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How to Advertise Tobacco Products, CBD Products, Alcohol, and Other Restricted Products Online

Best money maker here will be content marketing  ,partnerships influencers and  traditional or offline media.,Hello everybody welcome to Surge. This week, we  will talk about how to market tobacco products  ,and restricted products online. Now we get some  requests on this, Joe, but lately we've been  ,getting a lot of requests because everybody's  remote. Everybody's trying to go a 100%  ,digital. We've been talking about this for weeks  now. If I sell any kind of tobacco products  ,or restricted products, how can I advertise  online? Because Facebook will not allow it.  ,Google AdWords will not allow it. Most  marketplaces will not allow, what's my option?,Yeah. And it's very difficult. And  we mention tobacco, but you have CBD,  ,hemp products, cannabis,  firearms. There's a huge list  ,of adult sexual enhancement products. There's  a huge list of restricted categories in facial.,Which one was the last one?,Sexual enhancement products.,That's the cameraman's one's  most favorite category.,Oh perfect. This is one way you could do it  is word of mouth advertising, just like this.  ,A friend telling a friend. But you can't rely on  word of mouth. And unfortunately, you have really  ,just two options. It's SEO and content marketing.  Making sure that when somebody is searching for a  ,product like yours, you are visible organically  on Google and you do that through an effective  ,SEO strategy. That is content on a monthly basis,  implemented on your site that's targeted for these  ,specific keywords. Back links to reinforce  these pages. Using anchor text to reinforce  ,those specific keywords. And again, there's an  extensive strategy behind it. However, that's  ,really your primary channel at this moment in  time. And then I would say that your secondary is  ,influencer marketing. Again, the only tough part  about influencer marketing is the attribution.  ,How really do you know if they're driving these  sales to your site? But at the end of the day,  ,because you're limited, it's still an avenue that  I would say it's worth testing the waters with.,And I would add two more to that list. Joe talked  about the first two, the third one I think is  ,through partnerships. There are blogging sites out  there, comparison sites out there that you could  ,go out and you could just search for something and  there are a ton of websites that compare products  ,or compare different companies and businesses.  You could go out there and sponsor them. You  ,could rent their email lists. That's number three.  And four is a little questionable. We've done it  ,before, but we've done it very carefully and  very nicely is there is such a thing called  ,bridge pages when you're advertising on  Google. And when you're advertising on  ,AdRoll or Facebook or Instagram or TikTok and  a bridge page, talk to us about bridge pages.,A bridge page is a page that's created to kind  of bridge your customers on these platforms that  ,you're trying to advertise on with your website.  However, it does not associate itself with your  ,website. For the most part, if your brand  has already been established, if your website  ,is already established, you're already on let's  say Facebook's no fly list when it comes to  ,running ads. But now when you're introducing a  brand new website, a landing page with a new URL,  ,new brand name, again, it's going to take time  before Facebook goes and recognizes that it's not  ,a product that they should be promoting or  it falls inside that restricted category  ,and then it gets taken down. And then you just  repeat the process as many times as you want.,Well but I'll give you a good example about  that. Let's say that your website sells CBD  ,products for pets. Anything with CBD is going to  be challenging on Facebook and on Google to get  ,your ads approved. What you could do is you  could say calmpets.com. You get that domain,  ,you slap a WordPress template  there, and you say, "We give tips  ,on how to calm your pets." And then you would go  put a landing page there and you would create a  ,new business manager and a new Facebook account.  And you say, "Well, I am calmpets.com now. I teach  ,people how to calm their pets." Some of those  options, again, you can train your pet, you can  ,have your pet listen to classical music. You  can have your pet, you can change the diet of  ,your pet. And CBD is one of those options, but  you don't actually mention that on the website.,When you do a landing page, what you can do is  you take somebody's email and you say, "Top 10  ,secrets to calm your pet." They will come in, they  will enter their email. All Facebook sees or all  ,Google sees is this website about calming pets.  But then when you start dripping emails to them,  ,which Facebook doesn't see, Google doesn't see,  guess what the first suggestion is? It's CBD.,Yeah, that's another approach. And I like  that approach better because that's actually  ,going to last. There's no reason for Facebook  to

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Affiliate Marketing + TikTok Ads Is Too Easy To Fail? (MUST WATCH)

Affiliate Marketing + TikTok Ads Is Too Easy To Fail? (MUST WATCH)

hey everyone chad here so today is an,exciting day because i'm gonna be,showing you a brand new method you can,use to make sales with affiliate,marketing now if you're in this space,i'm sure you've been told a million,times that posting tick tock videos is,the absolute best way to get traffic and,make sales and i do agree with that it's,one of the best ways to start getting,traffic for completely free but what if,instead of having to post a new tick,tock video every single day to get,traffic you can make one really good,tick tock video or have someone else,make it for you and run it as an ad for,weeks if not months while it brings you,in passive commissions every single day,like this so that's exactly what we're,gonna be doing in this video so i'm,super excited to test this method out,for you guys so without further ado,let's dive straight into it all right so,what we're going to be doing today is,we're going to be combining tick-tock,ads with affiliate marketing now for,this method we're going to be using a,very specific type of tick-tock ads and,this is going to be called tick-tock,spark ads now if you don't know what,spark ads are they're basically taking,one of your tick tock videos and turning,it into an ad so it has a super organic,feel to it and it's really not made to,look like an ad so what we're gonna do,in this video is i'm gonna show you all,the steps i'm gonna set everything up go,inside of my computer so you guys can,see exactly what to do and i'm actually,going to launch a real campaign so you,guys can see the actual results in a few,weeks from now all right so the first,step of this is you need some type of,video ad that you're going to run with,some kind of product that's going to be,linked to it right so obviously you guys,are affiliates watching this video,you're doing affiliate marketing what,product are you going to promote and how,can you make a tick tock video or find,another person's tic talk video that's,going to be a good video to promote that,product now tick tock actually has a,saying for their ad creators it's,basically says you know don't try to,create ads create tick tocks because the,secret to advertising is not to be,annoying and just sell and you know try,to get them to buy right away it's to,provide some kind of value in the ad,make it entertaining right everyone on,tiktok is there for entertainment maybe,to learn some stuff right so make the ad,like that so the best approach to this,is go on your tick tock account see what,video did best right go to the most,viewed video on your tiktok account and,honestly just use that and you just have,to make sure it has some kind of call to,action at the end so maybe you can,remake that video if you don't have a,call to action but anyways i'm going to,share my screen here and you can see,this is one of my accounts right it's a,work from homegirl account now basically,what i do is i pay a freelancer to,create all these tick tock videos for me,so this is another option you can use if,you don't have a tick tock account or,you don't want to create tick tock,videos yourself you can actually go on,fiverr type in tick tock video and,there's a bunch of freelancers that will,make your tick tock ads your tick tock,videos for you and they'll basically you,know do whatever you want on the video,so,um anyways this is the account here and,as you can see we've we have a decent,amount of videos on here we have a,decent amount of views and followers so,what i'm going to use is i'm going to,find a video that i want to use for this,ad so for example i'm going to click on,this video right here and as you can see,the hook of this video is the easiest,and highest paid online jobs and,basically,during this ad we're not selling the,product right away we're going to,provide some value to them right we're,going to hook them in,so anyways she kind of walks through you,know the different ways to you know,basically just earn an income online so,she has freelance writing right all,these different ways and then as you can,see the very end the call to action,is click the link in my bible to learn,the best work from home jobs and yes you,guessed it the product we're promoting,is a work from home jobs product right,it takes them to a quiz funnel that's my,affiliate link and that funnel,eventually goes to sell them a product,where we actually make a commission if,they buy so i think this is a good video,it has a good amount of engagement has a,good amount of views good amount of,shares so i think this would be a good,video to actually use as our ad for this,so once you find a good video you want,to use for your ad you know you,basically just want to make sure it's,already done good in organic right so i,can see this video has already gotten 51,000 views just from organic so if i run,it as an app it's probably going to do,well on there too and the second thing,is you just want to make sure it has,some kind of call to action for whatever,product you're promoting all righ

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TikTok Marketing for Cannabis, it can be done!

TikTok Marketing for Cannabis, it can be done!

okay,we're excited too michael,let's give it a few moments for everyone,to log in here,this,all right well happy thursday everyone,and welcome to the media gel podcast,where we cover the latest marketing,trends and strategies that are most,effective in growing your cannabis,dispensary delivery service or brand,mediagel connects brands and retailers,with cannabis consumers through our ad,network of mainstream publishers,mobile apps games and tv,we help cannabis companies advertise,advertise through paid search seo and,programmatic display advertising to,drive,awareness foot traffic and e-commerce,sales,i'm your host guillermo bravo and today,we'll be discussing tick tock marketing,for cannabis,i'm super excited to introduce elizabeth,udell with friends of friends agency to,today's podcast,elizabeth has been a social media,manager for 10 years in a ton of,different industries including cannabis,entertainment,food solar and e-commerce,for the last two years she's taught,content marketing and social media,management at san diego state university,to help people navigate the digital,landscape,welcome to the show elizabeth,hey everyone,so happy to be here thank you so much,for having me,yeah happy to have you excited to learn,about tick tock and how businesses can,leverage it for,um you know for growing their,exposure,um before we embark on our tick tock and,reels journey today i wanted to touch,base on my philosophies for social media,and cannabis businesses,there's no doubt that it's difficult to,promote cannabis brands and retail shops,on social right accounts get shut down,sometimes for no you know real missteps,and we know paid social is not an option,yet,but that doesn't mean that there's no,value for your cannabis business on,these platforms,so today we're going to walk through you,know video strategies on tick tock with,elizabeth with the focus on engagement,and connection with your audiences you,know it's all about building trust and,relationships while having fun,yeah so you'll see some excellent,examples and results uh you know as we,walk through some of the canvas,industry's most successful tick tock,accounts,you know social media can be viewed as a,marketing channel that,shapes and influences the customer,experience and deepens relationships,with your audiences which in turn you,know helps the power of performance for,your business,uh a strong ban brand identity can bring,in customers it is impactful to your,business and it drives intangible assets,like brand equity on your balance sheet,so we had a lot to cover today elizabeth,well let's start from the top you tell,me tell me a little bit about your,background in marketing and what drew,you to the cannabis industry,oh yeah,a lot to cover um hey everyone,um,so,i have been out in l.a for eight years i,came here to work in music live events,so i worked with insomniac,and,i was always a consumer you know so i,was doing like social media for all,these brands under insomniac but i was,also living in la i was a medical,patient,and i saw the potential of marketing to,like some degree with these dispensaries,and i would go to all these shops and,i'd be like hey,let me do your instagram for a hundred,bucks a week you know because my mind,i'm like well if i get ten you know a,thousand you know,um,and it just like wasn't happening you,know like marketing wasn't a thing this,is 2015 2016. um it get rated tomorrow,they don't know where the money's going,they just didn't see the appeal so i,linked up with a distro and um an agency,that serviced a lot of different states,like one of them was maine's like that,was really cool back then to kind of,learn what other states were doing,um,and i would do this like,um,social media campaigns like to like as,much as i could to like,you know like i said at the time it was,just like really hard um but then in,2018 when we flipped,i immediately joined med men um because,they were,doing everything i wanted to do we had,billboards we had ad campaigns and i,went to school for marketing i was ready,to just take it to the next level so i,went and i started their social media,and it was just it was insane we were,creating so much content we were,spending so much money,um,but,i felt like it was a boot camp i came in,doing social i left doing all web,digital influencers you know we launched,a magazine,so since then i've just been at so many,different brands,just helping out because,all cannabis companies kind of know by,now what kind of marketing to do,so it's just all about helping out,injecting that wisdom,um and it's just been incredible,and that's really what drew me to,cannabis just being able to do all the,marketing that i know how to do and,taking it to this industry that i'm,really passionate about and in the,meantime,really,become a better marketer because you,have to learn all these organic channels,um and tick tock is one of them,yeah yeah i mean we know the charitables,with cannabis right it's,yeah we talked about it uh your

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I can't stop buying weird ads (& getting scammed)

I can't stop buying weird ads (& getting scammed)

this video is sponsored by current stick,around to the end if I know how you,could win 500 yeah we're going to the,third installment of Instagram by try,where first I buy and then,well I don't know actually I haven't,thought about it yet I know I've done,this a couple times this year already,but these are some of my favorite videos,to make because I get so many weird ads,an egg toilet a fire escape a literal,car at least it's more interesting than,what I get on Twitter like,ketchup it's hard to know exactly what's,Happening Here Am I clicking on the ads,because they're so weird or am I only,getting these ads because I keep,clicking on them it's a real chicken or,the egg toilet conundrum but let's not,waste any more time here I've got all,sorts of products to choose from there's,a few things that you guys sent me,there's some stuff that I just wanted to,try myself and then there's a few that,are just,confusing like this,this is like,gamer tape what does it do okay so,they've got a whole section on the,science of it uh man that's a lot of,words minor cannabinoids,are my hands gonna get high I hope my,mom doesn't find out okay so it's,basically CBD infused tape which is not,that crazy I've used CBD lotion before I,guess I just wish this company was a,little bit more popular as it is I kind,of feel like I'm gonna be the one,testing it for them they have a YouTube,channel their most recent video is in,all caps we need to be better so that's,concerning if hair is impeding adherence,of the tape either trim or shave the,area hair in the way then shave your,entire body well I gotta try this out,not to brag or anything but I'm a bit of,a Pro Gamer or actually I was thinking,of ninja he's a pro game I've been stuck,at the same rank on Rocket league for,the past six years with no signs of,improvement whatsoever so maybe the,secret has just been to,put tape all over my hands up next we've,got something from hug sleep this is,extraordinarily on shark what really,soothing I love that shot I've never,been more comfortable in my life we're,not getting a lot of hugs this really is,something that hugs you back interesting,marketing tactic they're really,exploiting all of the loneliness that,has built up in people over the past two,years and you can even put your feet out,at which point all you've done is wrap a,regular blanket around you,it's called the sleep pod I'm getting,flashback you can wear it to bed you can,wear it to read you can even wear it as,a dress you bet your ass I'll be hitting,the club in one of these five stars late,for work again well I lost my job this,week um,so these things are perfect I had to,order more I originally bought one to,wear at night so brown recluses can't,bite me oh my God it's weird that,protection from spiders isn't listed,anywhere on the website but I'm glad to,know that that's a bonus can't wait to,try but the thing is like I don't want,to wear this in my bed I want something,that I can lay on or sit on or recline,in not bad and I just saw the perfect,thing the bean bed,well actually I didn't technically get,an ad for it um I saw this Tweet someone,talking about it and then another tweet,of someone linking to it remember being,a kid and the feeling you'd get when you,jump into a giant bean bag our Bean bed,is that but so much more only using the,softest fabric for the exterior and all,orders come included with beans uh oh,I'm getting hungry are the beans,included how much does the sleeve weigh,yeah this is looking a lot less legit,the more I scroll down so they don't,come pre-filled you have to pack it,yourself our patented beam technology,means anyone can use our bed weight,limit absolutely not thanks to our,patented XL Bean technology they sure do,have a lot of patents it's also,suspiciously cheap it's supposed to be,bigger than my love seat back there and,it's only seventy dollars also these,pictures are all kind of blurry I'm kind,of having second thoughts but I'll buy,it anyway because that's what this video,is so far I've bought at least one,article of clothing in all of these,videos and today I will be continuing,that by actually buying two as a kid Ben,hated dress shirts as an adult he,despised them for one simple reason they,suck damn it I laughed at an ass and,collar the comfortable super shirt that,looks super cool all right well I,wouldn't say I'm exactly in the market,for dress shirts I only share this,office with one other co-worker and it's,my cat I think it's like she never wears,clothes at all but now I have to dress,up,getting this is because I'm fascinated,by this stain repellent technology just,repels so much I have to put this to the,test I have to destroy this shirt,clearly at this point I had alerted the,almighty algorithm that I've been,interested in expanding my wardrobe,because I've been getting this ad for,months,shoes that have laces but the laces,don't matter because they just pop onto,your foot I am in love I need this more,than I needed that shirt which a

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hey are you an agency owner uh who's,been in the game selling facebook ad for,the last six months 12 months or even uh,over a year right i know a lot of our,customers have been in the game for at,least two years or more,but uh you have yet to hit that at that,moment where you're like yes right,like oh my god this is working this is,the business that will actually change,my life,not just my life but also the uh,the life of the people that i love if,you have yet to have that moment and i,personally believe that that moment,happens when you're you can confidently,and repeatedly add an extra 50 grand,every few months to your monthly,recurring revenue,if you have yet to be able to do that,it's probably because facebook has been, you right the results are much,harder to achieve now right and a lot of,the brands especially this video will,really be uh for people who are selling,to e-commerce right,e-commerce if you've been selling to,e-commerce uh founders right store,owners you've probably gotten that,friction right there is a kind of like,um not resentment but it's much harder,to actually sell them on facebook ad,it's like you're not just need to sell,them on the,service but you also have to sell them,on trusting facebook again okay,so a lot of our customers have been do,sell a lot of facebook ad so the point,of me making this video is because i,want to actually be able to help our,customers see results much faster okay,and the only way to do that is by,selling something that the market is,actually screaming for okay,and one of the mechanisms that,is currently you know trending and a lot,of founders are literally jumping on it,like crazy,is tick tock,advertising okay,so uh if you're interested in learning,how you can uh implement tick tock ads,and uh how you can literally change your,life then please keep watching this,video okay so i'll just jump on my,screen and then show you so i made this,video a few days ago right titled don't,sell facebook ad as a service in 2022,okay and the whole reason behind making,this video was to simply let people know,uh agencies or anyone who's currently,selling facebook ad that as much as,facebook is an amazing mechanism to,deliver results to your customers,it's not the best in the vehicle to be,using to get rich fast okay,and um you know you get a lot of people,telling you or people trying to sell you,stuff and telling you that oh if you,want to get rich quick then this is not,for you but,i think that that's because,the whole reason behind building a,business is so that you can achieve,freedom right but nobody starts a,business because they want to achieve,freedom,in 50 years right like i don't want to,be driving porsches when i'm 60 right,i want to drive porsches this summer,okay so,whenever i'm i'm i'm thinking about,growing whenever i'm setting goals,whenever i'm thinking about my customer,wins i'm not thinking in,you know of course it's a great to,extend your time horizon and think long,term but when it comes to winning i,promise you you don't have to wait,a decade before you can make a few,millions right,but anyway so um and you know another,thing is that this video got 500 views,uh in less than 505 days right most of,our you know the average video gets a,few hundred views um so you know the,fact that this got you know over 500,people to watch it means that there is,that there is a problem right so,as an entrepreneur you know i have to,solve the problem right so,uh what i've decided to do okay and i,made this i built this solution the the,main reason why i wanted to build a,solution is because,as a service provider,the thing that i care the most or the,thing that i care the most about is,customer results okay and if my,customers aren't seeing results then i,need to change something or i need to,introduce something new right so um you,know our headline is we make it,unreasonable for people not to add an,extra 50 grand per month so,um sometimes you know in order for us to,actually help you get there we need to,stop you from selling that the,market doesn't actually want okay so,uh for those who didn't see the video,i'd suggest you watch it it's an amazing,30 minutes and i think a lot of people,liked it right,um we got 32 likes nobody disliked it so,that's good,that's a new one by the way can you,please drop a like on this video or,subscribe please please please please,and uh yeah let's just get these videos,more views okay so check this out the,reason why let me just summarize a bit,from what i covered in the video right,so um,the reason why facebook is you know the,it's much harder to get results for your,customers is because with all the,attribution issues with all the tracking,stuff coming up um you can make you you,have a hard time making data driven,decisions and if you can't make it,data-driven decisions,you can't really predictably get the,right outcomes consistently right so,that makes it a bit more of a shittier,platform okay it's still better than a,lot of platforms

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hey my bunnies here is the honest,step-by-step process,of how i made over 22 000 in exactly,two weeks because of posting on tick,tock,no i did not pay for ads no i did not,have a million followers and no i did,not open an only fan's page,so listen up here are the two weeks,of last year where i launched my first,product,and i received all my payments on paypal,at that time,and i made over twenty two thousand two,hundred,fifty dollars right in those two weeks i,started my tick tock,at the beginning of the covid pandemic,when i had lost my city job the,the job that was supposed to be there,for me no matter what,i got let go because of covid and i was,left to,collect unemployment checks and i was,waiting for the stimulus check to arrive,at that time i started to slowly post on,tik tok,not knowing where it would take me just,using it for fun,and then when i started posting four,times a day very seriously,around may of 2020 i noticed that,i was gaining more traction and i was,getting boosts of views,here's just a quick view of my tick tock,right now with 357,356 000 followers and yes this is very,true,make sure you read the community,guidelines within tick tock so that this,never happens to you,it's because i showed a little bit too,much skin and this is what i got,um yo be consistent four times a day,is what i recommend garyvee will say up,to like 12 or 20 something crazy like,that tick tock ai,is so advanced it knows exactly,where your followers are it's pretty,shocking,at how good it was at attracting these,people,so i have a fitness background i used to,work at equinox and,i thought well how about i start,teaching people workouts in these like,17 to 30 second videos,after i was listening to everyone's,comments and dms,i realized i needed to create a better,product,that uh people can actually follow a,complete workout,right instead of these short mini,workouts how about i give them a,complete workout that they can do,and that's when i thought i could create,my first product in a very cheap way,which is ebook,i used all my unemployment check money,it was a gamble it was a risk that i,took but i had,a good feeling that this is gonna do,well because,i had gained a bunch of email,subscribers that were interested in,getting notified about my ebook,so that's something that i really,recommend you do before you even,create your first product start building,an email list,now because those are going to be your,most hardcore fans that really do,want to know when you release your first,product or your next products,so this is a great way to keep in touch,build an email list,right now so that you can have your,customers information in one spot,and it's easy to reach out to them,whenever you need to,because you don't know if they're going,to watch your videos at the time that,you,release it or if they'll ever see it you,know i want you to set out to create a,brand,you're not gonna just be a model that,dances,or does cutesy things you're gonna have,a voice,and you're gonna have a style you're,gonna be a character stand out,okay i didn't just set out to be another,fitness model,i set out to be a workout,mama bunny and you better freaking do it,or else i'm going to come get you,that kind of attitude with a lot of,pastel colors,with a sexy asmr voice when i choose to,use,it etc so i want you to also see,yourself as a brand,please watch gary vaynerchuk for,more information about how to create,content,how to be aggressive with creating,content and,how to do it even when you don't feel,like it and you feel like,you know you don't have any ideas gary,vee said,to watch tick tock for three to four,hours a day,this is the only way you're gonna,understand what videos get pushed out,what videos do well,especially within your niche so whatever,niche you pick,so like fitness i would watch hours of,other fitness girls showing,their workout routines what they eat in,a day and you know,health advice etc but i after watching,that,i got ideas of like okay i see what,tick-tock likes i think i could play,this game uh-huh,but i'm gonna put my spin on it i'm,gonna add my voice on it i'm gonna add,my attitude on it i'm gonna add,my pop of colors i'm going to do my own,i'm going to do it my way,but within that game the more you watch,the more you're going to get it,don't pay someone else to do it for you,they can never have,your perspective your spice your,personality,that only you can bring to your videos,when i,went to create my ebook i was like okay,i need a photo of me,on the cover i want it to look,professional so that people know that,i'm legit,i called my mom to take a picture of me,in my living room,that was free then i sent that photo,to a guy on fiverr.com who for like 15,bucks,edited my photo onto a different,background that looked,way prettier and blurred it out so that,it looked more,real and not cheesy fiber tends to be,like quick easy dirty,dirty work and then upwork tends to be,very,like talented people that normally,charge a lot of

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How He Made $1.1M Dropshipping in 2022 With TikTok Organic

How He Made $1.1M Dropshipping in 2022 With TikTok Organic

this is my friend cam and he sold 1.1,million dollars worth of products on,tick tock without spending a single,dollar he single-handedly cracked the,code and in this video he's going to,basically teach you how to do what he,does honestly even i'm excited to learn,this because my knowledge with tick tock,is not that crazy which is why i wanted,to bring him onto the channel and,without further ado let's get into the,video what's going on guys my name is,fez and i am a 21 year old ecommerce,entrepreneur i used to do a lot of drop,shipping back in 2017 to basically 2020,and now i do a little bit of branded,drop shipping and i also own a cbd brand,called sweet dreams and i also dabbled a,little bit into the tea market with a,project called donut shop and that's,kind of what i do right now i'm in the,process of rebranding my brand sweet,dreams and i also documented the whole,process on how i build the brand here on,my channel so if you like any of that,stuff make sure you subscribe this is,cam i'm gonna let him introduce himself,he's a great guy,and i'll talk a little bit about how we,met also because the story is kind of,funny but really the video is going to,be centered around him and tick tock so,cam take it away so guys my name is cam,i'm 20 years old and i've been inside,the ecommerce space now for a little,over three years i got started back in,right before i got into my senior year,of high school when i was 17 years old,and during this time i wasn't doing,tick-tock organic i was simply doing,like the affiliate marketing method,using instagram and i was running some,facebook ads as well but i got,introduced to tick-tock organic at the,beginning of 2020 and when i really,cracked the code i built a brand now,that has done over a million dollars in,sales without putting any money into ads,and i'm just continuing on with it in,this video like i said we're going to,basically break down how we found the,product how he finds products on tick,tock what he does to make them go viral,and how he scales up the store so i have,a bunch of questions that i want to ask,cam but before i get into that i want to,talk a little bit about just how we met,it's kind of like a funny story so as,you guys know obviously i make these,youtube videos and i believe cam found,me on youtube as well and he dm me on,instagram for a consulting call this is,about two years ago i was in la i,remember this i was with sevas and like,all the boys and i just remember that i,got a dm from him saying that he wanted,to do a consulting call so i tell him,the price he pays it immediately and,then we get on a call and then ever,since then we've just been staying in,touch and talking you know on and off,and then i moved to miami he lives in,miami as well so we just kind of clicked,and ever since then it's been a great,friendship so shoot your shot,don't be afraid to shoot your shot,because you never know what can come,from it i'm also here to learn from cam,because he is a tick tock expert i'm not,really the you know tik tok goat but but,cam here is really good at it and i want,him to basically explain to you how to,get started with tick tock organic,because if you do not have that much,money and you're a beginner just,starting out tick tock organic is the,way to go because you don't have to,spend money on any ads you simply order,the product to your home you make the,website you shoot a little bit of,organic content and hopefully it goes,viral but the hopefully part will be,canceled out because cam here will teach,you how to avoid that so cam were you,successful your first time with tick,tock organic i definitely wasn't,successful my first time with tick-tock,organic,like i said when i got started in the,beginning of 2020 i didn't see anyone,doing this no dropshippers on social,media were even talking about organic so,for me i really had to do a big trial,and error with over 10 or 15 products on,tick tock just to kind of see what would,hit you know what type of attention,grabbers would go viral and you know i,had a lot of trouble with it at first,but once i cracked the code you know it,was something that i just really stuck,with right and i just want to set,everyone's expectations that they're,very realistic,not everyone is going to be able to make,something go viral am i right that's a,fact it's a fact there's a lot of trial,and error that goes into it not all,products are winning products but again,we'll talk a little bit about how he,finds winning products on tick tock,because it's a great place to find,products as well,so what is the barrier of entry like for,someone that wants to start tic tac,organic can a beginner do it for sure so,the best thing about tick tock organic,obviously is you don't have to spend any,money in ads at all so if you're a,beginner trying to get into drop,shipping tick.organic is the number one,place to start because you don't need,you know a thousand two thousand dollar,ad budget you know per product so with,tick tock organi

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Do This To Make HUGE Profits CPA Marketing 2023

Do This To Make HUGE Profits CPA Marketing 2023

as you can see this top one is running a,massive 17 000 profit i'm gonna show you,a secret sauce that absolutely exploded,my cpa affiliate marketing profits you,do not want to miss this hi guys if,you're new here my name's liam james k,and i'm a super affiliate i've been,affiliate marketing probably about five,years now and i've made millions of,dollars in commissions i'm clickbank,platinum two years in a row but in this,video i'm gonna share with you a secret,sauce that is absolutely gonna blow your,mind it's almost like a hack that means,you're never gonna have to worry about,the cost of your clicks ever again and,you can make some insane profits which,i'm gonna show you proof of in just a,moment but before we do that i'm gonna,be giving away two copies of my five,thousand dollar native ads training,program in this video so make sure you,keep an eye out to find out how you can,win a copy of that let's get started,first up if you don't know what cpa,marketing is it's just another form of,affiliate marketing it stands for cost,per action the way that it works,companies will usually pay you out a,small commission for usually generating,them leads so for example you would sign,up to a cpa network that's got lots of,offers on there you can grab a unique,referral link or affiliate link to one,of those offers when you share that if,someone clicked on that link and then,they signed up entered an email address,on a website or something like that that,company might pay you out one dollar or,two dollar for generating them a lead,but there's lots of different variations,to cpa marketing it's not just people,entering email addresses sometimes,companies might want you to get,customers to enter credit card details,or sign up for free trials or sometimes,even purchase products or make deposits,and the commissions you can earn from,them vary greatly depending on the type,of offer so now i just want to jump on,the computer to show you some results,from an offer that i've been promoting,so this is a cpa network that i've been,running some campaigns on and as you can,see this top campaign the amount i've,generated so far is 53,9344 in commissions i'm just going to,refresh this here so you can see it's,all legit,it's not a screenshot when it loads 53,000 there and i'm actually going to show,you profit margins in just a moment but,i really want to focus on this this is,the epc and if you don't know epc stands,for earnings per click and earnings per,click is is kind of an average amount of,money that i earn,for every click that i send to the offer,so the way they work that out is by,getting the amount of commissions that,i've received divided by how many clicks,i've sent to that offer and it gives us,an average earnings per click now this,is a really important metric if you're,doing any kind of paid traffic because,if your cost per click is lower than,your earnings per click then you're,always gonna be in profit and at five,dollars earnings per click is very very,good and that's very high especially for,a cpa offer if anyone's tried doing cpa,marketing they will know that that it's,very difficult to get earnings per click,of over five dollars and i'm gonna share,some secrets with you in a minute but,what that means for me is that no,traffic source is really too expensive i,can run tier one the best native ad,campaigns on the best websites i can be,out bidding the most of my competition,and i'm still gonna be in profit because,my earnings per click is so high and,that means i can even pay up to like,four dollars per click and i will be in,profit so that's very very important,metric and i'm going to share some,secrets with you how to increase this,earnings per click but i just want to,show you the profit margins for this and,then we'll delve into it a little bit,more so just quickly this is my tracking,software,where i track all of my conversions and,sales for cpa and affiliate marketing,and as you can see this top campaign,here is responsible for 46 000 of that,revenue and as you can see a profit of,over 17 000,and an roi of 61 roi and if we look down,here you can see the epc here um for,this specific campaign is 4.28 some of,them have even got like a nine dollar,epc as well down here but really,importantly if we look at the end column,estimated cost per click is,2.64 it's costing me 2.64 to get a click,to this offer and that is quite,expensive but my earnings per click is,so high that means i'm still earning a,massive profit of 61,roi so the question is how do you get a,really high epc when you're doing cpa,marketing well it's actually quite,simple when you think about it the epc,relates to one of two things it's either,the conversion rate of the offer and how,well it's converting,or it's related to the payout of the,offer how much you actually earn in,commissions from that offer they both,have a massive impact on the earnings,per click that you can earn from an,offer now i just want to show you,something on a cpa network now t

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