shopify how to create shipping label for bubble envelop

How To Make Shipping Labels with Shopify hey pretty girls it's hello welcome to,pretty girls club if

Pretty Girl Bangles

Updated on Mar 30,2023

How To Make Shipping Labels with Shopify

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How To Make Shipping Labels with Shopify

hey pretty girls it's hello welcome to,pretty girls club if you know here hit,that subscribe button down below and if,you're not hey girl,hey as you could tell from the top of,this video i am going to be showing you,all how,to ship and order using shopify so i,hope you all enjoyed this video and i,hope you all find it useful so the first,thing you're going to do,the first thing you're going to do is go,on to shopify,if you have a shopify account you,already would know what it looks like,and then i'm going to put this hold on,you're going to click,over here to where it says orders as you,can see i have eight orders for today,so you're going to click your orders and,then they all are going to show up,over here of course i'm not showing you,everyone's information,because that's um you know against the,privacy policy and i don't want to get,in trouble,so you're going to see all your orders,over here so first,it's going to say the number of items,that person has so this person has two,items the supposed to have one two,as you all can see then the fulfillment,status says,unfulfilled of course because you have,to ship them out and they won't be,fulfilled until you press,ship and then the payments they all say,paid,so for me i have my stuff automatically,um,um i'm trying to say automatically,capture the payment some people,you know do it manually but i,automatically capture the payment for,each,um order automatically so then you're,gonna click the first one so i already,know,who the first person is because i made,up a fake um order of course,so you're gonna click this now i can,remove that,because everything on you as you see is,fake so then,over here you're gonna see the order,number 58.42,i'm gonna have the date the time,everything is going to say unfulfilled,if this person had any notes it would,show up right here,and then what they order will show up,right here so for example it will say,basic bangle for 625 times one and it'd,be 625,and then all their information is over,here,so of course this is alyssa w's first,order because i just made her up,this is her address everything will be,right here,so of course we're gonna send it to one,two three pretty girl lane,all that information her billing address,and everything else,so all you have to do after this,is create shipping label so you're going,to press create shipping label,this is this is the most important part,of the whole entire process,so over here you will see that let me,get like a pen so you all can see what,i'm putting to,so right here this is the day you want,your customer to get,the shipping information i used to,change it and i would do it like the,next day so instead of it,instead of the person getting the,shipping today i would just choose it,and press,you know tuesday and so that mean that,they would get it tomorrow,but now my customers are asking me to,give them the shipping information as,soon as possible,so they can already have it in their,system so that's what i do now so,now when i print the orders whenever i,print the orders whatever day it is if,it's sunday if it's saturday,i keep the same day because my customers,have been asking me to keep the price,that i mean keep the shipping the same,day that they i ship it out so they want,the shipping information the same day,so that's what i do now so then the,second thing you're going to go,over to as you can see this is one,dollar that's incorrect,oh,so now you want to go down to where,the shipping services so most businesses,ship,usps first class package and you see how,this is,usps tracking that's how you get your,tracking information right there,and as you can see it cost 2.74,using shopify and then also i know some,people who sell,hair and do wholesale they do the,shipping the signature confirmation,so they click shipping confirmation as,well i personally don't do that because,my um items aren't that expensive so for,instance if your stuff,is stolen or you know whatever the,situation is,usually i can you know send you out a,new package or,refund you whatever the case may be so,you're going to go down to,first class package with the usps,tracking if you do this first class,mail they will not get tracking so you,have to go down to the second one,and then of course if you have priority,mail or whatever you can click whatever,also you can do usps you can do i think,you do fedex too oh no just usps,usps and ups i don't really deal with,ups at all,i just do the first class package and,this is where you can take it,and drop it off in the mailbox you can,drop it off in a blue box,and then once you're done you're just,going to press click shipping you're,going to click,buy shipping label and that's really it,like it's really not that much,um and then of course if you have a demo,if you have like a regular printer is,going to print out or whatever,but it's not really that hard to,navigate shopify,it takes a couple times granted i do,admit,it is shopify is very tricky when you,first,you know start out but after you do it,about two or three times you got it,so the main thing is to remember is,whatever date this says right here is a,date that your customer is going to get,tracking,if your customers are like mine it won't,track you immediately keep it,just don't even don't mess with it at,all but if you want to give your,customer if you want to give yourself,for two or three days like for,instance i can choose october 1st,meaning this person hypothetically,speaking wouldn't get track until,thursday,you know so it's just all up to you i,figure people you know kind of,choose their shipping dates a little,farther out if they are like wholesaling,or something like that that way,it gives them enough time to you know,get the order together before the,customer gets tracking,but for me i just keep everything the,same now because my customers are,starting to ask for,tracking as fast as possible and i just,let them know that the day you get,tracking is not the day that it ships,out it usually ships out within 24 hours,after the day you get tracking and then,that's really much pretty much,it like i said i would go back to,the first screen to show you all one,more time just to do an overview,this is going to be another quick little,video or just the how to because i know,a lot of people ask,so this is a screen,like i said the order number would be,right there,in that corner the item that the person,actually bought will be right here,if any notes if you require any notes,like for example if you want to order,a name bangle for me and the notes you,must leave the name so that person name,will be like right there,this is the customer the cool thing,about shopify is it shows you how many,orders this person has,too so for example if this alissa w was,to order again,it will say two orders the next time,three orders i know i have a couple,customers that's in like their 30th and,40th orders with me,so yeah so i love shopify for that also,of course all the information,right here the sub total the tax and all,the total,it would just show you how much is paid,by customer,again the email address will be right,here if they have an email address,always make sure your customers leave an,email address because,you might need to contact them for,something so make sure they leave email,addresses,and this is the shipping address right,here of course,right there and then the billing address,is right there,and then that's really it and so i just,it just shows you that i created the,order,myself oh i forgot to show you all the,most important thing,the frau analysis so for me fraud,analysis,is like you know scam alert or whatever,how you want to say it,for me if your file analysis is high,if it's high i cancel the order,immediately,um if it's medium i kind of you know,accept it because like you know every,now and then it just might be a little,i know sometimes it would be medium if,like the shipping address is different,from the billing address or whatever,but if it's high i cancel it and if it's,low of course that's great,so always look at the file analysis for,your orders because you do not want to,get scammed and stuff you do not want to,do that so make sure you check the file,analysis,and don't be afraid to counsel people,order like i will cancel your order,quick if it says hi fraud analysis i'm,cancelling it quick,and i will be glad to tell you that it,came up as fry and,some people like to argue and be like,well my i'm not a fraud,well i cannot do anything whatever,shopify says what i go by,i'm sorry you can show me your id you,can show me your,passport if shopify says it's fry is,fried in my book as well,so yeah i just want to show you all this,quick little video cuz i know i get a,lot of questions about this,all the time so i'm like let me just,make a video about it and i'm trying to,get my youtube back going so this is,another video,and i hope you all enjoyed this video,one more time this is just the front,screen and to get to the most important,thing,click create shipping label okay there,you go and then of course,like i said you change the date over,here if you're gonna change the date,because the date that they get their,tracking make sure you choose,first class package and yeah that's the,main two things and i don't worry about,the weight because my items are um,bangles so,it didn't already cause it didn't weigh,way that much so i put everything for,two ounces,so yeah i just keep my shipping weight,the same but if you have stuff that,weighs differently make sure you change,the weight and all you have to do is,just go,right here and click you know convert it,or whatever,and just change it to ounces first,and then changed it right there,so i hope you all enjoyed this video um,like i said it's just a very informative,video,um no intro no outro really just very,informative i want to get this out to,you all,just to show you all and so you can have,something to reference if you have,shopify,unfortunately i do not know anything,about wix i do not know anything about,square,i don't know anything about anything,else but shopify,so please leave me any questions that,you might have for,shopify and shopify only and i will see,you all,in my next video bye

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