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We spent $78k To Generate $900k On Google Ads For This eCom Client, 12x ROAS

hi my name is jonathan and in the next,few minutes or so right i want to show,you how we can help you scale your,ecommerce business to eight figures and,plus plus and beyond right we're using,google ads okay so i just want to be,upfront with you first that tell you how,you work so that you know there's no um,you have no confusion about how we work,and this is really really aligned with,you as well okay so we work as an agency,we're a marketing agency we will help,you run your google ads okay and we when,we work with you as well we don't work,on monthly retainers okay we work 100 on,performance what the what that means is,that for example if at the end of the,month right we run your ads and your ads,are not profitable right you do not pay,a single cent to us okay in this way we,are technically like partners of the,business we're not just a client or,whatever right you're already a partner,of a business because only when you make,money and when you are profitable with,the ads right then we make money okay so,we will push as hard for you as possible,obviously because the more money we can,generate for you the more money we make,as well right and so this aligns kind of,our team as well as your team and we,will push for you as hard as possible,okay so that's basically the structure,to how,we run the agency and stuff okay and i'm,serious when i say like we just want uh,healthy long-term relationships with our,customers right we are in this game to,generate as much money for you as,possible okay and we're gonna do it,based on performance and basically how,how good we are at generating revenue as,well okay so i just want to start that,off before i go into the presentation,it's a very short presentation but i,just want to kind of like introduce you,and show you the concept of google ads,especially if you're running a lot of,paid traffic a lot of facebook at this,at this moment in time okay so let me i,want to show you the power of google ads,okay so google traffic is normally,hunter traffic which means that people,are actively searching for solutions to,their problems already right for example,if i'm looking to buy a water bottle if,i'm looking to buy a gaming chair i can,literally target people who are already,searching for gaming chair what that,means is that that amount of traffic,right is hot hot traffic right traffic,that is already the bottom of the funnel,right which means i don't really have to,do a lot of convincing or put a lot of,money to try to convince the customer,that you need this product right here,for example right so that's premium,traffic coming out your site which you,can retarget which you can do email,marketing on so on and so forth right,the second thing is that keep in mind if,you are running facebook ads and we are,running google ads alongside uh your,paid traffic already right we you are,able to create better lookalike,audiences on your facebook and because,the data or traffic coming in is,superior but per se okay so that is,another advantage that people don't,don't even take into account,okay so the power of google ads is that,because they own so much placement on,the internet these are the top four,things that you want to be doing okay so,there's google search that's shopping,that's display and then there's youtube,ads at the same time okay so when we are,targeting on google for example we are,literally sniping okay so sniping means,that you know you are on the target on,ball right so these are uber profitable,campaigns um and you a lot of the times,right if the funnel the offer and you're,already converting on facebook for,example it is not uncommon for you to do,a 10x row at scale on good products okay,so for example you're already making,like four or 500k per month right and,then you want to scale up with google,ads you want to add an additional,traffic source onto your entire,advertising budget and stuff right and,you can even do a 10x ros when you latch,on google ads on top of that okay so i,want to show you an example of a client,okay let me show you hopefully you can,see this okay but basically this is a,screenshot,uh one of the ad accounts that we run,for example okay so these guys they sell,uh to us canada australia new zealand uh,they don't do united kingdom okay so,it's only basically like the top four oh,yeah plus canada the top four uh tier,western countries right and you can see,here for example this is the lifetime of,the account obviously okay we've spent a,cumulative seventy four thousand dollars,on this account okay and we've generated,over eight hundred thousand dollars back,okay so obviously there's facebook,running in the background as well but on,the purely google channel this is,extremely profitable uh and these stuff,row s campaigns right are not uncommon,especially when you sell um you know,products already on facebook and stuff,they are already converting so they are,proven to work right we latch it on to,the google channel and because google,has so many adverti

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Why Most YouTubers Don't Make Money

Why Most YouTubers Don't Make Money

-Let me put you on the spot. What would you tell him?,What advice would you give him right  now to do? -So, the only way that YouTube,could actually slow down or decline is that.  -Why would anybody put an ad before my video?,-You've talked, we talked a  while ago about YouTube shorts,and you were telling me a few months ago, that's an area that you feel like it can be  ,exploited and could can turn into something good.  Has that happened? What's going on with that?,-We haven't had any significant results yet. I actually started a brand new channel with my kids,they do American ninja warrior. They actually  compete and so they have a lot of fun we created a,channel it's called Lache Brothers. We've got 12  subscribers so far. -Sweet. -But we're launching  ,a short every single day and we filmed a whole  bunch in advance so that in my. -It's all ninja  ,course stuff on the shoulder? They'll just do some  cool obstacle and it might be 20 seconds long 40  ,seconds long and it's just an experiment. My hope  is three or four months down the road we should,see something happen and I don't know. Like I was at vid summit and they had a guy on the stage,I'm guessing he's like 20 years old maybe 19  I don't know. But he makes like 3d animations,for the Minecraft audience. He makes little  cartoons 3d animation cartoons. He puts them on,YouTube as shorts and in one year he's had over 5 billion views, 5 billion views. So, he's had so much  ,success that's why they had him on the stage.  Somebody raised their hand in the audience  ,and said, "How much money did you make with five  billion views?", and he said, "Not really that much.,I can pay rent and I've got some food in the  fridge and that's it". -Was he being modest?,-No, that was legit. -So, that sort of slowed you down on. -Yeah, it's like okay, wow.  ,You can get so much success through YouTube  shorts that you'll be put on stage at vidsummit  ,to tell everyone how great it is and you're  the and yet it's not even enough to  ,really thrive. -Wow. -Five billion. I'm not  expecting to get five billion views.,-How does that? I mean obviously, that's the messes with the whole ad you know that what is that?,-Average due duration?-Well, yeah, but I mean  ad revenue. -So, there's no ads on shorts  ,right now. -So, they just don't have them. -So, maybe  in the future, it will change but as it stands yeah  ,they don't even have ads on shorts. Let me put you  on the spot. What would you tell him? What advice  ,would you give him right now to do? Because I  know what I would think just based on knowing you.,But he's had five billion cumulative views on  his channel, right? So, what advice would you give  ,that guy? So, if you can get that much attention,  that many views, that many subscribers, on shorts  ,what if you also had a regular full-length  video on your channel that could then generate,leads for your business and you could sell  something. You've got that much...,mini eyeballs sell them something.  You know just put a regular." -Anything...,-On your anything. -Yeah. -I mean, if he's got that big of a fan base of Minecraft  ,whatever charge a $10 fee for some Minecraft  event. I mean. you're gonna make a lot of money.,-Staggering to me that I can't believe he hasn't  had some sort of cost like sponsorships or  ,anything at all that could help put more food on  his table. -Hopefully... he'd he's found that.  ,I don't know. -Because it's gone pretty quick.  I mean. -This is pretty young and it's been  ,within about a year so.. -Wow. So, while we're talking still about videos YouTube videos. What,impact has the coronavirus had the worldwide  pandemic? -Yeah, it's people have really  ,recognized even more the value of video. You know,  our services haven't changed but I think people  ,recognize, "Oh yeah, that's certainly valuable today",  it's not like anything really change but when  ,you have shutdowns and people can't interact  video and zoom communication is is what you know  ,felt filled in the gaps and so I think people are  just recognizing even more it kind of accelerated  ,people's acceptance or like understanding  how important video is. -Is YouTube declining?,In terms of energy and viewers users. I mean to  your point but to the opposite, I would think with  ,the pandemic right that with everybody being in  and being locked into there would be a lot there  ,would have been a lot more like a rejuvenation  of YouTube viewership. But it also makes me think  ,for me personally, I don't hear talk think about  YouTube as much as I may be used to.,Has it peaked? -I don't think it's  peaked. I think it's still growing  ,and also there are countries that are just kind of getting more internet stable than  ,they have been in the past where YouTube becomes  a reality and languages are being translated and  ,stuff. So, globally, I think YouTube's growing.  I think just in the USA YouTube is still growing  ,and then from my personal involvement like what's my feeling?

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How Tik Tok's Algorithm Works | Ep. 24

How Tik Tok's Algorithm Works | Ep. 24

all people of the world is working as a,foreign language time Facebook provides,new overview of how it's AB system works,tik toks algorithm how does it work,explained by tic-tock themselves search,trends during Coppa 19 and the exit,phase Google creates a new source of,traffic with keen what the heck is that,twitter introduces voice tweets and,users now able to block political ads on,Facebook and Instagram this is marketing,as a foreign language,oh me oh my just got back from the beach,so happy so filled with joy so ready to,get back to work,Facebook provides new overview of how,its ad system works trying to get your,head around how Facebook advertising,works and how to get the best reach and,results for your business oh my goodness,thank you Andrew hutchinson with more,organizations looking to online options,blah blah blah overview of key points,here we go audience targeting which is,selected by advertisers and determines,which people are eligible to see ads,Facebook notes that it uses two key,factors in determining which ads to show,users got it audience targeting the,second would be ad auction process which,is based on a range of factors relating,to bid a price okay that's fairly,obvious your ads can be targeted to say,folks who make over a hundred thousand,dollars a year,who likes spicy food you do that you,could target people who make less than,$60,000 a year and live in a certain zip,code and have a certain preference let's,say for bike riding it's ridiculous it's,1984 it's George Orwell's,worst nightmare it is demographic,targeting to the ninth degree they're,going to start targeting based on things,that you don't even realize you want yet,there was a story of a gentleman who ran,into a target and said how dare you send,my daughter pregnancy related,advertisements and she's not pregnant he,said and then turns out that she was so,target knew before he did okay according,to Facebook advertisers choose their,target audience through our self-service,tools you know audiences are created,based on categories like age and gender,as well as actions people take on our,apps such as liking a Facebook page or,clicking on that appetizers can also use,information they have about their,audience like a list of emails this is,important to remember so if you're old,school and you've got a bunch of emails,you can add a list of emails of people,who've visited their website to build a,custom audience or a look-alike audience,so you can use Facebook's in-depth,audience targeting tools based on their,profile we get it,look-alike audiences can be a,particularly powerful option in this,respect with look-alikes Facebook's,systems are able to match the profile,data of your existing email or customer,list against other profiles on Facebook,in order to find people who share the,same interests and traits so if you have,an email list you can create a,look-alike audience to try to target,folks that are similar the accuracy of,look-alikes does depend on the amount of,data you provide Facebook's system and,will vary from audience to audience but,they can be a good way to reach people,got it but here's where our Facebook ads,get a bit more complex after you've,chosen your target audience and,submitted your ad Facebook will then,decide who actually sees your promotion,by determining the best match based on,this calculation oh my gosh here it is,gaze upon a class total value as,represented by a trophy you have the,advertiser bid times the estimated,action rate plus ad quality huh so if,the advertiser Ben is $1 times estimated,action rate I would assume that means,likes comments etc plus ad quality,interesting let's dive in each Facebook,user has a range of ads that they could,be shown at any given time that wall,that feed is so valuable I don't think,people realize it I was just just got,back from California and I had a,conversation with the gentleman who is a,billboard guy and he lives in a very,large multi-million dollar home in,Huntington Beach in LA and little did I,know that billboards you have to own the,land itself and then you can put up the,billboard on your land if,zoned for a billboard and then you,basically lease the space it's very real,estate and I love it I'm just all about,it the problem is that with billboards,ostensibly you could buy land outside of,town and you could eventually along the,highway eventually get to a point where,a billboard might make sense and there,are ways to get into that the modern-day,billboard the Facebook billboard there's,no way in there's no way end what you,gonna do you can't you can't build,Facebook you're not going to compete,with Facebook so it's different the game,is different I wish you could I wish you,could buy digital space and more get,like real estate on Facebook anyway,advertiser bid how much money you're,spending on your Facebook ads this is,obvious estimated action rate Facebook,estimates the likelihood that each user,will take an action on the ad based on,the range of factors rel

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How to Add the TikTok Ads Pixel to Your Shopify Store - Updated 2022

How to Add the TikTok Ads Pixel to Your Shopify Store - Updated 2022

i'll be up if you can't be right,i'll do the same,i'm on tick tock you're in tik tok,almost everybody is on tick tock,it's the newest social media craze with,the biggest demographics of younger,users,tick tock isn't simply a trend it's also,refuge for innovative marketing and,advertising,tick tock will now be the hub for all of,your brand's existing and future,marketing offerings as a part of new,agreement shopify merchants can now,design targeted marketing campaigns and,track how they perform in tech talk,without leaving the commerce platform,the two businesses announced last,october 2020.,tiktok has an edge over instagram,because it has video based social,network similar to youtube,video features have gradually been added,to instagram however the cumulative,effect is that instagram has begun to,feel overcrowded and that's the reason,users are switching to tick tock,in this tutorial we'll walk you through,adding a tick tock pixel on shopify the,fastest way,we will also verify the installation to,make sure that everything is in check,the first thing that we need to do is to,create a tech talk business account with,a tick-tock business account you can,check your ad performance on the,platform just go to www.ticktop.com,business,click the get started button located at,the top right,on the next page fill in the form with,your email address and password,after you filled in the email address,click the send code link on the,verification code field,just answer the captcha and click,confirm,tick tock will then send you an email,with a verification code,just access to the email address and,look for the email from tiktok,copy the verification code in your email,and paste it into the verification code,field,accept tick-tock's terms and condition,and click the sign up button,on the next page,just fill in the form with your business,information,select the industry,type in your business name,your phone number and select the,currency that you will be using,accept tick tocks ads program terms,payment terms and advertising guidelines,then click the register button,you should reach the tech talk ads,manager dashboard,now that you have a tick tock business,account let's go to shopify and link the,two,go to www.shopify.com,and login to your account,on your shopify admin click the app,section located on the left side,and on the next page,click the view more apps in this,collection button,search for tick-tock ads on the search,field and look for the app that's by,tick-tock incorporated,add the app and add it to your sales,channel,on the tick tock channel overview,click the setup now so we can connect,both of the accounts,a pop-up will show up,since we're already logged in to,tick-tock business then we'll just click,the connect button,if you are in the wrong account or if,you haven't logged in yet then please do,so or just click the switch user link,and log in,now that we have connected both of the,accounts then we'll just finish a couple,of the setups,under marketing scroll down to the tech,talk ads manager section and click,connect,it will give you a prompt on top,informing you that there are some issues,let's check those,click the tech talk ads manager link,to go back to tech talk,it will then ask you to fill in your,billing information,just fill them in and you may be asked,to add funds to your account,you can just ignore it for now since,you're not running any ads yet,what we need to do next is to generate a,tech talk pixel id,go back to shopify,and on the tech talk sales channel,go to,settings scroll down to the data sharing,section and choose maximum for the level,selection,it will then generate a tick tock pixel,id,and just click the confirm button,just ignore the payment section for now,since we're not running ads yet you may,need to add some balance if you will be,running ads,now that the tick tock pixel id was,generated we will verify the,installation we will check if the pixel,was already installed on our shopify,website,access your tech talk business manager,click assets on top and select events,click the manage button of the website,pixel,on the next page click the check pixel,code installation link,you will be directed to the chrome web,store,this pixel code checking is only,available for google chrome users as of,this moment install the tiktok pixel,helper on your google chrome browser,after you've installed it pin the,extension to your browser,as you can see it did not detect any,tick tock pixel installation yet,access your shopify store's website,and click the tick tock pixel helper,extension,it should detect a tick tock pixel,installed on this website,if it did not detect anything,try refreshing the page and if you find,nothing,make sure that you follow these steps,correctly now that you have the tik tok,pixel installed in your shopify website,you now are ready to run ads on tech,talk,for more information and if you need,assistance in setting this up or in,running ads we here at blue tusker are,ready to help,ti

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របៀបដាក់ពាណិជ្ជកម្មនៅលើ Videos - How to Ad break on Videos 2020

របៀបដាក់ពាណិជ្ជកម្មនៅលើ Videos - How to Ad break on Videos 2020

okay so serrated Arachnia well the lava,tube Jamuna Janelle was the boss I get,my check Melanie,you mean with omoide my jam late they,can put my Apollonia scientist my dear,company we know lenient romantic man,with all night it's all mechana and prey,Krueger had their backs on each come to,live it over young shepherd on the T,line man,but that is not the main Canadian,clatters got a new junkman with all,their backpack that type or did you come,with it you're gonna I'm telling us know,when a young man through with or be back,for it you camped I'll book my book on,or near me back to some air okay isodyne,book my Bobo knock nearing like that at,break and break me to advertise you're,gonna you hide her head break a band at,her advertisers Obama to go up on it you,can deliver video were younger Bonnie,okay junk succumb time for my Oh knock,me out yet for my new channel binomial,Uchiyama,somebody fine Hannon get on winning at,the time st. say that we sold a little,bit about your advertising we now let's,move upside the loop that you can the,loo with also come on boyo,I advertise okay now they are so excited,but did you come to move but that's my,module item Patel advertiser Amin me,upside the low with over young time okay,with or a with the old carnage but,comrade upon possible on time cool,advert I go real cry minute have but did,you come to copy that I didn't chroniger,gonna but I'm Oviedo boy you're gonna,say I'm an advert I got how higher so,many but it you can say a and check,month year you took the Bravo you can,let me know or knock off a bottom-up I,like the low - but I'm a prime upon,fabric of okay luncheon when it had,panko bread for cake on thermal moment I,get in there Bonnie mark near young,fella okay muy from tonality Tianjin I,feel like my mom to be mounted on my,reindeer chomp can we human then time,when your melodrama pond pets up comrade,HD,I'm not parameter D to go not motika do,you draw like Anna we're losing daylight,Junko finish me oh yeah check grandma,I'm gonna put them off near the,chocolate for Kaitlyn goof but Engelbart,digna okay I'm Jen come on can't baby,lay you younger to Samantha with Odin,denier hey nothing like me and that,wasn't you but then come that on,failure you're not my mom that you can't,touch a dual your band,okay back the mood economy and go okay,mark near I'll any young well my darling,PC Harry Harry Universal candy working,with him Vietnam okay I like him some,but y'all my mom for not near an,illusion ever him them dog I know you're,waiting your man billion hype man came,later you've let them same change they,can go to sensor they can put my above,on or near melting at for you to book me,and she can't emulate it you don't worry,about your me in general came late when,you're my son Jimin Canon look like,Hampton like that put my bomb on,recommend making him tell commander,you're gonna I am the tool job what are,some new record my neighbor my boundary,come on cramped you're gonna come but,I'm worried commander even tomono-kun,human I need to your bandage you're,gonna mean it had human the boy looks to,India nature root Jam like my favorite,abandon your shuttle table buku buku,some Lankan composure aren't you can eat,food okay,I'm Jennifer paid money will pay and,then took coming tonight no jingle women,campaign no ok letting your mouth for,handball Pollock me and think that I'm,weepin here can i had with hurry to go,nap but did you come to live it over,judgment I let you mean owning him,somehow I've it owning mobile not near,my leg him so bad Lysander okay now I've,been owning him toward a whole dog from,that volcana with o me Nana,maybe a little band room up one first,updated and put that combatant working,4k video meaning but every i download me,don't know if the problem aunty my de la,Mancha and gonna jump a Tron advert I,could we moved a little bit odd Iversen,Thibodeau why your income Rho D by pnina,yeah and in your men have loved it over,who neither gonna have with older,youthful like we chop him up one pair,supplanted cuckoo Bobby and include the,tool you banner you to build an advert,right ago not sponsor another baby in,the lighting try go someday you're gonna,I move it over your Moodle man pets upon,man apart from Myrtle Perl and then you,to go that advert i'ma Luigi camera,using called man Friday okay check the,way that behind a little gamble you at,her with over now I like him to the can,yet your youtube story all-natural,mechanic mall I paid remark jnana-yoga,right are you two broke my egg roll no,human bands around form antenna we need,to know when you're making your mind up,abundance it moved in here I better come,with older groups of chameleon good old,man Toronto mandate you're gonna say sir,they advertise their that model open it,you can live with oh boy you're a good,man pigment then however kept home we,finally hair can in your mind of a man,from Berlin landmark near management and,gentlemen but then your would matter,except a cumulative geum-bun ultim

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How to hit 90 billion views on TikTok (not a typo!) - with Evan Horowitz, CEO at Movers+Shakers

How to hit 90 billion views on TikTok (not a typo!) - with Evan Horowitz, CEO at Movers+Shakers

hey everyone welcome to the mobile user,acquisition show,in the mobile user acquisition show we,talk about how to use mobile user,acquisition strategies,to grow your app quickly and capital,efficiently,the mobile user acquisition show is,presented by me,shamant rao mobile growth leader and,founder and ceo of the mobile growth,consulting firm,rocketship hq each episode,includes strategies tips and pointers,from the leading edge of mobile user,acquisition,that you can use to unlock tremendous,growth for your app,in a sustainable and capital efficient,manner,our guest today is evan horowitz ceo at,movers and shakers,a creative agency specializing in,branding campaigns on tick tock,evan and his team have spearheaded,massive campaigns on the platform,resulting in many campaigns with over a,billion views,and a total of 90 billion views across,their campaigns,by the way that's not a typo and we'll,talk about the,math of how that is done in this episode,evan was an early adopter of tik tok as,a marketing channel,and has seen its growth into an,established brand channel,over the last couple of years in today's,conversation,he breaks down his team's process for,creating and architecting,viral video campaigns and speaks to the,idiosyncrasies of the tick tock,algorithm,that can result in massive hypervirality,resulting in billions of views he also,speaks to how virality driven,storytelling,can be compressed into a 15 second time,span,we talk about so much more and i'm,excited to bring this episode to you,today,i'm very excited to welcome evan,horowitz,to the mobile user acquisition show,evan welcome to the show thank you great,to be here,evan i'm very thrilled to have you,because certainly you guys have done,some very interesting and very amazing,things with tick-tock with virality,in ways that i find truly inspiring,truly stunning we'll dive into a lot of,that today,i'm trying to get into that but a good,place to start,would be the beginning the last time we,spoke you said,about two years ago nobody knew about,tick-tock,not even us and at the time,what inspired you to look at tick tock,as a platform that could have some sort,of potential,yeah so that was back in 2019 movers and,shakers,were a creative agency on a mission to,spread joy and,another thing that's relevant about to,answer your question is that we do a lot,of,storytelling using original music to,connect brands to culture,and so when tick tock started to develop,as a platform,it was interesting to us for those two,reasons it was a very joyful place,and it was all about musical,storytelling and that was just something,that resonated with the way that we were,already,using joy and music to help brands cut,through the clutter on social,our first project on tick tock was with,elf cosmetics and it was actually their,idea,they were interested in tick tock,because they loved being first to market,on new,platforms and actually elf was already,buzzing on tiktok the hashtag elf,cosmetics had,several million views before they had,ever entered the platform,but when we looked at it together we,realized that we can figure this,platform out pretty quickly that was in,the summer of 2019 and,you could count on one hand how many,brands have ever done anything on the,platform so it was pretty,uncharted territories yeah so,the fact that you guys were very music,driven fit right,into what tik tok was all about and then,of course health,was a very very big campaign if you want,to speak your kind of metrics that,first champion of javascript i'll start,at the end that was,the biggest campaign in tic-tac-us,history for quite some time,and it achieved a level virality both in,and off the platform that was just,totally unprecedented with over 5,million user-generated videos,5 million people creating videos to join,the campaign billions and billions and,billions of views,and more than that the original song,that we wrote,went massively viral in the music world,it hit number four,on spotify's global viral chart it was,in the top 50,from australia to the netherlands elf is,islip's face that was what the whole,campaign was was a recognition thing,around that most people don't know elf,stands for as they say so the,islip space brand anthem ended up being,played at,nba stadiums to hype up the crowd before,games it's funny because,when we first started working with,tiktok to create that campaign,we said we were going to do an original,song and they said no no you don't do,that you license an existing hit song,that's how these campaigns are run and,we said well,we really like writing original branded,music movers and shakers were really,good at that,and so they said okay we'll see how it,goes and now that's the playbook,pretty much every big campaign now it's,just obvious in the standard that you,would,create original branded music for it but,at that time it was,not recommended wow very cool very cool,and,i definitely have firsthand experience,of how,protective a lot of brand managers can,be

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Finding the MEDIAN of Grouped Data - #Statistics | CSE and UPCAT Review

Finding the MEDIAN of Grouped Data - #Statistics | CSE and UPCAT Review

we already talked about finding the mean,we talked about finding the mode last,week today we're going to talk about how,to find the median of grouped,data that's what we're going to talk,about today,hi there thank you for checking out my,channel thank you for clicking on this,video if this is the first video that,you're watching for my channel i make,educational and motivational content,so if you don't want to miss any of my,new uploads don't forget to hit,subscribe and hit that bell,icon now like i said this is part of our,series if you haven't seen the other,videos yet,click right here if you're watching this,on youtube so you can catch up,today is all about the media now just a,quick little plug if you want to help,support this channel,or cost to democratize education in the,philippines one way you can do that is,by buying our merch,you can visit shop.teamlica.com for more,information,that's where you can find all the shirts,mugs hoodies and stuff that i designed,for this team,again all of these things are just ways,for us to make sure,that i can keep making free content for,you so i appreciate all of our,channel members all the sponsors of the,people who support this channel and buy,the merch the books because i bought you,help keep the lights on,by the things and now that you have that,out of the way i'm going to switch over,to my pc i'll see you in a bit okay so,this time media,page and again just a quick recap,statistics is all about collecting and,understanding data and we use measures,of central tendency to kind of get an,overview duns,group data right now we're going to talk,about your media,now then some first video nothing we,talked about the measures of,central tendency a median it's the,element,okay so nasa middle school and,you adding series on group data you know,frequency distribution table which,started out looking like this perhaps,directly for more and now more,information for the,mean and then for our mode last,and again let me just say this is a,disclaimer,follow that but again the concept is the,same and the information,is still the same explain,at the lower boundary of the median,class,we have you 19 okay,so 19 is the first row tapos and trick,here would be,okay,okay so we have 19 plus 19,that is 38. so again,basically 19,now we have 40 52,okay so 52,52 15 that's going to give me 67,this is going to give me 87 that's it,100 so again to check,divided by 2 okay so this is 101,over 2 or 50.5 soybeaks,101 minus,0.5 so this will be 100,point five so uh lower boundary now,median class not in okay and now we have,all the information that we need,to to complete the formula so here we,have,el uh sub m or,el nalang young lower limit non-median,class,so 100.5,that was plus quantity dow,so that's we have n over two on n n,nathan is one hundred,dividing that instead of minus now,determination,f no young f is the cumulative frequency,before the,median class at etoyon,now median class and frequency the,median class net 10,is 14. so you'll put 14 here,i think parentheses we have i you i,is we have 81 82 83,485 86 87 88 89 90. so then you adding,class widths,we have 100 0.5 plus,and then we have 100 divided by 2 which,is 50,minus 38 tap was all over,14 times 10 or 100.5 plus,50 minus 38 is 12,over 14 times,10 okay,that is going to give us,so 8.57 tapos plus,100 point five so that is one hundred,point five,which is in lower limit and alabaster is,one hundred nine point zero seven,so you know at median 109.07 if you,notice again,it's still inside this but not exactly,midpoint don't number seven hundred and,seven hundred then,okay so you know i thinks your attitude,109.07,okay so again sustainable new formula,pay attention to,the details and you'll be good to go now,the best way for you to test if you,understand this would be for you to have,your quick quiz,so if you're ready with your pen and,paper your timer starts,now,so,do,so,do,so,all right let's see how you did so again,we are going to use the same,data set that we did before the galaxy,note provisions for a,commutative frequency child over,boundary but it's the same information,as before,well i'm trying to make it as complete,as possible in a series on statistics,so more about um interpretation,including standard deviation in the next,uh videos,series okay so,let's take the commutative frequency so,the s we have 15. so this 15,plus 17 is 32 this is 42,this is 56 this is 67 so in ad column,so we have 70 82 this is going to give,us 93 and then 100. so check diogen,because again 100 100. now the next,thing that we're going to look for would,be you,median class not in so again 100 it also,fifty point five per annual hand up not,in your 50.5,76 to 80.,so now that we have that let's get you,lower bound arena that would be 76 minus,0.5 or 75.5 so you know i think,l sub m 75.5,plus information,or total number numbers,in data set is 100 over,2.,frequency before the median class so,that is 42.,okay that's all over,okay we'll just stop right here one uh,for

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Relative and Cumulative Frequency Distributions

Relative and Cumulative Frequency Distributions

now that we've looked at frequency,distributions there are two important,modified frequency distributions that we,can create,the first of these is a relative,frequency distribution,rather than giving the total frequency,of a class we give the portion of the,data that is contained in that class,for this we divide the frequency by the,total number of values,let's look at our example,here i have the frequency distribution,that we found in the previous video,in this example had a total of 30 values,we can double check that by adding,together all of the frequencies and we,will get 30.,so now we want to find,the relative frequency,we do this by dividing each one of our,frequency values by our total which was,thirty,one over thirty,is about point zero three three,two over thirty,is about point zero six seven,five over thirty,is about point one six seven,we'll do that a second time for our next,class,and a third time,for the next class since those are all,the same frequency,we have 4 over 30 that's about .133,and 8 over 30,is about 0.267,it is important to note that when you,add all of these up you should get one,in this case we get 1.001,we may occasionally get,1.001 or 0.999 due to rounding errors,but we should get 1 or very very close,to 1.,the second type of modified frequency,distribution is a cumulative frequency,distribution,and instead of the frequency of a class,a cumulative frequency distribution,shows the cumulative frequency,the cumulative frequency is the number,of data values less than or equal to a,given value,and to find the cumulative frequency we,will add the frequency of a class to all,of the frequencies that came before it,let's go back to our example,for our first one there's nothing that,comes before it so it just stays a one,for the second one we have two plus one,which is three,for my third one i'll have five plus two,plus one,which is eight,my next one five plus five plus two plus,one,gives me thirteen,five plus five plus five plus two plus,one gives us 18,4 plus 5 plus 5 plus 5 plus 2 plus 1,gives us 22 and finally 8 plus 4 plus 5,plus 5 plus 2 plus 1 gives us 30.,and our cumulative frequency,distribution should end with the number,of data values we had which in our case,was in fact 30.,if you would like to see professor,pierce make more videos like this one,you can support her on patreon in the,link below,any and all support means a lot to her,it allows her not only to make more,videos but it also allows her to,campaign for free and accessible online,education to conferences and other,universities,thank you for watching and remember math,is for everyone

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