hold within,available to the teams who want to buy,them an ssp,is a platform that allows programmatic,advertising inventory to be made,available,to the highest bidding advertiser,examples of ssps,would be google ad manager rubicon,or app nexus then you've got the,ridiculously fast talking auctioneers,these guys the equivalent of what we,call the ad exchange,the auctioneers facilitate the selling,of the contents of the storage units,the ad exchange facilitates the selling,of programmatic advertising inventory,and it can be accessed via a dsp or an,ssp,now when the storage unit is opened up,the teams have to try and work out the,value of the contents within the storage,unit,by standing at the front and sort of,looking in and peering about,they then have to essentially gamble on,what they'll uncover,in real time bidding the data used from,a dmp,or data management platform is used to,value the ad impression that the dsp is,going to bid on,this means that whilst in storage wards,they're gambling when it comes to,programmatic advertising,advertisers are able to determine with a,great deal of certainty what the right,ad impressions are to bid on,some examples of dmps would be nielsen,or salesforce,dsps then adjust the bid level based on,the

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Get started with programmatic advertising today!

Get started with programmatic advertising today!

welcome to the premiere episode of,sheldon cooper presents fun with flags,facebook ads have revolutionized the way,people advertise online with billions of,people accessing the platform every,single month that's actually how most,startups and e-commerce businesses were,introduced to paid advertising to target,their peers and friends as users but how,can you expand your reach to those who,don't use facebook or any other social,media for that matter you may have heard,of programmatic advertising and if you,haven't don't you worry we'll take you,step by step it's gonna be fine but,first and we gotta do it because we're,on youtube um hit the subscribe button,if you're interested in hearing more,marketing hacks and don't forget to,click the bell to be notified every time,we upload,and if there are any questions just,leave them in the comments down below,and,alright so programmatic advertising is a,relatively new way to advertise and it,uses automation real-time bidding and,data optimization to ensure that your,ads are being shown to the right people,at the right time more importantly with,programmatic advertising you can,advertise on the open internet and on,websites where people go to for,information or entertainment anyways now,for some reason many people still think,that programmatic advertising is only,for large companies with big budgets and,like tons of money but that isn't,necessarily true and i'm here to tell,you how even small businesses and,startups can make use of programmatic,advertising just like the big guys do,number one dsp,let's talk about a demand side platform,when you choose to advertise on the open,internet by the way when we say open,internet we just mean not social media,essentially and you use programmatic,that is when you need a dsp a dsp is a,software solution that allows you to buy,different advertising formats across,different channels based on real-time,targeting criteria,several big platforms offer dsps for,example google or xander there are also,some self-serve dsp platforms available,today with varying degrees of,sophistication usability requirements,and they're either powered by large dsps,or smaller indie platforms number two,supply you want to work with a demand,side platform that can help you get,access to all the major exchanges and,supply sources all of them generally,offer global reach and access to,inventory from major exchanges however,and that is a big however,the differences between dsps should be,evaluated based on the quality of,traffic inventory quality is oftentimes,overlooked and that can lead to poor,performance and missed opportunities and,we don't want to do that right right,number three costs if you work directly,with a dsp or you outsource the campaign,management to an agency in most cases,you will have to pay a fee that comes,out of the overall spend that goes,through the system in many cases it will,also require a minimum monthly or annual,spend in order to sign an agreement or,maintain the original platform fee rates,now if you aren't willing or able to,commit a large amount of money per month,you may want to consider a self-serve,platform that provides the same services,for you but at a much lower price point,self-serve dsps are platforms that,enable you to create and automate,campaigns all by yourself without the,need for a dedicated media buyer so if,you can do all of your bidding targeting,and optimization yourself then a,self-serve platform is a great option,for you for example app persona is a,complete self-serve dsp powered by,xander that offers you a chance to,develop and grow your own programmatic,campaigns in real time with only a,monthly subscription fee and without any,commitment or minimum spend with,aprizona you can manage monitor and,optimize your campaigns and get them,working as planned without a hitch you,have the same tools as the big guys,along with the flexibility to set your,own campaign goals and spend all for one,flat rate now if this sounds too good to,be true i don't blame you it does sound,pretty cool huh,but i suggest you just go ahead and try,it out for yourself and sign up for free,on persona dot io thank you so much for,watching and i'll see you next time bye

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