My TikTok Interview Experience in Singapore (and why I accepted their offer)
today's video is going to be a little,different,i want to share with you about an,experience i had recently,and i hope that it will be useful to you,a couple of weeks ago i was on linkedin,searching for a new job,and then i came across this role that,was posted by ticktop,talent acquisition specialist,i wasn't too sure if i wanted to join a,china-based company due to several,factors,one,cultural differences as i'm currently,working in a local company,and two,stability of operations as they had just,set up their office in singapore despite,these factors i also knew that i wanted,to,one work in a regional role,two,do tech recruitment,and three to find a job in the internet,industry,so i applied for the job,anyway,besides i found on glassdoor that they,paid pretty good money,about a week later i received a whatsapp,message from their recruitment,coordinator in china she scheduled the,interview with me over whatsapp and i,attended the first round of interview,the interviewer was a talent acquisition,lead based in singapore many of the,questions she asked were situational,testing for my problem solving skills,examples would be,if you had to hire 100 developers in one,year what are some of the metrics you,will use,if at the end of one year you have only,managed to hire 30 of your recruitment,targets what will you do next,what are some sourcing avenues you use,to higher niche positions,how will you roll out a staff referral,program,if your quantity or referral,applications are too high what will you,do to streamline the search to improve,the quality of applications,after the first interview,they contacted me again in about two,days,to arrange a second interview but the,thing is,they wanted to offer me a 12-month,contract role instead if i were to pass,the second interview,usually when companies do this,the likely explanation is that they did,not find my experience good enough for,their permanent recruiter role and they,have some doubts about hiring me for,that position,by offering a contract they can observe,my performance for a year,before converting me to a permanent role,this is a great solution for companies,if they have a candidate they are unsure,of,but they believe have potential to be,groomed,i was quite hesitant to say yes to the,contract role mainly because i didn't,want to leave my comfy government job,for something so unstable,but i actually went ahead with the,second interview in the end as i wanted,to find out more about the potential,renumeration they can offer,the second interview was pretty much the,same as the first and they asked similar,questions,a couple of days later i received,another message from their recruitment,coordinator in china saying they wanted,to offer me i waited two days for them,to get back to me and then to my,nightmare they wanted to arrange me for,a third interview with another one of,their talent acquisition lead they told,me the reason is that they have an,overwhelming number of candidates for,this role and we need one more round of,interview to decide,at the end all three interviews i,attended had lasted around 50 minutes,each,they were really thorough in their,questioning,one week later i received a phone call,from their partner recruitment agency,offering me the role,it was a one-year contract with plans to,convert me full time at the end of it,the salary it was a 20,increment from what i was currently,getting,i quickly jotted down the pros and cons,of taking up the row,the cons,it was a contract rule therefore dropped,instability,the benefits such as annual leave and,medical were way less than what i was,currently getting,i knew that this role would be a lot,harder and more hectic as the company,was expanding really quickly in,singapore,but what eventually led me to accept the,job and leave my permanent position,would be,one my boss said tick-tock she was,patient and kind throughout the process,when i voiced out my concerns regarding,it being a contract role and i'm pretty,confident that i would have a lot to,learn from her,number two it's an amazing opportunity,for me to step into the internet,industry,many of the fan companies i applied to,previously were not open to my,background as i did not have the,experience they wanted,and three of course the high salary,increment,it was a really hard decision for me,but eventually i decided that the pros,did outweigh the cons and i knew that it,was a step closer to achieving my career,goals,changing jobs is never an easy decision,to make,lay down your pros and cons like i did,and focus on your personal goals for,your career as cliche as it sounds ask,yourself where do you see yourself in 5,or 10 years time,overall i had an extremely pleasant,interview experience with tiktok and i,hope that this video will help you to,make your decision if you're currently,in a dilemma about changing jobs,you
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Ads Moderation Specialist at TikTok: Ayuna Dorzhieva (DMS)
Ads Moderation Specialist at TikTok: Ayuna Dorzhieva (DMS)
um,hiya junior thanks for joining me for,this um short short interview,um uh so you graduated just this year,um from masters in digital marketing um,and last two months you started working,with tiktok,uh last few weeks actually thank you,yeah so congratulations on that that's a,it's a really exciting company to be,working for,and the reason why i reached out to you,is because,you are uh you've experienced what it's,like to be job hunting,in a challenging marketplace,so you graduated in the middle of the,pandemic,so really unfortunate timing um but,yes you've you've managed to find a,fantastic opportunity,and also being an international student,you've had to go through the visa,process,um also during a lockdown so that was,harder to actually get access to the to,the relevant government bodies,um so it would be really interesting,just to hear a little bit about your,experience of job hunting in the current,market conditions um,i think like what we're looking at is,these the situation is going to stay,this way for a while,so for the new intake of students it,would be just great to hear,what tips suggestions advice you would,have,for students when job pointing in a,market like this what has been,experienced sure yeah so i started to,look for a job about two three months,ago,and i was applying for two positions,today i was really laid back because i,was still,working on my thesis so i didn't have,much time and i was only applying to the,jobs that i,kind of liked uh the new ones that,appeared every day so i think i applied,to probably like,60 jobs most of them didn't reply to me,and probably like five or ten replied,and scheduled an,interview and i've gone through a few,stages with different companies,and i received two off,first one was from tick tock and another,was from for a translation position,somewhere in cork,and i didn't really want to move to cork,so i yes,and i like tick tock so i joined tick,tock recently,um yeah i don't really have much,tips about the interview process because,most of them didn't turn out good so i,don't think i'm in a position to give,any advices,the only thing i would highlight is just,to prepare and to check,the company's culture and what they,value and their,um mission of,of the company uh i did not go through,the visa,process uh because tick tock said that,they're gonna take,care of it so they require they,yeah that's very convenient yeah so they,asked me for a list of documents to send,to them,and i'm kind of working on that,gathering my ppsn,and stuff like this so and after that,i'm gonna send it to them,and as far as i know as of now,they're gonna be working on it on their,own,um that's great so i don't really have,much,yeah so i don't have much advice on that,um yes so i just started so i don't,really have any,information about how it is to work at,tick tock so far it has been,uh fun and i'm just going through the,training process,but the fact that it's uh working from,home,it's a little bit different and,challenging so i didn't really see any,one of my colleagues,i just text with them and i don't really,know how they look like,i don't know how anyone looks like,pretty much so it's a bit uh,it does feel a little bit you know,hard to adjust but uh,yeah but i guess,soon it's all gonna be over hopefully so,yeah i'll get a chance to meet them in,person,which i'm very excited about good good,and so coming back to the job hunting,then you said you sent about,60 applications and you got maybe a,couple of interviews out of that so i,guess,the message the key takeaway there is,that you gotta be consistent and you do,have to,send quite a few applications uh before,you get get interviews is that kind of,the key takeaway for you,yeah yeah i think so i i actually wish i,started,earlier i yeah i did start in like,probably,june yeah um but i think i could have,started in like,may or something like that because,while thesis does take a lot of time um,you know job application takes like an,hour a day every morning so,i was a little bit probably scared of,the process so i was like delaying and,procrastinating on it,but i think applying just even like one,for one position a day,after month would you know get a few,interviews at the end of the,month so yeah i if i was to go back in,time and change it i would start,applying earlier,like i think a lot of other of my,classmates did,who started applying you know back in,like,april or something okay so okay,so you'd suggest april may is probably a,good time to start to start job monday,yeah i'd say so yeah,and even if you do get like a job offer,right away,i think it's still possible to manage to,do thesis,and work at the same time like i've,heard other people,from uh other last years aluminized a,few did that,and i know some people start doing that,this year as well so it,it is hard but you know,it's possible so it's kind of up to you,how,urgent it is for you to find a job so,if you have enough time of course you,can take a few months break and stu
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I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)
I Spent $600,000 On TikTok Ads In 90 Days (WHAT I LEARNED)
in the last 90 days i've spent over 600,000,on tick tock ads with our clients and,every day we're migrating more and more,budget over from facebook to tick tock,and in today's video i'm going to be,covering the top five ways you can learn,from the lessons that i have after,spending six hundred thousand dollars on,tick tock ads,hello everyone my name is chase chapel,your favorite digital marketer here,let's get into this video so these are,the lessons from spending 600 000,dollars in tick tock ads and i would,have been far better off if i had,already learned these lessons in advance,or had somebody to really guide me,through the process of understanding,what it is that make tick tock ads,convert how to structure the audiences,and all of the learnings that we've had,from other platforms to be able to be,successful on tick tock ads and that's,exactly what i'm going to be doing today,is i'm going to be walking you through,the top five things that are going to,allow you to be successful with tick,tock ads from the things that we've done,after spending 600 000 on tick tock ads,so let's go ahead and jump into the,first thing and start covering some of,the things you can do to actually,increase your overall conversions and as,you can see here we spent a little over,six hundred thousand dollars on testing,this far just in the last 90 days that's,about 148 million impressions from that,amount of spending about 2 million,clicks overall and so let's go ahead and,go over the tick tock adds creative best,practices so number one is videos with a,duration of 21 seconds to 34 seconds,have a 280 percent lift and conversion,yes you heard that right 21 seconds to,34 seconds if you literally just have,tick tock ads that are at least 21 to 34,seconds long,you automatically have a competitive,advantage over other tick tock,advertisers and the reason for this lift,and conversions is because that's enough,time for you to deliver information in a,concise way to the actual consumer that,might be purchasing your product or the,business that might actually be you know,choosing to work with your service and,you want to time it between 21 to 34,seconds you don't want it to be overly,long you don't want it to be overly,short,so definitely try to be within this,range because you are going to see much,better conversions by doing so and this,is data that ticktalk actually has from,you know hundreds of thousands of,advertisers that are actually already on,the platform and we're seeing this with,our results too videos that are between,21 to 34 seconds do actually convert,better,and we also see that the 9 16 aspect,ratio does help with lifting conversions,that is vertical video y'all you'll want,to make sure you have vertical video you,don't want to try to apply square video,and have these black spaces in between,the actual video you want to make sure,that these videos are actually vertical,tick tock is a vertical placement so you,want to make sure your content actually,fits for tick tock so make sure you have,a 9x16 aspect ratio in your actual,videos that is simply filming on your,phone that's the best way to do it to,actually keep the vertical video in,check and that resolution is actually,going to be higher and that actually,leads us to the next point if your video,is actually above 720p you're going to,see a 312 lifting conversion so if you,just apply these three things you're,going to see you know 280 lift and 91,left and even up to a 312 percent lift,in conversions by having hd video if you,upload a very low quality video the back,door is this you're likely going to get,much less conversions than other,accounts would and if you have ads that,are actually converting now with a low,quality video well if you just upgrade,the quality you could be seeing much,better conversions at the exact same,cost the next thing is number two and,that's tick tock user generated content,this is very big because you have,branded ads and you have spark ads,branded ads are essentially what you see,here this is an ad by go clove and you,know their shoe brand and they have,these actual you know branded outline,where it has the colors of their blue,they're green and the actual ad and it's,very branded and when you come across it,looks very much so like an ad these,types of ads do work to some degree and,you know do have good conversion rates,depending on you know how they're,actually flexing their brand and,actually driving you know consideration,and actually having people make the,conversion based off of what's actually,in the actual ad and you can see has 57,likes you know people are commenting,that they are interested in the product,which is a good thing but overall we're,seeing much better results with tiktok,spark ads and ugc content where we're,actually using user generated content in,the ads and that is a form of raw video,and user generated content is,essentially content that is created by,people or users instead of brands or,businesses now you can have pe
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🔥Why You Should (NOT) Join TikTok, or ByteDance 字节跳动, Management Career in Tech By Yolanda Yu
🔥Why You Should (NOT) Join TikTok, or ByteDance 字节跳动, Management Career in Tech By Yolanda Yu
Following the ban by US government and also India,
Bytedance is now coming to singapore and looking to ,hire over hundreds of people for the next three
years, and singapore seems to be the next headquarters ,outside china for their global expansion. Also on
linkedin alone i found over 53 jobs. I think the ,latest was actually just one day ago. So okay now
let's discuss why you should join bytedance and ,also why you should not. Let's start with why you
should. Number one, you may not know bytedance as ,a company but surely you have heard of tiktok or
you might have used them which is a high chance ,um so bytedance is the company behind tiktok and it's the currently the most valuable ,startup in the world. Today it's backed by a
few big names including softbank and sequoia ,so based on the information from cb insights
that was in april 2020 and they were valued at ,140 billion. Of course that was before the u.s ban
but even if considering that impact it will still ,be definitely the number one given that number
two are still far away ,they have a very strong competitive
edge in terms of technical capabilities ,so again in the cb insights version the company
is categorized under artificial intelligence which ,was to my surprise, because it could have been
categorized as online content entertainment social ,media or even into you know conglomerates
with education and all that so however on ,the second thought this makes a lot of sense
because everything the company does is thriving ,on its superior recommendation algorithms
and that makes the engagement sky high ,number three bytedance says many of their products
are born with global audience in mind and they ,have indeed also launched or acquired products in
many countries including the us brazil japan india ,and also southeast asia so this young company
was founded in 2020 headquartered in beijing ,the founder zhang yiming was saying he aspires to
have a company as borderless as google so indeed ,as google has proven to be technology seems to
be crossing borders much easier without having ,to stumble through the cultural barriers and
just like tiktok today is actually available ,in more than 150 markets and 75 languages and even
2 billion downloads of course if you compare that ,with facebook's 16 billion downloads they're
still shy but consider how fast the company ,is growing recently and also how young it
is it's not surprising that many people say ,tiktok has the potential to rival facebook in
the future number four so this is not what i say ,but on glassdoor almost everybody is
saying that the company has great culture ,smart people and a flat structure um very
good space scope for learning as well ,so one thing i observed interestingly though is
that a lot of these people are actually from their ,indian operations i'm just wondering i don't
know how many of those operations are still in ,force today lastly i think this is a very good
timing to to join from organizational structure ,perspective it looks like bytedance is trying to
formalize a kind of global organization outside ,china so which means they are also trying
to build an international talent reserve ,um that is what alibaba tencent have
been working on in recent years as well ,so uh given many chinese companies
main field is still in china the kind of ,overseas ventures are usually just a lot of
times they're just ventures without official ,or significant organization dedicated to the
international business then the overseas staff can ,be a bit sidelined in the sense that it's hard to
get resource or because of the location it's hard ,to get the trust and sometimes the headquarter
might just decide to terminate the entire mission ,pull out the operations because they don't
really have a long-term strategy in mind ,but in bytedance's case i think the hiring of
kevin mayer was already a good sign that they ,do have good commitment in the overseas business
on the other hand also my guess is their current ,structure might be more of a product centric
um and also a bit of a patchwork with all those ,independent acquisitions around the world so it
will be a time where the company is going through ,a lot of sort of restructuring effort and then
it would be a good time to join them now let's ,look at why you should not join them first of all
there is always a risk related to every move and ,obviously many things have happened in the past
few months with new CEO joined new CEO resigned ,in the u.s the entity was forced to be closed and
sold new suitors emerged and then refused to sell ,all this right and now oracle has come up to say
there will be a partnership that happens although ,i won't be buying the key algorithm so it's almost
like a drama every day there's a new development ,so you see when the com a company is caught in
between a world of sort of political cold war ,between two mega powers eve
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How We Recruit at ByteDance
How We Recruit at ByteDance
hi everyone i'm vito and i'm a business,recruiter for the trust and safety team,here at bydance,and i'm joanne a tech recruiter for the,research and development team,or otherwise known as rnt in today's,video,we will be covering three main topics,one our recruitment process two,what we look for in a candidate and,three how you can best prepare for your,interviews,but first let's take a little bit of,time to talk about what makes bite dance,such a great and innovative place to,work,to me what really stands out is the,organization's commitment to our six,core values,that shape everything that we do which,we call bite styles,these include aim for the highest be,grounded and courageous,be open and humble be candid and clear,always day one,and last but not least champion,diversity and inclusion,so jimin which bite style do you,resonate with the most,i definitely resonate with always day,one the most,what i love most about bite dance is the,autonomy to,allow myself to push my boundaries and,constantly think of ways to better,existing processes,and frameworks or even come up with,innovative solutions,the folks invite guns embrace change as,part of our rapid development,and see it as opportunities for us to,build and grow our organization,what about you vitto for me i'd say,champion diversity and inclusion is,close to heart here at bite dance we're,a truly global organization with over 50,000 employees worldwide who support a,vast array of global products,services and users and we arrived here,by bringing together,brilliant motivated individuals from all,walks of life,and carefully fostering an inclusive,culture where people can bring their,whole selves to work,every day if these bite styles resonate,with you and you want to join us in our,journey,here's how you can get started,the first step is to visit our careers,page find an opportunity that really,excites you and submit your resume,if selected a recruiter such as myself,joan or the rest of our recruitment team,will reach out to you to begin a series,of conversations,to learn more about your motivations,achievements,role related skills and any other cool,experiences that tell your personal,story,for r d each candidate will be required,to go through an online coding,assessment,should you pass the assessment you will,be invited to two to three rounds of,live coding technical interviews,where we will assess your thought,process problem solving ability,as well as your technical competencies,focusing on the speed and quality of,your code,during the interview you may answer the,questions in the programming language,you are most comfortable with,if you are proficient in multiple,languages it is recommended to code with,the one that provides the most optimal,or speedy solution to the problem each,of these interviews will last around 45,minutes,now that you know everything about,interviewing process,let's get you prepared for your,interviewing experience and how you can,best set yourself up for success,let's start with your resume here are my,top 3,recommendations to get your profile,noticed,firstly less is more ensure that your,resume,is clear and concise highlighting your,key achievements,if you have experience participating in,hackathons,case challenges or have worked in,academic research projects,we would love to learn more about them,secondly,indicate the measurable impact of your,relevant work experiences,and projects lastly include links to,your linkedin,github stack overflow or any other,relevant projects to showcase,any of the cool work you've done it,would also be great to indicate your,graduation year,which would help the recruiters review,your eligibility for the respective,roles,all fantastic tips on the resume juan in,terms of the interviews,first of all don't be nervous just be,yourself and if needed,build your confidence through your,preparation in business interviews,we like to ask a mix of behavioral and,situational questions,behavioral questions on one hand dive,deep into your past experiences,so think tell me about a time when for,these questions,be sure to think through the key,experiences you want to highlight,and organize your thoughts in advance,using the star framework which is,situation task action result,if this is a new concept to you we,encourage you to look it up,situational questions on the other hand,put you in situations that you might,encounter in the role to understand,how you would navigate them for these we,recommend,imagining yourself in the role and the,kind of challenges you may face,the key here is to stay composed walk,your interviewer,through your thought process be,structured be methodical,use data when possible and of course be,creative,to practice these find sample questions,online and run mock interviews with your,friends,do remember to prepare some insightful,questions for your interviewer,that demonstrate your interest in the,role and showcase your understanding of,the space,on the technical side you can also start,prepar
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How to Use TikTok Ads to Get Leads For Your Business
How to Use TikTok Ads to Get Leads For Your Business
i've been talking a lot in my videos,recently about how i'm finding facebook,ads a lot less reliable when it comes to,lead generation and reliable in general,when it comes to advertising,but advertising helps fuel the fire if,you watch my video subscribe to go and,get that if you if you watch my video,the other day where i talked about my,new campfire methodology,which talks about the new way to grow,with video in 2022 and beyond and you,can get the blueprint for that by the,way at,free blueprint um i talk a lot about how,instead of ads being the major,structure that drives everything it's,going to be i believe and what i'm,seeing in testing you're going to have,to spend a little bit of money on ads,and using organic to sort of blow,everything up there's a whole,methodology and training on that in that,blueprint if you grab it there,and what i'm using lately and having,success with is tick tock and,i've been testing facebook ads right,alongside it just to make sure that i,wasn't seeing the wrong numbers or,whatever it might be and while my tick,tock ad numbers are not exactly,mind-blowing,they are massively better than facebook,and they also are much more in line with,what i was willing to pay for similar,ads on facebook before so what i'm going,to show you in this video today is how,to run a lead generation campaign on,tiktok to build your email list i'm,going to show you exactly what i'm doing,all right okay so let's jump right into,it um so basically what i'm doing is i'm,driving leads to a very specific offer,it's just a download just a regular lead,magnus lead magnet thing and they're,going into my crm i use drip and then,they're going into an email sequence,to book a call with me obviously you,know to help join my ignite program to,help people build their videos their,build their business with video,and so what i'm doing on tik tok is,that's where i'm drawing like driving my,cold traffic here and i'm going to take,you inside of that,right now and then we'll go through um,after i show you the what what it looks,like here i'm gonna take you inside and,give you an exact process that you can,copy and paste and follow for yourself,so that you can start driving leads,through,uh through through tick tock ads so let,me show you what i'm seeing here,so this is my tick tock ads account,and,um i've been that's the ad level let's,go to the campaign level and i've been,doing a lot of testing and i'm still,testing to be honest with you,but here are the numbers that i am,looking at,so,fourteen thousand impressions on this so,far point four five percent clicks your,rate i'm actually seeing that tick tock,click-through rates are much lower than,the sort of regular one percent,benchmark that we're used to looking,used to looking uh used to looking at,used to be looking at what's wrong with,my what's wrong with the way that i'm,speaking,um,and you see it's a 11 cpa that's,relatively normal in business to,business um and i'm i'm not i'm not in,love with it i'd rather it was somewhere,close to seven or eight,but,on facebook you're lucky to get 20 21 22,these days because of the cpm and look,at my cpm number for b2b here,12.51 usd in all of my tests on facebook,and instagram ads over the past month i,have struggled so much to get cpms which,is the cost of advertising costs to,reach a thousand people,under,literally 60 70,and we're talking about 12 on tick tock,and i actually think this could be quite,improved and it probably it's better as,you drill down so this is the camp this,is the uh this is the campaign and i'm,running this to my you guys can get it,for free here if you just if you just,click the link this is what i'm running,a lead magnet to,but um,you can see here i tried a few different,audiences wasn't loving what i was,seeing and some of the other stuff tick,tock is very touchy about things getting,approved or not and what they like to do,is this,they like to half approve things it's,really weird but i don't see any impact,myself i'll let you know if i do see,impact but i'm actually not seeing any,impact from this partial,it's very strange it's very strange,um so you can see for this,um i spent 138 dollars here two dollar,cost per click or 267 cost per click,12 cpms 52 clicks point four six percent,ctr,uh 13 conversions at 10 68 right and,it's actually more than that because,data and ios 14 and all this stuff um,which is a 25 conversion rate et cetera,et cetera i'm also split testing landing,pages on the back end as well because i,always do that usually very different,landing pages and again as i said we're,sort of early on in this,and the numbers are not blowing you away,i'm sure but they are,really good compared to it's similar to,what you used to be able to get running,facebook and instagram ads,um and you just like you can't do that,now,um 2.40 costs so now as we drill down in,the creative so i tested a very short,creative,um,can i pre i can preview here i tested a,very very short creat
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My Salary Negotiation | eBay MSFT TikTok
My Salary Negotiation | eBay MSFT TikTok
hi guys it's shirley here,so i changed jobs somewhat recently and,i had to go through the entire,negotiation process,so today i thought i would share with,you you know,my personal negotiation process from,ebay to microsoft,to bite dance or tick tock as well as,some of the things that i used to help,me navigate the waters,and then lastly maybe share also,when is a good situation where you can,negotiate and when,perhaps you wouldn't be able to have,that opportunity to,so without further ado i hope this video,helps you,and let's get started so first,i want to cover quickly the situations,when,you can negotiate and when it's perhaps,not fitting to do so,so from my years of experience,i find the only situations where i had,the opportunity to really negotiate on,salary,to get more money is when you make the,job switch,and that's not even an internal drop,switch because generally with internal,job switches,you also have less leverage and you,are set in a specific band for instance,when i was at microsoft and i was,looking at a,internal team switch there was really no,say for me,in terms of salary increases or,a new job title or a roll uh increase,or anything along the stop uh lines of,stocks or bonuses,because it's very much set in the way,that if you make an internal company,switch,all of your salary your stocks your,bonus everything stays the same,and they have very strict guidelines,around that so even if you are,in uh interviewing for a higher level,role,when you are given the offer it is still,a lateral switch,so there is really no existing,negotiation to be,had therefore the best way to get more,money,or to really get a salary bump is to,make,a cross company jump where you can go,through the entire negotiation process,after do really doing your homework and,knowing what your true,value is so this leads me to my,negotiation process,from straight out of college to ebay,and then eventually to microsoft and,then to,bike dance which happened more recently,so my first job out of college was at,ebay,and i had really loved the team and,really enjoyed what i was doing i was,just so happy that i had a job,out of college and i didn't have to you,know spend months,doing interviews from one company to the,other,and i was just delighted with my job,offer,and i had a really great manager at the,time as well,and when i was given the offer uh she,looked at kind of hr guidelines and,there was a high band,medium band and a low band and i think,she just chose,the medium band as a standard because we,didn't want to set super high,expectations for a new grad just coming,out of college,and we didn't want to come in at the,bottom,of kind of uh the low band as well,so i i think overall i was content with,that first job out of college,and i learned quite a bit and made some,really really good friends at ebay,but when i came to my three year mark,and it was time,for me to move on to something different,and something new,i started interviewing and got an offer,at microsoft,as you can imagine most of us when we,get an offer we're just super,ecstatic that you know we finally have a,job offer,uh we have gone through the phone,interview,and then the case take home case,interview and then finally,uh the on-site which is an entire day of,maybe,four five six rounds of interviews back,to back,so it's very very intense so when the,whole process is over,and i finally did get that offer i was,just delighted,and i think i was so happy that i didn't,really bother,uh with negotiating and almost took,the first offer that came my way but,with tech companies,the first offer that comes your way is,generally not the final offer unless hr,explicitly calls that out they expect,you,to negotiate and they expect you to come,back with a counter,and i think at that time too because,that was,uh two and a half years ago at this,point,i didn't really know the industry,standard,that well for a product manager i was,still,very much on the mindset of you know i,started off at ebay as my first job out,of college,and it wasn't necessarily a product,manager,role i eventually pivoted towards,what a product manager would be doing at,that company and after i had left,several of my old co-workers had the,official title switch,but because it was more of a hybrid at,that time i didn't know as much about,industry standard as i would now so i,was just,very excited to finally have a job offer,from microsoft,and i didn't have the resources such as,blind,and where people are posting,real salaries,and real offers i only knew about,glassdoor,and the information from glassdoor can,be quite stale,and out of date so i took the job offer,that i had,and i didn't even negotiate on the,stocks which by,all standards now is quite a bit below,what you would expect and i also only,was able to bump my base up by a tiny,bit,and was able to negotiate a little bit,of a sign-on bonus,so i was quite happy with this until i,had shared this with maybe some of my,friends afterwards and they
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What are your Salary Expectations? | Best Answer (from former CEO)
What are your Salary Expectations? | Best Answer (from former CEO)
hey everyone today I'm gonna give you,the best answer to the job interview,question what are your salary,expectations okay why would I even need,to do a video on this isn't the answer,simple and obvious no it isn't this is,actually a trick question designed to,eliminate you as a candidate many people,fail job interviews because they get the,answer to this question wrong how you,answer is mainly determined by what,stage of the interview process you're in,if they ask you this question during the,last round of interviews maybe they're,actually interested in accommodating,your compensation expectations however,when they ask you this question at an,early stage like in your first job,interview they're not asking it because,they want to accommodate you they're,asking it because they're trying to,eliminate you as a candidate I mean,imagine your interviewer and you've got,20 candidates to interview and the one,you're interviewing right now seems,really good but then you ask what are,your salary expectations and they say oh,I need a million dollars a year to do,this job in cash,next that's an interviewer this is good,you're effectively eliminating the,candidates that never would have worked,out so make the mistake in the first one,or two interviews of the selection,process this is what this question is,for so if you are in the first or second,job interview let's look at how we,answer this question your goal is to,give them an answer to the question but,not say anything that will get you,eliminated now the obvious problem is,that you have no way of knowing what the,salary range is that the company,considers appropriate and will be,willing to pay it's sort of like being,asked I'm thinking of a number what,number am I thinking of and if you get,this wrong you don't get the job that's,a fun game the secret is to avoid giving,a single number okay so if you get the,question what are your salary,requirements and you're in the first one,or two interviews into the process a,good answer that tends to work well is,to say well at this point I would need,to know quite a bit more of the details,about the role before it can really give,you an accurate answer on that now if,they're not satisfied with this and they,press you further to give a number a,good response is to say well I,understand this is an approved position,so the salary range must be approved can,I ask what it is for this position and,then whatever they say for a range you,say well that would work fine for me now,if they don't give you a range but yet,still prompt you to give a number a good,response to that is to give a wide range,really low to really high never under,any circumstances give a number give a,wide range I would need somewhere,between forty and a hundred thousand a,year depending on details they will not,be able to eliminate you from the,running due to salary requirements and,it leaves you open to command the salary,towards the upper end of the range when,they get to talking about this seriously,at a later stage of the selection,process,okay so let's summarize this is a three,stage answer if they ask you what are,your salary expectations and you're,early in the selection process like in,your first interview you say I can't,really answer that now I would need more,detail,if they still prompt you to give a,number you say there must be an approved,salary range can I ask what it is and if,they won't give you a range but still,prompt you to give them a number you,give them a wide range by the way just a,footnote here about the first part where,you say I can't answer I would need more,details,an obvious counter question the,interviewer may then ask is what details,do you need now you may be thinking well,technically I would need to know how it,works with the official job hours and,overtime and shift work travel,requirements breaks benefits flex time,remote work and general job demands but,it's easier to say well maybe just more,of a feel for the culture in general and,then go straight into the second part,when you ask them about the approved,salary range and there you go this,question shouldn't be a problem for you,ever again and certainly won't get you,eliminated please let me know in the,comments what your experiences have been,with this question whether it's done,well or not so well the more we share,the more we learn and if any of this was,helpful for you please take a moment now,to like subscribe and hit the bell and I,will definitely be doing more videos in,this series so this ensures that you,don't miss any and check out my patreon,page for even more stuff anyway I'm Bill,the company's expert thank you so much,for being here and watching my videos,you're awesome
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