what are the non-profit plans for shopify

🔥 Shopify For Nonprofits ✅ How To Use Shopify For Non Profits shopify for non-profits hey guys welco


Updated on Feb 25,2023

🔥 Shopify For Nonprofits ✅ How To Use Shopify For Non Profits

The above is a brief introduction to what are the non-profit plans for shopify

Let's move on to the first section of what are the non-profit plans for shopify

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what are the non-profit plans for shopify catalogs

🔥 Shopify For Nonprofits ✅ How To Use Shopify For Non Profits

shopify for non-profits hey guys welcome,back to the channel in this video i'm,going to be showing you how you can use,shopify as a non-profit organization so,make sure to check that link in the,description box down below to get,started with shopify today for free so,if you're running a non-profit,organization you might be wondering what,do i need a shopify store for well there,are so many reasons you still need a,shopify store not only do you need a,shopify store but you also need a,website so shopify can do both of these,things for you and the reason that i,would suggest to create a shopify store,when you're looking to create a website,for your non-profit organization is,because shopify will allow you to give,different rewards to people that are,interested in donating to your,organization or donating to your,nonprofit and this is something that i,find to be a very useful feature and,you're gonna be able to monitor and get,good analytics and reporting on your,store as well so this will also enable,you to see what kind of people are most,frequently donating to your organization,and what kind of customer behavior or,what kind of behavior are the people,showing that are constantly donating to,your organization and you can customize,and reward those people as well so what,i like to do is when i am creating a,store i would usually suggest to people,to start off with products but when you,are creating a website for or a,ecommerce store for a organization what,i like to suggest for people to do is go,on to your online store section first,then go on to your navigation then once,you're on your navigation you can see,over here that you have your main menu,and your footer menu so i'm just going,to click on main menu over here and then,you're going to add or edit your,menu items so we're going to delete the,contact ones and you can just delete all,of them and then restart from scratch,but i'm just going to click on add menu,over here and i would just usually,copy,um,donate,to us,something like that and then we're just,gonna add the product section over here,and you might be wondering why am i,adding products to the donate to a,section well in your product section,you're actually going to have all of,your products are going to be present,over here so what this will enable you,to do is you can add different like,small goodie bags or whatever kind of,rewards you have for the people that,donate to your organization and they can,just simply click on donate to us and,they're going to find that they're going,to get small rewards for donating to,your organization you're just going to,click on add over here then you can add,another menu on how you can help,something along those lines and add that,over here on my navigation menu as well,and the reason that i focus more on the,navigation menu when i'm creating a,website for a non-profit is because your,navigation menu is going to lead the,people around so they need to understand,what kind of organization this is and,why they should be donating so that is,why the navigation plane is the most,important thing because it's going to,appear on the top and it's going to be,the first thing that they lay eyes on so,what i'm going to do is i'm going to add,a pages section so you can write a,paragraph or if there are blogs about,your non-profit you can add those as,well but i don't find those to be really,that helpful and this is a sample so i'm,just gonna go with pages over here and,then you can just go back and create a,separate page for this specific purpose,now,you can add a bunch of blog posts as,well,but i'm just going to go on to the pages,section and i'm going to add the contact,page how can you help and then i add,another menu item called contact us,and then i'm going to add a exclamation,mark,and then i'm just going to add pages and,then i'm going to add the contact,section over here and i'm just going to,click on add over here and now i'm just,going to click on save menu now this is,going to be the basic navigation bar for,my ecommerce website or my actual,non-profit organization website now on,the footer menu i only have the basic,search now for filters you're actually,going to remove these default filters,that are usually going to be set already,on your website so you need to remove,those make sure that you're removing,those unless you want it to appear like,you're actually running a store rather,than a non-profit now once you have done,that you can go on to the pages section,over here and you can see you only have,one contact page right now and you can,click on add page over here and you know,the title that i just created how,you can help so i'm just going to create,another page called how you can help and,you can add you know however people can,help out on your organization and you're,just going to save that over here and,obviously you're going to go back into,your navigation you're going to click on,the main menu and you're going to link,this page to your how you can help,section now you can create as many pages,as you want so you can tell people about,the organization,you can add it about this page you can,add a memoir page you can add a page,showing all of the previous work that,you have done for this organization,or all the previous work that this,organization has been doing for people,and after you have done that you're just,going to go on to themes and this is the,feature that i love the most is that,they provide such easy to use templates,so if you're running a non-profit i'm,pretty sure you don't have anyone on,board that is pretty skilled in html or,anyone that has enough spare time to,create a separate website and shopify,really makes this easy for you so all,you need to do is scroll down go into,the theme library and you're just going,to click on explore free themes over,here and you can choose any theme,template out of all of these templates,to get started with your non-profit,website so i'm just going to click on,customize over here now you can see now,this is a basic little theme that i,edited previously but what i'm going to,do is i'm going to first off remove,these excess sections so to remove a,section you just need to click on the,section and then on the bottom left you,have the remove section option you're,going to remove those and you might be,wondering it says pro photographers on,the top how do you change that i'm going,to show you guys later on how do you,change the store name because you don't,do it from the website editor over here,you have to do that separately now what,i'm going to do is i'm going to click on,this image with text and i'm just going,to,change the,image over here i'm just going to click,on change image i'm going to go on free,images and i'm just going to go on,and search for kids,and what i'm going to do is i'm just,going to add this image like this and,then i'm just going to click on select,once i have selected the image i'm just,going to change the heading or the,tagline like so i'm just going to scroll,down and see if this looks all right now,it looks pretty decent but i find that,this tagline is a bit too long so i'm,just going to change this to help those,you can,like so and this looks pretty decent to,me the sizing is a bit off but what i'm,going to do is i'm going to keep the,image ratio actually even without the,iris ratio it seems pretty decent so i'm,just going to continue with this,now after i have done that i have this,featured product which i'm also going to,remove now you can see over here this is,just like the basic home page now after,my home page i can just go into the,product section or the overall,navigation of my website whatever it,might be so i'm just going to go over,here and i can go onto the product,section i have default products but i,removed those so i'm just going to go,back and i'm going to scroll down and,you can see that these are the different,template pages but i have custom theme,settings so those are going to be edited,accordingly to what i have created in,previously just what i did in the,settings uh right before i went over,here so after that i'm going to add my,section so it could be a page it could,be featured in collections or it could,be custom content so you can talk about,your brand you can definitely add like a,confession or something along those,lines about what kind of work your,organization is done so you can add,those on your first page as well so i'm,just gonna save this for now and now i'm,going to show you how you can actually,change the name of your uh website so,for that what you're going to do is,you're just going to go back and exit,over here you're going to go down into,your settings on the left you're gonna,click on settings and then you're just,gonna click on edit over here and then,you can change your store name so,whatever your non-profit name is so it,could be homes for little ones,and we're just gonna save that over here,and now once i have saved it it is going,to be changed so i'm just going to click,on shopify over here and you can see,that it is now homes for little ones,now what i'm going to do is i'm going to,go back and i'm just going to go back,onto my online store,and you can obviously customize it,accordingly what i'm going to do is i'm,just going to go on actions i'm going to,click on preview over here now for a few,things that you might want to change is,definitely remove this section because,you don't want this to be like a,shopping platform and what you're going,to actually do is you're going to go,onto products now this is the section,that i find that you just need to do a,little bit work on is you're just going,to click on add product over here and,you could name it like a t-shirt and,then it could be obviously for your,non-profit and in the description you,can talk about 90,of,profits go or you can obviously this is,a non-profit so 100 of profits go into,helping,these,kids out or whatever kind of description,you want for your product and then,you're going to click on active product,then you're going to scroll down and add,a specific price so it could be 10,and then you're just going to click on,save over here and now your little,product has been added as well once you,have started adding your products you,can add a catalog or a donate to a,section and then you can link these,products to your donate to us section so,if i go on to the online store and if i,just go scroll down,and i just save this so what i'm going,to do is i'm just going to click on,publish i'm going to click on publish,over here and now this has been,published so what i'm going to do is you,can see now this is active now i'm just,going to go into my settings click on my,shopify store and i'm going to cross,this out now this is just like a basic,preview so this is how easy it is to,create your website and your own,donation form on your non-profit website,using shopify make sure to click the,link in the description box to get,started with shopify today and hit that,like button and subscribe to the youtube,channel and i will catch you guys in the,next video

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