tiktok ads manager dashboard

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How to Create a TikTok Ads Account & Business Center

how's it going everybody corbin here,from zoco marketing in today's video i'm,going to be walking you through how to,set up a tick tock business center and,how to create a tick tock ads account,and how to link up your tick tock ads,account to that tick tock business,center now for those who are wondering,on why you might may want a tick tock,business center the most common reason,is that you are running multiple tick,tock ad accounts say you are an agency,or you have multiple ad accounts that,you want to manage all under one roof,that is essentially the reason why you'd,want to set up a tick tock ad center,also if you are just managing one,account i do recommend setting this up,because it's just kind of clean hygiene,it's an easy way to give people access,to different different settings and,things like that essentially a tick tock,business center is the equivalent of a,facebook business manager if you're,familiar with the facebook world and,here's what tic toc has to say about the,business center on essentially why,people would consider doing it is one is,for the collaboration centralization all,of your assets are on one place and then,accountability you can control who has,permission to those assets as well so,there's lots of different reasons on why,you'd want to set up a tick tock,business center but basically like i'm,saying i recommend everybody sets up the,tick tock business center and then,creates their ad account and attaches it,there so i'm going to show you exactly,how to um do this so the first thing,you're going to want to do is come over,here to,www.tiktok.com forward slash business,i'll link this down below as well so you,can just go through and click that link,you're going to see something like that,looks like this we're going to click in,this top right hand corner create new,and if for whatever reason you've,already created a ad account then no,worries i'm going to show you how you,can link up that ad account directly to,your,business center account as well so i'm,going to go through and add these,details real quick in here,and once you get to this point it's,going to ask for you uh for a,verification code to send your email so,you got to send that over you got to,pick the shapes,so we got here objects that are the same,shape we've got k and k we're going to,hit confirm,verification complete and then now it's,going to send a,a code to our email so we're going to go,and grab that real quick once you have,that verification code in your email,just copy that inside there and then,we're going to sign up it is worth,noting as well you can sign up through,tick tock directly or with a phone,number if you'd like if you don't want,to use your email but we're going to use,email for here we're going to click on,these terms and then if you want to get,emails from tick tock you can keep this,checked i'm going to uncheck it we're,going to hit sign up okay and now we are,going to go through and create our,account so i am in the united states i'm,going to keep that as is industry i'm,going to call this e-commerce,and it asks for even more we're going to,say closing shoes this is just a test,account so we're going to keep it at,that and then business name we'll call,it house to home diy and then,our time zone i am located,american denver and phone number and,currency and once again we agree to the,terms and services and hit register,now it's going to go through and ask for,a couple of different other descriptions,to describe your business,okay so we went through and added our,website and then it's asking for billing,information so i'm going to add in some,billing information real quickly,or billing address sorry,and then here is kind of an important,thing depending on how you want to get,billed you can either do automatic,payment where you essentially add your,credit card and when you hit a certain,payment threshold tick tock will charge,your credit card or if you wanted to,only say oh i only want to charge 100 no,matter what that way it doesn't go over,you could add a manual payment,so that that way the card never gets,charged any more than you want it to i'm,going to keep it on automatic payments,for now we're going to hit next,and then here it's going to walk you,through and ask you if you want,simplified mode or custom mode i,recommend custom mode because it gives,you more options inside of the platform,and i do have full tutorials on that,tick tock ads if you're you're wondering,you can check out the links down below,to get resources to learn tic tac ad so,we're going to go into custom,and then now we are finally going to be,brought to our actual campaign it's,going to drop you into like start,building out a campaign which you could,start doing if you'd like but i want to,go back over here to the dashboard so,now we have successfully created our,ads account but now we want to go,through and add this ad account to a,business,business center account and how you do,that is once you're inside of your ad,acco

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok ads manager dashboard

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Overview over the TikTok Ads Manager dashboard

Overview over the TikTok Ads Manager dashboard

in this video i would like to give you a,complete overview over the tick tock ads,manager dashboard so right now we are,inside that dashboard if you also want,to go exactly to this place just click,right here on dashboard and as soon as,you've done that you will end up here,now if you actually already now run your,first campaign your first campaign is,going to show up down here so it's going,to show the name of the campaign and,that's why i always say it's important,to name your campaign correctly so that,you can find it especially if you run,multiple campaigns and now when you,actually run the campaign you will see,all the different kinds of results right,here which is actually quite practical,because let's for instance say you log,into your tick tock ads manager in the,morning and it's the first thing that,you do and you realize right the ad is,not running the way i want it to be then,you can just click on the campaign you,can make the changes that you want to,make or you can just delete the campaign,um like in general alright so first of,all up here we got the so-called trends,these are the relevant information right,now you can also change these trends at,any given time i will show you how to do,that so the information that we can see,right here is first of all the cost so,how much money do we spend on that,particular day we will always see that,for each single day then we got the cpc,the cost per click so how much money are,we actually paying and per click then we,get the cpa the cost per acquisition,that gets,this is actually the only thing that,where we can see how much for instance,like a conversion or something like that,cost then we got the impressions,impressions just simply means how many,people saw the ad then we got the ctr,which is the click through rate so how,many people actually click let's say on,the campaign and then um or on the ad,and then went to the landing page then,we got the clicks so how many people,actually clicked on the ad then we got,the so called cvr which is and it says,right here the percentage of results you,received out of all the clicks on your,ads then we got the conversion so for,instance how many sales that we generate,how many leads do we generate and so on,and then we get the so called cpm which,stands for cost per ml cost per ml just,simply means how much money did we spend,for 1 000 impressions and as you can see,down here in this let's say non-existing,chart pretty much um it says always,conversions and impressions and you can,change that if you want to so let's for,instance say you want to have a look at,the cost so how much money you spend,every single day then you just click on,cost and now it's locked in here and,maybe you don't want to have a look at,the cost and the impressions but rather,you want to have a look at the cost and,the clicks so let's say how much money,do you spend per day and how many clicks,do you generate that would that would be,something that i would personally do and,when we click on these we have this,overview right here it says now cost,zero dollars and clicks zero and if you,want to change that we can do that at,any given time we can also of course,change the time so we can click right,here and just have a look at this,only yesterday or let's say i want to,have a look at this over the last 30,days,or i want to have a look at this over,the last let's say month and so on and,when i scroll down there are even more,things that i can look at and these are,more specific to the um individual,campaigns so for instance gender like,what is the um,let's say overview like maybe it's like,50 male 50 female then we got the,placements which just means how much,money we spend where then we got the,operating system so how many or which,kind of operating systems do we target,is it ios is it android is it ipad and,so on and then down here we got the,so-called day parting which means when,exactly do these ads run when do the,campaigns run run and when do people,actually see those campaign and see,those ads over here to the left we can,see the today's spend so how much money,we actually spend today we can click,right here on create an ad in order to,create of course a new ad and then over,here to the right we can see not,delivering so how many campaigns ad,groups and ads are not working and when,we see for instance there is one,campaign that is not delivering we have,to ask ourselves why is it because the,campaign already spent all of its money,so maybe the campaign limit was reached,maybe there's something wrong maybe um,even tic toc says there is something,wrong and we're not allowed to run the,campaign so these are the things that we,can see over here to the right and what,else do we got in our account well first,of all we got the campaign up here so,when we click on campaign we can see the,different kinds of campaigns that we are,running at the moment of course in my,case there is no data because we are not,running any kind of campaign then we got,th

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2023 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

How to Run TikTok Ads 2023 - TikTok Advertising Tutorial (TikTok for Business)

what's up guys jordan here today we're going to  be going through tiktok ads step by step the a to  ,z everything you need to know to launch your first  ad on the platform today now we're currently using  ,tick tock in our marketing agency the affluent  agency and we're generating a ridiculous amount  ,of new revenue for our clients at the moment using  the platform i cannot wait to bring this to you  ,guys today it's been a long time coming i've got  a presentation ready for you we're going to jump  ,onto it in a second but before we do i want  to announce a quick competition on this video  ,now for every one in 100 people that comment down  below with their goals for running tik tok ads  ,right now i'm going to give you the chance to  win a completely free strategy call with me for  ,an hour where we'll run through anything you want  to run through we break down your strategy how you  ,can increase your revenue how you can increase  your roads on whatever platform you're using  ,we're gonna jump on that call we're gonna make  that happen for you so enter that competition  ,let's get started with this no bs implementable  training but do me a favor stop what you're doing  ,right now whatever it is shut down your tabs take  some notes and pay attention and take action on  ,what you learned today let's get started okay  so tick-tock ads training first of all let's  ,start off with some data we need to understand  the opportunity here now tik tok was the most  ,downloaded app in 2020 with 850 million downloads  okay tiktok has 1.1 billion active users worldwide  ,with 90 of users using the app multiple times per  day so we can get ourselves in front of our ideal  ,customer multiple times a day on average now as  of january 2021 tick tock raked in 128 million in  ,user spending marking an increase of 380 from its  january 2020 revenue so it's growing year on year  ,almost 4x in user revenue now take top ranks  as the second biggest app in consumer spend  ,above youtube disney plus and netflix this  is probably the uh the biggest stat on this  ,screen ranking above youtube and netflix in  consumer spend is absolutely ridiculous so  ,it's a monumental opportunity for people and  businesses to sell their products on the platform  ,how many times have you spoken to someone they've  said ah i found that product on tick tock it's  ,happening a lot these days so let's jump on to how  you can actually make the most of that so this is  ,the tick tock ad structure so at the top we have  tick tocks ad manager then we have ad campaigns  ,we have ad groups we have ad creative and then  landing pages to break these down one by one tick  ,doc ads manager is where you manage your ticktock  advertising account similar to the facebook  ,ad manager now a ad campaign is the foundation  of your ad so we're setting up our advertising  ,objectives and formats we then have ad group which  is target audiences ad placements budget and the  ,bidding then we have the ad creative which is  the text and the video that will appear on our  ,apps what we're physically seeing then finally our  landing page and this is the destination url that  ,we are driving our potential customers too this  is the place where they will actually buy our  ,products or service so when you actually have your  tick tock ad account up and running this is kind  ,of what the format will look like we have our ad  manager at the top we have campaigns beneath that  ,then inside an ad campaign we would have multiple  ad groups so we'll be testing out multiple  ,audiences and inside those audiences we may even  be testing out multiple different ad creatives  ,as well so what are the actual creative the the  creative formats that we can use on tick tock well  ,we have top view on the left hand side here which  is like a full-size video which shows up when we  ,launch the app we don't have brand tank takeover  now these are the most expensive tic toc ads and  ,very large brands use these and again these come  up right at the start of launching the app and it  ,takes over the entire screen then have in feed ads  this is what we're going to be going through today  ,and what most businesses are actually using  to generate the most revenue from tick tock  ,we have branded hashtag challenges so if we  want to launch a challenge on the platform and  ,then finally branded event so we want to have our  own branded stickers on uh on tick tock itself so  ,people can use them when they're creating their  own content but as i said in feed ads it's the  ,ad format we use for our tiktok ad clients  at the affluent agency and we're literally  ,generating hundreds of thousands in new revenue  from infeed ads alone so that's what i'm going to  ,show you today so without further ado let's jump  straight on to the tick tock advertising platform  ,okay so the first thing we're going to do is  go over to ticktock.com forward slash business  ,i'm just going to zoom in here so you can see  every

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TikTok Ads FULL Beginners Guide in 20 Minutes (PROFITABLE TikTok Ads)

TikTok Ads FULL Beginners Guide in 20 Minutes (PROFITABLE TikTok Ads)

hey there andrew here hope you're all,well today we're going to learn how to,use tiktok ads effectively something i,haven't yet spoken about,on this channel so naturally you're in,for a value-packed one today,last year 74 of marketers,and businesses had no plans to invest,into tick-tock ads according to,a social media marketing industry report,so you're already two steps ahead of,your competition,watching this tutorial we'll be going,over five things today,why should you use tick-tock ads,examples of winning tick-tock ads,account setup tick-tock pixel setup and,creating,your ads as usual i'll leave timestamps,for all five sections for your,convenience and,any tools or resources i mentioned,throughout the video,i'll leave in the description box below,so go ahead and check them out below,so why should we use tik tok ads i mean,there are so many other ad platforms out,there right now,but because tick tock is so new there's,definitely pros and cons but let's go,over why you should use tick tock ads,and i'll be talking to also the,downsides of tick tock ads throughout,the video,arguably one of the biggest reasons,though to use tick tock ads is because,it's currently a,platform that is relevant in the world,of social media marketing it's really,important,to stay ahead of the curve and,experiment,within reason with new tools tick-tock,as is,exactly that it's a new and relevant,platform as of right now,tick tock ads has an extremely engaged,user base but this,may change in the future tick tock was,the most downloaded app on the apple app,store and has 2 billion total downloads,across apple,and google's app store now obviously,this doesn't mean,anything if the users aren't actually,engaged,but 9 out of 10 tick tock users access,the app,on a daily basis and spend on average 52,minutes on the app per day be careful,though because the cost per click of,tick tock ads is extremely high right,now,in comparison to let's say facebook ads,or snapchat ads,so the barrier to entry to just,experiment with tick-tock ads alone,isn't exactly low that being all said,it's worth at the very least,experimenting with tik-tok ads you can,use tick-tock ads to grow your business,get more customers leads or even just,grow your tick-tock profile and get,your engagement and following up in the,next few sections i'll show you a simple,strategy you can use to see if tiktok,ads works for you,and your business okay so before we jump,into creating our tick tock ads,if you're enjoying this video tutorial,so far be sure to give this video a,thumbs up,and also subscribe to this channel if,you're looking for more lessons around,digital marketing e-commerce and general,online business,i've got my phone here and before we,jump into those talk ad creation,i want to go over winning tick tock ads,you know,tick tock ads that actually work well on,my phone here i'll also leave it on,screen so you can,follow along and break down why exactly,these ads,actually work so well so let's start,with the first one and the first one,is a slurpee ad from 7-11 i believe,so as you can see here you've got your,standard,dancing tik-tok here with a brand and,product,integrated into the video so,you can see in the caption they called,it the slurpee,shimmy and the point here is to create a,social dance that gets picked up by,other tick tock users and becomes tied,you know to a product if the dance gets,picked up by a whole load of users well,the product also gets picked up too the,product being a slurpee in this case,if you have the creativity and the moves,you know this is a great way to promote,a brand or product but creating a,dance that goes with it but i know this,isn't for everyone,personally not my cup of tea so let's,move on to the next example,so the next example with this one it's,also straight,pretty straightforward they have,literally just,shown their apparel products overlaid,with a popular song and they've added a,direct,call to action button as part of the ad,which i'll show you how to do,later in this tutorial they have a,buttload of likes,at 200k plus for this specific ad alone,which means they most likely,ran an engagement campaign on tick-tock,but the point here is you don't always,need to have a really fancy you know,dancing tick-tock video to succeed so,this is an example of an ad that works,and it's just a very,simple uh you know apparel video the,next one is,from nike this one's pretty interesting,have you watched this,you know ad loan by itself you're,probably going to wonder,how the heck is this working how does it,drive customers to,buy anything or do anything wouldn't,blame you but,what's going on here is also genius and,can drive virality the goal here is to,get,as many users to repost this as a duet,as you can see here they've reposted it,you know they've got some,engaging dancing going on more people,that repost this as a duet the more,eyeballs,that see this ad and the more traffic,that comes through to your website,so as you can see here with tho

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Grand strategi penawaran nah ini juga,sebenarnya berpengaruh ya kalau misalkan,kita memilih biaya terendah biayanya itu,diatur oleh tiktok esnya Apakah udah,bisa dikirim ataupun belum belum bisa,sama sekali dikirim Coba kita kerja Teh,kirim tuh ini enggak bakalan bisa,dikirim Kenapa karena disini kita belum,menautkan katalog joknya Nah inilah,Kenapa saya bahas di part yang pertama,itu harus punya website dulu karena,kalau misalkan kita gak punya website,ini enggak bakalan Jalan iklannya,tentangnya,Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi,wabarakatuh Halo semuanya Selamat datang,kembali di channel saya di video kali,ini masih membahas seputar atlet Oke dan,ini kelanjutan video sebelumnya yang,dimana di video Sebelumnya saya membahas,tentang resep bisa berikan stokes tapi,belum ke cara ikannya ya di videopad,yang pertama itu saya membahas dua hal,yang teman-teman perlu lakukan sebelum,beriklan di cokes dan di video part yang,kedua itu saya membahas tentang setting,akun utas dan janggut ketika ini kita,akan bahas gimana hanya beriklan di tik,tok EZ Disini saya akan bahas lengkap,dari mulai cabe ikan sampai top upnya,Bagaimana jadi Silahkan simak video ini,sampai selesai nah kita langsung saja,mulai bahas step by stepnya ya yang,pertama teman-teman masuk saja ke bagian,belum share2 cara bisa langsung cari di,browsernya tiktok Ed seperti ini ya,ataupun bisa langsung di browsernya ad,tiktok.com kayak gini ya Terus dmdh,menempel nanti akan masuk ke bagian,tampilan Leading Paints tiktok for,bisnis jadi teman tinggal klik saja,daftar nah disini saya sudah bikin,akunnya kedua jadi sini kita akan Pilih,satu untuk ada izinnya nanti kalau,misalnya kita udah buat adenya kita akan,diarahkan langsung ke dashboard Ads,Manager langsung jadi sini kita setting,pertanyaan temennya ini adalah hasil eh,dari iklannya selesai boy selama satu,hari dengan budget 200.000 layanan,rp17.000 klik 131 dan dapat kompetensi,22 habis ini kita langsung saja mulai,bahas dia Gimana sih cara bikin ikan Hai,yang pertama temen-temen tinggal klik,saja buat ikan Nah untuk iklan yang ini,hampir sama seperti Facebook aja yang di,mana di Facebook yang situ ada tiga save,untuk beriklan Khan yang pertama pilih,kampanye yang kedua grup iklan yang,ketiga ikan hampir sama tentunya cuman,bedanya ada yang perbedaannya,menyelesaian nah di bagian yang pertama,ini adalah kampanye yang dimana kampanye,ini menentukan tujuan iklan teman-teman,itu untuk apa saya sudah mencoba di,bagian lalulintas kunjungan kompresi dan,penayangan video yang pertama saya coba,disini adalah penayangan video pakai,penayangan video itu boncoz untuk,mencegah banyak yang nonton tapi enggak,ada yang klik yang mungkin targetnya,salah dan setelah saya coba untuk,konversi Nam kompresi itu hasilnya tuh,kayak gitu ya yang tadi sudah saya,Tampilkan kan dapat 22 kompresi nah,Disini saya akan mencoba untuk,menggunakan tujuan iklan kompetensi,untuk kualitas munjungan mungkin sama,tapi ada ke bedanya di bagian iklan,disini kita pilih dulu yang bagian,kompresi selanjutnya kalau misalkan,Tekan Udah menentukan tujuan iklan klik,lanjutkan Nah di sini kita masuk ke,bagian gap ikan di gopika ini kita,menyeting dari data dan yang lainnya,pokoknya disini itu lebih detail,pokoknya di bagian grup iklan Silahkan,masukkan contoh disini ajuka,hijabku satu jantung kayak gini ya Nah,jenis promosi ini produk karena itu mau,dipromosikan di mana ataupun program itu,mempromosikan apa Nah kalau saya disini,lebih memilih situs web ya karena kan,nantinya si produk itu akan diarahkan ke,website yang ada di hutan dan nanti,cucumber itu akan membeli produknya itu,gym tas nah disini sudah buat pixel,seharusnya harus menggunakan pixel ya,cuma belum Saya bahas tentang pixel,mungkin dipajang keempat setelah tentang,ikan ini saya akan bahas step by step,Gimana sih caranya bikin pixel Oke jadi,disini kita akan bahas menggunakan,halaman instan Tik Tok saja untuk laman,install ini seperti Leading Paints,tentunya bisa lihat di bagian sini untuk,buatnya teman pergi ke bagian aset dan,klik kebagian halaman instan nah disini,pilih saja yang bagian Klik tombol Nah,selanjutnya disini masuk ke bagian,penempatan iklan kita Hai tempatkan di,mana gitu ada dua jenis penempatan yang,pernah penempatan otomatis dan yang,kedua penempatan manual penempatan,otomatis sini ada tiga ya Eh yang,pertama ikan kira itu bakal muncul di,Top bus-bus videonya republik dan Babe,hanya satu lagi kita masuk ke bagian,pangli ini mungkin udah jelas ya,penjelasan itu kayak gini dan untuk,tampil itupun gini nah saya lebih,menonaktifkan kedua ini sebenernya,karena belum tentu target market itu ada,di sana ataupun menginstal aplikasi yang,ada di sini ya seperti topbuzz video dan,Republik bahkan Babe Itu belum tentu ya,jadi sini saya fokus untuk beriklan di,bagian parfum tiktoknya tapi kalau,misalkan ketemu coba Ya silahkan Ya bisa,pilih yang otomatis tapi disini saya,member yang manual masuk ke bagian bawah,di bagian sini ada komentar pengguna,kalau misalkan butuh ya aktifkan tap

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How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

How To Run TikTok Ads in 2022 - Beginners Tutorial (Complete Guide)

today we're going to cover everything tick-tock  ads we're going to go into shopify we're going  ,to link our store we're going to make sure the  pixel is set up properly we're going to make  ,sure that you can get amazing tick-tock results  for those that are new to the channel i'm davey  ,foggerty my shopify stores have done over 400  million dollars in sales in just four years tick  ,tock ads is the new kid on the blog usually we're  heavily reliant on facebook because it's such an  ,incredible marketing tool but lots of people are  getting heaps of success with the new entertaining  ,nature of tick tock ads so it might be perfect  for your brand this video is perfect for beginners  ,we're not going to skip any steps but i'm also  going to go into some advanced things around  ,content because that is so important to make sure  that you make tick tock ads work the first step  ,you're going to want to do is set up your shopify  store if you haven't set up your shopify store  ,just pause the video click the link in my bio and  set it up now we've got one set up through our  ,lemon scrub series so it's got most of the things  ready we're just going to make sure that we set up  ,tiktok properly so the pixel is firing once you're  in shopify the best way to go is go into apps and  ,just write in tiktok simply download the official  tiktok app and click add sales channel this is the  ,exact same as facebook nowadays this will bring  up this little tick tock section down on the left  ,hand store of your shopify store if you don't have  shopify still carry on watching we're going to get  ,into the nitty gritty in a second once this is set  up we can click this section here setting up the  ,pixel the next step you can see that it's saying  connect tick tock for business this is where you  ,need a new tick tock account already have a tick  tock business account you can just click connect  ,but today we're gonna have to create a brand new  one so i'm just gonna click create new at the top  ,enter my email address get the verification code  sent into the verification code here agree to  ,terms and conditions and just click sign up you  can click connect down the bottom right and that's  ,now created an ads manager business manager under  that email we can click create new ad account and  ,we can select the country and the currency that we  want to be built in this is generally the region  ,that you want to be targeting change the business  name to something a little bit simpler click sign  ,up and connect you'll come to this data sharing  section which we've touched on a few times in my  ,previous episodes just click enhanced or maximum  providing you've got the terms and conditions set  ,up for something and then click confirm maximum  is obviously preferred this is how shopify shares  ,data with ticktock this is referred to as capi  which is a partnership between shopify and the  ,advertising platform click set up enter your final  details make sure you connect automatic payment  ,click confirm and you should be ready to go now  to create tick-tock ads we're actually going to  ,have to go back to the tick-tock ads manager so  we can go ads.tichtalk.com you can see that our  ,ad account has already been created to make sure  that we do have the pixel set up properly what i  ,do recommend is going to your website and just  like facebook there's something called tic toc  ,pixel helper and it's a chrome extension that you  can download and check if your pixel is firing  ,on your website if it's not you may need to go  and fix that initially just download the chrome  ,extension and you can see that our tick tock pixel  is set up here shopify set it up for us and it  ,should be firing this is a page view because we're  on a page when you add a product to cart it should  ,fire the add to cart pixel or if someone purchases  you can test a purchase and it will also fire that  ,pixel in the exact right way so now we're in  the tiktok ads account we can go ahead and  ,create our first campaign campaign structures  are really important to talk about it's what  ,separates good advertisers from bad advertisers  that alongside really effective marketing content  ,the basic structure is you have a campaign which  is what objective you are striving for if you've  ,got something like a real estate business  it might be leads you're trying to collect  ,leads but we've got a e-commerce business  so we want to get purchases then you've  ,got the ad set level which is basically the  targeting that you're setting up to complete  ,that campaign objective then finally you've got  your ads that live within each of those ad sets  ,these ads are different creative types that  you think are going to convert your customer  ,so head to campaign when you're in campaign all  you need to do is click create here and you'll set  ,up your first campaign you'll get prompted with  two options you've got simplified mode and custom  ,mode we're going to w

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Tiktok Ads Manager Tak boleh Login?

Tiktok Ads Manager Tak boleh Login?

hai hai semua kuburlah barokatuh Oke,dalam itu nih saya enak tunjukkan kepada,anda untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang,warga the app tipe muka pakai,dia sebab IP ada pengupahan nah daripada,tiktok Okelah mulai terbang itu untuk,menjelaskan tetap lalu ini suhu coba,kamu tanya Iya enggak,bytes agar tetap mereka buka ekor Tito,eps 162 itu choetsu dalam Indonesia ke,Tunjukkan pada anda cari cem-ceman untuk,gua,itu mengatasi masalah nih oke syuting,oppadeul kepada ini,tetap tes manajer,gitu-gitu Oke,kalau,semuanya oke,Hai Academy dekat bohong-bohongan kilap,kalau tokimonsta keluar waktu kita telah,dicabut,ngetik toh oke,Akiko Nippon ada satu lagi jadi punya,You are dia tuh oke memang tak keluar,nih kalau dimakan ini sampai lah sampai,Pilihlah takang jadi apapun Nah kamu,juga ini Tak lupa besok jalur dia punya,saya di adalah ke pergi pada sipenne Oke,kereta sispena nnp lihah Dewi Network,key pilih internet nih henneberg,pengguna Windows pengguna Windows,Oke,internet Protocol,Hai sehingga boleh jatuh,di elus-elus,karena evils,dikit jadi flash kita tengok kalau,celana,HPV di antaranya,Hai untuk x,oke should ktp-nya kita dahulu buka ah,sedia,masalah dikasih tuyul hatiku terluka,kita punya HP nih kita punya sipenne TV,pedas ipene,Oke,internet bagi pada properties,internet Protocol mission,kVA tukadi ne subuh yang bawa nih pada,111 ataupun,88887 yang pelukannya akhir ada juga,challenge the tiang satu kode NS punya,nomor tuh pergi pada,MP3 buta nih ada juga yang meyakini ADB,setengah tempat Tuh Yulia Eneng kini,nuklir browser Oke video,kristoni cookies murni oke clear tapi,calon ini dia akan kok kamu banyak,lesley akhir Simpan itu dia akan,hilanglah jadi Wow gila hati punya,bertanya-tanya Kamboja inilah Oke kita,akan atuh kadie nsfw jesaja oke eh untuk,video kali ini untuk penerangannya,tentang masalah teatring Allah Ike ekor,X dah selesai kita tengok tidak luar oke,tidak keluar di penyanyi kata Kemal,loading sampai lebih lodging tidak masuk,pot oke itu saja,hai

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bersama saya lebih jayakusuma,malam hari ini saya rekaman malam itu,lebih enak analisa iklannya di siang,hari dan malam hari jadi malam hari ini,saya akan,share ke temen-temen semua Gimana hasil,iklan yang kemarin kita kem pen ya,tentunya kalau kita sudah iklan kita,harus tahu cara membacanya supaya kita,bisa mengambil tindakan-tindakan seperti,apa Apakah iklannya ini,harus diteruskan atau kita akan off kan,atau tidak kill yang lalu Apakah iklan,ini bisu ini Winning apa enggak Kalau,enggak Winning ya kita akan tes lagi,tentunya enaknya kalau kita jalankan,beberapa iklan ya Misalnya tes kita tes,iklan mungkin sekali camp ada lima,karena kebetulan kemarin kita jalankan,1km ya teman-teman the rainy,dashboardnya kita masuk campaign ya,Oke teman-teman ini berarti modo yang,kelima Ya nanti saya akan share ke semua,Nah kalau ini,bermanfaat buat teman-teman semua,boleh di share videonya jangan lupa di,subscribe Ya di tinggal klik subscribe,Gratis kok nggak bayar yang supaya,mendukung channel,dijahit Kusuma ini tetap maju terus buat,teman-teman semua dan buat UMKM yang,hari ini yang belum tentunya yang belum,gua digital ya Saya mau Super habis ya,supaya teman-teman juga bisa belajar,semua,ilmu-ilmu yang saya bagikan ya Tentunya,saya terbagikan ilmu dagingnya,teman-teman Selama saya terjun di dunia,digital semua ilmu saya akan bagikan,semua termasuk juga nanti di Facebook,juga di Google juga tapi kita akan,memulainya Nur lewat tiktok dulu ya Oke,kita baca,langsung ke iklan yang kemarin ya,kita akan lihat diklaimnya kemarin kita,terbitin iklannya,Marine Which is satu hari ya iklannya,masih berjalan kita lihat belajar yang,kemarin kita saya tapi itu adalah,200.000 tobatnya,dan ini adalah type c-nya specnya ini,302 type-c ini ada,cost per kliknya ya ini ini murah-murah,banget,saya sering bilang kalau,CVC yang di tiktok dibandingkan dengan,Facebook,ya software hari ini titik jauh lebih,murah ya temen-temen Jadi kalau,yang,sangat disarankan makanya,boleh iklan di tiktok ya bukan juga di,Facebooknya bagus ya tentunya,balik lagi,style kita beriklan juga dan produk kita,juga dan ini ratus formilnya dan kita,akan lihat impression nya jangkauannya,ya ini total klik dari iklan yang kita,kita camp kita tayangkan kemarin ini,ada-ada,662 klik ya CPR ini adalah kos pergi,saat ya ini kalau di Facebook ini satu,setengah satu di atas satu persen aja,bagus banget ya kalau ini rata-rata,patokannya kita di atas dua persen ini,empat 4,9 tiga personil CJR nya udah,bagus banget darisini ada konversi,Hai itu ada,55 konversi Which is Ada 55 lip ya masuk,ke WA ya masuk ke WA jadi di WA diterima,di admin itu sekitar ada,40-49 iya mungkin situ bagus banget ya,biasa,ad biasa kalau saya lihat iklan,teman-teman di luaran sana ya,itu yang konversi mungkin ada 100,mungkin yang masuk itu cuman 10 dan ini,hampir di atas 80% ini yang bagus sekali,kos penelitian nanti temen-temen jadi,atas ya nanti saya akan share,jumlah wayang masuk ke dalam cat,any cost per action nya jadi menurut,saya Cooperation ini murah sekali ya,jadi setiap dia melakukan tindakan ini,cuman,3636 rupiah murah sekali benar-benar,murah banget ya murah banget jadi wedges,kalau kita bagikan 200.000 bagi 55 ya,3000an persatu lips nya persatu satu,WAnya masuk ke dalam,wajah kita,Hai kalau misalnya udah ada,50 yang masuk ke WA yang beli mie sadar,misalnya baru Katakanlah ada lima ya,kalau misal limanya balik modal kalau,sudah balik modal dari profitnya 200.000,teman-teman boleh teruskan iklannya Dian,diteruskan iklannya,kalau misalnya profitnya makin bagus,teman-teman juga buaya melakukan,scale-up yang dari 200.000 ini ya boleh,naikin Scale of nya,nggak boleh langsung 200-400 ya,teman-teman ya mulainya 20% dulu dia,karena kalau iklan langsung dinaikin,budgetnya besar,biasanya ia goritma nya pasti langsung,berubah nggak disarankan ya kalau,misalnya kalau temen-temen punya iklan,200.000 langsung berubah budgetnya,langsung Rp400 mentang-mentang pengin,jangkauannya besar tapi Hai pasti,iklannya di rancor semua ya Oke kita,lihat di sini Ya Grupnya,nyampenya tadi kita lihat India grupnya,nih sama aja lalu kita lihat apa lagi,yang perlu kita lihat,Ayo kita lihat kita punya kontennya ya,jangkauan kontennya konten yang mana,yang bagus dan mana Enggak efs bagian,konten ya iklanya ini,ada salah satu iklan yang di reject kita,bisa lihat ya kalau misalnya ada tiga,kontennya teman-teman kalau dia dari,diantara tiga konten yang nggak,nggak bagus videonya,di tutup aja kau ini kena dari Jack nih,kita lihat alasan direject karena apa,nih ada Yaumul,Hai tumor terlihat,aja nih videonya,Ah ini Enggak Bener nih Aduh sexual,content ini dewasa konten dianggap ini,dewasa konten padahalnya acara TV jadi,konten ini ya nanti kadang-kadang kalau,yang model kayak seperti ini,ya teman-teman boleh banding Ya ini yang,seperti kayak gini ya boleh dibanding,Tapi karena udah terlanjur ditolak ya,Udah dimatiin aja ya ini ya Oke kita,lihat diantara dua konten ini yang 2,video Ini yang mana yang Winning mana,yang,Interaksi yang

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