shopify how to edit old mailchimp sign up pop up

Learn to easily add a Mailchimp signup popup to your eCommerce store hi,i'm gary from

Gary Eckstein

Updated on Mar 15,2023

Learn to easily add a Mailchimp signup popup to your eCommerce store

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Learn to easily add a Mailchimp signup popup to your eCommerce store

hi,i'm gary from and i'm a,mailchimp partner specializing in,mailchimp training and consulting,in today's tutorial i'm going to go,through,how if you have an ecommerce store,connected to mailchimp,how you can very quickly add a subscribe,popup in other words,someone will visit your store and a,subscribe,button or sorry not button modal or,pop-up will appear asking the person to,subscribe,it's incredibly simple to do if you've,already connected your woocommerce,presta shop magento,shopify and and so on um store with,with mailchimp let me take you to my,screen,so first off i'll just go across and,what i'm going to do in this,is add the pop-up to this what we call,this this,woocommerce test store,fortunately because it's already,integrated with mailchimp,we don't actually need to add any code,to the woocommerce site at all and i'll,show you this so let's go to mailchimp,so to create the popup that will show on,that test store,all i need to do is viewing my audience,i click,sign up forms,i'll just scroll down a little bit and,you'll notice here the subscriber pop-up,i'm going to click subscriber pop-up,because that's what i'm wanting to,create,i can design i can change various,different,things okay so first of all i could go,into style for example,change the font change the colors and so,on,i could go into layout and this is,self-explanatory where will image show,do you want it showing on the right hand,side on the left hand side,above do you not want an image and so on,and so on and so on okay easy enough but,i'll just leave that for now,but you can change it as you see fit,i'd go into settings change the opacity,uh when do you want it to,display after five seconds when a person,scrolls,even when they intend to exit your page,so that's nice and easy now just to let,you know that once you've created your,pop-up you can always come in and change,it again,and and save the changes that's very,simple to do,i'll come across to the main type of,screen here,and generally you would add an image,here and this is because i selected that,layout with the image at top at the top,you would set your image here or maybe,even add your logo that's up to you,but i'll click say sorry set image i'm,taken to my content studio where i've,added my files in mailchimp you could,add another file if you really want to,but let's say this is the image we want,i'm going to click on that,click insert and there we go,okay so that's the image now,if i want to i can click on the,subscribe to our newsletter,change the font as i see fit even change,the text you know,um get a 10 off coupon if you're going,to enable for example a customer journey,to automatically send a coupon when,someone signs up,if i click on email the field email that,is mandatory on the form,the email field is mandatory and,mailchimp,so it is required you could change the,label however and even add a description,if you really want to,you can also click the plus button to,add another field such as first name,and if i click on that field,you could make it required add a,description change the label and so on,and that's up to you you could add more,fields if you really want to,on the button i'm going to click on the,button you can align it,you can change the colors you can even,change the text such as,send or get my coupon or whatever you,can add a disclaimer if you want to,and this made with mailchimp that sorry,was under settings which are which i,didn't show and you can disable the show,mailchimp badge and so on there if you,really want to,so i've created my pop-up that will show,the success message is what does the,person see once they've submitted their,details or sent their details so i'll,click on success,and the default is thanks for,subscribing but of course we could click,in there,and i mean that your coupon's on the way,your promo code's on the way,whatever,now i've designed,my pop-up i mentioned earlier on that,i'm assuming that,you have an e-commerce integration with,mailchimp already so,enabling it on our website is as simple,as where it says,your pop-up is currently disabled click,edit you will then see your store name,or if you have more than one store,connected you'll see,multiple stores and you can choose which,store you want that or all of them even,which store stores you want that pop-up,to appear,so if i now click the,that little on button there i guess it,is now going to show on my ecommerce,store my woocommerce test store,because it's already integrated with,mailchimp that's how simple it is,so now if i click save and publish up,the top,and just a few confirmations and i click,save and publish,now when i visit my test site my,woocommerce site or when anyone does,they will see that pop up up here just,keep in mind however that,it is cookie based so that if someone,dismisses it clicks the little,cross in the corner it won't show for,them again,so that's a common trap what people do,is when they test on their website,they'll submit to test and it doesn't,show again or they click the cross at,the top,and it doesn't show to them again that's,because they've already seen it,and dismissed it in some way but that's,how easy it is if you already have,an ecommerce store or another or another,way of connecting your website to,mailchimp how simple it is to very,quickly add a pop-up,and at any time you can come in and,change your text your,style etc and save your changes but,please like this video please subscribe,to my channel and i'm gary from,

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