what is a shopify section block?

Shopify Sections & Blocks let's see how settings and blocks,work in our section,so first what we wan

Your Shopify Guy

Updated on Mar 10,2023

Shopify Sections & Blocks

The above is a brief introduction to what is a shopify section block?

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what is a shopify section block? catalogs

Shopify Sections & Blocks

let's see how settings and blocks,work in our section,so first what we want to do is we want,to open our editor and our child team,that we're working on,and we'll drill down into pages,and i got this page i called it landing,page,and then here's our section here's our,section that we created i'll close that,and then if we come over here,this is the section code itself the,liquid file,you see the first key we got is this,name key,in the schema and then it's prefixed,with this t,that's how we know that it's mapped to,the locales file,to the different language files right so,close this here if we open this and we,go down to the default,uh,english schema json file,you have to at least set this one,you'll see here it's uh,you know it's quite a big file the the,sections go alphabetically i won't,scroll through the whole thing i'll just,show you where i added it but if when,you add something you want to add it,alphabetically,by section,so we have this product landing page key,and then here's that name right product,landing page,and if we look here,we'll see how it's set up here you got,t,colon sections dot product landing page,dot name,so that that's how it's mapping the name,so you actually set the actual name in,this case,in this uh locales file and you can,change it for different languages you,know as as appropriate for you and then,there's you know there's image there's,labels for the some of the image,settings and then in the block same,thing,you got a name for the the heading and,then you got a name for the label so,that that's how that part of this the,schema works,the next what we have here is is the,settings key,in its array of settings object so if we,click on,the section itself right,now we see where we can set these,different images,that's what these are,you know i think there's like six of,them that are,mapped to the,the liquid code i'll show you that a,little bit later,so those are the sections,excuse me the settings,now if we if we go back here and then we,notice when when we open up the section,inside the section we got a block right,that's what this is this is the text,blog,and then of course the name is mapped in,the,the,locales file well we can click on here,we can you know we can change the the,heading to wherever we want,get back out of there,so that's how that that part of it works,the templates key what this is for,is,for where you can use the section,so i i chose to use it on the index page,or the home page or any any page that's,where we can use it and you have to have,this key,for presets,otherwise your,your section won't be available in the,editor,i hope this helps you understand a,little bit more about how uh settings,and blocks work inside your section a,little bit later we'll get it up into,the how this all maps to the liquid code,like the ids will map,heading is where you'll you'll actually,use it in your liquid code,so we'll look at that a little bit later

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