tiktok targeted ads

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How Targeting Works for TikTok Ads (In Depth Explanation)

what is going on guys my name is gerardo,and if we haven't met let me tell you a,little bit about myself i am a tick,talker that also happens to run a tick,tock marketing agency we focus on,helping brands grow both organically and,through paid ads on tick tock over the,past year i've managed over 2 million in,ad spend exclusively on tick tock so i,wanted to bring all my knowledge over to,youtube that being said let's go ahead,and get right into it,so as you can see here we are at the ad,group level and we've made our way down,to targeting so i'm going to walk you,through all the actual targeting,features what they mean what you can do,with them and how to actually use them,in your actual campaigns,so first things first we have audiences,uh this is comprised off of custom,audiences and look like audiences if,you're not familiar with what a custom,audience is i'll have a separate video,on that as well as lookalikes but just,to give you a quick rundown a custom,audience is essentially compiling a list,of people based off of different,interactions that they've had with,either your website uh it could be a,custom email list could be your actual,tick tock business profile and a couple,others as well,basically the idea before custom,audiences they come in clutch,specifically when you're looking to,retarget users that may have interacted,with your business in the past,if you are actually running campaigns,for the first time don't sweat this at,all i just go ahead and leave this blank,for the time being,you can also exclude specific audiences,so let's say for example you create an,audience of people that have already,purchased from you in the last 30 days,depending on what that actual audience,size is it could be pretty impactful to,make your ads a little bit more,effective as well which you could,actually select here in the excluded,section,demographics so when it comes to,demographics obviously you have location,and one thing i actually highlight you,can get a little bit more detailed with,your location these days uh on tick tock,and break it down not just by country,but also by actual,state as well so if you have something,that's a little bit more local or you,want to target a specific state within a,country i know some countries are,accessible for that specific feature but,in terms of location pretty,straightforward,uh gender not much to explain there age,so funny thing about tick tock age is,not as,uh how would you say it's on facebook,for example you have the option to,select like only 18 year olds only 19,year olds here they're blocked into,different segments but again,depending on who your product is catered,to if you're trying to sell something,that's more of an adult demographic or a,younger demographic just act accordingly,based off of your best instinct or just,leave it completely wide open,languages i tend to just leave this,blank depending on what country you're,running again if you're targeting the us,i think all languages is just fine,yeah i wouldn't really fuss that too,much,now when it comes to interest and,behaviors this is where it actually gets,pretty fun,so as you can see here we have the,option to actually just target whatever,tick tock recommends now the thing here,is,if you don't have like a seasoned pixel,meaning a pixel that's been operating,for a long time or you don't have a lot,of conversion data this might not be the,best option right off the bat typically,what i like to do is when i'm launching,test campaigns i start super super,simple and i'll create one ad group with,a wide open audience so what do i mean,by that i mean say for example i'm,targeting 13 up to 34 i can leave gender,open location open no custom audiences,bam that would be my open audience right,super simple super open,and i have a very very large audience to,actually go after,the reason being here is you can,actually let the,actual algorithm optimize accordingly,and in addition to that over time you,will be able to see,which interests your campaigns are best,converting on so that you can create sub,ad groups based off of that uh actual,data which again i'll make a video on uh,at a further date,now,if we're talking about interest these,are just general interests that you can,search for basically under any category,and they're broken down into different,tiers so,what you see initially are going to be,tier 1 interest right so let's say for,example we click on apps everything,under this,secondary string is going to be tier 2,interest so let's say for example we're,doing business and productivity within,here this would be our t3,or tier 3 and then sometimes you'll have,tier 4 on tech talk as well,you can also search specifically like,beauty and see what comes up,so here you have uh beauty and personal,care that's probably going to be a tier,one interest and it's going to give you,an audience size as well which is very,important it says here you have,basically 53 to 64 million which is huge,um,and then additional interest of

The above is a brief introduction to tiktok targeted ads

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TikTok Ads Targeting Options [How To Find Your Target Market]

TikTok Ads Targeting Options [How To Find Your Target Market]

how's it going everybody corbin here,from zoco marketing in today's video we,are going over tick-tock targeting,options all the options that you have,inside of tick tock there are some,really unique options inside of here so,we're going to be taking a deep dive and,on how to use all of them so let's jump,right in so the first thing you will,need is obviously a tick tock's ad,manager,and all the targeting inside of tick,tock happens inside of the ad group,level so you'll need to go and create a,campaign and come into the as ad group,level for the purpose of this tutorial,tutorial i will just be focusing on the,targeting options i'm not going to go,through the other settings inside the,campaign options if you wanted a full,tutorial on how to set up a tick tock um,campaign you can check out this video up,above but for this one we're going to be,taking a very deep dive into the,targeting option so the first thing we,have here is our ad group name which i,uh named targeting options uh in,preparation for this video and with the,prototype we're gonna have website and,then here's where we get to our first,targeting option which is placements,you'll notice that the default option is,automatic placements which means you'll,show on all of the different placements,that ticktock deems worthy for your ads,that if but you also have this option,here for select payments you can choose,to show on tick tock or any of these,other two,places as well just keep in mind that,not all of these networks are available,in every single country so if you are,wanting to target a multitude of,countries a multitude multiple countries,make sure that you go through and check,which placements have have targeting for,specific countries i know that some,places in europe don't i don't have some,of these placements so just keep that in,mind you know if you wanted to just only,show on tick tock you come through and,obviously just uh click on those but for,now we're going to stick with the,automatic placements now i also do want,to call your attention as we go in,through this video you'll notice all,over here that very similar to facebook,is tiktaka's does give you kind of a,broad or a gauge to let you know how,broad your audience is or how specific,or how narrow and it also gives you this,targeting summary as i move my head out,of the way here and i'm still going to,be in the way and it gives you the,location and some other options inside,of there so pay attention to that as,you're going through the targeting,options because it will give you an idea,of how narrow or how broad your audience,is currently is and this will change as,we go through and edit the audiences as,well just something i want to point out,to you as we're going through this,so when you are creating tic toc ads i,do recommend keeping user comments,available uh you want your ads to be as,native looking to the platform like an,organic posting as possible and if you,don't allow people to comment on your,ads then,it's just kind of a red flag right users,kind of notice those things and they,think hey why isn't why in their,comments below so make sure you allow,comments video downloads so there's that,next now we get to what this video is,actually about which is the targeting,now inside of the targeting you have,audience targeting you have demographic,targeting you have interest and behavior,targeting and you have device targeting,we're gonna go through all of the,options here and talk about how you can,utilize some of them,as well so we're gonna start first with,the audience targeting now the audience,targeting if you come from a facebook or,linkedin has this as well this is where,you can create custom audiences or look,like audiences and how you do that is,you come in here and you can click down,and you'll notice that i don't have any,populated currently in this because just,because this is a demo account we're,going to come in here to create new,and it's going to take us to our,audience manager once again very similar,to facebook and right here is the in,this drop down is where you can create a,custom audience or a look like audience,so we're going to go through like we're,creating a custom audience here we're,going to click this down and you'll,notice that there are five different,options inside of here you can upload a,customer file and target current,customers so you wanted to you had an,ecommerce store and you wanted to upsell,those customers you could upload that,list here you could run an engagement,campaign people who saw or clicked on or,engaged on any of your content on tiktok,so say somebody watched your video 75,through you could then remarket to those,people you could create an app activity,this is of course for those who of you,who own apps and want to run advertising,for apps and then we have website,traffic this is if you have the tick,tock pixel installed on your website and,that is cooking people and then you can,go and run remarketing campaigns them if,you want to le

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I Use TikTok Ads from Australia Targeting the USA...This is How...

I Use TikTok Ads from Australia Targeting the USA...This is How...

back in 2014 when i first started print,on demand we found the teespring,platform don wilson was sharing,incredible screenshots of the amount of,money people were making when they were,running their t-shirt campaigns it took,me six months to actually get started,and when i did it didn't take very long,before we started making some serious,money with facebook ads we did three,hundred thousand dollars in three weeks,and a hundred thousand dollars of that,was ad spent we were making monumental,cash and it was all because we were able,to get into facebook at a time when the,ads were cheap people had never seen,print on demand products and the time,was just right to make a lot of money,with these age campaigns now we have a,very similar opportunity showing its,face over on tick-tock the cpms are,stupid cheap and the success i'm seeing,from some pretty big players in,print-on-demand jewelry,curse there i'm looking at you mate the,numbers are insane check this out,that's in the past seven days that is,taken from mid-november last year we,weren't seeing numbers like that until,the first week of december now i'm going,to show you exactly how to get set up,with particularly if you're in an,international location where you can't,actually advertise in the united states,on tick tock there is a way that you can,do it we're going to be using a vpn to,locate us in new jersey or from a server,somewhere else in the country so we do,get set up with the usa advertising,which is where all the opportunity is,second we're going to need a phone,number and i'm going to show you how to,set that up and then i'll show you how,to create the ad account just so you can,get started in your own testing let's go,all right so you can see here on the,screen that we're on the tick tock ads,platform so that is tick.com forward,slash business forward slash en hyphen,us now unless you have a vpn installed,you're not going to see that url so we,must go and find one for you to be able,to set up correctly so first thing you,want to do is go to,storehacks.com forward slash vpn it's,not an affiliate link yet i am trying to,get set up with one but,uh it's taking some time but expressvpn,is the vpn that i used and that allowed,me to get set up very very quickly uh,there is a cost involved it's pretty,cheap it's like six to seven dollars but,you need to get that set up asap,and then install the software on your,mac or your windows machine,and it's very very simple once it's,installed,you are going to see,a little expressvpn window and it's,going to allow you to connect to a,different or any server that they've got,available over in the states so once,you've got that set up super super,simple i was actually impressed with how,simple it is there's no around,with your routers or any of that stuff,it's literally once you've got it,installed you're good to go you just,choose your server you connect to it and,then you can go and surf the web you may,even get a bigger netflix catalog,i don't spend much time there,unfortunately i really want to see,yellowstone,and then the next thing you're going to,need because you're going to need to,verify your account on tiktok you're,going to need to get a cloud-based phone,app and the one that i've used is air,cool they're absolutely fantastic it's a,very very clean platform i love clean i,love aesthetic these guys do it so go to,storehacks.com forward slash air call,and get your number there,that,is the bones of how we get started so,once we're in air core we need to create,a classic number the country we want is,obviously the united states,down here,select type just local,and i chose new jersey,whichever,name your number let's go tick tock,and go create number,six dollars per month for the number,after you sign up what looks at that,sweet there we have it so once you've,got this number you're going to have to,add yourself to it and you come over,here and you click add a user and select,yourself in that top one once you've,done that we need to go and get logged,in on our,computer,okay tiktok done,so once you've got your phone number we,need to come back over to sign up for,tick tock so we're gonna put in here and,move that one,send code,and now we wait for the code to come,through,messages there we go,make a tick tock,sign up,and there we go we've got a us-based,advertising platform on tick-tock so we,need to go through and fill in all our,details,e-commerce am i selling,jewelry,american new york right right,click here register,fantastic look at it chrysler,put your website in,sweet,entry billing address,you don't have one get a virtual address,and once you fill it all in go next,go custom mode,for your ads manager you don't want,guided you want to be able to do,everything,so quickly do a crash course in how to,set up your ads make sure you give it a,name and convention it's the first one,and we're not doing a split test and,we're not doing a cbo which is a,campaign budget optimization go continue,no limit on your budget,

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Cách Target Quảng Cáo Tiktok Sao Cho | VỪA ĐÚNG NGƯỜI - VỪA RẺ|

Cách Target Quảng Cáo Tiktok Sao Cho | VỪA ĐÚNG NGƯỜI - VỪA RẺ|

Hello What's Up And you khỏe không Nếu,mà ai khỏe thì comment cho tôi cái cho,tôi biết tôi vui nha Thì ngày hôm nay,mình sẽ làm một cái video về cách mà để,target quảng cáo Tik Tok như thế nào từ,đầu cho tới cuối luôn từ cái chọn cái,mục tiêu quảng cáo cho đến là set up,những cái giá tiền rồi chọn nội dung,video để mình chạy được một chiến dịch,quảng cáo nha thì rất là nhiều bạn là có,nhắn tin qua fanpage cho mình rồi cũng,gọi điện rồi cũng nhắn tin thì,cách nào để mà target quảng cáo có bạn,thì hỏi là cách target quảng cáo mỹ phẩm,có người thì hỏi là bán giày bán quần áo,gì đó có người bán nước hoa có người bán,cân bán bún thì hôm nay mình sẽ lấy thật,là nhiều cái ví dụ về sản phẩm ngành,hàng để chúng ta có thể tham khảo nhưng,mà chạy cái quảng cáo cho các sản phẩm,của mình cũng như là có nhiều cái góc,nhìn tìm hiểu được cái cốt lõi của từng,cái hạng mục để mà chúng ta suy luận để,mà chạy được hết tất cả những cái sản,phẩm mà chúng ta bán nha Rồi vô,rồi thì trước tiên mà chúng ta vào setup,thì chúng ta cũng cứ vào trong cái phần,chiến dịch của cái tài khoản quảng cáo,như bình thường thôi,Khi mà ra như thế này chúng ta chọn cho,tôi là cái chế độ là tùy chỉnh nha chọn,cái chế độ tùy chỉnh,để mình có thể tùy chỉnh được tất cả,những hạng mục ở trong này bây giờ cái,phần đầu tiên là cái phần chọn mục tiêu,quảng cáo này cái phần này là rất là,quan trọng các bạn thấy không Nó sắp xếp,theo cái chuỗi là cái chuỗi Ai Đo trong,marketing này có nghĩa là khi mà bán một,cái gì á thì khách hàng sẽ có những cái,dòng trạng thái là từ nhận biết thích,rồi khao khát tới hành động thì Tik Tok,nó cũng vận hành như vậy thôi nó thêm,một cái chuỗi như mây Facebook luôn thì,đầu tiên là nhận thức là biết nè sau đó,là thích và khao khát là cân nhắc và,cuối cùng là ra lực chuyển đổi là hành,động này thì chúng ta sẽ,tùy vào cái mục đích của mình để mà,chúng ta có thể chọn được cái mục tiêu,cho nó phù hợp với chiến dịch quảng cáo,của mình nha Thì bây giờ chúng ta sẽ đi,từ trái qua phải từ đây xuống dưới mình,sẽ hướng dẫn cho các bạn cách phân tích,cốt lõi của từng cái mục tiêu để mà sau,này chúng ta không chỉ chạy một cái mặt,hàng mà chạy nhiều mặt hàng khác và kết,hợp những cái này để mà chạy quảng cáo,được cho nó hiệu quả thì đầu tiên là cái,nhận thức là chúng ta làm sao để cho,khách hàng nhận biết được cái sản phẩm,cái thương hiệu của mình trước đã rồi,người ta mới mua hàng cũng như các bạn,đâu phải là nhìn phát là mua được mua,liền ngay đâu Nói chung là cũng có Tùy,trường hợp chứ không phải là cái gì chân,lý hết thì đầu tiên là có nhận thức và,chúng ta chạy tiếp cận cái này một số,nhãn hàng lớn thì người ta có thể,chạy tiếp cận để cho mà nhắc nhở khách,hàng sử dụng lại sản phẩm hoặc là giúp,cho cái sản phẩm có thương hiệu ghim vào,trong cái tâm trí xuất hiện trước mặt,khách hàng nhiều hơn thì chạy cái tiếp,cận này nha Rồi những cái lượt cân nhắc,là ví dụ như lưu lượng này là chạy,Deep link về một cái trang web cụ thể,nào đó bên ngoài khác nó nằm ở một cái,nền tảng ngồi Tik Tok rồi Cài đặt ứng,dụng là chúng ta chạy một cái ứng dụng,nào đó nó trên App Store hay là cửa hàng,CH Play gì đó là chúng ta chạy cài đặt,ứng dụng như Tải game hay là một cái số,nền tảng Nghe nhạc khác rồi cái số lượng,xem video,là coi như là chúng ta chạy một cái,video nào đó để mời có tương tác có lượt,xem trên video đó là trong cái phần cân,nhắc này các bạn còn nhớ cái kiểu idows,mà hồi nãy mình nói không rồi Cái thứ tư,là tìm kiếm tìm kiếm lượng khách hàng,tiềm năng có nghĩa là khách hàng sẽ để,lại cái thông tin cho mình một số điện,thoại tên và địa chỉ để chúng ta có thể,giao hàng hoặc là chúng ta có thể gọi,điện chốt sale và cái thứ tương tác với,cộng đồng này là chạy lượng theo dõi về,cái trang Tik Tok cá nhân của mình là,cái phần này là sẽ được Xem video và,tương tác với cộng đồng là lượt xem và,Follow này là bao gồm là để xây Cây này,đó là các bạn hiểu được bản chất của,từng cái mục tiêu đó để mà chúng ta chọn,được cho nó phù hợp với mục tiêu rất là,quan trọng bởi vì làm cái gì là chúng ta,phải có cái mục tiêu để mà chúng ta có,một cái kim chỉ nam để chúng ta đi theo,thì đó và hai cái cuối cùng là cái lực,chuyển đổi là chúng ta sẽ bắt đầu là,chạy trong để có doanh thu có sản phẩm,luôn thì đa số là khi mà chúng ta bắt,đầu chạy quảng cáo thì chúng ta chạy cái,lực cân nhắc và lực cân đối này nhiều,cái lực tiếp cận này dành cho những cái,nhãn hàng lớn người ta làm cái chương,trình marketing đàng hoàng bài bản có,trình tự Thôi thì đa số là chúng ta sẽ,cố gắng chạy ăn ăn sỏi lại là chính hoặc,là đến cái giai đoạn mình muốn thúc đẩy,cái doanh số thì mình cũng phải chạy cái,lực chuyển đổi này thôi thì lượng chuyển,đổi này có hai phần một là cái lược,chuyển đổi hai là mô tả Cửa hàng được,chuyển đổi này chúng ta là chạy bằng,Pixel là đi bay này chúng ta phải có một,cái Lady bay để mà chúng ta chạy về đó,thì mình sẽ trong tương lai mình đã lên,kịch bản hết rồi là sẽ hướng dẫn cho các,bạn chạy cách chạy pixellibay nè,cụ thể chi tiết luôn nhưng mà hướng dẫn,chạy quản

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How To Target The Right Audience On TikTok Ads In 2022 (Huge Secret Revealed)

How To Target The Right Audience On TikTok Ads In 2022 (Huge Secret Revealed)

hey this is archie and today we're going,to talk about with how to target the,right audience on a tick tock so if,you've been using interest and you've,been testing tons and tons of,look-alikes but none of them really,worked then this video is something that,you really have to pay attention to so,first we have to understand that,targeting is extremely important because,yeah you could have very very good at,creatives but if you're showing those,ads to an audience that is not that,interested in that case definitely your,to acquire the customer is going to be,much higher but what we want to do what,we're striving for all the time as a,business owner or as an advertiser is to,lower those costs and to increase the,votes return on expense so first let's,kind of compare the targeting algorithms,on facebook and on tick tock to,understand better whatever similarities,and what of uh kind of differences,because if you're coming from facebook,and you want to start running ads on,tick tock and it's your first campaign,but in that case you have to be aware of,that some things you want to approach is,going to be differently on this platform,now in terms of the similarities i,noticed that very very frequently and,this is generally speaking of uh,interest based audiences and the broad,audiences with no interest they,outperform all the other audiences such,as custom audiences or look-alikes but,like i said this is something more,general there are some exceptions like,in any kind of scenarios if your,business is based somewhere in asia and,most of your customers are let's say,they're using android then in the case,look-alike based on one percent of your,customers might work extremely well,because the platform has lots of data,about your customers so this is pretty,much very tailored to every single,business because every brand is,different out there even it can be in,the same industry that's why you have to,look at your brand and test those,audiences but i will give you specific,recommendations on which audience you,kind of have to start off because,generally speaking they are working the,best now in terms of the differences i,think that facebook and algorithms they,are smarter than the tick tock add,algorithms that's why you could see in,the beginning you could start broad,audience with a brand new ad account on,facebook and get extremely good results,on the other hand with tick tock you,want to still season that pixel you want,to spend a couple of thousands and a,couple tens of thousands of dollars on,this platform before you go abroad so,first i will start off with some,interest based audiences on tick tock,now let's hop into the tick tock ads,manager and see which audiences they,have because there are multiple options,there are four options that you could,use for targeting your customer on tick,tock and let's break them down and,understand which one actually resonates,much more with your brand so when you go,to the tick tock as manager and you go,to the ad group level which is similar,to the asset level on facebook then,first thing first we will see,the custom audiences now this is,something that we will not talk at this,video we'll talk more about the,prospecting audiences which kind of,customers are going to convert best in,terms of cold audiences so,first thing that we have to,tackle is demographics so when it comes,to a location do not over complicate it,just go ahead and use the country that,your target market is if you are selling,your products in the united states use,united states if you are selling,products in europe just add the,countries that you are want to target,that is as simple as it is however if,your business is based in europe and you,want to target the people who live in,the united states you can't do that at,this moment when i'm recording this,video maybe in the future this is going,to be updated but like right now you,have to be aware of that one thing that,you could do to overcome this problem is,to have a person who is based in the,united states and,let him or her run ads from like where,they are based if you give them access,to your ad account and they're based in,the united states then they will be able,to,target the united states in my case i am,based in europe in romania and as you,can see i can target united states,because this is uh one of my client at,accounts now the next thing that we have,to tackle is the gender this is,something that again i do not want you,to overcomplicate it if your main,audience is male 80 90 of your audience,your customers are male go ahead and use,mail if on the other hand you have,very kind of even or close to even in,terms of your customer base than just to,use all genders now let's talk about the,age range so something that i noticed is,working much better is using audiences,between 18 all the way down until 55,plus and yes even if you know that your,main audience is let's say from 18 till,34 then i still recommend using much,broader age range limits because if,

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Tutorial | Find The Target Audience For Your TikTok Ads - TikTok Ads Manager 101

Tutorial | Find The Target Audience For Your TikTok Ads - TikTok Ads Manager 101

how do you ensure that your ad reaches,the right segment of an intended,audience,how do you find your most engaged,concentrated and accessible users,how broad or narrow do you keep your,targeting,to answer these questions let's talk,about the importance of targeting,hi everyone welcome to the tick tock ads,manager 101 series,i'm peter and i'm here to help you,through your tick tock,advertising journey our mission is to,give you all the information,you need to successfully launch your,campaigns on tiktok,let's get started today we will talk,about,targeting explore why targeting matters,and examine some of the targeting,strategies we use at tiktok to optimize,your campaigns,what is targeting whenever you create a,campaign on tick tock you'll be able to,determine who sees your ads by selecting,a series of targeting,options at the ad group level based on,the objective of your campaign,you would like it to be shown to the,most interested user by giving the,platform,enough direction to find the right,person on the right device,at the right moment in short your target,audience,is a group of people that you've,identified that you want to appeal to,why does targeting matter once you set,up targeting the tick tock system will,optimize the ad delivery according to,your campaign objective,when you have optimized your targeting,you're more likely to reach consumers,interested in your products or services,it also means that it will decrease,the chances of your ad spend getting,wasted on uninterested users,and help move potential customers down,the proverbial funnel,targeting options on tick tock you have,multiple targeting options to choose,from,we will go through each of them so you,can understand them when you want to,reach people on tick tock who have,already,interacted with your business and,exclude already converted users to,maximize media efficiency,you can create a custom audience by,grouping certain tick tock users from,your,audience source this source can be from,four different facets,customer file where you can add your,existing customers device ids and tick,tock will,match those customers to the users on,our platform,these matches will then be used to,create an audience,all you need to do is select customer,file from,custom audience and choose your csv or,txt,file type with gaids or idfas,which are basically your customers,unique identifiers,this file will be used to match those,users on tiktok platform,and create a set of users you can be,assured of the privacy of your user,details,by our supported hashing methods app,activity where you can create an,audience of users who have completed,certain events within your app,you simply need to select app activity,from custom audience and,in the include section select the event,type and time period of that event,you can also add more rules and choose,broaden audience or,narrow audience depending on your,requirements,for example you can retarget the users,by creating a specific,audience who need a little push to,purchase the product,include add to cart as an in-app event,which will add all users who have added,products into their carts,in the past week a month or even six,months,you have a range of look back window to,select from,and then exclude the ones who have not,purchased the product,and show them a nudge or a reminder ad,engagement where you can select users,who have interacted with your,ad creatives on the tick tock family of,apps basically it will collect,all users who have viewed or clicked on,your ads with the same,include or exclude logic you need to,select,engagement from custom audience and,include the type of engagement,time period and ad group id if you want,the engagement from a particular ad,group,if you want to select the data from all,the campaigns rather than just the ad,group id,you can just leave it blank you can add,more rules depending on your,requirements and also,exclude users with a certain type of,engagement as an example,you can use engagement audience to,target users who have viewed,your ad creative for 75 percent or even,100,of the time but have somehow not clicked,yet,by grouping these users together who,have shown reasonable intent and,targeting them again,can't help those users move down the,funnel website traffic where you,select users who have taken a specific,action on your website which is recorded,by ticktockpixel,the steps are the same as app activity,with an addition,of selecting pixel name or id in the,include and exclude section for example,you can create a list of people who have,previously showed interest,on your site by viewing content but have,not yet,purchased the system will collect all,users who have browsed your website,and subtract the ones who have already,purchased something based on events,tracked by tick tock pixel you might,have guessed that a prerequisite for,creating this audience,is having a pixel integrated and working,an important thing to note for any,custom audience is that the audience,size needs to be a

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FULL TikTok Ads Strategy (COPY THIS)

FULL TikTok Ads Strategy (COPY THIS)

in the past 30 days i've brought this,e-commerce store to well over 10,thousand dollars per day using only,tick-tock ads now i think i've only said,this once in my youtube career which is,this is a video you need to watch all,the way through because it's basically,going to serve as a mini course giving,you a framework for any sort of,e-commerce business if you want to run,tick tock ads the right way i'm,currently spending about 200 000 a month,between two of my main brands and i've,been doing that for a while so if you,want the full breakdown at scale a level,that most people who teach on youtube,are not at themselves this is gonna give,you some of those strategies and a,little bit of insight into the ad,account i'm gonna actually show you,inside of it now if you stick through,this video i'm also gonna give you two,winning products and all the targeting,for it the pricing options the sourcing,costs the offer style everything that,you can do to launch it today but first,a quick story my tick tock ad account,was hacked somehow we're still trying to,work it out with tic toc somebody,scheduled 100 000 per day worth of ads,to run to their store some separate,random chinese store selling a t-shirt i,know now it's a little weird to say but,thankfully it only spent forty two,thousand dollars it could have been much,worse and that was in a six hour block,where a surprise surprise i wasn't at my,computer i don't know what i was,thinking golfing on a thursday but it,costed me 42 grand so i've definitely,got a crazy story coming for that once,it's resolved but that's not going to,stop me from moving forward in the,meantime so before i jump in and screen,record through here i just want to let,you know about the giveaway we do in,every video all you got to do is like,subscribe and comment below get entered,to win a free e-commerce course a free,custom built shopify store as well as,some cash in every single video let's,jump in so again this is one of those,must-watch videos i'm not saying that is,click bait or some weird stuff this is,just so much value took me a long time,to put this together so please drop a,like below and a pro tip play this at,1.5 x speed or 1.75 i know i talk fast,but i listen all my stuff on a faster,pace alright so my ad just on this one,main brand this is the one that got,hacked spending about five thousand,dollars per day this ad account is 47,roughly under tracking so about half so,for example if you see a cost per,purchase for you know 36 dollars in,reality it's about 18 because right half,of that so everything is doubled and,that's just because of some mistracking,issues we got a lot of different stuff,running here there's a lot of money,scheduled to be spent it just depends on,what's going on this kind of like the,last week timeline that you're looking,at here with probably 20 something,thousand dollars spent now to give you a,visual on top of that i know i already,showed you this is the month so far,built it from it's like 1500 a day kind,of hanging out towards the end of last,month and now it's consistently over 10,000 really between ten and thirteen,thousand dollars a day um it hasn't been,below about twelve thousand in the last,like week so that's great we'll ship,over four thousand orders this month and,probably about ten thousand next month,at least that's assuming no scale and,i'm continuing to scale so i'd like to,see this at about twenty thousand,dollars a day by the end of next month,and again that's only using tick tock,ads with the exact strategies that we,teach inside of our tick tock ad,blueprint which you can find links below,the test group for that just opened up,depending on when you watch us it might,be closed but we'll be opening to the,public shortly so here's three things,you absolutely need if you want to start,this and i'm just gonna give them to you,in this video okay number one is having,the right product i'm gonna give you two,full examples breakdowns of everything,the right ad strategy this is my,favorite topic so you know we're gonna,talk about it again our tick tock ad,blueprint just opened absolutely epic,the feedback's been incredible so far,thank you to everybody in the test group,number three the framework for your mind,this is arguably more important because,it is the groundwork that you have to,lay it sounds a little cliche but oh my,gosh this will make the world of,difference once you nail this down and,again more to come at the end of this,video i will talk about that in the last,slide product number one this thing is,so cool for a lot of reasons i'm going,to talk about the pricing that's why i,really like it but it's a digital lock,and it looks like a normal door handle,most locks that go on like a bedroom,door or something they're all big and,bulky and they got like a keypad and,stuff this you slide your thumb across,the digital screen and the numbers,appear or you can use the thumbprint so,super cool it's unique like that it's a,little more modern and

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Is This Brand New TikTok Ad Targeting Option A Changer?

Is This Brand New TikTok Ad Targeting Option A Changer?

so i was just doing this uh consulting,call with a client of mine this morning,and saw this really cool new feature,which i actually haven't heard um from,our episode our team usually we get a,kind of monthly newsletter to agencies,with all the beta features and we have a,weekly call with our rep team over at,tick tock,and they usually always kind of send us,like hey here's new things coming down,the pipeline and this is a feature that,i actually haven't heard about from,anybody i know at tiktok which makes it,that much more fun and exciting because,it just kind of pops up and this is,what's cool about tick tock i talk about,a lot all the time right like innovation,i think out of all the ad platforms out,there they are rolling out the most new,stuff the most frequently the most,updates and also the most useful and,interesting stuff right,so what i'm gonna show you right now is,what i saw this morning and uh without,further ado let's just dive in but as,always make sure to hit the subscribe,button hit the little bell so you get,all my videos and you don't miss out on,these new features new updates are,happening so let's hit the uh the share,screen over here on the stream deck,there we go so uh here's what i saw on,the call this morning when i was,scrolling through and i only see this on,one i looked at a bunch of other,accounts and don't see it anywhere else,so i'm curious if you guys right now for,watching this and you have this little,purchase intention toggle in your ads,manager under ad groups drop a comment,let me know if you have it there i'm,curious how many people actually have,this feature in there and who's actually,test i have not tested it yet,but i just wanted to shoot a video,sharing cause i think it's very,interesting and telling of where tick,tock is going in terms of new features,and new updates so anyway,we're in ad groups and um,and again this is a consulting client,that i was kind of looking at their,their stuff and and saw this so,usually when you open this interest box,up there's just interest you put in here,right but now there's this little thing,right here that says define what level,of interest they have their general,interest which is basically what it's,always been which is hey anybody that,kind of relates to these buckets so hey,people that like dramas people like uh,you know car news or home design or,toners or suits whatever these you know,options are here and then you have this,purchase intention little toggle here,and when you hover over it what it says,is,only target people whose recent behavior,suggests they may buy something related,to a content category audiences will be,narrower for this option and some,categories may not be available so when,i was messing around with this when you,toggle it a lot of these disappear so,there's not a lot of targeting options,however um there's still quite a few and,they're going to be smaller though so if,you have an interest category maybe,you've got 25 30 million people in it,when you toggle purchase intention the,audience might drop to one to three,million that's kind of what i saw when i,was messing around with this earlier now,what's cool about this and again i'm,going to go back because there's no real,there's nothing else to really show,there so we'll go back to the full full,screen here,so basically what this feature seems to,be doing is it's kind of like remember,with facebook when they roll that engage,shoppers which is basically like an,audience on facebook of people that have,recently kind of clicked ads and bought,things it seems to be that that's kind,of tick tock's version of engaged,shoppers but taking up a level because,now it's kind of engage shoppers,in specific interest categories so it's,kind of adding an extra layer of,relevance there so basically we have is,hey,if i'm targeting people that are,interested in digital marketing right so,digital marketing interest or the,marketing advertising interest which is,you know 30 40 million people it's a big,audience on tick tock if i then click,purchase intention,tick tock basically looking at the,people,that are in that audience that are,interested in marketing advertising,looking at their behavior on the app,again i don't know what qualifies i,don't know what the behavior is yeah i,can talk about reps about it though um,but i'd imagine it's a combination of,them,kind of engaging with ads from people,targeting the similar interests and then,actually buying things,or something similar to that so you're,getting a much higher quality,click you're getting a much higher,quality impression you're getting in,front of people that are actually buying,things and not just watching or clicking,things,now in terms of what the performance,looks like here in terms of what the,costs look like the cpms are a lot,higher i don't have that data yet um i,literally just saw that this feature,this morning and then said hey let's,shoot a video and tell people about it i,think it's very interesting u

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