how to connect shopify customer list with mailchimp

How To Integrate Shopify with Mailchimp - Import Shopify Customers To Mailchimp everybody my name is

Knowledge By Marcus

Updated on Mar 27,2023

How To Integrate Shopify with Mailchimp - Import Shopify Customers To Mailchimp

The above is a brief introduction to how to connect shopify customer list with mailchimp

Let's move on to the first section of how to connect shopify customer list with mailchimp

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How To Integrate Shopify with Mailchimp - Import Shopify Customers To Mailchimp

everybody my name is marcus and in this,video i'll show a simple way how you can,make the mailchimp and shopify,integration,so let's start the first thing that you,want to do is just scroll down below to,the description and click on the link,when you will do it you will get on the,side called automate.eo automateddo is a,really good website for,optimization and connecting multiple,apps with each other,so what you want to do is just click,sign up and when you're going to sign up,it will be right here in a dashboard,when you,sign in you want to click on bots in the,dashboard,and here in out all bots you want to,create a bot,now here it's going to load and now,so the first thing that you want to do,is select the trigger app,trigger app is going to be shopify and,we are going to add like when i'm going,to get a new order,i'm going to choose mailchimp here,and we need to also authorize those,applications,mailchimp let's wait until it's going to,be authorized,let's wait,i'll just check it if i'm logged in here,i'm not,this should be,okay i'm in,and now i will just log in like this,again so all you have to do is just log,in,and now yes allow,and what you want to do is click save,what you want to do now is really simple,so when we got a like,new order or a new customer some action,to be done,you can simply add a tag add or update a,subscriber,list audience we can go to wordpress,newsletter,updated existing yes and then,you just simply an email address you,click plus here,and write email custom email address,it's like first what you can do or just,email address,which will just appear there,then you're gonna see if you got groud,names or segments you can also add your,first name last name,and add groups here and first,things like last name first name here,you can see it,customer first name last name will be,last name if you have it,okay okay,and then just click save here,and when you're gonna do it,what you need to do is just turn the bot,on,but to turn it on and use it you need to,pay monthly or yearly,and then someone is writing me monthly,or yearly,for a plan so choose a month basis based,on how many actions you're going to have,for month,and then you're going to sell like 9,bucks or 29 bucks so thank you very much,have a great day and goodbye see ya

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