what is kit crm shopify

Shopify Acquires Kit Canadian ecommerce company Shopify is,doing some shopping of its own today the,

Mark Hayes

Updated on Feb 02,2023

Shopify Acquires Kit

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Shopify Acquires Kit

Canadian ecommerce company Shopify is,doing some shopping of its own today the,company announced that it bought kit CRM,messaging app that helps businesses with,online marketing greg miller is the,chief marketing officer at Shopify so,Craig tell us first of all what exactly,does kit do thanks Diane kit is actually,a virtual marketing assistant so small,businesses can use kit to buy ads on,Facebook to update their social status,to do everything that you would get a,actual marketing employee to do but this,is actually a bot that you can just text,instead to do it for you right okay so,for people who aren't as familiar with,what you guys do tell us how kit is,going to fit into what Shopify offers to,small and medium sized businesses so,Shopify is a commerce platform that's,used by small to medium sized businesses,so they would use it to run their online,store or their physical retail store,using the point of sale software so,oftentimes these small businesses,actually don't have enough employees to,help them with marketing so now they can,actually use kit to just automate that,for them so they're going to worry about,that anymore okay,and so now you have your own app store,and I'm presuming that is for customers,of Shopify can go and buy apps that will,work with their business and and that,kit was the most popular app in the,store do I have that right yes so,Shopify has an app store where there's,about a thousand apps developed by third,parties and kit was actually one of,those apps that was in there that was,one of our most popular it's already,used by thousands of Shopify merchants,and so we found it in there and we,started to get to know the team and,based on on that connection with them we,decided to acquire the company today,right why not buy the whole thing so now,this is part of this new trend,apparently in online sales and online,shopping and marketing and so forth that,is being called conversational commerce,and so through either Facebook or even,text messages and so forth there's this,is going to help the sales process in,some way tell,tell us how consumers will experience,that so if you think about the way you,buy things online today you basically go,to a website and you add items to a,shopping cart you click buy enter your,credit card number and that's it so,conversational commerce is sort of,throwing that that method completely,away and takes the idea of messaging at,it's at its core so imagine instead if,you send a message to a company you're,thinking of buying saying hey I'm,looking to buy some shoes and then they,say what size are you looking for they,say what style are you looking for and,you basically have that conversation and,then they offer you items and they can,click and buy from there and so it's,it's more of a throwback to the the,origins of Commerce where you'd actually,go into a store establish a rapport with,the store owner and you know over time,actually build that rapport with them,and so we believe this is going to be a,big trend for free e-commerce as a whole,and we want to play a big part in that,well I'm interested in you saying you go,into a store because that implies the,consumer has the choice when you're,talking about this the fear that's,coming to my mind is just almost like,spam on your phone like I'm getting text,messages now and again from someone,saying hey earn $400 a month at home I'm,like how did they even get my number so,tell me it's not that no no it's it's,definitely not that so we yesterday we,announced the partnership that we've,been working on very closely with,Facebook and so facebook Messenger,actually is going to support a lot of,this conversational commerce and they,take that they take privacy very,seriously so they actually added in the,option to block anyone that does that so,that that way they get kicked off of,messenger right okay and so these,business owners now are going to have,this app that they'll be able to buy,advertising space on Facebook like what,are the options that they're going to,have so the idea is instead of hiring an,actual marketing employee you can,actually just start texting kit which is,actually a bot it uses artificial,intelligence to know what type of ads,you should buy and actually place them,for you so it removes all that,complexity of buying advertising which,is again as a CMO for a large company I,know how complex that world is so it,actually simplifies that all so you can,actually just use some simple messages,saying how much money you want to spend,who the target audience is and within a,few messages you can actually start,buying ads,all right well thank you so much for,telling us about it thank you,now here's what else you need to know,Calgary is

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