how to use free gift app shopify]

Free Gifts Shopify Best App 2021 hi guys this is chris and welcome to,conversion chef,in this channe


Updated on Feb 28,2023

Free Gifts Shopify Best App 2021

The above is a brief introduction to how to use free gift app shopify]

Let's move on to the first section of how to use free gift app shopify]

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how to use free gift app shopify] catalogs

Free Gifts Shopify Best App 2021

hi guys this is chris and welcome to,conversion chef,in this channel we talk about shopify,applications to increase your conversion,if you haven't subscribed yet hit that,subscribe button so that you won't miss,any of our youtube updates,you may also check the description below,for the links of the application's,review,please also visit our review blog, and,,let's jump into the video,free gifts by cycle map is an,application that gives,gifts to your customers through your,catalog or cart,this is also a way to increase your,conversion in what way,by giving promos and discounts after an,action is taken,it will trigger your customers to buy,something more,let's jump into the application and,learn more about it,now we are now on the free gift,application,in shopify and the first thing that you,are going to see,is this empty screen,the features of the free gifts by sekou,map,is the first one is the offers on cart,next is the offers on catalog,the reports the settings as well as the,user guide,the apply now button is this is the,button if you want to save your,offer now let's go and create,an offer so first thing we have to do,is to identify on which,page of your store you want to create an,offer so if you want to create an offer,on your card,or on the product catalog first,let's create an offer on cart just click,on add new,offer so we have here the general,there are also examples of offers,or gifts that you can offer your,customers,such as this for first one is the,purchase,over 300 us dollars and get,x free so you may use that if you want,to say purchase,over a hundred us dollars and get one,free,purchase over 300 us dollars,and get 70 percent discount of,this item so let's say that,the name of our offer,is a buy to get one free so let's say,buy two of this,product and get one,free you have to set your date,so let's just let it be,your promotion message,the image promotion banner,your discount percentage of items so,if you want to say,50 off 50,off but since it is a buy to get one,free,let's make it a 100 percent,free just play around these,informations and according to your,preferences,or offers and just click,apply now but first let's go to the,conditions,so if this is a if if,your offer is not a buy to get one free,instead of,buy two and get one or 100,us dollars off then you can,set your conditions in the minimum and,maximum and then you can select,which of your products would you like to,offer,as a gift so let's select let's say,i would like to offer this neon lion,t-shirt,and just continue with this selected,product,after you have selected,or created your offer let's click,create and then after you have created,your,offer on cart it will be directed on,this,list to activate this offer you have to,click,apply now so are you sure you want to,apply changes to your shop,so just click apply now so there is no,way that,there is no button where you can go,automatically to your product page so,let's manually go to our product,online store and since we have created,an offer to our cart we have to,add a product to our cart so that we,will be able to view,our offer so let's go to the catalog,let's select this product,and add it the card so this is how,your offer looks like this is the,product that you have added to your cart,and this is your gift,so let's say we can select this,free griff so there,once you have selected a free gift it,will automatically be removed from your,card,now let's go and see the different,features of this the free gifts by,sekomap,now let's create an offer on our catalog,just like the offer on cart,let's just click add new offer just fill,in the informations on these,fields just like what we did on the,offers on cart,since we are saying that it it should,they should buy,two products before they get a,free product we need to set the minimum,number of products,customers should buy into two and the,maximum number of gift into one,you may also select the types the,vendors and the collections if you want,to promote that or select specific,products and variants in this section,which is very,important because these are the products,that when they,add this products to cart this is the,time that your promos will be,given,now let's select our gifts,so since we have said there that,so since that we have said that in our,offer that,they should buy two neon lion shirts and,they can get one,free so let's select,the neon lions shirt,as a gift and just select create,so it is now created let's just apply,that,and let's go to the products,so as you can see on our product catalog,there is a sticker of free gift on the,product that we have created an,offer so let's click this one,and add it to cart,so there you go since we have,cr added one neon lion shirts on our,card it says here on our offer that we,should,we should buy two neon lion shirts and,get one free,so if you say that this is two,let's update our card this is the time,that a free gift will occur,because it satisfied our condition that,a mac a minimum of two t-shirts,should be on our card before we can get,our free gift,so we can select that and,just check out so that is how,your offers works on the catalog,and on the cart however on the catalog,it only displays a sticker on the,product that has an offer what if the,customer,doesn't know that this is a,that this is a product under a off,under an offer and it is not,specified on what the offer is on your,catalog,they need to add this to cart first,before they will be able,to see on what the offer is so that is,just the negative one that i have seen,on this application so far so i'm just,hoping that they will be able,to fix that and create a banner on this,side,and display the description of the offer,now let's go to the reports,now these reports this is the,orders through this application through,your gifts,so you may export to excel by date range,you can,change the dates by day weeks months,and on your reports it says here the,order id,the date purchased the payment status,your fulfillment status,your total your gifts your total gifts,and the commands now let's go to the,settings,in the settings you will be able to see,the general,your advanced options,these are to customize,your gifts so you may use,draft order api you can synchronize your,products,so it says here that in the synchronized,products,like if the products are out of stock,gift,products will no longer be shown the,gift,variant inventory we should have to,manually input clone gift variant,so let's say just stop the offer and,notify customers when the gift,is out of stock you may also set the,gift items price condition,your price discount based the show,icon this is the free gift icon on the,product,that we have seen a while about a while,ago,you may also show gift item list by,product only you may set on the one-time,pick if you want that,once the customer has selected his,variant of gift product x that product,is no longer visible on the gift,page so for example your just like what,we did,a while ago if they have if your offer,is,a t-shirt then if that t-shirt,is already selected to on to be added on,their card,it shouldn't be visible on the gift page,already so you may enable that,so in here you may customize your free,gift,label your add to cart text your select,gift text and available,pop up disable pop-up showing text,running out of this gif gift text and,your currency formatting,you may also change your free gift image,or the,icon play around these settings,and see which works most for your offers,now let's go to the user guide so this,user guide,is a very important section of an,application why because once you have a,question about the application,at least you will be able to have an,article to look into,look into this section if you have a,question,on the application thank you for,watching this video,please don't forget to like and share,this video and we are happy to hear from,you on the comment section,visit our youtube channel conversion,chef for more videos about reviews,of shopify applications that can help,you increase or boost your sales,you may also check the description below,for the links of the applications and,our mailing list,if you haven't subscribed yet just hit,that subscribe button,as well as the bell to be notified with,our new updates,i hope to see you on the next video bye,you

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