shopify why does deleeted items show on export

Export Shopify Activity to Excel/CSV file In Shopify admin there is this secret place called activit

Export Shopify Activity to Excel/CSV file

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Export Shopify Activity to Excel/CSV file

In Shopify admin there is this secret place called activity. You can't access,it through any of the menus or settings or anywhere, but through the URL you,just click on the URL and admin / activity here and there you will see,everything that happened into your store. Like here Matrixify (Excelify) published a,product on point-of-sale and which product it was you can click it and it,will take it to this product. Yeah! Then, like everything!, everything that,happened. And you can load more and you can see more and load more see more so,there is a log that you can audit when when you need to understand what,happened, but what if you need to understand and analyze more deeply these,activities obviously in this kind of screen it's not so easy,therefore in Matrixify (Excelify) app we have made it, among the other things, you can,export this data to the excel or csv file. Right so now we are inside the,Matrixify (Excelify) app here, here  this is the Matrixify (Excelify) app ,and you press new export and here,in the format you choose that you want to excel format or you,could choose a csv if you want to pass this to some script or something to,analyze, but for visually more pleasing demonstration i will choose the excel. So,among the other things that you can choose to export we will choose activity,and you see that in this our demo store we have already like 122,000 events,happened so it's it's quite a large data set and basically here we can choose,what kind of columns to import like we can just choose basic columns everything,or in advanced you can select or move whatever you want to export, but in this,case we will export everything, because you want to see all the,possible columns. And of course there is a filter and here for activity I,definitely suggest you always to use a filter, because if your store is live,here you will have millions and millions of events here. So probably exporting all,the history from the very beginning probably is... Maybe it's what you need, but,most likely not and here there are some filters you can,apply like for example a subject type is if you want to focus on particular kind,of thing like for example you want to filter everything that happened to your,orders and you can just press add filter and it will add the filter,and then you can add like another thing is a verb like what a kind of action it,was like everything that was. You can type here "create, destroy" or,something like whatever verbs, but we will export all of them. There is also,some kind of other filter just for here like "not equal to any of" or like that.,But the one that you definitely need to use is "Created At" and there also you,can choose "on or after" like starting from a specific date or "on or,before" like until specific date or it's a date range like for example from first,'till the second of April and also the relative date like to take like last six,days and in this case it will take full days in your time zone like if today is,not finished yet so it will not include this day, but for the sake of example,we'll just take everything that happened since yesterday and I will just remove,this subject type footer so that we have all of the items. And here in options you can,set some scheduling and auto repeat and upload files to FTP but in this case we,don't need it we'll just export. So it's going to take,a couple of seconds, because nothing much happened during last two,days so we can see that there's 59 events in that file and we just click to,download the file open it and there it is! So these are all the events that,happened during last two days on on this store. Just be a bit careful it's not,coming out in the "Created At" order it comes out in some other order that,Shopify gives us this data in the quickest way, but if you need to sort it,by date you can just click on this column and sort by the date or let's,put Z to A so that we have the most recent event on the top. And so now we,have those events in the descending order starting from the newest one, from,the most frequent to the oldest one. And then what we have here of course the,"Created At" it's it's a time with your time zone which is usually your shopify,product or article or or anything like what kind of entity was it the subject,ID is the ID of this subject type like this is the product ID and this for,example this is the article ID and this is the price rule ID and so on. For,example like this is the order like the "Verb" shows what happened to this order,right it was confirmed and who did it the Shopify confirmed and what,were some details that were confirmed and if we want to see this,particular order we can just copy this path in the new tab we open the order,and we see exactly which order was it. So yeah and this is definitely much better,way how you can audit and analyze what happened into your store and of course,since we are in Excel we just can't resist to,make a PivotTable of this data and see some valuable overview for example. We,just take subject type as rows we put a Verb as columns and ID as values so that,we count how many IDs we have in each of these and so we can see some overview,that we had. One confirmed orders, 16 events of product creation and,publishing and how many price rules how many times the price rules get updated,and so on and when we like double-click on the number we can drill,in to the specific data like who did and when and what was changed and so on. So,it's a very powerful way how you can analyze your store and understand what,happened if there was some kind of thing to analyze and yeah as I mentioned on,Matrixify (Excelify) app of course you can export and import all kinds of things like,products, discounts, collections, customers, basically everything that's existing in,your Shopify store. And definitely please start with How It Works! It will,set you up for the foundational ,understanding on how to use  Matrixify (Excelify) and,then go from there. And also if you have any issues or,questions or like suggestions definitely reach us through any of those channels,and we will be there to help you in any step of the way. See you inside of,Matrixify (Excelify)!

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