shopify show discount in cart

Show the active discount in your cart - Automatic Discount for Shopify hey guys now we're gonna see

Tabarnapp by Staytuned

Updated on Jan 25,2023

Show the active discount in your cart - Automatic Discount for Shopify

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Show the active discount in your cart - Automatic Discount for Shopify

hey guys now we're gonna see what is the,active discount display feature so if,you go an automatic discount and you,click active discount display you might,be scared by seeing this screen but,don't worry just follow the steps first,thing first you need to well you can,test as an admin before unlocking this,for $49.99 this is a one-time fee to,unlock this add-on and it requires to be,on a premium account so you know also it,requires to edit your team's liquid,files so step one you need to locate the,card that liquid or card template liquid,file to do so you go to online store you,select your theme and you land on,something like that and you search for,cart so AI CIF 2 card templates the,first one is basically empty I mean it,says that it contains the section card,template so I go to section card,template and here I see the code of my,cart page the card page is there and,this is the code so this is step one I,located the card template that liquid,obviously if you want to insert the,script in any other page in the header,the footer blog post whatever you can do,so you copy the script and you paste it,in any of your file here so if I remove,I see all the files that I have or in a,simple product page for example or a,simple blog or page and then you can,style it with some CSS if you have some,skills but you can just change for,example the phone style or the font size,or to add a little background color or,to to you know to make it dance or,whatever you can do with with CSS I will,show you how to do so something really,simple but for now,you need to do these three steps you can,show do it by yourself and you click,here and that will open a blog post that,basically explains some examples and if,you scroll down you will see some more,advanced stuff and that requires some,JavaScript as well and this is not,included this is not included in in the,in the admin fee so if you want to I,rose or any developer they can do,something like savings - this instead of,just a sentence or something like that,subtotal discount or this is an example,but if you copy/paste this it won't work,in your theme because it's team related,I mean it's team dependent so I have,another example there here I have in the,Carter our subtotal discount so let's go,back to a simple example so this is a,sentence that I have put here or there,that says that a discount will be,applied at checkout but in order to show,this sentence this notification I,actually need a discount to be applied,at checkout via automatic discount so if,I go to checkout I already have,prefilled the coupon filled with the,discount code but if for example I,remove some products Oh something like,and I remove some product and I update,and I don't meet the rule the discount,rule anymore than the distance that the,sentence is not displayed but if I,update it and then that the pop up is,something else and this is what we're,talking about right now the active,discount displayed if I want to change,the location of it well I have put this,ear and I also have put it well there,but let's say I want to edit this one,I'll search for okay so I have put it,there but let's say that I want to you,could you could edit the text by the way,but do not edit what's inside this,because this is this is the amount but,you could also for example if you want,to to add a different sentence you could,just you could for example say and well,D discount well it makes no sense but D,discount and this will be named the code,or the name of the Co coupon will be,applied at checkout but that doesn't say,anything to the users but anyway you,have two variables that you cannot edit,the text inside which is this one and,the one that I just deleted this one,discount code and discount ml you can,remove them of course like I did here,I removed the discount code to simply,show the savings in dollars but right,now let's say I want to put this text at,the right ear so what I would do I could,style it right there,but not really so what I would do I,would go to the team that CSS see CSS,not liquid and at the very bottom I,could and just this is just a comment,and there I would need to grab this,class and I could for it for example,text-align:right I could play with the,found size for example,or I could do something maybe nicer oh,you should maybe use a class - I like,the text not to put the background color,but this is just an example I'll pick a,color example this one is nice and save,refresh,okay so I broke something forget well I,would advise not to do it life so this,is what I have and I'm gonna remove this,one because I don't want it to have at,two different location okay this is just,cache and that's why you see it twice,but it should be only there well you,could style it nicer than that and if,you had some JavaScript and you know,could show subtotal discount there but,I'm just showing you an example of what,could be done pretty quick again if you,want to show this snippet in any other,locations you can you just copy it and,you put it where you want it to be,displayed and what is cool is that well,once the rule is met if someone lands on,your cart page you will see that he gets,a discount at checkout and if he goes to,checkout he gets this discount

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