pipeline theme shopify how can i make my header logo bigger

Pipeline Theme Shopify Review: Can A Clean Design Make Your Store Attractive? pipeline can still tem

PageFly Shopify Page Builder App

Updated on Apr 01,2023

Pipeline Theme Shopify Review: Can A Clean Design Make Your Store Attractive?

The above is a brief introduction to pipeline theme shopify how can i make my header logo bigger

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Pipeline Theme Shopify Review: Can A Clean Design Make Your Store Attractive?

pipeline can still tempting enough to,attract your visitors,if you take the advantages of the theme,features,hi welcome back to the shopify theme,review series by page flight team,i'm june and in today's video we are,going back to the shopify theme store,and giving you our feature review of a,premium theme called,pipeline pipeline is designed,by the groupthought theme developer and,the themes pipeline,and story are famous for being clean and,simple,the price pool pipeline is just 140,us dollars and is cheaper than most of,the paid,themes on the shopify theme store,and as usual after today's video we are,going to have the pipeline theme,giveaway soon so make sure to subscribe,to our patreon youtube channel to get,the latest updates on the giveaway event,okay now so without further ado let's,delve right into it to learn more about,the themes features,this is the shopify editor board after,you installed pipeline theme,and i already built a demo store here,with a theme,so if you haven't created a shopify,store yet you can check out the 14 day,free trial link,in the description box below we also,have a detailed review article,about the pipeline theme so if you are,interested you can check out the link,there too,now get back here i'll say that pipeline,theme is one of the most clean theme,designs,i have ever encountered it gives you,both fundamental,and enough advanced features to make,your store charmer,before we get into the header and footer,you should set up the general theme,settings first before actually building,your store,here we have color,typography and the layout part here is,to set up parallax effects for your,images,and animation effect for some text,and icon the product grid here is to set,up more options for your products in,collections,i will talk about it in more details in,the relevant part of the video,and then down here is for social media,check out and favicon image,okay get back to the header,oh and you you can chose the,announcement bar here,like the free shipping or sales events,etc,okay for the header you can choose,different header styles,add logo set up for sticky header,and enable transparent header or so,called,overlay header a special thing about,pipeline theme is,with navigation menu here you can show,an,image of featured products or,collections in each menu item so how to,do it,the add content here you choose the type,of content you want for example,the tote bag here i chose the collection,and in here we have link positioned in,main menu,which is the order of the menu item you,want to put your collection there,so on the navigation bar my tote bag is,the second menu item right after the,home,so i chose item 2 here,and picked the tote bag collection,and you will see the result like this,okay for footer you can add menu items,have custom box sections to add more,information about your store and,the newsletters part here,no no we kind of like the settings for,the head and footer,it's super easy to customize and still,have cool features for users to chew,ok now let's go to the homepage,if you do a search you will see many,shopify stores that are using the,pipeline theme,they have a minimal simple clean but,still modern home page,as you can see the examples of magic pom,poms,and workshop leaving uk here,of course pipeline can still offer you,more custom features than normal free,themes do,but because it has modular block design,the layout look very organized,clean simple and compact and,you can add slideshow banners here,with heading and cda buttons,and i really like the image opacity,options because it helps,add more shadow to your background image,to height line the headings so that,people can easily,read your headlines,down here you can add collection lists,featured collections,image with tags,video features for video you can add a,cover,or a thumbnail image for it,and then many other features such as,news custom html,logo lists etc however i want you to pay,attention to the icon column,and page feature the icon column,is a feature that can help you display,more usbs,or unique selling propositions of your,brands,or business you know like free return,free shipping worldwide etc,the things that make you different from,others,so you can choose a valuable icon here,they give you a lot,and change the text here,for page you can use these features to,add the content of another page,into your home page for example i,already created,an about page in the page sections,then i'll choose a ballast,the content of the page is immediately,inserted in the home page as you can see,here,so it's quite convenient right,but minus point of the pipeline theme is,that it doesn't have many,optimal options for mobile,responsiveness like the image is,adjustment from mobile or marginal,padding for mobile layout,i wish they have more of them but the,theme is still,mobile friendly in general also they,don't have,testimonial sections for a home page,however in general although it's simple,we think pipeline theme can still help,you create,an attractive homepage because of the,modern and,responsive design,for collection page with pipeline you,can have the most simple collection page,which is a list of products or you can,enable the collection,sorting and advanced collection filter,with collection filtering you can,categorize the products by,color brand size type etc but,with the condition that you must include,it the tags related to,these criteria when adding your products,in shopify,so as you can see here i have filtered,my tote bags,by colors and down,here i chose to show collections for the,sidebar,so you can see when people choose these,color options they can find the product,in colors that,interest them,a product grid here you can see it looks,good right,you can customize your product display,such as,seeing the second images when hovering,your mouse,seeing the product prices when over your,mouse,or sales notice etc,so to set up these options you will go,to the theme settings,the product grid remember,and then here is where you can have more,custom choices,easy right,alright let's go to the product page,with pipeline theme you can see that it,focuses a lot on,visuals on the product page a product,image size is pretty,big of course you can change the size to,be smaller here,but look at the product recommendation,here the photo is huge,right and yes the theme is pretty,optimized,for large images and now,here you can customize the product,layouts,text alignment choose the style for,product variants,description position etc,but i want you to pay attention to the,product custom tab,if your products have a lot of,information,like side chart or shipping info and so,on,you can put them into tabs to make your,product page looks more organized,so here is the great features of the,theme,to do that you go to the add content,here,you must choose description heading 6.,then you can choose to add the text tab,html,tab or page tab for example the text tab,here,i will write shipping,the page tab here i'll choose a balance,page,and it will look like this,pretty cool right so in general with the,features of the pipeline theme,i think is good enough to have a,presentable product page,in the shopify theme store pipeline,theme has a lot of positive feedback,from its customers most of them love the,theme because,of the lovely but still aesthetic and,modern design,user-friendly back-end settings and the,great support,and yes i have to say that i love the,minimal design of the pipeline theme,and the support documents rooftop team,they did an excellent job with the,support document,i mean if you go to their help center,and search for image size for example,they even have search suggestions,function and,with the results you can have tons of,articles related to,what you're searching for from basics to,advanced issues,i will put the help doc link in the,subscription box,so you can check out there however,the theme has some drawbacks it lacks,customization,options for mobile it doesn't support,building about us,page or landing page although they do,support faq,and lookbook pages but there's no,advanced customization features for it,so you need to edit the theme code or,use a page builder app,like page five for example to freely,modify the pages the way you want,and page fly works fine with pinelight,theme we also have free plan as well,so if you are interested you can install,the app,also the theme only has email support,they don't have chat support which is,quite inconvenient when you need an,immediate assistance,however we still recommend theme to,those who love,minimal design and want to buy a premium,theme on the shopify theme store with a,cheaper price pipeline can still,tempting,enough to attract your visitors if you,take advantages of the theme features,and that's it that's our review of the,shopify pipeline theme,if you like the video you can leave a,thumbs up or comment down,below and please tell us the next theme,that you want us to make a review for,the next videos,once again remember to subscribe to our,page for our youtube channel,tap on the bell icon to get the,notifications of our latest videos,in the future thank you for watching,see you next time

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