what is better amazon fba or shopify

Shopify Vs Amazon FBA 2023 - Which One Is Better? i'm going to share the pros and cons of,amazon ver

Travis Marziani

Updated on Jan 25,2023

Shopify Vs Amazon FBA 2023 - Which One Is Better?

The above is a brief introduction to what is better amazon fba or shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what is better amazon fba or shopify

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Shopify Vs Amazon FBA 2023 - Which One Is Better?

i'm going to share the pros and cons of,amazon versus shopify,and which one you should use to make,money online and i guarantee the answer,at the end of this video,is going to surprise you and e-commerce,is growing like crazy,two years ago online sales only made up,12,of all retail sales last year it jumped,up to 16,and this year it's projected to be at 18,to 20,and it's pretty obvious that e-commerce,which basically just means people buying,things online,is going to be the future but what's,crazy is last year,e-commerce only made up 16 of all sales,which means it still has a lot of room,to grow which means it's a perfect time,to start your online business,but which platform should you choose and,i have a lot of experience with,e-commerce eight years ago i had a,corporate job i quitted cold turkey so,for the last eight years,i've been a full-time e-commerce,entrepreneur i've done over five million,dollars,in online sales so i have a lot of,experience with e-commerce and i'm very,grateful because of e-commerce i've been,able to stay here,for the last week at a beach house with,my family i was recently able to buy my,dream house,on the beach in mexico and because of,internet marketing and all my e-commerce,experience,for the last three years i've been able,to make over a hundred thousand dollars,passive income per year while i spent my,time traveling,enjoying life and doing the things that,i love to do so make sure to hit the,like button because i'm gonna give you,the honest truth in this video that no,one else will,for instance did you know that 50 of all,e-commerce sales,happen on the amazon platform and,another huge percentage of online sales,happen on sites like walmart alibaba,and a bunch of other ones that i'll list,right here now don't worry i'm going to,talk about all the cons with amazon,in just a few minutes but amazon is a,huge platform it's a 1.6,trillion dollar company and they allow,people like you and me to sell on their,platform in fact,two-thirds of all sales that happen on,the amazon platform are from,third-party sellers like you and me and,last year amazon did over 400 billion,dollars,in e-commerce sales and because of that,over 200 000 sellers,made at least a hundred thousand dollars,last year alone,and i'm gonna be honest amazon makes it,very easy to sell on their platform all,you really need,is some images of your product a title,some bullet points description,and you're ready to go now compare that,with shopify with shopify you have to,create an,entire website just to be able to sell,your products using a shopify website,but they also make it easy to sell on,their platform because,they've already got customers in fact,they have over 112,million prime customers which is a lot,of people,that are already shopping on amazon,already looking to buy your product with,shopify if you want to get someone to,your website,you actually have to convince them to,type in the url or click on your link to,some,weird website they've never been to and,once they get there,what are the chances they're actually,going to trust your website that they've,never seen before,and purchase the average conversion rate,on a shopify website meaning for every,100 people,that go to a shopify website is around,one to three people one to three percent,with amazon it's closer to 10 to 30,percent of the time that someone goes to,a product listing that they're actually,going to convert into a sale and that's,because people trust amazon as a website,they trust giving over their credit card,information,if you have a shopify website a lot less,people are going to trust giving their,credit card to some website they've,never been to before now again there's a,lot of cons with amazon i'm going to get,to in just a minute but let's talk about,some of the pros with shopify because,shopify is a pretty amazing company in,fact they're 150 billion,company and their stock has actually,tripled in the last year alone and even,though it's a little bit more difficult,to create an entire,shopify website than it is just a simple,amazon listing,it's pretty freaking easy to create a,website with shopify in fact i did a,video showing how to create your own,shopify website,in just five minutes so in some ways,it's easier to create a website with,shopify because you don't have to,wait to get approved you don't have to,provide all kinds of documentation you,don't have to get ungated with certain,categories like you do with amazon to,create a shopify website though there,are certain products you're not allowed,to sell on shopify but i'll talk about,that later another pro with shopify is,you own the website,they can't kick you off as easily as,amazon can though they still can kick,you off and i'll talk about that later,but since you own the website you can,customize it however you want,an amazon listing even though it's very,easy to set up it's very limiting you,can't change it around that much another,pro,shopify is when someone purchases from,you you get their email you get their,phone number you get their address you,can do a bunch of different methods,to remarket to them and one of the best,ways to get more sales for your business,is remarketing to customers who have,already purchased from you with amazon,you don't get any of that data which,makes it a lot harder to remarket to,existing customers and one of the,biggest pros with shopify is by having,your own website,it opens up a ton of different internet,marketing opportunities for you,for instance you can do things like,social media you can start your own tick,tock instagram,pinterest whatever you want and direct,all that traffic to your website you can,also run paid ads like google ads,youtube ads instagram ads tick tock ads,all these different types of ads by,having a shopify website it opens up,all kinds of internet marketing,opportunities also things like seo which,is a way for you to rank at the top of,the search results for google now the,truth is if you do have an amazon,listing you can use a lot of these,different marketing techniques but in,some ways it's easier if you have a,really simple url,to direct all that traffic to and before,i talk about the cons with both these,platforms and trust me there are a lot,of cons with both these platforms make,sure to hit the subscribe button because,i'm going to be doing an in-depth video,talking about all the different ways,that you can market both,your amazon business and your shopify,business using a bunch of different,internet marketing techniques that i've,learned over the last eight years and,the first con with amazon is,it's saturated kind of there's over nine,million sellers on the amazon platform,four thousand new sellers joining every,single day,but let's break down these numbers,really quick because even though there's,nine million sellers there's a,lot less sellers that are actually,selling in the united states,and of those sellers that are selling in,the united states a much smaller number,are actually active seller and even of,those active sellers,most of them just aren't really taking,it that serious there are people selling,used textbook and random junk around,their house,there's only a very small number of,really serious,active sellers and trust me most people,that are selling on amazon aren't,watching youtube videos,trying to learn how to sell on amazon,and if you want to get ahead of the,curve for selling on amazon i do have a,completely free,amazon fba course you can get right here,and most people don't do that most,people don't take courses,and learn how to actually do it so even,though amazon's saturated,most people that are selling on amazon,aren't doing it right and i'll talk,about one of the biggest mistakes that,amazon sellers are making,later in this video but there are some,real problems with selling on amazon for,instance,they can kick you off whenever they want,now truth is,this is really rare and it doesn't,happen that often and a lot of people,talk about it and they've had friends,that it's happened to,but usually the people that get kicked,off amazon are breaking one of the rules,now amazon does have a ton of different,rules which is,a con for selling on amazon for instance,you're really not allowed to contact,customers,and ask for reviews which is really hard,not to do and they do sometimes make,mistakes and suspend people or kick them,off the amazon platform,when they really shouldn't in fact i've,gotten multiple messages saying that my,account was suspended but nothing ever,really came from it which is another con,with amazon is,they make a lot of mistakes i've had,issues of them losing my products and,generally speaking if they lose one of,your products,they'll refund you but for whatever,reason sometimes it slips through the,crack and they don't actually refund you,the money that they should they also,mistakenly sometimes overcharge on the,amazon fba fees,and for those that don't know amazon fba,stands for fulfilled by amazon,it's basically where you can send the,products that you want to sell on the,amazon platform,into the amazon warehouse and when you,get a sale they pick pack and ship those,products out and this is actually a,really cool pro with amazon is they do,have this amazon fba program,because it allows you to be able to,travel around the world live wherever,you want to live and spend your time,either growing your business or doing,what you love to do rather than having,to spend your time,printing out postage going to the post,office and shipping out products to your,customers so this is actually a huge pro,but a lot of times there,is issues with this service and this,leads me to another con with amazon is,that they charge a 15,fee just to sell on the amazon platform,whether you're doing fba,or fbm which is fulfilled by merchant,meaning that you actually ship the,products,to the customer now personally i think,they deserve every single penny of that,15,because they spent a lot of money on,advertising to be able to get those 112,million customers,onto their platform that are looking to,buy your products and trust me if you,want to drive traffic to your shopify,website,you're going to have to budget at least,15 on advertising but it is something to,keep in mind when you're deciding which,platform you want to go with now before,we go to shopify if i forgot a con with,amazon,leave it in the comments down below and,one of the biggest cons with shopify is,that it is,way harder than amazon first off it's,way harder to convince people to even go,to your website people are already going,to the amazon website,every single day they're already,searching on amazon for products they,want to buy for you to convince someone,to go to your shopify website,is really pretty hard then when you,actually get people to your website,it's pretty hard to actually convince,them to purchase something from your,site,that it's actually safe to give over,their credit card and that they're,ultimately going to get a product and be,satisfied with it because amazon has a,30-day,money-back policy not every single,website has a 30-day money-back policy,and even if you do the customer doesn't,know that you're going to actually honor,it with shopify you also have to do your,own fulfillment now there are a bunch of,different 3pls which stands for,third-party logistics companies which,are basically companies that you can,send a bunch of your products to,and when you get a sale on your shopify,website they'll pick pack and ship your,product out,to the customer but it's a little bit,more complicated working with these,three pls,than it is with amazon fba but i'll put,a link down below to some of my favorite,3pls and yes shopify is working on,creating their own 3pl,their own logistics company but that's,something they've been talking about for,a long time,hopefully that happens soon now there,are a bunch of other cons with shopify i,haven't talked about yet but i want to,give you the answer of which platform,you should work with as soon as possible,so,leave in the comments down below any,other cons that i haven't talked about,yet with shopify so what should you do,should you start an amazon business or a,shopify,business now the problem is most people,when they think about amazon they think,about private labeling some junk product,or buying some products in bulk and,reselling them on amazon or even doing,retail arbitrage which is basically,where you go to stores,find products that are on a discount and,flip them on amazon for their normal,price,and these are all kind of gimmicky ways,to sell on amazon that i don't really,think works as well as it used to on the,other hand with shopify,so many people are drop shipping,gimmicky products which just doesn't,work anymore maybe five,ten years ago that used to work but let,me ask you when is the last time you,went on some website,and bought some dropship product that,was some generic thing that you could,have bought from amazon anyway in my,opinion drop shipping from shopify,websites doesn't really work unless,you're selling,a really quality product so in my,opinion it's not about which platform,should you sell on,but it's about what should you sell in,fact i think you should actually sell on,both platforms but the key is,to sell a product that people are,actually excited about that people,actually want to buy and if you do that,on amazon you're going to have a ton of,success because you're going to have a,better product,than all the competitors you're gonna,have better reviews which is gonna lead,into more sales but that same product,you should sell on your own shopify,website which allows you to do,discounts and coupons and it opens up,all different types of internet,marketing opportunities,like influencers affiliate marketing,paid ads seo,all these different things so by selling,a product that's unique and actually,better than the competition,it allows you to take advantage of the,beast that is amazon but it also allows,you to sell on your own shopify website,meaning you get to get,your own customers data and it opens up,all kinds of different internet,marketing opportunities now ideally,you should sell a product that's not,only unique that's not only better than,the competition something that you're,actually passionate about and you love,and that's what i was able to do i was,able to find a product that over the,last three years,has made me over a million dollars in,sales and it's a product i actually,loved it's something that did not exist,that i was able to bring into the world,which was a lot of fun,and it made me a lot of money and i,talked about in this video step by step,how i was able to create a million,dollar business,that i was able to sell on amazon and,sell on shopify so click on that video,i'll see in the next video and remember,to enjoy the journey

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