paypal express checkout button not showing shopify

🤑💰 PayPal Credit Debit Card Buttons Support in Shopify ? Biggest Problem Solved | Customize Checkout

Amazing Learning

Updated on Feb 16,2023

🤑💰 PayPal Credit Debit Card Buttons Support in Shopify ? Biggest Problem Solved | Customize Checkout

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🤑💰 PayPal Credit Debit Card Buttons Support in Shopify ? Biggest Problem Solved | Customize Checkout

hi guys in this video I am going to give,you the biggest solution of the problem,which is like in Shopify can we use,PayPal credit and debit card or not if,yes then what's the process of adding,that specific functionality into your,website and if not then what is the,specific condition which is not,fulfilled and because of which you are,not able to use the Shopify to add your,paypal credit and debit card buttons so,of course I have also faced lot of,issues in that and you know I was tried,my best to find out the solution because,in my previous videos I uploaded my,paypal credit and debit card buttons,code but most of the cases people were,just asking me that how we can use that,specific code into our Shopify website,to use the functionality of credit debit,card payment into our website so I was,not able to fix their solution fix their,problem because that language was Ruby,on Rails and even when more pressure was,like there was the checkout page was,disabled so people who are not sure,about,they were just thinking about that we,are just going to copy and paste the,code and there via we will be ending,with the solution but that was not the,actual thing so for example I have this,Shopify store you can see over here so,if I am interested to use the PayPal,credit and debit card then what are the,basic ways which I can use to do it,right so first of all I am gonna open up,the dashboard of the of my Shopify store,so you can see over here and then you,can click on online store so once you,are clicking on online store then it,would be showing some customization,process so wait a while wait for a while,and it would be showing some buttons and,there would be few options so you can,see that here we have the action so once,we are clicking on action then we have,the,link edit code so you need to click over,there so if you have not subscribed my,channel please don't forget to subscribe,and also like the video because I'm,trying my best to add some value into my,videos so here you can see that I have a,lot of files so layout and templates see,if I am going to hire these then you can,see over here like layout template,section snippets sl's,config and locale right so in the,section you will be getting most of the,useful useful files but the thing is,like if you are interested to customize,your checkout page then you must have,the checkout dot liquid file in this,list alright so if I don't have this,that file over here so that means that,is not enabled in my Shopify basic plan,so this is one of the reason that we are,not able to use the paypal credit and,debit card functionality into our,website so what does it mean it means,that if you are purchasing $29 plan in,for your Shopify store so at that moment,you are not allowed to customize your,checkout page so check out that liquid,file would be hided by the by the,Shopify they would be allowing only if,you are purchasing their Shopify Plus,blonde so in that plan you will be able,to access the checkout or liquid file so,in that you can add your code you can,customize the checkout page you can do,whatever you wanted to so that means the,payment process you can completely,change from the checkout page but that,would be possible only if you will have,that file so let me show you the genuine,comment of the Shopify you can see that,there are there is the community on the,Shopify as well so over there people are,asking the questions so I searched,around and I found this solution so here,you can see that where can I find my,checkout dot liquid file so the solution,was the checkout dot liquid asset,is available to shop a shop if I plus,merchants only in addition it needs to,be enabled by the margin success manager,of a + are a plus support specialist,before you can edit it you can view or,edit this file under the layout section,when you navigate to online store themes,actions and edit code if your store is,not on Shopify + then you can see the,guide to edit theme settings in the,Shopify Help Center so that means you,will be only able to customize your,Shopify checkout page if you are in the,if you are under the Shopify Plus plan,so they are also guiding us that you,will be getting that somewhere around in,the assets so over here if you are,getting checkout page so that means you,can able to edit that checkout page and,do the customization and you will end up,with the solution but unfortunately I,have also the Shopify basic plan of $29,so I am not able to use that,functionality in my website as well,alright so what can be the alternate the,alternate is like you can have the,Shopify plus plan and you know that,what's the cost of that $202,000 each,month you have to pay if you are under,the Shopify Plus plan so that is of,obviously expensive to the common people,like me so how we can manage this is,like you can develop a wordpress,e-commerce store and over there you can,use the Shopify paper plan which is,really simple just Julien to install a,plugin and you will end up with a,solution right so there is nothing,difficult over there to use the paypal,debit and credit card right so this is,one of the solution otherwise you can,use the stripe itself but if you're,non-us if you are not in the US are,maybe the countries in which the Shopify,has available the support so you will,not able to use their functionality as,well because in most of the cases,Shopify,the stripe is just rejecting your,activation process of the stripe right,so your account would be deactivated and,they will be just giving you the,response that your store has the,high-risk volume so we are unable to,continue the business because your your,website is not suitable and even this is,not meeting our privacy policies right,so at that moment you will get,discouraged that why these are they,these guys are doing something like that,right so finally the problem here is,like check out dot liquid file which is,obviously important for us because if we,are going to manage over orders on the,Shopify if you wanted to manage your,other C's and wanted to many the,database itself so at that moment we,have needed the checkout dot Jason dot,liquid file because over there they have,all a bunch of code which we need to,understand then we can do the,customization but if we don't have the,check out dot J check out file then how,we can imagine that what can be the way,to do the customization and even you,know that this is under the control of,Shopify so definitely they keep watching,on the activities whatever we are doing,on the Shopify so of course they will,catch us if we are doing something wrong,and even they are managing our database,so they are also checking their policies,and all so when we are doing the payment,then of course they are also getting the,notice of what we are doing on our,Shopify store one of my friend he was,actually trying to do the transaction of,billion dollars so at that moment once,he added that specific amount I mean he,actually added a product and he just,entered the amount over there like,vanthu 1 million dollars so once he was,he once he tried to do the payment then,Shopify has logged all the stores which,were which were connected to that,specific email so up till now Shopify is,not allowing him,to get back their stores so he had also,two more stores and he was unable to,access those one because those are also,locked so these are the some these are,the problems because of which Shopify is,little strict because there are people,who are not having the good good mind,regarding the payment process so shop if,I always keep keep watching all the,activities which we do on the Shopify,store right so these are the few things,that I thought that I need to share with,you because most of the cases people are,just wondering that how we can get the,solution of this show this PayPal credit,and debit card but they end up with,nothing so that's why I thought that I,have to create a video so that they,could get the clear understanding of the,payment integration so if that is not,possible for you to spend $2,000 for the,Shopify Plus plan then of course you are,you are just doing the hard work and you,will not getting the things out of the,Shopify because if you haven't any,alternate payment method for the payment,to accept the accept from the customers,so at that moment this would not be,useful for you right so of course there,is the alternate which is WordPress and,if you are stuck in that and I will,definitely helping you out you can,contact me I will be adding my contact,details into the description and if you,are facing any specific issue you can,discuss with me I will definitely,helping you out with any technical issue,which you are facing so keep watching,all those videos which I am uploading,just subscribe my channel and like this,video and share as well so thank you so,much thanks for watching

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