in this tutorial i'm going to give you a,practical introduction to the tick tock,ads api,so at first we're going to learn how to,get access to the ticktack ads api then,we'll examine your account campaigns ad,groups and ads,then you'll learn how you can report on,your ads and lastly how you can find the,best performing ad by ad spend,so this tutorial is targeted,at marketers,who,run some type of tick tock ads and,should be ideally comfortable in a,somewhat technical environment so,maybe you're a spreadsheet pro or you've,dabbled with some,some sort of apis before,maybe you have some programming,experience um,yeah but you must feel somewhat,comfortable,with these terms and,with accessing your tick tock ad account,programmatically,but this introduction will guide you,step by step through how you can do this,yourself,so before we get started,we need to get access to the tiktok ads,api and,if you watched one of our other,tutorials on the facebook ads api it was,very straightforward to get an access,token by creating an application and,then working with a facebook graph api,explorer,on ticktop on ticktalk it's not so easy,so,in order to,make your first api call through the,ticktalk ads api what you need to do,first is register as a developer,then get approved which usually takes a,few days,and then,use your credentials to create an access,token but let's get started,so first of all um you can go to,,marketing api,and you could should get to a page that,look uh looks some something like this,um this is the home page uh over here,and if you have not created a tick tock,account before there should be a button,here saying register as a developer,and once you've registered as a,developer so you go through a few,different steps here,once you've registered as a developer,you can go and create an app so i'm,going to go to my apps over here,and as you can see i previously already,created,two apps one that we actually use in our,business the kitchen io app and then we,have the kitchen i o demo app which i,specifically created,for this tutorial,i will just run you through how you can,create your own app as well,so first of all let's go over here,create new so,first we need to give it a name so i'm,just going to call this the kitchen,aisle demo at,number two,and yeah,we need to provide a short description,um,we want to,pull some reporting data,all right that did not work,kitchen io demo app number two,pull some reporting data,so these two things are fairly,straightforward now we have two more,points that may,are not so straightforward for you,so we have the advertiser redirect url,and we have the scope of permissions,the advertiser redirect url,is the place where ticktalk will send,advertisers after connecting their ad,account to your app,of course in our case we just want to,create an app that we use ourselves so,there is no advertiser connecting their,ad account this is just us,connected on our own account so you can,just put your home page here i'm just,going to put hours as well,and then we need to select some scope of,permission so in order to protect,advertisers which again in our case is,not so relevant but technically in order,to predict advertisers from accidentally,sharing crucial information with a third,party app like the kitchen io app,the api access is broken up in different,scopes that means if you want to build,an app for other people to use that can,create ads or that can report on ads or,upload assets or something like that,then you can specify what type of,permission is relevant in our case,we can ignore the ad account management,part this would only be relevant if you,were building an app that was about,sharing access to your accounts or,something like that in our case we just,want to do ad management so we want to,read out campaign information etc,we want to be able to report so all of,the reporting levels are relevant and,then,if you,also want to create an ad we also need,creative management in order to upload,videos or images,and that's it so as you can see there,are a bunch of different,scopes of permissions here as well so,for example things like automated rules,things like add comments etc and those,are not really relevant right now,for us for this intro tutorial but feel,free to select anything or everything,as you please and then,once you hit confirm i'm not going to do,this now but once you hit confirm um you,will see that your app will be pending,and this usually takes two to three days,um so,if you're hitting confirm now,stop the video right now and get back to,us in uh two to three days,hopefully you're back and,watching again after two to three days,after being approved so this is what,this should look like for you you'll see,an app id over here,a verification status and a secret and,let's,now,go through the steps of,generating an access token,from our credentials,so i'm going to go open up the this app,over here and what we can see now is,that we have an app id we have a sec
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TikTok Ads API Tutorial: Ad groups, Ads and creating a report
TikTok Ads API Tutorial: Ad groups, Ads and creating a report
so now that we have,successfully,gotten our access token and we were able,to get some campaign data for one of our,ad accounts let's actually move through,the other steps a little bit more,quickly and if we look over here,at my,blog article what we can see is that the,next step in our list is to get all ad,groups belonging to a tick tock campaign,and what we want to do after is once we,have,the ad group we want to get the ad or,get ad level data,for this particular,ad set or number of ads and we just want,to take a look at what does the data,look like what does the reporting data,look like can we,spot some similarities to something like,facebook for example,so i'm just going to,start over here so as before let's,revisit what we did,in our other in our previous video so we,were pulling data from,the,campaign,from our ad account on campaign level so,the structure that we used here was this,business api,we have version 1.2 and then we have,campaign get and then we use this,advertiser id,over here and we have a page size as,well and let's duplicate this request,over here,and do this call so let's just try this,i think it's called ad group so i'm just,going to try that same structure it was,a campaign before let's just see if that,works,looks like it does um so that's great,let's see,if we can figure out how we can get,data,just belonging to our just just ad,groups belonging to our particular,campaign that we set up,so let's go over here i'm going to go,over to the official documentation and i,can see there is some campaign ids,filter that we can apply and let's take,a look at the official documentation so,we're here at the get ad groups part um,so if you need a refresher we were in,the api reference ad groups get ad,groups before we looked at the campaigns,and let's take a look at what of the,what are the fields that are available,so we can see that we have the,advertiser id this one we already,supplied and then we can,define what fields we want to get,by default all fields are returned,that's good for us and then we can use,filtering so,and filtering is an object so we need to,supply an object and then we need to,supply campaign ids as a list of as a,list of numbers so let's see if we can,do that over here,i'm going to add the,filtering parameter and then we need an,object,and this object should use campaign ids,and then now this is always the tricky,part uh do we now need just a list,um do we just need a list of ids or,is it,comma separated values so let's try out,a few things i'm just going to take,this campaign id over here,from our other request,and send that through,and now it says not a valid list which,is fair,so i'm going to try,just a list of integers,okay so that's where that that worked so,what we can see is that we supplied this,campaign id not in quotation marks but,just as is let's see if we could have,supplied quotation marks,that also works,let's see what is the difference here,i think there is no difference but maybe,we get these in a different slightly,different order,unsure about it um,so yeah but that works um i'm gonna use,the quotation marks because i think it's,a terrible idea to have,ids,um,formed as integers,so i want to keep these as strings so,this works fine uh looks like this is,how we can get some ad groups so let's,try um,the same i'm going to duplicate this one,and say get all ads,belonging to an ad group,and this really is also doing that so,i'm just going to rename this,belonging to a campaign okay,cool so now this should be pretty,straightforward now so we should just,pick an ad group that we uh got over,here so i'm just going to choose one,so this is the idea world copy over,let's try that so we should just change,the structure here so now we want to get,ad level data so we want to get the add,and instead of a campaign id filter i,want to supply an add group ids filter,and the ad group id i'm supplying is,this one,and it looks like that worked because we,only got back one uh ad so that looks,good,cool um so we have now successfully been,able to get,campaigns ad groups ads,belonging to different,different objects and if i wanted to you,know add a different filter here of,course i could,i choose not to and let's look over the,last step that we want to do so we got,ad groups belonging to a ticker campaign,and we got,all ads belonging to a tick tock app,group,so now let's take a look at the,reporting part so,let's say we,in this case we're now saying let's,create a report that gets ad level data,but we just saw actually that this,particular ad group just has one ad so i,don't really,need to get the reporting broken down by,add if there's just one there,so maybe we can actually get ad level,data,or asset level data entire across the,entire campaign because it looked like,there were a few more that we could,choose from,um so what we need is something called a,basic report and i'm not going to go,through our own blog article but i'm,just going to go through the
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TikTok Ads API Tutorial: Fetching campaigns data
TikTok Ads API Tutorial: Fetching campaigns data
so in the next step let's take a look at,examining our account campaigns ad,groups etc basically look at our tick,tock ad account via the api,and in order to make our first api call,what we need to do is make sure that,we're using the access token that we,created in the previous video and use,that to make our api call so i'm just,going to bring up insomnia over here so,we had our first,call over here where we,requested our access token with our auth,code secret and app id and we got back,the access token so i'm just going to,copy,this over here,and let's,prepare a new request,over here,so in order to make an api request to,tick talk we need to pass in,the,access token as a header argument,so it needs to say access token and then,our access token and then we need to,specify the content type as well as,we're passing in json,and that's it this is what our every,request will look like so all we need to,do now is figure out what type of,requests we want to make,um so let's go over to the official,tiktok,documentation,and i am now in the campaign management,part of the documentation you can see,here where there is an overview and,there's some api reference as well let's,start with the overview,and let's start with the campaign,structure so this is something you may,already be familiar with if you're,running ads on take talk yourself but as,we know this from facebook or google we,have a three-tiered structure so we have,a campaign an ad group sometimes this,will be called ad set on other platforms,and then we have an ad and we can see,the different parameters or attributes,that are being defined on each level so,we have objective and budget and,campaign level,we have,also budget on ad group level so there,seems to be a possibility to set this on,either level the promoted object right,what are we advertising the placement um,the audience,and then of course bidding and,optimization and then on ad level we,have add format the actual creatives,that we're using text call to action etc,so it looks like creatives here in this,case are referring to videos and images,because text and call to action is,mentioned separately on facebook for,example when facebook refers to,something to uh to,as an ad creative uh that,technically means the entire user facing,part of the ad so the video image but,also any text the url etc,cool,so,um,let's,dive into the api reference over here,and let's take a look at some sample,sample request so we can we can actually,get all campaigns i think this may be a,good starting point,to get all campaigns belonging to an,account,all right and what we can see here is,that in order to get the campaigns we,have this request address over here,which is what we can simply copy,and use in our request i'm just going to,copy that over here,this is now my,request and i'm going to rename it to,get all campaigns,cool so of course right now there's no,way for the api to know what,ad account i actually want to use this,for,so,in order to,find out what your,what your,ad account,might look like i've prepared something,over here,so as we can see if you are in your,tiktok ads manager,you can see,maybe you see some data here maybe not,if you haven't run any ads recently,but what you can do is you can simply,head over to the,top of the,url and let me bring this into view,so in the url we can see that there is a,parameter called aadv,and this is actually the advertiser id,or also called account id and so in the,interface this may be called account id,via the api it's usually called,advertise id so i'm just going to copy,this over,move this back,into place,and let's figure out,how we are supposed to make this api,call so,as you can see here,in our request header we need to add the,access token which is what we already,did before i'm not going to,reuse this or show you how to do this,every single time,because this is always the same,but what is important is what are the,request parameters and in particular,what are the required request parameters,so as you can see,next to advertiser id it says required,we can scroll down a little bit seems to,be that that is the only,uh the only required field so let's just,add it over here,on insomnia,and,do that over here,advertiser,id equal to this,so let's see if that works,and yeah indeed it does seem to work so,we added the field advertiser id as a,url parameter over here let's see if we,can also pass it through as the body,adjacent body,sometimes this makes it a little bit,easier to,to add multiple,fields and attributes,okay so that doesn't work so it seems,like this we need to use this as a url,parameter so that's what i'm going to do,advertiser,with a question mark,id equal to,this and we have no body,alright fantastic so as we can see,we can now get we are now getting back a,response and it looks like we got,a code saying,zero which means there's no error we got,a message saying okay we have a request,id for this request that we just made,and then the actual output lives in this,da
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TikTok Ads API Tutorial: Creating Campaigns, Ad Groups and Ads
TikTok Ads API Tutorial: Creating Campaigns, Ad Groups and Ads
in this video i'm going to show you how,you can create campaigns ad groups and,ads,via the tick tock ads api,in this video i'm going to be following,the blog article that you can find on,the kitchen i o page,and in this case we'll be going through,multiple different examples to upload a,video,and image creative to tick-tock then,create a campaign,and add group via the tiktok ads api and,then lastly use all of that information,to create the tick tock ad we will be,needing a campaign and ad group in order,to create an ad and we'll need to have a,video and a thumbnail image in order to,create the creative part of the ad,um so we'll go through this and,you don't have to read all of the text,here in my case i'm going to be using a,sandbox account if you don't have an,account on tiktok that's quite a good,idea,to get one because you can actually get,started playing around with the api,without needing to run any real ads,so in our case what we need to do is we,need to make an api call to this,endpoint,so it is the file endpoint file video,add upload endpoint,and we need to,submit four different parameters so,we need to define the upload type in our,case we're going to be uploading by url,so this is going to be an a video that,is stored on dropbox,then we need to submit a unique file,name and an advertise id of course,that's the account id that we need uh to,specify so the tick tock or the tick,tock ads api knows uh where the video,should be uploaded to,so let's just copy this over here,um and go to my insomnia so we can see,that on insomnia i've already entered,this uh particular information here so,we have our endpoint up above then we,have the advertiser id upload type and,you can see that the file name and the,video urls will show up as these,variables so let's make sure to replace,them,for the video i'm going to be using a,dropbox link and if you've ever shared a,dropbox link what you can do is,you can change the dl equal to zero at,the end to dl equal to 1 and then use,that as a media file link so this is,what i'm going to do,instead here i'm just going to replace,my variable,and then i need to supply a name so in,this case i'm just gonna call it my,youtube demo video,one two three,cool so we need to make sure that this,is a unique name otherwise tick tock,will throw an error,but let's try this out,so we can see it takes a second,this is to be expected because it is a,quite large file of 20 megabytes or so,and as we can see we get a response here,so we get a video id at back and this,video id we will now,use to create an image so i'm just going,to duplicate my request over here i'm,just going to say upload image creative,and ultimately the request is going to,be pretty much the same right now we,don't need to supply a video but instead,an image,and of course we need to,uh give it a specific name,and,the url so in this case we want to,supply an image url and,i'm just going to give it a name,cool,so now let's make sure that we can,actually use this image url over here so,how do we do that well it looks like we,need to use this video id to get a,thumbnail,or what ticktar calls a poster,in order to use that to,get an image id and let's take a look at,the tutorial the written tutorial to see,how we do that,so we're done with the video over here,and yeah we got a response that look,very similar so what we need to do now,is we need to get,uh the video id information so we need,to get some more information about this,particular video um and supply it here,so you can see that the end point that,we're asking for is still file video ad,and then we have info,so let's compare that to the one here so,we had file video ad upload now we need,file video ad info and then you can see,that we need to supply the advertiser id,once more and the video id so the video,id now needs to be put into the url so,i'm just going to copy the entire,part over here,maybe without the get,so copy that part and let's go back to,insomnia and create one more request so,what we want to do is we want to get the,video creative,get video creative information maybe,and what we need to do here is we need,to do a get request,just going to duplicate the request here,and of course we don't need to supply a,body at all because we're passing with,the get request we're passing all of the,uh,information all of the parameters via ul,parameters and not via the body so i'm,just going to remove the body here,and what we need to know make sure is,that we actually supply the correct,video id um and also the correct,advertise id so i'm just going to do,that right now,click the advertiser id from here,and then,from the uploaded video let's copy our,video id,over here,and paste that,and that should be it so we should be,now making a request to the video ad,info endpoint,and as we can see we have our youtube,demo video that we uploaded previously,and we could see that it was just,uploaded we have an id,there is something about height and,width and here is the the part th
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How to set up TikTok events API
How to set up TikTok events API
hi guys this is ira from stape and uh in,this video i want to show how to set up,tiktok events api,ticktalk events api is a server-side,tracking from tiktok it's uh it is very,similar to facebook conversion api,um the main difference is that um tick,tock uh does not support,event the duplication for now,it means that if you already have tik,tok browser tracking setup and want to,implement server side tracking you need,to,pause,browser tracking,before you publish your server side,tracking,you need to do it because,if you do not pause browser tracking,your events will be duplicated uh what,does uh facebook conversion api and,ticktalk events api have in common,tick tock has their,click id,that,they use to,match,users and their interactions with your,ads,tick tock also use a user parameter to,match people who visit your website with,people in their database,all the information user information,that you send to tick-tock should be,hashed,and you can send user agent email,external id and,click id,okay,let's get started with setting up,tick-tock events api,to set up tick-tock events api you need,to have a tick-tock developer's account,it is easy,to,apply for a tick-tock developer's,account and from my experience they,usually approve your application within,one or two business days,you should start setting up,tick-tock events api inside the tiktok,ads manager,click assets and then events,you should click create a pixel and,add the name for this pixel,then select here manually install pixel,code,click next,uh then,here you need to like you must to select,developers mode,on the,on this second screen you need to enable,this advanced matching it's basically,you need it because,we will send user parameters from the,server to,increase the match quality of ticktock,events api,so,enable advanced margin and make sure,that these two are enabled and click,confirm,here,you will need to go to settings and,inside the settings you will see events,api settings,here you will need to have a,tick tock developer,app id,so,you,if you already have a tick-tock app,account you just need to pass your,app id here,if you do not have a developer account,here you have instructions how to create,it,okay i already have this account and i,will need to,add my app id let me find it,okay,this is my app id and,then once you added the app id you need,to click generate a,token,so,uh copy this one,and passed it somewhere we will need it,uh,for uh setting up tick tock events api,okay,so this part is done let's go to the,to the,server,gtm,so,all the setup of the for the ticktock,events api is done inside the google tag,manager server container,i already have it ready,and,if you do not have a gtm server,container we already have some videos,and,blog post on how to set it up,so once you set up a,server gtm,you will need to,send start sending data to the server,gtm,we also have a blog post on how to send,data through from web to the server gtm,and um,most of the time we're using two methods,uh the first method is uh using google,analytics for and the second method is,using,data tag and data client,okay,i will start with setting up a,tick tock,uh pixel inside the dictionary tiktok,events api inside the server container,um here you will need to,add a,a new tag,we created a tag for tik tok events api,you can find it inside the server gtm,template gallery so we just click here,search gallery,and,here we will have yeah tick tock events,api this one,and,click edit to your workspace,and then you should go to tags and,create this tag,in this example i want to show how to,set up a purchase event,oops there's the wrong one,so select tag type purchase,the event name,select event name so yeah um tick tock,has some standard event names and they,do not have a purchase event they have,an event place order,uh here you will need to add your access,token that we've generated inside the,tick tock events manager this one,i will use a variable,and then you need to add the pixel id,cd,i will add it as a variable as well,for setting up,a tiktok events api so,i will create a new trigger,um,j4,purchase,and,it will,be a custom trigger uh it should trigger,every time when client name x equals j4,and,event name,equals,purchase so how to,find um,like how to understand what,trigger you should add here,let me show you my web google tag,manager,inside the web gtm i have a ga4,server side,you see here that i have three tags,the first tag is a configuration tag so,basically it's a must if you are setting,up ga4,and they have two other tags,the first tag is sending a page view,event and the second tag is,like enhance the comments tag,it,sends,it uses a data layer inside the web,google tag manager container,and,it sends data to the server container so,you see here that,i'm sending,all the,items,to,uh server container and i also have this,uh here a variable event id i'm using,this the same tag for setting up,facebook conversion api and,if you want to use,like browser and server tracking inside,
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How to get Tiktok Login Kit API
How to get Tiktok Login Kit API
all right so in this video i'm going to,show you how to get the tick tock,developers login kit api,so with this api you can,um you can allow your users login to,your mobile app or your web app with,their tick tock accounts they are tick,tock credentials and then they just,you just have that button logging with,tick tock on your site and it's just,easy so,for you to do this first of all you have,you you need to have a developer's,account,on tick tock so what you do is go to, let's dive right,in,developers all right,there you go,so if you didn't have a developer,account you would have to create an,account,so i already have an account so i won't,be asked to log in,come here you click on get started and,then you create an account whatever i'm,already logged in so i'll be asked to,create a new app so after creating an,account you just have to click on get,started,and then you integrate your app so,the first thing is you have to choose an,icon for your app and then,we'll do that,let us use something,like this,okay,and then you choose your app name let us,what do we use let us use,helis,okay,so,heal it doesn't exist you're just using,it for the test and then you click on,start,okay,so,you fill in this form,and then you watch the application,status,all right so for hilly's the platform,we're going to be using it on the web,the web app or mobile app,let us use a web app and then,our application name is our official,website let's say he leaves,io,the description,is,for all,okay privacy policy she needs,dot i o slash privacy,this should be on your website,you just put the link to your,so this page is your privacy policy page,on your website,sorry https,please use the https www the full,link to your site,and then category,let's choose any of these categories,let's say utilities okay utilities terms,of service,please,oh damn,sorry but i owe slash names,callback url,okay slash callback,then they redirect domain,now,you have to choose a,a slogan you are real,something like,red,or redirect,so that's so that when users click on,your on that button login with ticktalk,this this becomes a slog for them to,authenticate and login with tiktok,before they are sent back to your mobile,app so just we just use https,www.please,or you can use,red if you want,i like to use red we can redirect and,then,wait okay that way,use that basic information so what do,you want to get from tick tock with this,user basic information you can check,their profile and their username and,that's all then with the video list,if you if you check this button it means,that,you can you can get,a list of their videos on tick tock,that you can get a list of their videos,on twitter you can read their videos,something talk and with this when you,check this it means that okay you can,allow them upload,videos from your mobile app or your web,app to tick tock,then that's the shadow tick tock,function so,woods okay let's see we need all of them,or we need only,these,we just want to,be able to go through their tik tok,videos so they can import their tiktok,videos from tiktok to our mobile app,that's our web rather so let's ask for,this before the interview to make videos,on your web app and share to tick,talkers send to their tiktok profiles,you can check this also so reason,we,and i use to be,able,to stick,login to our web,so that's,it when you're done you click on submit,it is as easy as that don't let you,click on submit,your,moment you click on submit you have to,wait for approval,okay,okay it said uh redirect domain contains,prefix we weren't supposed to add,this,okay,submit,all right so you wait for approver,okay um i think something's wrong here,let's see,okay let us just leave it at,hillis dot iowa let's see if that works,okay,all right so our request has been,submitted,and then please view your developer,portal for your current status so let's,go check out developer portal is up here,and then you see application status it's,under review of course they will not,they will not approve this because this,is a test so they are going to check,those links and make sure those links,are working so on your website make sure,those links are already working and then,you can apply,for,a tick-tock,um log-in kit api so with this api,they'll do you your users will be able,to,to log into your mobile app,with their tick tock account,so that is its thing
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How to request ad report data through API? | Beginner Friendly | Microsoft Bing API
How to request ad report data through API? | Beginner Friendly | Microsoft Bing API
if you are new to api and want you to,give it a try through python here is a,tutorial that will show you from the,very beginning to the end to make your,first api call so to request data,through api you will need a few things,the first thing is a developer token the,developer token can be requested from,the ad account that you won't need to,get the answers from and the second,thing is to register an application,the application allows you to,authenticate user and request user,consent,for the app to access the account data,and manage the data requests once you,have the developer token and the,application id which is also called,client id you will be able to request,the access token that allow you to,request access to the ad account data,that you or the user just provided,content have access to,the next thing you'll need is a virtual,python environment and install the bin,as sdk,the virtual python environment will help,you install the bin add sdk and also,execute the libraries and models inside,that sdk in a python script,and with all what i just mentioned you,are ready to make your first api call,before we get started i'm jocelyn i'm a,data analyst passionate about data,analytics and software engineering,topics i hope we both can learn,something together,so imagine you wanted to see how to do,bing ads api so google search this and,then click on the microsoft,documentation,then you should go to sandbox one good,thing about sandboxes here highlighted,as you created in sandbox,are not served so it means you are not,going to charge for those ads that you,created but they will still provide you,some dummy data so you can practice so,let's set it up the sandbox environment,follow the steps so you need to go to,this,on this page as you see it has a sandbox,domain in the front so here whenever you,enter account or,sign up for a new one it's all inside,this um,sandbox environment and we'll create a,test account instead of the real one,so you put you click on get a new email,address so as you see here this domain,is also uh to show that it's a sandbox,domain because it's not the normal,outlook email address so let's put in,jocelyn,chen test,we'll just put in the,as well as you would for annual accounts,and then you don't,and then just put some domino dental you,should be flying for the test account um,for example,okay,just follow through this steps,okay and you need to put alternate um,email address we can send you,authentication code so we'll do,contact jocelyn,chen,,put in the authentication,so here is the paradigm as you see,you'll have to,uh enter these email address finish the,workflow by specifying the breadth of,your user security information and you,do need to create an actual i mean not,an actual the test as account,and for import create it tell you to,skip campaign creation for good lives,give payment information,so,we have to follow these steps,but you can put whatever you want,okay seems working,let's wait,great so you are now in the import um,create champion,uh you have option to import from google,as like in the real world um but for now,we want to create a new campaign even,though it's it in the instruction tool,to skip but um because we do want to get,some test data so we have to add a,keyword at this one keyword for the uh,dummy data flows in so we just try doing,the minimalist weekend,and let's just create an s,okay so,for,this is how you would create an ad,in a real town so let's just try,holding this documentation as the as,link and how i for example say,as a gpi,to,orville and then we said um,api send box,they,i remember i think they need at least,three headlines so we put one more so,for example no cold,experience,friendly,local experience friendly and then path,we can skip it description you say that,make your first,api call,uh in minutes,and see um,let's say beginner,this will come okay,so let's see if we can save it like this,okay now is the key part because,um you need to add some keywords let's,say bing ads api and api,why is that okay api sandbox,okay,budget you just put in whatever because,as long as you don't um,you don't put the actual payment method,you're good right let's see if that let,me take it,okay great,so for this is the one that you you do,wanted to skip just give it,and then we should go to the ad account,great you see the search campaign one is,created and if you,um,click on the search campaign you should,go to the ad groups,just the active one and then you should,go through the keyword level that's the,two keyword we're trying to test okay,let's go back to the instruction and,based on what i've read previously so,i think there are some,good reminder information i provided at,the bottom reporting services so when,you create a keyword test performance,there should be generated within a few,hours based on my experience if it not,taken too long you you can check out the,uh the next day and the data should be,there,and the other thing to know is um test,data is generated
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Using TikTok API for Social Media Listening
Using TikTok API for Social Media Listening
hello today's video is about how you can,use the reppy state iq api to data mine,tik tok,now i created a very simple,python client to the repstate iq,api you don't need to do use any,language you can just use curl the api,is really straightforward you can take a,look,docs but,in this example i've written something,in python it'll make the demo a little,bit easier to follow so let's fire up,python,let's import what we need,and the first step is to create a,project in repute all data lives inside,of a project so i'm going to create a,project i'm going to give it a name i'm,going to call it tick tock,demo video,and we got our id that now that it's,been created so this actually made an,api call to repci iq create a project,and it returns the id now we're going to,make our actual request,so we're going to tell the rep state iq,api,to fetch into a project so here's the id,of the project and now we have to tell,it what we want to fetch,i found this uh interesting video on,tick tock of this girl who eats a lot of,mcdonald's and then she films it and uh,i thought that was interesting so i'm,gonna ask the api to go fetch that video,and all of its comments and all the,metadata,run it through our machine learning,pipeline and then we'll see the results,after,so i'm going to make my request here,and i get a request id back,now our api is asynchronous which means,the data reque doesn't come back,instantaneously it happens,after a while,how long depends on how much data there,is how busy our queue is usually it's,about maybe 30 seconds a minute but we,can check our status with this id,so,i'm going to ask the client to check the,status and we'll see what it says,so it says it's still running no data,points added yet now if you were doing,this yourself you could have a like a,back off loop that kind of checks the,status sleep for a bit check the status,sleep for a bit etc until the status,changes to complete and then the summary,here will tell you what exactly we,ingested,so let's check again,it's still running,we'll check back in about 30 seconds and,we'll see what's going on,okay it's been about a minute and a half,let's check,there's our,status now it's been changed to complete,and the summary tells us that 1891,comments have been added from that one,video,so now we can actually again using the,api we can query this so we pass in the,project id from before,and let's start with something simple,let's just say,we want the sentiment so we want only,positive sentiment,and we're going to,pretty print the results,and so we got,the first page of our results so in,total there are 396 positive comments,but you can paginate through it um so,that you don't have to consume,everything all in one shot now you can,see here's the positive sentiment score,our repute does sentiment between minus,one and one so that one is positive,now let's do uh let's do a search a,keyword search,so i'm gonna search for,quarter pounder,and i did a pretty print again and so,here you know the size of the burgers,amazes me cheeseburger is like our,quarter pounder now you see repci iq,not only does it get the comment,it gets the original,metadata so it tells you how many likes,how many views how many shares for this,comment,but it also tags the entities and the,topics within the text so it tags canada,the united states cheeseburger as food,quarter pounders food so not only are we,fetching data we're augmenting it with,as much data as we can with as much,metadata as we can,via our machine learning algorithms for,both sentiment,and named entity recognition,so if you do or if you are interested in,kind of more engagement metrics,we can also,fetch,uh based on um likes,so we can do this we'll,still pretty print because true we still,want the results to be printed printed,nicely but we'll do this so let's say,sort,by metadata likes,so what this tells our engine is,get all the data you can for this,project but sorted by how many likes,there are and that metadata double,underscore likes is is the special way,we refer to metadata,uh an attribute within metadata so i,could have done views i could have done,shares for these tick tock comments,and if we just scroll up now to the,first comment here it's,always so impressed by you this is by,mcdonald's canada themselves this is,their official channel,positive sentiment and you can see 198,000 likes so this is by far the most,liked comment on this video,so that's a very brief uh introduction,to how you can just use the api to drive,tick tock analytics with repstate iq,head on over to you can,sign up for a trial and you can see this,video and some sample code as well thank,you
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