shopify how to put live chat feature on site

How to Add Live chat feature on Shopify Store easily | Tidio Live Chat & Chatbots Support Tutorial h

Educate E-Commerce

Updated on Mar 18,2023

How to Add Live chat feature on Shopify Store easily | Tidio Live Chat & Chatbots Support Tutorial

The above is a brief introduction to shopify how to put live chat feature on site

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How to Add Live chat feature on Shopify Store easily | Tidio Live Chat & Chatbots Support Tutorial

hello everyone welcome to educate,ecommerce youtube channel,in today's video i will show you how you,can set up a live chat in your shopify,store,livechat is a strong customer care,platform that allows you to interact,with your customer in real time,increase online sale by providing,excellent customer care,combine human expertise with ai,efficiency to provide effective customer,service your chat box will provide your,customer with a dynamic and personalized,experience,that they will like so to add a live,chat first you need to add an app,log into your shopify dashboard,from here go to apps,click customize your store,it will take you to the shopify app,store,here use the search bar and search for,tdo live chat,select the app from the store,this app is free to use,but to add more feature you need to,upgrade the app,now let's click on add app,here,go through all the permission tab then,click on install app,now in step 1,configure your live chat,you can add your name here,below that,select the color scheme,and avatar,you will get a real time preview on the,right side,to select a chat language,click on the drop down and choose your,preferred language,once done click on continue now on step,2 fill in the mentioned details,and then select live chat from here,after that,click continue,in step 3,you will get two option to engage with,your customer you can either send them a,discount code or,greet them with a warm welcome text in,here,you also have the option to customize,welcome test from here,once done click on continue,they will ask to add a password here,after adding click on continue,i will skip this part for now so this,will be the chat box dashboard,to customize your chat box go to the,settings on the bottom left,corner on the appearance setting you can,customize the widget,here on the online status you can edit,your status which you can see on the,right hand side,to enable or disable the option to,display chat while you are offline,just click the button here,below you have the option to change the,button label with text or without text,now on the get started option,you can change that status,and the main message for the new theme,widget and set the background for it,to setup the mobile widget position and,size,just play around with these settings,on the pre-chat survey you can create a,survey that will ask your visitor for,their name,email address phone number or gdpr,compliance after they type their first,message and attempt to start a,conversation with you,below you can add multiple languages of,your choices,let's save the changes by clicking on,the save button,now let's move ahead to the next setting,from the dashboard,go to the sidebar,enable your chat to appear as a sidebar,on the left or right border of your,website once a user click the sidebar,the standards chat widget at the bottom,will appear,you can customize its color from here,save the progress,now go to the account setting,in the account section,you can change your name add your,profile picture,change your email address password and,adjust your region so that you so that,your time zone would be appeared,correctly,below the account settings,we have the notification feature,change the sound notification for new,visitor chat request and messages here,if you would like to receive the,notification about new incoming chat to,your email address,enable the send email notification,option,by enabling the operating hours you can,adjust adjust the operator's online,hours that will switch between your,offline and online status,automatically at specified times,now let's go to the general setting,here on the quick responses,you can prepare short messages link or,responses that can be used during your,chat,on the operators tab you can deactivate,delete or add new operators with,assigned permissions,you can download,desktop and mobile apps for all comment,system from here to response your,clients concern faster now let's preview,our live chat,click on the i icon on your chat box,and as you can see the live chat,appeared and you can test your live chat,here,i hope this video was helpful,if you like our content please do,subscribe and like the videos,i will see you guys in the next video,till then bye

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