tiktok ads preview tool

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How To Preview A TikTok Ad And Why This Can Make You 6+ Figures

howdy this is Archie and today let's,talk about with how to preview your Tick,Tock ads and what you could understand,from them to get your business to six,plus figures there are no gimmicks here,there are no hacks there are simply,marketing fundamentals that I am going,to share in this video so make sure to,stick and watch this video till then,because you'll see a step by step on how,to preview this to play ads and what you,could actually like Leverage from both,set creatives to take your business to a,whole new level so check this out what I,want you to do first of all is go to,your tick Rock ads manager once you are,in your typical ads manager make sure to,go to your ad level and then go to an ad,that you want to preview let's say it is,this one now if you cover this,particular ad you will see here like,this three small dots click here and,then click on the preview now if you,have here two options you could preview,your ad by scanning the QR code with the,latest version of tick tock where you,could use the user ID now sometimes with,a QR code I've tried but it didn't,really work for me in your case it might,work however when it comes to my user id,it always works now to find the user ID,go to your word Tick Tock like you know,Tick Tock page when you're a mobile and,then what you want to do next is click,here on the right side corner at the top,like on this kind of menu bar and then,settings and privacy scroll all the way,down right here and where it says like a,version 25 in your case depending on,when you're watching this video you want,to click here like one of this section,where it says kind of this version then,you will see the uid pretty much this is,your user ID you want to copy it just,simply click on it you know save it,somewhere maybe you could send it I,don't know on Google Docs through,Messenger whatever works for you and,pretty much you know paste right here,where it says your user ID,after you paste it simply click on this,button that says preview now you want to,go back to your Tick Tock you know page,when you're mobile you want to refresh a,little bit your like your main profile,page and then go to your feed you know,to your for your page and here you need,to refresh your page sometimes it may,take up to like 10 times your first base,page until this ad is going to populate,now I've just got this creative which is,our advert we're running and here is the,Golden Nugget that I want to you know,talk about with how you could leverage,this particular option by previewing,your ads to take your business to a,whole new level and that is comments so,right here this creative cut over 30,comments so what I want to pay attention,to is what kind of questions these,people are asking what kind of concerns,they have what are they saying let's say,we have this like a person that is,asking is this real deal where you you,know some kind of emoji so what we could,you know assume and think about from,this question is they are wondering if,these like products this particular you,know jewelry they are you know like a,real silver or not now taking this,feedback we could go ahead and improve,this at creatives let's say by having,some visuals that will prove that they,are real we have to make some kind of,research and you know find out with what,actually makes this product kind of like,in what kind of way to show through our,visuals that they are real the next,thing is you know like a good song,Choice all right what do you learn you,know it's pretty much the song impacts,how they perceive this ad so again we,have another person that is asking what,kind of song yeah like as you can see we,have quite a lot of thing a lot of,people they are asking about the song,probably this has like a big impact on,whichever performance of this ad which,you know just from these comments we,could go ahead and adjust the next set,creators and use something similar use,maybe some other next background songs,that will resonate with our particular,audience and just by improving this at,creators based on what people are asking,for when what kind of things they are,responding well to Those ads they have,much more chances to go and perform much,better have more scalability,opportunities than just coming up with,something with like you know from our,mind thinking that it might work we,pretty much give every single ad every,single action we do based on what the,marketplace want not based on our,emotions or based on our ego hopefully,that makes sense so here we have like a,very interesting question if a website,would work so that actually is something,that you know probably wouldn't need to,for us like to take a look at our,website and see if actually it works,properly or not and you know go from,there so you know we could also see that,some people are saying that specific,products they like here which like said,like just take everything every question,they have every thing they say take this,feedback and go and improve your website,this is goin

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OFFICIAL TikTok Ad Spy Tool (See Other Peoples Winning Products & Ads)

OFFICIAL TikTok Ad Spy Tool (See Other Peoples Winning Products & Ads)

what is going on guys noah brewer here,back again with another video and today,i'm going to be talking about a product,research method that we've been using,silently over the past few weeks to find,winning products for our agency clients,now this is not something that's new,there's already been videos out there,talking about it and the reason i wanted,to come in and add to the discussion is,because i feel like there's a few things,that i haven't seen covered yet a few,different ways that you can actually,leverage this tool in order to get the,best results and in order to find the,best products that other people just,simply haven't mentioned yet so i'm,going to be going over what this tool is,how to best use it and some tips and,tricks on how you can you know,essentially further use it to find,better products and do better research,because like i said there are videos out,there that cover this tool but in my,opinion they haven't gone in depth,enough and they're not talking about the,specific way that we use it to find,winning products for our clients so,let's get right into it yes for those of,you that guessed it it is the tick tock,creative center which is essentially,tick tock's version of ad spy if you're,familiar with facebook ads and the way,that uh people used to do product,research for the copycat method there,was a tool called ad spy which basically,would allow you to see all of the ads,that are currently being ran on facebook,and you could search by you know the ad,copy different keywords stuff like this,and it was a really really helpful tool,if you were following the copycat method,for facebook now i wasn't really,following the copycat method on facebook,but as you know we are following the,copycat method on tick tock so this,would be something that is incredibly,valuable to have um for a platform like,tiktak ads so from my understanding,tiktok released this official creative,center to essentially educate,advertisers and they've really been,promoting you know this whole like,create tick tocks not ads thing i think,tick tock's goal at the end of the day,is to motivate advertisers to be really,native to the platform and i think,they're just trying to you know give as,many resources as they possibly can to,allow advertisers to know you know,what's right what's wrong which i think,is really really helpful for us,advertisers and it's really really cool,that tick tock is kind of taking the,stance of like okay let's really help,our advertisers instead of treating them,like peasants kind of like facebook does,like facebook treats you like as,opposed to tick tock is out here like,basically giving us ads and showing us,you know the results of things which,i'll actually show you the platform and,i'll walk you through some different,tools that you can look at and things,you can review that will also help you a,lot but i think it's really really cool,that tick tock has been super proactive,in helping out advertisers and trying to,give you know as good professional,advice as they can obviously they're not,talking about specific strategies and,stuff like that but you can pull a lot,away from the resources they put out,there now i think there's two primary,uses for this specific tool you know the,creative center and there's a few other,tools attached to it number one is using,it as it's intended to be used which is,strictly a research tool it's used to,get inspiration it's used to get,educated on the platform of tick tock,ads as a whole so if you're somebody,that's never,been on tick tock like as a user or if,you've never advertised on tick tock at,all this is a really great time for you,to come into this tool and kind of look,at what other people are doing on tick,tock ads that's performing well and,figure out you know that way you don't,try to come on to the tik tok ad,platform treating it like it's a,facebook ad platform because it's,completely different a lot of different,you know advertising styles and types of,products and stuff like that so it's a,really really great way to basically,come in and just get like an overview of,the tick tock ad landscape the second,way which you know us dirty little drop,shippers we're going to use it to our,advantage as best as we can and that is,for product research and ad research now,obviously we're all familiar with,product research it's basically just,finding products to test it's really,that simple but even more interesting in,my opinion is using it for ad research,so seeing the types of advertisements,that actually perform really really well,on tick tock ads is really helpful,because you can kind of compare it to,your own ads and see what elements does,the good tick dog ads have versus your,tick tock ads and you can almost pull,you know little strategies and little,gimmicks and tactics that people use in,their advertisements and use them in,your own marketing campaigns and your,own advertisements and i think this is,just as valuable as being able to take,products direc

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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

today we're going to cover everything tick-tock  ads we're going to go into shopify we're going  ,to link our store we're going to make sure the  pixel is set up properly we're going to make  ,sure that you can get amazing tick-tock results  for those that are new to the channel i'm davey  ,foggerty my shopify stores have done over 400  million dollars in sales in just four years tick  ,tock ads is the new kid on the blog usually we're  heavily reliant on facebook because it's such an  ,incredible marketing tool but lots of people are  getting heaps of success with the new entertaining  ,nature of tick tock ads so it might be perfect  for your brand this video is perfect for beginners  ,we're not going to skip any steps but i'm also  going to go into some advanced things around  ,content because that is so important to make sure  that you make tick tock ads work the first step  ,you're going to want to do is set up your shopify  store if you haven't set up your shopify store  ,just pause the video click the link in my bio and  set it up now we've got one set up through our  ,lemon scrub series so it's got most of the things  ready we're just going to make sure that we set up  ,tiktok properly so the pixel is firing once you're  in shopify the best way to go is go into apps and  ,just write in tiktok simply download the official  tiktok app and click add sales channel this is the  ,exact same as facebook nowadays this will bring  up this little tick tock section down on the left  ,hand store of your shopify store if you don't have  shopify still carry on watching we're going to get  ,into the nitty gritty in a second once this is set  up we can click this section here setting up the  ,pixel the next step you can see that it's saying  connect tick tock for business this is where you  ,need a new tick tock account already have a tick  tock business account you can just click connect  ,but today we're gonna have to create a brand new  one so i'm just gonna click create new at the top  ,enter my email address get the verification code  sent into the verification code here agree to  ,terms and conditions and just click sign up you  can click connect down the bottom right and that's  ,now created an ads manager business manager under  that email we can click create new ad account and  ,we can select the country and the currency that we  want to be built in this is generally the region  ,that you want to be targeting change the business  name to something a little bit simpler click sign  ,up and connect you'll come to this data sharing  section which we've touched on a few times in my  ,previous episodes just click enhanced or maximum  providing you've got the terms and conditions set  ,up for something and then click confirm maximum  is obviously preferred this is how shopify shares  ,data with ticktock this is referred to as capi  which is a partnership between shopify and the  ,advertising platform click set up enter your final  details make sure you connect automatic payment  ,click confirm and you should be ready to go now  to create tick-tock ads we're actually going to  ,have to go back to the tick-tock ads manager so  we can go ads.tichtalk.com you can see that our  ,ad account has already been created to make sure  that we do have the pixel set up properly what i  ,do recommend is going to your website and just  like facebook there's something called tic toc  ,pixel helper and it's a chrome extension that you  can download and check if your pixel is firing  ,on your website if it's not you may need to go  and fix that initially just download the chrome  ,extension and you can see that our tick tock pixel  is set up here shopify set it up for us and it  ,should be firing this is a page view because we're  on a page when you add a product to cart it should  ,fire the add to cart pixel or if someone purchases  you can test a purchase and it will also fire that  ,pixel in the exact right way so now we're in  the tiktok ads account we can go ahead and  ,create our first campaign campaign structures  are really important to talk about it's what  ,separates good advertisers from bad advertisers  that alongside really effective marketing content  ,the basic structure is you have a campaign which  is what objective you are striving for if you've  ,got something like a real estate business  it might be leads you're trying to collect  ,leads but we've got a e-commerce business  so we want to get purchases then you've  ,got the ad set level which is basically the  targeting that you're setting up to complete  ,that campaign objective then finally you've got  your ads that live within each of those ad sets  ,these ads are different creative types that  you think are going to convert your customer  ,so head to campaign when you're in campaign all  you need to do is click create here and you'll set  ,up your first campaign you'll get prompted with  two options you've got simplified mode and custom  ,mode we're going to w

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How To See And Manage Your TikTok Ads Comments

How To See And Manage Your TikTok Ads Comments

whether or not you're new to tick tock,advertising one of the things you,definitely want to know is how to see,and manage your ad comments to be quite,honest it's very easy if you're running,a spark ad because you'll see them under,your post but if you're running a,regular tick tock ad you may have to do,a little bit of digging to be able to,see those comments and you definitely,want to monitor all those nasty comments,you may get when advertising my name is,justin and i'm the founder of voiceover,media an e-commerce marketing agency,specializing in elevating thriving,brands by simplifying e-commerce growth,before we get started make sure to leave,a like subscribe as well as turn on post,notifications to be one of the first to,know about these cutting edge e-commerce,marketing tips post on the channel every,week,so first and foremost what you're going,to want to do is head over to,ads.ticktalk.com or tiktok.com forward,slash business,and then you'll want to log into your,ads manager which you can do so by,clicking the button create now at the,top rights and then logging into your,ads manager once you're logged in you'll,want to go to your ads manager when when,you do so this is pretty much the screen,you're going to be greeted with this is,the tick tock ads manager dashboard so,the first part which is how to access,your comments is going to be very simple,you simply want to hover around assets,and when you're on assets you're going,to see a drop down with comments so,click on that now once you click on that,you're going to be able to see all of,your tick tock comments and then this is,where it get interesting you'd be able,to see the replies that you've made to,any of these comments the block users,the block words etc so what i also want,to spend some time on is not to simply,show you where to access these comments,because that's the easy part that's what,i just,showed you right here even though it,requires a little bit of digging,nonetheless it's pretty easy to get to,it so what else can you do with these,tick tock comments and how can you,monitor and make sure you can almost,automate the process of managing your,comments because the truth is if you,have been advertising for a while or not,you may or may not know that,you'll get a lot of nasty comments,whenever running ads would it be on tech,talk or on facebook so you want to make,sure that you can,moderate these comments and make sure,you only showcase the comments that are,either positive or genuine questions,that you can then use as an opportunity,to reply to that so if you're doing tick,tock then you could reply to these,comments as you know a separate video or,simply reply to them text wise if you're,on facebook and instagram it would be,the same thing essentially you just want,to reply down below under their comment,it shows that not only you're active but,you also care about your audience and,that you're there to answer and respond,back to them so block words is a very,interesting place where it's pretty,straightforward you can just go and add,now and add any words which would be,automatically blocked so any of these,words that would be found below one of,your ads would automatically get flagged,to tick talk and get deleted off of the,comment section at least hidden so that,way nobody else than you would be able,to see that comment so they will not,show publicly and then if you see,somebody repeatedly commenting some bad,stuff on your ads then you can,definitely block a single user so that,way they can never see your ads again or,see any of your posts whatsoever and,lastly is replies which if you find,yourself repeating the same thing over,and over again which some people you,know may ask the same questions about as,an example you know what sizes do you,guys offer with your products or what,models or what colors are available so,then you can add preset replies in this,section so that way you can just pull,from these templates whenever responding,back to any of your comments so let's,send back the tick tock comments right,there and then let's see as an example,there is a comment right here that has,not been addressed so far and that,happened within the past seven days now,the tick tock algorithm is honestly,miles ahead of the facebooks so on,facebook it's much harder to find your,comments it's also much different when,you want to answer your comments because,facebook doesn't really tell you is this,a good or a bad comment you don't really,know right,whereas here first of all it tells you,what is your response so far so okay so,far nobody else basically if you have,multiple team members i can see that,nobody else on my team replied to that,comment or pins or nobody took action on,that comments so okay that's the first,thing then tick tock says is this you,know is the sentiment positive or,negative for that comment it says the,positive comment so okay cool let's take,a look at that in a second then it tells,you does that comment contains a,question no

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How to Spy on TikTok Ads - Free Tiktok Ads Spy Tool (Pipiads Coupon Code: DAYJOBHACKS)

How to Spy on TikTok Ads - Free Tiktok Ads Spy Tool (Pipiads Coupon Code: DAYJOBHACKS)

if you are a digital marketer and you're,running Tick Tock ads today I want to,show you a super easy way to find the,most profitable ads running on Tick Tock,today in any Niche or category and no,we're not going to be using the free,Tick Tock creative library because we,all know that is kind of meh I'm going,to show you a better tool that is free,to use and try and it's going to show,you precisely how to find the best ads,running on Tick Tock and much more,detail about these ads and where they're,leading to and how people are making,money with Tick Tock ads so stay tuned,we're going to go into my computer right,now and I'm going to show you exactly,how to do this,foreign,advertisers today I want to go through,how to find winning ads for a tick tock,ads campaign I started running Tick Tock,ads recently I am an affiliate marketer,I've been running affiliate offers and,you can see I am getting conversions and,I'm really liking the results,so I wanted to find a way to spy but the,problem was is I could not find any,really good ads by using this tick,tock's creative Center as you can see,here they do have a tool that you can,use but the problem is when you view,these top ads they don't give you any,real data about the ads all they show,you is kind of the CTR but really not,really giving you any info you can see,here there's nothing helpful other than,the video itself and the other problem,with Tick Tock creative Center is that,advertisers can opt out of having their,ads shown here so you're only seeing,some ads that luckily made through the,filters for the ones that are really,making a lot of money the smart thing to,do is to hide your ads from everyone,else so they can't see them when they're,doing competitive intelligence so how do,we find Those ads we use a tool like,this called pippy ads you can get a 20,discount at pippy ads using the promo,code day job hacks they reached out to,me and told me about this because I,actually didn't even know about it,recently and so I decided I would give,it a try and I love the tool I didn't,realize how much data they had until I,started using it and it has changed the,game in finding ads that really convert,so I want to show you how it works and,quickly go through it and again there's,a link in the description if you want to,use that link you get a 20 discount and,you can try it for free today I am,running a a campaign now as an affiliate,let's have a look if I'm running,something in diet I can now search the,keyword diet in the keyword ads but I,can also change the filter here to,change who I want to maybe spy on if I,find something good now I'm also,targeting a country so I want to choose,the country I'm targeting because if I,don't I'm going to have literally,hundreds of pages of results here on ads,and then we're going to click on,something here and show you something,really cool here but first let's select,the United States just for fun and now,we can start to scroll down and see more,details about ads,about diet in the United States so now,let's have a look at what we see when we,click on one of these ads and what we,can actually do here to see what's,happening I'm going to pause this you,can watch the video which is a great,thing but what's what else you get to,see here is now you can actually see the,landing page you can download the video,If you're looking to maybe edit some,some video and pull some parts I'm not,saying you should because that'll,probably get you banned you need to just,make your own videos but what I'm saying,is you can pull it down and maybe send,it to one of your your staff or,whoever's managing creating your ads and,saying look this is the video can you,please make something similar or you,know take some of the the things out of,this video and add it into ours so this,is what I like about that now if you,want to click on detail you can see more,details about the ads and what's really,cool that I like about this is you can,start seeing when they're running their,ads all of their ad text and you don't,get this with any other spy tool I've,tried big ad spy and some other one,power ad spy they don't work like this,this is actually a very in-depth tool,and the another cool thing here is you,can actually click ads from the same,Advertiser and now it's just going to,pull up a whole filter on just this guy,probably all under the same account I,don't know how they do it exactly but,I've gone through here and now you can,see all the people that they have doing,their ads and there's multiple pages so,when you start when you start seeing,multiple pages of ads you obviously know,this uh this company is doing well and,you can see ads from the same product,name,as well and again it's going to filter,down and you're going to find all the,ads let's go back to the tick tock ad,search what I've discovered on Tick Tock,ads especially running my own campaigns,is that the use of a landing page isn't,as effective on some of the campaigns,I'm running especially when I

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How to Spy on TikTok Ads (#1 TikTok Ads Spy Tool) 👀

How to Spy on TikTok Ads (#1 TikTok Ads Spy Tool) 👀

hey what is up ladies and gentlemen in,this video i'm going to show you the,number one tick tock ad spy tool and how,you can use this spy tool to spy on,affiliate marketing drop shipping or if,you're a course creator any type of,campaign you want to run on tick tock,ads i'm going to show you how to spy on,it using pippi ads let's get into it,so,and keep in mind that this is just in my,opinion it's the number one spy tool so,here's why i love the spy tool um you,can use it to find the hottest campaigns,that are currently running and the,search filters you can use uh keywords,if you're running an auto insurance,campaign and you want to spy on other,people running those types of video ads,just type in the word auto type in the,word insurance and if you're thinking,about setting up a drop shipping site,you can just type in the name of the,product that you're going to be,promoting and just see what other people,are doing get inspiration and then scale,up some campaigns you can also search by,views like ratio popularity and a lot,more and i'll be getting into that later,um it also gives you the option to,download the videos which i thought was,pretty cool,you can see your competitors landing,pages and get inspiration for that as,well and like i said earlier this isn't,just for affiliate marketing you can,also use it for drop shipping and course,creators etc and then one last thing,before i get into the tutorial you can,use the code cody carp,for 20 off if you're interested in,signing up with this spy tool,i am a partner with the spy tool and as,you guys know if you're from my channel,i only partner with tools that i,actually use and i actually like so with,that being said let's jump into the,tutorial,okay so here we are inside of my pb ads,account and now i'm just going to go,through an overview of all the things,you can search by,so the main ones that i do are the add,keyword the add text and then i like to,sort by,total likes and then you can i also use,uh days running but you can also go by,categories so if you're just in the,e-commerce game come and click,e-commerce if you want to promote an app,come and click games and app or if,you're in drop shipping come and click,that right there so then we'll go into,the basics uh you can target by country,the action button so if you only want to,see ones that have a shop now or learn,more or order now you can choose that,another pretty cool one is you can,choose the ecom platform so if you're,running a shopify website and you want,to get ideas you can see only ads that,are using shopify as well and then get,inspiration the ad types you can do,brand ads or non-branded ads,landing page you can choose to see ads,that are only using a landing page or,ones that are not using a landing page,and just direct linking to their offer,then you got ad impressions total likes,popularity days and then the like rate,and lastly you can do first scene and,last scene and then you can also exclude,some results so now let's get into a,real life example so i've been dabbling,with auto insurance when i'm running,these tick tock ads and so far i've been,seeing some pretty decent results so,i'll give you an example of how i,actually went and found inspiration for,some of my ads so i just left it at ad,keyword and i typed in auto insurance,and then i added it to the filter and,then you can see right off the bat like,this dmv one that's most likely an,affiliate um a lot of angles use that uh,image of the dmv,so right off the bat it is uh showing us,affiliate ads oops let's go back up and,most of the time i'm going to be using,the united states and then lastly i like,to look at ads that have more than 100,likes that just lets me know that it's,been running for a few days and it's,getting some interaction with the,customers so just like that we added,three filters,and then we can,start looking at some of these ads,so right away you can hover over each of,these and it'll start playing the video,which is cool because once you click and,view the advertiser details and when you,do that you get to see a lot more info,but that'll count as one of your views,so you can click on this right here,and then it'll play with sound there are,a few awesome things that i want to,point out right here when you click on,one of these ads that you like you can,obviously watch the full video you can,see the ad text like their call to,action what are they having at that,bottom of the tick tock ads stop,overpaying for your car insurance it,shows you how many impressions how many,days it's been running and then the,popularity then i'll give you an,estimate on the ad cost and they,calculate this using big data and uh the,common cpm indicators for tar,target regions and the estimated,conversions and the like rate and then,down here obviously it has the united,states because that was one of our,filters,when was the ad released this one was,released four days ago and the action,button is actually order now which is uh,interesti

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Tutorial | How to Set A Bid For Better TikTok Ad Performance | TikTok Ads Manager 101

Tutorial | How to Set A Bid For Better TikTok Ad Performance | TikTok Ads Manager 101

how do you optimize your campaign,performance,how do you drive more engagement with,your ads to answer these questions,let's talk about the importance of,bidding,hi everyone welcome to the tick tock ads,manager 101 series,i'm peter and i'm here to help you,through your tick tock,advertising journey our mission is to,give you all the information you need to,successfully launch,your campaigns on tock let's get started,today we will talk about bidding explore,why bidding matters,and examine some of the bidding methods,we use at tiktok,in a later video we will also talk about,the different bidding strategies you can,use,to further optimize your campaigns,whenever you create a campaign with tick,tock ads manager,you will select an optimization goal,essentially an action you want people to,take when they see your ad,do you want them to click your ad do you,want them to,buy something on your site do you want,them just to watch your ad,on tick tock ads manager your bid,represents what you,are willing to pay to achieve this,action or optimization goal,setting the right bid will have a huge,impact on campaign performance,and whether you achieve your business,goals,by selecting a bid type you are telling,tick-tock how you want tick-tock to,achieve your,optimization objective as you plan your,next campaign,think about bidding as a tool that you,can use,to set the pace of how tick-tock should,go about reaching your goal,on tick-tock ads manager we have three,main advertising objectives,namely awareness consideration,conversion,think of a clothing store named jacket,essentials in a busy market,close to an expressway as more and more,people,drive by the expressway they cross a few,billboards on their way,as the business owner of jacket,essentials you want to make sure that,jacket essentials,gets shown on at least one of the,billboards on the expressway,people are now able to see your ad on,the billboard as they drive by,this is solving for awareness as an,objective,as maximum people are allowed to see,your ad,let's assume out of the 100 people that,drive by your billboard,10 end up at your store to check out the,collection at jacket essentials,this is solving for consideration as an,objective,as these customers could potentially,make purchases,at your store out of these 10 customers,that landed in your store,three end up buying jackets from your,store,you've successfully solved for,conversion as an objective by making,sure that customers go ahead,and purchase your products bidding is,therefore,a way that helps put your business out,to potential customers,at every stage of the customer journey,advertising on tick tock ads manager,works in a similar,way let's say you want your ad for,jacket essentials to be shown to,maximum users on tick tock we will,select,reach as an objective under awareness,this will ensure that the system shows,your ad,to maximum users interested in seeing,your ad,since there will be other advertisers,bidding for the same ad placement,like in the case of the expressway,billboards you want to make sure that,your bid is competitive to be able to,win the auction,under a reach campaign the bidding,method used is,cost per milli or cpm this is the cost,in dollars you are willing to incur,for every 1 000 impressions of your ad,let's say you want to maximize users to,visit the website of your store,jacket essentials we will select traffic,as an objective,under consideration other options under,consideration,also include app installs and video,views,but since we want to boost traffic to,your website,we'll go ahead with traffic as an,objective,this will ensure that the system shows,your ad to maximum users who are likely,to click on your ad,under a traffic campaign the bidding,method used is cost per click,or cpc this is the cost in dollars you,are willing to incur,for every click you get on your ad that,can redirect the user to your website,let's say you want maximum users to not,only,visit your website for jacket essentials,but,also make a purchase from the catalog on,your website,we will select conversions as an,objective under conversion,this will ensure that the system shows,your ad to maximum users,who are likely to click on your ad visit,your website,and make a purchase under a conversion,campaign,the bidding method used is optimization,cost per milli,or ocpm this is the cost in dollars you,are willing to incur,for every conversion you get on your,website,you can also visit www ads,to know more about the various bidding,methods on tick-tock ads manager,we now know how to effectively use the,different bidding methods under each,advertising objective,and with that we have reached the end of,this episode,we're building this series to help you,better understand the platform,and make your campaigns more successful,that's it for today guys,happy tick-tocking i'll see you next,time,you

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These 3 TikTok Ads Tools Will 2x Your Results In 12 Days (Or Less!)

These 3 TikTok Ads Tools Will 2x Your Results In 12 Days (Or Less!)

now that you're hopping on tick tock and,that you know that a few other brands in,your industry are currently on the,platform do you wish that you could,scrape their analytics know exactly what,ads they're running download these ads,to build your swag files and even create,some automated comments for your post so,that way as soon as you post tick tock,comments you're already gonna be able to,create some interesting comments to pin,and get some more engagement well look,no further i discovered a software that,helps you do all of these things which,is what i want to share with you in,today's video if you don't know who i am,my name is justin and i'm the founder of,woozle media an e-commerce marketing,agency specializing in elevating,thriving brands by simplifying,e-commerce growth before we get started,make sure you leave a like subscribe as,well as turn on post notifications but,on the first to know about these cutting,edge ecommerce marketing tips post on,the channel every week,so the first thing i'm going to ask you,to do is you go to talktools.com,this is the website that has all of,these tools so that's actually built or,at least i'm not entirely sure if he's,the founder of that company but michael,sanchez which is a pretty big tick tock,marketer out there he's got his podcast,talk to talk and if you go on his,website you've actually got the tick,tock tools right there that takes you,directly to again these talk tools,website which shows you four tools,available to help you out and after,using a couple of them i can say,confidently that those tools are great,at helping you again just do competitor,analysis and look at what everybody's,doing out there on the platform so,there's basically three tools the first,one is actually combining these two to,the left right here talk audit and talk,view they're actually both the same,tools so if you click on both as you can,see right there it's actually gonna,bring you both to the same google chrome,extension so let me show you an example,of that tool so now that you're on the,tiktok creative center to use that app,it's pretty simple you're going to start,noticing some extra stuff on here and,one of these things is actually going to,see you know you see the amount of likes,the comments the shares the time you see,a little download button and you see one,of these little check boxes at the top,so let me select a couple ads that i,think let's say would be nice to review,right let's select that one here at the,top and let me pick um let's just say,this one right here so i can select,these both go to the tool at the top and,then it says ads collected two right,which are the two that i just selected,right here then download add data and,that's gonna export it to a csv so now,if i look at this csv i can see,basically pretty much everything about,that ad i can see the region so where it,was shot in or basically where it's,advertised in right now in the street,the objective of that campaign the,duration the ad the format obviously the,source the likes comments shares and,then a direct link to that so if you,want to quickly build a swipe file or at,least a database of ads that you find,interesting right and again that's the,that's the beauty with the top ads on,tick tock those are usually ads that are,working very well right now and then the,platform kind of pushes to the front to,show all the other advertisers out there,hey what is working right now on our,platform so browse through this find a,couple within your own industry right,you can actually filter that at the top,right if you're an apparel accessories,brand or again you can even open that up,and then select you know select all or a,specific product so basically filter,these ads based on your industry and,then from there build your simple,database with this tool is very easy to,do so now let's use the talk comment,tool this is actually on their own,website so it has its own separate,website so talkcommon.com if you want to,head straight over to that so what you,could do you simply have to upload a,profile pic create a username and then,add a comment what does that do is as it,shows right here basically that is a,live preview right so what it shows let,me just write something hi this is,justin right so and then i see right,here i've just added a username justin,and then i say hi this is justin and i,could also add a profile picture so what,you can do is download this asset and,then it would basically give you a png,which you can use in your video edits so,what it means is that allows you to,actually shoot a video just as if you,were responding to comments and this,changes the game right this is good for,two reasons the first one is,when you actually respond to a real,comment on tiktok this is not only an,organic way of engaging with your,audience but also shows that exactly,that you are engaging with your audience,it shows that you're present and that,you listen to the audience so that's a,good thing the second thing is

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