what is mike vestils shopify website

Shopify Tutorial For Beginners 2021 (Step by Step) in this video revealing how to make,money online

Mike Vestil

Updated on Mar 27,2023

Shopify Tutorial For Beginners 2021 (Step by Step)

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Shopify Tutorial For Beginners 2021 (Step by Step)

in this video revealing how to make,money online with shopify and how,complete beginners are earning 100 to,700,a day with no experience more at that,after the intro,hey guys mike fasila here welcome to,this video before we actually gonna,remind you that some spots have opened,up for this week's free workshop or it's,the fastest and easiest way to make,money online so sign up for the link,below we literally have a 62 year old,woman go from zero to 160,dollars in profit in as little as 90,days so check it out now so when i first,started shopify i did not expect to go,from zero to 1.5 million dollars in,sales my first 12 months,like that was insane you know because,growing up my family came,over to america from the philippines and,we didn't really have much okay my,parents worked all the time 16 hours a,day sometimes,just make sure that we would have enough,money and here i was,going to school to go to college get,good grades just so that one day i could,become a dentist,and i don't know make six figures when i,was like in my 40s or 50s right,that was like the path that i was in,right but then i heard about shopify and,i started realizing oh my god maybe i,could actually make money online,and kind of take advantage of the,growing opportunity that e-commerce is,in right now,and leverage the fact that i could sell,products that i don't even have to touch,or create and just kind of use,a concept known as leverage to make,money selling physical products on the,internet that just made sense with me,right,so then i just dove all in and i studied,all the top e-commerce and shopify,businesses,and i reverse engineered what worked for,them that allowed me to start going from,that zero,dollars nothing knowing nothing at all,about biology and chemistry,to 1.5 million in sales my first 12,months with shopify,with about 30 profit margins right so,let's actually break it down for those,that don't understand what shopify is,it's essentially an e-commerce platform,kind of like wordpress for bloggers but,here it allows you,to within 30 minutes sell products,online,you know it's connected with payment,gateway it's connected,you know with a bunch of like shipping,and handling service providers,and it allows you to build a website,specifically for e-commerce,very very quickly even if you're a,complete beginner this is where i hosted,my business when i first got started,right so the moment you sign up for a,free trial with shopify,it's pretty simple the next step is,understanding which business that you,want to get into,that's why it's very important before,you begin to know which business you,want to emulate and model,for example around this time i remember,looking at gokays gocase was very,inspirational,because they started off on shopify,right this is all hosted on shopify,and they sell these very simple you know,phone cases that just stick on windows,and whatnot,and they use influencers and whatnot to,literally sell these anti-gravity phone,cases,now when i saw this and i saw that they,made 10 million dollars in revenue from,something that just started off as like,a very humble,e-commerce business i got excited not,only that i remember i was looking at uh,gym shark exact same thing big fan of,them bought a bunch of fitness t-shirts,from them,when i found out like that literally,broke college kids,started this with literally less than a,couple hundred dollars,and they turn it into something that was,125 million pounds,with 19 to 20 million pounds in profit,within span of a couple of years from,when i first started e-commerce,starting at like the same time i was,like oh my god man the possibility and,potential this,is insane so i would see what they did,and i would reverse engineer it and this,is what i found,the first thing you got to do is you got,to find out your minimal,viable product you need to test out what,will work in the marketplace without,actually investing,millions of dollars in products that you,might not actually create one of the,downsides that i got started with when i,started in,amazon fba not just shopify was,some gurus like you have to spend five,thousand dollars of money on credit,cards that you don't have,to go buy products from china to then,hopefully sell on amazon,now this was scary for me because we,didn't have any money so we literally,put it on a credit card,and we weren't able to sell any of the,products from china,so it was very very risky to start with,like a big heavy,inventory with all of your money second,inventory because what if it doesn't,sell right,you need to have a proof of concept so,what both,gymshark did and gocase did was they,started with,very small sample sizes sometimes you,could even start with job shipping like,from aliexpress like for example back in,the day when i did it this way right you,could see that you know you can see,phone cases,from here for like the go case we can,even do like,anti-gravity phone case you can see the,cost that,you know they sell it for is about like,twenty four dollars to ten dollars and,whatnot but you can see some of the,prices for some of these cases,that are anti-gravity are like two,dollars or seventy three cents,or you know like very very cheap right,we could even do some of these like,gym products right from aliexpress we,could even do fitness,clothes you could see some of these,fitness things that you would see like,on a gym shark go for like seven dollars,or 14,or 13 or 10 dollars right so they would,essentially start off with,drop shipping by essentially maybe,buying a couple of these products and,sending them directly to their place,take nice pictures and put it on their,website to see if they could actually,make a sale,instead of getting thousands of products,from china that you might not know will,actually,sell you just get one from aliexpress,and then you can go to fiverr and send,that product to fiverr and you could,hire someone to do product photography,for you or you could just take it with,your iphone because iphones,cameras are like insane nowadays but if,not you could also send it directly to,people from fiverr they'll charge you,like ten dollars for like,nice product photography and whatnot,some will even model it and whatnot and,two,and just like that you take the picture,and you put it on your website now,here's the thing you don't have any,inventory at this point you just have,the,picture from the one sample that you got,from china and you know your website,now what you got to do is you got to see,if you could actually go ahead and sell,that product first before you get it in,stock,that's literally what gymshark did,really well and what gocase did really,well they,needed to find a proof of concept and,worst case scenario if they,got a sale they could just refund it,best case scenario they could get a sale,and not only can they go to aliexpress,now and take the money they made from,shopify and buy it from aliexpress at a,lower cost and ship it to them,in the meantime they're already,profiting and building up money to get,their first big bulk inventory in,purchase,without spending a single nickel or dime,of their own money,because they're using the customers that,are making sales initially,to crowdfund and kickstart the entire,business that's the thing,that's a crazy thing about it so think,about it when you sell maybe a hundred,or 200 or 300 of these units by just,just drop shipping model,and only buying it until after you sold,it you could probably save a thousand,two thousand three thousand dollars in,profit from this method,and then you could go and be more risky,you could maybe do your own branding you,could start,getting your own logos and that's,exactly what i said what gocase,and uh gymshark did they moved over to,the sister company of aliexpress where,essentially,you could do the exact same thing except,this time add your branding on it right,so if i just type in,you know fitness clothing when you go to, which is a sister company,you can actually talk to these suppliers,directly,and not only get it in bulk for cheaper,but you could even put your own logos,and designs on it and you can see you,could get it down as,low as four dollars and the minimal,order quantity is only two,right so you could get your custom,prints custom designs that's how you,start building a strong brand and start,being valued at 10 million dollars a,year or you know gymshark which values,at like a billion dollars and they've,just started,in the drop shipping method and if you,need help with that we have a bunch of,drop shipping tutorials in the link,below if you want a more,in-depth thing so at this point you know,you're starting to get some sales with,the drop shipping method now you want to,go,the branding method with shopify right,that's when you want to buy this in bulk,and you want to go and maybe even go to,fiverr again and type in,you know logo design get someone to,create like a really nice logo and,packaging for you for really really,cheap,you can see some of these could be as,low as like 20 bucks some of these logos,could be as low as like 10,right so it goes a long way especially,when you want to go and sell the,business later on for multiple millions,you just send it to you know your,supplier in alibaba,say hey can you put this on all the,designs on right here,on either the t-shirt or on the armpit,or whatever they're going to go ahead,and print it just like that,and then you could go ahead and make,money that way then when you ship it to,your place you could use what is known,as dollar,fulfillment service where instead of you,having to ship it out of your garage,which what these people initially did,you could just directly go send it,directly to these people,they'll essentially do the shipping and,handling for you and they'll just charge,you one dollar,right and it's a u.s warehouse where you,don't have to store yourself they'll do,it,they connect with your shopify store and,then whenever you know you get a sale,it could automatically communicate with,dollar fulfillment and ship out the,product automatically,so it's more passive on your end when,you use things like this so that's,essentially,what they ended up doing and then they,used influence to go ahead and market it,right,so for example if i'm going to go and,sell something with cat products right,and i want to sell cat t-shirts or i can,even just put cat on aliexpress,and sort everything by orders you could,see the top products that are doing,really really,well right there and you can use that as,a test starting point for your niche,right,so if i wanted to sell this pillow and i,did all the shopify,things together to start making money i,can literally come up to youtube and,find,undervalued influencers like this girl,mia stone six hundred thousand views,only four thousand subscribers,if she makes a video and say i pay her,20 bucks for this because she's not,making any money with that little,subscribers,if she goes ahead and promotes a product,if one video goes crazy,that's 600 views that could essentially,buy you know my product,if i get like one or two sales i'm,already breaking even with her costs and,the rest is just pure profit without,having me make youtube videos right,so that's a free method that you know,gymshark and go,and go case did they work with people,that created videos for them so they,didn't actually create the videos,themselves,they just sent them products for free,and then they did the video and just,like that they got free marketing,that's essentially how they first grew,to the first million and the first 10,million,and the first 1 million their first 10,million their first 100 million okay,it's literally the gym shark in the in,the go case method,okay now the next step that you could,also do with shopify is the print on,demand services right,so think about it a good example is fan,joy they literally just do these simple,print on demand t-shirts for influencers,right,and you can do the exact same thing for,these youtube cat people as well right,make a deal with them pay them 20 bucks,they do the marketing you do you know,the the business in the back end right,with shopify,this is also hosted on shopify and,another thing they they go,ahead and use which is you know print on,demand services like for example,printful is a really good one that,automatically connects a warehouse,of existing t-shirts and designs to your,shopify store without having you,shipping and doing any of the handling,you know with this method fanduel is,able to actually do,30 million dollars in sales in a single,year okay and the craziest thing with,this is this method is a lot even easier,than the aliexpress and alibaba,i think because all of these products,are already in the us and you don't,actually have to buy these products,until after you've already made the sale,so for example if you look at this this,hoodie is like 40 bucks right,but if you link printful to shopify,which you could automatically do,see what happens if they're charging,forty dollars for,um the hoodie and you could see this,calculator on printful,your cost is only 17 okay but this is,kind of backwards in the alibaba method,because you don't actually have to buy,this until after you've already made the,sale,and if you're working with influencers,it's very easy to make sales like if you,think about it look,this is a very simple t-shirt and hoodie,that takes like two seconds to create,you don't even need a graphic designer,at this point right,if you scroll down you can see that if,you sell even just 10 a day,you're already at 228 a day in profit on,your shopify store so how insane is that,right,and to get designs it's pretty simple,right let's go do the cat niche again,if i go over to pinterest and type in,cat t-shirt and do all pins,here are all the designs that are proven,to make sales right now because,pinterest is where a lot of women,use to create buyer behavior to know,that they're going to buy later on right,so just like this i have all these,designs that i could simply go,to upwork which is a place like fiverr,that you can get a bunch of cheap,freelancers,if i just type in graphic design and i,do this one little trick hack on the,bottom left,i essentially go and type in philippines,because that's where you can get the,cheapest work with the best quality,english,i'm not saying that because like i'm,filipino but like this is seriously,where a lot of entrepreneurs here in,bali,like all these multi-millionaires that i,interviewed on my podcast this 11 year,old girl that turned on 30 million,dollars,this guy that makes a million dollars,from the profit all of their virtual,employees are literally from the,philippines okay so it's not just me,saying this right it's literally all,these people that i've interviewed on my,podcast,if you go hourly rate ten dollars an,hour below,there's literally people that would,design for you seven dollars an hour,and these designs are very easy to make,like i remember i did the math i,screenshotted a bunch of these and i,went up to designers like hey can you,model this,don't copy it just model it i got it to,point where it was like two dollars per,design,right because of the fact that these,designs are so easy right so hopefully,this helps this is how to make money,with shopify if you want to fasten us,money online you want to know how in the,past 30 days we've netted about 36 000,and even in the past like 14 days alone,you see that on the low and we make no,money but on the higher end we make a,thousand dollars,to even 2 000 even like 500 in a single,day sign up for it in this week's free,workshop,without having any product right think,about this if an idiot like me,that was supposed to be dentist that,only understands biology and chemistry,and,doesn't have any street smarts or,business skills can do this why can't,you and when you sign up for this week's,free workshop you'll find out how a 62,year old woman went from zero,to 160 000 profit in 90 days with no,experience,with no product with no background,experience without having to,manage inventory and it's a lot simpler,than the shopify method than sign up for,it in this week's free workshop as well,as check out my podcast,of all these multimillionaires that also,live here in bali without because i love,you guys see you guys later,you

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