how to use shopify with amazon or ebay

How To Use Amazon Multi Channel Fulfillment For Ebay Shopify Etsy | Amazon Shopify Integration selli

Ways To Sell Online

Updated on Mar 04,2023

How To Use Amazon Multi Channel Fulfillment For Ebay Shopify Etsy | Amazon Shopify Integration

The above is a brief introduction to how to use shopify with amazon or ebay

Let's move on to the first section of how to use shopify with amazon or ebay

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How To Use Amazon Multi Channel Fulfillment For Ebay Shopify Etsy | Amazon Shopify Integration

selling on amazon is changing day by day,because amazon's developer wants you to,make more money hence they are providing,you more and more tools to expand your,ecommerce business so in today's video,i'm gonna be talking about how you can,fulfill uh your shopify orders hc orders,walmart or ebay orders from amazon let's,suppose you are selling a product on,amazon and you are having the listing on,amazon and you are having an inventory,in amazon fba warehouse and on the same,plan you want to sell your products on,multiple platforms on some other,marketplaces like shopify hc walmart or,ebay and you don't want to purchase an,extra inventory uh for those platform,and you don't want to hold up that,inventory on your house and ship that,inventory when you get an order on,shopify or hc so uh to do so amazon,launched a program a long ago which,called mcf which means multi-channel,fulfillment so today i'm gonna be,talking about that channel that is it,worth using that channel or not and how,much it is gonna cost you and,and how you can use it to fulfill your,shopify hc or any other marketplace,order so in short your inventory will be,on amazon fba warehouse and you list the,same product on shopify or any other,marketplace and when you get that order,uh that product order on shopify or any,other marketplace you can simply use mcf,order from amazon so amazon will fulfill,your,order or shopify to that customer to,that address,so all the information you will get in,this video so keep on watching,but before getting started i'm user and,i sell my products on amazon ebay,shopify click funnel and redbubble and,on this channel i share my knowledge,with you people so you can do the same,and build your online business so if,you're interested in learning about the,fastest and easiest way to make money,online which can give you profit in your,first seven days then make sure to sign,up for my free 30 minutes webinar from,the link below so you can also achieve,financial freedom like me and leave a,nine-to-five job so without any further,delay let's start the video,all right so as you can see here on my,computer screen i am on the amazon mcf,page so you can just log into this page,by typing mcf and you can,when you scroll down to this uh you can,see that all the details are present,here that why you have to choose mcf and,what will be the benefits you will get,so when you go down you can see all the,faces and all the pricing and you will,be able to know that in which country,this mca program is available so let me,just first of all tell you that how much,it's gonna cost you to fulfill your mcf,order so for that we need to first to,understand the two pieces the fba fees,and the storage fee of amazon and then,i'll break down that fee so you will be,able to know that how much it's gonna,cost you to store your inventory to,amazon fba warehouse and delivering that,inventory with amazon fulfillment to,your shopify customer or any other,marketplace customer so for example if,we go on,and from there we can just select any,product uh let's suppose we can select,this garlic press and we just copy the,asn of this garlic press,and then we go to amazon fba calculator,you can see that this product is selling,for 14.97 dollars so we put the asun of,this product here,and then we put,14.9 dollars and when you click on,calculate we will be able to know that,amazon is charging three point seven,seven dollar fee for the amazon,fulfillment and two point two four,dollar fee for the amazon selling fee so,this amazon selling fee is like a,commission which amazon is getting from,you whenever you get a sale from amazon,so this commission amazon will charge,you only when you get a sale from amazon,but if you get a sale from shopify and,you are just fulfilling your order from,amazon so amazon will charge you only,the storage fee and the shipping fee not,the amazon commission like amazon,selling fee so for example if you are,selling this garlic press from on amazon,and you list the same garlic press on,your shopify or hc store and you got the,order on your sdh store and you want to,fulfill that order from amazon so amazon,will not charge you this two point two,four dollars selling an amazon fee but,amazon will charge you only three point,seven seven dollars which is amazon,storage fee and amazon shipping fee,amazon can ship your product from ups or,uh amazon prime vents so i just,explained this information with this,example and if you want to learn about,information i like how many ounces how,many weight how much packaging dimension,you need to follow to get the x amount,of cost so you can just read this whole,page and you will find plenty of more,information from here so now as you have,already understood that how much amazon,is gonna cost you uh when you ship your,order from amazon for any other platform,so now i'm gonna tell you that for,example if you list a product on shopify,and you got the order so how you will,fulfill uh that shopify order from,amazon mcf so as you can see here i'm on,my sales central and i'm having this,product jumbo plastic non-roasting cloth,packs so if i list this load pack on,shopify and receive one order i receive,the order order number the customer's,name and customer address so now i want,to fulfill this order from mcf so first,of all i need to copy the asin of this,product and then i have to go above and,from this order step i have to click on,create mcf order and here i have to,select the country in which i am selling,so for example i got the order from uk,uh so here i have to fill all this form,for the customer information like the,customer name the customer address,customer city phone number email and all,the information and here i have to type,the asian of that product which i want,amazon to ship to my customer and i have,to click on search and when amazon,search i have to click on plus so amazon,has added that jumbo plastic non-resting,clothes tags here so for example i,receive uh order for four units so i can,change the units here,four and then i have to uh like type the,order id of the shopify or hc and you,can leave it blank but if you are having,the your order id on any other platform,so you can just copy and paste that,order id and then you can just write a,message to your customer like thank you,for your order or any optional detail,and then when you fill out all this form,you just click on place the order that's,it when you click on this place the,order amazon will pick your product pack,your product and ship your product to,your customer outside of amazon so look,how easy it is to sell your product your,inventory which is currently present in,amazon fba warehouse to some other,platforms like shopify walmart ebay and,etsy so in that way you can just expand,your business to other marketplaces as,well while your inventory is still in,amazon fba warehouse so it's a super,important super powerful and super cool,tool that you can use to expand your,e-commerce business so you can get more,and more sales and you can get more and,more revenue so that's it for today guys,i hope enjoy the video you can just,watch my video again if you don't,understand anything and you can try this,method to increase your amazon revenue,and if you found any difficulty in this,method or any other program you are,facing on amazon then you can just,contact me anytime you can just write,down your problem in the comment box,below or you can just book a 15 minutes,call with me from the link in the,description below so i'll try my best,with my knowledge to help you out in,your amazon business or in your,e-commerce business problem because i,always try to help you out in increasing,your amazon or e-commerce business and i,always make the videos which helps you,to increase your sales and increase your,e-commerce revenue so let's meet in the,next video till then take care bye,wow

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