how to run ads on tiktok forbes

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$0-$4K In 5 Days With Tiktok Ads - Step By Step Tutorial & Strategy

in this video I'm going to be taking you,step by step on how I went from knowing,little to nothing about Tick Tock ads to,being able to scale a store from zero,dollars to four thousand in less than,five days Tick Tock has a huge Buzz,right now especially with it being the,number one social media platform over,Facebook and over Instagram which is why,it is so important as a marketer and a,drop shipper you are learning how to be,able to maximize your advertising with,Tick Tock ads let's go ahead and get,right into it,thank you,what's going on everybody my name is AC,Hampton and welcome back to my channel,we cover everything Drop Shipping,e-commerce Airbnb print on demand ways,to make money online and so much more in,this video I'm going to be giving you,guys a complete free step-by-step,tutorial on how you guys can be able to,use tick tock ads to be able to grow,your Drop Shipping and e-commerce,business I will be taking you from the,starting point of tick tock ads covering,what products work well on this platform,what requirements are needed how your,store should be laid out how to,structure your advertisements setting up,Tick Tock ads and so much more before I,dive in as you guys know I give out a,free Consulting call every single week,to help Kickstart one lucky winner into,the right direction with their,e-commerce career oh yeah and some,Supreme Ecom merch for free if you're,wanting the opportunity to enter into,this giveaway all you have to do is,three simple things the first thing you,must do is in the comment section below,comment the word Tick Tock and what your,biggest Learning lesson is from this,video the second thing you might to do,is go to my Instagram AC underscore,Hampton and go ahead and follow me and,the third thing you must do is smash,that like button below and subscribe to,my channel as I have never missed a,single week on this platform and the,winner of last week will be announced,somewhere inside of this video as you,guys can see this is the store that I,took from zero to thirty eight hundred,dollars in less than five days starting,from zero so let me go ahead and refresh,the screen real quick because you know,it's always No Cap so I had around 3 800,in sales I had 1700 online store,sessions and my returning customer rate,was a 4.88 which is huge but we always,know men live women lie numbers don't so,let's go ahead and check out the profit,so as you guys can see this is the exact,same time frame of it being between June,16th and June 20th same revenue of 37.90,cost of goods was around 1200 Aspen was,around 1800 which ultimately gave me a,net margin of 16 and a net profit of 600,now this was my first time ever using,Tick Tock as but to be able to make over,600 in less than five days this was a,great starting experience so because,this was all from Tick Tock this gave me,a great incentive to know that Facebook,ads and Google ads is not the only thing,that works this was a great learning,experience and I'd love to be able to,diversify myself as a marketer there's,so many Trends going on Tick Tock right,now people are loving this platform and,I knew I had to take advantage of it and,I want you guys to be able to take,advantage of it as well and,understanding not just one e-commerce,platform but diversifying yourself with,multiple allows for you to be able to,understand more knowledge and bring in,even more money into your pockets if,you're ready to be able to take action,and start your eCommerce career the,right way without wasting money effort,and energy into the wrong direction,you're looking to make an extra five to,ten thousand dollars a month and start,being Your Own Boss you guys can apply,for the limited spots available in my,one-on-one mentorship for the month of,July by going to my Instagram at AC,underscore Hampton and DM me the word,Tick Tock or you guys can apply at,Supreme they're a very limited,spots so I hope to hear from each and,every single one of you so now I want to,go ahead and provide you a great example,of what a tick tock store would look,like so one of the first things I want,to cover is some of the benefits of,doing Tick Tock advertising so for one,it does not get disabled easily it's,pretty cheap to be able to start off,with the iOS 14 update that everyone is,so afraid of has not affected this at,all and there's a very simple setup,process and here's an example of a store,that is advertising on Tick Tock that is,going absolutely crazy so as you guys,can see they are advertising this case,that lights up on the back of it which,is crazy wow factor and it a hundred,percent solves a problem which is one of,the same things we like to look at,whenever we're doing Facebook,advertising is finding a product that,solves a problem but I'm telling you,right now this product probably would,not have been able to been advertised on,Facebook due to the limited constraints,that they allow you to advertise with so,as you guys can see they have over 3.5,million likes over 1

The above is a brief introduction to how to run ads on tiktok forbes

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How to Run TikTok Ads 2023, community interaction Advertising Tutorial, tik tok online marketing

How to Run TikTok Ads 2023, community interaction Advertising Tutorial, tik tok online marketing

Hello friends today I will show you how,to create stick talk ads,so,before starting this tutorial,who are newer in my Channel Please,Subscribe my channel and,follow my Facebook page I will link my,Facebook page in description box,so let's start,adjust,I,came my tick tock,business manager account then add,accounts this is very simple just,create an account and login here then,I came this,campaign okay then I will go to this,create option I'll click here and,it will take few seconds,actually this is my client project and,he want to grow her Tick Tock accounts,so that's why today I will,show you this community interaction okay,get more follow and profile visit,so,we have to complete this three steps,then,a ad will automatically run if you if we,submit if I submit okay,so I'll click here Community,introduction,I am creating this ad only test purpose,actually not final,huh uh,actually I'll not submit here I'll just,show you how I set the set,first I'll,rename it is a campaign name okay,comment interest,ads you can write any things here,so we'll give here this section default,okay,I can test here but we'll right now we,will keep your default so then I'll go,to continue,okay,again I will set a name here add group,name,Community ad group community,ads okay then placement,in,tick tocks so,video download video sharing user,comments we need this okay so we'll add,this don't make any change so,targeting select targeting mode we can,select custom mode or,automatic Target okay,so,if I select this custom mode I I have,some,joyous like,I can set location so my client size is,uh,United States you minded,United States and uh,why it's not selecting,we have already selected this category,okay okay,see then uh,we can Target more,I will narrow my ads more okay we can I,can select here from State,yeah you can select any state or you can,remove from here and check this okay so,if you want this you can but uh I don't,know on this so I'll keep this okay then,I will target language English,okay then you can Target multi language,so then my targeting,gender is female okay and as group,2 34 and household income,you can change or you can keep all,audience,audience Behavior okay,I can select,uh,custodians look like audience,right now we have no data so I cannot,make any change here,okay so you can refresh it you can,create new,then this is including sector and this,is excluding sector actually I we have,no data right now that's why I am not,selecting this area then I'll select,interest and behavior here actually my,clients targeting uh,show all you can here you can show all,his targeting area is training and,education okay,school high school or Sports,so we can Target have from multi sectors,okay training and education,then,Forbes,then,uh,not academic that's it you can select,more I will keep this true,then we just click here add we have here,okay,uh,Define how they interact your video,Australian like will check mark,all area okay,then,select a time period include this action,seven does,ah add the other configuration,so,what you want from your audience they,they follow you or they view your,profile you can select anyone okay,or both as your wish,then,uh,then we go add Behavior hashtag,introduction okay,so we will search some hashtag right,export SP spot,um maybe it's for TV so you can,research your hashtag okay sportsgirl,oh yeah,then,boxing video xcim,and the,box,see I can select this boxing actually we,have a,we have to use here trending hashtag,maybe related your profits my topic is,this course that's why I I am not a,research any hashtag right now because,test purposes that's why I'm not,research otherwise I'll discuss from,Google Twitter and other trending areas,so then I will Target the device okay so,what kind of device you want to Target,Android ISO or all,so first we actually I Target the both,then you can select the of your android,model okay you give it all here device,model you can narrow your audience more,Apple itel actually it's connection type,Wi-Fi to Z3 carriers,okay I I'll keep it all okay that would,device price everything you can,targeted content exclusion,will not make any sense here daily,budget you can,keep your daily budget or you can set a,lifetime budget so this budget is,recommended okay if you,make sense you you must you can increase,this budget but never decreases I am,showing you sorry not here,400,currently I'm,oh sorry I can little bit changed they,will,if you keep here,ten dollars tens Canadian dollars they,will show you,280 minimum balance minimum add by the,tokens so,here,280,okay Canadian dollars,so it's uh is uh maybe,different budget from different country,okay then we select our time we can,select or at time when it will start,today's uh 30 December so I have to,select tomorrow this is it will start,tomorrow and this ad will end,40 December okay so no no I will select,for next seven days,okay,then,when this ad will play the all time I am,in 24 hours no I will select some area,uh maybe,um,six hour,t

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I Tried Paying Fiverr to Feature me on Forbes

I Tried Paying Fiverr to Feature me on Forbes

in order to get an article published,about you or your business on these big,news websites out there I've always just,kind of sumed that a writer from the,website with a stroke of luck somehow,has to stumble upon you or you have to,achieve something extraordinary go,insanely viral something like that but,what if I told you that there's another,way a third door if you will in this,video we're gonna explore it that third,door and see what happens when I try to,pay people on fibers to put up articles,about me on some of these big-name news,websites is this actually possible is,the real is it a scam can you really pay,people on five words to publish articles,about you I don't know but I want to,find out so that's what we're gonna do,in this video so flash that intro okay,so before you call me a complete and,narcissist we're trying to get an,article published about myself let me,explain why how we even got here the,backstory behind this and where I even,got the idea to do this in the first,place so this is the first time you're,watching one of my videos what's good,what's poppin my name is Vanessa and you,can basically describe me and type of,content I create in two words,entrepreneur ship but so you see I run a,drop shipping business online and I also,make videos here on YouTube about it and,try to help people do the same thing and,earn money with drop shipping and other,business models but a few months ago,after getting a ton of requests from,subscribers asking me to put out a,course I decided you know what if the,tribe has spoken and I dropped a drop,shipping course and although I got,positive feedback from people who,actually enrolled into the course,shortly after I put it out when you,would google my name you would see,articles pop up with titles like click,to see why be hesitated is Heavin legit,just all kinds of negative vibes and,when I clicked on these links they were,all reviews for my course and although,the titles were terrible the reviews,themselves weren't that bad the people,inside them try to cling on some very,weak points and when I read these,articles I was obviously a little,disappointed but I don't really take it,to heart I didn't care because if,somebody wants to write an unbiased,review about my course because that's,how they felt about it that that's,completely fine freedom of speech baby,I'm all for it I'm not even mad to the,slightest,however after doing a little Sherlock,Holmes action I quickly realized that,these websites were not as unbiased and,as innocent as they first appear and,that's because they all had one thing in,common and this common denominator is,that all these reviews were structured,the same exact way except,different websites they would trash my,course and then at the end of the review,they would try to sell you a different,course called econ elite every single,one of these websites they would end up,by saying this course sucks by eco meal,eat one of the websites actually had a,disclosure on there where they admitted,that they use affiliate links however a,lot of the other ones didn't which means,that not only are they partaking in a,scummy business activity where they try,to drag my name through the dirt in,order to make some money off Commission,sales for the course they're promoting,but what they're doing is also legal,since they're not disclosing that they,are affiliated with eco elite and to,make things way worse the cherry on top,here the thing that confirms my,suspicion is that they're not just doing,that to me but they're doing that to,every single person in the online,business space check this out we got,Gabriel st. Germain when you google his,name and go on some of these reviews,when you scroll through bunch of,negative vibes you get to the bottom it,says the course by gay people st.,Germain promises a lot on closer,inspection it's unlikely it's truly,deliver for you you get down here and it,says there's no shortage of Java,shipping courses basically by econ leads,instead let's do another person in the,space Scott he'll see simplified Shopify,is a fairly short job shipping course by,Scott by econ elites instead let's see,what happens when you google our ease,name you scroll down there we go while,it's a good course I don't necessarily,think it's the best course available and,I think you'd be better off with you,guessed it ecommons baby so that's the,whole backstory here I'm just a little,salty that the first thing that people,see when they google my name,are these websites that are dragging my,name through the dirt in order to secure,a quick buck on Commission sales and the,thing is most people who view these,websites probably won't dig deep enough,to find out that what they're really,doing is just trying to sell a different,course and it just so happened that the,other day I was scrolling through Fiverr,to maybe find some help with the search,engine optimization when I started,running into listings like this one they,were offering to publish an article on,pr

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How To Run Ads on TikTok in Less Than 5 Minutes | TikTok Advertising

How To Run Ads on TikTok in Less Than 5 Minutes | TikTok Advertising

I talk in India is going where no social,media app has gone before the apps,disease remove 15-second arrows may draw,disdain from rivals in India for its,content but its popularity lies mostly,in the suburban areas far from the,bustling metropolitan cities tick tocks,explosion in india in the 18-month,period since January 2018 has expanded,its reach to almost 30% of all Indian,smartphones as of August 2009 teen now,the beauty is that a majority of Tech,Talks users in India are essentially 18,to 35 year old people coming from tear,2003 settings a lot of this is thanks to,geo which has got a lot of Indian users,on the Internet,with tik toks rising popularity deters,have been spending more than 30 minutes,a day on tick tock which is ahead of,both Instagram and snapchat tic TOCs,increasing popularity has also now made,it a platform a very very popular,platform among marketing professionals,in India so a lot of marketing,professionals in India are also now,shifting some of their digital,advertising budgets to tick tock and in,this video what we will essentially look,at is how you can advertise on tick tock,in India in less than 5 minutes so what,I have done is I've opened the tick tock,ads platform in front of me how you can,visit the platform you can visit the,platform by opening ads dot tick tock,calm and create account on ads dot tick,tock calm so I just briefly scroll,through this page it's a broad overview,it's a very very simple ad platform very,much like Facebook's ad platform you can,reach a lot of diverse audiences through,the targeting options that are available,by tic-tock and essentially you can you,can reach new audiences for your brand,and there are multiple stories that you,can create and you can use to advertise,with with consumers on tik-tok so,essentially if if your audience if you,feel your audience is on tick-tock if,you feel that your target group your,your brand's target audience is on,tick-tock or they are from tier two tier,three towns,tick tock can be a great place to,showcase your brand showcase your,product showcase your services so once,you've opened ads door tick tock comm,you need to register and create an,account given the fact that I have,already registered I'll simply login,registering does not take a lot of time,so I'll show you in in real time how you,can set up your ad the moment you log on,to tick tock you will see a dashboard,which will give you a summary of your,spends any existing campaigns that are,running it will give you your typical,metrics like impressions CTR clicks,conversion and of course it's it's like,any other dashboard that you will find,you can go to campaign and then you can,create a campaign on tick tock again,I'll very quickly show you how to create,a campaign on tick tock it is very very,simple it's very similar to an ad,platform like Facebook so there's,nothing very different you have a,campaign you have an ad group and you,have an ad so the hierarchy is also very,similar with camping at the top followed,by head groups which would be mapped to,a campaign followed by ads which would,be mapped to ad groups so I will create,a campaign and start from scratch,I'll create a traffic campaign,if this can be in a name my first,campaign I'll set a limit for my budget,so you have to set a minimum limit of,5000 per day on takedown then this takes,me to the ad group I'll keep that group,name as it is the placements can be,automatic you can also choose your,placements so you can choose among all,the apps that are available which,include tick tock news feed app series b,co Hilo and bangle so if you want to not,use a particular app you can not use it,you can only select tick tock if you,only want it down but you can select all,in case you want all of them so what,I'll do is I'll go with automatic,placements for this particular campaign,promotion type is website I want to,drive traffic to a website and give the,name of the website,into the profile limit also to add you,can choose your ad category,this is care to be education these are,tags that in tags every for internal,purposes only you know sir now you can,choose whether a user can comment on,your ads or not you can have an,automated creative optimization,targeting you can create a new audience,optional you can choose demographics by,in select your country you select all,states you can change your state's you,can choose a gender you can choose a,demographic you can choose interest like,education can be an interest you can,also choose a device 3G 4G you can set a,daily budget an optimization bonus click,the kick that you want now you can,either put a video you can put a image,the tool will help you run ads on,tik-tok it will help you run ads on a,lot of platforms whereas an image will,not help you run ads on kicked out but,will help you run ads on only some other,platform so the moment you put your,video which has to be in these aspect,ratios with this resolution you just,have to click on submit,after adding the text an

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The Highest-Earning TikTok Stars 2022 | Forbes

The Highest-Earning TikTok Stars 2022 | Forbes

this year's highest-paid tick-tockers,brought in more than 55 million dollars,in 2021. over the last year their,earnings have surged driven partly by,their efforts to expand their fame,beyond the platform that first turn them,into celebrities and this is serious,money we're talking up to five hundred,thousand dollars for a single post we've,got ivani gregg at number five becoming,tick-tock famous in 2019 as clown girl,posting makeup tutorials that same year,she quit her job as a lifeguard moved,from indiana to la and was one of the,original members of hype house a content,creator collective,her earnings 4.75 million dollars also,tied for number five is chris collins,collins is working as a hairdresser in,vancouver when kobet hit her brother,suggested she'd download tiktok while,she was out of work she did and soon,began amassing millions of followers on,the app where she played a number of,recurring characters many of them based,on family members her earnings 4.75,million dollars,we've got two tied at the number four,spot josh richards and bella porch each,with earnings of five million dollars,josh richards ticktock feed is full of,broly antics but brands like amazon and,cash app don't seem to mind that one bit,he's monetized his party animal persona,he co-hosts a bar stool sports podcast,has annie energy drinks and co-founded a,vc firm animal capital he's also done a,netflix movie under the stadium lights,and started his own production company,crosscheck studios a joint venture with,mark wahlberg's production outfit bella,porch is the third most followed person,becoming tick-tock famous in august of,2020 with this video,which later became the most viewed tick,tock of the year born in the philippines,and later raised in texas she served in,the u.s navy as a helicopter mechanic,brands love her and in the past year,she's done sponsored content for google,prada and tinder,in may porch released her first single,build a it reached number 56 on,billboard's pop chart signaling what she,hopes is her next phase as a musician,number three is addison ray who started,making dancing tick-tocks as a student,at lsu,after seeing her popularity on the app,rise she moved to la to pursue being a,full-time celeb there she became friends,with a group of tick-tock stars and,helped form hype house a content creator,collective which elevated her profile,further she was seemingly everywhere in,2021 getting a lead role and he's all,that which briefly ranked number one in,78 countries after its august debut a,month later netflix announced a new deal,with rey for several more movies,she also has a lucrative sponsorship,with american eagle and her item beauty,line a joint venture with makeup startup,made by collective that sells its last,snack mascara and other products at,stores like sephora her earnings 8.5,million dollars,and the most famous siblings on the app,charlie and dixie de emilio,drawing plenty of comparisons to the,famous kardashian sisters they now have,their own hulu series the emilio show it,premiered in september and was renewed,for another season two months later in,december dixie performed at the garden,and nine other venues for the jingle,ball concert series alongside ed sheeran,and the jonas brothers and together the,sisters have a lucrative brand social,tourist a joint venture with hollister,sold at roughly 500 stores operated by,the retailer they of course take home,the number one and number two spots,charlie at 17.5 million dollars and,dixie at 10 million dollars,you

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TikTok Ads Manager Walkthrough And Setup - The Great Reset - 61

TikTok Ads Manager Walkthrough And Setup - The Great Reset - 61

hello hello and welcome to episode,number 61 of the great reset my name is,Robert Brill and I'm the CEO of Brill,media Co we're an advertising firm that,helps companies grow and scale using the,best data technology and paid media,available in the marketplace we are here,five days a week talking about marketing,and advertising for business owners,senior marketing executives and anyone,who wants to learn how to scale and grow,a business today we have a special treat,we're gonna look at the newly unveiled,tick-tock self-service advertising,platform here we go so here we are on,tick-tock comm slash business I clicked,on login and I have already done the,registration process and the first thing,I want to point out is that tick tock is,giving us an ad credit worth of three,hundred worth three hundred dollars for,completing verification and getting your,credit in now this is fantastic its,money its opportunities to run ads free,of charge which is great all right let,me close this up jump right into the,platform I'm going to click on create a,campaign close this up click on campaign,and I'm just going to start on create,because I went through one already and,I'm gonna recreate this so the first,thing that I want to point out you have,created a new and use existing if you've,ever used Facebook ad buying platform,there's a lot of similarity here not,surprising why reinvent the wheel if you,don't have to but I want to point out,here is you're buying on an auction,which means you are bidding based on,supply and demand this is a sort of,basics of the programmatic advertising,ecosystem and you have a few different,types of objectives and the objectives,are important because the objective,tells the platform what you want to,accomplish and it's very important to,pick the right objective for your,campaign so let's start from left to,right reach traffic app installs video,views conversions reaches for is,designed to get your ad in front of the,most unique people as possible meaning,instead of serving a hundred people to,ads each you might serve 200 ads to 200,unique people right so there's a,difference there traffic the objective,here is to get people to click app,installs is to get people to install an,app video views is to get people to,watch your ad video and then finally,conversion again a person to make a,purchase right now or to share their,information to download a white paper in,this case for b2b or for example if,you're sharing business information like,for example if you want to share get a,new kitchen cabinet they often want to,talk to you they want to capture your,information ok so that's number one,let's break down when and where you,would use these objectives and this you,know just because you have absent access,to a platform is is great it's fantastic,but you need a strategy behind it so,you're making the right decisions of,where to run the ads so when we talk,about reach this is for demand,generation this is at the top of the,funnel this is getting your ad viewed a,person might think that the more people,who view the ad the more people will get,to the site or the more people will get,to buy but that's often not the case if,you want to get people to click on your,site you don't want to choose reach you,really want to choose traffic because,it's gonna optimize to people who are in,the head space right now who's,behavioral intentions with the app sees,is likely to get a person to make to,click on the ad and go to your page,which is also very different than,optimization to a sale or a lead,generation the people who are gonna,click may not be the most effective way,to get a person to buy it's sort of,counterintuitive but it just it plays,out over and over again you want traffic,if you want to get people into your,remarketing pool which is great so right,for example if you're running banner ads,and you want to capture people from,tik-tok you want them to visit your site,and then you want them to be in your,remarketing pool so they see they see,your ads further again on tik-tok or on,facebook or with bad,that's a good strategy app installs,pretty self-explanatory your objective,here is to get an app install and video,views you want to get more views of your,video content and then finally for lead,generation what you don't want to do is,use reach for any one of these things or,this because the metrics just won't play,out the way you want them to play out,well name this campaign we'll call it,one a well there you go we're gonna set,the budget to $100 a day rule of thumb,for me on these platforms is you can,choose lifetime I often don't like to,choose lifetime the reason for that is,if the mechanics of the platform are not,as I've expected what will happen is,basically I may end up spending let's,say I put $1,000 let's say it the whole,campaign I want to spend $1,000 there's,no toggle for me to say that I wanted to,spend $1,000 evenly over the course of,the next 30 days it might do that it,might not do that there's no

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How To Make Money on Tiktok In 2023 (SECRETS For Making $1,000+ a Day)

How To Make Money on Tiktok In 2023 (SECRETS For Making $1,000+ a Day)

are you posting on tick tock right now,and not getting paid for it or maybe,you're posting on tick tock and you're,getting paid but it's just not enough,money because let's face it at the end,of the day we all love creating tick,tock content but the goal is to get paid,for actually posting on tick tock the,good news is you're not alone and this,video is going to give you four ways you,can start getting paid for posting on,tick tock right now and start making,money on tick tock regardless of how,many followers you have in fact a lot of,these things are so easy that you're,going to be able to start implementing,them the second you're done watching,this video,hustle drops implemented this advice and,built a huge business based solely on,the back of tick tock mike from,limitless culture did the same exact,thing in a niche where everybody laughed,at him about beginning to post on tick,tock and baseball lifestyle they built a,multi-million dollar brand with less,than 150 000 followers on tick tock but,on a cautionary note there are millions,of creators on tick tock that go viral,all the time and have tons of followers,millions of followers but they still,don't even make enough money to pay,their own bills a lot of them work at,mcdonald's or wendy's and i don't want,that to be you so please make sure you,implement the four tips that i'm about,to share with you the first way to get,monetized on tick tock is by doing brand,deals now i know a lot of you guys know,this but i do want to warn you doing,brand deals is not my favorite way to,get paid by tick tock you want to know,why couple reasons one a brand at any,point can just tell you to go screw,yourself and that they don't want to,work with you anymore you could end up,getting cancelled your views might go,down your account might get banned all,these different things can go wrong,they're going to destroy whether or not,you're getting brand deals and whether,or not you're getting paid and trust me,you do not want to build a living you do,not want to build a life on something as,flimsy as getting brand deals that being,said i know that a lot of you creators,do want to get brand deals and you guys,are interested in how you could be,getting brand deals so i don't have to,share with you a secret that allows,creators with only 10 000 followers to,get paid thousands of dollars a month,for brand deals and it's simple it's,something that anybody can implement,because right now the easiest way is to,get brand deals on tick tock and one by,actually reaching out to those brands,yourself to making it really easy for,those brands to reach out to you having,an email or having somewhere in your bio,that they can then reach out and,interact with you getting on the tic toc,creator marketplace if you're over 100,000 followers and then the one secret,that i'm going to share with you that's,going to allow you to get brand deals no,matter how big your following is,because ultimately at the end of the day,the reason that a lot of you guys aren't,getting brand deals it's not because you,don't have enough followers it's not,because you don't get enough views it's,not because brands think that you're,unsafe it's simply because that you're,focused on the wrong things you're not,focused on having the brand view you as,an asset instead you kind of just want,to get paid from the brand where you,just want to get free stuff for the,brand instead you need to be positioning,yourself as an asset to that brand and,i'm going to share with you exactly how,to do that because at the end of the day,a brand is only going to work with you,if they're confident that they're going,to get a return on their money no brand,is ever going to pay you it doesn't,matter who you are you could be charlie,emilio you could be the man on the moon,it doesn't matter no brand is ever gonna,pay you if they don't think they're,gonna get some kind of roi on that they,give you a hundred dollars they want to,make at least 101 and that is what you,need to be exemplifying to them now,before i share with you the exact secret,on how you can do that no matter how,many followers you have i need you to,smash that subscribe button if you want,to learn how to make more money on tick,tock instagram and youtube i literally,drop a video about this every single day,so please make sure you smash that,subscribe button you do not want to miss,another episode in addition to that i,created a free growth course on how you,can grow on tick tock get more followers,get more views so you end up making more,money from the platform that you can get,at the link in the pin comment below i,strongly suggest you get into it before,i close registration on it reese's,random is a small creator that i've,helped make a full time living on tick,tock and he's been able to do that since,he had a small amount of followers you,want to know how he's been able to do,this two ways one he implements the,secret which is he will do a brand post,for free if he wants to work w

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I got Browsedomains on the Forbes magazine!!

I got Browsedomains on the Forbes magazine!!

you know browse domains let me show you,browse domains i showed you this before,i use this tool all the time this was a,sas that we built,a while back i think it cost a couple,hundred bucks we talked about it in a,past video,and in today's video i want to talk,about how we generated,traffic and backlinks to browse,,stick around,this video is brought to you by email,10k learn how to book meetings with,billion dollar brands and take your,company to the next level,at,before we jump into it make sure that,you are subscribed down below,and that you smash that like button for,the youtube algorithm to spread us out,far and wide,go ahead and hit that like button,subscribe down below,and leave a comment if you want anything,that you can do to help grow the,community and grow the reach of the,channel,would be greatly appreciated all right,let's jump into the video,let me start with a review of what,browse is so browse,,is a domain generator so you can put in,something like ancient gods and type in,the word leads,and then it'll combine the two words and,find available leads,so for instance let's say you wanted to,be juno,now this is available eight dollars to,get juno, whoever wants that can get it,this i'm not gonna register that even,though it's a great domain name,that's exactly what browse,was built for it's an amazing tool,and i'd actually love to increase the,word of mouth and,increased the number of users on it but,what we did,to generate traffic is what i want to,talk about today because,we used a man on upwork,to generate backlinks via cold email and,you can see here's some that he got,he got us a link in this fake,,how to find a nice available domain name,easily,and we're right here browse,see us,right here he got us a backlink over,here,and some other sketchy site,,and what this does at least in theory,is helps generate traffic as people read,these blog posts,or it'll help it rank higher on google,so i'll talk about if,if i think this experiment was worth it,at the end of this video,but i want to show you the cold email,scripts that i got them to use because,they were fairly effective,and i'll show you how we hired them etc,in this in-depth,video on how we got backlinks for our,sas,browse domains let's go so i went to,upwork first and i posted this job i,said,looking for link building campaign for,browse it's in,search engine optimization worldwide hey,we created a free tool called browse, that helps you come up with,business names,looking for someone to build a list of 3,000 relevant contacts and send emails to,them to promote it,browse domains is an improved version of, so let's start by emailing,every single person that is linked to,automator,and ask them to link to us instead i,said 150,intermediate and that was that we spent,200 thousand dollars on upward,great i don't mind it i don't mind it by,the way if you haven't already go check,out our other youtube channel crazy,money,it's the greatest sequence of videos,we've ever made it's options trading,cryptocurrency dave is doing make money,experiments in india i'm doing make,money,experiments in america if you want to,see all of those videos,go on over to and,subscribe,we'll also link to it down below you can,see our second channel crazy money,go subscribe down there and let's go,so we posted that up this guy named,raziel got back,and we hired him and i wrote these,scripts that we ended up,using for browse domain and i wanted to,show you the scripts as well,so here's what we used subject quick,question body hey big fan of everything,you do,notice you've linked to slash written,about automator before,so i figured you'd find this useful i,built an alternative to automator called,browse,i used to use automator but found that,it needed more word lists and some,tweaks in order to perform well in 2021,if you find the tool helpful it would,mean the world to me if you could share,it on your website,thanks for sale simple and this got us,some backlinks,and then i just followed up this is just,a follow-up to the previous email i sent,about the alternative automator called, did you have a chance,to use the tool,and those are the scripts if you want,these scripts by the way you can have,them down below as free downloads,all we ask is your email address in,exchange,dude okay cold email wizard,the other day said nobody should be,doing free downloads,and instead of free downloads we should,be charging a dollar,per thing to get on our email list and i,agree with everything he said i haven't,implemented it yet so if you're seeing,this and it's free to join,get on the email list because i'm about,to start charging a dollar to just,join our email list it's about to happen,we all know what's about to happen,so grab these free scripts below and if,a dollar is a lot of mon

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